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17 dezembro 2023

Henry Cow - Discografia.

Henry Cow é um dos principais grupos ligados ao Rock Progressivo e um dos ícones da vertente vanguardista do estilo denominado Rock in Opposition. Apesar de ter tido uma vida relativamente curta (10 anos) e apenas 5 discos de estúdio, o grupo solidificou a vertente que seria denominada nos anos 90 de Avant-progressive rock, que seguiam uma linha totalmente diferente feita pelos medalhões do estilo.


As origens vêm de 1968, quando Fred Frith e montam o grupo, inicialmente com uma sonoridade ligada ao Blues. Com o passar do tempo influências de Frank Zappa, do Free Jazz e do progressivo ligado a cidade de Canterbury (onde Frith ficaria alguns meses em 1969) eram adicionadas em sua música. Em 1972 o baterista Cris Cutler e o baixista John Greaves fechariam a primeira formação do grupo. Participa de shows com bandas também de vanguarda como a alemã Faust e graças ao multi-instrumentista Mike Oldfield, amigo de Frith, conseguem um contrato com a gravadora Virgin, lançando seu primeiro trabalho, Leg End, em maio de 1973. Texto: Wikipédia. 


Fred Frith (Guitarra, Violino, Baixo, Piano, Xilofone, 1968-1978)
Tim Hodgkinson (Órgão, Saxofone Alto, Clarinete, 1968-1978)
David Atwood (Bateria, 1968)
Rob Brooks (Guitarra, 1968)
Joss Grahame (Baixo, 1968)
Andy Spooner (Gaita, 1968)
Andy Powell (Baixo, Bateria, 1968-1969)
John Greaves (Baixo, Piano, 1969-1976)
Sean Jenkins (Bateria, 1969-1971)
Martin Ditcham (Bateria, 1971)
Chris Cutler (Bateria, Percussão, 1971-1978)
Geoff Leigh (Saxofones, Flauta, Clarinete, 1972-1973)
Lindsay Cooper (Fagote, Oboé, Gravador, Piano, 1974-1978, R.I.P 2013)
Peter Blegvad (Guitarra, 1975)
Anthony Moore (Teclados, 1975)
Dagmar Krause (Vocais, 1975-1977)
Born (Violoncelo, Baixo, 1976-1978)
Annemarie Roelofs (Trombone, Violino, 1978)

Bitrate: 320Kbps.

Leg End (1973)
01. Nirvana for Mice
02. Amygdala
03. Teenbeat Introduction
04. Teenbeat
05. Nirvana Reprise
06. Extract from 'With the Yellow Half-Moon and Blue Star'
07. Teenbeat Reprise
08. Tenth Chaffinch
09. Nine Funerals of the Citizen King
10. Bellycan

Unrest (1974)
01. Bittern Storm Over Ulm
02. Half Asleep; Half Awake
03. Ruins
04. Solemn Music
05. Linguaphonie
06. Upon Entering The Hotel Adlon
07. Arcades
08. Deluge

Slapp Happy & Henry Cow - Desperate Straights (1975)
01. Some Questions About Hats
02. The Owl
03. A Worm Is at Work
04. Bad Alchemy
05. Europa
06. Desperate Straights
07. Riding Tigers
08. Apes in Capes
09. Strayed
10. Giants
11. Excerpt from The Messiah
12. In the Sickbay
13. Caucasian Lullaby

In Praise Of Learning (1975)
01. War
02. Living In The Heart of the Beast
03. Beginning: The Long March
04. Beautiful as the Moon - Terrible as an Army With Banners
05. Morning Star


Concerts (1976)
CD 1.

01. Beautiful As The Moon/Terrible As An Army With Banners
02. Nirvana For Mice
03. Ottawa Song
04. Gloria Gloom
05. Moon Reprise
06. Bad Alchemy
07. Little Red Riding Hood Hits The Road
08. Ruins
09. Groningen
10. Groningen Again

CD 2.

01-08. Oslo
09. Off The Map
10. Cafe Royal
11. Keeping Warm In Winter/Sweet Heart Of Mine
12. Udine


Western Culture (1979)
01. Industry
02. The Decay of Cities
03. On The Raft
04. Falling Away
05. Gretel's Tale
06. Look Back
07. Half the Sky
Bonus Tracks.
09. Viva Pa Ubu
10. Look back
11. Slice

The 40th Anniversary Henry Cow (Box Set 2009)
Volume 1: Beginnings. 

01. Pre-Teenbeat I
02. Pre-Teenbeat II
03. Rapt In A Blanket
04. Came To See You
05. Amygdala (Pre-Legend Demo)
06. Teenbeat
07. Citizen King
08. Nirvana For Moles
09-16. With The Yellow Half Moon And Blue Star
A. Introduction
B. Invocation
C. Demi-Lune Jaune
D. Three Little Steps
E. Red Riff
F. Chorale Flautando
G. Cycling Over The Cliff
H. First Light

17-19. Guider Tells Of Silent Airborne Machine.
A. Olwyn Grainger
B. Betty Mcgowan
C. Lottie Hare

Volume 2: 1974-1975.

01. Introduction
02. Ruins I
03. Half Asleep, Half Awake
04. Ruins Ii
05. Heron Shower Over Hamburg
06. Nix (0.06)
07. Halsteren 1
08. Solo 1
09. Solo Extension 1
10. Halsteren 2
11. Extension 1
12. Halsteren 3
13. First Suspension
14. Extension 2
15. Extension 3
16. Solo 2
17. Solo Extension 2
18. Halsteren 4
19. Second Suspension
20. Extension 4
21. Solo 3
22. Solo Extension 3
23. Hasteren 5
24-32 Living In The Heart Of The Beast

Volume 3: Hamburg.

01. Fair As The Moon
02. Nirvana For Rabbits
03. Ottawa Song
04. Twilight Bridge
05. Gloria Gloom
06. Hamburg 1
07. Hamburg 2
08. Red Noise10
09. Hamburg 3
10. Hamburg 4
11. Hamburg 5
12. Terrible As An Army With Banners
13. A Heart
14. Little Red Riding Hood Hit The Road
15. We Did It Again

Volume 4 & 5: Trondheim.

CD 1.

01-10. Trondheim I 

CD 2.

01-06. Trondheim II
07. The March

Vol. 6: Stockholm & Göteborg.

01. Stockholm
02. Erk Gah (Aka Hold To The Zero Burn) Part 1
03. Erk Gah (Aka Hold To The Zero Burn) Part 2
04. Erk Gah (Aka Hold To The Zero Burn) Part 3
05. Erk Gah (Aka Hold To The Zero Burn) Part 4
06. Erk Gah (Aka Hold To The Zero Burn) Part 5
07. A Bridge To Ruins
08. Ottawa Song
09. Göteborg 1 Part 1
10. Göteborg 1 Part 2
11. Göteborg 1 Part 3
12. No More Songs
13. Stockholm 2
14. The March

Vol. 7: Later And Post-Virgin.

01. Joan
02. Teenbeat 2
03. Would You Prefer Us To Lie?
04. Untitled Piece
05. Chaumont 1
06. Chaumont 2
07. March
08. Brain Storm Over Barnsley
09. Teenbeat 3
10. Post-Teen Auditorium Invasion
11. Bucket Waltz
12. On Suicide

Vol. 8: Bremen.

01. Armed Maniac/Things We Forgot  
New Suite.
02. Van Fleet
03. Viva Pa Ubu Instrumental Extract
04. The Big Tune Begins
05. The Big Tune Continues
06. The Big Tune Ends
07. March
08-14. Die Kunst Der Orgel
Erk Gah Instrumental Extract

Vol. 9: Late.

01. Joy Of Sax
02. Jackie-Ing
03. Untitled 2
04. The Herring People
05-08. Rio
09. Half The Sky
10. Virgins Of Illinois
11. Viva Pa Ubu

Vol. 10: A Cow Cabinet Of Curiosities.

01. Pre Virgin Demo 1
02. Pre Virgin Demo 2
03. Unidentified Improvisation 1
04. Unidentified Improvisation 2
05. Unidentified Late Composition
06. Exploded Amygdala,Teen Introduction
07. Lovers Of Gold
08. Hamburg 6
09. Ruins Extract
10. Hamburg 7
11. Half The Sky
12. Extract From The Glove

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