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23 junho 2024

The Meteors - Discografia.

The Meteors é uma banda britânica de psychobilly, formada em 1980, por Paul Fenech (vocais e guitarra), Nigel Lewis (baixo) e Mark Robertson (bateria).

A origem da banda remonta aos anos 70, quando Paul Fenech forma um grupo de rockabilly de nome Southern Boys. Mais tarde, juntamente com o baixista da mesma banda, Nigel Lewis, decide criar um duo de nome Rock Therapy. Em 1980, com o baterista Mark Meadham, decidem formar nova banda, com o nome Raw Deal. 

No mesmo ano, e após alguns espetáculos, e participação em álbuns de compilações de rockabilly, Fenech decide alterar a imagem da banda, dando-lhe um aspecto punk. O seu estilo musical também teria alterações, indo buscar inspiração aos filmes de terror clássicos. Estas mudanças levam a nova alteração do nome da banda, e passam a designar-se por The Meteors. 

O trabalho discográfico dos Meteors é extenso e, dos membros originais da banda, apenas Paul Fenech se mantém atualmente. (Wikipédia).

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

In Heaven (1981)
01. In Heaven (0:43)
02. Shout So Loud (1:47)
03. Earwigs In My Brain (2:48)
04. In The Cards (2:16)
05. Attack Of The Zorch Men (3:09)
06. The Crazed (2:32)
07. Get Off Of My Cloud (2:11)
08. Love You To Death (5:00)
09. Teenagers From Outer Space (2:12)
10. Maniac (2:55)
11. Into The Darkness (2:13)
12. Death Dance (2:49)
13. Psycho For Your Love (2:38)
14. The Room (2:04)
15. Rockabilly Psychosis (2:11)

Wreckin' Crew (1983)
01. Insane (3:48)
02. I Ain't Ready (2:33)
03. Johnny Remember Me (3:30)
04. I Don't Worry About It (3:24)
05. Zombie Noise (1:50)
06. Rattlesnakin' Daddy (1:56)
07. When A Stranger Calls (2:56)
08. Blue Sunshine (2:30)
09. Wreckin' Crew (2:28)
10. Sick Things (4:02)
11. Wild Thing (1:47)
12. I'm Not Mad Get Off My Cloud (2:16)
13. Hills Have Eyes (3:37)
14. Mutant Rock (2:24)

Live (1983)
01. Wipe Out (17:56)
02. Maniac Rockers From Hell (1:40)
03. Lonesome Train (2:16)
04. I Ain't Ready (2:23)
05. Ain't Gonna Bring Me Down (2:19)
06. Sick Things (3:09)
07. Crazy Crazy Lovin' (2:18)
08. When a Stranger Calls (2:13)
09. Rawhide (2:11)
10. I Don't Worry About It (3:42)
11. Voodoo Rhythm (2:31)
12. You Crack Me Up (2:28)
13. Mutant Rock (2:34)
14. Graveyard Stomp (1:42)
15. Wreckin' Crew (2:45)
16. These Boots Were Made For Walking (2:22)
17. Long Blond Hair (1:50)

Stampede (1984)
01. Ex-Men Boogie (1:37)
02. Power Of Steel (5:01)
03. Hoover Rock (3:07)
04. Kit Boy (3:33)
05. Eat The Baby (3:18)
06. Maybe Tomorrow (3:43)
07. Electro (3:26)
08. Stampede (2:46)
09. Im Just A Dog (3:55)
10. In Too Deep (3:04)
11. Cecil Drives A Combine Harvester (2:47)
12. Michael Myers (4:06)
13. Out Of The Dark (2:57)
14. Only A Fury In My Heart (4:41)
15. I'm Just A Dog (Wild Hog Remix) (7:40)
16. Stampede (King Ray Bat Scalator In The Dark Mix) (4:37)
17. Fire, Fire (3:20)
18. Little Red Riding Hood (4:09)

Monkey's Breath (1985)
01. (Do The) Demolition (3:07)
02. Hogs And Cuties (3:37)
03. Alligator Man (3:17)
04. Rhythm Of The Bell (4:00)
05. Out Of Time (2:53)
06. Ain't Gonna Bring Me Down (2:38)
07. Night Of The Werewolf (2:28)
08. Take A Ride (3:53)
09. Just The Three Of Us (3:40)
10. Meat Is Meat (3:22)
11. Sweet Love On My Mind (2:31)
12. Joba's Snake (3:16)

The Curse Of The Mutants (1985)
01. Mutant Rock (2:17)
02. Insane (3:44)
03. Scream Of The Mutants (2:28)
04. When A Stranger Calls (2:51)
05. Fear Of The Dark (2:36)
06. The Hills Have Eyes (3:14)
07. Wild Thing (1:50)
08. Get Off My Cloud (2:20)
09. Wreckin' Crew (2:26)
10. Zombie Noise (1:49)
11. Johnny Remember Me (3:24)
12. Phantom Of The Opera (3:10)
13. Blue Sunshine (2:14)
14. I Don't Worry About It (3:18)
15. Axe Attack (2:35)
16. Rattlesnake Daddy (1:44)

Live II (1986)
01. Torture (2:04)
02. Sweet Love On My Mind (2:27)
03. Mutant Rock (2:21)
04. Rhythm Of The Bell (3:50)
05. Big Sandy (2:52)
06. Rock House (2:22)
07. M Myers (3:16)
08. Meat Is Meat (3:02)
09. Lil' Red Riding Hood (2:59)
10. Voodoo Rhythm (2:31)
11. Long Blond Hair (1:54)
12. Rock-Bop (2:40)

Sewertime Blues (1986)
01. Ain't Taking a Chance (3:58)
02. So Sad (4:05)
03. Here's Johnny (3:24)
04. Mind Over Matter (1:59)
05. Acid and Psyam (2:36)
06. Sewertime Blues (3:03)
07. Return of Ethel Merman (2:36)
08. Deep Dark Jungle (3:46)
09. Never Get Away (2:45)
10. I Bury the Living (2:30)
11. Vibrate (2:06)
12. Surf City (3:05)

Teenagers From Outer Space (1986)
01. Voodoo Rhythm (2:55)
02. Maniac Rockers from Hell (2:13)
03. My Daddy Is a Vampire (3:39)
04. You Can't Keep a Good Man Down (1:55)
05. Graveyard Stomp (2:06)
06. Radioactive Kid (1:43)
07. Leave Me Alone (3:11)
08. Dog Eat Robot (2:17)
09. Walter Mitty Blues (2:01)
10. Just the Three of Us (4:03)
11. Blue Sunshine (2:46)
12. Insight (1:56)
13. Attack of the Zorch Men (Live) (2:23)
14. Jupiter Stroll (Stomp Don't Stroll) (Live-Instrumental) (2:11)
15. Another Half Hour Till Sunrise (2:31)
16. Island of Lost Souls (3:43)
17. The Napoleon Solo (Instrumental) (1:56)
18. Get Me to the World on Time (2:27)

Don't Touch: The Bang Bang Fruit (1987)
01. Go Buddy Go (3:32)
02. Midnight People (2:56)
03. Low Livin' Daddy (3:16)
04. Your Worst Nightmare (2:49)
05. Wildkat Ways (2:14)
06. Repo Man (4:48)
07. Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit (3:08)
08. Crack Me Up (2:50)
09. Shakey Snakey (2:18)
10. Psycho Kat (2:35)
11. Let Go (3:53)
12. Revenge Of El Trio Los Bastardos (3:04)

Night Of The Werewolf (Live 1987)
01. X-Men Boogie (1:19)
02. Rawhide (2:20)
03. Maniac (2:25)
04. Rockhouse (2:38)
05. I'm Just A Dog (2:45)
06. Stampede (2:24)
07. Deep Dark Jungle (3:04)
08. Hills Have Eyes (3:41)
09. Kitboy (3:20)
10. Domino (2:31)
11. Shout So Loud (1:26)
12. Night Of the Werewolf (2:16)
13. Graveyard Stomp (3:06)
14. These Boots Are Made For Walking (2:07)
15. It's All Over Now (2:29)

Only The Meteors Are Pure Psychobilly (1988)
01. Voodoo Rhythmn (2:27)
02. Graveyard Stomp (2:11)
03. Wreckin Crew (2:27)
04. Sick Things (3:53)
05. Blue Sunshine (2:36)
06. Mutant Rock (2:40)
07. The Hills Have Eyes (3:28)
08. Michael Myers (4:05)
09. Bad Moon Rising (2:49)
10. Fire Fire (3:19)
11. Power Of Steel (4:58)
12. Eat The Baby (3:16)
13. Rhythm Of The Bell (3:33)
14. Surf City (2:53)
15. Go Buddy Go (3:23)
16. Somebody Put Something In My Drink (2:35)
17. Dont Touch The Bang Bang Fruit (3:48)
18. Corpse Grinder (2:58)

The Mutant Monkey And The Surfers From Zorch (1988)
01. Swamp Thing (2:59)
02. Electro II - The Revenge (3:19)
03. Sidewalk Psycho (3:03)
04. I'm Invisible Man (3:39)
05. She's my Baby Again (3:56)
06. Surfin' on a Planet Zorch (3:50)
07. Spine Bender (4:09)
08. Dance Crazy Baby (3:43)
09. Rawhide (2:26)
10. Oxygen Dog (3:48)
11. Yellow Zone (2:23)
12. Meet me at the Morgue (3:18)
13. Little Red Riding Hood (4:11)

Undead, Unfriendly And Unstoppable (1989)
01. Ma Johnson Meets The Razorback (3:37)
02. Disneyland (4:53)
03. My Kinda Rockin` (2:44)
04. Johnny God (3:19)
05. I Got To Bed (With The Undead) (3:30)
06. Out Of The Attic (3:46)
07. Brains As Well (2:56)
08. Charlie, Johnny, Rawhead And Me (3:17)
10. Liars In Wait (4:16)
11. Surf Mad Pig (3:35)
12. Please Don`t Touch (2:36)

Live Styles Of The Sick And Shameless (Live 1990)
01. Ex-men Boogie (1:52)
02. Wipe Out (2:00)
03. Rattlesnakin' Daddy (1:35)
04. Mutant Rock (2:40)
05. Maniac (2:50)
06. Blue Sunshine (2:50)
07. Mind Over Matter (1:49)
08. These Boots (2:11)
09. Lil' Red Riding Hood (2:56)
10. The Hills Have Eyes (3:21)
11. Wild Thing (2:17)
12. I Go To Bed (With The Undead) (2:46)
13. Voodoo Rhythm (2:24)
14. I Ain't Ready (2:27)
15. Wreckin' Crew (2:30)
16. Lonesome Train (2:21)
17. Rock Bop (2:12)
18. Ain't Gonna Bring Me Down (2:31)
19. Graveyard Stomp (2:18)

Madman Roll (1991)
01. Madman Roll (4:01)
02. Queen Of The Slug People (4:46)
03. Bertha Lou (2:57)
04. Theme From The Hypnotist (4:05)
05. You Can't Touch Me (3:23)
06. Paint It Black (2:21)
07. Youґre Mine (3:09)
08. A Very Handy Man Indeed (3:51)
09. Running Round (3:14)
10. Simply Ravishing (4:03)
11. Chainsaw Boogie (4:10)

Demonopoly (1992)
01. Who Do You Love? (3:52)
02. Elector III (Die Human Die) (4:15)
03. The Devil Went Down To Moose's (3:12)
04. Fool No More (4:03)
05. Bad Boy (3:02)
06. Schok Rocker (4:24)
07. Stomping (3:07)
08. Big Sandy (2:58)
09. The Life And Times Of Chameleon Head (4:35)
10. Sometime (The Infernal Chord) (3:39)
11. Between Heaven And Hell (5:44)
12. Ballad Of A Black Hearted Man (3:43)

International Wreckers 2 (Live 1992)
01. Shout So Loud (1:13)
02. Death Dance (3:03)
03. Michael Myers (2:56)
04. Sweet Love On My Mind (2:41)
05. I'm Just A Dog (3:05)
06. Stampede (2:36)
07. Kit Boy (3:12)
08. The Hills Have Eyes (3:21)
09. Long Blond Hair (1:45)
10. Graveyard Stomp (2:21)
11. Ain't Gonna Bring Me Down (2:37)
12. Hoover Rock (2:43)
13. Love You To Death (4:09)
14. In The Cards (2:09)
15. Rockhouse (1:53)
16. When A Stranger Calls (2:17)
17. I Ain't Ready (2:23)
18. Maybe Tommorrow (3:10)

The Best Of (Coletânea 1993)
01. Voodoo Rhythm (2:27)
02. Graveyard Stomp (2:06)
03. Wreckin' Crew (2:29)
04. Mutant Rock (2:21)
05. The Hills Have Eyes (3:09)
06. Johnny Remember Me (3:13)
07. When A Stranger Calls (2:55)
08. I Don't Worry About It (3:22)
09. I'm Just A Dog (3:39)
10. Stampede (2:45)
11. Fire Fire (3:08)
12. Hogs & Cuties (2:57)
13. Bad Moon Rising (2:48)
14. Rhythm Of The Bell (4:05)
15. Surf City (2:53)
16. Go Buddy Go (3:39)
17. Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit (3:48)
18. Swamp Thing (2:59)
19. Rawhide (2:26)
20. Surfin' On The Planet Zorch (3:47)
21. Somebody Put Something In My Drink (2:35)
22. Please Don't Touch (2:32)
23. Chainsaw Boogie (3:59)
24. Madman Roll (3:59)
25. Who Do You Love (3:50)

No Surrender (1994)
01. Hell & Damnation (Meteors Won't Die) (4:05)
02. Raging Thunder (3:43)
03. Petrified (3:01)
04. How Mad Is Max? (4:05)
05. (K) Is For Chaos (4:06)
06. Headhunters (4:24)
07. Midnite Train (3:38)
08. Awake With The Wolf (3:38)
09. Hell Ain't Hot Enough (For Me) (3:27)
10. Voodoowedo (4:37)
11. Ride Bastardos Ride (2:48)
12. No Surrender (4:27)

Mental Instrumentals (1995)
01. Welcome To the Wrecking Pit (3:54)
02. Night Of The Werewolf (Mit Extra Wolf) (2:25)
03. Theme From The Hypnotist (4:05)
04. Electro II (Get Fucked) (2:32)
05. The Life And Times Of Chameleon Head (4:32)
06. The Jupiter Stroll (Stomp Don't Stroll) (3:17)
07. Darkman And I (3:51)
08. Ex-Men Boogie (1:23)
09. Simply Ravishing (3:51)
10. Electro III (Die Human Die) (4:13)
11. The Return Of Ethel Merman (2:37)
12. And None Shall Live (4:02)
13. Torture (Tiny's Tin) (1:51)
14. Snake Eyes (4:24)
15. Peter Gunn (3:32)
16. Hell And Damnation (Meteors Won't Die) (4:46)

Corpse Grinder (Coletânea 1995)
01. I'm Just a Dog (4:02)
02. Electro (3:30)
02. The Edge (2:22)
03. Hereґs Johnny (2:50)
03. Hoover Rock (3:12)
04. Bad Moon Rising (2:52)
05. Rhythm of the Johnny (3:34)
06. Go Buddy Go (2:24)
07. You Crack Me Up (3:23)
08. Wildkat Ways (3:27)
09. Don't Touch the Bang Bang Fruit (2:58)
10. Dateless Nires (2:19)
11. Corpse Grinder (3:12)
12. Rawhide (1:47)
13. Surfin' on the Planet Zorch (2:59)
14. Please Don't Touch (2:29)
15. Disneyland (3:52)
16. My Kinda' Rockon (2:36)

Welcome To The Wreckin’ Pit (Live 1996)
01. Wipe Out (1:58)
02. Hell Ain't Hot Enough (For Me) (2:44)
03. The Crazed (2:33)
04. These Boots Were Made For Walking (2:47)
05. Blue Sunshine (2:17)
06. Rhythm Of The Bell (3:09)
07. Rockabilly Psychosis (2:05)
08. Night Of The Werewolf (2:10)
09. Mind Over Matter (1:32)
10. Midnite Train (2:06)
11. I Don't Worry About It (3:43)
12. Wild Thing (2:03)
13. Chain Saw Boogie (2:53)
14. Corspe Grinder (2:26)
15. Maniac Rockers From Hell (1:28)
16. Insane (2:23)
17. Crazy, Crazy Lovin' (2:09)
18. No Surrender (3:18)
19. Rawhide (2:24)
20. Wreckin' Crew (2:26)
21. Stampede (2:16)
22. Get Offa My Cloud (2:20)
23. Mutant Rock (2:49)

Bastard Sons Of A Rock And Roll Devil (1997)
01. Halloween (Tribute) (2:11)
02. Straight Down To Hell (3:48)
03. You Scare Me (Not) (3:29)
04. Nightmare On Elche (Alicante Breakdown) (3:46)
05. Kattle Slut (3:17)
06. 5 For Her, 3 For Him (3:53)
07. Body Count (Punish The Innocent) (3:17)
08. Load Up (3:35)
09. Kat Killer (2:58)
10. Be My Slave (4:25)
11. Psychobilly Stomp (The Real McCoy) (4:18)
12. Slow Down You Grave Robbing Bastard (3:40)

John Peel Sessions 1983-1985 (1999)
01. Ain`t Gonna Bring Me Down (2:38)
02. You Crack Me Up (2:25)
03. Lonesome Train (2:19)
04. Long Blonde Hair (1:48)
05. Stampede (2:28)
06. Deep Dark Jungle (3:44)
07. Surf City (2:36)
08. I`m Just A Dog (2:58)
09. Torture (1:58)
10. Meat Is Meat (3:02)
11. Bertha Lou (2:27)
12. Maniac (2:35)

The Meteors Vs The World (1999)
CD 1.

01. Meteors Vs. The World (F.T.W.) (4:45)
02. Get Outta My Way Now (3:16)
03. Stop Wasting Your Time (4:01)
04. Death Dance 2000 (5:23)
05. Give the Devil His Due (2:48)
06. Die World (Live) (2:49)
07. She's a Zombie Now (3:38)
08. The Crazed (2:57)
09. Hell Ain't Hot Enough (3:07)
10. Wild Thing (2:22)
11. Doing the Lord's Work (Laz, Pt. 1) (4:35)
12. Execution Song (Laz, Pt. 2) (4:26)
13. Killer (Laz. Pt. 3) (7:27)

CD 2.

01. Speedfreak (3:34)
02. My Baby's Got a Flame (3:46)
03. You're a Liar (3:28)
04. You Don't Know Me Very Well (3:10)
05. These Boots Were Made for Walking (2:23)
06. Wild Thing (2:00)
07. Night of the Werewolf (2:20)
08. Slow Down You Grave Robbing Bastard (3:14)
09. Michael Meyers (Still in Shape) (4:28)
10. I Don't Want You No More (3:36)
11. I'm Going Home (1:59)
12. If You Don't Wanna Fuck Me Baby (4:14)
13. Die World (End Reprise) (7:02)

Psychobilly Revolution (Live 2000)
01. Entrance (0:32)
02. The Crazed (2:45)
03. Hell Aint Hot Enough for Me (3:00)
05. Deep Dark Jungle (3:01)
06. Blue Sunshine (2:34)
08. Lil Red Riding Hood (2:57)
09. Night Of The Werewolf (2:03)
10. Wild Thing (2:14)
14. Maniac Rockers From Hell (1:26)
16. These Boots Are Made For Walking (2:31)
17. Speaking (1:09)
18. Insane (2:44)
19. Rawhide (2:37)
20. Mutant Rock (3:22)

Psycho Down (2001)
01. Halloween Scream (3:51)
02. King Of The Mutilators (3:50)
03. Crawling (3:56)
04. Peace Of Mind (4:20)
05. I Ain't No Good For You (3:24)
06. Do You Wanna Make A Monster (Blow By Blow) (4:29)
07. Something Wicked (This Way Comes) (5:01)
08. No Way Out (3:23)
09. Freak (3:48)
10. Fuck Off And Die (3:00)
11. Psycho Down (6:06)

Anagram Singles (Coletânea 2001)
01. Surf City (2:52)
02. The Edge (2:22)
03. Johnny's Here (3:18)
04. Go Buddy Go (3:24)
05. Wildcat Ways (2:14)
06. You Crack Me Up (2:49)
07. Don't Touch The Bang Bang Frui (3:07)
08. Dateless Nights (1:44)
09. Corpse Grinder (2:57)
10. Somebody Put Something In My D (2:34)
11. Fire Fire (3:10)
12. Bad Moon Rising (2:47)
13. Rawhide (2:26)
14. Little Red Riding Hood (4:11)
15. Surfin' On The Planet Zorch (3:45)
16. Please Don't Touch (2:31)
17. Disneyland (4:48)
18. My Kinda Rockin' (2:42)

The Final Conflict (Live 2002)
01. Shout So Loud (1:38)
02. Michael Myers (2:38)
03. Hell Ain't Hot Enough for Me (3:19)
04. The Crazed (2:49)
05. The Hills Have Eyes (3:36)
06. Slow Down You Grave Robbing Bastard (3:17)
07. Night of the Werewolf (1:59)
08. Wild Thing (2:13)
09. Chainsaw Boogie (3:03)
10. Maniac Rockers from Hell (1:52)
11. These Boots Are Made for Walking (2:18)
12. Long Blond Hair (2:01)
13. Stampede (2:28)
14. Get Off My Cloud (2:16)
15. Mutant Rock (2:55)
16. I Don't Worry About It (4:15)
17. Wildkat Ways (3:46)

Psychobilly (2003)
01. Wolfjob (3:09)
02. King Vlad (3:15)
03. Fuck Like A Beast (3:54)
04. Bloodbeat (3:28)
05. Funhouse (3:12)
06. Papa Jupe (3:52)
07. I Hate People (2:40)
08. Hellfire (4:13)
09. I Could Kill You (3:50)
10. The Forsaken (4:05)
11. The Last Bus To Sanity (3:51)
12. U Aint Right (19:38)

From Beyond (Live 2003)
01. Shout So Loud (1:52)
02. Teenagers From Outerspace (2:28)
03. Bertha Lou (2:34)
04. Into The Darkness (1:58)
05. Voodoo Rhythm (2:49)
06. Another Half Hour Till Sunrise (2:50)
07. Attack Of The Zorch Men (2:51)
08. Hills Have Eyes (3:47)
09. Wild Thing (2:18)
10. Mutant Rock (2:35)
11. My Daddy Is A Vampire (3:45)
12. Love Me (1:30)
13. Graveyard Stomp (2:13)
14. Radioactive Kid (1:35)
15. These Boots Are Made For Walkin' (2:35)
16. Let It Slide (1:49)

These Evil Things (2004)
01. 3 Against 1 (4:30)
02. Dog (2:31)
03. Juggernaut (3:27)
04. To The Devil a Daughter (4:21)
05. Bonebag (3:28)
06. Ladykiller (3:51)
07. Breaking the Law (2:12)
08. No Reason (3:37)
09. Scream you Fucker Scream (3:37)
10. The Loneliness of The Long Distance Killer (5:10)
11. When Darkness Falls (3:09)
12. These Evel Things (9:04)

The Lost Album, 1980 (2004)
01. I Don't Worry About It (3:20)
02. Your Wildkat Ways (2:07)
03. Maniac (2:23)
04. You Can't Keep A Good Man Down (1:49)
05. Ain't Takin' A Chance (1:42)
06. Psycho For Your Love (2:53)
07. The Room (1:44)
08. Love Me (1:24)
09. Red Headed Women (2:01)
10. Long Blond Hair (2:12)
11. Haunt You Baby Rock (1:43)
12. Your Baby Blue Eyes (2:30)
13. Honey Roll (3:17)
14. Domino (2:26)
15. Drowing All My Sorrows (2:22)
16. Crazy Crazy Lovin' (2:20)

Hymns For The Hellbound (2007)
01. Powder Pain And Misery (4:24)
02. My Slaughtering Ways (3:47)
03. The Phantom Rider (3:36)
04. Endless Sleep (3:19)
05. We Wanna Wreck Here (3:19)
06. The Cutter Cuts While The Widow Weeps (2:53)
07. The Queen Of The Wild Wild Wind (3:47)
08. Shadow Time (3:33)
09. Lie Down (4:46)
10. You Want It (3:56)
11. Black Black Night (3:18)
12. Paradise Lost (9:34)

Kings Of Psychobilly (Box Set 2008)
CD 1.

01. Voodoo Rythm (2:27)
02. Graveyard Stomp (2:07)
03. Shout So Loud (1:48)
04. In The Cards (2:16)
05. Love You to Death (4:59)
06. The Crazed (2:33)
07. Wrecking Crew (2:29)
08. When A Stranger Calls (2:54)
09. Hills Have Eyes (3:12)
10. Johnny Remember Me (3:09)
11. Power Of Steel (5:00)
12. Cecil Drives a Combine Harvester (2:46)
13. In Too Deep (3:03)
14. Kit Boy (3:33)
15. Electro II (3:21)
16. Stampede (2:43)

CD 2.

01. I'm Just a Dog (3:53)
02. Michael Myers (4:05)
03. Only A Furry In My Heart (4:41)
04. Rhythm of The Bell (4:07)
05. Out Of Time (2:58)
06. Ain't Gonna Bring Me Down (2:45)
07. Take A Ride (3:55)
08. Just The Three Of Us (3:42)
09. I Bury The Living (2:29)
10. Sewertime Blues (3:02)
11. Mind Over Matter (1:59)
12. Here's Johnny (3:19)
13. Ain't Takin A Chance (3:55)
14. Midnite People (2:56)
15. Repo Man (4:48)
16. Low Living Daddy (3:16)
17. You Crack Me Up (2:48)

CD 3.

01. I Go To Bed With The Undead (3:27)
02. Charlie, Johnny, Rawhead And Me (2:54)
03. Liars In Wait (3:30)
04. Spinebender (4:09)
05. I'm Invisiable Man (3:41)
06. Dance Crazy Baby (3:43)
07. Hell Ain't Hot Enough (3:43)
08. Brains As Well (3:14)
09. My Kind Of Rocking (2:40)
10. Chainsaw Boogie (4:27)
11. She's My Baby Again (3:58)
12. Yellow Zone (2:25)
13. Meet Me At The Morgue (3:17)
14. Disneyland (4:48)

CD 4.

01. Ex Men Boogie (1:39)
02. Night of The Werewolf (2:29)
03. The Return Of Ethel Merman (2:34)
04. Oxygen Dog (3:50)
05. Ma Johnson Meets The Razorback (3:34)
06. Surf Mad Pig (4:12)
07. Meteors Vs The World (4:44)
08. Doing The Lords Work (4:33)
09. Corpse Grinder (2:58)
10. Go Buddy Go (3:39)
11. If You Don't Wanna Fuck Me Baby (4:14)
12. Psycho Kat (2:35)
13. Halloween Scream (3:51)
14. Kat Killer (3:47)
15. Straight Down To Hell (3:41)

CD 5.

01. Slowdown You Grave Robbin Bastard (3:14)
02. Get Out Of My Way (3:16)
03. Death Dance 2000 (5:20)
04. Give The Devil His Due (2:46)
05. Baby's Got A Flame Thrower (3:46)
06. You Don't Know Me Very Well (3:09)
07. Execution Song (4:23)
08. Wanna Make A Monster (4:29)
09. Freak (3:48)
10. Crawling (3:56)
11. King of The Mutilators (3:50)
12. F**K Off And Die (2:59)
13. Psycho Down (4:08)
14. Papa Jupe (3:54)
15. You Ain't Right (4:07)
16. The Loneliness Of A Long Distance Killer (5:09)
17. These Evil Things (3:39)
18. Powder, Pain And Misery (4:25)
19. The Phantom Rider (3:36)

Hell Train Rollin (2009)
01. Surfin Home On A Dead Girl (2:55)
02. Never Stop The Hate Train (3:58)
03. Psychobilly Number 1 (3:35)
04. Another Day On Fire (3:13)
05. The Old Man Down The Road (3:45)
06. Down And Dirty (2:37)
07. If That's The Way You Want It (2:42)
08. (The Call Me) Creepy (3:37)
09. Pure Evil (3:41)
10. Devilbone Fugue (3:57)
11. Slice By Slice (3:15)
12. This Town (3:53)
13. 4 Pound Hammer (2:43)

Doing The Lord's Work (2012)
01. My Psychobilly Syndrome (WWWC Bloody Pit Of Horror Mix) (3:28)
02. It's A Long Way Down (4:01)
03. My Life For Thee (3:56)
04. She Screams Out My Name (3:00)
05. The Man In The Cunt Skin Mask (4:05)
06. The Last Temptation (Was You) (3:56)
07. Paranoid (Black Sabbath Cover) (3:19)
08. Strange Times (Are Coming) (3:36)
09. The Shredder (3:47)
10. Girl Meat Fever (2:53)
11. Drag You Down To Hell (2:39)
12. Ain't No Turning Back (2:25)
13. Don't Blame Me (4:24)
14. The Day The Earth Dripp'd Blood (4:42)
15. Hell Must Be Empty (All The Demons Are Here) (3:28)
16. Fuck Your World (8:45)

Maniac Rockers From Hell (Live 2012)
01. Halloween Scream (2:46)
02. Maniac (2:42)
03. Fire Fire (2:39)
04. Death Dance (3:03)
05. Maniac Rockers From Hell (1:33)
06. I Hate People (2:29)
07. Wolf Job (3:36)
08. Lil' Red Riding Hood (3:02)
09. Chainsaw Boogie (3:12)
10. Domino (2:41)
11. Insane (3:07)
12. King Of The Mutilators (2:19)
13. I Don't Worry About It (3:38)
14. Blue Sunshine (2:37)
15. Fuck Off (Don't Wanna Fuck Me) (2:57)
16. The Crazed (2:50)
17. Night Of The Werewolf (2:10)
18. Rawhide (2:52)
19. Get Off My Cloud (2:19)
20. The Hills Have Eyes (3:53)
21. No Surrender (2:35)
22. Wrecking Crew (2:36)
23. Slow Down You Grave Robbin Bastard (4:11)
24. Mutant Rock (2:42)
25. Hell Ain't Hot Enough (4:06)
26. Rockabilly Psychosis (1:43)
27. Give The Devil His Due (2:41)

The Power Of 3 (2016)
01. (Do The) Blood Feast Twist (4:53)
02. On The Devil's Side (3:15)
03. No Rest For The Wicked (3:46)
04. We Will Rise (2:47)
05. The Curse Of The Hunger For Crawling Things (4:25)
06. Rockin' At The House Of Strange (3:01)
07. Big Deal (What Have You Done?) (2:42)
08. I'm The Wolf Man (3:41)
09. Psycho (Wrecked Forever) (3:21)
10. The Sons Of Destruction (3:48)
11. Look Behind You (3:38)
12. The New Primitives (4:13)

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