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07 fevereiro 2024

Gong - Discografia.

O Gong é uma banda formada pelo guitarrista e vocalista australiano Daevid Allen, também fundador do Soft Machine. Apesar de nunca ter atingido grande popularidade, a banda é bastante conhecida pelos apreciadores de space rock, rock progressivo, música psicodélica, jazz rock e Canterbury, gêneros sob os quais a sonoridade da banda se encaixa.

A banda foi formada em 1967, quando um problema com o visto de Daevid Allen o impediu de voltar da França para a Inglaterra. Allen permaneceu por aquele país, onde conheceu a professora londrina Gilli Smyth, com quem se casaria posteriormente. Os dois formaram a primeira encarnação do Gong, que se desmanchou durante a revolução estudantil de 1968, quando Allen e Smyth foram obrigados a ir para Deya, Majorca, na Espanha. Lá eles conheceram o saxofonista Didier Malherbe, que morava em uma caverna em Deya.

Durante esse período o cineasta Jerome La Perrousaz os convidou para voltar à França para gravar trilhas sonoras para seus filmes. Eles também conseguiram um contrato com a gravadora independente BYG, gravando os discos Magick Brother, Mystic Sister e Bananmoon, este último um trabalho solo de Allen.

Em 1971 a banda conseguiu estabilizar sua formação e lançou Camembert Electrique. O disco foi o primeiro a iniciar a mitologia do Gong, criada por Allen e Smyth, sobre os Pot Head Pixies do Planeta Gong e sua Radio Gnome Invisible. O disco foi lançado na Inglaterra pelo selo Caroline Records da Virgin Record em 1974, com um preço de 49p (que era o preço típico de um single).

Isso resultou em grandes vendagens do disco, o suficiente para alcançar um algum posto respeitável nas listas de mais vendidos, o que não ocorreu por ser considerado muito barato.

O Gong tocou no primeiro Glastonbury Festival, ajudando-os a se tornar um dos primeiros a assinar com a Virgin Records.

Entre 1973 e 1974, agora com o apoio do guitarrista Steve Hillage, o Gong lançou sua trilogia da Radio Gnome Invisible, que consiste nos discos Flying Teapot, Angel's Egg e You, todos especialmente enfocados nos personagens criados por Allen e Smyth.

Em um concerto em Cheltenham em 1975, Allen se recusou a subir ao palco, alegando que um "campo de força" o estava impedindo. O mais provável é que ele não estava gostando dos rumos indicados pelo baterista Pierre Moerlen, cada vez mais ativo no processo de composição. Allen deixou a banda junto com Smyth, que agora queria se dedicar aos seus dois filhos.

O Gong prosseguiu sob o comando de Moerlen, que chamou Allan Holdsworth para o posto de guitarrista. Moerlen transformou a banda em um grupo de Jazz-Rock/Fusion. Essa nova encarnação do grupo estreou com o disco Gazeuze!. Moerlen teve que utilizar o nome Gong devido às obrigações contratuais da banda. Essa seria uma das primeiras ramificações do Gong, sendo conhecida como Pierre Moerlen's Gong.

Outras bandas surgiram a partir do Gong, formadas por ex-membros ou seguindo a mitologia da banda, como os trabalhos solo de Daevid Allen e Steve Hillage, além de bandas como Gongzilla, Planet Gong, Here & Now e Mother Gong, esta última de Smyth. Essa árvore genealógica musical é conhecida como a Gong Global Family.

Em 1992, Allen e Malherbe reformaram o Gong e lançaram o disco Shapeshifter, a quarta parte da série Radio Gnome Invisible. Em 2000, uma quinta parte foi lançada: Zero To Infinity, com Smyth e o baixista da formação original Mike Howlett. Essa volta do Gong foi marcada por novas influências ao som da banda, vindas de música indiana e eletrônica. Uma das mais recentes ramificações do Gong é uma união de Allen com os músicos do grupo de música eletrônica e psicodélica Acid Mothers Temple, resultando no Acidmothersgong.

Em novembro de 2007, Daevid Allen realizou uma série de concertos no Brasil com uma ramificação do Gong, que foi chamada de Daevid Allen and Gong Global Family (Daevid Allen no vocal e na guitarra; Josh Pollock na guitarra, no megafone e na percussão; Fred Barley na bateria e na percussão; Fabio Golfetti na guitarra; Gabriel Costa no baixo; Marcelo Ringel na flauta e no saxofone tenor), além de sua outra banda University of Errors (Daevid; Josh Pollock; Michael Clare; Fred Barley). As apresentações ocorreram em São Paulo em 21 e 22 de novembro e São Carlos em 24 de novembro. Essa formação - menos Marcelo - gravou algumas faixas inéditas no estúdio Mosh, em São Paulo. Em maio de 2013, Daevid Allen realizou de novo uma série de concertos no Brasil. Essa turnê se chamava Gong 99%#tour2012 com o line up: Daevid Allen (voz e guitarra), Fabio Golfetti (voz e guitarra), Dave Sturt (voz e baixo), Orlando Allen (voz e bateria) e Ian East (saxofone, flauta). Em fevereiro de 2014 o Gong retornou ao Brasil para participar do Festival Psicodália, como uma das atrações principais do evento. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial. 



Fabio Golfetti (Guitarra Principal, 2007, desde 2012)
Dave Sturt (Baixo, desde 2009)
Ian East (Saxofone, Flauta, desde 2010)
Kavus Torabi (Guitarra, Vocais, desde 2014)
Cheb Nettles (Bateria, desde 2014)

Bitrate: 192Kbps.


Haunted Chateau (1969)
01. Stoned Inno (1:52)
02. Hello There (2:38)
03. Tropical Fi (2:23)
04. Bloomdidoяs (6:44)
05. Jam (2:16)
06. Dreaming It (5:33)
07. Hypnotize Y (4:11)
08. Mana Maya M (0:29)
09. Why Are You (3:39)
10. I Am Your F (2:38)
11. Gongsong (3:02)
12. Est Que Je (4:03)
13. Ali Ba Ba (8:45)
14. Big City Ca (6:18)
15. Zero And Th (3:22)

Magick Brother (1970)
01. Mystic Sister: Magick Brother (5:54)
02. Glad To Say To Say (4:08)
03. Rational Anthem (3:43)
04. Chainstore Chant: Pretty Miss Titty (4:46)
05. Fable Of A Fredfish: Hope You Feel OK (4:26)
06. Ego (3:58)
07. Gong Song (4:11)
08. Princess Dreaming (2:51)
09. 5 & 20 Schoolgirls (4:35)
10. Cos You Got Green Hair (5:04)

Camembert Electrique (1971)
01. Radio Gnome (0:28)
02. You Can't Kill Me (6:19)
03. I've Bin Stone Before (2:37)
04. Mister Long Shanks: O Mother I Am Your Fantasy (5:58)
05. Dynamite: I Am Your Animal (4:33)
06. Wet Cheese Delirium (0:32)
07. Squeezing Sponges Over Policemen's Heads (0:13)
08. Fohat Digs Holes In Space (6:23)
09. Tried So Hard (4:39)
10. Tropical Fish: Selene (7:37)
11. Gnome The Second (0:27)

Glastonbury Fayre (1971)
01. Introduction (0:22)
02. It's Only The World Said The Girl (3:49)
03. Dexter (Electricity Cut) (0:45)
04. Fun Gods (3:59)
05. John Peel's Judgement (0:04)
06. Divine Mother (8:42)
07. Radio Gnome (Explosion) (0:45)
08. Bambolay - Ya Sunne (3:56)
09. Applause - Dexter (0:17)

Dashiell Hedayat With Gong - Obsolete (1971)
01. Chrysler (6:40)
02. Fille De l'Ombre (2:18)
03. Long Song For Zelda (7:45)
04. Cielo Drive (21:10)

Continental Circus (1972)
01. Blues For Findlay (11:19)
02. Continental Circus World (4:13)
03. What Do You Want? (9:06)
04. Blues For Findlay - Instrumental (9:41)
05. Blues For Findlay (Live '72) (11:26)
06. Flying Teapot (Live '72) (27:43)

Live Au Bataclan (1973)
01. Introduction - Tout Va Bien (1:28)
02. Dynamite - I'm Your Animal (17:04)
03. Tic Toc (5:52)
04. Taliesin (6:58)
05. Inside Your Head (4:42)
06. Flute Salad (7:04)
07. Pussy (4:26)
08. Radio Gnome I&II (5:55)
09. Flying Teapot (7:00)
10. Wet Drum Sandwich (9:36)
11. Encore (6:40)

Radio Gnome Invisible Part 1: Flying Teapot (1973)
01. Radio Gnome Invisible (5:30)
02. Flying Teapot (12:30)
03. The Pot Head Pixies (3:00)
04. The Octave Doctors And The Crystal Machine (2:00)
05. Zero The Hero And The Witch's Spell (9:45)
06. Witch's Song / I Am Your Pussy (5:10)

Radio Gnome Invisible Part 2: Angel's Egg (1973)
01. Other Side Of The Sky (7:39)
02. Sold To The Highest Buddha (4:28)
03. Castle In The Clouds (1:10)
04. Prostitute Poem (4:54)
05. Givin My Luv To You (0:44)
06. Selene (3:43)
07. Flute Salad (2:10)
08. Oily Way (3:38)
09. Outer Temple (1:09)
10. Inner Temple (2:34)
11. Percolations (0:46)
12. Love Is How Y Make It (3:29)
13. I Niver Glid Before (5:38)
14. Eat That Phone Book Coda (3:09)
15. Other Side Of The Sky (Single Version) (4:29)
16. Ooby-Scooby Doomsday Or The D-Day Dj's Got The D.D.T. Blues (Bonus) (5:09)
17. Love Is How Y Make It (1973 Vocal Mix) (2:30)
18. Eat That Phone Book Coda (Early Version) (3:09)

Mushroom Tapes (1973-1974)
01. Zero The Hero And The Witchяs Spell - Muchroom Tap (13:35)
02. Fohat Digs Holes In Space - Muchroom Tapes Very Ra (16:30)
03. Jam - Muchroom Tapes Very Rare Studo Rehersal (2:09)
04. Drumsolo - Muchroom Tapes Very Rare Studo Rehersal (4:24)
05. Other Side Of The Sky - Muchroom Tapes Very Rare S (6:40)
06. Live - Muchroom Tapes Very Rare Live Track (18:06)
07. Jam - Muchroom Tapes Very Rare Live Track (5:35)
08. I Never Glid Before - Muchroom Tapes Very Rare Live (12:59)

Live In Sheffield (1974)
01. Crystal Gnome (11:04)
02. Radio Gnome I & II (7:07)
03. Mister Pyxie (5:35)
04. Deep In The Sky (5:09)
05. Flying Tea-Pot (5:00)
06. Wet Drum Sandwich (3:29)
07. Mange Ton Calepin (3:41)
08. You Can't Kill Me (6:24)
09. Titicaca (10:27)

Greasy Truckers Live At Dingwalls Dance Hall (1974)
01. The Other Side Of The Sky (5:36)
02. Going, Going, Gong! (0:35)
03. 6-8 (2:01)
04. Zero The Hero And The Witch's Spell (5:39)
05. Let Us Dance Together On My Palms (Drum Solo) (4:10)
06. You Can't Kill Me (2:14)

Radio Gnome Invisible Part 3: You (1974)
01. Thoughts For Naught (1:33)
02. A PHP's Advice (1:45)
03. Magick Mother Invocation (1:57)
04. Master Builder (6:20)
05. A Sprinkling Of Clouds (8:58)
06. Perfect Mystery (2:28)
07. Isle Of Everywhere (10:22)
08. You Never Blow Your Trip Forever (11:30)
09. A PHP's Advice (Alternate Version) (1:48)

Shamal (1976)
01. Wingful Of Eyes (6:21)
02. Chandra (7:19)
03. Bombooji (5:12)
04. Cat In Clark's Shoes (7:44)
05. Mandrake (5:04)
06. Shamal (9:01)

Gong Est Morte, Vive Gong (1977)
01. Can't Kill Me (7:45)
02. I've Been Stoned Before-Mr Longshanks-Oh Mother (6:34)
03. Radio Gnome Invisible (2:50)
04. Zero The Hero & The Witches Spell (10:06)
05. Flute Salad-Oily Way-Outer Temple (10:18)
06. Inner Temple (Zero Meets The Octave Doctor) (6:03)
07. Iao Chant & Master Builder (7:07)
08. Sprinkling Of Clouds (4:52)
09. From The Isle Of Everywhere To The End Of The Styory Of Zero The Hero (12:14)
10. You Never Blow Your Trip Forever (11:40)

Live Etc (1977)
01. You Can't Kill Me (5:52)
02. Zero The Hero & The Witch's Spell (11:06)
03. Flying Teapot (6:32)
04. Dynamite - I Am Your Animal (5:44)
05. 6-8 Tune (3:49)
06. Est-Ce Que Je Suis (4:16)
07. Radio Gnome Invisible (7:33)
08. Oily Way (3:21)
09. Outer Temple (1:04)
10. Inner Temple (5:15)
11. Where Have All The Flowers Gone (3:03)
12. Isle Of Everywhere (10:25)
13. Get It Inner (2:31)
14. Master Builder (5:56)
15. Flying Teapot (Reprise) (2:04)

You Do Have To Give Up Dope (1979)
01. Sprinkling Of Clouds (7:14)
02. You Canґt Kill Me (8:47)
03. Isle Of Everywhere (11:56)
04. Get It Inner (4:18)
05. You Never Blow Your Trip Forever (7:50)
06. Flying Teapot (7:37)
07. Gong Live 1971 In France - Haystack - Iяve Bin Stoned Be (5:37)

Live At Mallacoff 1972 (1982)
01. Pot Head Pixies (1:27)
02. This Microphone (2:38)
03. Zero The Hero (12:45)
04. I Am Your Animal-Bamboolay (9:32)
05. You Can't Kill Me (5:56)
06. Dreaming It (4:49)
07. Tropical Fish (14:12)

The History & The Mystery Of The Planet Gong (1989)
01. Concert Intro (1:04)
02. Captain Shaw & Mr Gilbert (1:14)
03. Love Makes Sweet Music (1:06)
04. Riot 1968 (1:42)
05. Dreaming It (5:33)
06. I Feel So Lazy/And I Tried So Hard (9:53)
07. Radio Gnome Pre-Mix (3:07)
08. Pot Head Pixies (1:25)
09. Line Up (0:39)
10. Clarence In Wonderland (4:38)
11. Where Have All The Flowers Gone? (5:43)
12. Gong Poem (1:42)
13. Deya Goddess (8:28)
14. Opium For The People (4:23)
15. Red Alert (2:16)
16. 13/8 (4:01)
17. Gliss U-Well (1:15)
18. Future (1:16)
19. The Dream (4:07)
20. Chernobyl Rain (3:49)
21. Let Me Be One (6:12)

Shapeshifter (1992)
01. Gnomerique (0:07)
02. Shapeshifter (4:53)
03. Hymnalayas (7:39)
04. Dog-O-Matic (3:00)
05. Spirit With Me (2:28)
06. Mr.Albert Parkin (0:18)
07. Raindrop Tablas (0:21)
08. Give Me Mother A Soul Call (4:04)
09. Heaven's Gate (4:50)
10. Snake Tablas (0:34)
11. Loli (5:09)
12. La Bas La Bas (4:07)
13. I Gotta Donkey (2:13)
14. Can You You Can (9:09)
15. Confiture De Rhubarbier (1:18)
16. Parkin Triumphant (0:07)
17. Longhaired Tablas (0:15)
18. Elephant La Tete (4:42)
19. Mother's Gone (1:13)
20. Elephant La Cuisse (3:27)
21. White Doves (5:25)
22. Gnomoutro (0:27)

Camembert Eclectique (1994)
01. Cafe Montelieu Demos: (15:31)
 A. Take A Little Trip
B. Dynamite
C. It's The Time Of Your Life
D. Chelsa
E. Big City Energy

02. Garcon Ou Fille (Alternative Version) (3:39)
03. Dynamite/Goldilocks (5:42)
04. Rock & Roll Angel & Nightmare Of Mr. Respectable (5:40)
05. Garcon Ou Fille (Submix) (3:37)
06. Hyp Hypnotise You (Submix) (3:41)
07. Haunted Chateau Rehearsals (13:21)
08. Big City Energy (3:54)
09. Gongwash Indelible (5:52)

25th Birthday Party (1995)
CD 1.

01. Thorn Intro (1:18)
02. Floating Into A Birthday Gig (5:40)
03. You Can't Kill Me (6:20)
04. Radio Gnome 25 (7:11)
05. I Am Your Pussy (4:56)
06. Pot Head Pixies (2:54)
07. Never Glid Before (5:47)
08. Sad Street (6:28)
09. Eat That Phonebook (3:27)
10. Gnomic Address (1:36)
11. Flute Salad (2:33)
12. Oily Way (3:26)
13. Outer Temple - Inner Temple (5:25)
14. She Is The Great Goddess (3:06)
15. IAOM Riff (7:35)

CD 2.

01. Clouds Again (9:57)
02. Tri-Cycle Gliss (10:51)
03. Get A Dinner (2:03)
04. Zero Where Are You (1:29)
05. Be Who You Are My Friends (2:33)
06. It's The World Of Illusion (3:00)
07. Why Don't You Try (2:19)
08. I Am You (6:37)
09. Introducing The Musicians (3:04)

The Peel Sessions 1971-1974 (1995)
01. Magick Brother (4:51)
02. Clarence In Wonderland (4:41)
03. Tropical Fish: Selene (11:46)
04. You Can't Kill Me (7:00)
05. Radio Gnome Direct Broadcast (0:53)
06. Crystal Machine (9:04)
07. Zero The Hero And The Orgasm Witch (11:10)
08. Radio Gnome Invisible (12:02)
09. Oily Way (11:16)

Family Jewels (1998)
CD 1.

01. Pip Pyle - Seven Year Itch (3:35)
02. Pierre Moerlen's Gong - Second Wind Live (6:21)
03. Gilli Smyth - Cyberwhale (5:14)
04. Daevid Allen - So What_ (5:03)
05. Pierre Moerlen's Gong - Little House I Used to Live In (6:11)
06. Gong - Radio Gnome Transmission (1:20)
07. Gong - Master Builder (Guitar Solo) (3:53)
08. Daevid Allen - Farewell Flagship (3:06)
09. Pierre Moerlen's Gong - Say No More (5:32)
10. Gong - Master Builder (Sax Solo) (3:15)
11. Gong - Can't Kill Me Jam (5:03)
12. You Are I And I (1:56)

CD 2.

01. Didier Malherbr - Hadouk (4:47)
02. Glo - Let's Glo (6:29)
03. GongMaison - Blame The Rich (5:42)
04. Glo - Back To The Sea (2:29)
05. Didier Malherbe - Zeff Dance (4:10)
06. Smyth, Allen, Williamson - Stroking The Tail Of The Bird (3:11)
07. Mike Howlett - Mountains Of Venus (3:01)
08. Glo - Deia (4:26)
09. Didier Malherbe - Blues de l'Horizon (2:04)
10. Daevid Allen - Voice Of Om (8:10)

Live 2 Infinitea (2000)
01. Foolfare (0:46)
02. Zeroid (6:08)
03. Magdalene Intro (2:15)
04. Magdalene (5:06)
05. Infinitea (3:59)
06. The Mad Monk (3:30)
07. Zero The Hero And The Witch's Spell (9:26)
08. Bodilingus Intro (0:54)
09. Bodilingus (5:19)
10. Inner Temple (2:36)
11. Yoni On Mars (6:57)
12. Tropical Fish (3:42)
13. Invisible Temple (9:07)
14. Selene (6:51)

Zero To Infinity (2000)
01. Foolefare (0:43)
02. Magdalene (3:58)
03. The Invisible Temple (11:36)
04. Zeroid (6:09)
05. Wise Man In Your Heart (8:04)
06. The Mad Monk (3:25)
07. Yoni On Mars (6:08)
08. Damages Man (5:14)
09. Bodilingus (4:02)
10. Tali's Song (6:26)
11. Infinitea (7:49)

OK Friends (2002)
01. Ok My Friends! - Bergen (0:24)
02. Arabie Soja Scatsop - Paris (3:24)
03. Wise Man - Stavanger (8:02)
04. Zeroid Interiors - Bath (3:28)
05. Doudouk Bloomdido - Paris (3:18)
06. 6/8 Confiture - Paris (1:40)
07. Do You Believe In Majick? - Paris (4:23)
08. Three Questions - Bergen (3:52)
09. Cycles - Paris (9:41)
10. Violin Titties - Stavanger (1:19)
11. Virtual Lover - Aldershot (1:44)
12. Deep Fjord Restaurant - Oslo (0:47)
13. Can't Kill Me Sax - Odense (2:43)
14. Est Que Je Suis - Paris (1:50)
15. Invisible Temple - Paris (3:33)
16. Selene - Paris (5:22)

Acid Motherhood (2004)
01. Ocean Of Molasses (1:32)
02. Supercotton (8:36)
03. Olde Fooles Game (2:08)
04. Zeroina (2:57)
05. Brainwash Me (3:59)
06. Monstah! (2:32)
07. Bible Study (0:30)
08. Bazuki Logix (4:15)
09. Waving (4:06)
10. Makototen (13:37)
11. Schwitter's Health Spa (0:11)
12. Schwitless In Molasses (4:36)

2032 (2009)
01. City Of Self Fascination (6:05)
02. Digital Girl (4:23)
03. How To Stay Alive (8:06)
04. Escape Control Delete (7:58)
05. Yoni Poem (2:09)
06. Dance With The Pixies (4:37)
07. Wacky Baccy Banker (8:21)
08. The Year 2032 (5:39)
09. Robo-warriors (3:00)
10. Guitar Zero (4:55)
11. The Gris Gris Girl (6:30)
12. Wave And A Particle (2:05)
13. Pinkle Ponkle (4:35)
14. Portal (7:09)

I See You (2014)
01. I See You (3:24)
02. Occupy (2:51)
03. When God Shakes Hands With Devil (5:36)
04. The Eternal Wheel Spins (7:07)
05. Syllabub (4:30)
06. This Revolution (3:44)
07. You See Me (2:40)
08. Zion My T-Shirt (6:09)
09. Pixielation (4:43)
10. A Brew of Special Tea (1:22)
11. Thank You (10:29)
12. Shakti Yoni & Dingo Virgin (9:32)

Rejoice! I'm Dead! (2016)
01. The Thing That Should Be (3:34)
02. Rejoice! (10:17)
03. Kapital (3:23)
04. Model Village (6:43)
05. Beatrix (2:55)
06. Visions (4:29)
07. The Unspeakable Stands Revealed (11:56)
08. Through Restless Seas I Come (6:58)
09. Insert Yr Own Prophecy (9:38)


The Universe Also Collapses (2019)
01. Forever Reoccurring (20:37)
02. If Never I'm and Ever You (2:27)
03. My Sawtooth Wake (13:14)
04. The Elemental (6:43)

Pulsing Signals (Live 2022)
01. What We Was (Intro) (1:54)
02. You Can't Kill Me (9:03)
03. Rejoice! (9:53)
04. If Never I'm And Ever You (2:40)
05. Kapital (4:22)
06. Master Builder (15:43)
07. Forever Reoccurring (22:39)
08. My Sawtooth Wake (12:44)
09. Insert Yr Own Prophecy (10:30)


Unending Ascending (2023)
01. Tiny Galaxies (3:33)
02. My Guitar is a Spaceship (4:10)
03. Ship of Ishtar (8:34)
04. O, Arcturus (3:56)
05. All Clocks Reset (4:10)
06. Choose Your Goddess (6:49)
07. Lunar Invocation (4:35)
08. Asleep Do We Lay (4:16)


Pierre Moerlen's Gong.

Gazeuse! (1976)
01. Expresso (5:59)
02. Night Illusion (3:43)
03. Percolations (Part I & Part II) (10:03)
04. Shadows Of (7:49)
05. Esnuria (8:02)
06. Mireille (4:11)

Expresso II (1978)
01. Heavy Tune (6:26)
02. Golden Dilemma (4:55)
03. Sleepy (7:18)
04. Soli (7:40)
05. Boring (6:27)
06. Three Blind Mice (4:47)

Downwind (1979)
01. Aeroplane (2:43)
02. Crosscurrents (6:13)
03. Downwind (12:34)
04. Jin-Go-Lo-Ba (3:27)
05. What You Know (3:45)
06. Emotions (4:47)
07. Xtasea (6:40)

Live (1979)
01. Downwind (6:57)
02. Mandrake (7:38)
03. Golden Dilemma (7:59)
04. Soli (4:48)
05. Drum Solo (4:33)
06. Esnuria (5:13)
07. Crosscurrents (4:50)

Time Is The Key (1979)
01. Ard Na Greine (6:10)
02. Earthrise (2:26)
03. Supermarket (3:36)
04. Faerie Steps (5:32)
05. An American (2:55)
06. The Organ Grinder (3:54)
07. Sugar Street (2:22)
08. The Bender (3:16)
09. Arabesque Intro & Arabesque (5:18)
10. Esnuria Two (5:35)
11. Time Is The Key (2:26)

Leave It Open (1981)
01. Leave It Open (17:26)
02. How Much Better It Has Become (3:30)
03. I Woke Up That Morning Felt Like Playing Guitar (3:37)
04. It's About Time (6:12)
05. Stok Stok Stok Sto-Gak (4:14)
06. Adrien (3:47)

Breakthrough (1986)
01. Breakthrough (6:06)
02. Spaceship Disco (3:26)
03. Rock in Seven (3:16)
04. Sic 8 (4:09)
05. Poitou (3:57)
06. Children's Dream (3:29)
07. Portrait (4:25)
08. The Road Out (3:31)
09. Romantic Punk (2:25)
10. Far East (7:01)

Second Wind (1988)
01. Second Wind (6:11)
02. Time And Space (5:31)
03. Say No More (5:37)
04. Deep End (4:21)
05. Crystal Funk (4:28)
06. Exotic (5:52)
07. Beton (3:53)
08. Alan Key (5:39)
09. Crash & Co., The First (5:53)
10. Crash & Co., The Second (8:52)
11. Crash & Co., The Third (15:28)

Full Circle Live '88 (1998)
01. Introduction (0:36)
02. Second Wind (6:33)
03. Deep End (4:49)
04. Exotic (8:55)
05. Leave It Open (10:01)
06. Drum Alone (6:09)
07. Soli (9:23)
08. Breake Through (6:56)
09. Xstasea (6:09)

Pentanine (2004)
01. Overture (5:49)
02. Airway To Seven (4:38)
03. Pentanine Part One (3:28)
04. Auchalet (4:05)
05. Trip A La Mode (4:50)
06. Reminiscense (6:46)
07. Intro Classique (0:41)
08. Classique (7:13)
09. Lacheur (6:12)
10. Bluenuit (3:55)
11. Pentanine Part Two (2:11)
12. Saute En l'Air (7:05)
13. Troyka (4:34)

Mother Gong. 

Fairy Tales (1978)
01. Wassilissa: Three Riders (2:55)
02. Wassilissa: The Baba-Yaga's Cottage (4:07)
03. Wassilissa: The Forbidden Room (2:39)
04. Wassilissa: Time Machine (1:36)
05. Wassilissa: Flying (4:26)
06. Wassilissa: Wassilissa Returns Home (3:06)
07. Wassilissa: Through the Machine Again (1:04)
08. Wassilissa: The Baba Yaga (2:41)
09. The Three Tongues: The Shoemaker's Son (2:13)
10. The Three Tongues: Land of Dogs (2:20)
11. The Three Tongues: The Frog (0:50)
12. The Three Tongues: An Irish Inn in Rome (1:32)
13. The Three Tongues: The Arena (0:56)
14. The Three Tongues: Turtles (1:32)
15. The Three Tongues: Birds (1:06)
16. The Three Tongues: The Feast (2:14)
17. The Pied Piper: Hamelin (1:03)
18. The Pied Piper: Rats Amok (0:59)
19. The Pied Piper: An Angry Crowd (2:21)
20. The Pied Piper: Rat Rock (2:17)
21. The Pied Piper: A Thousand Guilders (1:56)
22. The Pied Piper: Children! (2:33)
23. The Pied Piper: Magic Land (3:30)

Robot Woman 1 (1981)
01. Disco At The End Of The World (4:21)
02. Womans Place (1:04)
03. The Sea (4:01)
04. Listen... (7:21)
05. Searching The Airwaves (6:44)
06. Billi Bunker's Blues (2:40)
07. Military Procession (1:43)
08. Customs Man (4:38)
09. Red Alert Pt. 1 (1:57)
10. Red Alert Pt. 2 (3:08)
11. Stars (5:28)
12. Australia (3:19)

Robot Woman 2 (1982)
01. Side 1 (22:57)
02. Side 2 (22:39)

Robot Woman 3 (1986)
01. Side 1 (22:57)
02. Side 2 (22:39)

Fish In The Sky (1988)
01. Fish In The Sky (7:50)
02. We Who Were Raging (18:20)
03. Time (7:22)
04. I Sing (4:17)
05. Turdor Love Poem (4:53)
06. Cafe Reflection (2:58)
07. I Am A Tree Too (4:37)

Mother Gong & Daevid Allen - The Owl And The Tree (1989)
01. I Am A Tree (4:40)
02. Lament For The Future Of The Forest (3:38)
03. Hands (3:14)
04. Unseen Ally (4:11)
05. La Dea Mardi (7:02)
06. The Owly Song (6:35)
07. I Am My Own Lover (14:28)
08. Tudor Love Poem (4:59)

Wild Child (1991)
01. Today Is Beautiful (6:19)
02. Augment Lady (7:36)
03. Time (7:24)
04. Between Us (2:11)
05. Child (7:27)
06. Room I (3:27)
07. We Women (2:40)
08. The Beach Is Hot (4:32)
09. Superboots (6:38)
10. Balein (10:49)

Live 1991 (1992)
01. Womb (0:49)
02. In The Beginning (2:20)
03. Four Horsemen (3:03)
04. New Man (2:21)
05. Ambassadors (3:07)
06. Hungry (1:15)
07. Fat Cats (3:31)
08. Big Daddy World (3:47)
09. Miaow (4:35)
10. Pigalle (3:33)
11. Superboots (7:17)
12. Wildchild (6:03)
13. Sorry! (1:20)
14. Mr. Union Carbide (5:20)
15. Space Case (10:12)
16. We Who Were Raging (10:24)
17. Wilful Housewife (2:20)
18. Crying Is Strength (3:42)

She Made The World: Magneta (1993)
01. Magenta (32:11)
02. Water (4:24)
03. She Made The World (5:25)
04. The Weather (6:27)
05. Malicious Sausage (1:27)
06. Sea Horse (3:16)
07. Spirit Calling (4:24)
08. Tattered Jacket (3:45)
09. Waipu (3:23)
10. When The Show Is Over (5:18)
11. I Am A Witch (1:14)
12. The Spirit Of The Bush (2:59)
13. Blessed Be (0:18)

Eye (1994)
01. Fanfare (0:50)
02. She's The Mother Of... (3:32)
03. Sun Day (4:00)
04. Beds (1:23)
05. Time Is A Hurrying Dog (3:09)
06. Ancient (8:58)
07. Zen (2:39)
08. Quantam (6:44)
09. Spirit Canoe (3:48)
10. What If We Were Gods And Goddesses (4:35)
11. Auction (0:44)
12. Little Boy (1:47)
13. Magic Stories (5:41)
14. Excuses (1:16)
15. Sax Canoe (0:52)
16. Fairy Laughter (1:29)
17. Virtual Reality (9:02)

Glastonbury Festival 1979-1981 (2005)
01. Dogs (3:17)
02. Dreaming It (2:43)
03. Rats Amok (4:31)
04. Robot Woman 1 (2:00)
05. Birds So High (9:23)
06. Beautiful Country (5:31)
07. Evidance (5:12)
08. Disco At The End Of The World (4:27)
09. Robot Woman 2 (5:28)
10. Machine Song (4:21)
11. Searching The Airwaves (7:31)
12. Customs Man (7:15)


Gongmaison (1991)
01. Flying Teacup (5:25)
02. "1989" (4:22)
03. Titti - Caca (10:11)
04. Tablas Logorythmique (1:11)
05. Negotiate (13:45)
06. We Circle Around (4:59)
07. Flying T Dance Mix (15:50)

Live At Glastonbury '89 (1995)
01. Opening Invocation (0:42)
02. Deva Invocations - Earth-Fire-Water-Air (11:34)
03. Direct Line To God (0:38)
04. Bellyful Of Telephone (1:55)
05. Titi-Caca - Changing Woman (10:19)
06.People Poem (4:38)
07. Negociate - World Peace (11:50)
08. We Circle Around (7:34)
09. Flying Tea Dance (10:57)
10. You Are I & I Am You (4:55)
11. Heartsong (4:20)

New York Gong.

About Time (1979)
01. Preface (1:29)
02. Much Too Old (2:44)
03. Black September (4:03)
04. Materialism (3:12)
05. Strong Woman (4:30)
06. I Am A Freud (1:45)
07. O My Photograph (9:09)
08. Jungle Windo (W) (6:21)
09. Hours Gone (4:05)

Planet Gong.

Live Floating Anarchy (1977)
01. Psychological Overture (2:03)
02. Floatin' Anarchy (5:37)
03. Stone Innoc Frankenstein (3:21)
04. New Age Transformation Try (11:38)
05. Opium for the People (4:20)
06. Allez Ali Baba Blacksheep (14:38)

Alien In New York, Opium For The People (1978-1983)
01. Bananareggae (4:21)
02. Are You Ready (3:30)
03. Oo La La (3:26)
04. Side Windo (3:39)
05. Opium For The People (4:23)
06. Stone Innocent Frankenstein (3:13)

Live Floating Anarchy '91 (2005)
01. Psychological Overture / Floating Anarchy (6:03)
02. It's The Time Of Your Life (3:06)
03. Stoned Innocent Frankenstein (6:57)
04. New Age Transformation Try / No More Sages (12:33)
05. Poet For Sale (4:36)
06. The Pot Head Pixies (2:56)
07. Astral Alien (5:40)
08. Much Too Old (3:21)
09. Change The World (3:20)
10. Teeth (3:45)
11. Allez Ali Baba Blacksheep Have You Any Bullshit / Mama Maya Mantram (11:53)
12. Opium For The People (6:13)
13. Astral Alien (Soundcheck Version) (5:44)


Live '73 (1995)
01. Camembert Psilocybin Flashback (8:51)
02. Porquoi Dormons Nous (The Gnome Rock Dispensation) (13:55)

Goddess T.

Electric Shiatsu (1999)
01. It's A strange Place Here (6:07)
02. Sugar Path (7:32)
03. Sirius Ma (8:39)
04. Little Whale (2:06)
05. Ali Baba (8:29)
06. Strange Place (part2) (6:20)
07. Triple Helix (8:14)
08. Journey Of The White Whale (20:46)

Acid Mothers Gong.

Live In Nagoya (2006)
01. HoHoHo! (Avahoot Klaxon's Acidological Report) (16:30)
02. Makototen (14:06)
03. Glissade Gillisade (13:38)
04. Lady Lemonade (11:40)
05. Bellyful Of Telephone/Why Do? (3:44)
06. Hari Balmy Bom Riff (6:46)
07. Virtual Lover (7:34)

Live Tokyo (2006)
01. Gnome 11:11 (0:41)
02. Ooom Ba Wah! (1:55)
03. Crazy Invisible She (3:46)
04. The Unkilling of Octave Docteur da 4J (9:15)
05. Avahoot Klaxon Diamond Language Ritual (4:53)
06. Rituel: Umbrage Demon Stirfry & Its Upcum (3:19)
07. Jesu Ali Om Cruci-Fiction (1:37)
08. Ze Teapot Zat Exploded (8:20)
09. Eating Colonel Saunders Upside Down (6:25)
10. Vital Info That Should Never Be Spoken (2:05)
11. Parallel Tales of Fred Circumspex (5:37)
12. The Isle of Underwear (12:35)
13. Ohm Riff Voltage 245 (7:45)
14. Totalatonal Farewell to the Innocents (6:21)

Gilli Smyth, Daevid Allen & Orlando Allen.

I Am Your Egg (2005)
01. End St. Station (3:54)
02. Sacrifice (1:33)
03. Melting Love (7:02)
04. Slinky Ones (2:00)
05. River Song (7:10)
06. Ship Of Fools (5:49)
07. Midnight Sun (2:30)
08. Undeniably (2:37)
09. Time Dilation (3:44)
10. Hungry Lion (0:54)
11. Mechanical Schoolmistress (2:55)
12. Palestine (2:15)
13. Memory (5:00)

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