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Phil Keaggy - Discografia.

Philip Tyler Keaggy (Youngstown, Ohio, 1951) é um músico norte-americano. Atuante nos vocais, na guitarra e no violão, Phil Keaggy já lançou mais de 50 discos desde o início de sua carreira em meados dos anos 60. Também tem colaborado em diversas gravações de artistas variados incluindo P.O.D. Keith Green, The 2nd Chapter of Acts.

Mais novo de uma série de nove irmãos e irmãs, aos quatro anos de idade Keaggy perdeu uma parte de seu dedo médio da mão direita devido a um acidente com uma bomba de água. 

Isso não impediu que aos dez anos ele começasse a praticar em um violão Silvertone, tendo aulas com seu irmão Dave. 

Sete vezes ganhador do prêmio Dove na categoria Melhor Álbum Instrumental, duas vezes indicado para o prêmio Grammy na categoria Melhor Álbum Gospel de Rock, Keaggy possui um raro domínio do instrumento que lhe permite transitar entre os mais variados estilos, do Clássico ao Rock, do Flamenco ao Country, com a mesma fluidez artística e desenvoltura técnica. 


Phil Keaggy iniciou sua carreira musical em meados dos anos 60 tocando para uma das muitas bandas de garagem da época, The Squires. 

Profissionalmente, começou a tocar com o baterista John Sferra. Juntando-se a eles posteriormente o baixista Dan Pecchio. Em 1968 os três formaram a banda

Glass Harp.

O primeiro destaque público ocorreu após vencerem a "Batalha das Bandas", uma competição local. Através de um dos jurados, o trio foi indicado para Lewis Merenstein, que havia produzido Moondance, com Van Morrison, e acabava de ser indicado Produtor do Ano pela Rolling Stone. 

Pouco tempo depois a banda, com um contrato de longo termo com a gravadora Decca nas mãos, viajava para Nova Iorque para gravar seu primeiro álbum no Electric Lady Studios, de Jimi Hendrix, tendo Merenstein como produtor. 

Na véspera do Dia dos Namorados norte-americano de 1970, Keaggy recebeu a notícia de que sua mãe havia sofrido um acidente de carro fatal. 

Keaggy passava por uma difícil fase de envolvimento com drogas, e naquele mesmo dia estava enfrentando uma desagradável experiência com LSD. 

Em meio a todo o tumulto, sua irmã compartilha com ele a mensagem bíblica sobre Jesus e Keaggy decide tornar-se um cristão. O impacto dessa decisão alcançaria sua carreira. 

Após gravar três álbuns com Glass Harp, Phil Keaggy deixa a banda em 1972 e lança seu primeiro trabalho solo: "What a Day". 

O álbum marca também a entrada de Keaggy no cenário da música gospel.
A partir daí, iniciaria uma longa série de produções individuais, além de participações e turnês com nomes como P.O.D., The 2nd Chapter of Acts, Paul Clark, Nancy Honeytree. 

Nos anos recentes, Phil Keaggy tem dado uma grande ênfase em sua carreira à música instrumental, com o lançamento de Hymnsong, Freehand, Jammed, Roundabout, da edição comemorativa de Master and the Musician, e de Phantasmagorical sem, no entanto, abrir mão da música vocal, ainda presente em Dream Again, Acoustic Cafe, The Song Within e em todas as suas apresentações ao vivo. Em uma entrevista para a revista Christianity Today, Keaggy declarou que o mercado musical, tanto pelo lado secular quanto o gospel, tem dificuldades em lidar com sua música, insistindo em rótulos que funcionam apenas para criar categorizações artificiais e cerceadoras, colocando-o em uma condição periférica em relação às expectativas do mercado. Na mesma entrevista, ele declara-se frustrado por ver o mercado gospel incorporando os mesmos modelos comerciais abusivos e egoístas do mercado secular. 


Dentre as muitas parcerias, colaborações e turnês realizadas durante a carreira, destaca-se "How The West Was One", um tour realizado por Phil Keaggy em 1976, juntamente com "The 2nd Chapter of Acts" e "A Band Called David". O grupo percorreu 18 cidades do Oeste americano e produziu um LP triplo, posteriormente relançado em CD duplo. 

Em 1977, surgiu o único lançamento da "Phil Keaggy Band", uma experiência de Keaggy com uma banda fixa. Phil Keaggy Band era formada por Arthur Lynn Nichols, Phil Madeira, Dan Cunningham and Terry Andersen, além do próprio Phil Keaggy. Em 2000 foi lançado "reEmerging", um relançamento do original "Emerging", com várias faixas inéditas gravadas pelos mesmos componentes da PKB original. 

Phil Keaggy viria a se reunir com Randy Stonehill, Russ Taff, Derri Daugherty, Mark Heard, Steve Taylor, Rick Cua e outros músicos em 1989 para gravar "Sunday’s Child". O álbum oferecia um tributo às bandas dos anos 60, especialmente aos Beatles, construindo uma sonoridade característica da época através do uso de equipamentos como órgão Hammond, guitarra Gretsch, amplificadores valvulados e outros recursos, porém unicamente com canções inéditas. 

O ingresso no meio musical gospel, no início dos anos 70, custou a Phil Keaggy a um significativo isolamento em relação à mídia e à divulgação de seu trabalho. Esse isolamento em parte começou a ser revertido com a reunião com seus antigos parceiros e amigos do Glass Harp. 

Em 22 de Outubro de 2000, Keaggy, John Sferra e Dan Pecchio retornam à sua Youngstown, Ohio natal para um concerto no Powers Auditorium. O evento rende a gravação ao vivo do álbum "Strings Attached". Basicamente devotado aos trabalhos antigos da banda, "Strings Attached" abriu caminho para o lançamento em 2003 de "Hourglass", o primeiro trabalho da banda com material inédito desde 1972. "Stark Raving Jams", um álbum triplo, é lançado no ano seguinte, com performances ao vivo gravadas entre 1970 e 2003. 

Desde então, os três primeiros ábuns do Glass Harp também foram relançados em CD, cada um deles contendo uma faixa inédita bônus. 


Por vários anos Phil Keaggy tem sido perseguido por rumores de que Jimi Hendrix teria supostamente citado seu nome ao responder a pergunta feita por Johnny Carlson no programa de TV "The Tonight Show" sobre quem seria "o melhor guitarrista do mundo". Em outra versão da história o diálogo seria algo do tipo "Jimi, como é ser o melhor guitarrista do mundo?", ao qual Jimi teria respondido "Não sei, você deveria perguntar ao Phil Keaggy". Outras versões oferecem variações seja no nome do programa e do apresentador em questão, seja no nome do outro músico envolvido. 

Como os programas citados não possuem arquivos dos seus shows mais antigos, o rumor tem se perpetuado, a despeito do próprio Phil Keaggy ter expressado sua desconfiança sobre a plausibilidade do mesmo. Em uma declaração durante um workshop na Califórnia, há alguns anos, Keaggy apenas declarou: "Não acredito que possa ter havido algo assim. Duvido que Jimi sequer tenha me ouvido tocar alguma vez, pois ele já tinha morrido na Inglaterra quando eu gravei com o Glass Harp no Electric Lady Studios dele". 

Prêmios e homenagens.

Em 1988, Keaggy conquista o primeiro Dove Award, por seu segundo álbum instrumental "The Wind And The Wheat". O segundo Dove viria em 1992 pelo também instrumental "Beyond Nature", de inspiração céltica. 

De 1998 a 2001, Keaggy dominou completamente a categoria "gravação Instrumental" levando o prêmio por nada menos do que quatro vezes, com "Invention", "Acoustic Sketches", "Majesty and Wonder", e "Lights of Madrid", este último com um forte acento flamenco. 

No dia 29 de Outubro 2007, Phil Keaggy foi recebido no Gospel Music Hall of Fame, em uma cerimônia na cidade de Nashville. 

Em 6 de maio de 2013, Phil Keaggy foi homenageado pela ASCAP, recebendo o ASCAP Golden Note Award, prêmio conferido aos músicos por marcos de extraordinária relevância em suas carreiras. Texto: Wikipédia.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

What A Day (1973)
01. That Is What the Lord Will Do For You
02. King of the Jews
03. Walking With Our Lord
04. A Time and A Place
05. Rejoice
06. What A Day
07. Now I Can See
08. Behold, All Things Become New
09. Hallelujah
10. I Will Sing

Love Broke Thru (1976)
01. Your Love Broke Through
02. Take Me Closer
03. As the Ruin Falls
04. Wild Horse
05. Disappointment
06. Time
07. Portrait
08. Just the Same
09. Things I Will Do
10. Abraham

Emerging (1977)
01. Theme
02. Where Is My Maker
03. Another Try
04. Ryan's Song
05. Struck By The Love
06. Turned On the Light
07. Sorry
08. Take A Look Around
09. My Auburn Lady
10. Mighty Lord
11. You're My Hero
12. Amelia Earhart's Last Flight

2nd Chapter Of Acts, Phil Keaggy And A Band A Called David - How The West Was One (1977)
CD 1.

01. Concert Intro
02. Hey Watcha Say
03. Keep On Shinin'
04. I Fall In Love
05. Change
06. Now That's I Behold To You
07. Phil's Intro
08. Song Intro
09. What A Day
10. Song Intro
11. Love Broke Thru
12. Song Intro
13. Take Me Closer
14. Song Intro
15. My Life
16. Another Try
17. Song Intro
18. Rejoice

CD 2.

01. Song Intro
02. Just The Same
03. Hallelujah
04. Time
05. Song Intro
06. Easter Song
07. Song Intro
08. Dance With You
09. Whch Way The Wind Blows
10. Song Intro
11. Something Tells Me
12. Yahweh
13. Song Intro
14. PS 61
15. Grinding Stone
16. Recieve
17. Song Intro
18. Medley: 
Morning Comes When You Call &
Son Comes Over The Hill

The Master And The Musician (1978)
01. Pilgrim's Flight
02. Agora (The Marketplace)
03. The Castle's Call
04. Wedding In The Country Manor
05. Suite: Of Reflections
06. Golden Halls
07. Mouthpiece
08. Follow Me Up
09. Jungle Pleasures
10. Deep Calls Unto Deep
11. Medley:
Forever Joy

12. The High And Exalted One
13. Epilogue: Amazing Grace (Bonus Track)

Phlip Side (1980)
01. A Child In Everyone's Heart
02. Little Ones
03. Spend My Life With You
04. I Belong To You
05. In Your Keep
06. Just A Moment Away
07. Sunday School
08. A Royal Commandment
09. Pulling Down

Town To Town (1981)
01. Town To Town
02. Life Love And You
03. Full Circle
04. Wished You Were There
05. What A Wonder You Are
06. In Between
07. Our Lives
08. Rise Up O Men Of God
09. Let Everything Else Go


Play Thru Me (1982)
01. Happy
02. Carefree
03. Nobody's Playgirl Now
04. Cherish The Moment
05. She Came To Stay
06. Papa Song
07. The Wall
08. Make A Change
09. Train To Glory
10. Play Thru Me
11. His Master's Voice
12. Morning Light

Getting Closer (1985)
01. Look Deep Inside
02. Where Has Our Love Gone?
03. Movie
04. Like An Island
05. Riverton
06. Sounds
07. Get Up and Go
08. Passport
09. Getting Closer
10. Sunrise
11. I Will Be There
12. Reaching Out

Way Back Home (1986)
01. Way Back Home
02. A New Star
03. Father-Daughter Harmony
04. It Could Have Been Me
05. In Every Need
06. She's A Dancer
07. Let Everything Else Go
08. Olivia
09. Once I Prayed
10. Noah's Song
11. Maker of the Universe
12. Be In Time
13. Here and Now
14. The 50th

The Wind And The Wheat (1987)
01. March of the Clouds
02. Paradise Dream
03. The Wind and The Wheat
04. Where Travelers Meet
05. From Shore to Shore
06. Prayer
07. The Mission
08. The Promise
09. The Reunion
10. I Love You Lord

Phil Keaggy And Sunday's Child (1988)
01. Tell Me How You Feel
02. Sunday's Child
03. I Always Do
04. I'm Gonna Get You Now
05. This Could Be the Moment
06. Ain't Got No
07. Somebody Loves You
08. Big Eraser
09. Everything Is Alright
10. I've Just Begun (Again)
11. Walk In Two Worlds
12. Talk About Suffering

Compassion All Star Band - 1 By 1 Live! (1989)
01. Intro
02. Defender
03. You Can't Stand Too Tall
04. Sacred Fire
05. Silent Night
06. Christmas Must Be Tonight
07. Find Me
08. Yield to the Spirit
09. Ain't Got No
10. Crossroads
11. Rap
12. Who Will Save The Children

Find Me In These Fields (1990)
01. Guitar
02. Strong Tower
03. Carry On
04. Instrumental Jam
05. When the Wild Winds Blow
06. This Side of Heaven
07. Find Me In These Fields
08. Get Over It
09. Calling You
10. Instrumental Jam
11. Gentle and Strong
12. Final Day
13. Instrumental Jam
14. Be In My Heart
15. Guitar

Beyond Nature (1991)
01. In the Light of Common Day
02. County Down
03. Symphonic Dance
04. Addison's Walk
05. I Feel the Winds of God Today
06. Fare Thee Well
07. Fragile Forest
08. Brother Jack
09. As Warm as Tears
10. A Place of Springs
11. In the Light.. (Reprise)
12. When Night Falls

Revelator (1993)
01. Everywhere I Look (Radio Mix)
02. John the Revelator (Radio Mix)
03. Doin' Nothin' (Alternate Take Swamp Version)
04. John the Revelator (Extended Strat Mix)
05. The Further Adventures of...
06. Celebrate

Crimson And Blue (1993)
01. Shouts of Joy
02. World of Mine
03. Everywhere I Look
04. Love Divine
05. Reunion of Friends
06. All There Is To Know
07. When Will I Ever Learn To Live In God
08. Stone Eyes
09. I Will Be There
10. Don't Pass Me By
11. John the Revelator
12. Doin' Nothin'
13. Nothing But the Blood

Crimson And Blue: Radio Special (1993)
CD 1.

01. Love Divine
02. Crimson Radio Special Promo
03. Crimson Radio Special Promo, Segment 1 'Will Return'
04. Crimson Radio Special Promo, Segment 2 'Music Sting'
05. Crimson Radio Special Promo, Segment 3 'Music Fade'
06. Crimson Radio Special Promo, Segment 4 'Light Music Sting'

CD 2.

01. Shouts Of Joy
02. Blue Radio Special Promo
03. Blue Radio Special Promo, Segment 1 'Music Fade'
04. Blue Radio Special Promo, Segment 2 'Music Fade'
05. Blue Radio Special Promo, Segment 3 'Music Sting'
06. Blue Radio Special Promo, Segment 4 'Music Fade'
07. Blue Radio Special Promo, Segment 1 'Thanks'... Fade

Blue (1993)
01. Doin' Nothin'
02. Don't Pass Me By
03. Baby Blue
04. All There Is To Know
05. John the Revelator
06. World of Mine
07. Everywhere I Look
08. The Further Adventures of...
09. All Our Wishes
10. When Will I Ever Learn to Live in God?
11. Shouts of Joy

True Believer (1995)
01. The True Believers
02. Wild Heart
03. Only You (Can Wash My Sins Away)
04. Salvation Army Band
05. Don't Let Go of My Heart
06. Son of Man
07. And On That Day
08. Be Thou My Vision
09. Have Mercy Lord
10. The Survivor

Time 1 (Coletânea 1995)
01. Introduction
02. I've Just Begun
03. Sunday's Child
04. Love Divine
05. I Will Be There
06. Time (1984 Version)
07. Hope's Desire
08. Let Everything Eles Go
09. Pilgrim's Flight
10. Find Me in These Fields
11. Theme
12. Where Is My Maker?
13 .Do Lord
14. What A Day
15. Little Ones
16. Morning Light
17. March of the Clouds
18. O God Our Help in Ages Past
19. The Answer

Time 2 (Coletânea 1995)
01. Hello Cleveland
02. John The Revelator
03. Be In My Heart
04. Your Love Broke Through
05. Shouts Of Joy
06. Tell Me How You Feel
07. Everywhere I Look
08. Ryan's Song
09. Like An Island
10. Happy
11. Strong Tower
12. Sounds
13. We'll Meet Again
14. Take A Look Around
15. Sunday School
16. County Down
17. Maker Of The Universe
18. Heaven Is Home

Acoustic Sketches (1996)
01. Metamorphosis
02. Rivulets
03. Nellie's Tune
04. Passing Thought
05. The Marionette
06. Del's Bells
07. Looking Back
08. Paka
09. Spend My Life With You
10. Jam in the Pocket
11. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
12. The 50th
13. Morning Snow
14. Spanish Fantasy
15. On Some Distant Shore
16. Icicles
17. On Second Thought
18. Griegarious
19. Legacy

220 (1996)
01. Animal
02. Arrow
03. Montana
04. Tennessee Morning
05. The Great Escape
06. Stomp
07. Highland
08. Beyond This Day
09. Ian's Groove
10. Watt Ever (220 Jam)

On The Fly (1997)
01. Footsteps
02. Praise Dance
03. Guitar
04. Firewalker
05. Guitar
06. The Way Of A Pilgrim: Vision
07. The Way Of A Pilgrim: Longing
08. The Way Of A Pilgrim: Pursuit
09. The Way Of A Pilgrim: The Journey
10. The Way Of A Pilgrim: The Return
11. The Way Of A Pilgrim: Rest
12. Guitar
13. In Memorium
14. Homecoming
15. The Sojourner
16. Guitar
17. Footsteps

Phil Keaggy, Wes King, Scott Denté - Invention (1997)
01. Watch My Back
02. Isle of Skye
03. The Moors of Bellevue
04. River of Life
05. Budapest Control
06. Angel Treads
07. More to be Revealed
08. 53 Days in June
09. Perspicuity
10. The Quote Jester
11. Something, Somewhere

Phil Keaggy (1998)
01. A Sign Came Through A Window
02. Beneath the Blood Stained Lintel
03. Under the Grace
04. Above All Things
05. My Unspoken Words
06. Tender Love
07. A Little Bit of Light
08. Chase the Bad Away
09. Quite Suddenly
10. Days Like You
11. Jesus Loves The Church

A Christmas Gift (1998)
01. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
02. Jungle Bells
03. For Hearth And Home
04. Good Christian Men Rejoice
05. Greensleeves
06. O Come O Come Emmanuel
07. Do You Hear What I Hear
08. The First Noel
09. Coventry Carol
10. Silent Night
11. O Holy Night
12. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Premium Jams (1999)
CD 1.

01. Log Jam
02. Door Jam
03. In A Jam
04. Traffic Jam
05. Toe Jam
06. Jamboree
07. Huckleberry Jam
08. Strawberry Jam
09. Jambeau
10. Jambalaya

CD 2.

01. Lock Down
02. Watt Ever
03. Elect Rick
04. Sherlock Ohms
05. Shock Bite
06. Must Be Jelly
07. Kegworth Jam
08. Back to Bennett House
09. Baby Blueberry Jam

Music To Paint By: Still Life (1999)
01. Recollections
02. Alegria
03. Old Friends
04. Anniversary Waltz
05. Waterfall
06. Growing Grass
07. Way of a Painter (A)
08. Way of a Painter (B)
09. Way of a Painter (C)
10. Inspiration
11. Sunflowers
12. Markings
13. Alegria Reprise
14. The Blue Planet

Music To Paint By: Electric Blue (1999)
01. The Night Cafe
02. A Promise Kept
03. Paintin the Town
04. East Meets West
05. Vermillion Strands
06. Acadania
07. The Tigris
08. Big Ben On the Nile
09. Blue Room
10. The Dawn Is Near

Music To Paint By: Splash (1999)
01. Foreshadow
02. Phantasy
03. Grand Old Man
04. The Apprentice
05. Memory
06. Abstract
07. Floating On Ice
08. Miles Away
09. A Mother's Son
10. Shades of Green
11. Hungarian Sweet
12. Quiet Hours

Music To Paint By: Brushstrokes (1999)
01. Painter's Dream
02. The Muse
03. Arioso
04. Fingerpainting
05. Southern Landscape
06. The Baltic
07. The Black Forest
08. Small Village
09. Little Big Mountain
10. Sketchings
11. Watercolors
12. Orange Yellow and Red
13. Kobenhaven

Phil Keaggy With The London Festival Orchestra - Majesty & Wonder (1999)
01. What Child Is This?
02. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
03. Good Christian Men Rejoice
04. Silent Night
05. Coventry Carol
06. O Come O Emmanuel
07. For Hearth and Home
08. Do You Hear What I Hear
09. The First Noel
10. Nativity Suite - Visitation
11. Nativity Suite - Shepherds' Song
12. Nativity Suite - Flight Into Egypt
13. O Holy Night


Inseparable (2000)
CD 1.

01. Inseparable
02. Carry Me Back
03. Lithany to the Spirit
04. Chalice
05. The Seeing Eye
06. Interlude
07. Still Waters
08. Motor of Love
09. Whose Heavy Heart
10. Blessed Are
11. Little Star

CD 2.

01. Headlines
02. From the Beginning
03. Paka
04. Contemplate the Moon
05. Headlines, Part II
06. The Seeing Eye (Remix)
07. I See Myself in You
08. Real Life
09. Inseparable Reprise
10. Shape of the Journey

Zion (2000)
01. Whatever Life Demands
02. The Dawn Is Near
03. March Of The Clouds
04. Yet Will I Trust
05. Prayer
06. Z'Blues
07. Vibro
08. Zion (Guitar)
09. Watt Ever
10. Blue Ridge Shuffle
11. Zion (Guitar)
12. Like An Island
13. His Master's Vox

Lights Of Madrid (2000)
01. Lights Of Madrid
02. A Field Of Flowers
03. After The Rain
04. The King's Horse
05. Lady Slippers
06. Allegria
07. Inspiration
08. Corazon de Fuego
09. Last Call
10. Picante
11. Praise Dance
12. Canarios
13. Candlelight
14. Overture (Gor Guitar And Orchestra)
15. Caliente

Cinemascapes (2001)
01. Sketchings
02. The Road Home
03. The Baltic
04. Big Ben On The Nile
05. Recollections
06. Paintin' The Town
07. A Mother's Son
08. Grand Old Man
09. Lighthouse
10. Acadania
11. For The Love
12. Markings
13. The Dawn Is Near
14. The Tigris
15. Spring
16. A Promise Kept

In The Quiet Hours (2001)
01. Growning Glass
02. In The Quiet Hours
03. Vermillion Strands
04. Waterfall
05. Blue Room
06. Foreshadow
07. Phantasy
08. The Black Forest
09. Floating On Ice
10. The Apprentice
11. As It Is In Heaven
12. The Way Of A Painter (2nd Movement)
13. Spencers Dream
14. The Blue Planet

Hymnsongs (2002)
01. Prelude
02. In The Bleak Midwinter
03. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
04. Abide With Me
05. This Fragile Vessel
06. Jerusalem
07. Simple Gifts
08. Chorale #198
09. Fairiest Lord Jesus
10. Nothing But The Blood
11. Be Still My Soul
12. O For A Closer Walk With Thee
13. Our Daily Bread
14. The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Has Ended

Freehand: Acoustic Sketches II (2003)
01. Shigeo
02. Bela
03. Sign Language
04. Cajon Pass
05. Hatch Of The Maxflies
06. Schempp
07. The Dance
08. Chester's Tree
09. Forerunner
10. Masa
11. Cinema Paradiso
12. Maturity
13. Renaissance Boy
14. A Walk Home
15. Bodhrian Brawl
16. Rubix Cube
17. Dream
18. Red Beans And Rice
19. Cosmos
20. Soakin'
21. Driftwool
22. Solitude
23. The Dew Blanube

Special Occasions (2003)
01. Happy Anniversary, Love
02. When I'm Sixty-Four
03. Ask Me To Dance
04. Seventeen
05. Happy Birthday (The 'Bob' Version)
06. Little School Girl
07. I'll Be Loving You
08. Graduation Day
09. Happy September Day (To Dorothy)
10. A Best Friend's Girl
11. Harry's Dream
12. Brother Rich Fout
13. I Belong To You
14. Believing That Grace
15. The Greatest Discovery
16. Nere World
17. Here And Now
18. Life In Song
19. I Love You Because 3
Bonus Tracks.
20. Merry Christmas
21. Happy Birthday (The '2U' Version)
22. Funny Faces

History Makers (Coletânea 2003)
01. A Child (In Everyone's Heart)
02. Spend My Life Wirth You
03. Just A Moment Away
04. I Belong To You
05. Full Circle
06. Rise Up O Men Of God
07. Let Everything Else Go
08. Cherish The Moment
09. Play Thru Me
10. She Came To Stay
11. Morning Light
12. The True Believers
13. Son Of Man
14. Highland
15. River Of Life

It's Personal (2004)
01. Simple
02. Motorbike
03. Whisper
04. Smoke
05. Job
06. These Hills
07. The Bllod
08. Your Light
09. Lost In You
10. Irish Blessing

The Uncle Duke Project (2005)
CD 1.

01. Duct Tape Universe
02. Hut City
03. My Shadow
04. Poem Without A Name
05. Double Your Pleasure
06. Connie's Song
07. Digital Maze
08. Riley The Rattler
09. Too Much Green (Edited Version)
10. Old Towers (Rock Version)
11. Old Time Love
12. Ballad Of Ramona's Rose

CD 2.

01. Duct Tape Universe (Live Version)
02. My Uncle Duke
03. Union Man (For 'Iron Man' Mike Keaggy)
04. Our Towers (Soft Version)
05. Uncle Duke Interview with Brian Mason
06. Polly Wanna Crackup
07. Too Much Green (Long Version)

Randy Stonehill & Phil Keaggy - Together Live! (2005)
01. The True Believers
02. Salvation Army Band
03. Hand Of God
04. Spirit Walk
05. Shut de Do'
06. Who Will Save The Children
07. Shades Of Green
08. Here Comes The Sun
09. Let Everything Else Go
10. That's The Way It Goes
11. Keep Me Runnin'
12. Sunday's Child
13. Old Clothes

Jammed (2006)
01. Route Canal
02. Phlagan's Flow
03. Kengworth Speaks
04. Blueberry Jam
05. Zee Blues
06. Sherlock Ohms
07. Elect Rick
08. Joyphil
09. Revisited Jelly
10. Watt Ever
11. Prehistrobie K-18
12. Kegworth Reconsiders

Roundabout (2006)
01. Skippin Stones
02. Blue Moon
03. Is It Going
04. Cayenne Loop
05. 2nd Avenue
06. South Of The Boredom
07. Happy Feet
08. J-Loop
09. Loop Frog
10. Cousin Nit
11. Loop A Loola
12. Steel Engine
13. Troops
14. Helix The Cat
15. Hoopy
16. Zooloop
17. Last Mile
18. Merry Go Round

Dream Again (2006)
01. Dream Again
02. Why
03. Redemption
04. Thank You For Today
05. Revive Me
06. There With You
07. Traveling Light
08. Micah 6:8
09. Kathy's Song
10. It's You And Me
11. How Can I Thank You
12. Love Is The Reason

Phil Keaggy & Mike Pachelli - Two Of Us (2006)
01. Maccadocious
02. Bears Den Road
03. Westside Talkin'
04. Birds
05. Remember When
06. Beatifled
07. For John & Val
08. Old Friends
09. County Down Revisited
10. Song Of the Woods
11. Self Duet
12. Baggend
13. The Walk


Phil Keaggy & Friends - Acoustic Cafe (2007)
01. Here Comes The Sun 
02. If Not For You
03. Make You Feel My Love
04. Songbird
05. Something In The Way She Moves
06. God Only Knows
07. In My Life
08. All I Have To Do Is Dream
09. Here There Everywhere
10. She's Got A Way
11. You Have My Heart
12. Time After Time

The Song Within (2007)
01. Water Day
02. Wow's The Weather
03. Secure
04. Trailwalker
05. The Song Within
06. Early One Day
07. Seems Like Yesterday
08. McPhernought
09. The Blue Trail
10. Noah's Shuffle
11. Addison's Talk
12. Willow Tree
13. Duet
14. New Year's Eve (With Muriel Anderson)
15. The North Folk
16. A Sense Of Time

Phantasmagorical: Master & Musician 2 (2008)
01. Like Snow Before The Sun
02. The Journey Home
03. Cascading
04. The Wind And The Beat
05. Caffeinated Desert
06. Lazy K
07. Oh Boy
08. Far East Of Cleveland
09. Waltz
10. In My Father's Time
11. Father And Son
12. Forever To Joy

Phil Keaggy & Randy Stonehill - Mystery Highway (2009)
01. Who's Your Driver
02. Backwards On Her Bike
03. Rockin' In A Hard Place
04. Sunday's Child
05. Rockman
06. Picture Postcard Perfect Day
07. We'll Meet Again
08. Mystery Highway
09. Soul Girl
10. Love Is Not The Only Thing
11. Irresistable Future
12. Dreamspeak

Welcome Inn: A Phil Keaggy Christmas (2009)
01. Best Christmas Morn
02. Welcome In
03. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
04. In The Bleak Mid-Winter
05. Village Bells
06. Father
07. And On That Day
08. For The King (A Meldious Theme)
09. Let Us Go To Bethlehem
10. Shades Of Green And Red
11. For The Twelth Night
12. All Through The Night

Phil Keaggy & Jeff Johnson - Frio Suite (2009)
01. Of Time & The Frio
02. Morning On Singing Hills
03. Like Walking On Water
04. Riding The Stone Waves
05. Just Below The Surface
06. Dream Of The Blue Hole
07. An Ancient Continuo
08. Between Heaven & Earth

The Phil Keaggy Trio - Inter-Dimensional Traveler (2010)
01. Inter - Dimensial Traveler
02. Porchpuppy Theme
03. New Day
04. Let's Think About It
05. Cold Girl
06. Thin Ice
07. How's It Feel
08. Funny Bonz
09. Crank It Up
10. Our Girls
11. Never On Time
12. Alien


Phil Keaggy, Randy Stonehill, Bob Bennett, Buck Storm - Songs For Israel (2010)
01. Jerusalem
02. House of the Lord
03. Eyes Upon the Land
04. Secret Name of God
05. John the Revelator
06. God of All Creation (From Psalm 8)
07. Вeliver Us, Deliver Me
08. Exiled
09. The Garden
10. Psalm 121
11. Broken Places
12. The Lord Bless Thee

Phil Keaggy & Kylie Jones - Numen (2011)
01. Ebullience
02. Saffron Chai
03. Adamah
04. Lillth
05. Hennah
06. Exiled
07. Ruach
08. Dia Logos
09. Ziggurat
10. Chrestos
11. Sarai
12. Steppes
13. Kahawa
14. Wadi

Live From Kegworth Studio (2012)
01. A Sign Came Thru Window
02. Salvation Army Band
03. Your Love Broke Through
04. Here Comes The Sun
05. Shades Of Green
06. Chalice
07. Let Everything Else Go
08. What A Day
09. Make You Feel My Love
10. Legacy
11. You Have My Heart
12. The True Believers
13. Give You A Song (Bonus Track)


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