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15 agosto 2023

The Alan Parsons Project - Discografia.

The Alan Parsons Project é um grupo de rock progressivo inglês formado nos fins dos anos 70 início dos anos 80 e foi fundado por Alan Parsons e Eric Woolfson.

Muitos dos seus títulos, especialmente os primeiros, partilham traços comuns com The Dark Side of the Moon do Pink Floyd, talvez influenciado pela participação de Alan Parsons como engenheiro de som na produção deste álbum em 1973. Eram álbuns conceituais que começavam com uma introdução instrumental esvanecendo-se na primeira canção, uma peça instrumental no meio do segundo lado do LP e terminavam com uma canção calma, melancólica e poderosa. (No entanto, a introdução instrumental só foi realizada até 1980 - a partir desse ano, nenhum álbum exceto "Eye In The Sky" possuiu uma.)

O grupo era bastante incomum na continuidade dos seus membros. Em particular, as vocalizações principais pareciam alternar entre Woolfson (principalmente nas canções lentas e melancólicas) e uma grande variedade de vocalistas convidados escolhidos devido às suas características para interpretar determinado tema.

Mesmo assim, muitos sentem que o verdadeiro cerne do Projeto consistia exclusivamente em Alan Parsons e Eric Woolfson. Eric Woolfson era um advogado, por profissão, mas também uma compositor clássico treinado e pianista. Alan Parsons era um produtor musical de grande sucesso. Ambos trabalharam juntos para conceber canções notáveis e com uma fidelidade impecável.

Andrew Powell (compositor e organizador de música de orquestra durante a vida do projeto), Ian Bairnson (guitarrista) e Richard Cottle (sintetizador e saxofonista) também tornaram-se partes integrais do som do projeto. Powell é também acreditado por ter composto uma banda sonora ao estilo do projeto para o filme Feitiço de Áquila (Ladyhawke em inglês) de Richard Donner. Texto: Wikipédia.

  • Alan Parsons, tecladista, produtor, engenheiro.
  • Eric Woolfson, tecladista, produtor executivo.
  • Andrew Powell, tecladista, arranjo para orquestra.
  • Ian Bairnson, guitarrista.
  • Baixo: David Paton (1975-1985); Laurie Cottle (1985-1987)
  • Bateria, Percussão: Stuart Tosh (1975-1977); Stuart Elliott (1977-1987)
  • Saxofone, Teclado: Mel Collins (1980-1984); Richard Cottle (1984-1987)
  • Vocais: Eric Woolfson, Lenny Zakatek, John Miles, Chris Rainbow, Colin Blunstone, David Paton, e muitos outros.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Tales Of Mystery And Imagination (1976)
01. A Dream within a Dream
02. The Raven
03. The Tell-tale Heart
04. The Cask of Amontillado
05. (The System of)
Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
The fall of the House of Usher

06. I - Prelude
07. II - Arrival 
08. III - Intermezzo 
09. IV - Pavane 
10. V - Fall 
11. To One in Paradise 

I Robot (1977)
01. I Robot
02. I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You
03. Some Other Time
04. Breakdown
05. Don't Let It Show
06. The Voice
07. Nucleus
08. Day After Day (Show Must Go On) 
09. Total Eclipse
10. Genesis Ch. 1 V. 32
Bonus Tracks.
11. Boules (I Robot Experiment)
12. Breakdown (Demo)
13. I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You (Rough Mix)
14. Day After Day (Rough Mix)
15. The Naked Robot

Pyramid (1978)
01. Voyager
02. What Goes Up…
03. The Eagle Will Rise Again
04. One More River
05. Can’t Take It With You
06. In The Lap Of The Gods
07. Pyramania
08. Hyper-Gamma-Spaces
09. Shadow Of A Lonely Man
Bonus Tracks.
10. Voyager-What Goes Up-The Eagle Will Rise Again (Instrumental)
11. What Goes Up Little Voice (Early Version Demo)
12. Can't Take It with You (Early Version Demo)
13. Hyper-Gamma-Spaces (Demo Version)
14. Eagle Will Rise Again (Alternate Version-Backing Track)
15. In the Lap of the Gods, Pt. 1 (Demo Version)
16. In the Lap of the Gods, Pt. 2 (Backing Track Rough Mix)

Eve (1979)
01. Lucifer
02. You Lie Down With Dogs
03. I'd Rather Be A Man
04. You Won't Be There
05. Winding Me Up
06. Damned If I Do
07. Don't Hold Me Back
08. Secret Garden
09. If I Could Change Your Mind
Bonus Tracks.
10. Elsie's Theme From The Sicilian Defenc (The Project That Never Was)
11. Lucifer (Demo)
12. Secret Garden (Rough Mix)
13. Damned If I Do (Rough Mix)
14. Don't Hold Back (Vocal Rehearsal Rough Mix)
15. Lucifer (Early Rough Mix)
16. If I Could Change Your Mind (Rough Mix)

The Turn Of A Friendly Card (1980)
01. May Be A Price To Pay
02. Games People Play
03. Time
04. I Don't Wanna Go Home
05. The Gold Bug
06. The Turn Of A Friendly Card (Part One)
07. Snake Eyes
08. The Ace Of Swords
09. Nothing Left To Lose
10. The Turn Of A Friendly Card (Part Two)

Bonus Tracks. 
11. May Be A Price To Pay (Intro - Demo)
12. Nothing Left To Lose (Basic Backing Track)
13. Nothing Left To Lose (Chris Rainbow Vocal Overdub Combilation)
14. Nothing Left To Lose (Early Studio Version With Eric's Guide Vocal)
15. Time (Early Studio Attempt)
16. Games People Play (Rough Mix)
17. The Gold Bug (Demo)

Eye In The Sky (1982)
01. Sirius
02. Eye In The Sky
03. Children Of The Moon
04. Gemini
05. Silence And I
06. You're Gonna Get Your Fingers Burned
07. Psychobabble
08. Mammagamma
09. Step By Step
10. Old And Wise 

Bonus Tracks. 
11. Sirius (Demo)
12. Old And Wise (Eric Woolfson Guide Vocal)
13. Any Other Day (Studio Demo)
14. Silence And I (Early Version; Eric Woolfson Guide Vocal)
15. The Naked Eye
16. Eye Pieces (Classical Naked Eye

Ammonia Avenue (1984)
01. Prime Time
02. Let Me Go Home 
03. One Good Reason
04. Since The Last Goodbye 
05. Don't Answer Me
06. Dancing On A Highwire
07. You Don't Believe
08. Pipeline
09. Ammonia Avenue
Bonus Tracks.
10. Don't Answer Me (Early Rough Mix)
11. You Don't Believe (Demo)
12. Since the Last Goodbye (Chris Rainbow Vocal Overdubs)
13. Since the Last Goodbye (Eric Guide Vocal - Rough Mix)
14. You Don't Believe (Instrumental Tribute to The Shadows)
15. Dancing on a Highwire Spotlight (Work in Progress)
16. Ammonia Avenue Part 1 (Eric Demo Vocal - Rough Mix)
17. Ammonia Avenue (Orchestral Overdub)

Vulture Culture (1984)
01. Let's Talk About Me
02. Separate Lives
03. Days Are Numbers
04. Sooner Or Later
05. Vulture Culture
06. Hawkeye
07. Somebody Out There
08. The Same Old Sun
Bonus Tracks.
09. No Answers Only Questions (Final Version)
10. Separate Lives (Alternative Mix)
11. Hawkeye (Demo)
12. The Naked Vulture
13. No Answers Only Questions (The First Attempt)

Stereotomy (1985)
01. Stereotomy
02. Beaujolais
03. Urbania (Instrumental)
04. Limelight
05. In The Real World
06. Where's The Walrus? (Instrumental)
07. Light Of The World
08. Chinese Whispers (Instrumental)
09. Stereotomy Two 

Bonus Tracks. 
10. Light Of The World (Backing Track)
11. Rumour Goin' Round (Demo)
12. Stereotomy (Eric Woolfson Guide Vocal)
13. Stereotomy (Backing Rough Mix)

Gaudi (1987)
01. La Sagrada Familia
02. Too Late
03. Closer To Heaven
04. Standing On Higher Ground
05. Money Talks
06. Inside Looking Out
07. Paseo De Gracia (Instrumental)
Bonus Tracks.
08. Too Late (Eric Woolfson Rough Guide Vocal)
09. Standing on Higher Ground - Losing Proposition (Vocal Experiments)
10. Money Talks (Cris Rainbow Percussion Overdubs)
11. Money Talks (Rough Mix Backing Track)
12. Closer to Heaven (Sax Chris Rainbow Overdub Section)
13. Paseo de Gracia (Rough Mix)
14. La Sagrada Familia (Rough Mix)

Freudiana (1990)
01. The Nirvana Principle
02. Freudiana
03. I Am A Mirror
04. Little Hans
05. Dora
06. Funny You Should Say That
07. You're On Your Own
08. Far Away From Home
09. Let Yourself Go
10. Beyond The Pleasure Principle
11. The Ring
12. Sects Therapy
13. No One Can Love You Better Than Me
14. Don't Let The Moment Pass
15. Upper Me
16. Freudiana
17. Destiny
18. There But For The Grace Of God 

Alan Parsons - Try Anything Once (1993)
01. The Three of Me
02. Turn It Up
03. Wine From The Water
04. Breakaway
05. Mr. Time
06. Jigue
07. I'm Talkin' To You
08. Siren Song
09. Dreamscape
10. Back Against The Wall
11. Re-Jigue
12. Oh Life (There Must Be More) 

Alan Parsons - On Air (1996)
01. Blue Blue Sky (1) 
02. Too Close to the Sun
03. Blown by the Wind
04. Cloudbreak (Instrumental) 
05. I Can't Look Down
06. Brother up in Heaven
07. Fall Free
08. Apollo (Instrumental) 
09. So Far Away
10. One Day to Fly
11. Blue Blue Sky (2) 

 Alan Parsons - The Time Machine (1999)
01. The Time Machine (Part 1) 
02. Temporalia
03. Out Of The Blue
04. Call Up
05. Ignorance Is Bliss
06. Rubber Universe
07. The Call Of The Wind
08. No Future In The Past
09. Press Rewind
10. The Very Last Time
11. Far Ago And Long Away
12. The Time Machine (Part 2) 

Alan Parsons - A Valid Path (2004)
01. Return to Tunguska
02. More Lost Without You
03. Mammagamma 04
04. We Play the Game
05. Tijuaniac
06. L'Arc en Ciel
07. Recurring Dream Within a Dream, A
08. You Can Run
09. Chomolungma 

Opção 1.

Opção 2.
Alan Parsons - The Secret (2019)
01. The Sorcerer's Apprentice
02. Miracle
03. As Lights Fall
04. One Note Symphony
05. Sometimes
06. Soirée Fantastique
07. Fly To Me
08. Requiem
09. Years Of Glory
10. The Limelight Fades Away
11. I Can't Get There From Here

Opção 1.

Opção 2.

Alan Parsons - The Neverending Show: Live In The Netherlands (2021)
CD 1.

01. One Note Symphony
02. Damed If I Do
03. Don't Answer Me
04. Time
05. Breakdown / The Raven
06. I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You
07. Psychobabble
08. Luciferama
09. Don't Let It Show

CD 2.

01. I Robot
02. Limelight
03. Standing on Higher Ground
04. As Light Fall
05. I Can't Get There from Here
06. Primetime
07. Sirius / Eye in the Sky
08. Old and Wise
09. (The System of) Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether
10. Games People Play
11. The Neverending Show

Opção 1.
Alan Parsons With The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra - One Note Symphony: Live In Tel Aviv (2022)
CD 1.

01. One Note Symphony
02. Damned If I Do
03. Don’t Answer Me
04. Time
05. Breakdown / The Raven
06. Miracle
07. Luciferama
08. Silence And I
09. I Wouldn’t Want To Be Like You
10. Don’t Let It Show

CD 2.

01. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
02. Standing On Higher Ground
03. As Lights Fall
04. I Can’t Get There From Here
05. Prime Time
06. Sirius / Eye In The Sky
07. Old And Wise
08. (The System Of) Dr. Tarr And Professor Fether
09. Games People Play

Opção 1.
Alan Parsons - From The New World (2022)
01. Fare Thee Well
02. The Secret
03. Uroborus (Feat. Tommy Shaw)
04. Don't Fade Now
05. Give 'Em My Love (Feat. James Durbin & Joe Bonamassa)
06. Obstacles
07. I Won't Be Led Astray (Feat. David Pack, Joe Bonamassa & Mike Larson)
08. You Are the Light
09. Halos
10. Goin' Home
11. Be My Baby
12. Don't Fade Now (Remix Version)

Opção 1.
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