Theodore Walter "Sonny" Rollins (7 de Setembro de 1930, Nova
Iorque) é um sax-tenorista americano. Sonny Rollins tem uma longa e produtiva
carreira no jazz, havendo começado a tocar com 11 anos de idade. Antes dos 20,
já tocava com o legendário pianista Thelonious Monk. Rollins ainda grava e
excursiona, tendo uma vida e uma carreira muito mais duradouras que muitos dos
seus contemporâneos no jazz, como John Coltrane, Miles Davis e Art Blakey,
músicos com quem gravou.
No Princípio.
Rollins começou como pianista, tendo migrado posteriormente para o saxofone alto, finalmente trocando para o tenor em 1946. Sua primeira gravação foi em 1949 com Babs Gonzalez. No mesmo ano gravou também com J. J. Johnson e Bud Powell. Em 1950, Rollins foi preso por roubo, tendo recebido uma sentença de três anos de prisão. Cumpriu 10 meses e foi libertado condicionalmente. Dois anos depois, foi novamente preso por uso de heroína, violando assim os termos da sua liberdade condicional. Frequentou, então, uma instituição de desintoxicação na qual recebeu altas doses de medicamentos até que se sanasse completamente seu vício. Rollins começou a construir seu próprio nome quando gravou com Miles Davis em 1951 e Thelonious Monk em 1953.
Rollins entrou para o quinteto de Clifford Brown e Max Roach em 1955, substituindo Harold Land. Com a morte de Brown no ano seguinte, passou a trabalhar mais como leader.
No dia 22 de Junho de 1956, Sonny gravou seu aclamado álbum Saxophone Colossus. Nele tocavam o pianista Tommy Flanagan, o contrabaixista Doug Watkins – que atuara nos Jazz Messengers – e seu baterista favorito: Max Roach. Era apenas a terceira gravação de Rollins como leader, mas foi o dia em que ele gravou talvez o seu maior sucesso, "St. Thomas". A música é baseada numa canção em estilo caribenho (calipso que a mãe de Sonny Rollins costumava cantar quando o compositor era criança.
Nesse tempo, John Coltrane ainda não havia se tornado uma figura notória e Rollins era o principal saxofonista de jazz moderno existente.
Em 1957 ele foi pioneiro ao usar somente baixo e bateria como acompanhamento para seus solos de saxofone, textura que veio a ser conhecida como "strolling". Duas das primeiras gravações nesse formato são os discos Way Out West (Contemporary, 1957) e A Night at the Village Vanguard (Blue Note, 1957). Ao longo de sua carreira, Rollins usou essa técnica, até mesmo acompanhando solos de baixo ou bateria com efeitos no sax.
Até então, Rollins era bem conhecido por pegar material relativamente banal ou não convencional e transformá-lo em tema para improvisação (como fez, por exemplo, com "There's No Business Like Show Business", em Work Time; "I'm an Old Cowhand", em Way Out West; e posteriormente "Sweet Leilani", em This Is What I Do, disco vencedor do Grammy). Era também bastante conhecido como compositor. Vários de seus temas (incluindo "St. Thomas", "Doxy", "Oleo" e "Airegin") viraram standards jazzísticos.
Em 1958 Rollins gravou uma extensa peça para saxofone, baixo e bateria: The Freedom Suite (Suíte da Liberdade). Suas notas na capa original do disco deixavam explícita a intenção sócio política da peça:
"A América está profundamente radicada na cultura negra: seus coloquialismos, seu humor, sua música. Que ironia que o Negro, que mais que qualquer outro povo pode reclamar como própria a cultura americana, esteja sendo perseguido e reprimido; que o Negro, que exemplificou a humanidade na sua própria existência, esteja sendo retribuída com desumanidade."
O LP em sua forma original esteve disponível apenas por um breve período, antes que a gravadora o reembalasse como Shadow Waltz, título de outra peça do mesmo disco.
A Primeira Licença.
Em 1959, Rollins estava frustrado com o que ele concebia como sua limitação musical. Por isso, ele tirou a primeira e mais famosa de suas "licenças" da música. Para poupar uma vizinha grávida do som dos seus estudos rotineiros, aventurava-se até a Ponte Williamsburg, em Nova Iorque, para treinar. Ao voltar à cena musical, deu ao seu álbum re retorno o nome The Bridge (A Ponte), iniciando um contrato coma a gravadora RCA.
Por toda a década de 1960, Rollins continuou sendo um dos mais ousados músicos existentes. Cada álbum diferia-se radicalmente do anterior. Explorou ritmos latinos em What's New, dialogou com a vanguarda em Our Man in Jazz e fez releituras de standards em Now's the Time. Produziu também a trilha sonora da versão de 1966 do filme Alfie. Sua atuação como músico da casa no jazz club de Ronnie Scott em 1965 foi recentemente transformada no CD Live in London, série de lançamentos do selo Harkit que oferecem uma visão muito diferente do seu modo de tocar a comparar-se com os álbuns de estúdio do mesmo período.
A Segunda Licença.
Frustrado novamente, Rollins tirou nova licença para estudar yoga, meditação e filosofia oriental. Quando voltou, em 1972, estava claro que ele havia se aproximado dos estilos do R&B, do pop e do funk. Seus conjuntos ao longo das décadas de 1970 e 1980 possuíam guitarra elétrica, baixo elétrico e geralmente bateristas orientados ao pop ou ao funk. Durante esse período Rollins tornou-se notório por seus solos de saxofone sem acompanhamento.
Em 1985, lançou The Solo Album, embora muitos dos fãs considerem que esse álbum causou uma decepção comparado aos seus outros trabalhos solo.
No Século XXI.
Embora suas gravações nas décadas de 1970, 1980 e 1990 não fossem tão aclamadas pela crítica quanto suas primeiras gravações, Rollins continuou famoso por suas apresentações ao vivo. Críticos como Gary Giddins e Stanley Crouch notaram a disparidade entre Sonny Rollins como artista de gravações e Sonny Rollins como artista de concertos. Num perfil para o New Yorker em Maio de 2005, Crouch escreveu sobre Rollins como artista de concertos:
"Inúmeras vezes, década após década, dos anos setenta até os oitenta e noventa, lá está ele, Sonny Rollins, o colosso do saxofone (referência ao álbum The Saxophone Colossus), tocando em algum lugar no mundo, uma tarde ou noite em algum lugar, procurando a combinação de emoção, memória, raciocínio e projeto estético com a autoridade que lhe permite alcançar uma grandiloquência natural. Com o corpo de metal, as chaves ornadas com madrepérola, a buquilha e a palheta de bambu, o instrumento torna-se a nave para a epopéia do talento de Rollins e a brilhante força e tradição dos seus ancestrais."
No dia 11 de Setembro de 2001, Rollins, que morava a várias quadras de distância, ouviu o estrondo do desmoronamento do World Trade Center e foi obrigado a abandonar seu apartamento apenas com seu saxofone nas mãos.
Embora ainda estivesse abalado, viajou para Boston cinco dias depois para tocar na Berklee College, num concerto que foi lançado em CD em 2005 com o nome de Without a Song: The 9/11 Concert. No ano seguinte, venceu o Grammy de melhor solo instrumental de jazz pelo solo na música "Why Was I Born?". Anteriormente, Sonny já havia ganhado um Grammy pelo CD "This Is What I Do".
Além desses, Rollins foi premiado em 2004 com um Grammy pelo conjunto de sua obra.
Depois de um bem-sucedido tour no Japão em 2005, Rollins voltou ao estúdio pela primeira vez em cinco anos para gravar "Sonny, Please" (Sonny, por favor). O título do CD advém de uma das frases favoritas de sua última esposa. Ao mesmo tempo, ele inaugurou seu sítio na internet e lançou seu próprio selo, Doxy Records, que editou "Sonny, Please" sob a produção do trombonista Clifton Anderson. Texto: Wikipédia.
Bitrate: 192Kbps.
02. Almost Like Being in Love
03. No Moe
04. In a Sentimental Mood
05. Scoops
06. With a Song in My Heart
07. Newk's Fadeaway
08. Time on My Hands
09. This Love of Mine
10. Shadrack
11. On a Slow Boat to China
12. Mambo Bounce
13. I Know
03. No Moe
04. In a Sentimental Mood
05. Scoops
06. With a Song in My Heart
07. Newk's Fadeaway
08. Time on My Hands
09. This Love of Mine
10. Shadrack
11. On a Slow Boat to China
12. Mambo Bounce
13. I Know
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Thelonious Monk & Sonny Rollins (1954)01. The Way You Look Tonight
Thelonious Monk & Sonny Rollins (1954)01. The Way You Look Tonight
02. I Want To Be Happy
03. Work
04. Nutty
05. Friday The 13th
03. Work
04. Nutty
05. Friday The 13th
02. Swingin' for Bumsy
03. Silk 'N' Satin
04. Solid
05. More Than You Know
03. Silk 'N' Satin
04. Solid
05. More Than You Know
02. Paradox
03. Raincheck
04. There Are Such Things
05. It's All Right With Me
03. Raincheck
04. There Are Such Things
05. It's All Right With Me
I Remember You
My Melancholy Baby
Old Folks
They Can't Take That Away From Me
Just Friends
My Little Suede Shoes
Star Eyes
02. Kids Know
03. I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face
04. The House I Live In
My Melancholy Baby
Old Folks
They Can't Take That Away From Me
Just Friends
My Little Suede Shoes
Star Eyes
02. Kids Know
03. I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face
04. The House I Live In
02. You Don't Know What Love Is
03. Strode Rode (Rollins)
04. Die Moritat von Mackie Messer (A Theme from 'The Threepenny Opera)
05. Blue 7
03. Strode Rode (Rollins)
04. Die Moritat von Mackie Messer (A Theme from 'The Threepenny Opera)
05. Blue 7
02. B. Quick
03. B. Swift
04. The House I Live In
05. Sonny Boy
03. B. Swift
04. The House I Live In
05. Sonny Boy
02. Kiss and Run
03. I Feel a Song Coming On
04. Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep
05. Pent-Up House
03. I Feel a Song Coming On
04. Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep
05. Pent-Up House
02. Bluesnote
03. How Are Things in Glocca Morra?
04. Plain Jane
05. Sonnysphere
03. How Are Things in Glocca Morra?
04. Plain Jane
05. Sonnysphere
02. When Your Lover Has Gone
03. Paul's Pal
04. My Reverie
05. The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
03. Paul's Pal
04. My Reverie
05. The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
02. B. Quick
03. Two Different Worlds
04. B. Swift
05. My Ideal
06. Sonny Boy
03. Two Different Worlds
04. B. Swift
05. My Ideal
06. Sonny Boy
02. Asiatic Raes
03. Wonderful! Wonderful!
04. The Surrey with the Fringe on Top
05. Blues for Philly Joe
06. Namely You
03. Wonderful! Wonderful!
04. The Surrey with the Fringe on Top
05. Blues for Philly Joe
06. Namely You
02. Wail March
03. Misterioso
04. Reflections
05. You Stepped Out of a Dream
06. Poor Butterfly
03. Misterioso
04. Reflections
05. You Stepped Out of a Dream
06. Poor Butterfly
02. Just in Time
03. Toot, Toot, Tootsie
04. What Is There to Say?
05. Dearly Beloved
06. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
07. Cutie
08. It Could Happen to You
09. Mangos
10. Funky Hotel Blues
03. Toot, Toot, Tootsie
04. What Is There to Say?
05. Dearly Beloved
06. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
07. Cutie
08. It Could Happen to You
09. Mangos
10. Funky Hotel Blues
02. Solitude
03. Come, Gone
04. Wagon Wheels
05. There Is No Greater Love
06. Way Out West
07. Come, Gone (Alternate Take)
08. Way Out West (Alternate Take)
03. Come, Gone
04. Wagon Wheels
05. There Is No Greater Love
06. Way Out West
07. Come, Gone (Alternate Take)
08. Way Out West (Alternate Take)
01. A Night in Tunisia
02. I've Got You Under My Skin
03. A Night in Tunisia (Evening Take)
04. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise (Alternate Take)
05. Four
06. Introduction
07. Woody 'N' You
08. Introduction
09. Old Devil Moon
02. I've Got You Under My Skin
03. A Night in Tunisia (Evening Take)
04. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise (Alternate Take)
05. Four
06. Introduction
07. Woody 'N' You
08. Introduction
09. Old Devil Moon
CD 2.
01. What Is This Thing Called Love
02. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise
03. Sonnymoon for Two
04. I Can't Get Started
05. I'll Remember April
06. Get Happy
07. Striver's Row
08. All the Things You Are
09. Get Happy (Short Version)
02. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise
03. Sonnymoon for Two
04. I Can't Get Started
05. I'll Remember April
06. Get Happy
07. Striver's Row
08. All the Things You Are
09. Get Happy (Short Version)
02. Old Devil Moon
03. Striver's Row
04. I Can't Get Started
05. I've Got You Under My Skin
06. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise
07. Sonnymoon for Two
08. What Is This Thing Called Love
03. Striver's Row
04. I Can't Get Started
05. I've Got You Under My Skin
06. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise
07. Sonnymoon for Two
08. What Is This Thing Called Love
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Kenny Dorham & Sonny Rollins - Jazz Contrasts (1957)01. Falling In Love With Love
Kenny Dorham & Sonny Rollins - Jazz Contrasts (1957)01. Falling In Love With Love
02. I'll Remember April
03. Larue
04. My Old Flame
05. But Beautiful
06. La Villa
03. Larue
04. My Old Flame
05. But Beautiful
06. La Villa
02. Someday I'll Find You
03. Will You Still Be Mine?
04. Till There Was You (Take 4)
05. Till There Was You (Take 3)
06. Shadow Waltz
03. Will You Still Be Mine?
04. Till There Was You (Take 4)
05. Till There Was You (Take 3)
06. Shadow Waltz
02. Far Out East
03. Who Cares?
04. Love Is a Simple Thing
05. What's My Name?
06. If You Where the Only Girl in the World
07. Manhattan
08. Body and Soul
09. Doxy
10. Limehouse Blues
11. I'll Follow My Secret Heart
12. You Are Too Beautiful
13. Grand Street (Mono LP Ending)
14. Grand Street (Verve LP Ending)
03. Who Cares?
04. Love Is a Simple Thing
05. What's My Name?
06. If You Where the Only Girl in the World
07. Manhattan
08. Body and Soul
09. Doxy
10. Limehouse Blues
11. I'll Follow My Secret Heart
12. You Are Too Beautiful
13. Grand Street (Mono LP Ending)
14. Grand Street (Verve LP Ending)
02. Rock-A-Bye Your Baby
with a Dixie Melody
03. How High the Moon
04. You
05. I've Found a New Baby
06. Alone Together
07. In the Chapel in the Moonlight
08. The Song Is You
09. You (Alternate Take)
10. I've Found a New Baby (Alternate Take)
11. The Song Is You (Alternate Take)
03. How High the Moon
04. You
05. I've Found a New Baby
06. Alone Together
07. In the Chapel in the Moonlight
08. The Song Is You
09. You (Alternate Take)
10. I've Found a New Baby (Alternate Take)
11. The Song Is You (Alternate Take)
02. Where Are You
03. John S.
04. The Bridge
05. God Bless the Child
06. You Do Something to Me
03. John S.
04. The Bridge
05. God Bless the Child
06. You Do Something to Me
02. Don't Stop the Carnival
03. Jungoso
04. Bluesongo
05. The Night Has a Thousand Eyes
06. Brownskin Girl
03. Jungoso
04. Bluesongo
05. The Night Has a Thousand Eyes
06. Brownskin Girl
02. All the Things You Are
03. Summertime
04. Just Friends
05. Lover Man
06. At McKies'
03. Summertime
04. Just Friends
05. Lover Man
06. At McKies'
02. Dearly Beloved
03. Doxy
04. You Are My Lucky Star
05. I Could Write a Book
06. There Will Never Be Another You
03. Doxy
04. You Are My Lucky Star
05. I Could Write a Book
06. There Will Never Be Another You
02. Afternoon in Paris (Take 12)
03. Now's the Time (Take 3)
04. Four (Alternate Take)
05. Blue 'N' Boogie
06. Night and Day
07. Three Little Words
08. My Ship
09. Love Letters
10. Long Ago and Far Away
11. Winter Wonderland
12. When You Wish Upon a Star
13. Autumn Nocturne
03. Now's the Time (Take 3)
04. Four (Alternate Take)
05. Blue 'N' Boogie
06. Night and Day
07. Three Little Words
08. My Ship
09. Love Letters
10. Long Ago and Far Away
11. Winter Wonderland
12. When You Wish Upon a Star
13. Autumn Nocturne
02. Night and Day
03. Love Letters
04. My One and Only Love
05. Three Little Words
06. Trav'lin' Light
07. I'll Be Seeing You
08. My Ship
09. It Could Happen to You
10. Long Ago (And Far Away)
11. Winter Wonderland
12. When You Wish Upon a Star
13. Trav'lin' Light (Alternate Take)
03. Love Letters
04. My One and Only Love
05. Three Little Words
06. Trav'lin' Light
07. I'll Be Seeing You
08. My Ship
09. It Could Happen to You
10. Long Ago (And Far Away)
11. Winter Wonderland
12. When You Wish Upon a Star
13. Trav'lin' Light (Alternate Take)
02. Everything Happens to Me
03. Hold 'Em Joe
04. Blue Room
05. Three Little Words
03. Hold 'Em Joe
04. Blue Room
05. Three Little Words
02. Three Little Words
03. Mademoiselle de Paris
04. To a Wild Rose
05. There Will Never Be Another You
03. Mademoiselle de Paris
04. To a Wild Rose
05. There Will Never Be Another You
02. He's Younger Than You Are
03. Street Runner with Child
04. Transition Theme for Minor Blues or Little Malcolm Loves His Dad
05. On Impulse
06. Alfie's Theme Differently
03. Street Runner with Child
04. Transition Theme for Minor Blues or Little Malcolm Loves His Dad
05. On Impulse
06. Alfie's Theme Differently
02. Blessing in Disguise
03. We Kiss in a Shadow
03. We Kiss in a Shadow
02. Poinciana
03. The Everywhere Calypso
04. Keep Hold of Yourself
05. Skylark
03. The Everywhere Calypso
04. Keep Hold of Yourself
05. Skylark
02. Sais
03. Notes for Eddie
04. God Bless the Child
05. Love Man
06. Good Morning, Heartache
03. Notes for Eddie
04. God Bless the Child
05. Love Man
06. Good Morning, Heartache
02. St. Thomas
03. Alfie
04. Moritat
03. Alfie
04. Moritat
02. To a Wild Rose
03. First Moves
04. A House Is Not a Home
05. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
03. First Moves
04. A House Is Not a Home
05. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
02. Gwaligo
03. Are You Ready?
04. Azalea
05. Newkleus
06. Cosmet
07. My Reverie
03. Are You Ready?
04. Azalea
05. Newkleus
06. Cosmet
07. My Reverie
02. Asfrantation Woogie
03. Love Reborn
04. Happy Feel
05. Shout It Out
06. The Way I Feel About You
07. Charm Baby
03. Love Reborn
04. Happy Feel
05. Shout It Out
06. The Way I Feel About You
07. Charm Baby
02. Down the Line
03. My One and Only Love
04. Arroz Con Pollo
05. Easy Living
06. Here What I'm Saying
03. My One and Only Love
04. Arroz Con Pollo
05. Easy Living
06. Here What I'm Saying
02. Silver City
03. Autumn Nocturne
04. Camel
05. Introducing the Performers
06. Nobody Else But Me
07. Non-Cents
08. A Child's Prayer
09. President Hayes
10. Sais
03. Autumn Nocturne
04. Camel
05. Introducing the Performers
06. Nobody Else But Me
07. Non-Cents
08. A Child's Prayer
09. President Hayes
10. Sais
Ron Carter, Sonny Rollins, McCoy
Tyner - Milestone Jazzstars In Concert
(Live 1978)01. The Cutting Edge
(Live 1978)01. The Cutting Edge
02. Alone Together
03. Continuum
04. Nubia
05. N.O. Blues
06. In a Sentimental Mood
07. A Little Pianissimo
08. Don't Stop the Carnival
03. Continuum
04. Nubia
05. N.O. Blues
06. In a Sentimental Mood
07. A Little Pianissimo
08. Don't Stop the Carnival
02. The File
03. Disco Monk
04. My Ideal
05. Don't Ask
06. Tai-Chi
07. And Then My Love I Found You
03. Disco Monk
04. My Ideal
05. Don't Ask
06. Tai-Chi
07. And Then My Love I Found You
02. The Dream That We Fell Out Of
03. Strode Rode
04. The Very Thought of You
05. Caress
06. Double Feature
03. Strode Rode
04. The Very Thought of You
05. Caress
06. Double Feature
02. Here You Come Again
03. Jo Jo
04. Coconut Bread
05. Penny Saved
06. Illusions
07. Joyous Lake
03. Jo Jo
04. Coconut Bread
05. Penny Saved
06. Illusions
07. Joyous Lake
02. I'm Old Fashioned
03. Wynton
04. Tell Me You Love Me
05. I'll See You Again
06. Kilauea
03. Wynton
04. Tell Me You Love Me
05. I'll See You Again
06. Kilauea
02. Soloscope (Part 2)
02. Kim
03. Don't Stop the Carnival
04. Tenor Madness
03. Don't Stop the Carnival
04. Tenor Madness
02. O.T.Y.O.G.
03. Promise
04. Duke of Iron
05. Dancing in the Dark
06. I'll String Along with You
07. Allison
08. Allison (Alternate Take)
03. Promise
04. Duke of Iron
05. Dancing in the Dark
06. I'll String Along with You
07. Allison
08. Allison (Alternate Take)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Dizzy Gillespie With Sonny Rollins And Sonny Stitt - Duets, 1957 (1988)01. Wheatleigh Hall
Dizzy Gillespie With Sonny Rollins And Sonny Stitt - Duets, 1957 (1988)01. Wheatleigh Hall
02. Sumphin'
03. Con Alma (Alt.Take)
04. Con Alma
05. Anythin'
06. Haute Mon'
03. Con Alma (Alt.Take)
04. Con Alma
05. Anythin'
06. Haute Mon'
02. Tennessee Waltz
03. Little Girl Blue
04. Falling in Love with Love
05. I Should Care
06. Sister
07. Amanda
03. Little Girl Blue
04. Falling in Love with Love
05. I Should Care
06. Sister
07. Amanda
02. I Wish I Knew
03. Here's to the People
04. Doc Phil
05. Someone to Watch Over Me
06. Young Roy
07. Lucky Day
08. Long Ago and Far Away
03. Here's to the People
04. Doc Phil
05. Someone to Watch Over Me
06. Young Roy
07. Lucky Day
08. Long Ago and Far Away
02. You Are Too Beautiful
03. Grand Street
04. Doxy
05. What Is This Thing Called Love?
06. Who Cares
07. I'll Follow My Secret Heart
08. Sumphin'
09. Limehouse Blues
10. Body and Soul
03. Grand Street
04. Doxy
05. What Is This Thing Called Love?
06. Who Cares
07. I'll Follow My Secret Heart
08. Sumphin'
09. Limehouse Blues
10. Body and Soul
02. It Could Happen to You
03. I've Told Every Little Star
04. Will You Still Be Mine?
05. I Remember You
06. There Will Never Be Another You
07. Woody'n You
08. But Not for Me
03. I've Told Every Little Star
04. Will You Still Be Mine?
05. I Remember You
06. There Will Never Be Another You
07. Woody'n You
08. But Not for Me
02. Where or When
03. My Old Flame
04. Times Slimes
05. I See Your Face Before Me
06. Delia
07. Prelude to a Kiss
03. My Old Flame
04. Times Slimes
05. I See Your Face Before Me
06. Delia
07. Prelude to a Kiss
02. Biji
03. They Say It's Wonderful
04. Mona Lisa
05. Cabin in the Sky
06. H.S.
07. I've Never Been in Love Before
03. They Say It's Wonderful
04. Mona Lisa
05. Cabin in the Sky
06. H.S.
07. I've Never Been in Love Before
02. Summertime
03. Without a Song
04. 'Round Midnight
05. You Do Something to Me
06. Lover Man
07. There Will Never Be Another You
08. Where Are You?
09. God Bless the Child
10. Just Friends
11. My One and Only Love
12. All the Things You Are
03. Without a Song
04. 'Round Midnight
05. You Do Something to Me
06. Lover Man
07. There Will Never Be Another You
08. Where Are You?
09. God Bless the Child
10. Just Friends
11. My One and Only Love
12. All the Things You Are
02. Echo-Side Blue
03. Global Warming
04. Mother Nature's Blues
05. Change Partners
06. Clear-Cut Boogie
03. Global Warming
04. Mother Nature's Blues
05. Change Partners
06. Clear-Cut Boogie
02. Sweet Leilani
03. Did You See Harold Vick?
04. A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
05. Charles M.
06. The Moon of Manakoora
Opção 1. Opção 2.
03. Did You See Harold Vick?
04. A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
05. Charles M.
06. The Moon of Manakoora
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. Valse Hot
03. St. Thomas
04. Blue Seven
05. I'm an Old Cowhand
06. Sonnymoon for Two
07. I Know That You Know
08. Body and Soul
09. The Bridge
10. All the Things You Are
11. Alfie's Theme Differently
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Without A Song: The 9-11 Concert (Live 2001)01. Without a Song
03. St. Thomas
04. Blue Seven
05. I'm an Old Cowhand
06. Sonnymoon for Two
07. I Know That You Know
08. Body and Soul
09. The Bridge
10. All the Things You Are
11. Alfie's Theme Differently
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Without A Song: The 9-11 Concert (Live 2001)01. Without a Song
02. Global Warming
03. Introductions
04. A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
05. Why Was I Born?
06. Where or When
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Capitol, Savoy & Blue Note Feature Recordings (Coletânea 2001)01. Capitolizing
03. Introductions
04. A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
05. Why Was I Born?
06. Where or When
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Capitol, Savoy & Blue Note Feature Recordings (Coletânea 2001)01. Capitolizing
02. Professor Bop
03. Audobon (Audobahn)
04. Don't Blame Me
05. Goof Square
06. Bee Jay
07. St. Louis Blues
08. Real Crazy
09. Then You'll Be Boppln' Too
10. When Lovers They Lose
11. Bouncing with Bud
12. Wail
13. Dance of the Infidels
14. 52nd Street Theme
15. Audobon (Take 1)
16. Goof Square (Take 2)
17. Goof Square (Take 4)
18. Bee Jay (Take 3)
19. Bouncing with Bud (Take 0)
20. Bouncing with Bud (Take 1)
21. Wail (Take 0)
22. Dance of the Infidels (Take 0)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ballads (Coletânea 2002)01. I Can't Get Started
03. Audobon (Audobahn)
04. Don't Blame Me
05. Goof Square
06. Bee Jay
07. St. Louis Blues
08. Real Crazy
09. Then You'll Be Boppln' Too
10. When Lovers They Lose
11. Bouncing with Bud
12. Wail
13. Dance of the Infidels
14. 52nd Street Theme
15. Audobon (Take 1)
16. Goof Square (Take 2)
17. Goof Square (Take 4)
18. Bee Jay (Take 3)
19. Bouncing with Bud (Take 0)
20. Bouncing with Bud (Take 1)
21. Wail (Take 0)
22. Dance of the Infidels (Take 0)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ballads (Coletânea 2002)01. I Can't Get Started
02. Poor Butterfly
03. Reflections
04. Namely You
05. How Are Things in Glocca Morra
06. Decision
07. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Solid (Coletânea 2005)01. On a Slow Boat to China
03. Reflections
04. Namely You
05. How Are Things in Glocca Morra
06. Decision
07. Softly as in a Morning Sunrise
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Solid (Coletânea 2005)01. On a Slow Boat to China
02. This Love of Mine
03. With a Song in My Heart
04. In a Sentimental Mood
05. The Way You Look Tonight
06. Time on My Hands
07. Movin' Out
08. Silk 'N' Satin
09. Solid
10. No Мое
11. Almost Like Being in Love
12. Newk's Fadeaway
13. I Know
14. Scoops
15. I Want to Be Happy
16. Mambo Bounce
17. The Stopper
18. More Than You Know
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Sonny, Please (2006)01. Sonny, Please
03. With a Song in My Heart
04. In a Sentimental Mood
05. The Way You Look Tonight
06. Time on My Hands
07. Movin' Out
08. Silk 'N' Satin
09. Solid
10. No Мое
11. Almost Like Being in Love
12. Newk's Fadeaway
13. I Know
14. Scoops
15. I Want to Be Happy
16. Mambo Bounce
17. The Stopper
18. More Than You Know
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Sonny, Please (2006)01. Sonny, Please
02. Someday I'll Find You
03. Nishi
04. Stairway to the Stars
05. Remembering Tommy
06. Serenade
07. Park Palace Parade
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Impulse Story (Coletânea 2006)01. Three Little Words
03. Nishi
04. Stairway to the Stars
05. Remembering Tommy
06. Serenade
07. Park Palace Parade
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Impulse Story (Coletânea 2006)01. Three Little Words
02. On Green Dolphin Street
03. Hold 'Em Joe
04. Alfie's Theme
05. Street Runner with Child
06. On Impulse
07. East Broadway Run Down
08. We Kiss in a Shadow
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Valse Hot (Coletânea 2007)01. Valse Hot
03. Hold 'Em Joe
04. Alfie's Theme
05. Street Runner with Child
06. On Impulse
07. East Broadway Run Down
08. We Kiss in a Shadow
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Valse Hot (Coletânea 2007)01. Valse Hot
02. Pent-Up House
03. I Feel a Song Coming On
04. St Thomas
05. You Don't Know What Love Is
06. I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face
07. Moritat (Mack the Knife)
08. My Reverie
09. Kiss and Run
10. Count Your Blessings
03. I Feel a Song Coming On
04. St Thomas
05. You Don't Know What Love Is
06. I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face
07. Moritat (Mack the Knife)
08. My Reverie
09. Kiss and Run
10. Count Your Blessings
01. Medley:
I Can't Get Started
Three Little Words
St. Thomas
02. There Will Never Be Another You
03. Three Little Words
04. St. Thomas
05. Medley on Various Tunes
06. When the Lights Are Low
I Can't Get Started
Three Little Words
St. Thomas
02. There Will Never Be Another You
03. Three Little Words
04. St. Thomas
05. Medley on Various Tunes
06. When the Lights Are Low
CD 2.
01. Four
02. Naima
03. Sonnymoon for Two
02. Naima
03. Sonnymoon for Two
02. More Than You Know
03. Blossom
04. Easy Living
05. Tenor Madness
06. Nice Lady
07. Some Enchanted Evening
03. Blossom
04. Easy Living
05. Tenor Madness
06. Nice Lady
07. Some Enchanted Evening
02. In A Sentimenal Mood
03. Sonnymoon for Two
04. I Can't Get Started
05. Raincheck
06. St. Thomas
03. Sonnymoon for Two
04. I Can't Get Started
05. Raincheck
06. St. Thomas
02. Someday I'll Find You
03. Patanjali
04. Solo Sonny
05. Why Was I Born?
06. Don't Stop the Carnival
03. Patanjali
04. Solo Sonny
05. Why Was I Born?
06. Don't Stop the Carnival
02. Professor Paul
03. Mixed Emotions
04. Keep Hold of Yourself
05. Disco Monk
06. You're Mine You
07. H.S.
08. Sweet Leilani
09. Solo
10. Don't Stop the Carnival
03. Mixed Emotions
04. Keep Hold of Yourself
05. Disco Monk
06. You're Mine You
07. H.S.
08. Sweet Leilani
09. Solo
10. Don't Stop the Carnival