The Pineapple Thief é uma banda inglesa de rock progressivo fundada em 1999 por Bruce Soord em Yeovil, Somerset. Em junho de 2024, o grupo consistia em Soord nos vocais, guitarras e teclados, Jon Sykes no baixo, Steve Kitch nos teclados e Gavin Harrison na bateria. Eles lançaram 16 álbuns de estúdio, 6 EPs e vários álbuns ao vivo e compilações.
Bruce Soord iniciou o projeto musical Pineapple Thief (em homenagem a um diálogo no filme Eve's Bayou) como uma saída para sua música em 1999. O álbum de estreia do projeto, “Abducting the Unicorn”, foi lançado pela Cyclops Records em 1999 e seguido em 2002 por 137.
Em 2003, Soord lançou “Variations on a Dream” e posteriormente decidiu formar uma banda, acrescentando "The" ao seu nome, para diferenciar suas iniciais PT de Porcupine Tree, outra banda inglesa de rock progressivo. Sua primeira formação consistia em Soord nos vocais, Jon Sykes no baixo, Wayne Higgins na guitarra, Matt O'Leary nos teclados e Keith Harrison na bateria. Como banda completa, eles lançaram “12 Stories Down’ em 2004, regravados e remixados como “10 Stories Down” um ano depois. O'Leary posteriormente deixou a banda, e Steve Kitch, que coproduziu e mixou “10 Stories Down”, assumiu os teclados.
Após o lançamento de “Little Man” em 2006, a banda publicou “What We Have Sown” no final de 2007 como o lançamento final do Cyclops antes de assinar com a Kscope, uma divisão da Snapper Music. Em 2007, a música do Pineapple Thief apareceu na terceira temporada do reality show da MTV The Hills; a música "Snowdrops" pode ser ouvida no episódio 28.
Wayne Higgins deixou a banda em março de 2008.
Em maio de 2008, o Pineapple Thief ajudou a relançar o selo Kscope com seu sétimo álbum de estúdio, “Tightly Unwound”. Eles também lançaram um minidocumentário em seu site, com entrevistas e duas faixas exclusivas ao vivo.
Isto foi seguido em 2009 pelos EPs “The Dawn Raids” Part 1 e “The Dawn Raids” Part 2, bem como o box set “3000 Days”, uma coleção de 2 CDs remixada e remasterizada de músicas de seus dez anos de história até o momento.
O próximo lançamento da banda, “Someone Here Is Missing”, saiu em 2010. O álbum apresentava arte de Storm Thorgerson.
A banda entrou em estúdio em 2012 para gravar seu nono álbum completo, que incluiu uma orquestra e um coro de 22 integrantes.
Em 8 de fevereiro de 2014, a banda anunciou que Dan Osborne havia substituído Keith Harrison na bateria.
O décimo álbum de estúdio do Pineapple Thief, “Magnolia”, foi lançado em 15 de setembro de 2014.
Em agosto de 2016, eles lançaram “Your Wilderness”, o primeiro disco com a participação do baterista Gavin Harrison (Porcupine Tree, King Crimson).
Em agosto de 2018, o Pineapple Thief lançou seu décimo segundo álbum de estúdio, “Dissolution”.
Em 4 de setembro de 2020, seu décimo terceiro álbum de estúdio, “Versions of the Truth”, foi lançado.
Em 9 de fevereiro de 2024, a banda lançou o décimo quarto disco, “It Leads to This”. Texto: Wikipédia em inglês, tradução por: Francisco Pìmentel. Site Oficial.
Bitrate: 192Kbps.
02. Drain (6:36)
03. What Ever You Do Do Nothing (6:19)
04. No One Leaves This Earth (5:56)
05. Punish Yourself (4:27)
06. Everyone Must Perish (4:37)
07. Judge The Girl (6:12)
08. Parted Forever (18:27)
09. *** (4:27)
02. Perpetual Night Shift (5:29)
03. Kid Chameleon (6:57)
04. Incubate (3:28)
05. Doppler (7:33)
06. Ster (4:05)
07. Release the Tether (5:09)
08. How Did We Find Our Way? (3:54)
09. 137 (5:45)
10. Preserve (5:21)
11. Warm Me (3:37)
12. PVS (11:30)
13. MD One (3:56)
02. Preserve (5:00)
03. Keep Dreaming (4:04)
04. Kid Chameleon (6:21)
05. Md One (4:23)
06. Sooner Or Later (4:09)
07. Vapour Trails (8:56)
08. Unspoken (3:40)
09. 137 (5:17)
10. Subside (6:32)
Bonus Studio Tracks.
11. Bliss (3:53)
12. What A Way To Lose (2:47)
13. Crash (3:58)
14. Your World (3:21)
01. We Subside (4:59)
02. This Will Remain Unspoken (3:27)
03. Vapour Trails (9:04)
04. Run Me Through (4:30)
05. The Bitter Pill (4:42)
06. Resident Alien (4:17)
07. Sooner Or Later (4:14)
08. Part Zero (7:29)
09. Keep Dreaming (4:26)
10. Remember Us (16:09)
CD 2: Bonus Limited Edition.
01. Sunday 20th (5:46)
02. Monday 21th (6:23)
03. Tuesday 22nd (4:40)
04. Wednesday 23rd (5:28)
05. Thursday 24th (7:19)
06. Friday 25th (7:17)
07. Saturday 26th (Part One) (4:10)
08. Saturday 26th (Part Two) (4:53)
09. Sunday 27th (Part One) (5:55)
10. Sunday 27th (Part Two) (5:05)
01. Prey For Me (6:55)
02. It's You and Me (4:54)
03. The World I Always Dreamed of (6:31)
04. Oblivion (3:39)
05. From Where You're Standing (4:02)
06. Slip Away (8:07)
07. Watch the World (Turn Grey) (3:41)
08. Clapham (4:31)
09. Catch the Jumping Fool (6:29)
10. Start Your Descent (3:50)
11. Take Our Hands (8:35)
12. The Answers (5:52)
CD 2.
01. 8 Days Later (58:28)
A. Sunday: Crash
B. Monday: Sleep
C. Tuesday: Haboob
D. Wednesday: The Snail Song
E. Thursday: Fifty Four
F. Friday: 5 Minutes
G. Saturday: Reverse
H. Sunday: King Street
02. Who Will Be There (4:37)
03. Wretched Soul (5:04)
04. I Will Light Up Your Eyes (3:40)
02. Clapham (4:28)
03. Wretched Soul (4:58)
04. The World I Always Dreamed Of (7:12)
05. Start your Descent (3:53)
06. My Own Oblivion (3:39)
07. It's Just You and Me (4:57)
08. The Answers (5:21)
09. From Where You're Standing (4:06)
10. Light Up Your Eyes - Part 1: I (7:22)
11. Light Up Your Eyes - Part 1: Who (7:56)
02. Wretched Soul (4:55)
03. The Ground Floor (4:58)
04. Subside (13th Floor Mix) (7:04)
02. God Bless The Child (4:45)
03. Wilting Violet (4:42)
04. Wait (3:26)
05. Run A Mile (6:43)
06. Little Man (3:44)
07. November (6:50)
08. Boxing Day (3:58)
09. God Bless The Children (2:02)
10. Snowdrops (5:59)
11. We Love You (8:46)
02. Well, I Think That's What You Said (5:28)
03. Take Me With You (5:08)
04. West Winds (8:54)
05. Deep Blue World (6:06)
06. What Have We Sown (27:32)
02. Shoot First (4:13)
03. Sinners (4:53)
04. Tightly Wound (6:35)
05. The Sorry State (4:11)
06. My Bleeding Hand (4:20)
07. Different World (10:45)
08. And So Say All Of You (4:06)
09. Too Much To Lose (15:13)
02. Too Far Gone (3:50)
03. Debt To You (Alternatve Version) (5:21)
04. Second Chance (5:10)
01. God Bless The Child (4:47)
02. Shoot First (4:15)
03. Part Zero (7:30)
04. 137 (5:02)
05. We Love You (8:35)
06. Clapham (4:28)
07. Dead In The Water (5:34)
08. Kid Chameleon (7:02)
09. Tightly Wound (Acoustic) (5:34)
10. Remember Us (16:08)
CD 2.
01. The World I Always Dreamed Of (7:12)
02. Wretched Soul (5:00)
03. All You Need To Know (4:14)
04. Vapour Trails (8:58)
05. How Did We Find Our Way (3:56)
06. I WIll Light Up Your Eyes (7:24)
07. Subside (5:00)
08. Private Paradise (11:46)
09. Snowdrops (5:57)
10. Too Much To Lose (14:49)
02. The West Coast (2:37)
03. February 13th (6:10)
04. Too Far Gone (3:53)
02. Freefall (5:42)
03. Bitter Day (4:53)
04. Second Chance (5:11)
02. Wake Up the Dead (4:24)
03. The State We're In (3:19)
04. Preparation For Meltdown (7:27)
05. Barely Breathing (3:44)
06. Show A Little Love (3:59)
07. Someone Here Is Missing (3:53)
08. 3000 Days (6:10)
09. So We Row (8:19)
02. I Can Only See The Lights (2:21)
03. A Million Miles Off Course (5:05)
04. Counting The Cost (4:25)
05. To Live And Die To (4:22)
06. Wake Up The Dead (Acoustic) (4:03)
07. Someone Here Is Missing (Acoustic) (3:57)
08. Dead In The Water (Worldengine Remix) (5:04)
01. Burning Pieces (4:12)
02. Warm Seas (3:58)
03. Last Man Standing (5:12)
04. All the Wars (3:47)
05. Build a World (3:57)
06. Give it Back (7:01)
07. Someone Pull Me Out (4:00)
08. One More Step Away (3:10)
09. Reaching Out (9:49)
CD 2: More Wars (The Acoustis Sessions).
01. Warm Seas (4:12)
02. All the Wars (3:51)
03. Last Man Standing (4:35)
04. Every Last Moment (2:35)
05. One More Step Away (3:01)
06. Someone Pull Me Out (4:07)
07. Burning Pieces (3:14)
08. Reaching Out (4:54)
09. Light Up Your Eyes (4:07)
02. Wake Up The Dead (4:38)
03. Last Man Standing (5:30)
04. 3000 Days (6:51)
05. Burning Pieces (4:30)
06. Show A Little Love (4:07)
07. Warm Seas (4:18)
08. Snowdrops (6:26)
09. Give It Back (7:13)
10. Build A World (4:10)
11. Someone Here Is Missing (4:18)
12. Reaching Out (11:32)
13. Nothing At Best (5:06)
01. Warm Seas (3:59)
02. Give It Back (7:00)
03. Someone Pull Me Out (4:00)
04. Wake Up The Dead (4:23)
05. Preparation For Meltdown (7:28)
06. Barely Breathing (3:45)
07. Bitter Day (4:51)
08. Second Chance (5:12)
09. Different World (10:56)
10. And So Say All Of You (4:05)
CD 2.
01. West Winds (8:58)
02. Well, I Think That`s What You Said? (5:28)
03. Dead In The Water (5:32)
04. We Love You (8:38)
05. The Answers (5:28)
06. It`s Just You And Me (4:59)
07. Clapham (4:32)
08. We Subside (4:57)
09. Vapour Trails (9:11)
10. Doppler (7:29)
02. You Don't Look So Innocent (3:54)
03. What Are You Saying? (4:14)
04. You Drew Blood (6:58)
05. Build A World (Dirty HiFi Remix) (5:59)
01. Simple As That (4:02)
02. Alone at Sea (5:21)
03. Don't Tell Me (3:35)
04. Magnolia (3:47)
05. Seasons Past (4:15)
06. Coming Home (3:06)
07. The One You Left to Die (4:20)
08. Breathe (2:50)
09. From Me (2:36)
10. Sense of Fear (4:31)
11. A Lonliness (3:21)
12. Bond (4:32)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. The Fins Fan Me (3:57)
02. The One You Left To Die (Acoustic) (4:18)
03. Seasons Past (Acoustic) (4:18)
04. Don`t Tell Me (Acoustic) (2:58)
05. Magnolia (Acoustic) (3:48)
06. Steal This Life (4:06)
01. What Have We Sown (Part 1) (3:44)
02. Wake Up The Dead (4:28)
03. Alone At Sea (6:07)
04. The One You Left To Die (4:23)
05. Don't Tell Me (3:40)
06. Coming Home (3:14)
07. All The Wars (4:15)
09. Magnolia (3:54)
10. Simple As That (4:02)
10. Sense Of Fear (4:54)
CD 2.
01. Seasons Past (4:15)
02. Remember Us (6:46)
03. Bond (5:05)
04. 137 (5:16)
05. Reaching Out (10:56)
06. Part Zero (4:13)
07. Snowdrops (6:23)
08. Nothing At Best (4:49)
01. In Exile (5:10)
02. No Man's Land (4:17)
03. Tear You Up (4:52)
04. That Shore (4:53)
05. Take Your Shot (4:33)
06. Fend For Yourself (3:43)
07. The Final Thing On My Mind (9:54)
08. Where We Stood (3:45)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Strung Out (3:53)
02. Dawn Again (3:53)
03. Ritual (4:31)
04. The Toil (3:58)
05. Hallucinations And Delusions (5:36)
06. The Confined Escape (7:59)
07. Our Shelter (10:11)
01. In Exile (5:10)
02. No Man's Land (4:17)
03. Tear You Up (4:52)
04. That Shore (4:53)
05. Take Your Shot (4:33)
06. Fend For Yourself (3:43)
07. The Final Thing On My Mind (9:54)
08. Where We Stood (3:45)
CD 2.
01. Fend For Yourself (Acoustic) (3:01)
02. Tear You Up (Acoustic) (4:34)
03. No Man's Land (Acoustic) (4:00)
04. That Shore (Acoustic) (4:02)
05. The Final Thing On My Mind (Acoustic) (9:00)
01. Tear You Up (5:01)
02. The One You Left To Die (4:30)
03. No Man's Land (4:31)
04. Alone At Sea (5:35)
05. That Shore (4:55)
06. Reaching Out (9:29)
07. In Exile (5:00)
08. Take Your Shot (4:43)
CD 2.
01. Show A Little Love (4:23)
02. Fend For Yourself (4:11)
03. Part Zero (6:50)
04. Simple As That (4:25)
05. The Final Thing On My Mind (10:04)
06. Snowdrops (6:54)
07. Nothing At Best (5:00)
01. Not Naming Any Names (2:05)
02. Try As I Might (4:26)
03. Threatening War (6:37)
04. Uncovering Your Tracks (4:29)
05. All That You've Got (3:27)
06. Far Below (4:36)
07. Pillar of Salt (1:26)
08. White Mist (11:06)
09. Shed a Light (5:20)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Try as I Might (5:22)
02. Threatening War (3:52)
03. Far Below (4:17)
04. Not Naming Any Names (2:04)
05. White Mist (6:19)
06. Shed a Light (4:28)
07. Am I Better Now? (3:16)
02. Threatening War (6:43)
03. Uncovering Your Tracks (4:38)
04. All That You've Got (3:27)
05. Far Below (4:42)
06. Not Naming Any Names (2:16)
07. White Mist (10:40)
08. Shed A Light (5:38)
09. 3000 Days (7:16)
01. Versions of the Truth (5:40)
02. Break It All (4:22)
03. Demons (4:34)
04. Driving Like Maniacs (3:30)
05. Leave Me Be (4:14)
06. Too Many Voices (3:17)
07. Our Mire (7:27)
08. Out of Line (4:00)
09. Stop Making Sense (3:21)
10. The Game (4:46)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. The Swell (Bonus Track) (4:18)
02. Break It All (Alt) (4:24)
03. Demons (Alt) (4:43)
04. Driving Like Maniacs (Alt) (3:30)
05. Leave Me Be (Alt) (4:10)
06. Our Mire (Alt) (6:57)
07. Too Many Voices (Alt) (3:40)
08. Versions Of The Truth (Alt) (5:45)
02. In Exile (5:00)
03. Warm Seas (4:01)
04. Our Mire (7:19)
05. Build A World (3:42)
06. Demons (4:30)
07. Driving Like Maniacs (3:30)
08. Someone Pull Me Out (4:02)
09. Uncovering Your Tracks (4:28)
10. Break It All (4:18)
11. White Mist (9:48)
12. Out Of Line (3:58)
13. Wretched Soul (5:24)
14. Far Below (4:35)
15. Threatening War (6:38)
16. The Swell (4:18)
17. The Final Thing On My Mind (9:46)
02. Dead in the Water (4:45)
03. Give It Back (6:20)
04. Build a World (3:42)
05. Start Your Descent (4:23)
06. 137 (5:05)
07. Shoot First (3:44)
08. Boxing Day (3:26)
09. Warm Seas (3:59)
10. Someone Pull Me Out (4:00)
11. Last Man Standing (5:16)
12. Little Man (3:53)
02. Rubicon (4:37)
03. It Leads to This (4:43)
04. The Frost (5:40)
05. All That's Left (4:25)
06. Now It's Yours (5:59)
07. Every Trace of Us (4:30)
08. To Forget (5:21)
Remastered Editions.
02. God Bless The Child (4:45)
03. Wilting Violet (4:41)
04. Wait (3:23)
05. Run a Mile (6:40)
06. Little Man (3:42)
07. November (6:51)
08. Boxing Day (3:54)
09. God Bless the Children (1:59)
10. Snowdrops (5:57)
11. We Love You (8:38)
01. We Subside (4:59)
02. This Will Remain Unspoken (3:27)
03. Vapour Trails (9:04)
04. Run Me Through (4:30)
05. The Bitter Pill (4:42)
06. Resident Alien (4:17)
07. Sooner Or Later (4:14)
08. Part Zero (7:29)
09. Keep Dreaming (4:26)
10. Remember Us (16:09)
CD 2: 8 Days (Bonus Disc).
01. Sunday 20th (5:46)
02. Monday 21st (6:23)
03. Tuesday 22nd (4:40)
04. Wednesday 23rd (5:28)
05. Thursday 24th (7:19)
06. Friday 25th (7:17)
07. Saturday 26th (Part One) (4:10)
08. Saturday 26th (Part Two) (4:53)
09. Sunday 27th (Part One) (5:55)
10. Sunday 27th (Part Two) (5:05)
01. Prey for Me (6:39)
02. Clapham (4:31)
03. Wretched Soul (4:56)
04. The World I Always Dreamed Of (6:39)
05. Start Your Descent (3:57)
06. My Own Oblivion (3:39)
07. It's Just You and Me (5:00)
08. The Answers (5:28)
09. From Where You're Standing (4:00)
10. I Will Light Up Your Eyes (7:21)
11. Who Will Light Up Your Eyes? (7:52)
CD 2: 8 Days Later (Bonus Disc).
01. Sunday: Crash (6:24)
02. Monday: Sleep (5:25)
03. Tuesday: Haboob (9:09)
04. Wednesday: The Snail Song (8:32)
05. Thursday: Fifty Four (7:01)
06. Friday: 5 Minutes (5:12)
07. Saturday: Reverse (8:24)
08. Sunday: King Street (8:25)
02. Well, I Think That's What You Said? (5:22)
03. Take Me With You (5:05)
04. West Winds (8:58)
05. Deep Blue World (6:05)
06. What Have We Sown? (27:46)
Bonus Tracks.
07. You Sign Out (5:07)
08. Before It Costs Us (3:01)
02. Perpetual Night Shift (5:25)
03. Kid Chameleon (7:02)
04. Incubate (3:25)
05. Doppler (7:29)
06. Ster (4:00)
07. Release The Tether (5:04)
08. How Did We Found Our Way? (3:57)
09. 137 (5:02)
10. Preserve (5:20)
11. Warm Me (3:26)
12. Pvs (11:42)
13. Md One (3:57)
01. My Debt To You (5:12)
02. Shoot First (4:12)
03. Sinners (4:52)
04. Tightly Wound (6:32)
05. The Sorry State (4:11)
06. My Bleeding Hand (4:13)
07. Different World (10:54)
08. And So Say All Of You (4:07)
09. Too Much To Lose (14:50)
CD 2.
01. Bitter Day (4:50)
02. Second Chance (5:10)
03. Too Far Gone (3:52)
04. Freefall (5:42)
05. February 13th (6:07)
06. The West Coast (2:37)
07. Shoot First (Acoustic) (3:25)
08. Tightly Unwound (Acoustic) (5:37)
02. Drain (6:36)
03. Whatever You Do, Do Nothing (6:21)
04. No One Leaves This Earth (5:54)
05. Punish Yourself (4:27)
06. Everyone Must Perish (4:38)
07. Judge The Girl (6:12)
08. Parted Forever (19:00)
09. Mysterious Extra Track (4:21)
02. Wake Up The Dead (4:23)
03. The State We're In (3:17)
04. Preparation For Meltdown (7:29)
05. Barely Breathing (3:45)
06. Show A Little Love (3:58)
07. Someone Here Is Missing (3:52)
08. 3000 Days (6:09)
09. So We Row (8:16)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Long Time Walking (4:45)
11. I Can Only See The Lights (2:18)
12. A Million Miles Off Course (5:03)
13. Counting The Cost (4:26)
14. To Live And Die To... (4:25)
02. Warm Seas (4:10)
03. Last Man Standing (5:13)
04. All The Wars (3:47)
05. Build A World (3:56)
06. Give It Back (7:23)
07. Someone Pull Me Out (4:12)
08. One More Step Away (3:07)
09. Reaching Out (9:47)
Bonus Tracks.
10. You Don't Look So Innocent (3:55)
11. What Are You Saying (4:28)
12. Warm Seas (Acoustic) (4:12)
13. All The Wars (Acoustic) (3:50)
14. Last Man Standing (Acoustic) (4:33)
15. Someone Pull Me Out (Acoustic) (4:06)
16. Burning Pieces (Acoustic) (3:13)
17. Reaching Out (Acoustic) (4:50)