Leonard Norman Cohen (Westmount, 21 de Setembro de 1934 — Los
Angeles, 7 de Novembro de 2016) foi um cantor, compositor, poeta e escritor
Embora seja mais conhecido por suas canções, como "Hallelujah" agora Aleluia, que alcançaram notoriedade tanto em sua voz quanto na de outros intérpretes, Cohen passou a se dedicar à música apenas depois dos 30 anos, já consagrado como autor de romances e livros de poesia.
Leonard Cohen nasceu em 21 de Setembro de 1934 em Westmount, na província do Quebec, Canadá, no seio de uma família judaica de origem polaca. A sua infância foi marcada pela morte de seu pai quando Cohen tinha apenas nove anos, fato que seria determinante para o desenvolvimento de uma depressão que o acompanharia durante boa parte da vida.
Aos dezessete anos, ingressa na Universidade McGill e forma um trio de música country. Paralelamente, passa a escrever seus primeiros poemas, inspirado por autores como García Lorca.
Consagração literária.
Em 1956, lança seu primeiro livro de poesia, Let Us Compare Mythologies, seguido em 1961 por The Spice Box of Earth, que lhe conferiria fama internacional.
Após o sucesso do livro, Cohen decide viajar pela Europa, e acaba por fixar residência na ilha de Hidra, na Grécia, onde passa a viver junto com Marianne Jensen e seu filho, Axel.
Em 1963 lança The Favorite Game, seu primeiro romance, seguida pelo livro de poemas Flowers for Hitler, em 1964, e pelo seu segundo romance Beautiful Losers, em 1966.
Em 2011 foi o vencedor do Prêmio Príncipe das Astúrias das Letras.
Carreira musical.
Já estabelecido como escritor, Cohen decide se tornar compositor. Para isso, começou a morar nos Estados Unidos, onde conhece a cantora Judy Collins, que grava duas de suas composições ("Suzanne" e "Dress Rehearsal Rag") em seu disco In My Life, de 1966.
No ano seguinte, Cohen participa do Newport Folk Festival, onde chama a atenção do produtor John Hammond, o mesmo que antes havia descoberto, dentre outros, Billie Holiday e Bob Dylan. Songs of Leonard Cohen, seu primeiro disco, é lançado no final do ano, sendo bem recebido por público e crítica.
Seu próximo disco, Songs from a Room, seria produzido por Bob Johnston, produtor dos principais trabalhos de Dylan nos anos 60. Embora não tão bem recebido quanto o anterior, contém a canção "Bird on the Wire", que o próprio Cohen disse ser a sua favorita dentre as suas composições. Em 1971, lança Songs of Love and Hate, um disco mais sombrio que os anteriores. No mesmo ano, o diretor Robert Altman, em seu filme McCabe & Mrs. Miller, utiliza três canções de Cohen: "Sisters of Mercy", "Winter Lady" e "The Stranger Song", todas do primeiro disco do cantor.
Um novo livro de poemas, The Energy of Slaves, é lançado em 1972 e, no ano seguinte, o disco ao vivo Live Songs.
Também em 1973, por ocasião da Guerra do Yom Kipur, Cohen faz uma série de shows gratuitos para soldados israelenses. Baseada no poema "Unetaneh Tokef " da tradição judaica, surgiria a canção "Who by Fire", incluída no álbum New Skin for the Old Ceremony, a ser lançado no ano seguinte.
Recesso e parcerias.
Após o disco de 1974, Cohen decide se afastar do mundo da música, resultado não só de uma confessa falta de inspiração, mas também de sua insatisfação com as exigências do mercado.
Seu retorno se daria em 1977 com Death of a Ladies' Man, produzido por Phil Spector, que foi também o coautor de quase todo o repertório do disco. O álbum foi marcado por atritos após as gravações, quando Spector se trancou em seu estúdio para o processo de mixagem, não permitindo que nem mesmo Cohen interferisse no resultado final. Por conta disso é até hoje notória a insatisfação do cantor com o disco, o qual classifica como sendo o mais fraco de todos. Em 1978, numa alusão ao álbum do ano anterior, seria a vez do lançamento do livro Death of a Lady's Man.
Em 1979 reaproxima-se do estilo dos seus primeiros trabalhos com Recent Songs, cuja turnê foi registrada no disco Field Commander Cohen: Tour of 1979, lançado apenas em 2001. Entre os integrantes de sua banda de apoio encontravam-se Sharon Robinson, cantora de várias canções de Cohen a partir da década de 80, e Jennifer Warnes.
Após a turnê, seguiu-se mais um período de reclusão, no qual dedicou-se à escrita e ao estudo do budismo. Só voltaria a lançar novos trabalhos em 1984, com o disco Various Positions e o livro de poemas Book of Mercy. Embora a essa altura sua popularidade nos Estados Unidos estivesse em baixa, sua música ainda fazia grande sucesso em alguns países da Europa como França e Noruega.
"Hallelujah" foi lançado pela primeira vez no álbum de estúdio de Cohen, Various Positions, em 1984. A canção teve um sucesso inicial limitado, mas encontrou maior popularidade através de um cover do John Cale em 1991, que formou a base para um cover posterior por Jeff Buckley. "Hallelujah" foi executado por quase 200 artistas em várias línguas. Estatísticas da Associação da Indústria de Gravação da América (RIAA); A associação canadense de gravação, a associação australiana da indústria da gravação e a Federação Internacional da Indústria Fonográfica, a canção vendeu mais cinco milhões de cópias da música em formato de disco compacto. Tem sido o assunto de um documentário da BBC Radio e foi destaque nas trilhas sonoras de numerosos filmes (Incluindo a animação Shrek ganhadora do Óscar em 2001) e programas de televisão.
Em 2004, a versão de Jeff Buckley ficou na 259º posição da lista de 500 melhores músicas de todos os tempos da revista Rolling Stone. No mesmo ano, a revista Time escreveu que a versão de Buckley foi "requintadamente cantada," observando que "Cohen 'murmurou' a canção original como um hino fúnebre, mas Buckley... tratou a música como uma cápsula pequena da humanidade, usando a voz para variar entre a glória e a tristeza, a beleza e a dor. É uma das grandes músicas."
Em Setembro de 2007, foi feita uma enquete com cinquenta compositores chamados pela revista Q para escolherem dez melhores canções. John Legend elogiou a versão de Jeff, dizendo "(...) É o mais perto da perfeição que já se chegou. A letra de 'Hallelujah' é simplesmente incrível e a melodia é linda e, em seguida, há a interpretação de Jeff. É uma das mais belas músicas gravadas que já eu ouvi."
Ressurgimento e aclamação.
Em 1988, retorna com o álbum I'm Your Man, aclamado por crítica e público. Parte dessa boa recepção deve ser creditada a Famous Blue Raincoat – The Songs of Leonard Cohen, disco tributo lançado por Jennifer Warnes um ano antes, que apresentou as canções do canadense a toda uma nova geração de fãs.
Paralelamente, muitos dos jovens músicos ligados ao folk e ao indie-rock da época diziam-se influenciados pelo trabalho do cantor. Parte desses músicos seria responsável pelo disco tributo I'm Your Fan, lançado em 1991. Dentre estes, destacavam-se R.E.M., Ian McCulloch (vocalista do Echo & the Bunnymen) e Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.
No ano seguinte lançaria The Future e, em 1994, Cohen Live, contendo registos de apresentações ao vivo entre os anos de 1988 e 1993.
Retiro budista.
Em 1994, consolidando a sua aproximação com o budismo, Cohen passa a viver no mosteiro de Mount Baldy Zen Center, próximo de Los Angeles. Em 1996, seria ordenado monge zen, e ganharia o nome Dharma de Jikan ("silencioso").
Nesse meio-tempo é lançado, em 1995, um outro disco tributo, Tower of Songs, dessa vez com nomes mais conhecidos, como Elton John, Bono e Willie Nelson.
No mesmo ano é lançado o livro Dance Me to the End of Love, onde poesias suas são mescladas com pinturas do francês Henri Matisse.
Sua experiência no mosteiro iria até o ano de 1999, quando voltaria a morar em Los Angeles.
Retorno à música.
Em 2001, lança Ten New Songs, seu primeiro disco de inéditas em sete anos, feito em parceria com Sharon Robinson. Em 2004 seria a vez de Dear Heather.
Em maio de 2006 é lançado o disco Blue Alert da cantora Anjani Thomas, sua namorada e ex-vocalista de sua banda de apoio. Cohen foi produtor e coautor de todas as faixas do disco. Menos de um mês depois é lançado o documentário Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man, onde relatos do cantor são intercalados com suas músicas interpretadas por artistas como Rufus Wainwright e Nick Cave. No fim do filme, Cohen interpreta, junto ao U2, a música "Tower of Song".
Em 18 de setembro de 2009, durante um concerto na Espanha, Cohen desmaiou e cancelou a apresentação.
Cohen morreu em 7 de Novembro de 2016, aos 82 anos, em sua casa em Los Angeles. Sua morte foi anunciada em 10 de Novembro. Deixou dois filhos e dois netos. Em uma entrevista concedida cerca de um mês antes, Cohen disse que estava preparado para sua morte. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.
Bitrate: 192Kbps.
02. Master Song (05:59)
03. Winter Lady (02:18)
04. The Stranger Song (05:08)
05. Sisters of Mercy (03:37)
06. So Long, Marianne (05:41)
07. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (02:58)
08. Stories Of The Street (04:38)
09. Teachers (03:03)
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (04:30)
11. Store Room (05:06)
12. Blessed Is The Memory (03:03)
03. Winter Lady (02:18)
04. The Stranger Song (05:08)
05. Sisters of Mercy (03:37)
06. So Long, Marianne (05:41)
07. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (02:58)
08. Stories Of The Street (04:38)
09. Teachers (03:03)
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (04:30)
11. Store Room (05:06)
12. Blessed Is The Memory (03:03)
Songs From A Room (1969)01. Bird On The Wire (03:29)
02. Story Of Isaac
03. A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes (03:19)
04. The Partisan (03:30)
05. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy (03:42)
06. The Old Revolution (04:50)
07. The Butcher (03:22)
08. You Know Who I Am (03:32)
09. Lady Midnight (03:02)
10. Tonight Will Be Fine (03:53)
11. Like A Bird (Bird On The Wire) (03:22)
12. Nothing To One (You Know Who I Am) (02:18)
03. A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes (03:19)
04. The Partisan (03:30)
05. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy (03:42)
06. The Old Revolution (04:50)
07. The Butcher (03:22)
08. You Know Who I Am (03:32)
09. Lady Midnight (03:02)
10. Tonight Will Be Fine (03:53)
11. Like A Bird (Bird On The Wire) (03:22)
12. Nothing To One (You Know Who I Am) (02:18)
02. Last Year's Man (06:03)
03. Dress Rehearsal Rag (06:13)
04. Diamonds in the Mine (03:53)
05. Love Calls You By Your Name (05:45)
06. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:16)
07. Sing Another Song, Boys (06:18)
08. Joan of Arc (06:30)
09. Dress Rehearsal Rag (Early Version) (05:38)
03. Dress Rehearsal Rag (06:13)
04. Diamonds in the Mine (03:53)
05. Love Calls You By Your Name (05:45)
06. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:16)
07. Sing Another Song, Boys (06:18)
08. Joan of Arc (06:30)
09. Dress Rehearsal Rag (Early Version) (05:38)
02. Passing Through
03. You Know Who I Am (05:25)
04. Bird On The Wire (04:31)
05. Nancy (03:51)
06. Improvisation (03:20)
07. Story of Isaac (03:59)
08. Please Don't Pass Me By (A Disgrace) (13:03)
09. Tonight Will Be Fine (06:12)
10. Queen Victoria (03:27)
03. You Know Who I Am (05:25)
04. Bird On The Wire (04:31)
05. Nancy (03:51)
06. Improvisation (03:20)
07. Story of Isaac (03:59)
08. Please Don't Pass Me By (A Disgrace) (13:03)
09. Tonight Will Be Fine (06:12)
10. Queen Victoria (03:27)
02. Chelsea Hotel #2
03. Lover Lover Lover (03:23)
04. Field Commander Cohen (04:03)
05. Why Don't You Try (03:53)
06. There Is A War (03:03)
07. A Singer Must Die (03:21)
08. I Tried To Leave You (02:42)
09. Who By Fire (02:36)
10. Take This Longing (04:10)
11. Leaving Green Sleeves (02:39)
03. Lover Lover Lover (03:23)
04. Field Commander Cohen (04:03)
05. Why Don't You Try (03:53)
06. There Is A War (03:03)
07. A Singer Must Die (03:21)
08. I Tried To Leave You (02:42)
09. Who By Fire (02:36)
10. Take This Longing (04:10)
11. Leaving Green Sleeves (02:39)
02. Sisters of Mercy (03:36)
03. So Long, Marianne (05:41)
04. Bird on the Wire (03:28)
05. Lady Midnight (02:59)
06. The Partisan (03:26)
07. Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (02:58)
08. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:10)
09. Last Year's Man (06:00)
10. Chelsea Hotel No. 2 (03:07)
11. Who by Fire (02:33)
12. Take This Longing (04:06)
03. So Long, Marianne (05:41)
04. Bird on the Wire (03:28)
05. Lady Midnight (02:59)
06. The Partisan (03:26)
07. Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (02:58)
08. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:10)
09. Last Year's Man (06:00)
10. Chelsea Hotel No. 2 (03:07)
11. Who by Fire (02:33)
12. Take This Longing (04:06)
02. Iodine
03. Paper Thin Hotel (05:42)
04. Memories (06:00)
05. I Left A Woman Waiting (03:29)
06. Don't Go Home With Your Hard-On (05:37)
07. Fingerprints (02:59)
08. Death Of A Ladies' Man (09:20)
03. Paper Thin Hotel (05:42)
04. Memories (06:00)
05. I Left A Woman Waiting (03:29)
06. Don't Go Home With Your Hard-On (05:37)
07. Fingerprints (02:59)
08. Death Of A Ladies' Man (09:20)
02. Humbled in Love (05:15)
03. The Window (05:56)
04. Came So Far for Beauty (04:04)
05. The Lost Canadian (Un Canadien Errant) (04:41)
06. The Traitor (06:15)
07. Our Lady of Solitude (03:14)
08. The Gypsy's Wife (05:13)
09. The Smokey Life (05:18)
10. Ballad of the Absent Mare (06:23)
03. The Window (05:56)
04. Came So Far for Beauty (04:04)
05. The Lost Canadian (Un Canadien Errant) (04:41)
06. The Traitor (06:15)
07. Our Lady of Solitude (03:14)
08. The Gypsy's Wife (05:13)
09. The Smokey Life (05:18)
10. Ballad of the Absent Mare (06:23)
02. Coming Back To
You (03:36)
03. The Law (04:29)
04. Night Comes On (04:42)
05. Hallelujah (04:40)
06. The Captain (04:11)
07. Hunter's Lullaby (02:27)
08. Heart With No Companion (03:05)
09. If It Be Your Will (03:43)
03. The Law (04:29)
04. Night Comes On (04:42)
05. Hallelujah (04:40)
06. The Captain (04:11)
07. Hunter's Lullaby (02:27)
08. Heart With No Companion (03:05)
09. If It Be Your Will (03:43)
02. Ain't No Cure For
Love (04:51)
03. Everybody Knows (05:37)
04. I'm Your Man (04:26)
05. Take This Waltz (06:00)
06. Jazz Police (03:54)
07. I Can't Forget (04:32)
08. Tower Of Song (05:38)
03. Everybody Knows (05:37)
04. I'm Your Man (04:26)
05. Take This Waltz (06:00)
06. Jazz Police (03:54)
07. I Can't Forget (04:32)
08. Tower Of Song (05:38)
02. So Long, Marianne (05:39)
03. Chelsea Hotel #2 (03:06)
04. Lady Midnight (02:58)
05. Sisters of Mercy (03:35)
06. Bird on the Wire (03:26)
07. Suzanne (03:49)
08. Lover Lover Lover (03:21)
09. Winter Lady (02:18)
10. Tonight Will Be Fine (03:49)
11. The Partisan (03:24)
12. Diamonds in the Mine (03:48)
03. Chelsea Hotel #2 (03:06)
04. Lady Midnight (02:58)
05. Sisters of Mercy (03:35)
06. Bird on the Wire (03:26)
07. Suzanne (03:49)
08. Lover Lover Lover (03:21)
09. Winter Lady (02:18)
10. Tonight Will Be Fine (03:49)
11. The Partisan (03:24)
12. Diamonds in the Mine (03:48)
02. Waiting for the Miracle
03. Be for Real (04:33)
04. Closing Time (06:01)
05. Anthem (06:10)
06. Democracy (07:15)
07. Light as the Breeze (07:17)
08. Always (08:05)
09. Tacoma Trailer (05:57)
03. Be for Real (04:33)
04. Closing Time (06:01)
05. Anthem (06:10)
06. Democracy (07:15)
07. Light as the Breeze (07:17)
08. Always (08:05)
09. Tacoma Trailer (05:57)
02. Ain't No Cure for
Love (05:12)
03. Coming Back to You (04:37)
04. Dance Me to the End of Love (06:08)
05. Democracy (07:14)
06. Waiting for the Miracle (07:27)
07. The Future (06:52)
08. I'm Your Man (05:31)
03. Coming Back to You (04:37)
04. Dance Me to the End of Love (06:08)
05. Democracy (07:14)
06. Waiting for the Miracle (07:27)
07. The Future (06:52)
08. I'm Your Man (05:31)
02. Bird On A Wire
03. Everybody Knows (06:10)
04. Joan Of Arc (06:15)
05. There Is A War (04:48)
06. Sisters Of Mercy (06:17)
07. Hallelujah (06:55)
08. I'm Your Man (05:31)
09. Who By Fire? (05:09)
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (05:22)
11. If It Be Your Will (03:19)
12. Heart With No Companion (04:51)
13. Suzanne (04:19)
03. Everybody Knows (06:10)
04. Joan Of Arc (06:15)
05. There Is A War (04:48)
06. Sisters Of Mercy (06:17)
07. Hallelujah (06:55)
08. I'm Your Man (05:31)
09. Who By Fire? (05:09)
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (05:22)
11. If It Be Your Will (03:19)
12. Heart With No Companion (04:51)
13. Suzanne (04:19)
02. I'm Your Man (04:25)
03. Take This Waltz (05:59)
04. Tower Of Song (05:38)
05. Anthem (06:07)
06. Democracy (07:14)
07. The Future (06:42)
08. Closing Time (05:59)
09. Dance Me To The End Of Love (Live) (06:13)
10. Suzanne (Live) (04:20)
11. Hallelujah (Live) (06:56)
12. Never Any Good (05:06)
13. The Great Event (01:10)
03. Take This Waltz (05:59)
04. Tower Of Song (05:38)
05. Anthem (06:07)
06. Democracy (07:14)
07. The Future (06:42)
08. Closing Time (05:59)
09. Dance Me To The End Of Love (Live) (06:13)
10. Suzanne (Live) (04:20)
11. Hallelujah (Live) (06:56)
12. Never Any Good (05:06)
13. The Great Event (01:10)
02. The Window
03. The Smokey Life (05:34)
04. The Gypsy's Wife (05:21)
05. Lover Lover Lover (06:32)
06. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (04:06)
07. The Stranger Song (04:56)
08. The Guests (06:06)
09. Memories (04:40)
10. Why Don't You Try (03:43)
11. Bird On The Wire (05:11)
12. So Long, Marianne (06:44)
03. The Smokey Life (05:34)
04. The Gypsy's Wife (05:21)
05. Lover Lover Lover (06:32)
06. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (04:06)
07. The Stranger Song (04:56)
08. The Guests (06:06)
09. Memories (04:40)
10. Why Don't You Try (03:43)
11. Bird On The Wire (05:11)
12. So Long, Marianne (06:44)
02. A Thousand Kisses Deep
03. That Don't Make It Junk (04:28)
04. Here It Is (04:19)
05. Love Itself (05:26)
06. By The Rivers Dark (05:21)
07. Alexandra Leaving (05:26)
08. You Have Loved Enough (05:42)
09. Boogie Street (06:05)
10. The Land Of Plenty (04:36)
03. That Don't Make It Junk (04:28)
04. Here It Is (04:19)
05. Love Itself (05:26)
06. By The Rivers Dark (05:21)
07. Alexandra Leaving (05:26)
08. You Have Loved Enough (05:42)
09. Boogie Street (06:05)
10. The Land Of Plenty (04:36)
01. Suzanne (03:48)
02. The Stranger Song (04:59)
03. Sisters Of Mercy (03:33)
04. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (02:54)
05. So Long, Marianne (05:37)
06. Bird On A Wire (03:25)
07. The Partisan (03:25)
08. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:08)
09. Chelsea Hotel 2 (03:06)
10. Take This Longing (04:06)
11. Who By Fire (02:33)
12. The Guests (06:39)
13. Hallelujah (04:39)
14. If It Be Your Will (03:42)
15. Night Comes On (04:39)
16. I'm Your Man (04:26)
17. Everybody Knows (05:35)
18. Tower Of Song (05:38)
02. The Stranger Song (04:59)
03. Sisters Of Mercy (03:33)
04. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (02:54)
05. So Long, Marianne (05:37)
06. Bird On A Wire (03:25)
07. The Partisan (03:25)
08. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:08)
09. Chelsea Hotel 2 (03:06)
10. Take This Longing (04:06)
11. Who By Fire (02:33)
12. The Guests (06:39)
13. Hallelujah (04:39)
14. If It Be Your Will (03:42)
15. Night Comes On (04:39)
16. I'm Your Man (04:26)
17. Everybody Knows (05:35)
18. Tower Of Song (05:38)
CD 2.
01. Ain't No Cure For Love (04:50)
02. Take This Waltz (05:59)
03. First We Take Manhattan (05:51)
04. Dance Me To The End Of Love (live) (06:05)
05. The Future (06:41)
06. Democracy (07:04)
07. Waiting For The Miracle (07:43)
08. Closing Time (05:58)
09. Anthem (06:00)
10. In My Secret Life (04:54)
11. Alexandra Leaving (05:23)
12. A Thousand Kisses Deep (06:27)
13. Love Itself (05:22)
02. Take This Waltz (05:59)
03. First We Take Manhattan (05:51)
04. Dance Me To The End Of Love (live) (06:05)
05. The Future (06:41)
06. Democracy (07:04)
07. Waiting For The Miracle (07:43)
08. Closing Time (05:58)
09. Anthem (06:00)
10. In My Secret Life (04:54)
11. Alexandra Leaving (05:23)
12. A Thousand Kisses Deep (06:27)
13. Love Itself (05:22)
02. Because Of (03:04)
03. The Letters (04:48)
04. Undertow (04:23)
05. Morning Glory (03:32)
06. On That Day (02:07)
07. Villanelle For Our Time (05:57)
08. There For You (04:40)
09. Dear Heather (03:44)
10. Nightingale (02:31)
11. To A Teacher (02:36)
12. The Faith (04:20)
13. Tennessee Waltz (Live) (04:07)
03. The Letters (04:48)
04. Undertow (04:23)
05. Morning Glory (03:32)
06. On That Day (02:07)
07. Villanelle For Our Time (05:57)
08. There For You (04:40)
09. Dear Heather (03:44)
10. Nightingale (02:31)
11. To A Teacher (02:36)
12. The Faith (04:20)
13. Tennessee Waltz (Live) (04:07)
01. Because Of (03:06)
02. In My Secret Life (04:57)
03. The Future (06:44)
04. I'm Your Man (04:28)
05. Dance Me to the End of Love (Live) (06:09)
06. Waiting for the Miracle (07:45)
07. Everybody Knows (05:39)
08. Take This Waltz (06:02)
09. Closing Time (06:02)
10. A Thousand Kisses Deep (06:31)
11. Democracy (07:07)
12. There for You (04:42)
13. Love Itself (05:24)
14. Hallelujah (04:39)
02. In My Secret Life (04:57)
03. The Future (06:44)
04. I'm Your Man (04:28)
05. Dance Me to the End of Love (Live) (06:09)
06. Waiting for the Miracle (07:45)
07. Everybody Knows (05:39)
08. Take This Waltz (06:02)
09. Closing Time (06:02)
10. A Thousand Kisses Deep (06:31)
11. Democracy (07:07)
12. There for You (04:42)
13. Love Itself (05:24)
14. Hallelujah (04:39)
CD 2.
01. On That Day (02:03)
02. By the Rivers Dark (05:18)
03. Anthem (06:01)
04. Ain't No Cure for Love (04:52)
05. Tower of Song (05:38)
06. First We Take Manhattan (05:52)
07. Tennessee Waltz (Live) (04:05)
08. If It Be Your Will (03:43)
09. Night Comes On (04:41)
10. Take This Longing (04:07)
11. Who by Fire (02:35)
12. Chelsea Hotel No. 2 (03:06)
13. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:10)
14. Bird on a Wire (03:26)
15. The Partisan (03:26)
16. Suzanne (03:49)
17. Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (02:55)
18. Sisters of Mercy (03:34)
19. So Long, Marianne (05:40)
02. By the Rivers Dark (05:18)
03. Anthem (06:01)
04. Ain't No Cure for Love (04:52)
05. Tower of Song (05:38)
06. First We Take Manhattan (05:52)
07. Tennessee Waltz (Live) (04:05)
08. If It Be Your Will (03:43)
09. Night Comes On (04:41)
10. Take This Longing (04:07)
11. Who by Fire (02:35)
12. Chelsea Hotel No. 2 (03:06)
13. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:10)
14. Bird on a Wire (03:26)
15. The Partisan (03:26)
16. Suzanne (03:49)
17. Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (02:55)
18. Sisters of Mercy (03:34)
19. So Long, Marianne (05:40)
01. Dance Me To The End Of Love (06:20)
02. The Future (07:21)
03. Ain't No Cure For Love (06:17)
04. Bird On The Wire (06:15)
05. Everybody Knows (05:53)
06. In My Secret Life (05:03)
07. Who By Fire (06:35)
08. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (03:48)
09. Anthem (07:21)
10. Introduction (01:30)
11. Tower Of Song (07:08)
12. Suzanne (03:47)
13. The Gypsy's Wife (06:43)
02. The Future (07:21)
03. Ain't No Cure For Love (06:17)
04. Bird On The Wire (06:15)
05. Everybody Knows (05:53)
06. In My Secret Life (05:03)
07. Who By Fire (06:35)
08. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (03:48)
09. Anthem (07:21)
10. Introduction (01:30)
11. Tower Of Song (07:08)
12. Suzanne (03:47)
13. The Gypsy's Wife (06:43)
CD 2.
01. Boogie Street (06:58)
02. Hallelujah (07:21)
03. Democracy (07:09)
04. I'm Your Man (05:42)
05. Recitation w/N.L. (03:54)
06. Take This Waltz (08:38)
07. So Long, Marianne (05:25)
08. First We Take Manhattan (06:16)
09. Sisters of Mercy (04:56)
10. If It Be Your Will (05:23)
11. Closing Time (06:16)
12. I Tried To Leave You (08:34)
13. Whither Thou Goest (01:27)
02. Hallelujah (07:21)
03. Democracy (07:09)
04. I'm Your Man (05:42)
05. Recitation w/N.L. (03:54)
06. Take This Waltz (08:38)
07. So Long, Marianne (05:25)
08. First We Take Manhattan (06:16)
09. Sisters of Mercy (04:56)
10. If It Be Your Will (05:23)
11. Closing Time (06:16)
12. I Tried To Leave You (08:34)
13. Whither Thou Goest (01:27)
02. Bird On The Wire (04:16)
03. 'Intro to So Long Marianne' (00:16)
04. So Long Marianne (07:08)
05. 'Intro - Let's Renew Ourselves Now...' (00:51)
06. You Know Who I Am (03:58)
07. 'Intro To Poems' (00:29)
08. Lady Midnight (03:38)
09. They Locked Up A Man [Poem] A Person Who Eats Meat / Intro (02:00)
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (04:55)
11. The Stranger Song (06:48)
12. Tonight Will Be Fine (06:40)
13. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (03:35)
14. Diamonds In The Mine (05:22)
15. Suzanne (04:27)
16. Sing Another Song, Boys (06:32)
17. The Partisan (05:14)
18. Famous Blue Raincoat (06:16)
19. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy (04:19)
03. 'Intro to So Long Marianne' (00:16)
04. So Long Marianne (07:08)
05. 'Intro - Let's Renew Ourselves Now...' (00:51)
06. You Know Who I Am (03:58)
07. 'Intro To Poems' (00:29)
08. Lady Midnight (03:38)
09. They Locked Up A Man [Poem] A Person Who Eats Meat / Intro (02:00)
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (04:55)
11. The Stranger Song (06:48)
12. Tonight Will Be Fine (06:40)
13. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (03:35)
14. Diamonds In The Mine (05:22)
15. Suzanne (04:27)
16. Sing Another Song, Boys (06:32)
17. The Partisan (05:14)
18. Famous Blue Raincoat (06:16)
19. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy (04:19)
02. So Long, Marianne (05:39)
03. Sisters Of Mercy (03:35)
04. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:09)
05. Everybody Knows (05:36)
06. Waiting For The Miracle (03:26)
07. Who By Fire (02:35)
08. Chelsea Hotel #2 (03:07)
09. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (02:56)
10. Bird On The Wire (03:27)
11. A Thousand Kisses Deep (06:28)
12. The Future (06:43)
13. Closing Time (06:00)
14. Dance Me To The End Of Love (04:41)
15. First We Take Manhattan (05:53)
16. I'm Your Man (04:28)
17. Hallelujah (04:39)
03. Sisters Of Mercy (03:35)
04. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:09)
05. Everybody Knows (05:36)
06. Waiting For The Miracle (03:26)
07. Who By Fire (02:35)
08. Chelsea Hotel #2 (03:07)
09. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (02:56)
10. Bird On The Wire (03:27)
11. A Thousand Kisses Deep (06:28)
12. The Future (06:43)
13. Closing Time (06:00)
14. Dance Me To The End Of Love (04:41)
15. First We Take Manhattan (05:53)
16. I'm Your Man (04:28)
17. Hallelujah (04:39)
02. Bird on the Wire
03. Chelsea Hotel (03:32)
04. Heart with No Companion (05:07)
05. That Don't Make It Junk (04:23)
06. Waiting for the Miracle (08:02)
07. Avalanche (04:18)
08. Suzanne (03:42)
09. The Partisan (05:19)
10. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:24)
11. Hallelujah (07:32)
12. Closing Time (06:08)
03. Chelsea Hotel (03:32)
04. Heart with No Companion (05:07)
05. That Don't Make It Junk (04:23)
06. Waiting for the Miracle (08:02)
07. Avalanche (04:18)
08. Suzanne (03:42)
09. The Partisan (05:19)
10. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:24)
11. Hallelujah (07:32)
12. Closing Time (06:08)
The Complete Studio Albums Collection (Box Set 2011)CD 1: Songs Of Leonard Cohen (1967)01. Suzanne (03:51)
02. Master Song (05:59)
03. Winter Lady (02:18)
04. The Stranger Song (05:08)
05. Sisters Of Mercy (03:37)
06. So Long, Marianne (05:41)
07. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (02:58)
08. Stories Of The Street (04:38)
09. Teachers (03:03)
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (04:29)
03. Winter Lady (02:18)
04. The Stranger Song (05:08)
05. Sisters Of Mercy (03:37)
06. So Long, Marianne (05:41)
07. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye (02:58)
08. Stories Of The Street (04:38)
09. Teachers (03:03)
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (04:29)
02. Story Of Isaac
03. A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes (03:19)
04. The Partisan (03:30)
05. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy (03:42)
06. The Old Revolution (04:50)
07. The Butcher (03:22)
08. You Know Who I Am (03:32)
09. Lady Midnight (03:02)
10. Tonight Will Be Fine (03:53)
03. A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes (03:19)
04. The Partisan (03:30)
05. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy (03:42)
06. The Old Revolution (04:50)
07. The Butcher (03:22)
08. You Know Who I Am (03:32)
09. Lady Midnight (03:02)
10. Tonight Will Be Fine (03:53)
02. Last Year's Man (06:03)
03. Dress Rehearsal Rag (06:13)
04. Diamonds In The Mine (03:53)
05. Love Calls You By Your Name (05:45)
06. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:16)
07. Sing Another Song, Boys (06:18)
08. Joan Of Arc (06:30)
03. Dress Rehearsal Rag (06:13)
04. Diamonds In The Mine (03:53)
05. Love Calls You By Your Name (05:45)
06. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:16)
07. Sing Another Song, Boys (06:18)
08. Joan Of Arc (06:30)
02. Chelsea Hotel #2
03. Lover Lover Lover (03:25)
04. Field Commander Cohen (04:05)
05. Why Don't You Try (03:55)
06. There Is A War (03:05)
07. A Singer Must Die (03:22)
08. I Tried To Leave You (02:43)
09. Who By Fire (02:38)
10. Take This Longing (04:11)
11. Leaving Green Sleeves (02:39)
03. Lover Lover Lover (03:25)
04. Field Commander Cohen (04:05)
05. Why Don't You Try (03:55)
06. There Is A War (03:05)
07. A Singer Must Die (03:22)
08. I Tried To Leave You (02:43)
09. Who By Fire (02:38)
10. Take This Longing (04:11)
11. Leaving Green Sleeves (02:39)
02. Iodine
03. Paper Thin Hotel (05:45)
04. Memories (06:04)
05. I Left A Woman Waiting (03:30)
06. Don't Go Home With You Hard-On (05:39)
07. Fingerprints (03:01)
08. Death Of Ladies' Man (09:25)
03. Paper Thin Hotel (05:45)
04. Memories (06:04)
05. I Left A Woman Waiting (03:30)
06. Don't Go Home With You Hard-On (05:39)
07. Fingerprints (03:01)
08. Death Of Ladies' Man (09:25)
02. Humbled In Love (05:15)
03. The Window (05:57)
04. Came So Far For Beauty (04:05)
05. The Lost Canadian (Un Canadien Errant) (04:45)
06. The Traitor (06:16)
07. Our Lady Of Solitude (03:14)
08. The Gypsy's Wife (05:14)
09. The Smokey Life (05:19)
10. Ballad Of The Absent Mare (06:43)
03. The Window (05:57)
04. Came So Far For Beauty (04:05)
05. The Lost Canadian (Un Canadien Errant) (04:45)
06. The Traitor (06:16)
07. Our Lady Of Solitude (03:14)
08. The Gypsy's Wife (05:14)
09. The Smokey Life (05:19)
10. Ballad Of The Absent Mare (06:43)
02. Coming Back To
You (03:36)
03. The Law (04:29)
04. Night Comes On (04:42)
05. Hallelujah (04:40)
06. The Captain (04:10)
07. Hunter's Lullaby (02:27)
08. Heart With No Companion (03:05)
09. If It Be Your Will (03:44)
03. The Law (04:29)
04. Night Comes On (04:42)
05. Hallelujah (04:40)
06. The Captain (04:10)
07. Hunter's Lullaby (02:27)
08. Heart With No Companion (03:05)
09. If It Be Your Will (03:44)
02. Ain't No Cure For
Love (04:51)
03. Everybody Knows (05:37)
04. I'm Your Man (04:26)
05. Take This Waltz (06:01)
06. Jazz Police (03:54)
07. I Can't Forget (04:32)
08. Tower Of Song (05:39)
03. Everybody Knows (05:37)
04. I'm Your Man (04:26)
05. Take This Waltz (06:01)
06. Jazz Police (03:54)
07. I Can't Forget (04:32)
08. Tower Of Song (05:39)
02. Waiting For The Miracle
03. Be For Real (04:32)
04. Closing Time (06:01)
05. Anthem (06:09)
06. Democracy (07:15)
07. Light As The Breeze (07:17)
08. Always (08:05)
09. Tacoma Trailer (05:58)
03. Be For Real (04:32)
04. Closing Time (06:01)
05. Anthem (06:09)
06. Democracy (07:15)
07. Light As The Breeze (07:17)
08. Always (08:05)
09. Tacoma Trailer (05:58)
02. A Thousand Kisses Deep
03. That Don't Make It Junk (04:28)
04. Here It Is (04:19)
05. Love Itself (05:26)
06. By the Rivers Dark (05:21)
07. Alexandra Leaving (05:26)
08. You Have Loved Enough (05:42)
09. Boogie Street (06:05)
10. The Land of Plenty (04:36)
03. That Don't Make It Junk (04:28)
04. Here It Is (04:19)
05. Love Itself (05:26)
06. By the Rivers Dark (05:21)
07. Alexandra Leaving (05:26)
08. You Have Loved Enough (05:42)
09. Boogie Street (06:05)
10. The Land of Plenty (04:36)
02. Because Of (03:04)
03. The Letters (04:48)
04. Undertow (04:23)
05. Morning Glory (03:32)
06. On That Day (02:07)
07. Villanelle For Our Time (05:57)
08. There For You (04:40)
09. Dear Heather (03:44)
10. Nightingale (02:31)
11. To A Teacher (02:36)
12. The Faith (04:20)
13. Tennessee Waltz (Live Version) (04:05)
03. The Letters (04:48)
04. Undertow (04:23)
05. Morning Glory (03:32)
06. On That Day (02:07)
07. Villanelle For Our Time (05:57)
08. There For You (04:40)
09. Dear Heather (03:44)
10. Nightingale (02:31)
11. To A Teacher (02:36)
12. The Faith (04:20)
13. Tennessee Waltz (Live Version) (04:05)
02. Amen (07:36)
03. Show Me The Place (04:10)
04. Darkness (04:30)
05. Anyhow (03:09)
06. Crazy To Love You (03:06)
07. Come Healing (02:53)
08. Banjo (03:23)
09. Lullaby (04:46)
10. Different Sides (04:06)
03. Show Me The Place (04:10)
04. Darkness (04:30)
05. Anyhow (03:09)
06. Crazy To Love You (03:06)
07. Come Healing (02:53)
08. Banjo (03:23)
09. Lullaby (04:46)
10. Different Sides (04:06)
02. Ain't No Cure For
Love (05:12)
03. Coming Back To You (04:37)
04. Dance Me To the End of Love (06:08)
05. Democracy (07:14)
06. Waiting For the Miracle (07:27)
07. The Future (06:52)
08. I'm Your Man (05:33)
09. Bird On the Wire (06:52)
10. Sisters of Mercy (07:09)
11. There is a War (04:49)
03. Coming Back To You (04:37)
04. Dance Me To the End of Love (06:08)
05. Democracy (07:14)
06. Waiting For the Miracle (07:27)
07. The Future (06:52)
08. I'm Your Man (05:33)
09. Bird On the Wire (06:52)
10. Sisters of Mercy (07:09)
11. There is a War (04:49)
02. Almost Like the Blues (03:28)
03. Samson in New Orleans (04:39)
04. A Street (03:33)
05. Did I Ever Love You (04:11)
06. My Oh My (03:37)
07. Nevermind (04:40)
08. Born in Chains (04:56)
09. You Got Me Singing (03:32)
03. Samson in New Orleans (04:39)
04. A Street (03:33)
05. Did I Ever Love You (04:11)
06. My Oh My (03:37)
07. Nevermind (04:40)
08. Born in Chains (04:56)
09. You Got Me Singing (03:32)
01. Dance Me to the End of Love (05:58)
02. The Future (06:46)
03. Bird on a Wire (07:10)
04. Everybody Knows (05:36)
05. Who By Fire (08:45)
06. The Gypsy's Wife (06:13)
07. The Darkness (05:52)
08. Amen (08:03)
09. Come Healing (03:59)
10. Lover, Lover, Lover (06:50)
11. Anthem (08:10)
02. The Future (06:46)
03. Bird on a Wire (07:10)
04. Everybody Knows (05:36)
05. Who By Fire (08:45)
06. The Gypsy's Wife (06:13)
07. The Darkness (05:52)
08. Amen (08:03)
09. Come Healing (03:59)
10. Lover, Lover, Lover (06:50)
11. Anthem (08:10)
CD 2: Set 2.
01. Tower of Song (06:32)
02. Suzanne (04:26)
03. Chelsea Hotel (03:24)
04. Waiting for the Miracle (08:02)
05. The Partisan (05:26)
06. In My Secret Life (05:05)
07. Alexandra Leaving (07:58)
08. I'm Your Man (05:58)
09. Recitation (With Neil Larsen) (03:21)
10. Hallelujah (07:25)
11. Take this Waltz (06:02)
02. Suzanne (04:26)
03. Chelsea Hotel (03:24)
04. Waiting for the Miracle (08:02)
05. The Partisan (05:26)
06. In My Secret Life (05:05)
07. Alexandra Leaving (07:58)
08. I'm Your Man (05:58)
09. Recitation (With Neil Larsen) (03:21)
10. Hallelujah (07:25)
11. Take this Waltz (06:02)
CD 3: Encore.
01. So Long, Marianne (05:35)
02. Going Home (04:06)
03. First We Take Manhattan (06:41)
04. Famous Blue Raincoat (04:35)
05. If It Be Your Will (04:54)
06. Closing Time (05:35)
07. I Tried to Leave You (07:45)
08. Save The Last Dance for Me (04:13)
02. Going Home (04:06)
03. First We Take Manhattan (06:41)
04. Famous Blue Raincoat (04:35)
05. If It Be Your Will (04:54)
06. Closing Time (05:35)
07. I Tried to Leave You (07:45)
08. Save The Last Dance for Me (04:13)
Can't Forget: A Souvenir Of The Grand Tour (Live
2015)01. Field Commander Cohen (Live at Denver Soundcheck, 2012)
02. I Can't Forget (Live at Copenhagen Show, 2012) (04:18)
03. Light as the Breeze (Live at Dublin Show, 2012) (06:34)
04. La Manic (Live at Québec City Show, 2012) (04:15)
05. Night Comes On (Live at Mönchengladbach Show, 2012) (05:56)
06. Never Gave Nobody Trouble (Live at Odense Soundcheck, 2013) (04:52)
07. Joan of Arc (Live at Québec City Soundcheck, 2012) (06:31)
08. Got a Little Secret (Live at Auckland Soundcheck, 2013) (04:36)
09. Choices (Live at Christchurch Soundcheck, 2013) (03:31)
10. Stages (Live at Sydney Show and Hamburg Soundcheck, 2013) (03:45)
03. Light as the Breeze (Live at Dublin Show, 2012) (06:34)
04. La Manic (Live at Québec City Show, 2012) (04:15)
05. Night Comes On (Live at Mönchengladbach Show, 2012) (05:56)
06. Never Gave Nobody Trouble (Live at Odense Soundcheck, 2013) (04:52)
07. Joan of Arc (Live at Québec City Soundcheck, 2012) (06:31)
08. Got a Little Secret (Live at Auckland Soundcheck, 2013) (04:36)
09. Choices (Live at Christchurch Soundcheck, 2013) (03:31)
10. Stages (Live at Sydney Show and Hamburg Soundcheck, 2013) (03:45)
01. Dance Me to the End of Love (Live) (06:07)
02. I'm Your Man (04:26)
03. Suzanne (03:49)
04. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:10)
05. Anthem (06:03)
06. Hallelujah (04:38)
07. Darkness (04:31)
08. Never Any Good (05:05)
09. Everybody Knows (05:36)
10. In My Secret Life (04:54)
02. I'm Your Man (04:26)
03. Suzanne (03:49)
04. Famous Blue Raincoat (05:10)
05. Anthem (06:03)
06. Hallelujah (04:38)
07. Darkness (04:31)
08. Never Any Good (05:05)
09. Everybody Knows (05:36)
10. In My Secret Life (04:54)
CD 2.
01. Going Home (03:51)
02. Tower of Song (05:39)
03. The Future (06:44)
04. If It Be Your Will (03:43)
05. So Long, Marianne (05:38)
06. On That Day (02:06)
07. Take This Waltz (06:01)
08. Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (02:58)
09. Closing Time (06:00)
10. Lullaby (04:46)
02. Tower of Song (05:39)
03. The Future (06:44)
04. If It Be Your Will (03:43)
05. So Long, Marianne (05:38)
06. On That Day (02:06)
07. Take This Waltz (06:01)
08. Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye (02:58)
09. Closing Time (06:00)
10. Lullaby (04:46)
02. Treaty (04:03)
03. On The Level (03:28)
04. Leaving The Table (03:48)
05. If I Didn't Have Your Love (03:36)
06. Traveling Light (04:23)
07. It Seemed The Better Way (04:22)
08. Steer Your Way (04:24)
09. String Reprise / Treaty (03:27)
03. On The Level (03:28)
04. Leaving The Table (03:48)
05. If I Didn't Have Your Love (03:36)
06. Traveling Light (04:23)
07. It Seemed The Better Way (04:22)
08. Steer Your Way (04:24)
09. String Reprise / Treaty (03:27)
02. Moving On (03:11)
03. The Night of Santiago (04:15)
04. Thanks for the Dance (04:13)
05. It's Torn (02:57)
06. The Goal (01:12)
07. Puppets (02:39)
08. The Hills (04:17)
09. Listen to the Hummingbird (02:01)
03. The Night of Santiago (04:15)
04. Thanks for the Dance (04:13)
05. It's Torn (02:57)
06. The Goal (01:12)
07. Puppets (02:39)
08. The Hills (04:17)
09. Listen to the Hummingbird (02:01)
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