Flaming Lips (Os Lábios Flamejantes) é uma banda formada em Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, em 1983. É uma idiossincrática e aclamada banda de rock
alternativo dos Estados Unidos.
Ainda que galgada no estilo indie rock / pós-punk, o Flaming Lips é conhecido por seus arranjos psicodélicos e cheios de camadas, suas letras viajantes e títulos de músicas bizarros. São também aclamados por seus shows elaborados, incluindo roupas de animais, bonecos, projeção de vídeos e complexas configurações de iluminação de palco. Em 2002, a Q Magazine nomeou o grupo Flaming Lips como "Uma das 50 bandas para ver antes de morrer".
O grupo gravou vários álbuns e EP com o selo indie Restless Records, na década de 1980 e início dos 1990. Após assinar contrato com a Warner Brothers, eles lançaram o hit "She Don´t Use Jelly" em 1995. (Conhecido na Austrália como Vaseline). Mesmo sendo o único hit, a banda manteve o respeito da crítica e, num âmbito menor, a viabilidade comercial com álbuns magistrais como The Soft Bulletin (de 1999) e Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (de 2002).
Em 2007, a banda recebeu três prêmios Grammy, incluindo o de melhor performance instrumental de rock.
Ainda que galgada no estilo indie rock / pós-punk, o Flaming Lips é conhecido por seus arranjos psicodélicos e cheios de camadas, suas letras viajantes e títulos de músicas bizarros. São também aclamados por seus shows elaborados, incluindo roupas de animais, bonecos, projeção de vídeos e complexas configurações de iluminação de palco. Em 2002, a Q Magazine nomeou o grupo Flaming Lips como "Uma das 50 bandas para ver antes de morrer".
O grupo gravou vários álbuns e EP com o selo indie Restless Records, na década de 1980 e início dos 1990. Após assinar contrato com a Warner Brothers, eles lançaram o hit "She Don´t Use Jelly" em 1995. (Conhecido na Austrália como Vaseline). Mesmo sendo o único hit, a banda manteve o respeito da crítica e, num âmbito menor, a viabilidade comercial com álbuns magistrais como The Soft Bulletin (de 1999) e Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (de 2002).
Em 2007, a banda recebeu três prêmios Grammy, incluindo o de melhor performance instrumental de rock.
Período Indie.
Período Indie.
O Flaming Lips se formou em Oklahoma City em 1983, quando o guitarrista Wayne Coyne roubou alguns instrumentos musicais de uma igreja da região. Com Mark (irmão de Wayne) cantando e Michael Ivins no baixo, a banda fez seu primeiro show num bar de travestis.
Pouco depois o baterista Richard English entrou na banda, Mark Coyne deixou a banda e Wayne assumiu a função de vocalista e de compositor. Essa formação gravou o primeiro disco, Hear It Is, lançado por um pequeno selo chamado Restless Records em 1986. Essa formação gravou mais dois álbuns pelo selo: Oh, my Gawd!.. The Flaming Lips (Oh, meu Deeeus!.. os Lábios Flamejantes) de 1987 e Telepathic Surgery (Cirurgia Telepática) de 1988.
Nathan Roberts substituiu Richard no posto de baterista e Jonathan Donahue (que mais tarde formou a banda Mercury Rev) entrou na formação do disco In a Priest Driven Ambulance, de 1990. Eles seriam substituídos pelo guitarrista Ronald Jones e pelo baterista Steve Drozd, respectivamente, no álbum seguinte. Durante o período no selo Restless Records, a banda conseguiu um número significante de fãs, graças em parte aos seus shows bizarros que incluíam máquinas de fazer bolhas, confettis, balões, bonecos de mão e pisca-piscas de Natal.
“She Don’t Use Jelly” até Zaireeka.
Em 1990 a banda assinou com a Warner Bros Records. Em 1992 eles lançaram o seu principal disco pelo selo até hoje, Hit to Death in the Future Head.
Em 1993 eles lançaram Transmissions from the Satellite Heart. Esse disco conseguiu uma boa divulgação em estações de rádios de universidades. No início de 1995, o single "She Don´t Use Jelly" se tornou um top 10 e o clipe passava bastante na Mtv. Os Lips até apareceram na famosa série de TV Barrados no Baile e tocaram "She Don´t Use Jelly" ao vivo no Late Night with David Letterman em março de 1995. O sucesso desse disco os levou à extensas turnês, incluindo participação na Lollapalooza tour e abrindo shows para o Red Hot Chili Peppers e Candlebox.
O disco Clouds Taste Metallic foi lançado no final de 1995, mesmo não conseguindo o sucesso comercial dos anteriores. Esse foi o último álbum e a última turnê na qual os Lips tocaram como banda "padrão", mesmo sendo uma banda altamente idiossincrática. A longa turnê de divulgação do Clouds, mas o stress de três anos na estrada para divulgação do Transmissions foi um fator decisivo na saída de Ronald Jones no final de 1996. Ele disse estar sofrendo um severo caso de agorafobia.
No meio-tempo, uma série de incidentes estranhos (recontados na música "The spiderbite Song", de 1999) perturbaram a banda. O braço de Drozd foi quase amputado pelo que ele considerou ser uma mordida de aranha (o resultado do uso que Drozd fazia de heroína) e Ivins ficou preso em seu carro por muitas horas, após uma roda de um outro carro ter batido no seu vidro.
A saída de Jones e a insatisfação com o rock padrão levou os três membros remanescentes da banda redefinir a direção musical com o disco experimental Zaireeka, de 1997. Um álbum quádruplo em que a intenção é ser ouvido ao tocar os quatro CDs em quatro CD players simultaneamente.
A música incorpora tanto elementos tradicionais quanto sonoridades "achadas" (como em "Musique Concrete"), muitas vezes pesadamente manipulado em estúdios de gravação. Como parte do desenvolvimento desse projeto (e ocasionalmente como parte da turnê subsequente), a banda conduziu uma série de "experimentos boombox", onde uma orquestra de 40 pessoas com tocadores de fitas "boombox" eram "conduzidos" - diretamente com a variação de volume, velocidade ou tom da fita que estavam tocando (feitos pela banda) pelo líder da banda, Wayne Coyne.
The Soft Bulletin e Yoshimi.
Mesmo que seu trabalho experimental tenha recebido alguns comentários, a grande virada veio com o aclamadíssimo disco The Soft Bulletin, de 1999. Casando melodias mais tradicionais com cordas lânguidas e sintéticas, hipnóticas, batidas cuidadosamente manipuladas, letras filosóficas (cantadas com muito mais força que nos lançamentos anteriores), esse álbum foi um dos hits underground do ano, considerado como um dos melhores álbuns da década. Comparado por muitos ao Pet Sounds do Beach Boys devido às harmonias e os sons orquestrados. O álbum incluiu um uso maior de sintetizadores, baterias eletrônicas, efeitos sonoros e mais manipulações no estúdio. Após o lançamento do álbum, Wayne Coyne disse que "se alguém me perguntasse qual instrumento eu toquei, eu falaria que foi o estúdio de gravação". Percebendo que uma tentativa para recriar esse complexo álbum ao vivo com músicos extras seria extremamente complexo e caro, a banda decidiu entrar em turnê como um grupo de 3 pessoas e fazer extensivo uso de música pré-gravada para encaixar as partes que não eram tocadas ao vivo pelos membros da banda. Talvez, mais notadamente, isso levou à decisão de ter Steven Drozd (baterista, mas um talentoso multi-instrumentista) tocar primordialmente os teclados e as guitarras ao contrário da bateria. Isso, em seguida, levou à decisão de utilizar gravações em video e projeções de Steven tocando bateria nas músicas mais antigas e "comuns" da banda.
Uma outra tentativa de melhorar a experiência ao vivo para o público e parar reproduzir com mais precisão a sonoridade de The Soft Bulletin, os Lips desenvolveram o conceito do "Concerto Fone de Ouvido". Um transmissor FM era montado e o show era simultaneamente transmitido para pequenos aparelhos de walkman com fones de ouvidos disponíveis gratuitamente para o público. Isso iria, na teoria, permitir ao público uma claridade sonora ao mesmo tempo que sentindo a força dos amplificadores. Esse conceito foi lançado em Dallas, Texas, e na conferência South by Southwest em Austin, Texas, em março de 1999, e foi subsequentemente usado na turnê International Music Against Brain Degeneration Revue.
No verão de 2002, o Flaming Lips se juntou às bandas Cake e Modest Mouse na turnê Unlimited Sunshine. Eles também lançaram o disco Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, que recebeu extrema aclamação crítica. Considerado muito mais acessível que qualquer outro álbum, Yoshimi é amplamente considerado como o primeiro sucesso comercial e crítico em quase 20 anos de existência de banda.
Atividades Recentes
Após Yoshimi, a banda lançou uma série de EPs na mesma linha dos seus álbuns anteriores, contendo músicas remixadas de Yoshimi, incluindo os EP "Fight Test" e "Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell". Além disso, eles estavam fazendo shows de abertura para Beck na sua turnê Sea Change. No verão de 2004, fizeram a turnê Lollapalooza, ao lado de artistas lendários como o Sonic Youth e Morrissey, entretanto, a turnê foi cancelada. Seguindo o cancelamento dos concertos, a banda entrou no estúdio Tarbox Road com o produtor Dave Fridmann e começou a trabalhar no seu décimo primeiro disco, intitulado At War With the Mystics.
Em 2005 a banda foi o assunto de um documentário intitulado "The Fearless Freaks", incluindo outros artistas e celebridades como os White Stripes, Beck, Christina Ricci, Liz Phair e Juliette Lewis. No mesmo ano, o Flaming Lips contribuiu para uma versão de "Bohemian Rhapsody" para o álbum Killer Queen: A Tribute to Queen. No mesmo ano, a banda lançou o DVD Void (Video Overview in Declaration) contendo crônicas de todas suas aventuras nos videoclipes que foram produzidos desde que eles assinaram com a Warner Brothers em 1991. Em outubro de 2005 o Flaming Lips gravou o cover de "If I Only Had a Brain" para a trilha sonora do jogo Stubbs the Zombie, que contém bandas de rock fazendo covers de músicas dos anos 1960 e 1950.
Após uma longa espera dos fãs, no final de 2008 os Lips lançaram um filme chamado Christmas on Mars (Natal em Marte),[carece de fontes] o lançamento do projeto estava originalmente previsto para ser em 2003. Agora eles se preparam para lançar um novo disco chamado "Embryonic", e paralelo a isso, os Flaming Lips estão preparando um EP digital para oferecer a quem comprar os bilhetes para a digressão de Verão da banda, nos EUA.
No final 2009 o grupo regravou o álbum The Dark Side of the Moon, do Pink Floyd, na íntegra. O álbum foi batizado como "The Flaming Lips and Stardeath and White Dwarfs with Henry Rollins and Peaches Doing The Dark Side of the Moon". O Flaming Lips contou com alguns convidados especiais na regravação do álbum. O vocalista Henry Rollins (Black Flag) participa em sete das nove músicas do disco. A polêmica cantora canadense Peaches também participa cantando "The Great Gig in the Sky". Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.
Wayne Coyne (Vocais, desde 1985, Guitarras, Teclados, Theremin, desde 1983, Backing Vocals, 1983-1985, desde 1991, Baixo, desde 2021)
Steven Drozd (Guitarras, Teclados, Baixo, Bateria, Vocais, desde 1991)
Derek Brown (Teclados, Guitarras, Percussão, Backing Vocals, desde 2009)
Matt Duckworth Kirksey (Bateria, Percussão, Teclados, Backing Vocals, desde 2014)
Tommy McKenzie (Baixo, desde 2021)
Ex - Integrantes.
Mark Coyne (Vocais, 1983-1985)
Dave Kostka (Bateria, 1983-1984)
Richard English (Bateria, Teclados, Backing Vocals, 1984-1989)
Nathan Roberts (Bateria, 1989–1991)
Jonathan Donahue (Guitarras, Backing Vocals, 1989-1991)
Jon Mooneyham (Guitarras, Backing Vocals, 1991)
Ronald Jones (Guitarras, Backing Vocals, 1991-1996)
Kliph Scurlock (Bateria, Percussão, 2002-2014)
Jake Ingalls (Teclados, Guitarras, 2013-2021)
Michael Ivins (Baixo, Teclados, Backing Vocals, 1983-2021)
Nicholas Ley (Percussão, Bateria, Samples, 2014-2023)
Ray Suen (Percussão, Violino, Harpa, Teclados, 2009-2012)
Micah Nelson (Baixo, Teclados, Backing Vocals, desde 2021)
Hear It Is (1986)01. With You (3:39)
02. Unplugged (2:14)
03. Trains, Brains & Rain (3:40)
04. Jesus Shootin' Heroin (7:22)
05. Just Like Before (3:22)
06. She Is Death (4:05)
07. Charlie Manson Blues (4:23)
08. Man From Pakistan (3:59)
09. Godzilla Flick (4:06)
10. Staring At Sound / With You (Reprise) (5:09)
11. Summertime Blues (2:30)
12. Bag Full Of Thoughts (5:40)
13. Out For A Walk (3:20)
14. Garden Of Eyes / Forever Is A Long Time (5:29)
15. Scratching The Door (7:12)
16. My Own Planet (4:13)
Oh My Gawd!!! (1987)01. Everything's Exploding (4:45)
02. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (9:22)
03. Maximum Dream For Evil Knievel (2:51)
04. Can't Exist (2:48)
05. Ode To C.C. (Part I) (0:46)
06. The Ceiling Is Bending (3:45)
07. Prescription: Love (6:11)
08. Thanks To You (3:56)
09. Can't Stop The Spring (4:12)
10. Ode To C.C. (Part II) (1:51)
11. Love Yer Brain (7:44)
Telepathic Surgery (1989)01. Drug Machine In Heaven (2:13)
02. Right Now (3:57)
03. Michael, Time To Wake Up (0:29)
04. Chrome Plated Sucide (5:44)
05. Hari-Krishna Stomp Wagon (3:43)
06. Miracle On 42nd Street (2:56)
07. Fryin' Up (2:45)
08. Hell's Angel's Cracker Factory (23:11)
09. U.F.O. Story (6:41)
10. Redneck School Of Technology (2:57)
11. Shaved Gorilla (2:56)
12. The Spontaneus Combustion Of John (0:53)
13. The Last Drop Of Morning Dew (1:59)
14. Begs And Achin' (4:16)
In A Priest Driven Ambulance (1990)01. Shine On Sweet Jesus (Jesus Song No. 1) (4:28)
02. Unconsciously Screaming (3:53)
03. Raining Babies (4:29)
04. Take Meta Mars (3:14)
05. Five Stop Mother Superior Rain (6:20)
06. Stand In Line (4:37)
07. God Walks Among Us Now (Jesus Song No. 6) (4:53)
08. There You Are (Jesus Song No.7) (4:32)
09. Mountain Side (6:37)
10. (What A) Wonderful World (3:42)
11. Lucifer Rising (3:36)
12. Ma, I Didn't Notice (8:11)
13. Let Me Be It (5:33)
14. Drug Machine (2:54)
15. Strychnine / Peace, Love & Understanding (3:59)
Hit To Death In The Future Head (1992)01. Talking 'Bout The Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (3:50)
02. Hit Me Like You Did The First Time (3:42)
03. The Sun (3:32)
04. Felt Good To Burn (3:21)
05. Gingerale Afternoon (3:46)
06. Halloween On The Barbary Coast (5:43)
07. The Magician Vs. The Headache (3:13)
08. You Have To Be Joking (3:56)
09. Frogs (4:28)
10. Hold Your Head (4:25)
11. Untitled (29:18)
Transmissions From The Satellite Heart (1993)01. Turn It On (4:40)
02. Pilot Can At The Queer Of God (4:17)
03. Oh, My Pregnant Head (4:07)
04. She Don't Use Jelly (3:41)
05. Chewin The Apple Of Your Eye (3:52)
06. Superhumans (3:14)
07. Be My Head (3:16)
08. Moth In The Incubator (4:13)
09. Plastic Jesus (2:19)
10. When Yer Twenty Two (3:35)
11. Slow Nerve Action (5:56)
Clouds Taste Metallic (1995)01. The Abandoned Hospital Ship (3:39)
02. Psychiatric Explorations Of The Fetus With Needles (3:28)
03. Placebo Headwound (3:41)
04. This Here Giraffe (3:47)
05. Brainville (3:14)
06. Guy Who Got A Headache And Accidentally Saves The World (4:29)
07. When You Smile (3:14)
08. Kim's Watermelon Gun (3:22)
09. They Punctured My Yolk (4:22)
10. Lightning Strikes The Postman (2:51)
11. Christmas At The Zoo (3:07)
12. Evil Will Prevail (3:46)
13. Bad Days (Aurally Excited Version) (4:38)
Zaireeka (1997)Informações.
CD 1.
01. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand (2:52)
02. Riding To Work In The Year 2025 (7:03)
03. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet Of Despair (4:59)
04. A Machine In India (10:24)
05. The Train Runs Over The Camel But Is Derailed By The Gnat (6:14)
06. How Will We Know (2:24)
07. March Of The Rotten Vegetables (6:28)
08. Big Ol' Bug Is The New Baby Now (5:06)
CD 2.
01. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand (2:52)
02. Riding To Work In The Year 2025 (7:03)
03. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet Of Despair (4:59)
04. A Machine In India (10:24)
05. The Train Runs Over The Camel But Is Derailed By The Gnat (6:14)
06. How Will We Know (2:24)
07. March Of The Rotten Vegetables (6:28)
08. Big Ol' Bug Is The New Baby Now (5:11)
CD 3.
01. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand (2:52)
02. Riding To Work In The Year 2025 (7:03)
03. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet Of Despair (4:59)
04. A Machine In India (10:24)
05. The Train Runs Over The Camel But Is Derailed By The Gnat (6:14)
06. How Will We Know (2:24)
07. March Of The Rotten Vegetables (6:28)
08. Big Ol' Bug Is The New Baby Now (5:12)
CD 4.
01. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand (2:52)
02. Riding To Work In The Year 2025 (7:03)
03. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet Of Despair (4:59)
04. A Machine In India (10:24)
05. The Train Runs Over The Camel But Is Derailed By The Gnat (6:14)
06. How Will We Know (2:24)
07. March Of The Rotten Vegetables (6:28)
08. Big Ol' Bug Is The New Baby Now (5:11)
A Collection Of Songs Representing An Enthusiasm For Recording... By Amateurs (Coletânea 1998)01. Bag Full Of Thoughts (5:39)
02. Jesus Shooting Heroin (7:22)
03. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (9:23)
04. Chrome Plated Suicide (5:45)
05. Michael, Time To Wake Up (0:32)
06. Hell's Angel's Cracker Factory (3:03)
07. Unconciously Screaming (3:54)
08. God Walks Among Us Now (4:46)
09. Strychnine / Peace, Love And Understanding (3:24)
10. Death Valley '69 (3:05)
11. Thank You (2:31)
12. Ma, I Didn't Notice (7:42)
13. After The Gold Rush (4:14)
14. I Wand To Kill My Brother / The Cymbal Head (3:41)
The Soft Bulletin (1999)01. Race For The Prize (4:09)
02. A Spoonful Weighs A Ton (3:33)
03. The Spark That Bled (5:55)
04. The Spiderbite Song (4:02)
05. Bugging (3:16)
06. What Is The Light (4:05)
07. The Observer (4:12)
08. Waiting For A Superman (4:18)
09. Suddenly Everything Has Change (3:54)
10. The Gash (4:03)
11. Feeling Yourself Disintegrate (5:17)
12. Sleeping On The Roof (3:10)
13. Race For The Prize (Alt. Version) (4:19)
14. Waiting For A Superman (Alt. Version) (4:19)
Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (2002)01. Fight Test (4:14)
02. One More Robot / Sympathy 3000-21 (5:00)
03. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (Part 1) (4:46)
04. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (Part 2) (2:58)
05. In The Morning Of The Magicians (6:19)
06. Ego Tripping At The Gates Of Hell (4:35)
07. Are You A Hypnotist?? (4:45)
08. It's Summertime (4:20)
09. Do You Realize?? (3:33)
10. All We Have Is Now (3:53)
11. Approaching Pavonis Mons By Balloon (3:09)
Finally The Punk Rockers Are Taking Acid (Coletânea 2002)CD 1.
01. Bag Full Of Thoughts (5:40)
02. Out For A Walk (3:21)
03. Scratchin' The Door (5:29)
04. Garden Of Eyes / Forever Is A Long Time (7:12)
05. My Own Planet (4:11)
06. With You (3:39)
07. Unplugged (2:14)
08. Trains, Brains & Rain (3:39)
09. Jesus Shootin' Heroin (7:20)
10. Just Like Before (3:23)
11. She Is Death (4:05)
12. Charlie Manson Blues (4:23)
13. Man From Pakistan (4:00)
14. Godzilla Flick (4:06)
15. Staring At Sound / With You (Reprise) (5:06)
16. Killer On The Radio (2:58)
17. Batman Theme (1:47)
18. Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere (2:30)
19. Handsome Johnny (2:57)
CD 2.
01. Everything's Explodin' (4:45)
02. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (9:21)
03. Maximum Dream For Evil Knievel (2:51)
04. Can't Exist (2:48)
05. Ode To C.C. (Part I) (0:45)
06. The Ceiling Is Bendin' (3:46)
07. Prescription: Love (6:11)
08. Thanks To You (3:56)
09. Can't Stop The Spring (4:12)
10. Ode To C.C. (Part II) (1:51)
11. Love Yer Brain (7:43)
12. Groove Room (6:09)
13. Jesus Shootin' Heroin (7:05)
14. Trains, Brains & Rain (3:20)
15. Communication Breakdown (3:50)
16. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (Live) (9:13)
CD 3.
01. Drug Machine In Heaven (2:12)
02. Right Now (3:57)
03. Michael, Time To Wake Up (0:30)
04. Chrome Plated Suicide (5:43)
05. Hari-Krishna Stomp Wagon (3:47)
06. Miracle On 42nd Street (2:52)
07. Fryin' Up (2:45)
08. Hell's Angel's Cracker Factory (Edit) (3:02)
09. U.F.O. Story (6:40)
10. Redneck School Of Technology (2:57)
11. Shaved Gorilla (2:56)
12. The Spontaneous Combustion Of John (0:53)
13. Last Drop Of Morning Dew (1:59)
14. Begs And Achin' (4:15)
15. Death Valley '69 (3:04)
16. Thank You (Live) (2:28)
17. Can't Stop The Spring (Remix) (4:27)
18. Jesus Shootin' Heroin (Live) (8:15)
19. My Own Planet (Live) (7:38)
20. After The Gold Rush (4:12)
21. Death Tripping At Sunrise (4:32)
The Shambolic Birth And Early Life Of (Coletânea 2002)01. Killer On The Radio (2:58)
02. My Own Planet (4:11)
03. She Is Death (4:06)
04. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (9:22)
05. Unconsciously Screaming (3:53)
06. Strychnine / Peace Love And Understanding (3:59)
07. Lucifer Rising (3:36)
08. Take Meta Mars (3:14)
09. Chrome Plated Suicide (5:43)
10. Agonizing (3:26)
11. Shine On Sweet Jesus (4:28)
12. Golden Hearse (1:08)
At War With The Mystics (2006)01. The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (4:52)
02. Free Radicals (3:42)
03. The Sound Of Failure (7:19)
04. My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion (4:51)
05. Vein Of Stars (4:16)
06. The Wizard Turns On... (3:41)
07. It Overtakes Me (6:51)
08. Mr. Ambulance Driver (4:21)
09. Haven't Got A Clue (3:26)
10. The W.A.N.D. (3:43)
11. Pompeii Am Gotterdammerung (4:21)
12. Going On (3:40)
Once Beyond Hopelessness (2008)01. Once Beyond Hopelessness (3:07)
02. The Distance Between Mars And The Earth (Part 1) (0:53)
03. The Horrors Of Isolation (4:40)
04. In Excelsior Vaginalistic (3:02)
05. Your Spaceship Comes From Within (1:29)
06. Suicide And Extraordinary Mistakes (3:29)
07. The Distance Between Mars And The Earth (Part 2) (0:58)
08. The Secret Of Immortality (3:44)
09. The Gleaming Armament Of Marching Genitalia (3:59)
10. The Distress Signals Of Celestial Objects (2:12)
11. Space Bible With Volume Lumps (3:16)
12. Once Beyond Hopelessness (2:03)
Embryonic (2009)CD 1.
01. Convinced Of The Hex (3:57)
02. The Sparrow Looks Up At The Machine (4:14)
03. Evil (5:39)
04. Aquarius Sabotage (2:11)
05. See The Leaves (4:25)
06. If (2:05)
07. Gemini Syringes (3:42)
08. Your Bats (2:35)
09. Powerless (6:58)
CD 2.
01. The Ego's Last Stand (5:40)
02. I Can Be A Frog (2:15)
03. Sagittarius Silver Announcement (2:59)
04. Worm Mountain (5:22)
05. Scorpio Sword (2:02)
06. The Impulse (3:30)
07. Silver Trembling Hands (3:59)
08. Virgo Self-Esteem Broadcast (3:44)
09. Watching The Planets (5:17)
02. Unplugged (2:14)
03. Trains, Brains & Rain (3:40)
04. Jesus Shootin' Heroin (7:22)
05. Just Like Before (3:22)
06. She Is Death (4:05)
07. Charlie Manson Blues (4:23)
08. Man From Pakistan (3:59)
09. Godzilla Flick (4:06)
10. Staring At Sound / With You (Reprise) (5:09)
11. Summertime Blues (2:30)
12. Bag Full Of Thoughts (5:40)
13. Out For A Walk (3:20)
14. Garden Of Eyes / Forever Is A Long Time (5:29)
15. Scratching The Door (7:12)
16. My Own Planet (4:13)
Oh My Gawd!!! (1987)01. Everything's Exploding (4:45)
02. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (9:22)
03. Maximum Dream For Evil Knievel (2:51)
04. Can't Exist (2:48)
05. Ode To C.C. (Part I) (0:46)
06. The Ceiling Is Bending (3:45)
07. Prescription: Love (6:11)
08. Thanks To You (3:56)
09. Can't Stop The Spring (4:12)
10. Ode To C.C. (Part II) (1:51)
11. Love Yer Brain (7:44)
Telepathic Surgery (1989)01. Drug Machine In Heaven (2:13)
02. Right Now (3:57)
03. Michael, Time To Wake Up (0:29)
04. Chrome Plated Sucide (5:44)
05. Hari-Krishna Stomp Wagon (3:43)
06. Miracle On 42nd Street (2:56)
07. Fryin' Up (2:45)
08. Hell's Angel's Cracker Factory (23:11)
09. U.F.O. Story (6:41)
10. Redneck School Of Technology (2:57)
11. Shaved Gorilla (2:56)
12. The Spontaneus Combustion Of John (0:53)
13. The Last Drop Of Morning Dew (1:59)
14. Begs And Achin' (4:16)
In A Priest Driven Ambulance (1990)01. Shine On Sweet Jesus (Jesus Song No. 1) (4:28)
02. Unconsciously Screaming (3:53)
03. Raining Babies (4:29)
04. Take Meta Mars (3:14)
05. Five Stop Mother Superior Rain (6:20)
06. Stand In Line (4:37)
07. God Walks Among Us Now (Jesus Song No. 6) (4:53)
08. There You Are (Jesus Song No.7) (4:32)
09. Mountain Side (6:37)
10. (What A) Wonderful World (3:42)
11. Lucifer Rising (3:36)
12. Ma, I Didn't Notice (8:11)
13. Let Me Be It (5:33)
14. Drug Machine (2:54)
15. Strychnine / Peace, Love & Understanding (3:59)
Hit To Death In The Future Head (1992)01. Talking 'Bout The Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (3:50)
02. Hit Me Like You Did The First Time (3:42)
03. The Sun (3:32)
04. Felt Good To Burn (3:21)
05. Gingerale Afternoon (3:46)
06. Halloween On The Barbary Coast (5:43)
07. The Magician Vs. The Headache (3:13)
08. You Have To Be Joking (3:56)
09. Frogs (4:28)
10. Hold Your Head (4:25)
11. Untitled (29:18)
Transmissions From The Satellite Heart (1993)01. Turn It On (4:40)
02. Pilot Can At The Queer Of God (4:17)
03. Oh, My Pregnant Head (4:07)
04. She Don't Use Jelly (3:41)
05. Chewin The Apple Of Your Eye (3:52)
06. Superhumans (3:14)
07. Be My Head (3:16)
08. Moth In The Incubator (4:13)
09. Plastic Jesus (2:19)
10. When Yer Twenty Two (3:35)
11. Slow Nerve Action (5:56)
Clouds Taste Metallic (1995)01. The Abandoned Hospital Ship (3:39)
02. Psychiatric Explorations Of The Fetus With Needles (3:28)
03. Placebo Headwound (3:41)
04. This Here Giraffe (3:47)
05. Brainville (3:14)
06. Guy Who Got A Headache And Accidentally Saves The World (4:29)
07. When You Smile (3:14)
08. Kim's Watermelon Gun (3:22)
09. They Punctured My Yolk (4:22)
10. Lightning Strikes The Postman (2:51)
11. Christmas At The Zoo (3:07)
12. Evil Will Prevail (3:46)
13. Bad Days (Aurally Excited Version) (4:38)
Zaireeka (1997)Informações.
CD 1.
01. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand (2:52)
02. Riding To Work In The Year 2025 (7:03)
03. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet Of Despair (4:59)
04. A Machine In India (10:24)
05. The Train Runs Over The Camel But Is Derailed By The Gnat (6:14)
06. How Will We Know (2:24)
07. March Of The Rotten Vegetables (6:28)
08. Big Ol' Bug Is The New Baby Now (5:06)
CD 2.
01. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand (2:52)
02. Riding To Work In The Year 2025 (7:03)
03. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet Of Despair (4:59)
04. A Machine In India (10:24)
05. The Train Runs Over The Camel But Is Derailed By The Gnat (6:14)
06. How Will We Know (2:24)
07. March Of The Rotten Vegetables (6:28)
08. Big Ol' Bug Is The New Baby Now (5:11)
CD 3.
01. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand (2:52)
02. Riding To Work In The Year 2025 (7:03)
03. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet Of Despair (4:59)
04. A Machine In India (10:24)
05. The Train Runs Over The Camel But Is Derailed By The Gnat (6:14)
06. How Will We Know (2:24)
07. March Of The Rotten Vegetables (6:28)
08. Big Ol' Bug Is The New Baby Now (5:12)
CD 4.
01. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand (2:52)
02. Riding To Work In The Year 2025 (7:03)
03. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet Of Despair (4:59)
04. A Machine In India (10:24)
05. The Train Runs Over The Camel But Is Derailed By The Gnat (6:14)
06. How Will We Know (2:24)
07. March Of The Rotten Vegetables (6:28)
08. Big Ol' Bug Is The New Baby Now (5:11)
A Collection Of Songs Representing An Enthusiasm For Recording... By Amateurs (Coletânea 1998)01. Bag Full Of Thoughts (5:39)
02. Jesus Shooting Heroin (7:22)
03. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (9:23)
04. Chrome Plated Suicide (5:45)
05. Michael, Time To Wake Up (0:32)
06. Hell's Angel's Cracker Factory (3:03)
07. Unconciously Screaming (3:54)
08. God Walks Among Us Now (4:46)
09. Strychnine / Peace, Love And Understanding (3:24)
10. Death Valley '69 (3:05)
11. Thank You (2:31)
12. Ma, I Didn't Notice (7:42)
13. After The Gold Rush (4:14)
14. I Wand To Kill My Brother / The Cymbal Head (3:41)
The Soft Bulletin (1999)01. Race For The Prize (4:09)
02. A Spoonful Weighs A Ton (3:33)
03. The Spark That Bled (5:55)
04. The Spiderbite Song (4:02)
05. Bugging (3:16)
06. What Is The Light (4:05)
07. The Observer (4:12)
08. Waiting For A Superman (4:18)
09. Suddenly Everything Has Change (3:54)
10. The Gash (4:03)
11. Feeling Yourself Disintegrate (5:17)
12. Sleeping On The Roof (3:10)
13. Race For The Prize (Alt. Version) (4:19)
14. Waiting For A Superman (Alt. Version) (4:19)
Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (2002)01. Fight Test (4:14)
02. One More Robot / Sympathy 3000-21 (5:00)
03. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (Part 1) (4:46)
04. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (Part 2) (2:58)
05. In The Morning Of The Magicians (6:19)
06. Ego Tripping At The Gates Of Hell (4:35)
07. Are You A Hypnotist?? (4:45)
08. It's Summertime (4:20)
09. Do You Realize?? (3:33)
10. All We Have Is Now (3:53)
11. Approaching Pavonis Mons By Balloon (3:09)
Finally The Punk Rockers Are Taking Acid (Coletânea 2002)CD 1.
01. Bag Full Of Thoughts (5:40)
02. Out For A Walk (3:21)
03. Scratchin' The Door (5:29)
04. Garden Of Eyes / Forever Is A Long Time (7:12)
05. My Own Planet (4:11)
06. With You (3:39)
07. Unplugged (2:14)
08. Trains, Brains & Rain (3:39)
09. Jesus Shootin' Heroin (7:20)
10. Just Like Before (3:23)
11. She Is Death (4:05)
12. Charlie Manson Blues (4:23)
13. Man From Pakistan (4:00)
14. Godzilla Flick (4:06)
15. Staring At Sound / With You (Reprise) (5:06)
16. Killer On The Radio (2:58)
17. Batman Theme (1:47)
18. Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere (2:30)
19. Handsome Johnny (2:57)
CD 2.
01. Everything's Explodin' (4:45)
02. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (9:21)
03. Maximum Dream For Evil Knievel (2:51)
04. Can't Exist (2:48)
05. Ode To C.C. (Part I) (0:45)
06. The Ceiling Is Bendin' (3:46)
07. Prescription: Love (6:11)
08. Thanks To You (3:56)
09. Can't Stop The Spring (4:12)
10. Ode To C.C. (Part II) (1:51)
11. Love Yer Brain (7:43)
12. Groove Room (6:09)
13. Jesus Shootin' Heroin (7:05)
14. Trains, Brains & Rain (3:20)
15. Communication Breakdown (3:50)
16. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (Live) (9:13)
CD 3.
01. Drug Machine In Heaven (2:12)
02. Right Now (3:57)
03. Michael, Time To Wake Up (0:30)
04. Chrome Plated Suicide (5:43)
05. Hari-Krishna Stomp Wagon (3:47)
06. Miracle On 42nd Street (2:52)
07. Fryin' Up (2:45)
08. Hell's Angel's Cracker Factory (Edit) (3:02)
09. U.F.O. Story (6:40)
10. Redneck School Of Technology (2:57)
11. Shaved Gorilla (2:56)
12. The Spontaneous Combustion Of John (0:53)
13. Last Drop Of Morning Dew (1:59)
14. Begs And Achin' (4:15)
15. Death Valley '69 (3:04)
16. Thank You (Live) (2:28)
17. Can't Stop The Spring (Remix) (4:27)
18. Jesus Shootin' Heroin (Live) (8:15)
19. My Own Planet (Live) (7:38)
20. After The Gold Rush (4:12)
21. Death Tripping At Sunrise (4:32)
The Shambolic Birth And Early Life Of (Coletânea 2002)01. Killer On The Radio (2:58)
02. My Own Planet (4:11)
03. She Is Death (4:06)
04. One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning (9:22)
05. Unconsciously Screaming (3:53)
06. Strychnine / Peace Love And Understanding (3:59)
07. Lucifer Rising (3:36)
08. Take Meta Mars (3:14)
09. Chrome Plated Suicide (5:43)
10. Agonizing (3:26)
11. Shine On Sweet Jesus (4:28)
12. Golden Hearse (1:08)
At War With The Mystics (2006)01. The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (4:52)
02. Free Radicals (3:42)
03. The Sound Of Failure (7:19)
04. My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion (4:51)
05. Vein Of Stars (4:16)
06. The Wizard Turns On... (3:41)
07. It Overtakes Me (6:51)
08. Mr. Ambulance Driver (4:21)
09. Haven't Got A Clue (3:26)
10. The W.A.N.D. (3:43)
11. Pompeii Am Gotterdammerung (4:21)
12. Going On (3:40)
Once Beyond Hopelessness (2008)01. Once Beyond Hopelessness (3:07)
02. The Distance Between Mars And The Earth (Part 1) (0:53)
03. The Horrors Of Isolation (4:40)
04. In Excelsior Vaginalistic (3:02)
05. Your Spaceship Comes From Within (1:29)
06. Suicide And Extraordinary Mistakes (3:29)
07. The Distance Between Mars And The Earth (Part 2) (0:58)
08. The Secret Of Immortality (3:44)
09. The Gleaming Armament Of Marching Genitalia (3:59)
10. The Distress Signals Of Celestial Objects (2:12)
11. Space Bible With Volume Lumps (3:16)
12. Once Beyond Hopelessness (2:03)
Embryonic (2009)CD 1.
01. Convinced Of The Hex (3:57)
02. The Sparrow Looks Up At The Machine (4:14)
03. Evil (5:39)
04. Aquarius Sabotage (2:11)
05. See The Leaves (4:25)
06. If (2:05)
07. Gemini Syringes (3:42)
08. Your Bats (2:35)
09. Powerless (6:58)
CD 2.
01. The Ego's Last Stand (5:40)
02. I Can Be A Frog (2:15)
03. Sagittarius Silver Announcement (2:59)
04. Worm Mountain (5:22)
05. Scorpio Sword (2:02)
06. The Impulse (3:30)
07. Silver Trembling Hands (3:59)
08. Virgo Self-Esteem Broadcast (3:44)
09. Watching The Planets (5:17)
The Flaming Lips And Stardeath And White Dwarfs With Henry Rollins And Peaches Doing - The Dark Side Of The Moon (2009)01. Speak To Me / Breathe (Feat. Henry Rollins & Peaches) (5:19)
02. On The Run (Feat. Henry Rollins) (3:55)
03. Time / Breathe (Reprise) (4:57)
04. The Great Gig In The Sky (Feat. Peaches & Henry Rollins) (3:58)
05. Money (Feat. Henry Rollins) (5:32)
06. Us And Them (Feat. Henry Rollins) (7:46)
07. Any Colour You Like (2:43)
08. Brain Damage (Feat. Henry Rollins) (4:43)
09. Eclipse (Feat. Henry Rollins) (2:12)
The Flaming Lips And Heady Fwends (2012)01. 2012 (You Must Be Upgraded) (Feat. Ke$ha And Biz Markie) (4:10)
02. Ashes In The Air (Feat. Bon Iver) (6:12)
03. Helping The Retarded To Find God (Feat. Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros) (7:03)
04. 04 - (0:30)
05. Supermoon Made Me Want To Pee (Feat. Prefuse 73) (3:16)
06. Children Of The Moon (Feat. Tame Impala) (5:31)
07. That Ain't My Trip (Feat. Jim James Of My Morning Jacket) (3:49)
08. You, Man? Human??? (Feat. Nick Cave) (3:31)
09. 09 - (0:31)
10. I'm Working At NASA On Acid (Feat. Lightning Bolt) (7:57)
11. Do It! (Feat. Yoko Ono & Plastic Ono Band) (3:27)
12. Is David Bowie Dying? (Feat. Neon Indian) (6:37)
13. 13 - (0:30)
14. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Feat. Erykah Badu) (10:03)
15. Girl, You're So Weird (Feat. New Fumes) (3:24)
16. I Don't Want You To Die (Feat. Chris Martin From Coldplay) (4:13)
17. 17 - (0:30)
The Terror (2013)01. Look... The Sun Is Rising (5:12)
02. Be Free, A Way (5:13)
03. Try To Explain (5:00)
04. You Lust (13:03)
05. The Terror (6:22)
06. You Are Alone (3:47)
07. Butterfly (How Long It Takes To Die) (7:31)
08. Turning Violent (4:16)
09. Always There... In Our Hearts (4:35)
The Flaming Lips And Friends - The Time Has Come To Shoot You Down... What A Sound (2013)01. I Wanna Be Adored (HOTT MT And Stardeath And White Dwarfs) (5:11)
02. She Bangs The Drums (The Flaming Lips, Poliça And New Fumes) (5:07)
03. Waterfall (Blobs Descending From Heaven, HOTT MT And Stardeath And White Dwarfs) (5:04)
04. Don’t Stop (Stardeath And White Dwarfs) (3:03)
05. Bye Bye Badman (New Fumes And Def Rain) (4:04)
06. Elizabeth My Dear (The Flaming Lips And New Fumes) (2:27)
07. (Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister (HOTT MT) (4:48)
08. Made Of Stone (Stardeath And White Dwarfs And The Flaming Lips) (3:07)
09. Shoot You Down (Peaking Lights) (4:34)
10. This Is The One (Depth And Current, Jonathan Rado And The Flaming Lips) (5:03)
11. I Am The Resurrection (New Fumes) (3:20)
12. Fools Gold (Spaceface) (4:48)
With A Little Help From My Fwends (2014)01. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (Featuring My Morning Jacket, Fever The Ghost & J Mascis) (2:45)
02. With A Little Help From My Friends (Featuring Black Pus & Autumn Defense) (3:34)
03. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Featuring Miley Cyrus & Moby) (5:42)
04. Getting Better (Featuring Dr. Dog, Chuck Inglish & Morgan Delt) (4:07)
05. Fixing A Hole (Featuring Electric Würms) (3:48)
05. Fixing A Hole (Featuring Electric Würms) (3:48)
06. She's Leaving Home (Featuring Phantogram, Julianna Barwick & Spaceface) (3:12)
07. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (Featuring Maynard James Keenan, Puscifer & Sunbears!) (2:34)
08. Within You Without You (Featuring Birdflower & Morgan Delt) (4:39)
09. When I'm Sixty-Four (Featuring Def Rain & Pitchwafuzz) (3:19)
10. Lovely Rita (Featuring Tegan And Sara & Stardeath And White Dwarfs) (4:19)
11. Good Morning Good Morning (Featuring Zorch, Grace Potter & Treasure Mammal) (3:15)
12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (Reprise) (Featuring Foxygen & Ben Goldwasser) (5:14)
13. A Day In The Life (Featuring Miley Cyrus & New Fumes) (4:55)
Imagene Peise - Atlas Eets Christmas (2014)01. Winter Wonderland (3:38)
02. Silver Bells (2:38)
03. Christmas Laughing Waltz (Including Jingle Bells) (4:28)
04. Silent Night (3:17)
05. Atlas Eets Christmas (3:11)
06. Do You Hear What I Hear (4:00)
07. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (3:00)
08. White Christmas (Binson Echorec Sleigh Ride) (3:20)
09. Frosty The Snowman (2:28)
10. Christmas Kindness Song (3:09)
11. The Christmas Song (3:46)
Oczy Mlody (2017)01. Oczy Mlody (2:54)
02. How?? (4:25)
03. There Should Be Unicorns (5:50)
04. Sunrise (Eyes of the Young) (4:05)
05. Nigdy Nie (Never No) (4:10)
06. Galaxy I Sink (3:57)
07. One Night While Hunting for Faeries and Witches and Wizards to Kill (6:08)
08. Do Glowy (4:18)
09. Listening to the Frogs with Demon Eyes (7:35)
10. The Castle (4:51)
11. Almost Home (Blisko Domu) (4:54)
12. We a Famly (4:45)
King's Mouth (2019)01. We Don't Know How and We Don't Know Why (1:10)
02. The Sparrow (5:39)
03. Giant Baby (3:51)
04. Mother Universe (1:51)
05. How Many Times (3:22)
06. Electric Fire (4:26)
07. All for the Life of the City (4:39)
08. Feedaloodum Beedle Dot (2:50)
09. Funeral Parade (2:58)
10. Dipped in Steel (1:32)
11. Mouth of the King (4:48)
12. How Can a Head (4:09)
American Head (2020)01. Will You Return / When You Come Down (5:21)
02. Watching the Lightbugs Glow (2:53)
03. Flowers of Neptune 6 (4:31)
04. Dinosaurs on the Mountain (3:38)
05. At the Movies on Quaaludes (3:41)
06. Mother I've Taken LSD (3:48)
07. Brother Eye (4:23)
08. You n Me Sellin' Weed (4:57)
09. Mother Please Don't Be Sad (3:36)
10. When We Die When We're High (3:39)
11. Assassins of Youth (4:12)
12. God and the Policeman (Feat. Kacey Musgraves) (2:28)
13. My Religion Is You (3:33)
02. On The Run (Feat. Henry Rollins) (3:55)
03. Time / Breathe (Reprise) (4:57)
04. The Great Gig In The Sky (Feat. Peaches & Henry Rollins) (3:58)
05. Money (Feat. Henry Rollins) (5:32)
06. Us And Them (Feat. Henry Rollins) (7:46)
07. Any Colour You Like (2:43)
08. Brain Damage (Feat. Henry Rollins) (4:43)
09. Eclipse (Feat. Henry Rollins) (2:12)
The Flaming Lips And Heady Fwends (2012)01. 2012 (You Must Be Upgraded) (Feat. Ke$ha And Biz Markie) (4:10)
02. Ashes In The Air (Feat. Bon Iver) (6:12)
03. Helping The Retarded To Find God (Feat. Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros) (7:03)
04. 04 - (0:30)
05. Supermoon Made Me Want To Pee (Feat. Prefuse 73) (3:16)
06. Children Of The Moon (Feat. Tame Impala) (5:31)
07. That Ain't My Trip (Feat. Jim James Of My Morning Jacket) (3:49)
08. You, Man? Human??? (Feat. Nick Cave) (3:31)
09. 09 - (0:31)
10. I'm Working At NASA On Acid (Feat. Lightning Bolt) (7:57)
11. Do It! (Feat. Yoko Ono & Plastic Ono Band) (3:27)
12. Is David Bowie Dying? (Feat. Neon Indian) (6:37)
13. 13 - (0:30)
14. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Feat. Erykah Badu) (10:03)
15. Girl, You're So Weird (Feat. New Fumes) (3:24)
16. I Don't Want You To Die (Feat. Chris Martin From Coldplay) (4:13)
17. 17 - (0:30)
The Terror (2013)01. Look... The Sun Is Rising (5:12)
02. Be Free, A Way (5:13)
03. Try To Explain (5:00)
04. You Lust (13:03)
05. The Terror (6:22)
06. You Are Alone (3:47)
07. Butterfly (How Long It Takes To Die) (7:31)
08. Turning Violent (4:16)
09. Always There... In Our Hearts (4:35)
The Flaming Lips And Friends - The Time Has Come To Shoot You Down... What A Sound (2013)01. I Wanna Be Adored (HOTT MT And Stardeath And White Dwarfs) (5:11)
02. She Bangs The Drums (The Flaming Lips, Poliça And New Fumes) (5:07)
03. Waterfall (Blobs Descending From Heaven, HOTT MT And Stardeath And White Dwarfs) (5:04)
04. Don’t Stop (Stardeath And White Dwarfs) (3:03)
05. Bye Bye Badman (New Fumes And Def Rain) (4:04)
06. Elizabeth My Dear (The Flaming Lips And New Fumes) (2:27)
07. (Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister (HOTT MT) (4:48)
08. Made Of Stone (Stardeath And White Dwarfs And The Flaming Lips) (3:07)
09. Shoot You Down (Peaking Lights) (4:34)
10. This Is The One (Depth And Current, Jonathan Rado And The Flaming Lips) (5:03)
11. I Am The Resurrection (New Fumes) (3:20)
12. Fools Gold (Spaceface) (4:48)
With A Little Help From My Fwends (2014)01. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (Featuring My Morning Jacket, Fever The Ghost & J Mascis) (2:45)
02. With A Little Help From My Friends (Featuring Black Pus & Autumn Defense) (3:34)
03. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Featuring Miley Cyrus & Moby) (5:42)
04. Getting Better (Featuring Dr. Dog, Chuck Inglish & Morgan Delt) (4:07)
05. Fixing A Hole (Featuring Electric Würms) (3:48)
05. Fixing A Hole (Featuring Electric Würms) (3:48)
06. She's Leaving Home (Featuring Phantogram, Julianna Barwick & Spaceface) (3:12)
07. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! (Featuring Maynard James Keenan, Puscifer & Sunbears!) (2:34)
08. Within You Without You (Featuring Birdflower & Morgan Delt) (4:39)
09. When I'm Sixty-Four (Featuring Def Rain & Pitchwafuzz) (3:19)
10. Lovely Rita (Featuring Tegan And Sara & Stardeath And White Dwarfs) (4:19)
11. Good Morning Good Morning (Featuring Zorch, Grace Potter & Treasure Mammal) (3:15)
12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (Reprise) (Featuring Foxygen & Ben Goldwasser) (5:14)
13. A Day In The Life (Featuring Miley Cyrus & New Fumes) (4:55)
Imagene Peise - Atlas Eets Christmas (2014)01. Winter Wonderland (3:38)
02. Silver Bells (2:38)
03. Christmas Laughing Waltz (Including Jingle Bells) (4:28)
04. Silent Night (3:17)
05. Atlas Eets Christmas (3:11)
06. Do You Hear What I Hear (4:00)
07. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (3:00)
08. White Christmas (Binson Echorec Sleigh Ride) (3:20)
09. Frosty The Snowman (2:28)
10. Christmas Kindness Song (3:09)
11. The Christmas Song (3:46)
Oczy Mlody (2017)01. Oczy Mlody (2:54)
02. How?? (4:25)
03. There Should Be Unicorns (5:50)
04. Sunrise (Eyes of the Young) (4:05)
05. Nigdy Nie (Never No) (4:10)
06. Galaxy I Sink (3:57)
07. One Night While Hunting for Faeries and Witches and Wizards to Kill (6:08)
08. Do Glowy (4:18)
09. Listening to the Frogs with Demon Eyes (7:35)
10. The Castle (4:51)
11. Almost Home (Blisko Domu) (4:54)
12. We a Famly (4:45)
King's Mouth (2019)01. We Don't Know How and We Don't Know Why (1:10)
02. The Sparrow (5:39)
03. Giant Baby (3:51)
04. Mother Universe (1:51)
05. How Many Times (3:22)
06. Electric Fire (4:26)
07. All for the Life of the City (4:39)
08. Feedaloodum Beedle Dot (2:50)
09. Funeral Parade (2:58)
10. Dipped in Steel (1:32)
11. Mouth of the King (4:48)
12. How Can a Head (4:09)
American Head (2020)01. Will You Return / When You Come Down (5:21)
02. Watching the Lightbugs Glow (2:53)
03. Flowers of Neptune 6 (4:31)
04. Dinosaurs on the Mountain (3:38)
05. At the Movies on Quaaludes (3:41)
06. Mother I've Taken LSD (3:48)
07. Brother Eye (4:23)
08. You n Me Sellin' Weed (4:57)
09. Mother Please Don't Be Sad (3:36)
10. When We Die When We're High (3:39)
11. Assassins of Youth (4:12)
12. God and the Policeman (Feat. Kacey Musgraves) (2:28)
13. My Religion Is You (3:33)