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02 outubro 2023

Count Basie - Collection.

William James "Count" Basie (Red Bank, 21 de agosto de 1904 – Hollywood, 26 de abril de 1984) foi um pianista, organista, compositor e regente (bandleader) americano.

Em 1935, Basie formou sua própria orquestra de jazz, a Count Basie Orchestra. Em 1936, a banda se estabeleceu em Chicago para sua primeira gravação. Basie foi o líder do grupo por quase 50 anos, criando inovações como o uso de dois saxofonistas "split", enfatizando a seção de ritmo, tocando com uma grande banda, usando arranjadores para ampliar seu som e entre outras. Muitos músicos proeminentes trabalharam sob sua direção, incluindo os saxofonistas Lester Young e Herschel Evans, o guitarrista Freddie Green, os trompetistas Buck Clayton e Harry Edison, e os cantores Jimmy Rushing, Helen Humes, Thelma Carpenter e Joe Williams.

Foi autor de temas, como "One o'clock Jump" e "Jumpin' at the Woodside" que foram interpretados, respectivamente, por Duke Ellington e Benny Goodman e suas orquestras. Foi chamado de "Count" (Conde em português), devido sua importância na era do Swing, junto com Benny Goodman (Rei), Duke Ellington (Duque), Lester Young (Presidente) e Billie Holliday (Dama).

Em 1958, Basie se tornou o primeiro negro a ganhar um Grammy Award.


William Basie nasceu em Red Bank, Nova Jérsei, em 1904. Era filho de Lillian and Harvey Lee Basie. Seu pai trabalhava como cocheiro e zelador de um juiz rico. Com a substituição dos cavalos e carruagens por veículos automotivos, seu pai se tornou jardineiro e "faz-tudo" de várias famílias ricas da região. Seus pais eram amantes da música. Enquanto Harvey tocava melofone, sua mãe tocava piano, tendo sido a primeira professora do filho. Lillian lavava roupas e vendia bolos para ajudar nas despesas da casa.

Basie foi para a escola, onde se tornou o melhor aluno. Tinha o sonho de viajar o mundo, inspirado pelas festas e circos itinerantes que chegavam à cidade. Boa parte de sua infância, porém ele passou em Red Bank, cantando no coral onde ganhou entrada livre por suas performances. Logo ele aprendeu a improvisar canções que tocavam entre os atos do cinema mudo.

Ainda que tocasse piano muito bem, seu instrumento preferido era a bateria, mas ele se sentiu desencorajado a continuar na bateria por talentos como Sonny Greer, também de Red Bank e que se tornou o baterista de Duke Ellington em 1919. Assim, ele continuou no piano e passou a tocá-lo exclusivamente a partir dos 15 anos. Greer e Basie tocaram juntos muito antes de Basie começar sua carreira. Na época, Basie tocava em bailes, shows amadores, hotéis e festas.


Em 1920, Basie foi para o Harlem, o centro cultural do jazz, indo morar a menos de um quarteirão do The Harlem Alhambra, local onde muitas celebridades do jazz e do blues se apresentaram, como Billie Holiday. Logo após sua chegada, encontrou Sonny Greer, que já era o baterista dos Washingtonians, a primeira banda de Duke Ellington. Basie conheceu muitos músicos famosos do cenário do jazz do Harlem na época, como James P. Johnson e Willie Smith, "o Leão" do piano.

Basie excursionou em vários shows entre 1925 e 1927, que o levaram para Kansas City, St. Louis, Nova Orleans e Chicago. Em uma dessas viagens, ele conheceu muitos músicos, incluindo Louis Armstrong. Como pianista, músico e até diretor de artistas, ele trabalhou em vários shows e circuitos de vaudeville, o que foi crucial para sua carreira posterior.

Seu primeiro emprego fixo foi em 1925 no Leroy's, como pianista. O lugar era famoso por seus concursos ao piano e por receber as celebridades da região. Lá conheceu Fats Waller, organista no Lincoln Theatre do Harlem e que fazia o acompanhamento de filmes mudos. Foi com ele que Basie aprendeu a tocar órgão e chegou a tocar o instrumento no Eblon Theater, em Kansas City. Precisou contar com a ajuda de amigos para poder pagar as contas e aproveitou para conhecer outros músicos e aprender novas técnicas ao piano.

Em 1928, Basie estava em Tulsa, onde assistiu a um show de Walter Page e sua famosa banda, Oklahoma City Blue Devils, uma das primeiras big bands, com Jimmy Rushing nos vocais. Meses depois, foi convidado a integrar a banda, que tocava principalmente no Texas e em Oklahoma. Foi por volta dessa época que ele começou a ser chamado de "Count" (conde) Basie, como referência à "realeza" do jazz.

Vida pessoal.

Basie se casou com Vivian Lee Winn, em Kansas City, em 21 de julho de 1930. Em algum momento de 1935, o casal se divorciou. Basie voltou um pouco antes do divórcio para Nova Iorque, onde se mudou para Manhattan. Em 13 de julho de 1940, ele se casou com Catherine Morgan, em Seattle. Em 1942, o casal se mudou para o Queens. A única filha do casa, Diane, nasceu em 6 de fevereiro de 1944 com paralisia cerebral. Os médicos disseram que ela nunca andaria. Mas o casal não desistiu da filha, que recebeu cuidados médicos e fisioterapia, e não apenas aprendeu a andar como também a nadar.

Em 11 de abril de 1983, Catherine morreu devido a um problema cardíaco na residência do casal em Freeport, nas Bahamas, aos 67 anos.


Basie morreu em 26 de abril de 1984, em Hollywood, na Flórida, aos 79 anos, devido a um câncer de pâncreas. Ele foi sepultado no Cemitério Parque Memorial de Pinelawn, em East Farmingdale, condado de Suffolk, em Nova Iorque. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.

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Count Basie And His Orchestra - Swingin' At The Chatterbox (1937)
01. Shoe Shine Boy
02. Oh, Lady Be Good
03. St. Louis Blues
04. Tattersfield Stomp
05. Rug Cutter's Swing
06. Moten Swing
07. King Porter Stomp
08. I'll Always Be In Love With You
09. You Do The Darndest Things, Baby!
10. Swingin' At The Daisy Chain
11. Oh, Lady Be Good (Different Version)
12. Yeah Man!

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Opção 2.

Live At The Savoy (1954)
01. One O' Clock Jump
02. Dance Of The Gremlins
03. Basie Talk
04. Blee Blop Blues
05. Bubbles
06. You For Me
07. Basie Goes Wess
08. Straight Line
09. Let's Jump
10. Ska-Di-De-Dee-Doo
11. Slow But Sure
12. Two For The Blues
13. Jazz Me Blues

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Opção 2.

Count Basie & Joe Williams - Count Basie Swings, Joe Williams Sings (1955)
01. Every Day I Have The Blues
02. The Comeback
03. All Right, OK, You Win
04. In The Evening (When The Sun Goes Down)
05. Roll 'Em Pete
06. Teach Me Tonight
07. My Baby Upsets Me
08. Please Send Me Someone To Love
09. Ev'ry Day (I Fall In Love)
10. As I Love You
11. Stop! Don't!
12. Too Close For Comfort

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The Greatest! Count Basie Plays...Joe Williams Sings Standards (1956)
01. Thou Swell
02. There Will Never Be Another You
03. Our Love Is Here To Stay
04. 'S Wonderful
05. My Baby Just Cares For Me
06. Nevertheless
07. Singin' In The Rain
08. I'm Beginning To See The Light
09. A Fine Romance
10. Come Rain Or Come Shine
11. I Can't Believe That You’re In Love With Me
12. This Can't Be Love

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Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - Basie In London (1956)
01. Jumpin' At The Woodside
02. Shiny Stockings
03. How High The Moon
04. Nails
05. Flute Juice
06. Blee Blop Blues
07. Alright, Okay, You Win
08. Roll 'Em Pete
09. The Comeback
10. Blues Backstage
11. Corner Pocket
12. One O'Clock Jump

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Opção 2.

The Complete Atomic Basie (1957)
01. The Kid From Red Bank
02. Duet
03. After Supper
04. Flight Of The Foo Birds
05. Double-O
06. Teddy The Toad
07. Whirly-Bird
08. Midnite Blue
09. Splanky
10. Fantail
11. Li'l Darlin'
Bonus Tracks.
12. Silks And Satins
13. Sleepwalker's Serenade (Alternative Take)
14. Sleepwalker's Serenade
15. The Late Late Show
16. The Late Late Show (Vocal Version)

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Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - April In Paris (1957)
01. April In Paris
02. Corner Pocket
03. Didn’t You
04. Sweety Cakes
05. Magic 03:09
06. Shiny Stockings
07. What Am I Here For?
08. Midgets
09. Mambo Inn
10. Dinner With Friends

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Opção 2.

At Newport (1957)
01. Introduction By John Hammond
02. Swingin' At Newport
03. Polka Dots And Moonbeams
04. Lester Leaps In
05. Sent For You Yesterday (And Here You Come Today)
06. Boogie Woogie (I May Be Wrong)
07. Evenin'
08. Blee Blop Blues
09. All Right, Okay, You Win
10. The Comeback
11. Roll'Em, Pete
12. Smack Dab In The Middle
13. One O'clock Jump

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Opção 2.

Basie Plays Hefti (1958)
01. Has Anyone Here Seen Basie
02. Cute
03. Pensive Miss
04. Sloo Foot
05. It's Awf'ly Nice to Be with You
06. Scoot
07. A Little Tempo, Please
08. Late Date
09. Count Down
10. Bag'a Bones
11. Pony Tail
Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Tony Bennett & Count Basie - Swingin' Together (1958)
In Person.

01. Just In Time
02. When I Fall In Love
03. Taking A Chance On Love
04. Without A Song
05. Fascinatin' Rhythm
06. Solitude
07. Pennies From Heaven
08. Lost In The Stars
09. Firefly
10. There Will Never Be Another You
11. Lullaby Of Broadway
12. Ol' Man River
13. Life Is A Song
14. With Plenty Of Money And You
15. Jeepers Creepers
16. Are You Havin' Any Fun?
17. Anything Goes
18. Strike Up The Band
19. Chicago
20. I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face
21. Poor Little Rich Girl
22. Growing Pains
23. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plans
24. After Supper
Bonus Tracks.
25. The Way You Look Tonight
26. I Left My Heart In San Francisco

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Opção 2.

Joe Williams - Count Basie And His Orchestra - Every Day I Have The Blues (1959)
01. Everyday
02. Baby Won't You Please Come Home
03. Going to Chicago Blues
04. Gee Baby, Ain't I Good to You
05. It's a Low Down Dirty Shame
06. Shake Rattle and Roll
07. Just a Dream
08. Cherry Red
09. Good Mornin' Blues
10. Ain't No Use

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Opção 2.

Count Basie And Billy Eckstine - Basie/Eckstine, Incorporated (1959)
01. Stormy Monday Blues
02. Lonesome Lover Blues
03. Blues The Mother Of Sin
04. Jelly Jelly
05. Don't Cry Baby
06. Trav'lin All Alone
07. Little Mamma
08. I Want A Little Girl
09. Drifting
10. Song Of The Wanderer
11. Piano Man

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Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra & Tony Bennett - Basie Swings, Bennett Sings (1959)
01. Life Is A Song
02. With Plenty Of Money And You
03. Jeepers Creepers
04. Are You Havin' Any Fun
05. Anything Goes
06. Strike Up The Band
07. Chicago
08. I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face
09. Poor Little Rich Girl
10. Growing Pains
11. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plans
12. After Supper (Bonus Track)

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie The Atomic Band - In A Mellotone (1959)
01. Shiny Stockings
02. H.R.H. (Her Royal Highness)
03. Bag-A' Bones
04. In A Mellotone
05. Midgets
06. Whirly Bird
07. Basie Boogie
08. The Deacon
09. Cute
10. Old Man River (8:01)

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Opção 2.

Count Basie - Joe Williams - Just The Blues (1960)
01. Confessin' The Blues
02. Mean Old World
03. Trav'lin' Light
04. Key To The Highway
05. Lyin' Woman
06. Chains Of Love
07. Mean Mistreater
08. Keep Your Hand On Your Heart
09. Night Time Is The Right Time (When The Sun Goes Down)
10. Tomorrow Night

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Opção 2.

Duke Ellington And Count Basie - The Count Meets The Duke: First Time! (1961)
01. Battle Royal
02. To You
03. Take The "A" Train
04. Corner Pocket (AKA Until I Met You)
05. Wild Man (AKA Wild Man Moore)
06. Segue In C
07. B D B
08. Jumpin' At The Woodside

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Count Basie And The Kansas City 7 (1962)
01. Oh, Lady Be Good
02. Secrets
03. I Want A Little Girl
04. Shoe Shine Boy
05. Count's Place
06. Senator Whitehead
07. Tally-Ho, Mr. Basie!
08. What'cha Talkin'?
09. Trey Of Hearts

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Count Basie And His Orchestra  - On My Way & Shoutin' Again! (1962)
01. I'm Shoutin' Again
02. Ducky Bumps
03. The Long Night
04. Jump For Johnny
05. Ain't That Right
06. Together Again
07. Shanghaied
08. Skippin' With Skitch
09. Eee Dee
10. Rose Bud
11. Lester Leaps In (Bonus Track)

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Basie Land (1964)
01. Basie Land
02. Big Brother
03. Count Me In
04. Wanderlust
05. Instant Blues
06. Rabble Rouser
07. Sassy
08. Gymnastics
09. Yuriko
10. Doodle-Oodle

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Count Basie Orchestra - Basie Picks The Winners (1965)
01. Watermelon Man
02. That's All
03. I Won't Cry Anymore
04. Main Theme From "Exodus"
05. I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You)
06. My Kind Of Town
07. I'm Walkin'
08. Rain Or Shine
09. Volare (Nel Blu, Dipinto Di Blu)
10. Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
11. Oh, Lonesome Me

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Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - Basie's Beatle Bag (1966)
01. Help!
02. Can't Buy Me Love
03. Michelle
04. I Wanna Be Your Man
05. Do You Want To Know A Secret
06. A Hard Day's Night
07. All My Loving
08. Yesterday
09. And I Love Her
10. Hold Me Tight
11. She Loves You
12. Kansas City

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Opção 2.

Live At The Sands: Before Frank (1966)
01. Introduction
02. Splanky
03. I Can't Stop Loving You
04. I Needs To Be Bee'd With
05. Flight Of The Foo Birds
06. Satin Doll
07. Makin' Whoopee!
08. Corner Pocket
09. One O'Clock Jump
10. Go Away Little Girl
11. Whirly Bird
12. Blues For Ilene
13. This Could Be The Start Of Something Big
14. Jumpin' At The Woodside

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Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - Basic Basie (1969)
01. Idaho
02. Blues In My Heart
03. I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You
04. Red Roses For A Blue Lady
05. Moonglow
06. Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me
07. M - Squad
08. Sweet Loraine
09. Ain't Misbehavin'
10. Don't Worry 'Bout Me
11. As Long As I Live
12. I've Got The World On A String

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Basie On The Beatles (1969)
01. Norwegian Wood
02. (The) Fool On The Hill
03. Something
04. With A Little Help From My Friends
05. Here, There And Everywhere
06. Get Back
07. Hey Jude
08. Eleanor Rigby
09. Penny Lane
10. Come Together
11. Yesterday

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Standing Ovation (1969)
01. Down For Double
02. Li'l Darlin'
03. Broadway
04. Jive At Five
05. Cherry Point
06. Jumpin' At The Woodside
07. One O'clock Jump
08. Shiny Stockings
09. Blue And Sentimental
10. Every Tub
11. Corner Pocket
12. The Kid From Red Bank
13. One O'clock Jump

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Opção 2.

The Count Basie Orchestra - High Voltage (1970)
01. Chicago
02. Have You Met Miss Jones
03. The Lady Is A Tramp
04. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
05. Bewitched
06. Day In Day Out
07. Get Me To The Church On Time
08. When Sonny Gets Blue
09. On The Sunny Side Of The Street
10. Together
11. If I Were A Bell
12. I Didn't Know What Time It Was

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Opção 2.

Count Basie & His Orchestra With Oliver Nelson - Afrique (1970)
01. Step Right Up
02. Hobo Flats
03. Gypsy Queen
04. Love Flower
05. Afrique
06. Kilimanjaro
07. African Sunrise
08. Japan

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Opção 2.

Have A Nice Day (1971)
01. Have A Nice Day
02. The Plunger
03. Jamie
04. It's About Time
05. This Way
06. Scott's Place
07. Doin' Basie's Thing
08. The Spirit Is Willing
09. Small Talk
10. You 'N Me
11. Feelin' Free

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Opção 2.

Basie Jam (1973)
01. Doubling Blues
02. Hanging Out
03. Red Bank Blues
04. One-Nighter
05. Freeport Blues

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Opção 2.

Oscar Peterson And Count Basie - "Satch" And "Josh" (1975)
01. Buns
02. These Foolish Things
03. "RB"
04. Burning
05. Exactly Like You
06. Jumping At The Woodside
07. Louie B.
08. Lester Leaps In
09. Big Stockings
10. S & J Blues

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Opção 2.

Basie Big Band (1975)
01. Front Burner
02. Freckle Face
03. Orange Sherbert
04. Soft As Velvet
05. The Heat's On
06. Midnight Freight
07. Give'm Time
08. Wind Machine
09. Tall Cotton

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Opção 2.

Basie Jam 2 (1976)
01. Mama Don't Wear No Drawers
02. Doggin' Around
03. Kansas City Line
04. Jjjjump

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Opção 2.

Count Basie & His Orchestra - Basie In Europe (1977)
01. Hittin' Twelve
02. Freckle Face
03. Things Ain't What They Used To Be
04. Whirly-Bird
05. The More I See You
06. Orange Sherbet
07. Way Out Basie
08. Basie!
09. Jumpin' At The Woodside

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Opção 2.

Basie Jam 3 (1979)
01. Bye Bye Blues
02. Moten Swing
03. I Surrender, Dear
04. Song Of The Islands

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Count Basie And Orchestra - On The Road (1980)
01. Wind Machine
02. Blues For Stephanie
03. John The Iii
04. There'll Never Be Another You
05. Bootie's Blues
06. Splanky
07. Basie
08. Watch What Happens
09. Work Song
10. In A Mellow Tone

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Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - Warm Breeze (1981)
01. C.B. Express
02. After the Rain
03. Warm Breeze
04. Cookie
05. Flight to Nassau
06. How Sweet It Is
07. Satin Doll

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

The Count Basie Orchestra - Long Live The Chief (1986)
01. You Got It
02. April in Paris
03. Misunderstood Blues
04. Autumn Leaves
05. A Foggy Day
06. Good Time Blues
07. Hey! I See You over There
08. Lil' Darlin'
09. Bus Dust
10. Corner Pocket
11. Dr. Feelgood
12. Four Five Six
13. Shiny Stockings

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - Listen...You Shall Hear (1988)
01. Honeysuckle Rose
02. Pennies from Heaven
03. Swingin' at the Daisy Chain
04. Roseland Shuffle
05. Exactly Like You
06. Boo Hoo
07. The Glory of Love
08. Boogie Woogie
09. You Know It All Smarty
10. One O Clock Jump
11. Listen My Children and You Shall Hear
12. John's Idea
13. Good Morning Blues
14. Our Love Was Meant to Be
15. Time Out
16. Topsy

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

A Jazz Hour With Count Basie: Basie Boogie, 1958-1959 (1989)
01. In A Mellotone
02. The Midgets
03. Whirly-Bird
04. Basie Boogie
05. The Deacon
06. Cute
07. Old Man River
08. The Kid From Redbank
09. Spring Is Here
10. Why Not?
11. Corner Pocket
12. Little Pony
13. Blee Bop Blues

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Live 1958 And 1959 (1989)
01. Why Not
02. In A Mellotone
03. So Young, So Beautiful
04. Splanky
05. Li'l Darlin'
06. Blues In Frankie's Flat
07. One O'Clock Jump
08. Rat Race
09. Chestnut Street Rumble
10. Fancy Meeting You
11. Plymouth Rock
12. Back To The Apple
13. G'wan Away
14. The Moon Is Not Green
15. Yogi
16. Bag-A-Bones
17. One O'Clock Jump

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & His Orchestra - Do You Wanna Jump...? 1938-1939 (1989)
01. Georgianna
02. Blues in the Dark
03. Sent for You Yesterday
04. Every Tub
05. Now Will You Be Good?
06. Swingin' the Blues
07. Mama Don't Want No Peas'N'Rice'N'Coconut Oil
08. Blue and Sentimental
09. Doggin' Around
10. Stop Beatin' Round the Mulberry Bush
11. Stop Beatin' Round the Mulberry Bush
12. London Bridge Is Falling Down
13. Texas Shuffle
14. Jumpin' at the Woodside
15. Dark Rapture
16. Shorty George
17. The Blues I Like to Hear
18. Do You Wanna Jump, Children?
19. Panassie Stomp

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1936-1938 (1990)
01. Shoe Shine Boy
02. Evenin'
03. Boogie Woogie
04. Oh! Lady Be Good
05. Honeysuckle Rose
06. Pennies From Heaven
07. Swingin' At The Daisy Chain
08. Roseland Shuffle
09. Exactly Like You
10. Boo-Hoo
11. The Glory Of Love
12. Boogie Woogie
13. Smarty
14. One O'Clock Jump
15. Listen My Children (And You Shall Hear)
16. John's Idea
17. Good Morning Blues
18. Our Love Was Meant To Be
19. Time Out
20. Topsy
21. I Keep Remembering
22. Out The Window
23. Don't You Miss Your Baby
24. Let Me Dream
25. Georgiana

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1938-1939 (1990)
01. Blues In The Dark
02. Sent For You Yesterday
03. Every Tub
04. Now Will You Be Good
05. Swinging The Blues
06. Mama Don't Want No Peas An' Rice An' Cocoanut Oil
07. Blue And Sentimental
08. Doggin' Around
09. Stop Beatin' Around The Mulberry Bush
10. London Bridge Is Fallin' Down
11. Texas Shuffle
12. Jumpin' At The Woodside
13. How Long, How Long Blues
14. The Dirty Dozen
15. Hey Lawdy Mama
16. The Fives
17. Boogie Woogie
18. Dark Rupture
19. Shorty George
20. The Blues I Like To Hear
21. Do You Wanna Jump Children
22. Panassie Stomp
23. My Heart Belongs To Daddy
24. Sing For Your Supper
25. Oh! Red

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1939 (1990)
01. Fare Thee Honey, Fare Thee Well
02. Dupree Blues
03. When The Sun Goes Down
04. Red Wagon
05. You Can Depend On Me
06. Cherokee (Part I)
07. Cherokee (Part II)
08. Blame It On My Last Affair
09. Jive At Five
10. Thursday
11. Evil Blues
12. Oh! Lady, Be Good
13. I Ain't Got Nobody
14. Going To Chicago
15. Live And Love Tonight
16. Love Me Or Leave Me
17. What Goes Up Must Come Down
18. Rock-A-Bye Basie
19. Baby, Don't Tell On Me
20. If I Could Be With You One Hour Tonight
21. Taxi War Dance
22. Don't Worry About Me
23. Jump For Me

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1939-Vol.2 (1990)
01. And The Angels Sing
02. If I Didn't Care
03. Twelfth Street Rag
04. Miss Thing (Part I)
05. Miss Thing (Part II)
06. Lonesome Miss Pretty
07. Bolero At The Savoy
08. Nobody Knows
09. Pound Cake
10. You Can Count On Me
11. You And Your Love
12. How Long Blues
13. Sub-Deb Blues
14. Moonlight Serenade
15. Song Of The Islands
16. I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me
17. Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie
18. Dickie's Dream
19. Lester Leaps In
20. The Apple Jump
21. I Left My Baby
22. Riff Interlude
23. Volcano
24. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

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Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Jubilee Alternatives (1990)
01. Jumpin' At The Woodside
02. I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town
03. I've Found A New Baby
04. Andy's Blues
05. My Ideal
06. Avenue C
07. Basie's Bag (Basie Boogie)
08. More Than You Know
09. Let's Jump
10. Harvard Blues
11. One O'Clock Jump
12. Dinah
13. Baby, Won't You Please Come Home?
14. Rock-A-Bye Basie
15. Swing Shift
16. Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You?
17. Beaver Junction
18. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
19. My! What A Fry!
20. Jumpin' At The Woodside

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Jazz Archives (1990)
01. Li'l Darlin'
02. Swingin' Shepherd Blues
03. I Can't Stop Loving You
04. Corner Pocket
05. Magpie (Nasty Magnus)
06. I'm Beginning To See The Light
07. Ceaseless Blues
08. Blues In Hoss' Flat
09. Fly Me To The Moon (Voc.Richard Boone)
10. The Midnight Sun Never Sets
11. Things Ain't What They Used To Be
12. Macy
13. Boone's Blues (Voc.Richard Boone)
14. It's Oh, So Nice
15. Hayburner
16. Alfie
17. Mint Julep

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1939-1940 (1991)
01. Ham 'N' Eggs
02. Hollywood Jump
03. Someday, Sweetheart
04. I Never Knew
05. Tickle-Toe
06. Let's Make Hey! While The Sun Shines
07. Louisiana
08. Easy Does It
09. Let Me See
10. Blues (I Still Think Of Her)
11. Somebody Stole My Gal
12. Blow Top
13. Gone With "What" Wind
14. Super Chief
15. You Can't Run Around
16. Evenin'
17. World Is Mad (Part I)
18. World Is Mad (Part II)
19. Moten Swing
20. It's Torture
21. I Want A Little Girl
22. All Or Nothing At All
23. The Moon Fell In The River
24. What's You Number?
25. Draftin' Blues

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & Harry James - Basie Rhythm, 1936-1939 (1991)
01. Shoe Shine Boy
02. Evenin'
03. Boogie Woogie
04. Oh! Lady Be Good
05. Jubilee
06. When We're Alone
07. I Can Dream, Can't I?
08. Life Goes To A Party
09. Texas Chatter
10. Song Of The Wanderer
11. The Dreamer In Me
12. One O'clock Jump
13. My Heart Belongs To Daddy
14. Sing For Your Supper
15. You Can Depend On Me
16. Cherokee (Parts 1 And 2)
17. Blame It On My Last Affair
18. Jive At Five
19. Thursday
20. Evil Blues
21. Oh! Lady Be Good

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie Orchestra (1991)
01. One O'Clock Jump
02. Five O'Clock In The Morning Blues
03. Flight Of The Foo Birds
04. Dance Of The Gremlins
05. You For Me
06. Cherry Point
07. That Kind Of Woman
08. Corner Pocket
09. Chestnut Street Ramble
10. Dinah
11. Baby Won't You Please Come Home
12. Basie Boogie
13. Rock-A-Bye Basie
14. Call Me Darling
15. One O'Clock Jump

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1940-1941 (1991)
01. Five O'Clock Whistle
02. Love Jumped Out
03. My Wanderin' Man
04. Broadway
05. It's The Same Old South
06. Stampede In G Minor
07. Who Am I?
08. Rockin' The Blues
09. It's Square But It Rocks
10. I'll Forget
11. You Lied To Me
12. Wiggle Woogie
13. Beau Brummel
14. Music Makers
15. Jump The Blues Away
16. Deep In The Blues
17. The Jitters
18. Tuesday At Ten
19. Undecided Blues
20. I Do Mean You
21. 9.20 Special
22. H And J
23. Feedin' The Bean
24. Goin' To Chicago Blues

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1941 (1992)
01. You Betcha My Life
02. Down, Down, Down
03. Tune Town Shuffle
04. I'm Tired Of Waiting For You
05. One-Two-Three-O'Lairy
06. Basie Boogie
07. Fancy Meeting You
08. Diggin' For Dex
09. My Old Flame
10. Fiesta In Blue
11. Tom Thumb
12. Take Me Back, Baby
13. King Joe (Part I)
14. King Joe (Part II)
15. Moon Nocturne
16. Something New
17. I Struck A Match In The Dark
18. Platterbrains
19. All Of Me
20. Feather Merchant
21. Down For Double
22. More Than You Know
23. Harvard Blues
24. Coming-Out Party

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & His Orchestra - 1 O'Clock Jump (1992)
01. Blues
02. Indian Summer
03. Who, Me?
04. Jumpin' At The Woodside
05. She Calls Me Baby
06. Little Pony
07. Ol' Man River
08. One O'Clock Jump
09. Untitled

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & His Orchestra - Corner Pocket (1992)
01. Spring Is Here
02. Fantail
03. Teddy The Toad
04. Pensive Miss
05. Corner Pocket
06. Scoot
07. Sweety Cake
08. Cute
09. Li'l Darling
10. Low Life

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & And Orchestra  - The Chronological Classics, 1942 (1993)
01. One O'Clock Jump
02. Blue Shadows And White Gardenias
03. 'Ay Now
04. Basie Blues
05. I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town
06. How Long Blues
07. Royal Garden Blues
08. Bugle Blues
09. Sugar Blues
10. Farewell Blues
11. Cafe Society Blues
12. Way Back Blues
13. St. Louis Blues
14. Rusty Dusty Blues
15. Ride On
16. Lost The Blackout Blues
17. Time On My Hands
18. It's Sand, Man!
19. Ain't It The Truth?
20. For The Good Of Your Country

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

On The Upbeat, 1937-1945 (1995)
01. G.I. Stomp
02. Dance Of The Gremlins
03. Yeah Man
04. Rhythm Man
05. Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You
06. Sugarhill Shuffle
07. I'm Fer It Too
08. Just An Old Manuscript
09. On The Upbeat
10. One O'clock Jump
11. Study In Brown
12. Lady Be Good
13. Every Tub

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & And Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1943-1945 (1995)
01. Dance Of The Gremlins
02. G.I. Stomp
03. Yeah Man
04. Rhythm Man
05. Kansas City Stride
06. Beaver Junction
07. Circus In Rhythm
08. Aunt Hagar's Country Home
09. Gee, Baby Ain't I Good To You?
10. Basie Strides Again (Along Avenue C)
11. Harvard Blues
12. Taps Miller
13. Jimmy's Blues
14. I Didn't Know About You
15. Red Bank Boogie
16. Taps Miller
17. Jimmy's Blues
18. Take Me Back, Baby
19. Playhouse No.2 Stomp (Variations On "I Got Rhythm")
20. Old Manuscript
21. On The Upbeat

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Jazz Profile: Count Basie, 1959-1961 (1997)
01. A Little Tempo Please
02. Corner Pocket
03. I Needs To Be Be'd With
04. Segue In C
05. Back To The Apple
06. The Deacon
07. Easin' It
08. No Moon At All
09. Every Day I Have The Blues
10. Whirly-Bird
11. One O'Clock Jump

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & And Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1945-1946 (1997)
01. Avenue C
02. This Heart of Mine
03. That Old Feeling
04. High Tide
05. Sent for You Yesterday
06. Jimmy's Boogie Woogie
07. Tippin' on the Q.T.
08. San Jose
09. B Flat Blues
10. Sweet Lorraine
11. Blue Skies
12. Jivin' Joe Jackson
13. High Tide
14. Queer Street
15. Patience and Fortitude
16. The Mad Boogie
17. Lazy Lady Blues
18. Rambo
19. Stay Cool
20. The King

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

The Basie Bunch - Too Marvelous For Words, 1956-1958 (1999)
01. Shoe Shine Boy
02. Lover Man
03. Georgia Mae
04. Squeeze Me
05. Buck Huckles
06. Splittin'
07. Caravan
08. Old Man River
09. Too Marvelous For Words
10. Sent For You Yesterday
11. Perdido
12. Satin Doll

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1947 (1999)
01. Backstage At Stuff's
02. My Buddy
03. Shine On Harvest Moon
04. Lopin'
05. I Never Knew
06. Sugar
07. The Jungle King
08. Take A Little Off The Top
09. I Ain't Mad At You
10. After You've Gone
11. House Rent Boogie
12. South
13. Don't You Want A Man Like Me
14. Blue And Sentimental
15. 7th Avenue Express
16. Mr. Roberts' Roost
17. Sophisticated Swing
18. Guest In A Nest
19. Your Red Wagon
20. Money Is Honey
21. Just A Minute
22. Baby Don't Be Mad At Me
23. I've Only Myself To Blame

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1947-1949 (2000)
01. Robbins Nest
02. Hey Pretty Baby
03. It's Monday Every Day
04. Bye Bye Baby
05. Ready, Set, Go!
06. Bran' New Dolly
07. Cheek To Cheek
08. Just An Old Manuscript
09. Katy
10. She's A Wine-O
11. Did You Ever See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball?
12. Shoutin' Blues
13. After You've Gone
14. St. Louis Baby
15. Did You Ever See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball?
16. Wonderful Thing
17. Slider
18. Mine Too
19. Walking Slow Behind You
20. Slider
21. Normania
22. Rocky Mountain Blues

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Ken Burns Jazz (2000)
01. Toby
02. One O'Clock Jump
03. John's Idea
04. Topsy
05. Jumpin' At The Woodside
06. Swingin' The Blues
07. Blue And Sentimental
08. Doggin' Around
09. Dark Rupture
10. Cherokee (Parts 1 And 2)
11. Goin' To Chicago
12. Jive At Five
13. 9:20 Special
14. Softly, With Feeling
15. Corner Pocket
16. April In Paris
17. Every Day I Have The Blues
18. Shiny Stockings
19. Li'l Darlin'

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Celebrating The Best Of Jazz (2001)
01. Jumping At The Woodside
02. All Of Me
03. One O'Clock Jump
04. Lester Leaps In
05. April In Paris
06. Going To Chicago Blues
07. Basie Boogie
08. Everyday I Have The Blues
09. Every Tub
10. Red Bank Boogie

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1950-1951 (2002)
01. If You See My Baby
02. Solid As A Rock
03. Rat Race
04. Sweets
05. Neal's Deal
06. Bluebeard Blues
07. The Golden Bullet
08. You're My Baby, You (Instrumental)
09. You're My Baby, You (Vocal)
10. Song Of The Islands
11. These Foolish Things
12. I'm Confessin'
13. One O'Clock Jump
14. I Ain't Got Nobody
15. Little White Lies
16. I'll Remember April
17. Tootsie
18. Howzit
19. Nails
20. Little Pony
21. Beaver Junction
22. 'Ay Now

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Palais De Chaillot, March 29th 1960 (2002)
01. Shiny Stockings
02. Hrh
03. A Little Tempo Please
04. Vine Street Rumble
05. Makin' Whoopee
06. Who Me
07. Bag A' Bones
08. In A Mellow Tone
09. Lil' Darlin'
10. Blues In Hoss Flat
11. Fancy Meeting You
12. You're Too Beautiful
13. I Needs To Bee'd With
14. Counter Block
15. Splanky
16. Segue In C
17. Five O'clock In The Morning
18. Baby Won't You Please Come Home
19. Just A Dream
20. It's A Wonderful World
21. In The Evenin' (When The Sun Goes Down)

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1952-1953 (2005)
01. Blues For The Count And Oscar
02. Be My Guest
03. You're Not The Kind
04. Extended Blues
05. Let Me Dream
06. Sent For You Yesterday
07. Goin' To Chicago
08. I Want A Little Girl
09. Oh, Lady Be Good!
10. Song Of The Islands
11. Basie Beat
12. She's Funny That Way
13. Count's Organ Blues
14. K.C. Organ Blues
15. Blue And Sentimental
16. Stan Shorthair
17. As Long As I Live
18. Royal Garden Blues
19. Plymouth Rock
20. Blues Go Away
21. Peace Pipe
22. Straight Life

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

The Count Basie Orchestra - Basically Basie: Studio Dates, 1937-1945 
(Box Set 2005)
CD 1.

01. Swinging At The Daisy Chain
02. One O'Clock Jump
03. John's Idea
04. Time Out
05. Topsy
06. Out Of The Window
07. Every Tub
08. Swingin' The Blues
09. Blue And Sentimental
10. Doggin' Around
11. Texas Shuffle
12. Jumpin' At The Woodside
13. Panassie Stomp
14. Lady Be Good
15. Taxi War Dance
16. Volcano
17. Ham 'N' Eggs
18. Moten Swing
19. Love Jumped Out
20. Wiggle Woggie
21. Music Makers
22. Jitters
23. Down, Down, Down
24. Diggin' For Dex
25. Taps Miller

CD 2.

01. Honeysuckle Rose
02. Roseland Shuffle
03. Smarty
04. Shorty George
05. Cherokee (Part 1)
06. Cherokee (Part 2)
07. The Apple Jump
08. I Never Knew
09. Tickle Toe
10. Louisiana
11. Easy Does It
12. Let Me See
13. Gone With "What" Wind?
14. Superchief
15. The World Is Mad (Part 1)
16. The World Is Mad (Part 2)
17. Five O'Clock Whistle
18. Broadway
19. Rockin' The Blues
20. Beau Brummel
21. Jump The Blues Away
22. 9.20 Special
23. Fiesta In Blue
24. Somethin' New
25. Feather Merchant
26. Ain't That The Truth?

CD 3.

01. Evenin'
02. Pennies From Heaven
03. Exactly Like You
04. Boogie Woogie
05. Listen, My Children
06. Good Mornin' Blues
07. Georgianna
08. Sent For You Yesterday
09. Mama Don't Want No Peas An' Rice An' Coconut Oil
10. Stop Beatin' Around The Mulberry Bush
11. My Heart Belongs To Daddy
12. You Can Depend On Me
13. Thursday
14. Goin' To Chicago
15. If I Could Be With You (One Hour Tonight)
16. Bolero At The Savoy
17. Sub Deb Blues
18. Nobody Knows
19. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
20. Someday Sweetheart
21. Somebody Stole My Girl
22. I Want A Little Girl
23. My Wanderin' Man
24. Harvard Blues
25. Rusty Dusty Blues

CD 4.

01. Shoeshine Boy
02. Lady Be Good
03. How Long Blues
04. The Dirty Dozens
05. Hey! Lawdy Mama
06. The Fives
07. Boogie Woogie
08. Oh Red
09. Fare Thee Honey, Fare Thee Well
10. Dupree Blues
11. When The Sun Goes Down
12. Red Wagon
13. Jive At Five
14. I Ain't Got Nobody
15. Live And Love Tonight
16. Love Me Or Leave Me
17. Dickie's Dream
18. Lester Leaps In
19. Till Tom Special
20. Gone With "What" Wind?
21. Royal Garden Blues
22. Bugle Blues
23. Sugar Blues
24. Farewell Blues
25. Cafe Society Blues

Opção 1, Pt.1 > Pt.2.

Opção 2, Pt.1 > Pt.2.

Saga Jazz: Small Groups Studio Sides 1950-1952 (2006)
01. Neal's Deal
02. Bluebeard Blues
03. The Golden Bullet
04. You're My Baby
05. Song of The Islands
06. These Foolish Things
07. I'm Confessin'
08. One O'Clock Jump
09. I Ain't Got Nobody
10. Little White Lies
11. I'll Remember April
12. Tootsie
13. Blues for The Count & Oscar
14. Extended Blues
15. Lady Be Good
16. Song Of The Islands
17. Basie Beat
18. She's Funny That Way
19. Count's Organ Blues
20. K.C. Organ Blues
21. Blue And Sentimental
22. Stan Shorthair
23. As Long As I Live
24. Royal Garden Blues

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie And His Orchestra - The Chronological Classics, 1953-1954 (2007)
01. Bubbles
02. Softly With Feelings
03. Cherry Point
04. Basie Goes Wess
05. Right On
06. The Blues Done Come Back
07. Slow But Sure
08. You For Me
09. She's Just My Size
10. Soft Drink
11. Two For The Blues
12. Blues Backstage
13. I Feel Like A New Man
14. Down For The Count
15. Stereophonic
16. Sixteen Men Swinging
17. Ska-Di-Dle-Dee-Bee-Doo
18. Perdido
19. Mambo Mist

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Best Of Count Basie (2014)
01. Boogie Woogie
02. Oh! Red
03. When The Sun Goes Down
04. Hey Lawdy Mama
05. Jumping At The Woodside
06. The Dirty Dozens
07. Just A Minute
08. Bye, Bye Baby
09. One O'clock Jump (Live)
10. Meet B.B.
11. Bill's Mill
12. Seventh Avenue Express
13. Quince
14. Jive At Five
15. Swinging The Blues
16. The Midnite Sun Never Sets
17. The Fives
18. A Square At The Roundtable
19. Muttnik
20. Basie English
21. For Lena And Lennie
22. The Big Walk
23. I Needs To Be Bee'd With
24. Rat Race
25. Come Rain Or Come Shine
26. Jessica's Day
27. Don't You Want A Man Like Me
28. A Fine Romance
29. Ain't Misbehavin' (I'm Savin' My Love For You)
30. Amoroso

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Four Classic Albums Plus (2015)
CD 1.

Sinatra-Basie (1962).
01. Pennies from Heaven
02. Please Be Kind
03. (Love Is) The Tender Trap
04. Looking at the World Thru' Rose Colored Glasses
05. My Kind of Girl
06. I Only Have Eyes for You
07. Nice Work If You Can Get It
08. Learnin' the Blues
09. I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter
10. I Won't Dance
Count Basie And The Kansas City 7 (1962).
11. Oh, Lady Be Good
12. Secrets
13. I Want a Little Girl
14. Shoe Shine Boy
15. Count's Place
16. Senator Whitehead
17. Tally-Ho, Mr. Basie!
18. What'cha Talkin'?
Newport Jazz Festival July 1956 (Mono Recordings).
19. Shiny Stockings
20. April in Paris

CD 2.

The Atomic Mr. Basie (1957).
01. The Kid From Red Bank
02. Duet
03. After Supper
04. Flight Of The Foo Birds
05. Double-O
06. Teddy The Toad
07. Whirly-Bird
08. Midnite Blue
09. Splanky
10. Fantail
11. Lii' Darlin'
Basie Plays Hefti (1958).
12. Has Anyone Here Seen Basie
13. Cute
14. Pensive Miss
15. Sloo Foot
16. It's Awf'ly Nice To Be With You
17. Scoot
18. A Little Tempo, Please
19. Late Date
20. Count Down
21. Bag 'A Bones
22. Pony Tail
Newport Jazz Festival July 1956 (Mono Recordings).
23. All Right, Okay, You Win
24. Roll 'Em Pete
25. One O'Clock Jump (Sign-Off)

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

The Count Basie Orchestra - A Very Swingin' Basie Christmas! (2015)
01. Jingle Bells
02. Let It Snow
03. It's The Holiday Season
04. Silent Night
05. Good “Swing” Wenceslas
06. The Christmas Song
07. Little Drummer Boy
08. Sleigh Ride
09. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
10. Winter Wonderland
11. I'll Be Home For Christmas

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & His Atomic Band - Complete Live At The Crescendo, 1958 
(Box Set 2016)
CD 1.
01. Moten Swing
02. Cute
03. Sweetie Cakes
04. Indian Summer
05. Jumpin' At The Woodside
06. Plymouth Rock
07. Flight At The Foo Birds
08. Lil' Darling
09. Low Life
10. Whirly-Bird
11. Swingin' The Blues
12. Blue On Blue #1
13. No Moon At All
14. Well, All Right, Okay, You Win
15. Fancy Meeting You
16. Slats
17. H.R.H. (Her Royal Highness)
18. Duet
19. Teddy The Toad

CD 2.
01. Smack Dab In The Middle
02. Pensive Miss
03. One O'Clock Jump
04. Counting The Blues
05. Lullaby Of Birdland
06. I've Got A Girl
07. You're A Memory
08. Scoot
09. Who, Me?
10. The Kid From Red Bank
11. Late Date
12. Stop, Pretty Baby
13. Gee, Baby Ain't I Good To You
14. Shiny Stockings
15. April In Paris
16. Blues In Frankie's Flat
17. In A Mellow Tone #1
18. Two Time Lover
19. Fantail
20. Hallelujah, I Love Her So

CD 3.
01. Corner Pocket
02. My Baby Upsets Me
03. Cherry Point
04. Everyday
05. How High The Moon
06. Five O'Clock In The Morning
07. Blue On Blue
08. The Comeback
09. Whirly-Bird
10. Thou Swell
11. Teach Me Tonight
12. Moten Swing
13. Pigalle Love
14. One O'Clock Jump
15. G'wan Away
16. Yogi
17. Bag-A-Bones
18. One O'Clock Jump
19. Spring Is Here #1
20. Baby, Baby All The Time

CD 4.
01. Little Pony
02. Ol' Man River
03. The Midgets
04. Whirly-Bird
05. Basie-Boogie
06. The Deacon
07. Cute
08. Ol' Man River
09. The Kid From Red Bank
10. Spring Is Here
11. Why Not?
12. Corner Pocket #2
13. Little Pony
14. Blee Blop Blues
15. Bubbles
16. How High The Moon 32
17. You're Not The Kind

CD 5.
01. Teddy The Toad #2
02. Jumpin' At The Woodside
03. Blues Backstage
04. Peace Pipe
05. Plymouth Rock
06. Shiny Stockings
07. H.R.H (Her Royal Highness)
08. Bag-A-Bones
09. In A Mellow Tone
10. Whirly-Bird
11. Cute
12. Thou Swell
13. Five O'Clock In The Morning
14. Blee Blop Blues
15. One O'Clock Jump

Opção 1, Pt.1 > Pt.2.

Opção 2, Pt.1 > Pt.2.

Count Basie And Lester Young - Classic 1936-1947: Studio Sessions 
(Box Set 2016)
CD 1.
01. Shoe Shine Boy
02. Evenin'
03. Boogie Woogie
04. Lady, Be Good
05. I've Found A New Baby
06. Ti-Pi-Tin
07. Blitzkrieg Baby (You Can't Bomb Me)
08. Beautiful Eyes
09. There'll Be Some Changes Made
10. It's Sad But True
11. I Got Rhythm
12. I'm Fer It Too
13. Hello Babe
14. Linger Awhile
15. Shoe Shine Boy (Alternate Take)
16. Evenin' (Alternate Take)
17. Boogie Woogie (Alternate Take)
18. Lady, Be Good (Alternate Take)
19. I've Found A New Baby (Alternate Take)
20. I'm Fer It Too (Alternate Take)
21. Hello Babe (Alternate Take)

CD 2.
01. Honeysuckle Rose
02. Pennies From Heaven
03. Swinging At The Daisy Chain
04. Roseland Shuffle
05. Exactly Like You
06. Boo-Hoo
07. The Glory Of Love
08. Boogie Woogie (I May Be Wrong)
09. (You Know It All) Smarty
10. One O'Clock Jump
11. Listen My Children And You Shall Hear
12. John's Idea
13. Good Morning Blues
14. Our Love Was Meant To Be
15. Time Out
16. Topsy
17. I Keep Remembering (Someone I Should Forget)
18. Out The Window
19. Don't You Miss Your Baby?
20. Let Me Dream
21. Georgianna
22. Blues In The Dark
23. Honeysuckle Rose (Alternate Take)
24. Good Morning Blues (Alternate Take)

CD 3.

01. Sent For You Yesterday And Here You Come Today
02. Every Tub
03. Now Will You Be Good
04. Swinging The Blues
05. Mama Don't Want No Peas An' Rice An' Cocoanut Oil
06. Blue And Sentimental
07. Doggin' Around
08. Stop Beatin' 'Round The Mulberry Bush
09. London Bridge Is Falling Down
10. Texas Shuffle
11. Jumpin' At The Woodside
12. Way Down Yonder In New Orleans
13. Countless Blues
14. Them There Eyes
15. I Want A Little Girl
16. Pagin' The Devil
17. Stop Beatin' 'Round The Mulberry Bush (Alternate Take)
18. Way Down Yonder In New Orleans (Alternate Take)
19. Countless Blues (Alternate Take)
20. Them There Eyes (Alternate Take)
21. I Want A Little Girl (Alternate Take)
22. Pagin' The Devil (Alternate Take)

CD 4.

01. How Long How Long Blues
02. The Dirty Dozens
03. Hey Lawdy Mama
04. The Fives
05. Boogie Woogie
06. Dark Rapture
07. Shorty George
08. The Blues I Like To Hear
09. Do You Wanna Jump, Children?
10. Panassie Stomp
11. My Heart Belongs To Daddy
12. Sing For Your Supper
13. Oh! Red
14. Fare Thee Honey, Fare Thee Well
15. Dupree Blues
16. When The Sun Goes Down
17. Red Wagon
18. You Can Depend On Me
19. Cherokee (Pt.1)
20. Cherokee (Pt.2)
21. Blame It On My Last Affair
22. Fare Thee Honey, Fare Thee Well (Alternate Take)
23. When The Sun Goes Down (Alternate Take)
24. Blame It On My Last Affair (Alternate Take)

CD 5.
01. Jive At Five
02. Thursday
03. Evil Blues
04. Oh Lady Be Good
05. The Goon Drag (Gone Wid De Goon)
06. Things 'Bout Coming My Way
07. Just Jivin' Around
08. Indiana
09. I Can't Get Started
10. Tea For Two
11. Body And Soul
12. Just You, Just Me
13. I Never Knew
14. Afternoon Of A Basie-Ite
15. Sometimes I'm Happy
16. Just You, Just Me (Alternate Take)
17. I Never Knew (Alternate Take)
18. Afternoon Of A Basie-Ite (Alternate Take)
19. Sometimes I'm Happy (Breakdown)

CD 6.

01. After Theatre Jump
02. Six Cats And A Prince
03. Lester Leaps Again
04. Destination K.C.
05. Three Little Words
06. Jo Jo
07. I Got Rhythm
08. Four O'Clock Drag
09. After Theatre Jump (Alternate Take)
10. Six Cats And A Prince (Alternate Take)
11. Six Cats And A Prince (Incomplete Alternate Take)
12. Destination K.C. (Alternate Take)
13. Three Little Words (#2) (Alternate Take)
14. Three Little Words (#3) (Alternate Take)
15. Three Little Words (#4) (Alternate Take)
16. Jo Jo (#2) (Alternate Take)
17. Jo Jo (#3) (Alternate Take)
18. Jo Jo (#4) (Alternate Take)
19. I Got Rhythm (#3) (Alternate Take)
20. I Got Rhythm (#2) (Alternate Take)
21. Four O'Clock Drag (#3) (Alternate Take)

CD 7.

01. D.B. Blues
02. Lester Blows Again
03. These Foolish Things
04. Jumpin' At Mesners'
05. He Don't Love Me Anymore
06. Pleasing Man Blues
07. Riffin' Without Helen
08. It's Only A Paper Moon
09. After You've Gone
10. Lover Come Back To Me
11. Jammin' With Lester
12. Back To The Land
13. I Cover The Waterfront
14. Somebody Loves Me
15. I've Found A New Baby
16. The Man I Love
17. Peg O' My Heart
18. I Want To Be Happy
19. Mean To Me
20. I Cover The Waterfront (Alternate Take)

CD 8.

01. You're Driving Me Crazy
02. New Lester Leaps In
03. Lester's Be-Bop Boogie
04. She's Funny That Way
05. Sunday
06. S.M. Blues
07. Jumping With Symphony Sid
08. No Eyes Blues
09. Sax-O-Be-Bop
10. On The Sunny Side Of The Street
11. Easy Does It
12. Movin' With Lester
13. One O'Clock Jump
14. Jumping At The Woodside
15. I'm Confessin' (That I Love You)
16. Lester Smooths It Out
17. Just Cooling
18. Tea For Two
19. East Of The Sun - West Of The Moon
20. Sheik Of Araby
21. Something To Remember You By
22. Easy Does It (Alternate Take)

Opção 1, Pt.1 > Pt.2 > Pt.3.

Opção 2, Pt.1 > Pt.2 > Pt.3.

The Count Basie Orchestra - All About That Basie (2018)
01. Everyday I Have The Blues
02. Can’t Hide Love
03. My Cherie Amour
04. Don’t Worry ‘Bout Me
05. Tequila
06. Hallelujah
07. April In Paris
08. Honeysuckle Rose
09. Hello
10. Sent For You Yesterday
11. From One To Another

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

The Count Basie Orchestra - Live At Birdland (2021)
CD 1.

01. Introduction
02. The Kid from Red Bank
03. Who, Me?
04. Way Out Basie
05. In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning
06. Doodle Oodle
07. Four Five Six
08. Basie Power
09. Honeysuckle Rose
10. Only the Young
11. I Can't Give You Anything But Love
12. Easin' It
13. What's New
14. Kansas City Shout
15. How Do You Keep the Music Playing
16. Basie (Wilkins)
17. One O'Clock Jump

CD 2.

01. The Wind Machine
02. April in Paris
03. There Will Never Be Another You
04. I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face
05. I Needs to Be Bee'd With
06. Flute Juice
07. Moten Swing
08. Blues in Hoss' Flat
09. Once in a While
10. Five O'Clock in the Morning
11. Shiny Stockings
12. What Kind of Fool Am I
13. 'Deed I Do
14. From One to Another
15. Whirly Bird
16. One O'Clock Jump (Short)

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Count Basie & His Orchestra - The Count Basie Collection 1937-39 
(Box Set 2021)
CD 1.

01. Pennies From Heaven
02. Swinging At The Daisy Chain
03. Honeysuckle Rose
04. Roseland Shuffle
05. Boo Hoo
06. The Glory Of Love
07. Boogie Woogie (I May Be Wrong)
08. Exactly Like You
09. One O'Clock Jump
10. John's Idea
11. Listen My Children And You Shall Hear
12. (You Know It All) Smarty
13. Good Morning Blues
14. Good Morning Blues (Alternate Take)
15. Our Love Was Meant To Be
16. Let Me Dream
17. Time Out
18. I Keep Remembering (Someone I Should Forget)
19. Out The Window
20. Georgianna
21. Blues In The Dark

CD 2.

01. Every Tub
02. Now Will You Be Good?
03. Don't You Miss Your Baby
04. Topsy
05. Sent For You Yesterday, And Here You Come Today
06. Swinging The Blues
07. Blue And Sentimental
08. Doggin' Around
09. Stop Beatin' Round The Mulberry Bush
10. Stop Beatin' Round The Mulberry Bush (Alternate Take)
11. London Bridge Is Fallin' Down
12. Texas Shuffle
13. Mama Don't Want No Peas An' Rice An' Coconut Oil
14. Jumping At The Woodside
15. Dark Rapture
16. Do You Wanna Jump, Children?
17. Panassie Stomp
18. My Heart Belongs To Daddy
19. Sing For Your Supper
20. Blame It On My Last Affair
21. Blame It On My Last Affair (Alternate Take)

CD 3.

01. The Blues I Like To Hear
02. Thursday
03. Shorty George
04. Boogie Woogie
05. How Long, How Long Blues
06. Cherokee
07. Cherokee (Pt.2)
08. The Dirty Dozens
09. When The Sun Goes Down
10. When The Sun Goes Down (Alternate Take)
11. Oh Lady Be Good
12. You Can Depend On Me
13. Hey Lawdy Mama
14. The Fives
15. Oh Red
16. Fare Thee Honey, Fare Thee Well
17. Fare Thee Honey, Fare Thee Well (Alternate Take)
18. Evil Blues
19. Jive At Five
20. Dupree Blues
21. Red Wagon

Opção 1.

Opção 2.
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