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08 fevereiro 2024

Grateful Dead - Discografia.

A história da banda norte-americana Grateful Dead começa com Jerry Garcia, que começou a tocar guitarra aos 15 anos. Dois anos mais tarde, tocava com Bob Weir e Ron McKernan, numa banda chamada Mother McCree's Uptown Jug Champions. Em 1965, o grupo foi renomeado, passando a designar-se The Warlocks, incluindo Phil Lesh (baixo) e Bill Kreutzmann (bateria). Ainda no final desse ano, mudaram o nome para Grateful Dead, nome retirado de uma oração egípcia. Graças aos seus inúmeros concertos gratuitos, o grupo ganhou alguma popularidade local. Assinaram com a MGM e gravaram as primeiras demos em 1966. As sessões foram um desastre e a editora prescindiu da banda. No ano seguinte, lançaram o primeiro álbum pela Warner, de título homônimo, um registro que falhou, não conseguindo captar a essência dos seus espetáculos ao vivo.

Em 1968, gravam o segundo disco Anthem Of The Sun, contando com a colaboração de um segundo baterista, Mickey Hart. O disco foi mais bem-sucedido que o anterior na tentativa de conseguir o som informal dos Grateful Dead. Fizeram mais uma tentativa, no ano seguinte, com Aoxomoxoa. Contudo, as longas sessões experimentais em estúdio trouxeram à banda uma dívida de 100 000 dólares à editora. Para fazer face à situação, resolveram gravar um álbum ao vivo, editado em 1969, com o título Live/Dead. Só então conseguiram captar a verdadeira essência do seu som improvisado e psicodélico.

No ano de 1970, gravaram dois álbuns clássicos, Workingman's Dead e American Beauty. Estes trabalhos seriam a base do repertório ao vivo dos espetáculos seguintes, incluindo os seus temas mais populares, como por exemplo "Uncle John's Band", "Casey Jones", "Sugar Magnolia" e "Truckin'".
Apesar da popularidade da banda ter aumentado consideravelmente e de o tempo dedicado aos Grateful Dead na programação das rádios ter sido multiplicado, a banda continuou a ser, essencialmente, um grupo de palco. Assim, ocupavam a maior parte do tempo em digressões, agora à escala mundial. Tornou-se então famoso o culto Deadheads, a legião de fãs da banda, consumidores de drogas, cuja extravagância marcava as zonas de concerto mais do que a própria música da banda.

Estas digressões caracterizavam-se pelas enormes caravanas de Deadheads, longos concertos, plenos de improviso, e esporádicas incursões pelo estúdio para gravar, sempre sem grande sucesso comercial. Contudo, mantinham uma reputação inabalável, até pelas inúmeras participações em concertos de solidariedade.

Depois de períodos conturbados, marcados pela sua toxicodependência, a banda regressa em força em 1987, com o álbum In the Dark, que continha o seu maior êxito de sempre, «Touch of Grey», o primeiro tema a atingir o top ten. De repente, a banda conquistou espaço na MTV e o culto Deadhead ganhou novos aderentes, com outro tipo de comportamento. A audiência dos espetáculos tornou-se mais violenta, levando a algumas situações de envolvimento com forças policiais.

Em 1986, os problemas com as drogas tinham levado Garcia ao estado de coma e colocaram diversas reservas na continuidade da banda. Ainda assim, o grupo continuou a atuar, mais do que nunca, inclusive numa série de espetáculos com Bob Dylan, editados em disco com o titulo Dylan & Dead. Seguiu-se o último esforço de estúdio da banda, Built To Last (1989). Nesse ano, morreram dois fãs da banda, um, após uma fratura do pescoço, nas imediações do espaço do concerto, o outro, por overdose de LSD.

Apesar de uma longa carreira, marcada pela morte de vários membros (McKernan morreu em 1970, assim como os dois substitutos que se seguiram e que morreram em 1980 e 1990, respectivamente), a morte do grande mentor da banda, Jerry Garcia, em 1995, marca o fim do projeto. Os restantes membros enveredaram por vários projetos, sempre imbuídos do mesmo espírito.

Mas o legado dos Grateful Dead não acabou: as digressões, o improviso, os longos concertos e um enorme número de seguidores continuam bem presentes em bandas como Dave Matthew's Band ou Phish, que prontamente ocuparam o lugar deixado vago pelos Grateful Dead. Os embaixadores da música psicodélica e improvisada, orbitando bem longe do circuito comercial, ganharam o seu lugar na história. Texto: Infopédia.

Integrantes (Wikipédia).

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, California (1966)
01. Beat It On Down the Line
02. Standing on the Corner
03. Mindbender
04. It Hurts Me Too
05. Viola Lee Blues
06. I Know You Rider
07. I Know It’s a Sin
08. Sick and Tired
09. Cream Puff War
10. Tuning
11. Sittin’ On Top of the World
12. New Minglewood Blues
13. Cold Rain and Snow
14. Tastebud
15. Silver Threads and Golden Needles
16. It’s All Over Now Baby Blue
17. Good Lovin’
18. You Don’t Have To Ask
19. You Don’t Have To Ask


Grateful Dead (1967)
01. The Golden Road
02. Beat It On Down The Line
03. Good Morning Little School Girl
04. Cold Rain And Snow
05. Sitting On Top Of The World
06. Cream Puff War
07.  Morning Dew
08. New, New Minglewood Blues
09. Viola Lee Blues


Anthem Of The Sun (1968)
  01. That’s It For The Other One
02. New Potato Caboose
03. Born Cross-Eyed
04. Alligator
05. Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)


Two From the Vault (Live 1968)
CD 1.

01. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
02. Dark Star
03. Saint Stephen
04. Eleven
05. Death Don’t Have No Mercy

CD 2.

01. That’s It for the Other One:
Cryptical Envolvement
Quadlibet for …

02. New Potato Caboose
03. Turn on Your Love Light
04. (Walk Me Out in The) Morning Dew


Aoxomoxoa (1969)
01. Saint Stephen
02. Dupree’s Diamond Blues
03. Rosemary
04. Doin’ That Rag
05. Mountains Of The Moon
06. China Cat Sunflower
07. What’s Become Of The Baby
08. Cosmic Charlie


Live Dead (1969)
01. Dark Star
02. St. Stephen
03. The Eleven
04. Turn On Your Love Light
05. Death Don’t Have No Mercy
06. Feedback
07. And We Bid You Goodnight


Workingman’s Dead (1970)
01. Uncle John’s Band
02. High Time
03. Dire Wolf
04. New Speedway Boogie
05. Cumberland Blues
06. Black Peter
07. Easy Wind
08. Casey Jones


American Beauty (1970)
01. Box Of Rain
02. Friend Of The Devil
03. Sugar Magnolia
04. Operator
05. Candyman
06. Ripple
07. Brokedown Palace
08. Till The Morning Comes
09. Attics Of My Life
10. Truckin´


Grateful Dead (Skull & Roses) (1971)
CD 1.

01. Bertha
02. Mama Tried
03. Big Railroad Blues
04. Playing In The Band
05. The Other One

CD 2.

01. Me & My Uncle
02. Big Boss Man
03. Me & Bobby McGee
04. Johnny B. Goode
05. Wharf Rat
06. Not Fade Away/Goin’ Down The Road Feeling Bad


Europe ‘(Live 1972)
 CD 1.

01. Cumberland Blues
02. He’s Gone
03. One More Saturday Night
04. Jack Straw
05. You Win Again
06. China Cat Sunflower
07. I Know You Rider
08. Brown-Eyed Woman
09. Hurts Me Too
10. Ramble On Rose

CD 2.

01. Sugar Magnolia
02. Mr. Charlie
03. Tennessee Jed
04. Truckin'
05. Epilogue
06. Prelude
07. (Walk Me Out In The) Morning Dew


History Of The Grateful Dead Vol. I (Bear’s Choice) (1973)
01. Katie Mae
02. Dark Hollow
03. I’ve Been All Around This World
04. Wake Up Little Susie
05. Black Peter
06. Smokestack Lightnin’
07. Hard To Handle

Bonus Tracks.
08. Good Lovin’
09. Big Boss Man 
10. Smokestack Lightnin’ (Version Two)
11. Sitting On Top Of The World


Wake Of The Flood (1973)
  01. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleoo
02. Let Me Sing Your Blues Away
03. Row Jimmy
04. Stella Blue
05. Here Comes Sunshine
06. Eyes Of The World
07. Weather Report Suite
Part 1 - Prelude
Part 2 - Let It Grow


Skeletons From The Closet, The Best Of The Grateful Dead (1974)
01. Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion)
02. Truckin’
03. Rosemary
04. Sugar Magnolia
05. St. Stephen
06. Uncle John’s Band
07. Casey Jones
08. Mexicali Blues
09. Turn On Your Love Light
10. One More Saturday Night (Live)
11. Friend Of The Devil


From The Mars Hotel (1974)
01. U.S. Blues
02. China Doll
03. Unbroken Chain
04. Loose Lucy
05. Scarlet Begonias
06. Pride Of Cucamonga
07. Money Money
08.  Ship Of Fools


Blues From Allah (1975)
01. Help On The Way/Slip-Knot!
02. Franklin’ Tower
03. King Solomon’s Marbles
04. The Music Never Stopped
05. Crazy Fingers
06. Sage & Spirit
07. Blues For Allah
Sand Castles & Glass Camels
Unusual Occurrences In The Desert


Steal Your Face (Live 1976)
CD 1.

01. Promised Land
02. Cold Rain & Snow
03. Around and Around
04. Stella Blue
05. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
06. Ship of Fools
07. Beat It On Down Down The Line

CD 2.

01. Big River
02. Black-Throated Wind
03. U.S. Blues
04. El Paso
05. Sugaree
06. It Must Have Been The Roses
07. Casey Jone


Terrapin Station (1977)
01. Estimated Prophet
02. Dancin’ In The Streets
03. Passenger
04. Samson & Delilah
05. Sunrise
06. Terrapin Station (Part I)


What A Long Strange It’s Been (Coletânea 1977)
CD 1.

01. New, New Minglewood Blues
02. Cosmic Charlie
03. Truckin’
04. Black Peter
05. Born Cross-Eyed
06. Ripple
07. Doin’ That Rag
08. Dark Star
09. High Time
10.  New Speedway Boogie

CD 2.

01. St. Stephen
02. Jack Straw
03. Me & My Uncle
04. Tennessee Jed
05. Cumberland Blues
06. Playing In The Band
07. Brown-Eyed Woman
08. Ramble On Rose


Shakedown Street (1978)
01. Good Lovin’
02. France
03. Shakedown Street
04. Serengetti
05. Fire On The Mountain
06. I Need A Miracle
07. From The Heart Of Me
08. Stagger Lee
09. All New Minglewood Blues
10. If I Had The World To Give


Go To Heaven (1980)
01. Alabama Getaway
02. Far From Me
03. Althea
04. Feel Like A Strange
05. Lost Sailor
06. Saint Of Circumstance
07. Antwerp’s Placebo (The Plumber)
08. Easy To Love You
09. Don’t Ease Me In


Reckoning (Live 1981)
01. Dire Wolf
02. The Race Is On
03. It Must Have Been The Roses
04. Dark Hollow
05. China Doll
06. Been All Around This World
07. Monkey And The Engineer
08. Jack-A-Roe
09. Deep Elem Blues
10. Cassidy
11. To Lay Me Down
12. Rosalie McFall
13. On The Road Again
14. Bird Song
15. Ripple


Dead Set (Live 1981)
01. Samson And Delilah
02. Friend Of The Devil
03. New Minglewood Blues
04. Deal
05. Candyman
06. Little Red Rooster
07. Loser
08. Passenger
09. Feel Like A Stranger
10. Franklin’s Tower
11. Rhythm Devils
12. Fire On The Mountain
13. Greatest Story Ever Told
14. Brokedown Palace


In The Dark (1987)
01. Touch Of Grey
02. Hell In A Bucket
03. When Push Comes To Shove
04. West L.A. Fadeway
05. Tons Of Steel
06. Throwing Stones
07. Black Muddy River


Built To Last (1989)
01. Foolish Heart
02. Just A Little Night
03. Built To Last
04. Blow Away
05. Victm Or The Crime
06. We Can Run
07. Standing On The Moon
08. Picasso Moon
09. I Will Take You Home

Bonus Tracks.
10. Foolish Heart (Live)
11. Blow Away (Live)
12. California Earthquake (Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On-Live)


Without A Net (Live 1990)
CD 1.

01. Feel Like A Stranger
02. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleloo
03. Walkin’ Blues
04. Althea
05. Cassidy
06. Bird Song
07. Let It Grow

CD 2.

01. China Cat Sunflower / I Know You Rider
02. Looks Like Rain
03. Eyes Of The World
04. Victim Or The Crime
05. Help On The Way
Franklin’s Tower
06. One More Saturday Night
07. Dear Mr. Fantasy


One From The Vault (Live 1991)
CD 1.

01. Introduction
02. Help on the Way
03. Franklin’s Tower
04. The Music Never Stopped
05. It Must Have Been the Roses
06. Eyes of the World / Drums
07. King Solomon’s Marbles
08. Around & Around

CD 2.

01. Sugaree
02. Big River
03. Crazy Fingers / Drums
04. The Other One
05. Sage and Spirit
06. Goin’ Down the Road Feeling Bad
07. U.S. Blues
08. Blues for Allah


So Many Roads, 1965-1995 (Live Box Set 1999)
CD 1.

01. Can’t Come Down
02. Caution
03. You Don’t Have to Ask
04. On the Road Again
05. Cream Puff War
06. I Know You Rider
07. The Same Thing
08. Dark Star
China Cat Sunflower
The Eleven
09. Clementine
10. Mason’s Children
11. To Lay Me Down

CD 2.

01. That’s It for the Other One
02. Beautiful Jam
03. Chinatown Shuffle
04. Sing Me Back Home
05. Watkins Glen Soundcheck Jam
06. Dark Star Jam
Spanish Jam
U.S. Blues

CD 3.

01. Eyes of the World
02. The Wheel
03. Stella Blue
04. Estimated Prophet
05. The Music Never Stopped
06. Shakedown Street

CD 4.

01. Cassidy
02. Hey Pocky Way
03. Believe It or Not
04. Playing in the Band
05. Gentlemen, Start Your Engines
06. Death Don’t Have No Mercy
07. Scarlet Begonias / Fire on the Mountain
08. Bird Song
09. Jam Out of Terrapin

CD 5.

01. Terrapin Station
02. Jam Out of Foolish Heart
03. Way to Go Home
04. Liberty
05. Lazy River Road
06. Eternity
07. Jam Into Days Between
08. Days Between
09. Whiskey in the Jar
10. So Many Roads 


Ladies & Gentelmen...The Grateful Dead - Fillmore East New York 1971 (2000)
CD 1.

01. Truckin'
02. Bertha
03. Next Time You See Me
04. Beat It On Down The Line
05. Bird Song
06. Dark Hollow
07. Second That Emotion
08. Me And My Uncle
09. Cumberland Blues
10. Good Lovin'
11. Drums

CD 2.

01. Sugar Magnolia
02. Loser
03. Ain't It Crazy (The Rub)
04. El Paso
05. I'm A King Bee
06. Ripple
07. Me And Bobby McGee
08. Uncle John's Band
09. Turn On Your Lovelight

CD 3.

01. China Cat Sunflower
02. I Know You Rider
03. It Hurts Me Too
04. Sing Me Back Home
05. Hard To Handle
06. Dark Star
07. St. Stephen
08. Not Fade Away
09. Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad
10. Not Fade Away

CD 4.

01. Morning Dew
02. New Minglewood Blues
03. Wharf Rat
04. Alligator
05. Drums
06. Jam
07. Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad
08. Cold Rain And Snow
09. Casey Jones
10. In The Midnight Hour
11. We Bid You Goodnight


The Very Best Of The Grateful Dead (2003)
01. Truckin’
02. Touch Of Grey
03. Sugar Magnolia
04. Casey Jones
05. Uncle John’s Band
06. Friend Of The Devil
07. Franklin’s Tower
08. Estimated Prophet
09. Eyes Of The World
10. Box Of Rain
11. U.S. Blues
12. The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion)
13. One More Saturday Night (Live 1972)
14. Fire On The Mountain
15. Music Never Stopped
16. Hell In A Bucket
17. Ripple


Birth Of The Dead (Coletânea 2003)
CD 1: The Live Sides.

01. Viola Lee Blues
02. Don’t Ease Me In
03. Pain In My Heart
04. Sitting On Top Of The World
05. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue
06. I’m A King Bee
07. Big Boss Man
08. Standing On The Corner
09. In The Pines
10. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
11. Next Time You See Me
12. One Kind Favor
13. He Was A Friend Of Mine
14. Keep Rolling By

CD 2: The Studio Sides.

01. Early Morning Rain
02. I Know You Rider
03. Mindbender (Confusion’s Prince)
04. The Only Time Is Now
05. Caution (Do Not Stop On The Tracks)
06. Can’t Come Down
07. Stealin’ (Instrumental)
08. Stealin’ (With Vocals)
09. Don’t Easy Me In (Instrumental)
10. Don’t Easy Me In (With Vocals)
11. You Don’t Have To Ask
12. Tastebud (Instrumental)
13. Tastebud (With Vocals)
14. I Know You Rider
15. Cold Rain And Snow (Instrumental)
16. Cold Rain And Snow (With Vocals)

Rockin’ The Rhein: German town of Düsseldorf on April 24, 1972 (2004)
CD 1.

01. Truckin’
02. Tennessee Jed
03. Chinatown Shuffle
04. Black-Throated Wind
05. China Cat Sunflower
06. I Know You Rider
07. Mr. Charlie
08. Beat It On Down The Line
09. Loser
10. Playing In The Band
11. Next Time You See Me
12. Me And Bobbie McGee

CD 2.

01. Good Lovin’
02. Casey Jones
03. He’s Gone
04. Hurts Me Too
05. El Paso
06. Turn On Your Love Light
07. The Stranger (Two Souls In Communion)

CD 3.

01. Dark Star
02. Me & My Uncle
03. Dark Star
04. Wharf Rat
05. Sugar Magnolia
06. Not Fade Away
07. Goin’ Down The Road Feeling Bad
08. Not Fade Away
09. One More Saturday Night


Rare Cuts & Oddities, 1966 (2005)
01. Walking the Dog
02. You See a Broken Heart
03. Promised Land
04. Good Lovin’
05. Standing on the Corner
06. Cream Puff War
07. Betty and Dupree
08. Stealin’
09. Silver Threads and Golden Needles
10. Not Fade Away
11. Big Railroad Blues
12. Sick and Tired
13. Empty Heart
14. Gangster of Love
15. Don’t Mess Up a Good Thing
16. Hey Little One
17. I’m a King Bee
18. Caution (Do Not Stop on the Tracks)


Fillmore West, 1969 (2005)
CD 1: 01/03/1969.

01. That’s It for the Other One
02. New Potato Caboose
03. Doin’ That Rag
04. Cosmic Charlie
05. Dupree’s Diamond Blues
06. Mountains of the Moon
07. Dark Star
08. St. Stephen
09. The Eleven
10. Turn On Your Lovelight
11. Hey Jude

CD 2: 02/03/1969.

01. Dark Star
02. St. Stephen
03. The Eleven
04. Turn On Your Lovelight
05. Doin’ That Rag
06. That’s It for the Other One
07. Death Don’t Have No Mercy
08. Morning Dew
09. Aligator
10. Drums
11. Jam
12. Caution (Do Not Step on Tracks)
13. Feedback
14. We Bid You Goodnight

CD 3: 08/06/1969.

01. Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)
02. He Was A Friend Of Mine
03. China Cat Sunflower
04. New Potato Caboose
06. I Know You Rider
07. High Time

CD 4: 27/02/1969.

01. Good Morning, Little Schoolgirl
02. Doin’ That Rag
03. That’s It For The Other One
05. Mountains of the Moon
06. Dark Star
07. St. Stephen
08. The Eleven
09. Turn On Your Lovelight
10. Cosmic Charlie
11. China Cat Sunflower

CD 5: 28/02/1969.

01. Morning Dew
02. Good Morning, Little Schoolgirl
03. Doin’ That Rag
04. I’m A King Bee
05. Turn On Your Lovelight
06. That’s It for the Other One
07. Dark Star
08. St Stephen
09. The Eleven
10. Death Don't Have No Mercy
11. Aligator
12. Drums
13. Jam
14. Caution (Do Not Step On Tracks)
15. Feedback
16. We Bid You Goodnight 

Link Pt.1 > Pt.2.

Truckin’ Up To Buffalo: Rich Stadium in Orchard Park on July 4, 1989 
(Live 2005)
CD 1.

01. Bertha
02. Greatest Story Ever Told
03. Cold Rain And Snow
04. Walkin’ Blues
05. Row Jimmy
06. When I Paint My Masterpiece
07. Stagger Lee
08. Looks Like Rain
09. Deal
10. Touch Of Grey
11. Man Smart, Woman Smarter

CD 2.

01. Ship Of Fools
02. Playing In The Band
03. Terrapin Station
04. Drums
05. Space
06. I Will Take You Home
07. All Along The Watchtower
08. Morning Dew
09. Not Fade Away
10. U.S. Blues


Three From The Vault (Live 2007)
CD 1.

01. Two Ditties
02. Truckin’
03. Loser
04. Cumberland Blues
05. Hurts Me Too
06. Bertha
07. Playing In The Band
08. Dark Hollow
09. Smokestack Lightnin’
10. China Cat Sunflower
11. I Know You Rider

CD 2.

01. Greatest Story Ever Told
02. Johnny B. Goode
03. Bird Song
04. Easy Wind
05. Deal
06. That’s It For The Other One
07. Wharf Rat
08. Good Lovin’
09. Casey Jones

CD 3.

01. He Was a Friend of Mine
02. China Cat Sunflower
03. I Know You Rider
04. Caution (Do Not Stop on Tracks)
05. High Time
06. New Potato Caboose


Winterland 1973, The Complete Recordings (2008)
CD 1: 11/09/1973.

01. Proimised Land
02. Brown-Eyed Women
03. Me & Bobby McGee
04. The Love Each Other
05. Black-Throated Wind
06. Don’t Ease Me In
07. Mexical Blues
08. Row Jimmy
09. The Race is On
10. China Cat Sunflower
11. I Know You Rider
12. Playing in the Band
13. Here Comes Sunshine
14. Me and My Uncle
15. To Lay Me Down
16. Big River
17. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleoo
18. Greatest Story Ever Told
19. Bertha
20. Weather Report Suite
21. Eyes of the World
22. China Doll
23. Around and Around
24. Goin’ Down the Road Feeling Bad
25. Johnny B. Goode

CD 2: 11/10/1973.

01. Bertha
02. Jack Straw
03. Loser
04. Looks Like Rain
05. Dead
06. Mexicali Blues
07. Tennessee Jed
08. El Paso
09. Brokedown Palace
10. Beat it on Down the Line
11. Row Jimmy
12. Weather Report Suite
13. Playing in the Band
14. Uncle John’s Band
15. Morning Dew
16. Uncle John’s Band
17. Playing in the Band
18. Big River
19. Stella Blue
20. Truckin’
21. Wharf Rat
22. Sugar Magnolia
23. One More Saturday Night
24. Casey Jones

CD 3: 11/11/1973.

01. Promised Land
02. Bertha
03. Greatest Story Ever Told
04. Sugaree
05. Black-Throated Wind
06. To Lay Me Down
07. El Paso
08. Ramble on Rose
09. Me & Bobby McGee
10. China Cat Sunflower
11. I Know You Rider
12. Me and My Uncle
13. Loose Lucy
14. Weather Report Suite
15. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleoo
16. Big River
17. Dark Star
18. Eyes of the World
19. China Doll
20. Sugar Magnolia
21. Uncle John’s Band
22. Johnny B. Goode
23. We Bid You Goodnight

CD 4: 12/04/1973.

01. China Cat Sunflower
02. I Know You Rider
03. Truckin’
04. Stella Blue
05. Eyes of the World
06. Space
07. Sugar Magnolia
08. Goin’ Down the Road Feeling Bad
09. Casey Jones 

Link Pt.1 > Pt.2.

Formerly The Warlocks, Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, Virginia October 8 & 9, 1989 (2010)
CD 1.

01. Foolish Heart
02. Walkin’ Blues
03. Candyman
04. Me and My Uncle
05. Big River
06. Stagger Lee
07. Queen Jane Approximately
08. Bird Song
09. Promised Land

CD 2.

01. Help on the Way
02. Slipknot!
03. Franklin’s Tower
04. Victim or the Crime
05. Eyes of the World
06. Rhythm Devils

CD 3.

01. Space
02. I Need a Miracle
03. The Wheel
04. Gimme Some Lovin’
05. Morning Dew
06. We Bid You Goodnight

CD 4.

01. Feel Like a Stranger
02. Built to Last
03. Little Red Rooster
04. Ramble on Rose
05. We Can Run
06. Jack-A-Roe
07. Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again
08. Row Jimmy
09. The Music Never Stopped

CD 5.

01. Playing in the Band
02. Uncle John’s Band
03. Playing in the Band
04. Dark Star
05. Rhythm Devils

CD 6.

01. Space
02. Death Don’t Have No Mercy
03. Dear Mr. Fantasy
04. Hey Jude
05. Throwing Stones
06. Good Lovin’
07. Attics of My Life


Europe ’72 Vol. 2 (2011)
CD 1.

01. Bertha
02. Me and My Uncle
03. Chinatown Shuffle
04. Sugaree
05. Beat it on Down the Line
06. Loser
07. Next Time You See Me
08. Black-Throated Wind
09. Dire Wolf
10. Greatest Story Ever Told
11. Deal
12. Good Lovin’
13. Playing in the Band

CD 2.

01. Dark Star
02. Drums
03. The Other One
04. Sing Me Back Home
05. Not Fade Away
06. Goin’ Down the Road Feeling Bad
07. Not Fade Away


Spring, 1990 (Box Set 18 CD’S, 2012)
Show 1.

Capital Centre, Landover, Md (3/16/90)

CD 1.

01. Let The Good Times Roll
02. Touch Of Grey
03. New Minglewood Blues
04. Peggy-O
05. Queen Jane Approximately
06. Loser
07. Black-Throated Wind
08. Bird Song
09. Blow Away

CD 2.

01. Scarlet Begonias
02. Estimated Prophet
03. Ship Of Fools
04. Man Smart, Woman Smarter
05. Jam
06. Drums

CD 3.

01. Space
02. The Other One
03. Stella Blue
04. Sugar Magnolia
05. The Last Time


Show 2.

Civic Center, Hartford, Ct (3/19/90)

CD 1.

01. Hell In A Bucket
02. Bertha
03. We Can Run
04. Jack-A-Roe
05. Picasso Moon
06. Brown-Eyed Women
07. It’s All Over Now
08. Deal

CD 2.

01. Box Of Rain
02. Foolish Heart
03. Playing In The Band
04. Eyes Of The World
05. Drums

CD 3.

01. Space
02. China Doll
03. Gimme Some Lovin’
04. Goin’ Down The Road Feeling Bad
05. Around And Around
06. Brokedown Palace


Show 3.

Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (3/22/90)

CD 1.

01. Feel Like A Stranger
02. West L. A. Fadeaway
03. Easy To Love You
04. Beat It On Down The Line
05. It Must Have Been The Roses
06. The Last Time
07. Picasso Moon
08. Don’t Ease Me In

CD 2.

01. Scarlet Begonias
02. Fire On The Mountain
03. Samson And Delilah
04. Believe It Or Not
05. Truckin’
06. Drums

CD 3.

01. Space
02. The Other One
03. Hey Jude
04. Dear Mr. Fantasy
05. Hey Jude
06. Sugar Magnolia
07. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue


Show 4.

Knickerbocker Arena, Albany Ny (3/26/90)

CD 1.

01. Hell In A Bucket
02. Dupree’s Diamond Blues
03. Just A Little Light
04. Black-Throated Wind
05. Big Railroad Blues
06. Picasso Moon
07. Row Jimmy
08. Blow Away

CD 2.

01. Built To Last
02. Victim Or The Crime
03. China Cat Sunflower
04. I Know You Rider
05. Man Smart, Woman Smarter
06. Drums

CD 3.

01. Space
02. I Need A Miracle
03. Dear Mr. Fantasy
04. Gimme Some Lovin’
05. Morning Dew
06. Brokedown Palace
Bonus Tracks From 3/24/90 Albany.
07. Let The Good Times Roll
08. Help On The Way
09. Slipknot!
10. Franklin’s Tower
11. Loser
12. Tennessee Jed


Show 5.

Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, Ny (3/30/90)

CD 1.

01. Help On The Way
02. Slipknot!
03. Franklin’s Tower
04. Little Red Rooster
05. Dire Wolf
06. It’s All Over Now
07. Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues
08. Picasso Moon
09. Don’t Ease Me In

CD 2.

01. Iko Iko
02. Playing In The Band
03. China Doll
04. Uncle John’s Band
05. Terrapin Station
06. Drums

CD 3.

01. Space
02. I Need A Miracle
03. Gimme Some Lovin
04. Standing On The Moon
05. Not Fade Away
06. Attics Of My Life


Show 6.

The Omni, Atlanta, Ga (4/2/90)

CD 1.

01. Feel Like A Stranger
02. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
03. The Weight
04. Queen Jane Approximately
05. Easy To Love You
06. Brown-Eyed Women
07. Let It Grow

CD 2.

01. Foolish Heart
02. Looks Like Rain
03. He’s Gone
04. The Last Time
05. Drums

CD 3.

01. Space
02. The Other One
03. Death Don’t Have No Mercy
04. Around And Around
05. Good Lovin’
06. Black Muddy River


Road Trips.

Os Road Trips são uma coleção que reúne registros de apresentações ao vivo durante a carreira da banda.

Vol. 1, N° 1 (2007)
New Haven, CT - 10/25/79.
Uniondale, NY - 10/31/79.
Philadelphia, PA - 11/6/79.
Landover, MD - 11/8/79.
Buffalo, NY - 11/9/79.
Ann Arbor, MI - 11/10/79.

CD 1.

01. Alabama Getaway
02. Promised Land
03. Jack Straw
04. Deal
05. Dancing In The Street
06. Franklin’s Tower
07. Wharf Rat
08. I Need A Miracle
09. Bertha
10. Good Lovin’ 

 CD 2.

01. Shakedown Street
02. Passenger
03. Terrapin Station
04. Playing In The Band
05. Not Fade Away
06. Morning Dew

CD 3: Bonus Disc. 

01. China Cat Sunflower
02. I Know You Rider
03. Lost Sailor
04. Saint Of Circumstance
05. Jam
06. Althea
07. Estimated Prophet
08. He’s Gone
09. Jam


Vol. 1, N° 2 (2008)
Albuquerque, NM - 10/7/77.
Norman, OK - 10/11/77.
Houston, TX - 10/14/77.
Baton Rouge, LA - 10/16/77.

CD 1.

01. Let It Grow
02. Sugaree
03. The Music Never Stopped
04. Mississippi Half-step, Uptown Toodeloo
05. El Paso
06. Help On The Way
07. Slipknot
08. Franklin’s Tower

CD 2.

01. Playing In The Band
02. Drums
03. The Other One
04. Good Lovin
05. Terrapin Station
06. Black Peter
07. Around And Around
08. Brokedown Palace
09. Playing In The Band (Reprise)

CD 3: Bonus Disc.

01. Scarlet Begonias
02. Fire On The Mountain
03. Estimated Prophet
04. Loser
05. Sunrise
06. Iko Iko
07. The Wheel
08. Wharf Rat
09. Sugar Magnolia


Vol. 1, N° 3 (2008)
August 23, 1971, at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago, Illinois.

CD 1.

01. Big Railroad Blues
02. Hard To Handle
03. Me and Bobby McGee
04. Dark Star
05. Bird Song
06. Not Fade Away
07. Goin Down The Road Feeling Bad
08. Not Fade Away
09. Uncle Johns Band
10. Johnny B Goode

CD 2.

01. China Cat
02. I Know You Rider
03. Truckin
04. Sugaree
05. Cryptical Envelopment
06. Drums
07. The Other One
08. Me and My Uncle
09. The Other One
10. Cryptical Envelopment
11. Wharf Rat
12. Sugar Magnolia

CD 3 (Bonus).

01. Bertha 
02. Mr Charlie
03. Cumberland Blues
04. Brokedown Palace
05. Hard to Handle
06. Sing Me Back Home
07. Big Boss Man
08. Not Fade Away
09. Goin Down the Road Feeling Bad
10. Turn On Your Lovelight


Vol. 1, N° 4 (2008)
From Egypt With Love, October '78.

CD 1.

01. Sugaree
02. Passenger
03. Stagger Lee
04. I Need A Miracle
05. Got My Mojo Working
06. The Other One
07. Stella Blue
08. Sugar Magnolia
09. US Blues

CD 2.

01. Ollin Arageed
02. Deal
03. Peggy-O
04. Jack Straw
05. Scarlet Begonias
06. Fire On The Mountain
07. Not Fade Away
08. Goin’ Down The Road Feeling Bad

CD 3 (Bonus)

01. Bertha
02. Good Lovin’
03. Estimated Prophet
04. He’s Gone
05. If I Had The World To Give
06. Around and Around


Vol. 2, N° 1 (2008)
Madison Square Garden in New York City on September 18, 19, and 20, 1990.

CD 1: September 20, 1990.

01. Truckin’
02. China Cat Sunflower
03. I Know You Rider

September 19, 1990
04. Playing in the Band
05. Ship of Fools
06. Playing in the Band
07. Uncle John’s Band
08. Let it Grow
09. Jam

CD 2: September 20, 1990.

01. Jam
02. Dark Star
03. Playing in the Band
04. Dark Star
05. Throwing Stones
06. Touch of Grey
07. Turn On Your Love Light
September 18, 1990
08. Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

CD 3: Bonus Disc, September 18, 1990.

01. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
02. Picasso Moon
03. To Lay Me Down
04. Eyes of The World
05. Estimated Prophet
06. Foolish Heart
07. Jam Out of Foolish Heart


Vol. 2, N° 2 (2008)
February 14, 1968, Carousel Ballroom.

CD 1: 1st Set.

01. Morning Dew
02. Good Morning Little School Girl
03. Dark Star
04. China Cat Sunflower
05. The Eleven
06. Turn On Your Love Light
Bonus Material, January, 1968.
07. Viola Lee Blues
08. Beat It on Down the Line
09. It Hurts Me Too
10. Dark Star

CD 2: 2nd Set.

01. That’s It for the Other One
02. New Potato Caboose
03. Born Cross-Eyed
04. Spanish Jam
05. Alligator
06. Caution (Do Not Stop on Tracks)
07. Feedback
08. In the Midnight Hour

CD 3: Bonus Material, January, 1968.

01. Viola Lee Blues (1-23-68 Seattle, WA)
02. Good Morning Little School Girl (1-20-68 Eureka, CA)
03. New Potato Caboose (1-30-68 Eugene, OR)
04. Dark Star (1-23-68 Seattle, WA)
05. China Cat Sunflower (1-23-68 Seattle, WA)
06. The Eleven (1-23-68 Seattle, WA)
07. Turn On Your Lovelight (1-23-68 Seattle, WA) 


Vol. 2, N° 3 (2008)
Des Moines, IA - June 16, 1974.
Louisville, KY - June 18, 1974.

CD 1: State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, IA 6/16/74.

01. China Cat Sunflower
02. I Know You Rider
03. The Race Is On
04. Eyes of the World
05. Big River
06. U.S. Blues
07. Playing in the Band

CD 2: Freedom Hall, Louisville, KY 6/18/74.

01. Loose Lucy
02. Eyes of the World
03. China Doll
04. Weather Report Suite
05. Jam
06. The Other One
07. It’s a Sin Jam
08. Stella Blue

CD 3: Bonus Disc.

01. Morning Dew
02. Around and Around
State Fairgrounds, Des Moines (IA 6/16/74)
03. Deal
04. Greatest Story Ever Told
05. Truckin’
06. Nobody’s Jam
07. Wharf Rat
08. Goin’ Down the Road Feelin’ Bad
Freedom Hall, Louisville (KY 6/18/74)
09. Sugar Magnolia


Vol. 2, N° 4 (2009)
Cal Expo '93.

CD 1: May 26, 1993.

01. Samson and Delilah
02. Here Comes Sunshine
03. Walkin’ Blues
04. Deal
05. Box of Rain
06. Victim or the Crime
07. Crazy Fingers
08. Playing in the Band
09. Rhythm Devils

CD 2: May 26, 1993.

01. Corrina
02. Playing in the Band
03. China Doll
04. Around and Around
05. Liberty
May 27, 1993.
06. Shakedown Street
07. The Same Thing
08. Dire Wolf
09. High Time
10. When I Paint My Masterpiece

CD 3: Bonus Disc.

01. Picasso Moon
02. Fire on the Mountain
03. Cassidy
04. Uncle John’s Band
05. Cassidy
06. Gloria
May 26, 1993.
07. Broken Arrow
08. Ramble On Rose
09. Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again


Vol. 3, N° 1 (2009)
Oakland 12/28/79.

CD 1: Set 1.

01. Sugaree
02. Mama Tried
03. Mexicali Blues
04. Row Jimmy
05. It’s All Over Now
06. High Time
07. The Music Never Stopped
Set 2.
08. Alabama Getaway
09. Greatest Story Ever Told

CD 2: Set 2.

01. Terrapin Station
02. Playing in the Band
03. Rhythm Devils
04. Space
05. Uncle John’s Band
06. I Need a Miracle
07. Bertha
08. Good Lovin’
09. Casey Jones
10. One More Saturday Night

CD 3: Bonus Disc, Oakland 12/30/79.

01. New Minglewood Blues
02. Candyman
03. Ramble On Rose
04. Lazy Lightning
05. Supplication
06. Scarlet Begonias
07. Fire on the Mountain
08. Let It Grow
09. Truckin’
10. Wharf Rat


Vol. 3, N° 2 (2009)
 Austin 11/15/71.

CD 1: Set 1.

01. Truckin’
02. Bertha
03. Playing in the Band
04. Deal
05. Jack Straw
06. Loser
07. Beat It on Down the Line
08. Dark Star
09. El Paso
10. Dark Star
11. Casey Jones
12. One More Saturday Night

CD 2: Set 2.

01 Me and My Uncle
02. Ramble On Rose
03. Mexicali Blues
04. Brokedown Palace
05. Me and Bobby McGee
07. Cumberland Blues
08. Sugar Magnolia
09. You Win Again
10. Not Fade Away
11. Jam
12. Goin’ Down the Road Feeling Bad
13. Not Fade Away
14. Johnny B. Goode

CD 3: Bonus Disc, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, Austin 11/14/71.

01. China Cat Sunflower
02. I Know You Rider
03. Sugaree
04. Truckin’
05. Drums
06. The Other One
07. Me and My Uncle
08. The Other One
09. Wharf Rat
10. Sugar Magnolia


Vol. 3: N° 3 (2010)
Fillmore East 5/15/70.

CD 1.

01. Don't Ease Me In
02. I know You Rider
03. Ain't It Crazy (The Rub)
04. Long Black Limousine
05. New Speedway Boogie
06. Casey Jones
07. St. Stephen
08. That's It For The Other One
09. Cosmic Charlie
10. New Minglewood Blues

CD 2.

01. Deep Elem Blues
02. The Ballad Of Casey Jones
03. Silver Threads And Golden Needles
04. Black Peter
05. Friend Of The Devil
06. Uncle John's Band
07. She's Mine
08. Katie Mae
09. A Voice From On High
10. China Cat Sunflower
11. I know You Rider
12. Cumberland Blues
13. Hard To Handle
14. Morning Dew
15. Dire Wolf

CD 3.

01. Good Lovin'
02. Dark Star
03. St. Stephen
04. Not Fade Away
05. Turn On Your Lovelight
06. Cold Jordan

CD 4: Bonus.

01. Friend of the Devil
02. Candyman
03. Cumberland Blues
04. Cold Jordan
05. Easy Wind
06. Attics of My Life
07. Beat It on Down the Line
08. Next Time You See Me
09. New Speedway Boogie
10. St. Stephen
11. Not Fade Away
12. Turn On Your Lovelight


Vol. 3, N° 4 (2011)
Penn State-Cornell '80.

CD 1: Penn State (5/6/80) and Cornell (5/7/80)

01. Jack Straw
02. Peggy-O
03. Me and My Uncle
04. Big River
05. Loser
06. Cassidy
07. Row Jimmy
08. Lazy Lightning
09. Supplication
10. Althea
11. Lost Sailor
12. Saint of Circumstance

CD 2: Penn State (5/6/80)

01. China Cat Sunflower
02. I Know You Rider
03. Feel Like A Stranger&
04. He's Gone
05. The Other One
06. Rhythm Devils
07. Space
08. Wharf Rat
09. Around and Around
10. Johnny B. Goode

CD 3: Cornell (5/7/80)

01. Shakedoown Street
02. Bertha
03. Playing In The Band
04. Terrapin Station
05. Rhythm Devils
06. Space
07. Saint of Circumstance
08. Black Peter
09. Playing In The Band
10. Good Lovin'


Vol. 4, N° 1 (2011)
Big Rock Pow Wow, May 23 & 24, 1969.

CD 1.

01. Hard To Handle
02. Dark Star
03. St. Stephen
04. The Eleven
05. Turn On Your Lovelight

CD 2.

01. Banter
02. Turn On Your Lovelight
03. Doin' That Rag
04. He Was A Friend Of Mine
05. China Cat Sunflower
06. The Eleven
07. Death Don't Have No Mercy

CD 3.

01. Morning Dew
02. Me and My Uncle
03. Yellow Dog Story
04. Alligator
05. Drums
06. St. Stephen
07. Feedback
08. We Bid You Goodnight


Vol. 4, N° 2 (2011)
April Fool’s ’88.

CD 1.

01. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
02. Jack Straw
03. To Lay Me Down
04. Ballad Of A Thin Man
05. When Push Comes To Shove
06. New Minglewood Blues
07. Cumberland Blues
08. Deal
09. When I Paint My Masterpiece
10. Let It Grow
11. Brokedown Palace

CD 2.

01. Scarlet Begonias
02. Fire On The Mountain
03. Samson & Delilah
04. Terrapin Station
05. Rhythm Devils
06. Space
07. Goin’ Down The Road Feeling Bad
08. I Need A Miracle
09. Dear Mr. Fantasy
10. Hey Jude
11. All Along The Watchtower
12. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door

CD 3.

01. China Cat Sunflower
02. I Know You Rider
03. Estimated Prophet
04. Eyes Of The World
05. Rhythm Devils
06. Space
07. The Other One
08. Wharf Rat
09. Throwing Stones
10. Not Fade Away


Vol. 4, N° 3 (2011)
Denver ’73″.

CD 1.

01. Me and my Uncle
02. Sugaree
03. Jack Straw
04. Dire Wolf
05. Black-Throated Wind
06. Big Railroad Blues
07. Mexicali Blues
08. They Love Each Other
09. Looks Like Rain
10. Here Comes Sunshine
11. Big River
12. Brokedown Palace

CD 2.

01. Weather Report Suite
02. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
03. Playing in the Band
04. El Paso
05. Playing in the Band
06. Wharf Rat
07. Playing in the Band
08. Morning Dew

CD 3.

01. Truckin’
02. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
03. Goin’ Down the Road Feeling Bad
04. One More Saturday Night
05. Uncle John’s Band
06. Truckin’
07. The Other One
08. Stella Blue


Vol. 4, N° 4 (2011)
Spectrum 4/6/82.

CD 1.

01. Cold Rain And Snow
02. Promised Land
03. Candyman
04. C.C. Rider
05. Brown-Eyed Women
06. Mama Tried
07. Mexicali Blues
08. Big Railroad Blues
09. Looks Like Rain
10. Jack-A-Roe
11. It's All Over Now
12. Might As Well

CD 2.

01. Shakedown Street
02. Lost Sailor
03. Saint Of Circumstance
04. Terrapin Station
05. Rhythm Devils
06. Space
From 4/5/1982.
07. Deep Elem Blues
08. Althea
09. Man Smart. Woman Smarter

CD 3.

01. Truckin'
02. The Other One
03. Morning Dew
04. Sugar Magnolia
05. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
From 4/5/1982.
06. Bertha
07. Playing In The Band
08. Ship Of Fools
09. Playing In The Band


Vol. 4, N° 5 (2011)
  Boston Music Hall Concert from June 9, 1976.

CD 1.

01. Cold Rain and Snow
02. Cassidy
03. Scarlet Begonias
04. The Music Never Stopped
05. Crazy Fingers
06. Big River
07. They Love Each Other
08. Looks Like Rain
09. Ship Of Fools
10. Promised Land

CD 2.

01. St. Stephen
02. Eyes of the World
03. Let It Grow
04. Brown-Eyed Women
05. Lazy Lightning
06. Supplication
07. High Time
08. Samson and Delilah
09. It Must Have Been The Roses

CD 3.

01. Dancing In The Street
02. Wharf Rat
03. Around and Around
04. Franklin's Tower
Bonus Tracks From 6/12/76.
05. Mission In The Rain
06. The Wheel
07. Comes A Time
08. Sugar Magnolia
09. U.S. Blues
10. Sunshine Daydream


Road Trips: Bonus Disc (2011)
01. Greatest Story Ever Told
02. China Cat Sunflower
03. I Know You Rider
04. Dark Star
05. Eyes of the World

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