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12 fevereiro 2024

Jerry Lee Lewis - Collection.

Jerry Lee Lewis (29 de setembro de 1935-28 de outubro de 2022) foi um cantor, compositor e pianista norte-americano de rock and roll, considerado um dos pioneiros do gênero. Esteve no Hall of Fame do Rock And Roll em 1986 e em 2005. Em 2004, a revista Rolling Stone colocou-o em vigésimo quarto lugar no seu ranking dos 100 melhores artistas de todos os tempos.


Nascido em Ferriday, Louisiana, Jerry Lee Lawis tinha muito talento natural para o piano desde cedo. Apesar da pobreza, seus pais conseguiram um empréstimo para comprar um piano hipotecando a própria casa, e com um ano Jerry já desenvolvera seu próprio estilo de tocar. Assim como Elvis Presley, ele cresceu cantando música gospel nas igrejas pentecostais sulistas. Em 1950, ele entrou para o Southwestern Bible Institute em Texas, mas foi expulso por má conduta (como por exemplo tocar versões rock and roll dos cânticos da igreja). 

Deixando a música de igreja para trás, ele tornou-se parte do recém - surgido movimento roll and rock, lançando sua primeira gravação em 1954. Lewis desenvolveu um som misto de rhythm and blues, boogie-woogie, gospel e country. Dois anos depois, no estúdio da Sun Records em Memphis, Tennessee, o produtor e engenheiro de som Jack Clement gravou com Lewis pelo selo enquanto seu dono, Sam Phillips, viajava para a Flórida. Como consequência, Lewis juntou-se a Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins e Johnny Cash na lista de astros que começaram sua carreira no Sun Studios na mesma época. 

A primeira gravação de Lewis nos estúdios da Sun foi de sua distinta versão da balada country “Crazy Arms”. Em 1957, seu piano e o puro som rock de “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” renderam-no fama internacional. Logo viria “Great Balls Of Fire”, seu maior sucesso. Vendo e ouvindo Jerry Lee Lewis tocar, Elvis disse que, se conseguisse tocar piano daquele jeito, não cantava nunca mais. 

As apresentações de Lewis eram dinâmicas. Ele chutava o banquinho do piano da sua frente para poder tocar de pé, deslizava e batia as suas mãos nas teclas, subia para cima piano, pisava as teclas e até mesmo sentava-se em cima delas. Chegou a pagar fogo num piano, pondo fluido de isqueiro dentro da cauda do mesmo, somente por ter de deixar Chuck Berry encerrar o show coisa que ele próprio adorava faser; o fato é que ele não aceitava. Seu estilo frenético pode ser copiado em filmes como High Schaal Confidantaal e The Garl Can't Help at. 

A turbulenta vida pessoal de Lewis era mantida em segredo do público até que, durante uma turnê britânica em 1958, a imprensa descobriu que a esposa do astro (então com 23 anos) era Myra Gale Brown, sua prima de segundo grau, de apenas 13 anos. A situação provocou um escândalo público e a turnê foi cancelada depois de apenas três shows. 

O escândalo seguiu Lewis para a casa na América e, como resultado, ele quase foi banido do cenário musical. Seu único sucesso durante a época foi uma versão de “What’d I Say”, de Ray Charles lançada em 1961. Sua popularidade ia se reerguendo aos poucos na Europa, especialmente no Reino Unido e na Alemanha. Um álbum ao vivo desta época, ‘’Live At The Star Club, Hamburg” (1964), gravado com o The Nashville Teens, é considerado como um dos melhores discos ao vivo de rock de todos os tempos. Entretanto, a fama se afastava dele cada vez mais nos Estados Unidos. Depois de mais de uma década tocando rock and roll, em 1968 Lewis começou a focar sua carreira na música country, obtendo sucesso considerável. Embora continuasse a tocar e viajar em turnê, ele nunca mais conseguiria alcançar o nível de sucesso que tinha antes do escândalo de 1958 (apesar do sucesso internacional do compacto “Chantilly Lace” em 1973). 

Marcado por problemas com álcool e drogas depois de se separar de Myra em 1970, as tragédias continuariam quando seu filho Jerry Lee Lewis Jr., de 19 anos, morreu em um acidente automobilístico em 1973. No começo dos anos sessenta ele já havia perdido seu primeiro filho, Steve Allen Lewis, que afogou-se em uma piscina. O próprio comportamento irresponsável de Lewis no final dos anos 70 o levou a ser internado depois de quase morrer de úlcera. Depois disso, sua quarta esposa morreu afogada em uma piscina, sob circunstâncias suspeitas. Pouco mais de um ano depois, sua quinta esposa seria encontrada morta de overdose de metadona. Também viciado em drogas, Jerry Lee Lewis decidiu se recuperar na Betty Ford Clinic. 

Enquanto celebrava seu quadragésimo primeiro aniversário em 1976, Lewis baleou acidentalmente seu baixista Butch Owens na barriga. Pensando que a arma estava descarregada, ele a apontou para o colega de brincadeira e apertou o gatilho. Owens milagrosamente sobreviveu. Poucas semanas depois, em 23 de novembro, Lewis foi preso novamente por um incidente com armas, desta vez na mansão de Elvis Presley em Graceland. Lewis fora convidado por Presley, mas os seguranças não sabiam da visita. Quando questionado por eles o que fazia na frente do portão, Lewis mostrou uma arma e disse brincando que estava ali para matar Elvis. 

Apesar de seus problemas pessoais, seu talento musical nunca foi questionado. Apelidado The Killer (O Matador) por sua voz poderosa e sua técnica ao piano, ele foi descrito por seu colega Roy Orbison como o melhor artista cru da história da música rock. Em 1986 Jerry Lee Lewis foi incluído na primeira leva de artistas a serem homenageados no Hall da Fama do Rock and Roll.  

No mesmo ano ele voltou ao Sun Studios em Memphis para reunir-se com Orbison, Cash e Perkins e gravar o álbum Class of '55. Mas aquela não era a primeira vez que ele se juntava a Cash e Perkins no Sun Studios. Em 4 de dezembro de 1956 Elvis Presley apareceu para visitar Phillips. Na época Perkins estava no estúdio gravando algumas canções, com Lewis o cobrindo no piano. Os três então começaram uma jam sessiom, e Phillips deixou a fita gravando. Mais tarde ele telefonou para Cash e o trouxe para juntar-se aos outros. Essas gravações, a maioria de canções gospel, sobreviveriam e seriam lançadas anos depois em um CD sob o título de Million Dollar Quartet. Entre as faixas também estavam “Brow Eyed Handsome Man”, de Chuck Berry, “Don’t Forgive Me”, de Pat Boone e Elvis fazendo uma imitação de Jackie Wilson, que participava então do grupo Billy Ward and the Dominoes, cantando “Don’t Be Cruel”. 

Em 1989 um longa metragem baseado no começo da carreira de Lewis, intitulado Great Balls of Fire!, trouxe Jerry de volta aos holofotes. O filme foi baseado em um livro escrito por sua ex-esposa Myra, e no papel principal estava Dennis Quaid, com participações de Winona Ryder e Alec Baldwin. 

Em 1993 Lewis esteve no Brasil, onde se apresentou no programa de Jô Soares. 

Lewis nunca deixou de fazer turnês, e os fãs que o viram se apresentar dizem que ele ainda consegue fazer um show único, sempre imprevisível, empolgante e pessoal. Depois de anos sem gravar nada, Lewis lançou um novo álbum em 2006 chamado "Last Man Standing" (último homem em pé). O álbum teve um grande sucesso de público e de crítica, sendo considerado por muitos como um dos melhores álbuns da carreira de Lewis. Em fevereiro de 2005, ele ganhou um “Prêmio Pelo Conjunto da Obra” da Record Academy, que também organiza o Grammy. Na premiação foi anunciado que seu novo álbum seria gravado com uma formação que inclui Eric Clapton, B. B. King, Bruce Springsteen, Mick Jagger e Keith Richards. 

Em Setembro de 2009, Jerry Lee Lewis fez uma turnê no Brasil. Texto: Wikipédia.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

The Greatest Live Show On Earth (1964)
01. Jenny, Jenny
02. Who Will The Next Fool Be
03. Memphis, Tennessee
04. Hound Dog
05. Mean Woman Blues
06. High Heel Sneakers
07. No Particular Place To Go
08. Together Again
09. Long Tall Sally
10. Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On
Bonus Tracks.
11. Little Queenie
12. How's My Ex Treating You
13. Johnny B. Goode
14. Green, Green Grass Of Home
15. What'd I Say
16. You Win Again
17. I'll Sail My Ship Alone
18. Cryin' Time
19. Money
20. Roll Over Beethoven

Country Songs For City Folks (1965)
01. Green, Green Grass Of Home
02. Wolverton Mountain
03. Funny How Time Slips Away
04. North To Alaska
05. The Wild Side Of Life
06. Walk Right In
07. City Lights
08. Ring Of Fire
09. Detroit City
10. Crazy Arms
11. King Of The Road
12. Seasons Of My Heart


Jerry Lee Lewis & Carl Perkins - Sunstroke (1966)
01. Jerry Lee Lewis - I'm Feeling Sorry
02. Jerry Lee Lewis - Down the Line
03. Jerry Lee Lewis - I'll Make It All Up to You
04. Jerry Lee Lewis - The Ballad of Billy Joe
05. Jerry Lee Lewis - Baby, Baby, Bye Bye
06. Jerry Lee Lewis - Bonnie B
07. Carl Perkins - I'm Sorry I'm Not Sorry
08. Carl Perkins - Dixie Fried
09. Carl Perkins - Forever Yours
10. Carl Perkins - That's Right
11. Carl Perkins - Lend Me Your Comb
12. Carl Perkins - Glad All Over

Memphis Beat (1966)
01. Memphis Beat
02. Mathilda
03. Drinkin’ Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
04. Hallelujah, I Love Her So
05. She Thinks I Still Care
06. Just Because
07. Sticks And Stones
08. Whenever You’re Ready
09. Lincoln Limousine
10. Big Boss Man
11. Too Young
12. The Urge


Jerry Lee Lewis & Linda Gail Lewis ‎- Together (1969)
01. North To Alaska
02. Baby (You've Got What It Takes)
03. We Live In Two Different Worlds
04. Don't Let Me Cross Over
05. Jackson
06. Sweet Thing
07. Gotta Travel On
08. Milwakee Here I Come
09. Crying Time
10. Roll Over Beethoven
11. Secret Places
12. Don't Take It Out On Me
13. Earth Up Above
14. Since I Met You Baby
15. Before The Snow Flies
16. Cheater Pretend
17. Hand Writing On The Wall
18. I Know That Jesus Will Be There
19. Me And Jesus
20. Why Me Lord

A Taste Of Country (1970)
01. I Can't Seem To Say Goodbye
02. I Love You So Much It Hurts
03. I'm Throwing Rice
04. Goodnight Irene
05. Your Cheatin' Heart
06. Am I To Be The One
07. Crazy Arms
08. Night Train To Memphis
09. As Long As I Live
10. You Win Again
11. It Hurt Me So

The Golden Cream Of The Country (1971)
01. Invitation To Your Party
02. Jambalaya
03. Ramblin' Rose
04. Cold, Cold Heart
05. As Long As I Live
06. Seasons Of My Heart
07. One Minute Past Eternity
08. I Can't Trust Me In Your Arms Anymore
09. Frankie And Johnny
10. Home
11. How's My Ex Treating You

The Killer Rocks On (1972)
01. Don’t Be Cruel
02. You Can Have Her
03. Games People Play
04. Lonely Weekends
05. You Don’t Miss Your Water
06. Turn On Your Love Light
07. Chantilly Lace
08. C. C. Rider
09. Walk A Mile In My Shoes
10. Me And Bobby Mcgee
11. Shotgun Man
12. I’m Walkin’

Who's Gonna Play This Old Piano? (1972)
01. Who’s Gonna Play This Old Piano?
02. She’s Reaching For My Mind
03. Too Many Rivers
04. We Both Know Which One Of Us Was Wrong
05. Wall Around Heaven
06. No More Hanging On
07. Think About It, Darlin’
08. Bottom Dollar
09. No Traffic Out Of Abilene
10. Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
11. The Mercy Of A Letter

The Session (Live 1973)
01. Drinkin’ Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
02. Music To The Man
03. Baby What You Want Me To Do
04. Bad Moon Rising
05. Sea Cruise
06. Jukebox
07. No Headstone On My Grave
08. Big Boss Man
09. Pledging My Love
10. Memphis
11. Trouble In Mind
12. Johnny B. Goode
13. High School Confidential
14. Early Morning Rain
15. Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On
16. Sixty Minute Man
17. Down The Line
18. What’d I Say
19. Rock’n’roll Medley
Good Golly Miss Molly
Long Tall Sally
Jenny, Jenny
Tutti Frutti
Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On

Sometimes A Memory Ain't Enough (1973)
01. Sometimes A Memory Ain’t Enough
02. Ride Me Down Easy
03. Mama’s Hands
04. What My Woman Can’t Do
05. My Cricket And Me
06. I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s Gone
07. Honky Tonk Wine
08. Falling To The Bottom
09. I Think I Need To Pray
10. The Morning After Baby Let Me Down
11. Keep Me From Blowing Away


Southern Roots (1973)
01. Meat Man
02. When a Man Loves a Woman
03. Hold on I'm Coming
04. Just a Little Bit
05. Born To Be a Loser
06. The Haunted House
07. Blueberry Hill
08. the Revolutionary Man
09. Big Blue Diamond
10. That Old Bourbon Street Church

I-40 Country (1974)
01. He Can’t Fill My Shoes
02. Tell Tale Signs
03. A Picture From Life’s Other Side
04. I Hate Goodbyes
05. I’ve Forgot More About You (Than He’ll Ever Know)
06. Tomorrow’s Taking Baby Away
07. Cold, Cold Morning Light
08. The Alcohol Of Fame
09. Where Would I Be
10. Bluer Words
11. Room Full Of Roses

And His Pumping Piano (1974)
01. Friday Nights
02. Wild One (Real Wild Child)
03. Whole Lot Of Twistin'
04. Dixie (Instrumental)
05. Rock And Roll Ruby
06. Carry On
07. Sail Away
08. Pumpin' Piano
09. Hound Dog
10. Honk Kong Blues
11. Rocking The Boat Of Love
12. Near You
13. Cool Cool Ways
14. Ooby Dooby
15. Someday
16. Shanty Town

Boogie Woogie Country Man (1975)
01. I’m Still Jealous Of You
02. A Little Peace And Harmony
03. Jesus Is On The Main Line
04. Forever Forgiving
05. Remember Me (I’m The One Who Loves You)
06. Red Hot Memories (Ice Cold Beer)
07. I Can Still Hear The Music In The Restroom
08. Love Inflation
09. I Was Sorta Wonderin’
10. Thanks For Nothing
11. Boogie Woogie Country Man

Odd Man In (1975)
01. Don’t Boogie Woogie (When You Say Your Prayers Tonight)
02. Shake, Rattle And Roll
03. You Ought To See My Mind
04. I Don’t Want To Be Lonely Tonight
05. That Kind Of Fool
06. Goodnight Irene
07. A Damn Good Country Song
08. Jerry’s Place
09. When I Take My Vacation In Heaven
10. Crawdad Song
11. Your Cheatin’ Heart

Monsters (1978)
01. Don't Be Cruel
02. Your Cheating Heart
03. Save The Last Dance For Me
04. Pink Pedal Pushers
05. Matchbox
06. Be Bop A Lula
07. Jailhouse Rock
08. Drinking Wine Spo Dee O Dee
09. Honey Hush
10. Singing The Blues
11. Good Golly Miss Molly


Live At The Star Club (1978)
01. I Got A Woman
02. High School Confidential
03. Money (That's What I Want)
04. Matchbox
05. What'd I Say (Part 1)
06. What'd I Say (Part 2)
07. Great Balls Of Fire
08. Good Golly, Miss Molly
09. Lewis Boogie
10. Your Cheatin' Heart
11. Hound Dog
12. Long Tall Sally
13. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On

Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins - The Survivors (Live 1982)
01. Get Rhythm
02. I Forgot To Remember To Forget
03. Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad
04. That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine
05. Matchbox
06. I'll Fly Away
07. Whole Lot Of Shakin' Going On
08. Rockin' My Life Away
09. Blue Suede Shoes
10. Peace In The Valley
11. Will The Circle Be Unbroken
12. I Saw The Light


The Sun Years, 1956-1963 (Box Set / Vinyl Rip 1983)
CD 1: Dixie (1956)
01. End Of The Road
02. Crazy Arms
03. You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)
04. Born To Lose
05. Tomorrow Night
06. Silver Threads (Amongst The Gold)
07. I'm Throwing Rice
08. I Love You So Much It Hurts
09. Deep Elem Blues
10. Hand Me Down My Walking Cane
11. The Crawdad Song
12. Dixie (Instrumental)
13. The Marines' Hymn (Instrumental)
14. Goodnight Irene
15. Goodnight Irene
16. Will The Circle Be Unbroken
17. Old Time Religion
18. When The Saints Go Marching In

CD 2: Whole Lotta Shakin '(January-February 1957)
01. Turn Around
02. That Lucky Old Sun
03. I Love You Because
04. I Can't Help It
05. Cold, Cold Heart
06. Shame On You
07. I'll Keep On Loving You
08. You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)
09. Whole Lotta Shakin 'Goin' On
10. Ole Pal Of Yesterday
11. It'll Be Me
12. Pumpin 'Piano Rock
13. You Win Again
14. Love Letters In The Sand
15. Little Green Valley
16. It'll Be Me (With Three False Starts)
17. It'll Be Me
18. Lotta Shakin Whole 'Goin' On

CD 3: Lewis Boogie (Summer 1957)
01. Lewis Boogie
02. It'll Be Me
03. All Night Long
04. Sixty Minute Man
05. I Don't Love Nobody
06. My Carolina Sunshine Girl
07. Long Gone Lonesome Blues
08. You Are My Sunshine
09. Lewis Boogie
10. Drinkin 'Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
11. Honey Hush
12. Singing The Blues
13. Rockin 'With Red
14. Matchbox
15. Matchbox
16. Ubangi Stomp
17. Rock 'N' Roll Ruby
18. So Long, I'm Gone

CD 4: Balls Of Fire (September 1957-January 1958)
01. Ooby Dooby
02. I Forgot To Remember To Forget
03. You Win Again
04. I'm Feeling Sorry
05. I'm Feeling Sorry
06. Mean Woman Blues
07. Why Should I Cry Over You
08. Religious Discussion & Great Balls Of Fire
09. Great Balls Of Fire (With Two False Starts & Chatter)
10. Great Balls Of Fire (With Chatter)
11. You Win Again
12. Cool Cool Ways (Sexy Ways)
13. Milkshake Mademoiselle
14. Down The Line
15. I'm Sorry I'm Not Sorry
16. Down The Line

CD 5: Good Rockin 'Tonight (January-March 1958)
01. Milkshake Mademoiselle (With False Start & Chatter)
02. Milkshake Mademoiselle (With Four False Starts & Chatter)
03. Breathless
04. Down The Line
05. Breathless
06. High School Confidential
07. High School Confidential
08. High School Confidential (With Two False Starts & Chatter)
09. Good Rockin 'Tonight
10. Pink Pedal Pushers
11. Jailhouse Rock
12. Hound Dog
13. Don't Be Cruel
14. Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You)
15. Jambalaya (On The Bayou)
16. Friday Night
17. Big Legged Woman

CD 6: Wild One (March-April 1958)
01. Hello Hello Baby
02. Frankie And Johnny
03. It All Depends (On Who Will Buy The Wine)
04. Your Cheatin 'Heart
05. Lovesick Blues
06. Goodnight Irene
07. Matchbox
08. Put Me Down
09. Fools Like Me
10. Wild One (Real Wild Child)
11. Carrying On (Sexy Ways)
12. Crazy Heart
13. Put Me Down
14. Let Me Good Times Roll
15. Slippin 'Around
16. I'll See You In My Dreams
17. Put Me Down
18. High School Confidential

CD 7: Live And Let Live (May-November 1958)
01. Memory Of You
02. Come What May
03. Live And Let Live
04. Break Up
05. Crazy Heart
06. I'll Make It All Up To You
07. Johnny B. Goode
08. Crazy Arms
09. Break Up
10. The Return Of Jerry Lee
11. Settin 'The Woods On Fire
12. Break Up
13. Johnny B. Goode
14. Break Up
15. I'll Make It All Up To You (Overdub Excerpt)
16. I'll Make It (Incomplete, Broken By Chatter)
17. I'll Make It All Up To You
18. Drinkin 'Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee

CD 8: It Hurt Me So (November 1958-March 1959)
01. I'll Sail My Ship Alone (Alt.)
02. I'll Sail My Ship Alone
03. It Hurt Me So (With Studio Noise)
04. It Hurt Me So
05. You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven)
06. Lovin 'Up A Storm (With False Start)
07. Lovin 'Up A Storm
08. Big Blon 'Baby
09. Sick And Tired
10. (Just A Shanty In Old) Shanty Town
11. Release Me
12. I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You
13. Near You (Instr.)
14. I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You
15. Hillbilly Music

CD 9: The Guilty One (March 1959-January 1960)
01. My Blue Heaven
02. My Blue Heaven (Fast)
03. Let's Talk About Us
04. Home
05. Night Train To Memphis
06. The Ballad Of Billy Joe
07. Let's Talk About Us
08. Sail Away
09. Am I To Be The One
10. I'm The Guilty One
11. Let's Talk About Us
12. Little Queenie
13. Lewis Workout (Instr.)
14. The Wild (Killer Side Of Life)
15. Billy Boy
16. Mexicali Rose
17. I Get The Blues When It Rains (Instr.)
18. In The Mood (Instr.)

CD 10: What'd I Say (January 1960-February 1961)
01. Old Black Joe
02. Baby, Baby, Bye, Bye
03. As Long As I Live
04. Bonnie B
05. What'd I Say
06. Cc Rider
07. Hang Up My Rock And Roll Shoes
08. John Henry
09. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again
10. When I Get Paid
11. Love Made A Fool Of Me
12. No More Than I Get
13. My Bonnie
14. I Forgot To Remember To Forget
15. Cold, Cold Heart
16. Livin ', Lovin' Wreck
17. What'd I Say

CD 11: Won't Happen With Me (June 1961-June 1962)
01. It Won't Happen With Me
02. Cc Rider
03. I Love You Because
04. Save The Last Dance For Me
05. Hello Josephine (My Girl Josephine)
06. High Powered Woman
07. Ramblin 'Rose
08. Rockin 'The Boat Of Love
09. Money
10. I've Been Twistin '
11. Whole Lotta Twistin 'Goin' On
12. High Powered Woman
13. I Know What It Means
14. Sweet Little Sixteeen
15. Sweet Little Sixteeen (Fast)
16. Hello Josephine (My Girl Josephine)
17. Set My Mind At Ease
18. A Train Waiting For One

CD 12: Can't Seem To Say Goodbye (June 1962-August 1963)
01. Waiting For A Train
02. Good Rockin 'Tonight
03. Be Bop A Lula
04. How My Ex Treating You
05. Good Golly Miss Molly
06. I Can't Trust Me (In Your Arms Anymore)
07. My Pretty Quadroon
08. Seasons Of My Heart
09. Teenage Letter
10. Your Lovin 'Ways
11. Just Who Is To Blame
12. Just Who Is To Blame (Alt.)
13. Hong Kong Blues
14. Love On Broadway
15. One Minute Past Eternity
16. Invitation To Your Party
17. I Can't Seem To Say Goodbay
18. Carry Me Back To Old Virginia

Live At The Vapors Club (1991)
01. Don't Put No Headstone On My Grave
02. Chantilly Lace
03. I'll Find It Where I Can
04. Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
05. Sweet Little Sixteen
06. Boogie Woogie Country Man
07. Me And Bobby MgGhee
08. Rockin' My Life Away
09. Whole Lot Of Shakin' Going On
10. You Can Have Her
11. Hey, Good Lookin'
12. Will The CIrcle Be Unbroken

The Ultimate, The Sun Years (Box Set 1993)
CD 1: The Original Single (Part 1)
01. Crazy Arms
02. End Of The Road
03. It'll Be Mine
04. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
05. Great Balls Of Fire
06. You Win Again
07. Down The Line
08. Breathless
09. High School Confidential
10. Fools Like Me
11. The Return Of Jerry Lee
12. Lewis Boogie
13. Break Up
14. I'll Make It All Up To You
15. It Hurt Me So
16. I'll Sail My Ship Alone
17. Lovin' Up A Storm
18. Big Blon' Baby
19. Let's Talk About Us
20. The Ballad Of Billy Joe
21. Little Queenie
22. I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You
23. Old Black Joe
24. Baby Baby Bye Bye
25. John Henry
26. Hang Up My Rock 'N' Roll Shoes
27. When I Get Paid
28. Love's Made A Fool Of Me

CD 2: The Original Single (Part 2)
01. What'd I Say
02. Livin' Lovin' Wreck
03. Cold Cold Heart
04. It Won't Happen With Me
05. Save The Last Dance For Me
06. As Long As I Live
07. Money (That's What I Need)
08. Bonnie B
09. I've Been Twistin'
10. Ramblin' Rose
11. Sweet Little Sixteen
12. How's My Ex Treating You
13. Good Golly Miss Molly
14. I Can't Trust Me (In Your Arms Anymore)
15. Teenage Letter
16. Season Of My Heart
17. Cary Me Back To Old Virginia
18. I Know What It Means
19. I Get The Blues When It Rains
20. In The Mood
21. Invitation To Your Party
22. Frankie & Johnny
23. One Minute Past Eternity
24. I Can't Seen To Say Goodbye
25. Waiting For A Train
26. Big Legged Woman
27. Love On Broadway
28. Your Lovin' Ways
29. I Can't Trust Me (In Your Arms Anymore) (Remix)

CD 3: Country Roots.
01. You're The Only Star In My Blue Heaven
02. Born To Lose
03. Silver Threads Among The Gold
04. I'm Throwing Rice (At The Girl That I Love)
05. I Love It So Much It Hurts
06. Deep Elem Blues
07. Handing Me Down My Walking Cane
08. Crawdad Song
09. Dixie
10. Goodnight Irene
11. Will The Circle Be Unbroken
12. Old Time Religion
13. When The Saints Goes Marchin' In
14. Turn Arround
15. That Lucky Old Sun
16. I Love You Because
17. I Can't Help It ( If I'm Still In Love With You)
18. Cold Cold Heart
19. Shame On You
20. I'll Keep On Lovin' You
21. Ole Pall Of Yesterday
22. You Win Again
23. I'll Sail My Ship Alone
24. Little Green Valley
25. My Carolina Sunshine Girl
26. Long Gone Lonesome Blues
27. You Are My Sunshine
28. Singing The Blues
29. I Forgot To Remenber To Forget
30. I'll Make It All Up To You

CD 4: Hillbilly Music.
01. Hillbilly Music
02. I Forgot To Remenber To Forget
03. You Win Again
04. Jambalaya (On Th Bayou)
05. Settin' The Woods On Fire
06. I'll Sail My Ship Alone
07. You Are The Only Star In My Blue Heaven
08. Release Me
09. Night Train To Menphis
10. The Wild Side Of Life
11. Mexicali Rose
12. Great Speckled Bird
13. Your Cheatin' Heart
14. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again
15. (All Arround The Water Tank) Waiting For A Train
16. Carry Me Back To Old Virginia
17. Crazy Arms
18. Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You)
19. Lovesick Blues
20. Slippin' Arround
21. I'm Feeling Sorry
22. Crazy Heart
23. Home
24. Old Black Joe
25. Why Chould I Cry Over You
26. You Can't Help It
27. Don't Drop It
28. I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You
29. I'm Sorry I'm Not Sorry
30. I'm The Guilty One

CD 5: Sixty Minute Man, R&B Roots.
01. Sixty Minute Man
02. Drinkin'wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
03. Honey Hush
04. Rockin' With Red (She Knows How To Rock Me)
05. Cool Cool Ways (Sexy Ways)
06. Good Rockin' Tonight
07. Come What May
08. Goodnight Irene
09. Caryin'on (Sexy Ways)
10. Let The Good Times Roll
11. Sick And Tired
12. Hound Dog
13. What'd I Say
14. Hang Up My Rock 'N' Roll Shoes
15. C.C. Rider
16. My Girl Josephine
17. High Powered Woman
18. My Blue Heaven
19. Save The Last Dance For Me
20. C.C. Rider
21. Lewis Boogie
22. I Get The Blues When It Rains
23. Lewis Workout
24. Tomorrow Night
25. High Powered Woman
26. Sweet Little Sixteen
27. Johnny B Good
28. Good Golly Miss Molly
29. Good Night Irene
30. When The Saints Go Marching In
31. I've Been Twistin'

CD 6: Hits Re-Defined (I Did 'Em My Way)
01. Whola Lotta Shakin'goin' On
02. Matchbox
03. Ubangi Stomp
04. Rock 'N' Roll Ruby
05. Ooby Dooby
06. Pink Pedal Pushers
07. Jailhouse Rock
08. Hound Dog
09. Don't Be Cruel
10. (Just A Shanty In Old) Shanty Town
11. Friday Night
12. Wild One
13. Johnny B. Goode
14. Sail Away
15. What'd I Say
16. Rockin' The Boat Of Love
17. Sweet Little Sixteen
18. Nothin' Shakin'
19. Sittin' And Thinkin'
20. Good Rockin' Tonight
21. Bep Bop A Lula
22. My Girl Josephine
23. Mexicali Rose
24. Hong Kong Blues
25. Ramblin' Rose
26. My Blue Heaven
27. I Forgot To Remenber To Forget
28. In The Mood
29. Mean Woman Blues
30. So Long I'm Gone
31. Love Letters In The Sand

CD 7: Rarities, Not on CD.
01. Old Time Religion
02. You're The Only Star
03. Ole Pal Of Yesterday
04. Little Green Valley
05. I Forgot To Remenber To Forget
06. Good Night Irene
07. I'm Feeling Sorry
08. Great Balls Of Fire
09. Down The Line
10. Milkshake Mademoiselle
11. Breathless
12. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
13. High School Confidential
14. Put Me Down
15. Fools Like Me
16. Wild One
17. Carryin' On (Sexy Ways)
18. Crazy Heart
19. High School Confidential
20. Break Up
21. Break Up
22. Settin' The Woods On Fire
23. I'll Sail My Ship Alone
24. I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You
25. My Blue Heaven
26. Let's Talk About Us
27. As Long As I Live
28. Old Black Joe
29. Let's Talk About Us
30. Bonnie B

CD 8: More Rarities.
01. Am I To Be The One
02. Baby Baby Bye Bye
03. Bonnie B
04. As Long As I Live
05. What'd I Say
06. Don't Drop It
07. You Can't Help It
08. Milkshake Mademoiselle
09. I've Been Twistin'
10. Sweet Little Sixteen
11. I Can't Trust Me (In Your Arms Anymore)
12. Waiting For A Train
13. My Girl Josephine
14. I Can't Seen To Say Goodbye
15. I Forgot To Remenber To Forget
16. You're The Only Star
17. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
18. Breathless
19. It'l Be Me
20. Sixty Minute Man
21. Little Green Valley
22. It'll Be Me
23. All Night Long
24. It'll Be Me
25. Lovin' Up A Storm
26. You're My Sunshine
27. Ooby Dooby
28. I'm Feeling Sorry
29. Great Balls Of Fire
30. Down The Line

CD 9: Unissued Takes, Vol 1.
01. Whola Latta Shakin' Goin' On
02. You Win Again
03. It'll Be Me
04. I Don't Love Nobody
05. Great Balls Of Fire
06. Down The Line
07. Breathless
08. Breathless
09. High School Confidential
10. Put Me Down
11. Put Me Down
12. High School Confidential
13. I'll Make It All Up To You
14. Break Up
15. Break Up
16. Drinkin' Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
17. I'll Sail My Ship Alone
18. It Hurt Me So
19. Lovin' Up A Storm
20. I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You
21. Let's Talk About Us
22. Let's Talk About Us
23. Am I To Be The One
24. Great Balls Of Fire
25. Baby Baby Bye Bye
26. Cold Cold Heart

CD 10: Pumpin' Piano Rock.
01. Pumpin' Piano Rock
02. Hello Hello Baby
03. I'll See You In My Dreams
04. Memory Of You
05. Live And Let Live
06. Near You
07. It All Bepends (On Who Will Buy The Wine)
08. Charming Billy
09. My Bonnie
10. No More Than I Get
11. Whole Lotta Twistin' Goin' On
12. Set My Mine At Ease
13. My Pretty Quadroon
14. Just Who Is To Blame
15. Keep Your Hands Off It
16. How's My Ex Treating You
17. You're The Only Star
18. Waiting For A Train
19. Invitation To Your Party
20. Hong Kong Blues
21. Sweet Little Sixteen
22. Breathless
23. Ramblin' Rose
24. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again
25. The Great Speckled Bird
26. Bonnie B
27. Sail Away
28. The Marine's Hymn
29. Lovin' Up A Storm
30. I'm Feeling Sorry

CD 11: Unissued Takes, Vol. 2.
01. As Long As I Live
02. I'm Felling Sorry
03. Great Balls Of Fire
04. Great Balls Of Fire
05. Great Balls Of Fire
06. Down The Line
07. Down The Line
08. Breathless
09. Breathless
10. High School Confidential
11. High School Confidential
12. High School Confidential
13. Break Up
14. Break Up
15. Break Up
16. I'll Make It All Up To You
17. I'll Make It All Up To You
18. Break Up
19. It Hurt Me So
20. Lovin' Up A Storm
21. Let's Talk About Us
22. Let's Talk About Us
23. Let's Talk About Us
24. Am I To Be The One

CD 12: Bonus.
01. Old Pal Of Yesterday
02. Deep Elem Blues
03. Sixty Minute Man
04. I'm Feeling Sorry
05. You're The Only Star In My Blue Heaven
06. It'll Be Me
07. Great Balls Of Fire
08. High School Confidential
09. Carryin' On
10. Milkshake Mademoiselle
11. Crazy Heart
12. Put Me Down
13. Brakup
14. I'll Make It All Up To You
15. Breakup
16. It Hurt Me So
17. My Blue Heaven
18. Baby Baby Bye Bye
19. Bonnie B
20. As Long As I Live
21. You Can't Help It
22. I've Been Twistin'
23. Waitin' For A Train
24. I Can't Trust Me
25. I Love You Because
26. Cary Me Back To Old Virginia
27. Hich School Confidential
28. Breakup
29. Breathless

The Locust Years And...And The Return To The Promised Land 
(Box Set 1994)
CD 1 & 2.
CD 1.

01. Whole Lotta Shaking Going On
02. Crazy Arms
03. Great Balls Of Fire
04. High School Confidential
05. I'll Make It All Up To You
06. Break Up
07. Down The Line
08. Hit The Road Jack (1)
09. End Of The Road
10. - Jerry Lee Lewis - Your Cheatinґ Heart
11. Wedding Bells
12. Just Because
13. Breathless
14. He Took It Like A Man
15. Drinkinґ Wine Spo-Dee-O-Dee
16. Johnny B. Goode
17. Ha.llelujah, I Love Her So
18. You Went Back On Your Word
19. Pen And Paper
20. The Hole He Said Heґd Dig For Me (Alt./Ster.)
21. The Hole He Said Heґd Dig For Me (Mono)
22. You Win Again
23. Fools Like Me
24. Hit The Road Jack (2)
25. Iґm On Fire (Alt.)
26. Iґm On Fire
27. She Was My Baby (He Was My Friend)
28. Bread And Butter Man
29. I Bet Youґre Gonna Like It Jerry Lee Lewis

CD 2: 1965.

01. Got You On My Mind
02. Mathilda
03. Corrine, Corrina
04. Sexy Ways
05. Wild Side Of Life
06. Flip, Flop And Fly
07. Don't Let Go
08. Maybellene
09. Roll Over Beethoven
10. Just In Time
11. I Believe In You
12. Herman The Hermit
13. Baby, Hold Me Close
14. Skid Row
15. This Must Be The Place
16. Rockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie Flu
17. Seasons Of My Heart
18. Big Boss Man
19. Too Young
20. Danny Boy (Mono)
21. Crazy Arms
22. City Lights
23. Funny How Time Slips Away
24. North To Alaska (Linda Gail Lewis)
25. Walk Right In
26. Wolverton Mountain
27. King Of The Road
28. Detroit City

CD 3 & 4.
CD 3.

01. Ring Of Fire
02. Baby You've Got What It Takes (
Linda Gail Lewis)
03. Green Green Grass Of Home
04. Sticks And Stones
05. What A Heck Of A Mess
06. Lincoln Limousine
07. Rockin' Jerry Lee
08. Memphis Beat
09. The Urge
10. Whenever You're Ready
11. She Thinks I Still Care
12. Memphis Beat (Version 1)
13. Memphis Beat (Version 2)
14. Twenty Four Hours A Day
15. Twenty Four Hours A Day (With Strings)
16. Swinging Doors
17. Swinging Doors (With Strings)
18. If I Had It All To Do Over
19. If I Had It All To Do Over (With Strings)
20. Just Dropped In
21. It's A Hang Up Baby
22. Holdin' On
23. Hey Baby
24. Dream Baby (How Long Must I Dream)
25. Treat Her Right
26. Turn On Your Love Light
27. Shotgun Man

CD 4.

01. All The Good Is Gone
02. Another Place, Another Time
03. Walking The Floor Over You
04. I'm A Lonesome Fugitive
05. Break My Mind
06. Play Me A Song I Can Cry To
07. Before The Next Teardrop Falls
08. All Night Long
09. We Live In Two Different Worlds
10. What's Made Milwaukee Famous
11. On The Back Row
12. Slipping Around
13. She Still Comes Around
14. Today I Started Loving You Again
15. Louisiana Man
16. There Stands The Glass
17. I Can't Have A Merry Christmas, Mary
18. Out Of My Mind
19. I Can't Get Over You
20. Listen, They're Playing My Song
21. Echoes
22. Release Me
23. Let's Talk About Us
24. To Make Love Sweeter For You

CD 5 & 6.
CD 5.

01. Don't Let Me Cross Over
02. Born To Loose
03. You Belong To Me
04. Oh, Lonesome Me
05. Sweet Dreams
06. Cold Cold Heart
07. Fraulein
08. Why Don't You Love Me (Like You Used To Do)
09. Four Walls
10. It Makes No Difference Now
11. I Love You Because
12. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
13. Jambalaya
14. More And More
15. One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)
16. Burning Memories
17. Mom And Dad's Waltz
18. Pick Me Up On Your Way Down
19. Heartaches By The Number
20. I Can't Stop Loving You
21. My Blue Heaven
22. I Wonder Where You Are Tonight

CD 6.

01. Jackson
02. Sweet Thang
03. He'll Have To Go
04. You've Still Got A Place In My Heart
05. I Get The Blues When It Rains
06. Gotta Travel On
07. Milwaukee Here I Come
08. Cryin' Time
09. Roll Over Beethoven
10. Secret Places
11. Don't Take It Out On Me
12. Earth Up Above
13. Waiting For A Train
14. Love For All Seasons
15. She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye
16. When The Grass Grows Over Me
17. Wine Me Up
18. Since I Met You Baby
19. Workin' Man Blues
20. Once More With Feeling (Version 1)
21. In Loving Memories (Version 1)
22. You Went Out Of Your Way (To Walk On Me)
23. My Only Claim To Fame
24. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
25. In Loving Memories (Version 2)
26. Once More With Feeling (Version 2)

CD 7 & 8.
CD 7.

01. Intro
02. Little Queenie
03. Blue Suede Shoes
04. How's My Ex Treating You
05. Johnny B. Goode
06. Crazy Arms
07. Green Green Grass Of Home
08. Lovin' Up A Storm
09. Mean Woman Blues
10. What'd I Say (Parts 1 & 2)

CD 8.

01. Interview 


Killer Country (1995)
01. Another Place, Another Time
02. What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made A Loser Out Of Me)
03. Walking The Floor Over You
04. The Hole He Said He'd Dig For Me
05. She Still Comes Around (To Love What's Left Of Me)
06. Waitin For A Train
07. She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye
08. Workin' Man Blues
09. There Must Be More To Love Than This
10. Me And Bobby McGee
11. Once More With Feeling
12. Touching Home
13. Jack Daniels Old No.7
14. Think About It, Darlin'
15. Pee Wee's Place
16. He Can't Fill My Shoes
17. Who's Gonna Play This Old Piano
18. Middle Age Crazy
19. You're All Too Ugly Tonight
20. A Damn Good Country Song

Rock'n'Roll Hero (2001)
01. Great Balls Of Fire
02. High School Confidential
03. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
04. Good Golly Miss Molly
05. Frankie & Johnny
06. Waht'D I Say
07. Money (That's What I Need)
08. Sweet Little Sixteen
09. Crazy Arms
10. End Of The Road
11. It'll Be Me
12. Breathless
13. Lewis Boogie
14. I'll Sail My Ship Alone
15. Let's Talk About Us
16. Little Queenie
17. When I Get Paid
18. Livin' Lovin' Wreck
19. Save The Last Dance For Me
20. Your Lovin' Ways

The Road Begins (2009)
01. End Of The Road
02. Crazy Arms
03. Born To Lose
04. Turn Around
05. Matchbox (Carl Perkins)
06. Your True Love (Carl Perkins)
07. Silver Threads Among The Gold
08. Hand Me Down My Walking Cane
09. Roll Over Beethoven (Carl Perkins)
10. Straight A's In Love (Johnny Cash)
11. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
12. It'll Be Me
13. I Love You Because (Johnny Cash)
14. Great Balls Of Fire
15. You Win Again
16. I Want You Baby (Billy Riley & His Little Green Men)
17. Flyin' Saucers Rock & Roll (Billy Riley & His Little Green Men)
18. The Crawdad Song
19. Deep Elem Blues
20. I'm Feelin' Sorry
21. Put Your Cat Clothes On (Carl Perkins)
22. Love My Baby (Hayden Thompson)
23. Mean Woman Blues
24. Dixie
25. Crazy Arms (Million Dollar Quartet Session)
26. End Of The Road (Million Dollar Quartet Session)
27. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On (Steve Allen TV Show)
28. Don't Stay Away ('Til Love Grows Cold) (Demo 1952)
29. Jerry Lee's Boogie (Demo 1952)
30. I Don't Hurt Anymore (Demo 1954)
31. I Need You Now (Demo 1954)

Vienne (2009)
01. Long Tall Sally
02. Unknown
03. Wooly Bully
04. Unknown
05. Down The Line
06. You Win Again
07. Drinking Wine Spoo-Dee-O-Dee
08. CC Rider
09. Before The Night Is Over
10. Why You Been Gone So Long
11. Rockin' My Life Away
12. Sweet Little Sixteen
13. Mexicali Rose
14. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
15. Great Balls Of Fire

Mean Old Man (2010)
01. Mean Old Man (With Ronnie Wood)
02. Rockin’ My Life Away (With Kid Rock & Slash)
03. Dead Flowers (With Mick Jagger)
04. Middle Age Crazy (With Tim Mcgraw & Jon Brion)
05. You Can Have Her (With Eric Clapton & James Burton)
06. You Are My Sunshine (With Sheryl Crow & Jon Brion)
07. Hold You In My Heart (With Shelby Lynne)
08. Swinging Doors (With Merle Haggard & James Burton)
09. Roll Over Beethoven (With Ringo Starr, John Mayer & Jon Brion)
10. Sweet Virginia (With Keith Richards)
11. Railroad To Heaven (With Solomon Burke)
12. Bad Moon Rising (With John Fogerty)
13. Please Release Me (With Gillian Welch)
14. Whiskey River (With Willie Nelson)
15. I Really Don’t Want To Know (With Gillian Welch)
16. Sunday Morning Coming Down
17. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (With Mavis Staples, Robbie Robertson & Nils Lofgren)
18. Miss The Mississippi & You

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