Barclay James Harvest é uma banda inglesa de Rock Progressivo e Rock sinfônico,
com influências na música clássica. A banda foi fundada em
Saddleworth, perto de Oldham Lancashire, Inglaterra, em setembro de
Primeiros anos.
Nos inícios da anos 60, os futuros integrantes da banda iniciaram-se na música em bandas de rythm and blues de Oldham: John Lees e Stuart "Wooly" Wolstenholme na bandaThe Blues Keepers e Les Holroyd e Mel Pritchard (falecido em 2004) na banda Heart and Soul and the Wickeds. No outono de 1966, vários membros das duas bandas começaram a tocar juntos no The Blues Keepers, até chegar a uma formação estável de quarteto com John Lees, Les Holroyd, Mel Pritchard e Wooly Wolstenholme. Como o seu objetivo era tocar material musicalmente diferente do rythm and blues, decidiram dar à banda um novo nome, que foi escolhido rasgando pedaços de palavras de um sombreiro. O resultado foi Barclay James Harvest.
1967 - 1973.
Barclay James Harvest (abreviado por vezes para BJH) tornou-se uma banda profissional em 1967, com ajuda do seu manager e mecenas John Crowther, que conseguiu um contrato de um só disco com a gravadora Parlophone, tendo lançado o seu primeiro single. O lado A continha o tema pastoral pastoral Early Morning e o lado B tinha Mr. Sunshine. Ainda que esse single tivesse alguma repercussão, no que também ajudou um documentário do canal de televisão Granada Televison sobre o estilo de vida do grupo, a relação contratual com a Parlophone não teve continuidade. A gravadora EMI tinha a intenção de criar um selo de música progressiva e Barlay James Harvest foi dos primeiros grupos contratados. A primeira colaboração com a EMI foi um single que incluía as canções Brother Thrush e Poor Wages. Os interesses musicais dos BJK levaram-nos a colaborar com uma orquestra de maneira estável, a The Barclay James Harvest Symphony Orchestra. No primeiro álbum do grupo, intitulado Barclay James Harvest, podem-se ouvir os resultados dessa colaboração, especialmente no tema Dark Now my Sky. The Iron Maiden, outro tema deste álbum, está incluído hoje em dia no repertório de otro tema de John Lees' Barclay James Harvest.
O segundo álbum da banda com a etiqueta Harvest foi Once Again, lançado em fevereiro de 1971. Este disco é considerado por muitos como o melhor da banda desta época. Neste álbum aparece o tema clássico Mocking Bird, interpretado em praticamente todos os concertos de BJH desde 1971.
BJH gravaría outros dois discos com a etiqueta Harvest: Barclay James Harvest and Other Short Stories e Baby James Harvest. Este último disco, que veio a chamar-se Four Wings, teve o formato de disco duplo, dedicando um lado do disco às composições de cada um dos membros do grupo. Ainda que não tivessem o valor do álbum Once Again, estes dois álbuns incluem temas como After the Day, Summer Soldier ou Medicine Man, que fazem parte do repertório clássico da banda.
Uma das possíveis causas da saída da banda da gravadora Harvest foi o elevado custo dos seus concertos. Os quatro membros tocavam conjuntamente com uma orquestra de até 45 pessoas, dirigida por Martyn Ford. Não se dispunha de material oficial gravado destes concertos até a publicação, em 2002, de BBC In Concert 1972.
1973 - 1979: Anos da Polydor.
Em 1973, a banda abandonou a editora/gravadora Harvest e assinou com a Polydor. Em 1974, lançaram seu primeiro álbum com a Polydor, Everyone Is Everybody Else. Com material de turnê de apresentação deste disco publicam Live, que supõe o seu surgimento nas listas de êxitos. Com os dois álbuns seguintes Time Honoured Ghosts e Octoberon começam a ser conhecidos e a se apresentar na Europa e nos Estados Unidos da América. 1977 é o ano de maior sucesso da historia da banda: o seu álbum Gone to Earth e especialmente o single do tema Hymn alcançam posições elevadas na lista de sucessos alemães. Desde então, França, Alemanha e Suíça são os países onde os Barclay James Harvest tiveram mais êxito. Respondendo com humor a algumas críticas desfavoráveis que os alcunhavam de um The Moody Blues para pobres, incluem no álbum Gone to Earth o tema Poor Man's Moody Blues, um dos mais apreciados de BJH.
Em 1978 os BJH publicam Live Tapes, um disco duplo ao vivo com materiais de concertos das turnês de lançamento do disco Gone to Earth, e mais tarde o álbum em estúdio XII. Depois da publicação deste disco, Wooly Wolstenholme abandona o grupo, devido a divergências musicais com os restantes membros da banda, e inicia sua carreira solo, criando sua própria banda Maestoso. O escasso sucesso deste gripo leva-o a retirar-se da vida musical e a dedicar-se a uma quinta de agricultura biológica.
Os quatro primeiros discos que os BJH gravaram com a Polydor têm um som bem distinto dos da época Harvest. BJH abandona quase por completo arranjos orquestrais por um som mais elétrico, no qual o mellotron de Wooly Wolstenholme tem um importante papel. As tarefas de composição recaem em John Lees e Les Holroyd, com colaborações ocasionais (não mais de duas canções por álbum) de Wooly Wolstenholme. Um das particularidades do grupo, a partir do álbum Everyone Is Everybody Else é que cada elemento do grupo canta os temas que compõe.
1979 - 1997: Barclay James Harvest como trio.
Depois da partida de Wooly Wolstenholme, os BJH decidem continuar como trio, apoiando-se em músicos de sessão para as partes de teclados, tanto em estúdio como ao vivo. O primeiro disco desta fase, Eyes of the Universe com um som menos complexo que os anteriores, teve grande êxito comercial. Em 30 de agosto de 1980, atuaram perante 175.000 pessoas em frente ao Edifício do Reichstag em Berlim. Neste concerto apresentaram alguns dos temas do disco seguinte, Turn of the Tide, entre eles Life is for Living, outro dos seus grandes sucessos comerciais. Em 1982, publicaram Berlin – A Concert For The People, baseado no concerto de 1980 nessa cidade. Turn of the Tide e Berlin tiveram grande êxito comercial na Europa, sobretudo na Alemanha, ainda que menor no Reino Unido.
Em 1983 e 1984 surgem os álbuns ''Ring of Changes e Victims of Circumstance''. Com estes dois álbuns continuou o sucesso comercial da banda, sobretudo na Europa. De acordo com as tendências musicais da época, os toques de teclado têm grande peso no som do grupo. Depois do álbum Victims of Circumstance não têm atividade discográfica até 1987, ano em que lançam Face to Face. Gravado com produtores diferentes dos dois discos anteriores, Face to Face supõe o regresso ao som original da banda, ainda que que com produção de acordo com a época. Na turnê de lançamento do álbum Face to Face, BJH volta a oferecer um concerto gratuito em Berlim, desta feita em Treptower Park, no setor leste da cidade. Com material deste concerto foi lançado Glastnost, o quarto disco ao vivo da banda. Welcome to the Show, publicado em 1990, contém muitas das virtudes do álbum Face to Face. Em 1992, o grupo comemora o seu 25.º aniversário e não lança disco. Em 1993, lançam Caught in the Light, um disco que supõe um importante passo atrás para a banda, do ponto vista comercial e artístico. O disco teve produção pobre e foi pouco promovido. As escassas vendas do álbum levam à rescisão do contrato com aquela editora. Este fato, aliado a uma série de problemas legais, fez acreditar que a banda tenha que parar a sua atividade. Em 1996, a banda assina um novo contrato com a filial alemã da Polydor. O último disco de Barclay James Harvest, River of Dreams, foi publicado na Alemanha e Suíça.
1997: Divisão para dois grupos.
Depois da turnê de 1997, pela Alemanha e Suíça, a banda decide suspender suas atividades de maneira temporal. Na prática, os membros do grupo iniciam carreiras solo. Por um lado, Les Holroyd funda Barclay James Harvest featuring Les Holroyd. Mel Pritchard acompanharia Les Holroyd neste nova banda até sua morte em 2004. Por outro lado, John Lees funda a sua própria versão de BJH, chamada primeiro Barclay James Harvest trough the eyes of John Lees e posteriormente John Lees' Barclay James Harvest. Woolly Wolstenholme, depois de uma retirada de quase vinte anos, voltou à atividade musical acompanhando John Lees. Texto: Wikipedia.
Barclay James Harvest.
John Lees (Guitarras, Vocais, 1966-1998)
Les Holroyd (Baixo, Teclados, Vocais, 1966-1998)
Mel Pritchard (Bateria, Percussão, 1966-1998, R.I.P 2004)
Stuart "Woolly" Wolstenholme (Mellotron, Teclados, Vocais, 1966-1979, R.I.P 2010)
Les Holroyd (Baixo, Teclados, Vocais, 1966-1998)
Mel Pritchard (Bateria, Percussão, 1966-1998, R.I.P 2004)
Stuart "Woolly" Wolstenholme (Mellotron, Teclados, Vocais, 1966-1979, R.I.P 2010)
Barclay James Harvest Through The Eyes Of John Lees.
John Lees' Barclay James Harvest.
John Lees (Vocais, Guitarra, desde 1998)
Craig Fletcher (Baixo, desde 1998)
Kevin Whitehead (Bateria, Percussão, desde 1998)
Jez Smith (Teclados, desde (2009)
Craig Fletcher (Baixo, desde 1998)
Kevin Whitehead (Bateria, Percussão, desde 1998)
Jez Smith (Teclados, desde (2009)
Ex - Integrante.
Stuart "Woolly" Wolstenholme (Vocais, Mellotron, Teclados, Guitarras, 1998-2010, R.I.P 2010)
Músicos Convidados.
Jeff Leach (Teclados, 1998-2006)
Mike Bramwell (Teclados, 2006-2009)
John Joseph Lees (Corneta, 2006, 2009)
Liz Fitzpatrick (Trompete, 2009)
Mike Bramwell (Teclados, 2006-2009)
John Joseph Lees (Corneta, 2006, 2009)
Liz Fitzpatrick (Trompete, 2009)
Barclay James Harvest Featuring Les Holroyd.
Les Holroyd (Baixo, Guitarras, Teclados, Vocais, desde 2002)
Colin Browne (Teclados, Guitarras, desde 2002)
Steve Butler (Guitarras, Teclados, desde 2002)
Michael Byron-Hehir (Guitarras, desde, 2002)
Louie Palmer (Bateria, Percussão, desde 2011)
Colin Browne (Teclados, Guitarras, desde 2002)
Steve Butler (Guitarras, Teclados, desde 2002)
Michael Byron-Hehir (Guitarras, desde, 2002)
Louie Palmer (Bateria, Percussão, desde 2011)
Ex - Integrantes.
Ian Wilson (Guitarras, 2002-2009)
Chris Jago (Bateria, Percussão, 2002-2003, 2004-2005)
Roy Martin (Bateria, Percussão, 2003-2004, 2006-2007)
Paul Walsham (Bateria, Percussão, 2005-2006, 2007-2011)
Barclay James Harvest (1970)01. Taking Some Time On (5:30)
02. Mother Dear (3:21)
03. The Sun Will Never Shine (5:08)
04. When The World Was Woken (5:50)
05. Good Love Child (5:10)
06. The Iron Maiden (2:43)
07. Dark Now My Sky (12:05)
08. Early Morning (2:34)
09. Mister Sunshine (2:54)
Bonus Tracks.
10. So Tomorrow (1968 BBC Session) (3:28)
11. Eden Unobtainable (1968 BBC Session) (3:10)
12. Night (1968 BBC Session) (3:20)
13. Pools Of Blue (1968 BBC Session) (3:29)
14. Need You Oh So Bad (1968 BBC Session) (1:18)
15. Small Time Town (1968 BBC Session) (2:12)
16. Dark Now My Sky (1968 BBC Session) (3:43)
17. I Can't Go On Without You (2:13)
18. Eden Unobtainable (3:04)
19. Poor Wages (2:34)
20. Brother Thrush (3:06)
02. Mother Dear (3:21)
03. The Sun Will Never Shine (5:08)
04. When The World Was Woken (5:50)
05. Good Love Child (5:10)
06. The Iron Maiden (2:43)
07. Dark Now My Sky (12:05)
08. Early Morning (2:34)
09. Mister Sunshine (2:54)
Bonus Tracks.
10. So Tomorrow (1968 BBC Session) (3:28)
11. Eden Unobtainable (1968 BBC Session) (3:10)
12. Night (1968 BBC Session) (3:20)
13. Pools Of Blue (1968 BBC Session) (3:29)
14. Need You Oh So Bad (1968 BBC Session) (1:18)
15. Small Time Town (1968 BBC Session) (2:12)
16. Dark Now My Sky (1968 BBC Session) (3:43)
17. I Can't Go On Without You (2:13)
18. Eden Unobtainable (3:04)
19. Poor Wages (2:34)
20. Brother Thrush (3:06)
Once Again (1971)01. She Said (8:21)
02. Happy Old World (4:41)
03. Song For Dying (5:02)
04. Galadriel (3:14)
05. Mocking Bird (6:39)
06. Vanessa Simmons (3:46)
07. Ball And Chain (4:49)
08. Lady Loves (4:01)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Mocking Bird (May 1970 Version) (6:17)
10. Introduction - White Sails (A Seascape) (1:43)
11. Too Much On Your Plate (5:31)
12. Galadriel (Non-Orchestral Version) (3:12)
13. Happy Old World (Take One) (4:40)
14. Song For Dying (Full Unedited Version) (7:20)
15. Mocking Bird (Extended Non-Orchestral Version) (8:01)
02. Happy Old World (4:41)
03. Song For Dying (5:02)
04. Galadriel (3:14)
05. Mocking Bird (6:39)
06. Vanessa Simmons (3:46)
07. Ball And Chain (4:49)
08. Lady Loves (4:01)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Mocking Bird (May 1970 Version) (6:17)
10. Introduction - White Sails (A Seascape) (1:43)
11. Too Much On Your Plate (5:31)
12. Galadriel (Non-Orchestral Version) (3:12)
13. Happy Old World (Take One) (4:40)
14. Song For Dying (Full Unedited Version) (7:20)
15. Mocking Bird (Extended Non-Orchestral Version) (8:01)
Barclay James Harvest And Other Short Stories (1971)01. Medicine Man (3:58)
02. Someone There You Know (3:49)
03. Harry's Song (3:55)
04. Ursula (The Swansea Song) (2:55)
05. Little Lapwing (4:59)
06. Song With No Meaning (4:23)
07. Blue John's Blues (6:50)
08. The Poet (4:55)
09. After The Day (4:49)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Brave New World (1971 Demo Version) (3:59)
11. She Said (1971 BBC Session) (8:42)
12. Galadriel (1971 BBC Session) (3:07)
13. Ursula (The Swansea Song-1971 BBC Session) (2:54)
14. Someone There You Know 9 (1971 BBC Session) (3:47)
15. Medicine Man (1972 BBC Session) (7:48)
02. Someone There You Know (3:49)
03. Harry's Song (3:55)
04. Ursula (The Swansea Song) (2:55)
05. Little Lapwing (4:59)
06. Song With No Meaning (4:23)
07. Blue John's Blues (6:50)
08. The Poet (4:55)
09. After The Day (4:49)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Brave New World (1971 Demo Version) (3:59)
11. She Said (1971 BBC Session) (8:42)
12. Galadriel (1971 BBC Session) (3:07)
13. Ursula (The Swansea Song-1971 BBC Session) (2:54)
14. Someone There You Know 9 (1971 BBC Session) (3:47)
15. Medicine Man (1972 BBC Session) (7:48)
Baby James Harvest (1972)01. Crazy Over (You) (4:17)
02. Delph Town Morn (4:48)
03. Summer Soldier (10:28)
04. Thank You (4:24)
05. One Hundred Thousand Smiles Out (6:05)
06. Moonwater (7:30)
Bonus Tracks.
07. Child Of Man (3:21)
08. I'm Over You (3:53)
09. When The City Sleeps (4:16)
10. Breathless (3:09)
11. Thank You (Alternative Version) (4:27)
12. Medicine Man (Single Version) (4:29)
13. Rock And Roll Woman (3:18)
14. The Joker (3:32)
15. Child Of Man (BBC Session) (3:37)
16. Moonwater (2002 Remix) (7:20)
02. Delph Town Morn (4:48)
03. Summer Soldier (10:28)
04. Thank You (4:24)
05. One Hundred Thousand Smiles Out (6:05)
06. Moonwater (7:30)
Bonus Tracks.
07. Child Of Man (3:21)
08. I'm Over You (3:53)
09. When The City Sleeps (4:16)
10. Breathless (3:09)
11. Thank You (Alternative Version) (4:27)
12. Medicine Man (Single Version) (4:29)
13. Rock And Roll Woman (3:18)
14. The Joker (3:32)
15. Child Of Man (BBC Session) (3:37)
16. Moonwater (2002 Remix) (7:20)
Live (1974)01. Summer Soldier (10:19)
02. Medicine Man (10:27)
03. Crazy City (4:59)
04. After The Day (7:11)
05. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (6:32)
06. Galadriel (3:10)
07. Negative Earth (6:21)
08. She Said (8:33)
09. Paper Wings (4:20)
10. For No One (5:52)
11. Mockingbird (7:41)
02. Medicine Man (10:27)
03. Crazy City (4:59)
04. After The Day (7:11)
05. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (6:32)
06. Galadriel (3:10)
07. Negative Earth (6:21)
08. She Said (8:33)
09. Paper Wings (4:20)
10. For No One (5:52)
11. Mockingbird (7:41)
Everyone Is Everybody Else (1974)01. Child Of The Universe (5:07)
02. Negative Earth (5:33)
03. Paper Wings (4:19)
04. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (4:45)
05. Crazy City (4:08)
06. See Me See You (4:37)
07. Poor Boy Blues (3:05)
08. Mill Boys (2:47)
09. For No One (5:12)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Child Of The Universe (US Single Version) (2:55)
11. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (Unreleased 1974) (4:51)
12. Maestoso (A Hymn In The Roof Of The World-Unreleased 1974) (5:30)
13. Negative Earth (Original Mix-Previously Unreleased) (5:37)
14. Child Of The Universe (Remake Planned for US Single) (3:36)
02. Negative Earth (5:33)
03. Paper Wings (4:19)
04. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (4:45)
05. Crazy City (4:08)
06. See Me See You (4:37)
07. Poor Boy Blues (3:05)
08. Mill Boys (2:47)
09. For No One (5:12)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Child Of The Universe (US Single Version) (2:55)
11. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (Unreleased 1974) (4:51)
12. Maestoso (A Hymn In The Roof Of The World-Unreleased 1974) (5:30)
13. Negative Earth (Original Mix-Previously Unreleased) (5:37)
14. Child Of The Universe (Remake Planned for US Single) (3:36)
Time Honoured Ghosts (1975)01. In My Life (4:41)
02. Sweet Jesus (3:30)
03. Titles (3:49)
04. Jonathan (4:48)
05. Beyond The Grave (4:08)
06. Song For You (5:21)
07. Hymn For The Children (3:41)
08. Moongirl (4:52)
09. One Night (5:25)
10. Child Of The Universe (Remake Planned For US Single-Previously Unreleased) (2:49)
02. Sweet Jesus (3:30)
03. Titles (3:49)
04. Jonathan (4:48)
05. Beyond The Grave (4:08)
06. Song For You (5:21)
07. Hymn For The Children (3:41)
08. Moongirl (4:52)
09. One Night (5:25)
10. Child Of The Universe (Remake Planned For US Single-Previously Unreleased) (2:49)
Octoberon (1976)01. The World Goes On (6:31)
02. May Day (7:58)
03. Ra (7:21)
04. Rock N' Roll Star (5:18)
05. Polk Street Rag (5:39)
06. Believe In Me (4:23)
07. Suicide? (7:59)
Bonus Tracks.
08. Rock N' Roll Star (Early Mix) (4:56)
09. Polk Street Rag (First Mix) (5:34)
10. Ra (First Mix) (7:24)
11. Rock N' Roll Star (Recorded at Marquee Studios) (3:19)
12. Suicide? (First Mix) (7:54)
02. May Day (7:58)
03. Ra (7:21)
04. Rock N' Roll Star (5:18)
05. Polk Street Rag (5:39)
06. Believe In Me (4:23)
07. Suicide? (7:59)
Bonus Tracks.
08. Rock N' Roll Star (Early Mix) (4:56)
09. Polk Street Rag (First Mix) (5:34)
10. Ra (First Mix) (7:24)
11. Rock N' Roll Star (Recorded at Marquee Studios) (3:19)
12. Suicide? (First Mix) (7:54)
Gone To Earth (1977)01. Hymn (5:12)
02. Love Is Like A Violin (4:07)
03. Friend Of Mine (3:37)
04. Poor Man's Moody Blues (6:59)
05. Hard Hearted Woman (4:29)
06. Sea Of Tranquility (4:05)
07. Spirit On The Water (4:51)
08. Leper's Song (3:37)
09. Taking Me Higher (3:25)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Lied (Studio Live-Previously Unreleased) (5:08)
11. Our Kid's Kid (B-Side Of 'Hymn' Single) (4:02)
12. Hymn (Single Edit) (4:29)
13. Friend Of Mine (Single Version) (3:04)
14. Medicine Man (Live EP Version) (11:53)
02. Love Is Like A Violin (4:07)
03. Friend Of Mine (3:37)
04. Poor Man's Moody Blues (6:59)
05. Hard Hearted Woman (4:29)
06. Sea Of Tranquility (4:05)
07. Spirit On The Water (4:51)
08. Leper's Song (3:37)
09. Taking Me Higher (3:25)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Lied (Studio Live-Previously Unreleased) (5:08)
11. Our Kid's Kid (B-Side Of 'Hymn' Single) (4:02)
12. Hymn (Single Edit) (4:29)
13. Friend Of Mine (Single Version) (3:04)
14. Medicine Man (Live EP Version) (11:53)
01. Child Of The Universe (6:47)
02. Rock'n'roll Star (5:33)
03. Poor Man's Moody Blues (7:20)
04. Mocking Bird (7:39)
05. Hard Hearted Woman (4:47)
06. One Night (6:13)
07. The World Goes On (6:17)
08. Medicine Man (11:56)
02. Rock'n'roll Star (5:33)
03. Poor Man's Moody Blues (7:20)
04. Mocking Bird (7:39)
05. Hard Hearted Woman (4:47)
06. One Night (6:13)
07. The World Goes On (6:17)
08. Medicine Man (11:56)
CD 2.
01. Taking Me Higher (4:55)
02. Suicide? (6:30)
03. Crazy City (4:38)
04. Polk Street Rag (5:35)
05. Hymn For The Children (3:44)
06. Jonathan (6:14)
07. For No One (6:19)
08. Hymn (5:42)
02. Suicide? (6:30)
03. Crazy City (4:38)
04. Polk Street Rag (5:35)
05. Hymn For The Children (3:44)
06. Jonathan (6:14)
07. For No One (6:19)
08. Hymn (5:42)
XII (1978)01. Fantasy: Loving Is Easy (4:05)
02. Berlin (4:56)
03. Classics: A Tale Of Two Sixties (3:35)
04. Turning In Circles (3:32)
05. Fact: The Closed Shop (3:49)
06. In Search Of England (4:19)
07. Sip Of Wine (4:31)
08. Harbour (3:49)
09. Science Fiction: Nova Lepidoptera (5:59)
10. Giving It Up (4:49)
11. Fiction: The Streets Of San Francisco (5:47)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Berlin (Single Edit) (4:12)
13. Loving Is Easy (Single Version) (3:48)
14. Turning In Circles (First Mix-Previously Unreleased) (3:34)
15. The Closed Shop (First Mix-Previously Unreleased) (3:49)
16. Nova Lepidoptera (Ambient Instrumental Mix-Previously Unreleased) (7:07)
02. Berlin (4:56)
03. Classics: A Tale Of Two Sixties (3:35)
04. Turning In Circles (3:32)
05. Fact: The Closed Shop (3:49)
06. In Search Of England (4:19)
07. Sip Of Wine (4:31)
08. Harbour (3:49)
09. Science Fiction: Nova Lepidoptera (5:59)
10. Giving It Up (4:49)
11. Fiction: The Streets Of San Francisco (5:47)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Berlin (Single Edit) (4:12)
13. Loving Is Easy (Single Version) (3:48)
14. Turning In Circles (First Mix-Previously Unreleased) (3:34)
15. The Closed Shop (First Mix-Previously Unreleased) (3:49)
16. Nova Lepidoptera (Ambient Instrumental Mix-Previously Unreleased) (7:07)
Eyes Of The Universe (1979)01. Love On The Line (4:41)
02. Alright Down Get Boogie (Mu Ala Rusic) (3:57)
03. The Song (They Love To Sing) (6:11)
04. Skin Flicks (6:54)
05. Sperratus (5:03)
06. Rock 'N' Roll Lady (4:32)
07. Capricorn (4:36)
08. Play To The World (7:07)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Sperratus (Single Edit) (3:26)
10. Rock 'N' Roll Lady (Single Edit) (3:26)
11. Capricorn (Single Edit) (3:38)
12. Play To The World (Single Edit) (3:55)
02. Alright Down Get Boogie (Mu Ala Rusic) (3:57)
03. The Song (They Love To Sing) (6:11)
04. Skin Flicks (6:54)
05. Sperratus (5:03)
06. Rock 'N' Roll Lady (4:32)
07. Capricorn (4:36)
08. Play To The World (7:07)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Sperratus (Single Edit) (3:26)
10. Rock 'N' Roll Lady (Single Edit) (3:26)
11. Capricorn (Single Edit) (3:38)
12. Play To The World (Single Edit) (3:55)
Turn Of The Tide (1981)01. Waiting On The Borderline (3:46)
02. How Do You Feel Now? (4:50)
03. Back To The Wall (5:12)
04. Highway For Fools (3:15)
05. Echoes And Shadows (5:02)
06. Death Of A City (3:46)
07. I'm Like A Train (5:26)
08. Doctor Doctor (5:37)
09. Life Is For Living (3:42)
10. In Memory Of The Martyrs (8:02)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Shades Of B Hill (Single B-Side) (4:12)
12. Life Is For Living (Single A-Side) (3:30)
02. How Do You Feel Now? (4:50)
03. Back To The Wall (5:12)
04. Highway For Fools (3:15)
05. Echoes And Shadows (5:02)
06. Death Of A City (3:46)
07. I'm Like A Train (5:26)
08. Doctor Doctor (5:37)
09. Life Is For Living (3:42)
10. In Memory Of The Martyrs (8:02)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Shades Of B Hill (Single B-Side) (4:12)
12. Life Is For Living (Single A-Side) (3:30)
A Concert For The People: Berlin (1982)01. Love On The Line (6:37)
02. Mockingbird (7:24)
03. Rock n' Roll Lady (4:39)
04. Nova Lepidoptera (6:18)
05. Sip Of Wine (4:44)
06. In Memory Of The Martyrs (7:42)
07. Life Is For Living (4:06)
08. Child Of The Universe (5:59)
09. Berlin (5:34)
10. Loving Is Easy (4:41)
11. Hymn (5:28)
A Concert For The People: Berlin (1982)01. Love On The Line (6:37)
02. Mockingbird (7:24)
03. Rock n' Roll Lady (4:39)
04. Nova Lepidoptera (6:18)
05. Sip Of Wine (4:44)
06. In Memory Of The Martyrs (7:42)
07. Life Is For Living (4:06)
08. Child Of The Universe (5:59)
09. Berlin (5:34)
10. Loving Is Easy (4:41)
11. Hymn (5:28)
Ring Of Changes (1983)01. Fifties Child (4:19)
02. Looking For The Outside (5:18)
03. Teenage Heart (4:31)
04. High Wire (5:05)
05. Midnight Drug (5:16)
06. Waiting For The Right Time (6:20)
07. Just A Day Away (Forever Tomorrow) (4:13)
08. Paraiso Dos Cavalos (5:53)
09. Ring Of Changes (7:22)
10. Blow Me Down (4:56)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Waiting For The Right Time (Remixed Version) (3:28)
12. Ring Of Changes (Single Version) (4:39)
02. Looking For The Outside (5:18)
03. Teenage Heart (4:31)
04. High Wire (5:05)
05. Midnight Drug (5:16)
06. Waiting For The Right Time (6:20)
07. Just A Day Away (Forever Tomorrow) (4:13)
08. Paraiso Dos Cavalos (5:53)
09. Ring Of Changes (7:22)
10. Blow Me Down (4:56)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Waiting For The Right Time (Remixed Version) (3:28)
12. Ring Of Changes (Single Version) (4:39)
01. Sideshow (4:55)
02. Hold On (4:25)
03. Rebel Woman (4:23)
04. Say You'll Stay (3:54)
05. For Your Love (5:29)
06. Victims Of Circumstance (6:00)
07. Inside My Nightmare (4:31)
08. Watching You (4:36)
09. I've Got A Feeling (6:07)
10. Victims Of Circumstance (12' Instrumetal Version) (6:02)
11. I've Got A Feeling (12' Single Version) (5:24)
12. Victims Of Circumstance (Single Version) (3:52)
02. Hold On (4:25)
03. Rebel Woman (4:23)
04. Say You'll Stay (3:54)
05. For Your Love (5:29)
06. Victims Of Circumstance (6:00)
07. Inside My Nightmare (4:31)
08. Watching You (4:36)
09. I've Got A Feeling (6:07)
10. Victims Of Circumstance (12' Instrumetal Version) (6:02)
11. I've Got A Feeling (12' Single Version) (5:24)
12. Victims Of Circumstance (Single Version) (3:52)
CD 2: Live At Wembley Arena, 13TH October 1984.
01. Rebel Woman (5:25)
02. Waiting for the Right Time (7:05)
03. I've got a Feeling (7:06)
04. Rock'n Roll Lady (5:36)
05. Paraiso Dos Cavalos (6:28)
06. Victims of Circumstance (6:42)
07. Life is for Living (4:08)
08. For your Love (8:39)
09. Poo Man's Moody Blues (7:09)
10. Child of the Universe (7:21)
11. Hymn (5:25)
02. Waiting for the Right Time (7:05)
03. I've got a Feeling (7:06)
04. Rock'n Roll Lady (5:36)
05. Paraiso Dos Cavalos (6:28)
06. Victims of Circumstance (6:42)
07. Life is for Living (4:08)
08. For your Love (8:39)
09. Poo Man's Moody Blues (7:09)
10. Child of the Universe (7:21)
11. Hymn (5:25)
Face To Face (1987)01. Prisoner Of Your Love (4:37)
02. He Said Love (5:05)
03. Alone In The Night (5:08)
04. Turn The Key (4:49)
05. You Need Love (4:11)
06. Kiev (5:27)
07. African (5:53)
08. Following Me (4:24)
09. All My Life (5:33)
10. Panic (4:30)
11. Guitar Blues (5:19)
12. On The Wings Of Love (6:00)
Bonus Tracks.
13. He Said Love (Single Edit) (4:19)
14. Panic (12-Inch Single Remix) (6:09)
15. On The Wings Of Love (Single Edit) (5:31)
02. He Said Love (5:05)
03. Alone In The Night (5:08)
04. Turn The Key (4:49)
05. You Need Love (4:11)
06. Kiev (5:27)
07. African (5:53)
08. Following Me (4:24)
09. All My Life (5:33)
10. Panic (4:30)
11. Guitar Blues (5:19)
12. On The Wings Of Love (6:00)
Bonus Tracks.
13. He Said Love (Single Edit) (4:19)
14. Panic (12-Inch Single Remix) (6:09)
15. On The Wings Of Love (Single Edit) (5:31)
01. Nova Lepidoptera (6:15)
02. Hold On (5:14)
03. African (6:39)
04. Love On The Line (4:38)
05. Alone In The Night (6:21)
06. On The Wings Of Love (6:33)
07. Mockingbird (7:33)
08. Rock And Roll Lady (5:46)
09. He Said Love (5:20)
02. Hold On (5:14)
03. African (6:39)
04. Love On The Line (4:38)
05. Alone In The Night (6:21)
06. On The Wings Of Love (6:33)
07. Mockingbird (7:33)
08. Rock And Roll Lady (5:46)
09. He Said Love (5:20)
CD 2.
01. Turn The Key (5:55)
02. Medicine Man (6:47)
03. Kiev (6:16)
04. Child Of The Universe (6:01)
05. Life Is For Living (5:37)
06. Poor Man's Moody Blues (8:10)
07. Berlin (6:52)
08. Loving Is Easy (5:42)
09. Hymn (5:40)
02. Medicine Man (6:47)
03. Kiev (6:16)
04. Child Of The Universe (6:01)
05. Life Is For Living (5:37)
06. Poor Man's Moody Blues (8:10)
07. Berlin (6:52)
08. Loving Is Easy (5:42)
09. Hymn (5:40)
Welcome To The Show (1990)01. The Life You Lead (3:50)
02. Lady Macbeth (4:35)
03. Cheap The Bullet (4:30)
04. Welcome To The Show (4:16)
05. John Lennon's Guitar (5:42)
06. Halfway To Freedom (4:38)
07. African Nights (5:27)
08. Psychedelic Child (3:41)
09. Where Do We Go (5:10)
10. Origin Earth (4:57)
11. If Love Is King (6:02)
12. Shadows On The Sky (5:31)
Live Bonus Tracks.
13. John Lennon's Guitar (8:20)
14. Alone In The Night (5:54)
15. Poor Man's Moody Blues (7:18)
02. Lady Macbeth (4:35)
03. Cheap The Bullet (4:30)
04. Welcome To The Show (4:16)
05. John Lennon's Guitar (5:42)
06. Halfway To Freedom (4:38)
07. African Nights (5:27)
08. Psychedelic Child (3:41)
09. Where Do We Go (5:10)
10. Origin Earth (4:57)
11. If Love Is King (6:02)
12. Shadows On The Sky (5:31)
Live Bonus Tracks.
13. John Lennon's Guitar (8:20)
14. Alone In The Night (5:54)
15. Poor Man's Moody Blues (7:18)
The Best Of Barclay James Harvest (1992)01. Hymn (5:08)
02. Loving Is Easy (Fantasy) (4:02)
03. Berlin (4:52)
04. Child Of The Universe (5:04)
05. Victims Of Circumstance (5:30)
06. Poor Man's Moody Blues (6:52)
07. Mockingbird (7:48)
08. Life Is For Living (3:40)
09. Ring Of Changes (6:50)
10. Titles (3:45)
11. Welcome To The Show (4:15)
12. Kiev (5:28)
13. Cheap The Bullet (4:28)
14. Rock'N'Roll Star (5:19)
15. Love On The Line (4:36)
02. Loving Is Easy (Fantasy) (4:02)
03. Berlin (4:52)
04. Child Of The Universe (5:04)
05. Victims Of Circumstance (5:30)
06. Poor Man's Moody Blues (6:52)
07. Mockingbird (7:48)
08. Life Is For Living (3:40)
09. Ring Of Changes (6:50)
10. Titles (3:45)
11. Welcome To The Show (4:15)
12. Kiev (5:28)
13. Cheap The Bullet (4:28)
14. Rock'N'Roll Star (5:19)
15. Love On The Line (4:36)
Caught In The Light (1993)01. Who Do We Think We Are? (6:00)
02. Knoydart (5:05)
03. Copii Romania (6:09)
04. Back to Earth (7:19)
05. Cold War (7:23)
06. Forever Yesterday (4:27)
07. The Great Unknown (4:42)
08. Spud-u-like (4:17)
09. Silver Wings (3:52)
10. Once More (7:08)
11. A Matter of Time (5:07)
12. Ballad of Denshaw Mill (9:08)
02. Knoydart (5:05)
03. Copii Romania (6:09)
04. Back to Earth (7:19)
05. Cold War (7:23)
06. Forever Yesterday (4:27)
07. The Great Unknown (4:42)
08. Spud-u-like (4:17)
09. Silver Wings (3:52)
10. Once More (7:08)
11. A Matter of Time (5:07)
12. Ballad of Denshaw Mill (9:08)
River Of Dreams (1997)01. Back In The Game (6:48)
02. River Of Dreams (5:24)
03. Yesterday`s Heroes (7:53)
04. Children Of The Disappeared (5:01)
05. Pool Of Tears (4:55)
06. Do You Believe In Dreams (5:08)
07. (Took Me) So Long (6:09)
08. Mr. E (6:18)
09. Three Weeks To Despair (6:01)
10. The Time Of Our Lives (6:47)
02. River Of Dreams (5:24)
03. Yesterday`s Heroes (7:53)
04. Children Of The Disappeared (5:01)
05. Pool Of Tears (4:55)
06. Do You Believe In Dreams (5:08)
07. (Took Me) So Long (6:09)
08. Mr. E (6:18)
09. Three Weeks To Despair (6:01)
10. The Time Of Our Lives (6:47)
Barclay James Harvest Through The Eyes Of John Lees - Nexus (1999)01. Festival (5:39)
02. The Iron Maiden (2:52)
03. Brave New World (6:10)
04. Hors D'Oeuvre (0:56)
05. Mocking Bird (7:21)
06. Sitting Upon A Shelf (4:30)
07. Hymn (4:46)
08. The Devils That I Keep (5:04)
09. Titles (5:27)
10. Float (5:45)
11. Loving Is Easy (4:18)
12. Star Bright (6:50)
02. The Iron Maiden (2:52)
03. Brave New World (6:10)
04. Hors D'Oeuvre (0:56)
05. Mocking Bird (7:21)
06. Sitting Upon A Shelf (4:30)
07. Hymn (4:46)
08. The Devils That I Keep (5:04)
09. Titles (5:27)
10. Float (5:45)
11. Loving Is Easy (4:18)
12. Star Bright (6:50)
01. A Devilish Intro (0:43)
02. She Said (8:34)
03. Festival! (4:32)
04. For No One (5:35)
05. The Iron Maiden (3:21)
06. Hors d'Oeuvre (0:54)
07. Mocking Bird (7:36)
08. Harbour (2:16)
09. River Of Dreams (3:43)
10. Poor Man's Moody Blues (8:19)
11. New Song (Old Story) (5:01)
12. Brave New World (6:47)
13. Galadriel (3:22)
14. Loving Is Easy (6:48)
15. Star Bright (7:05)
02. She Said (8:34)
03. Festival! (4:32)
04. For No One (5:35)
05. The Iron Maiden (3:21)
06. Hors d'Oeuvre (0:54)
07. Mocking Bird (7:36)
08. Harbour (2:16)
09. River Of Dreams (3:43)
10. Poor Man's Moody Blues (8:19)
11. New Song (Old Story) (5:01)
12. Brave New World (6:47)
13. Galadriel (3:22)
14. Loving Is Easy (6:48)
15. Star Bright (7:05)
CD 2.
01. Suicide? (6:18)
02. Brother Thrush (2:17)
03. Mister E (4:15)
04. Hymn (5:20)
02. Brother Thrush (2:17)
03. Mister E (4:15)
04. Hymn (5:20)
Barclay James Harvest Featuring Les Holroyd - Revolution Days (2002)01. It's My Life (5:12)
02. Missing You (4:54)
03. That Was Then..This Is Now (5:42)
04. Prelude (3:50)
05. January Morning (7:02)
06. Love On The Line (4:30)
07. Quiero El Sol (6:11)
08. Totally Cool (5:54)
09. Life Is For Living (4:37)
10. Sleepy Sunday (7:11)
11. Revolution Day (5:15)
12. Marlene (From The Berlin Suite) (7:10)
02. Missing You (4:54)
03. That Was Then..This Is Now (5:42)
04. Prelude (3:50)
05. January Morning (7:02)
06. Love On The Line (4:30)
07. Quiero El Sol (6:11)
08. Totally Cool (5:54)
09. Life Is For Living (4:37)
10. Sleepy Sunday (7:11)
11. Revolution Day (5:15)
12. Marlene (From The Berlin Suite) (7:10)
BBC In Concert 1972 (2002)
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BBC In Concert 1972 (2002)
01. Intro - Alan Black (0:34)
02. Mocking Bird (7:58)
03. Medicine Man (5:29)
04. Galadriel (3:51)
05. Summer Soldier (9:11)
06. The Poet (4:15)
07. After The Day (7:22)
08. Moonwater (8:15)
09. Dark Now My Sky (12:34)
02. Mocking Bird (7:58)
03. Medicine Man (5:29)
04. Galadriel (3:51)
05. Summer Soldier (9:11)
06. The Poet (4:15)
07. After The Day (7:22)
08. Moonwater (8:15)
09. Dark Now My Sky (12:34)
CD 2: Stereo.
01. Intro - Alan Black (0:37)
02. Mocking Bird (8:03)
03. Medicine Man (5:50)
04. Moonwater (7:44)
05. Summer Soldier (6:47)
06. The Poet (3:02)
07. After The Day (6:49)
08. Galadriel (4:15)
09. Dark Now My Sky (12:21)
02. Mocking Bird (8:03)
03. Medicine Man (5:50)
04. Moonwater (7:44)
05. Summer Soldier (6:47)
06. The Poet (3:02)
07. After The Day (6:49)
08. Galadriel (4:15)
09. Dark Now My Sky (12:21)
01. Early Morning (2:34)
02. Pools Of Blue (Abbey Road Version) (4:53)
03. Eden Unobtainable (3:03)
04. Poor Wages (2:31)
05. Brother Thrush (3:07)
06. Taking Some Time On (5:30)
07. The Sun Will Never Shine (5:07)
08. The Iron Maiden (2:42)
09. Dark Now My Sky (11:59)
10. She Said (8:19)
11. Song For Dying (5:01)
12. Galadriel (3:13)
13. Mockingbird (6:39)
14. Too Much On Your Plate (5:28)
15. The Poet (4:55)
16. After The Day (4:39)
02. Pools Of Blue (Abbey Road Version) (4:53)
03. Eden Unobtainable (3:03)
04. Poor Wages (2:31)
05. Brother Thrush (3:07)
06. Taking Some Time On (5:30)
07. The Sun Will Never Shine (5:07)
08. The Iron Maiden (2:42)
09. Dark Now My Sky (11:59)
10. She Said (8:19)
11. Song For Dying (5:01)
12. Galadriel (3:13)
13. Mockingbird (6:39)
14. Too Much On Your Plate (5:28)
15. The Poet (4:55)
16. After The Day (4:39)
CD 2.
01. Barclay James Harvest / Medicine Man (Single Version) (4:30)
02. Song With No Meaning (4:20)
03. Ursula (The Swansea Song) (2:52)
04. Child Of Man (3:19)
05. When The City Sleeps (4:14)
06. Summer Soldier (10:25)
07. One Hundred Thousand Smiles Out (6:06)
08. Moonwater (2002 Remix) (7:21)
09. The Joker (3:31)
10. Crazy City (4:09)
11. Child Of The Universe (Alternate Version) (3:37)
12. Negative Earth (5:36)
13. The Great 1974 Mining Desaster (4:49)
14. For No One (5:44)
15. Song For You (5:22)
16. Sweet Jesus (3:31)
02. Song With No Meaning (4:20)
03. Ursula (The Swansea Song) (2:52)
04. Child Of Man (3:19)
05. When The City Sleeps (4:14)
06. Summer Soldier (10:25)
07. One Hundred Thousand Smiles Out (6:06)
08. Moonwater (2002 Remix) (7:21)
09. The Joker (3:31)
10. Crazy City (4:09)
11. Child Of The Universe (Alternate Version) (3:37)
12. Negative Earth (5:36)
13. The Great 1974 Mining Desaster (4:49)
14. For No One (5:44)
15. Song For You (5:22)
16. Sweet Jesus (3:31)
CD 3.
01. In My Life (4:43)
02. Titles (3:51)
03. Jonathan (4:49)
04. Ra (7:22)
05. Rock N' Roll Star (5:20)
06. Suicide? (7:56)
07. Hymn (Single Edit) (4:27)
08. Poor Man's Moody Blues (6:57)
09. Hard Hearted Woman (4:30)
10. Sea Of Tranquility (4:04)
11. Berlin (4:55)
12. The Closed Shop (3:50)
13. In Search Of England (4:17)
14. The Song (They Love To Sing) (6:07)
15. Sperratus (5:02)
02. Titles (3:51)
03. Jonathan (4:49)
04. Ra (7:22)
05. Rock N' Roll Star (5:20)
06. Suicide? (7:56)
07. Hymn (Single Edit) (4:27)
08. Poor Man's Moody Blues (6:57)
09. Hard Hearted Woman (4:30)
10. Sea Of Tranquility (4:04)
11. Berlin (4:55)
12. The Closed Shop (3:50)
13. In Search Of England (4:17)
14. The Song (They Love To Sing) (6:07)
15. Sperratus (5:02)
CD 4.
01. In Memory Of The Martyrs (7:58)
02. Life Is For Living (Single Version) (3:50)
03. Nova Lepidoptera (Live) (6:13)
04. Sip Of Wine (Live) (4:41)
05. Fifties Child (4:21)
06. Ring Of Changes (Single Mix) (4:40)
07. African (5:53)
08. On The Wings Of Love (5:57)
09. Lady Macbeth (4:37)
10. If Love Is King (6:03)
11. Cheap The Bullet (4:31)
12. The Ballad Of Denshaw Mill (9:01)
13. Back In The Game (6:50)
14. Children Of The Disappearred (5:02)
02. Life Is For Living (Single Version) (3:50)
03. Nova Lepidoptera (Live) (6:13)
04. Sip Of Wine (Live) (4:41)
05. Fifties Child (4:21)
06. Ring Of Changes (Single Mix) (4:40)
07. African (5:53)
08. On The Wings Of Love (5:57)
09. Lady Macbeth (4:37)
10. If Love Is King (6:03)
11. Cheap The Bullet (4:31)
12. The Ballad Of Denshaw Mill (9:01)
13. Back In The Game (6:50)
14. Children Of The Disappearred (5:02)
CD 5.
01. Dark Now My Sky (Live) (9:40)
02. Medicine Man (Abbey Road Rough Mono Mix-July 71) (5:12)
03. Ursula (The Swansea Song-Abbey Road Rough Mono Mix-July 71) (3:05)
04. Someone There You Know (Abbey Road Rough Mono Mix-July 71) (3:53)
05. Moonwater (Demo) (6:59)
06. The World Goes On (Live) (6:20)
07. Capricorn (Single Edit) (3:38)
08. Love On The Line (Live) (6:38)
09. For Your Love (Live) (8:20)
10. Lady Macbeth (Demo) (5:13)
11. John Lennon's Guitar (Demo) (6:35)
12. Cheap The Bullet (Demo) (5:34)
13. Three Weeks To Dispair (6:01)
02. Medicine Man (Abbey Road Rough Mono Mix-July 71) (5:12)
03. Ursula (The Swansea Song-Abbey Road Rough Mono Mix-July 71) (3:05)
04. Someone There You Know (Abbey Road Rough Mono Mix-July 71) (3:53)
05. Moonwater (Demo) (6:59)
06. The World Goes On (Live) (6:20)
07. Capricorn (Single Edit) (3:38)
08. Love On The Line (Live) (6:38)
09. For Your Love (Live) (8:20)
10. Lady Macbeth (Demo) (5:13)
11. John Lennon's Guitar (Demo) (6:35)
12. Cheap The Bullet (Demo) (5:34)
13. Three Weeks To Dispair (6:01)
Barclay James Harvest Featuring Les Holroyd With Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Classic Meets Rock (Live 2006)CD 1.
01. The Song (They Love To Sing) (4:50)
02. Crazy City (4:44)
03. Prelude (3:41)
04. January Morning (8:47)
05. Back In The Game (7:05)
06. Yesterday's Heroes (8:45)
07. Rock 'N' Roll Star (7:29)
08. Mockingbird (8:33)
09. Hold On (5:12)
10. Berlin (8:24)
02. Crazy City (4:44)
03. Prelude (3:41)
04. January Morning (8:47)
05. Back In The Game (7:05)
06. Yesterday's Heroes (8:45)
07. Rock 'N' Roll Star (7:29)
08. Mockingbird (8:33)
09. Hold On (5:12)
10. Berlin (8:24)
CD 2.
01. Ring Of Changes (8:05)
02. Play To The World (7:58)
03. That Was Then ... This Is Now (5:28)
04. Life Is For Living (6:07)
05. Hymn (7:07)
06. Love On The Line (5:52)
07. Shadows On The Sky (14:05)
02. Play To The World (7:58)
03. That Was Then ... This Is Now (5:28)
04. Life Is For Living (6:07)
05. Hymn (7:07)
06. Love On The Line (5:52)
07. Shadows On The Sky (14:05)
John Lees' Barclay James Harvest - Legacy: Live At The Shepherd's Bush Empire 2006 (2007)01. Valhalla (1:24)
02. For No One (4:44)
03. Child of the Universe (5:23)
04. The Iron Maiden (3:05)
05. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (5:33)
06. Poor Man's Moody Blues (7:39)
07. Suicide? (6:24)
08. Medicine Man (9:46)
09. In Search of England (4:13)
10. Poor Wages (4:47)
11. Mocking Bird (8:10)
12. The Poet / After the Day (11:26)
13. Hymn (5:07)
02. For No One (4:44)
03. Child of the Universe (5:23)
04. The Iron Maiden (3:05)
05. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (5:33)
06. Poor Man's Moody Blues (7:39)
07. Suicide? (6:24)
08. Medicine Man (9:46)
09. In Search of England (4:13)
10. Poor Wages (4:47)
11. Mocking Bird (8:10)
12. The Poet / After the Day (11:26)
13. Hymn (5:07)
BBC Radio One 'In Concert' 19th June 1974.
01. Summer Soldier (10:41)
02. Medicine Man (11:06)
03. Crazy City (5:08)
04. After The Day (7:33)
05. Negative Earth (6:22)
06. She Said (10:23)
07. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (6:57)
08. Paper Wings (4:54)
09. For No One (5:16)
01. Summer Soldier (10:41)
02. Medicine Man (11:06)
03. Crazy City (5:08)
04. After The Day (7:33)
05. Negative Earth (6:22)
06. She Said (10:23)
07. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (6:57)
08. Paper Wings (4:54)
09. For No One (5:16)
CD 2.
BBC Radio One John Peel Session 1st August 1974.
01. For No One (5:46)
02. Paper Wings (4:05)
03. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (6:23)
04. Crazy City (4:52)
05. Negative Earth (5:39)
BBC TV 'Old Grey Whistle Test' Live Studio Session 20th January 1976.
06. Sweet Jesus (3:40)
07. Hymn For The Children (3:35)
Liverpool Empire 14th October 1976.
08. Crazy City (5:50)
09. Polk Street Rag (5:22)
10. Rock 'n' Roll Star (5:11)
11. Suicide? (6:28)
01. For No One (5:46)
02. Paper Wings (4:05)
03. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (6:23)
04. Crazy City (4:52)
05. Negative Earth (5:39)
BBC TV 'Old Grey Whistle Test' Live Studio Session 20th January 1976.
06. Sweet Jesus (3:40)
07. Hymn For The Children (3:35)
Liverpool Empire 14th October 1976.
08. Crazy City (5:50)
09. Polk Street Rag (5:22)
10. Rock 'n' Roll Star (5:11)
11. Suicide? (6:28)
01. Nova Lepidoptera (6:28)
02. Poor Wages (3:50)
03. She Said (8:29)
04. Galadriel (3:06)
02. Poor Wages (3:50)
03. She Said (8:29)
04. Galadriel (3:06)
CD 2.
01. Ball And Chain (4:43)
02. Mockingbird (8:36)
03. Taking Some Time On (5:43)
04. Medicine Man (8:38)
05. Song For Dying (9:28)
06. The Poet (8:12)
07. After The Day (3:07)
08. Hymn (5:14)
02. Mockingbird (8:36)
03. Taking Some Time On (5:43)
04. Medicine Man (8:38)
05. Song For Dying (9:28)
06. The Poet (8:12)
07. After The Day (3:07)
08. Hymn (5:14)
John Lees' Barclay James Harvest - Live In Concert At Metropolis Studios (2012)01. Nova Lepidortera (5:53)
02. Child Of The Universe (4:57)
03. Poor Wages (3:47)
04. Mocking Bird (8:04)
05. Summer Soldier (8:49)
06. Poor Man's Moody Blues (3:12)
07. Ursula (7:34)
08. Ancient Waves (6:32)
09. Medicine Man (9:08)
10. The Poet / After The Day (10:56)
11. Hymn (6:18)
02. Child Of The Universe (4:57)
03. Poor Wages (3:47)
04. Mocking Bird (8:04)
05. Summer Soldier (8:49)
06. Poor Man's Moody Blues (3:12)
07. Ursula (7:34)
08. Ancient Waves (6:32)
09. Medicine Man (9:08)
10. The Poet / After The Day (10:56)
11. Hymn (6:18)
01. If You Were Here Now (5:49)
02. Ancient Waves (7:10)
03. In Wonderland (5:49)
04. On Leave (9:11)
05. The Real Deal (5:49)
06. On Top of the World (5:40)
07. Unreservedly Yours (4:51)
08. North (8:29)
09. The End of the Day (2:34)
02. Ancient Waves (7:10)
03. In Wonderland (5:49)
04. On Leave (9:11)
05. The Real Deal (5:49)
06. On Top of the World (5:40)
07. Unreservedly Yours (4:51)
08. North (8:29)
09. The End of the Day (2:34)
CD 2 Bonus: Live At Buxton Opera House, 13th February 2011.
01. Ursula (The Swansea Song) (3:07)
02. Galadriel (3:07)
03. Mockingbird (8:05)
04. Ball and Chain (4:34)
05. Summer Soldier (8:44)
06. Medicine Man (8:27)
07. Song for Dying (9:27)
08. The Poet / After the Day (10:15)
02. Galadriel (3:07)
03. Mockingbird (8:05)
04. Ball and Chain (4:34)
05. Summer Soldier (8:44)
06. Medicine Man (8:27)
07. Song for Dying (9:27)
08. The Poet / After the Day (10:15)
01. Child Of The Universe (5:05)
02. Crazy City (Album Version) (4:08)
03. Negative Earth (Album Version) (5:31)
04. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (Original Mix) (4:47)
05. She Said (1974 Live Version) (8:45)
06. Mockingbird (1974 Live Version) (7:30)
07. Titles (3:48)
08. Jonathan (4:48)
09. Hymn For The Children (3:40)
10. Moongirl (4:51)
11. Ra (7:20)
12. Rock 'n Roll Star (5:18)
13. Suicide (6:29)
02. Crazy City (Album Version) (4:08)
03. Negative Earth (Album Version) (5:31)
04. The Great 1974 Mining Disaster (Original Mix) (4:47)
05. She Said (1974 Live Version) (8:45)
06. Mockingbird (1974 Live Version) (7:30)
07. Titles (3:48)
08. Jonathan (4:48)
09. Hymn For The Children (3:40)
10. Moongirl (4:51)
11. Ra (7:20)
12. Rock 'n Roll Star (5:18)
13. Suicide (6:29)
CD 2.
01. Poor Man's Moody Blues (6:57)
02. Taking Me Higher (3:23)
03. Nova Lepidoptera (5:58)
04. Berlin (4:53)
05. In Search Of England (4:16)
06. Love On The Line (4:37)
07. Sperratus (5:00)
08. The Song (They Love To Sing) (6:05)
09. Hymn (5:28)
10. Life Is For Living (Single Version) (3:29)
11. Fifties Child (4:19)
12. Ring Of Changes (7:17)
13. Alone In The Night (5:05)
14. All My Life (5:31)
15. Cheap The Bullet (4:31)
02. Taking Me Higher (3:23)
03. Nova Lepidoptera (5:58)
04. Berlin (4:53)
05. In Search Of England (4:16)
06. Love On The Line (4:37)
07. Sperratus (5:00)
08. The Song (They Love To Sing) (6:05)
09. Hymn (5:28)
10. Life Is For Living (Single Version) (3:29)
11. Fifties Child (4:19)
12. Ring Of Changes (7:17)
13. Alone In The Night (5:05)
14. All My Life (5:31)
15. Cheap The Bullet (4:31)
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