grupo Chicago é uma das bandas norte-americanas mais populares da
história do rock n' roll, só perdendo quando comparados aos Beach Boys.
em 1967 na cidade da qual acaba por retirar o seu nome. A formação
inicial do grupo, inicialmente chamado de The Big Thing, incluía Walter
Paraider no saxofone, Lee Loughnane no trompete, Terry Kath na
guitarra e voz, Danny Seraphine na bateria, James Pankow no trombone e
Robert Lamm no órgão e voz. No começo, a banda não tinha baixista, mas
em Dezembro de 1967 o baixista e vocalista Peter Cetera junta-se a eles
vindo da banda rival The Exceptions.
a orientação do empresário e produtor James William Guercio, que
inicialmente tinha dado à banda o nome de Chicago Transit Authority
(nome que teve depois de ser reduzido porque o Departamento de Trânsito
de Chicago não autorizou o uso do nome), a banda muda-se para Los
Angeles e assina com a gravadora Columbia Records. Em 1969, é editado o
seu álbum de estreia, "Chicago Transit Authority", que vende mais de
dois milhões de cópias e coloca quatro singles nas paradas musicais,
fato que se repetiria ao longo da sua carreira e dos álbuns seguintes,
cada um deles com uma ligeira variação na capa, na qual, ao lado do
logotipo da banda, era acrescentada a numeração do respectivo disco.
música do Chicago era uma mistura de estilos, desde o rock, até à pop
ligeira, incorporando elementos do jazz e música clássica. Mas depois
do tema de Cetera "If You Leave Me Now" se tornar disco de ouro e chegar
ao primeiro lugar das paradas em 1976, o grupo começa a compor mais
baladas românticas.
a morte de Terry Kath em 23 de Janeiro de 1978, ocorrido por um
acidente com arma de fogo, o Chicago entra em declínio, com fatos como o
aumento do consumo de drogas entre seus integrantes e a crise gerada
pela descoberta de graves informações sobre James William Guercio, seu
empresário - entre elas, a de que ele estaria roubando a banda,
terminando em sua demissão. A banda então decide acabar com os numerais
romanos nos nomes dos álbuns, partindo para o diferente e ousado Hot
Streets, já com o substituto de Kath, o guitarrista e vocalista Donnie
Dacus, que anos antes havia atuado no filme Hair (baseado no famoso
musical). Ele permaneceu por 2 álbuns, Hot Streets (1978) e Chicago 13
(1979), mas não se ajustou ao ritmo da banda e foi demitido em seguida.
A banda tentou entrar na era da Disco Music lançando o single Street
Player, composição de Danny Seraphine e David Hawk Wolinsky, produção de
Phil Ramone e participação do trompetista
canadense Maynad Ferguson e de Ayrto Moreira. Mas o álbum não vendeu
muito bem e eles receberam um ultimato da gravadora CBS : se não
conseguissem atingir o número de vendas desejado no álbum seguinte,
seriam demitidos. Então, mudaram seu estilo radicalmente para um rock
mais pesado no álbum Chicago 14 (1980), convidando o guitarrista Chris
Pinnick - que soava assustadoramente como Terry Kath, segundo James
Pankow -, mas os esforços de nada adiantaram. O álbum foi fracasso de
vendas e o Chicago foi demitido, assinando em seguida com a gravadora
Warner Brothers.
Seraphine, um dos únicos músicos sóbrios na banda, resolveu tomar a
frente do trabalho e procurou por um novo substituto para Terry.
Contactou Bill Champlin, cantor e multi - instrumentista, famoso por seu
trabalho anterior com a banda californiana The Sons Of Champlin. Este,
por sua vez, chamou seu amigo de longa data e ex-companheiro de banda
(os dois trabalharam juntos na banda Airplay), o produtor canadense
David Foster. David aceitou o desafio de produzir o próximo álbum da
banda, mas contando que eles aceitassem as mudanças que ele propunha,
com uma nova proposta quanto a seu estilo. Nasce então a fase de
baladas do Chicago, com o álbum Chicago 16, de 1982, e sua faixa mais
famosa, Hard to Say I'm Sorry, composição da dupla Peter Cetera / David
Foster, que renderia outras várias composições de sucesso tanto para o
Chicago quanto para a carreira solo de Peter Cetera, anos mais tarde. O
álbum vendeu um milhão de cópias e colocou a banda de volta às paradas
de sucesso.
se desligou da banda em 1985, após um ultimato dado pelos colegas.
Alguns afirmam que Cetera estava com excesso de vaidade, querendo que
seu nome aparecesse em destaque, mas os outros não concordaram; ele não
queria sair mais em turnê pois, além de estar exausto de passar meses
na estrada fazendo shows, estava com uma filha pequena e queria
acompanhar seu crescimento. A banda queria desesperadamente sair em
turnê, para aproveitar seu ressurgimento no cenário musical e o grande
sucesso dos álbuns Chicago 16 e Chicago 17. Peter, então, decidiu
realizar o sonho que vinha acalentando há muitos anos: seguir carreira
solo. Peter já tinha lançado um álbum solo em 1980, já na nova
gravadora, Warner. Mas ele suspeita que a gravadora boicotou o álbum
para não prejudicar e ofuscar a banda.
banda seguiu e adicionou algumas pessoas para ocupar a vaga de
substituto de Peter Cetera, alguém que preenchesse os requisitos
básicos: ter voz aguda (tenor) e ser baixista. Acharam o substituto
perfeito, Jason Scheff, filho do baixista da banda de Elvis Presley,
Jerry Scheff.
ele foi descoberto quando mandou uma canção demo para o repertório do
segundo álbum solo de Peter Cetera, Solitude/Solitaire (1986).
1990, no meio de uma turnê, o baterista da formação original, Danny
Seraphine, foi demitido, e a alegação seria de que ele não estava mais
tocando como antes, e não se dedicava mais nem se aperfeiçoava. Até hoje
paira no ar uma mágoa de Danny, ele não toca muito no assunto mas já
deixou claro que considera injusta sua demissão, até porque seu papel
foi fundamental no ressurgimento da banda. Entra em seu lugar o
baterista Tris Imboden, que também tocou com Chaka Khan, Earth, Wind
& Fire, Doobie Brothers, Al Jarreau, Anita Baker, David Foster,
entre outros, e gravou com Peter Cetera(no álbum One More Story -
1988), Bill Champlin (no álbum solo Burn Down the Night-1994), David
Foster, Kenny Loggins, o guitarrista brasileiro Ricardo Silveira, entre
seguida, entrou para a formação o Guitarrista Dawayne Bailey, que
durou pouco e foi substituído por Keith Howland, já para a tour de 1999.
Ele permanece na banda até os dias de hoje, como guitarrista e
vocalista, dividindo as vozes agudas com Jason Scheff.
formação original ficaram apenas Robert Lamm, tecladista, e o naipe de
metais, formado por Lee Loughnane, trumpetista, James Pankow,
trombonista, e Walt Parazaider, saxofonista.
o momento, Chicago já vendeu mais de 40 milhões de unidades apenas nos
Estados Unidos, com 23 certificações de ouro, 18 de platina e oito
platinas múltiplas. Eles tiveram cinco álbuns consecutivos na primeira
posição da Billboard 200 e 20 canções no top 10 da Billboard Hot 100. Em
1974 o grupo emplacou sete álbuns, seu catálogo inteiro à época, na
Billboard 200 simultaneamente. Eles foram indicados a dez Grammy Awards,
vencendo uma vez pela canção "If You Leave Me Now". Seu primeiro álbum
de estúdio, Chicago Transit Authority, lançado em 1969, foi incluído no
Hall da Fama do Grammy em 2014, enquanto a banda entrou para o Hall da
Fama do Rock and Roll em 2016. Em 2017, Peter Cetera, Robert Lamm e
James Pankow foram eleitos para o Songwriters Hall of Fame por suas
composições na banda. O grupo recebeu o Grammy Lifetime Achievement
Award em 2020. Texto: Wikipédia.
03. Beginnings (7:51)
04. Questions 67 & 68 (4:58)
05. Listen (3:20)
06. Poem 58 (8:37)
07. Free Form Guitar (6:49)
08. South California Purples (6:11)
09. I'm a Man (7:43)
10. Prologue (August 29, 1968) (0:57)
11. Someday (August 29, 1968) (4:35)
12. Liberation (14:17)
03. Poem For The People (5:32)
04. In The Country (6:37)
05. Wake Up Sunshine (2:34)
06. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon: Make Me Smile (3:15)
07. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon: So Much To Say, So Much To Give (1:11)
08. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon: Anxiety's Moment (1:00)
09. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon: West Virginia Fantasies (1:33)
10. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon: Colour My World (3:00)
11. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon: To Be Free (1:13)
12. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon: Now More Than Ever (1:28)
13. Fancy Colours (5:11)
14. 25 Or 6 To 4 (4:52)
15. Prelude (1:09)
16. A.M. Mourning (2:05)
17. P.M. Mourning (1:58)
18. Memories Of Love (4:01)
19. It Better End Soon: 1st Movement (2:33)
20. It Better End Soon: 2nd Movement (3:40)
21. It Better End Soon: 3rd Movement (3:18)
22. It Better End Soon: 4th Movement (0:56)
23. Where Do We Go From Here (2:47)
03. What Else Can I Say (3:13)
04. I Don't Want Your Money (4:47)
Travel Suite:
05. Flight 602 (2:44)
06. Motorboat To Mars (1:29)
07. Free (2:15)
08. Free Country (5:46)
09. At The Sunrise (2:48)
10. Happy 'Cause I'm Going Home (7:28)
11. Mother (4:31)
12. Lowdown (3:36)
An Hour In The Shower:
13. A Hard Risin' Morning Without Breakfast (1:52)
14. Off To Work (0:45)
15. Fallin' Out (0:53)
16. Dreamin' Home (0:49)
17. Morning Blues Again (1:11)
18. When All The Laughter Dies In Sorrow (1:03)
19. Canon (1:05)
20. Once Upon A Time... (2:34)
21. Progress? (2:34)
22. The Approaching Storm (6:26)
23. Man Vs. Man: The End (1:34)
02. Fancy Colours (5:15)
03. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is (Free Form Intro) (6:20)
04. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (3:26)
05. South California Purples (15:34)
06. Questions 67 and 68 (5:35)
07. Sing A Mean Tune Kid (12:53)
08. Beginnings (6:27)
02. It Better End Soon: 2nd Movement (Flute Solo) (5:00)
03. It Better End Soon: 3rd Movement (Guitar Solo) (2:42)
04. It Better End Soon: 4th Movement (Preach) (3:09)
05. It Better End Soon: 5th Movement (2:09)
06. Introduction (7:10)
07. Mother (8:20)
08. Lowdown (3:58)
09. Flight 602 (3:33)
10. Motorboat To Mars (2:59)
11. Free (5:15)
12. Where Do We Go From Here (4:08)
13. I Don't Want Your Money (5:24)
02. Make Me Smile (3:30)
03. So Much To Say, So Much To Give (0:59)
04. Anxiety's Moment (1:08)
05. West Virginia Fantasies (1:30)
06. Colour My World (3:26)
07. To Be Free (1:21)
08. Now More Than Ever (3:25)
09. A Song For Richard And His Friends (6:58)
10. 25 Or 6 To 4 (6:34)
11. I'm A Man (8:52)
03. Now That You've Gone (4:58)
04. Dialog, Pt. 1 (2:57)
05. Dialog, Pt. 2 (4:16)
06. While the City Sleeps (3:46)
07. Saturday in the Park (3:54)
08. State of the Union (5:52)
09. Goodbye (5:49)
10. Alma Mater (3:47)
02. A Hit By Varese (4:43)
03. Lowdown (Japanese Version) (4:14)
04. State Of The Union (8:14)
05. Saturday In The Park (4:19)
Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon
06. Make Me Smile (3:17)
07. So Much To Say, So Much To Give (0:59)
08. Anxiety's Moment (1:02)
09. West Virginia Fantasies (1:32)
10. Colour My World (3:22)
11. To Be Free (2:17)
12. Now More Than Ever (1:36)
13. Beginnings (6:36)
14. Mississippi Delta City Blues (5:51)
02. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Free Form Intro) (6:15)
03. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (3:53)
04. Questions 67 & 68 (Japanese Version) (4:51)
05. 25 Or 6 To 4 (9:14)
06. I'm A Man (10:43)
07. Free (6:30)
03. Darlin' Dear (2:58)
04. Jenny (3:33)
05. What's This World Comin' To (5:01)
06. Something In This City Changes People (3:42)
07. Hollywood (3:55)
08. In Terms Of Two (3:30)
09. Rediscovery (4:50)
10. Feelin' Stronger Every Day (4:14)
03. Devil's Sweet (10:03)
04. Italian From New York (4:14)
05. Hanky Panky (1:53)
06. Life Saver (5:19)
07. Happy Man (3:33)
08. I've Been Searching So Long (4:28)
09. Mongonuleosis (3:29)
10. Song Of The Evergreens (5:23)
11. Byblos (6:19)
12. Wishing You Were Here (4:36)
13. Call On Me (4:03)
14. Woman Don't Want To Love (4:37)
15. Skinny Boy (5:11)
03. Never Been In Love Before (4:12)
04. Hideaway (4:46)
05. Till We Meet Again (2:05)
06. Harry Truman (3:04)
07. Oh, Thank You Great Spirit (7:20)
08. Long Time No See (2:49)
09. Ain't It Blue? (3:31)
10. Old Days (3:32)
03. Color My World (3:01)
04. Just You 'N' Me (3:45)
05. Saturday In The Park (3:55)
06. Feelin' Stronger Every Day (4:16)
07. Make Me Smile (3:02)
08. Wishing You Were Here (4:36)
09. Call On Me (4:03)
10. (I've Been) Searchin' So Long (4:30)
11. Beginnings (7:51)
03. Skin Tight (3:21)
04. If You Leave Me Now (3:58)
05. Together Again (3:53)
06. Another Rainy Day In New York City (3:04)
07. Mama Mama (3:33)
08. Scrapbook (3:32)
09. Gently I'll Wake You (3:36)
10. You Get It Up (3:38)
11. Hope For Love (3:03)
03. Till The End Of Time (4:49)
04. Policeman (3:59)
05. Take Me Back To Chicago (5:18)
06. Vote For Me (3:45)
07. Takin' It On Uptown (4:46)
08. This Time (4:49)
09. The Inner Struggles Of A Man (2:44)
10. Prelude (Little One) (0:52)
11. Little One (5:41)
03. Little Miss Lovin' (4:37)
04. Hot Streets (5:21)
05. Take A Chance (4:43)
06. Gone Long Gone (4:00)
07. Ain't It Time (4:14)
08. Love Was New (3:33)
09. No Tell Lover (4:15)
10. Show Me The Way (3:29)
03. Must Have Been Crazy (3:26)
04. Window Dreamin' (4:11)
05. Paradise Alley (3:42)
06. Aloha Mama (4:11)
07. Reruns (4:30)
08. Loser With A Broken Heart (4:43)
09. Life Is What It Is (4:37)
10. Run Away (4:20)
02. Upon Arrival (3:50)
03. Song For You (3:43)
04. Where Did The Lovin' Go (4:07)
05. Birthday Boy (4:59)
06. Hold On (4:17)
07. Overnight Cafe (4:20)
08. Thunder And Lightning (3:34)
09. I'd Rather Be Rich (3:07)
10. The American Dream (3:20)
02. Dialogue (Part II) (4:11)
03. No Tell Lover (3:48)
04. Alive Again (3:34)
05. Old Days (3:30)
06. If You Leave Me Now (3:56)
07. Questions 67 & 68 (3:28)
08. Happy Man (3:16)
09. Gone Long Gone (3:58)
10. Take Me Back To Chicago (2:58)
02. Waiting For You To Decide (4:09)
03. Bad Advice (2:59)
04. Chains (3:25)
05. Hard To Say I'm Sorry / Get Away (5:07)
06. Follow Me (4:56)
07. Sonny Think Twice (4:03)
08. What Can I Say (3:50)
09. Rescue You (3:59)
10. Love Me Tomorrow (5:06)
02. We Can Stop The Hurtin' (4:12)
03. Hard Habit To Break (4:46)
04. Only You (3:49)
05. Remember The Feeling (4:30)
06. Along Comes A Woman (4:16)
07. You're The Inspiration 93:52)
08. Please Hold On (3:43)
09. Prima Donna (4:35)
10. Once In A Lifetime (4:11)
02. Forever (5:19)
03. If She Would Have Been Faithful... (3:50)
04. 25 Or 6 To 4 (4:21)
05. Will You Still Love Me? (5:43)
06. Over and Over (4:19)
07. It's Alright (4:28)
08. Free Flight (0:25)
09. Nothin's Gonna Stop Us Now (4:27)
10. I Believe (4:23)
11. One More Day (4:14)
02. I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love (3:59)
03. I Stand Up (4:06)
04. We Can Last Forever (3:45)
05. Come In From the Night (4:43)
06. Look Away (4:03)
07. What Kind Of Man Would I Be? (4:23)
08. Runaround (4:11)
09. You're Not Alone (3:59)
10. Victorious (6:03)
02. If It Were You (4:42)
03. You Come To My Senses (3:50)
04. Somebody, Somewhere (4:22)
05. What Does It Take (4:38)
06. One From The Heart (4:44)
07. Chasin' The Wind (4:18)
08. God Save The Queen (4:20)
09. Man To Woman (3:57)
10. Only Time Can Heal The Wounded (4:44)
11. Who Do You Love (3:20)
12. Holdin' On (4:15)
02. South California Purples (5:52)
03. 25 Or 6 To 4 (5:15)
04. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (3:12)
05. I'm A Man (7:10)
06. Questions 67 And 68 (4:54)
07. LIberation (16:14)
02. Caravan (3:22)
03. Dream A Little Dream Of Me (With Jade) (3:13)
04. Goody Goody (4:04)
05. Moonlight Serenade (4:26)
06. Night & Day (5:36)
07. Blues In The Night (6:04)
08. Sing, Sing, Sing (With The Gypsy Kings) (3:22)
09. Sophisticated Lady (5:11)
10. In The Mood (3:43)
11. Don't Get Around Much Anymore (3:38)
12. Take The "A" Train (5:37)
13. String Of Pearls (Bonus Track For Japan) (3:07)
02. Beginnings (7:53)
03. Make Me Smile (2:59)
04. 25 Or 6 To 4 94:50)
05. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (3:20)
06. Free (2:17)
07. Lowdown (3:34)
08. Saturday In The Park (3:54)
09. Just You 'n' Me (3:42)
10. (I've Been) Searchin' So Long (4:28)
11. Wishing You Were Here (4:36)
12. Old Days (3:29)
13. If You Leave Me Now (3:55)
14. Baby, What A Big Surprise (3:02)
15. Alive Again (4:06)
02. Love Me Tomorrow (3:55)
03. Stay The Night (3:48)
04. Hard Habit To Break (4:44)
05. You're The Inspiration (3:49)
06. Along Comes A Woman (3:47)
07. Will You Still Love Me? (4:12)
08. If She Would Have Been Faithful (3:51)
09. I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love (3:55)
10. Look Away (3:59)
11. Your're Not Alone (3:59)
12. What Kind Of Man Would I Be? (4:09)
13. Chasin' The Wind (4:17)
14. Here In My Heart (New Track) (4:15)
15. The Only One (New Track, Feat. Lenny Kravitz) (5:59)
The Heart Of Chicago 1967-1981, Vol II (1998)
02. Call On Me (4:00)
03. Another Rainy Day In New York City (2:57)
04. Questions 67 & 68 (Japanese Version) (3:30)
05. Thunder & Lightning (3:30)
06. Harry Truman (2:59)
07. No Tell Lover (3:44)
08. Sleeping In The Middle Of The Bed Again (4:45)
09. Feelin' Stronger Every Day (4:14)
10. Colour My World (2:59)
11. Lowdown (Japanese Version) (3:33)
12. Dialogue (Part I & II) (7:10)
13. Take Me Back To Chicago (5:16)
14. Street Player (Dance Mix) (8:44)
15. Prologue, August 29, 1968 - Someday (August 29, 1968) (5:09)
02. Niagara Falls (3:43)
03. The Pull (4:17)
04. Here With Me (4:10)
05. You Come To My Senses (3:50)
06. Please Hold On (Original Analog Version) (3:39)
07. Show Me A Sign (New Track) (3:38)
08. Bigger Than Elvis (4:31)
09. What You're Missing (Single Edit) (3:29)
10. Forever (5:17)
11. Explain It To My Heart (Promo Single Edit / Mix) (4:08)
12. 25 Or 6 To 4 (18 Version / Single Edit) (4:12)
13. We Can Last Forever (Remix) (3:44)
14. Along Comes A Woman (Dance Mix) (6:14)
15. Hard To Say I'm Sorry/Get Away (5:05)
02. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (3:23)
03. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (4:03)
04. The Christmas Song (3:39)
05. O Come All Ye Faithful (4:46)
06. Child's Prayer (3:23)
07. Feliz Navidad (4:18)
08. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (3:56)
09. Christmas Time Is Here (3:48)
10. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! (3:29)
11. What Child Is This (4:41)
12. White Christmas (2:29)
13. Silent Night (3:17)
14. One Little Candle (1:25)
Make Me Smile
So Much To Say, So Much To Give
Anxiety's Moment
West Virginia Fantasies
Colour My World
To Be Free
Now More Than Ever
02. (I've Been) Searchin' So Long (4:39)
03. Mongonucleosis (3:38)
04. Hard Habit To Break (5:15)
05. Call On Me (4:33)
06. Feelin' Stronger Every Day (4:24)
07. Just You 'N' Me (6:17)
08. Beginnings (5:50)
09. Hard To Say I'm Sorry / Get Away (5:38)
10. 25 Or 6 To 4 (5:53)
New Studio Tracks.
11. Back To You (3:41)
12. If I Should Ever Lose You (4:30)
13. (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher (4:11)
02. State Of Mind (Demo W/Lee On Vocals) (4:07)
03. Schizoid (Bailey/Lamm Demo) (2:48)
04. Holding On (Sung By Tamara Champlin) (4:43)
05. When Will The World Be Like Lovers (Chicago 18 Demo) (4:15)
06. Stone Of Sisyphus (Dwayne Bailey Demo) (1:30)
07. Stone Of Sisyphus (Loughnane/Bailey Demo) (4:18)
08. Stone Of Sisyphus (Unedited From SOS) (4:20)
09. Sleeping In The Middle Of The Bed Again (Lamm Demo) (4:49)
10. Sleeping In The Middle Of The Bed Again (Unedited From SOS) (4:25)
11. Who Do You Love (Demo) (3:53)
12. The Love You Call Your Own (Lamm Demo) (0:31)
13. The Pull (Live, Atlanta 1993) (5:26)
14. Get On This (Bailey Demo, Pankow Recital) (3:42)
15. If It Were You (Demo) (4:29)
16. Come In From The Night (Demo) (3:14)
17. You're The Insperation (Carl Wilson Vocal 1993) (1:23)
18. One More Day (Pankow Demo) (0:36)
19. Look Away (Demo) (1:03)
20. Miles Below (Bailey/Pankow Demo For Miles Davis) (1:05)
21. OB Trolls (With David Wells-Jason Plays Bass And Cowrote, 2001) (3:30)
22. You're The Inspiration (Peter Cetera With AZ Yet, 1997) (4:09)
02. Stone Of Sisyphus (Live, Las Vegas 1996) (4:09)
03. 12 Strings Solo By Dwayne Bailey (Live, Atlanta 1993) (2:08)
04. Satisfaction (Live, St. Louis 1984) (4:05)
05. Come In From The Rain (Demo #2) (4:31)
06. Niagara Falls (Live, Syracuse NY 1987) (3:48)
07. Now More Than Ever (Live, St. Louis 1984) (2:47)
08. I Stand Up (Live, Atlanta 1989) (5:10)
09. Prima Donna (Live, St. Louis 1984) (4:00)
10. Darlin (With Beach Boys, Live, Atlanta 1989) (2:31)
11. Wishing You Were Here/Searchin' So Long (Live, Syracuse NY 1987) (7:09)
12. Another Way To Say (Gerard Mcmahon, 1976) (2:48)
13. We Can Stop The Hurtin' (Live, St. Louis 1984) (5:16)
14. Does Anybody Really Know What Time Is It (Live, Dublin 1990) (3:59)
15. Cannon / Free Flight / It's Alright (Live 1987) (5:41)
16. Stay The Night (Live, Las Vegas 1994) (3:57)
17. Free (Live, Las Vegas 1994) (4:49)
02. Wish I Could Fly (Unreleased Demo From Chicago VII) (3:21)
03. Come On Back (Unreleased Demo From Chicago 18) (3:39)
04. Tender In The Night (Unreleased Demo From Chicago 18) (3:23)
05. Secrets Of The Heart (Unreleased Demo From Chicago 21) (3:52)
06. Evangeline (Demo From Stone Of Sisyphus Session) (2:56)
07. Young Hearts (Demo James Pankow) (4:13)
08. By My Side (Robert Lamm & The Wanderers) (2:26)
09. Where Do You Think You Going? (Robert Lamm Charity Song) (1:20)
10. Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem (Robert Lamm) (2:56)
11. Standing At Your Door (Robert Lamm, In My Head Demo) (4:15)
12. The Love Of Your Life (Robert Lamm, In My Head Demo) (3:31)
13. The Love You Call Your Own (Robert Lamm, In My Head Demo) (4:32)
14. Everybody Knows (Robert Lamm, In My Head Demo) (4:13)
15. I Just Want To Love You Tonight (Robert Lamm, In My Head Demo, Unreleased) (4:15)
16. Sacha (Robert Lamm, In My Head Demo) (2:12)
17. Schizoid (Robert Lamm, In My Head Demo, Unreleased) (3:51)
18. Sad Old House (Robert Lamm, In My Head Demo, Unreleased) (0:50)
19. Tell Me (Terry Kath From The Electra Glide In Blue Movie) (7:35)
20. Dancing Danny (Peter Cetera With Exceptions) (2:36)
21. Jump For Joy (Duke Ellington Special) (3:48)
02. Hearts In Trouble (From Soundtrack "The Days Of Thunder", 1990) (5:14)
03. Stay With Me (Peter Cetera, Single 1987) (4:39)
04. Silent Night (Peter Cetera, From Album Winter Wonderland, 1988) (2:15)
05. You Are On My Mind (Live, New York 1977) (5:01)
06. Once Or Twice (Live, New York 1977) (3:53)
07. Scarbook (Live, New York 1977) (3:54)
08. Takin' It On Uptown (Live, New York 1977) (6:56)
09. Anyway You Want It (Live, Paris 1977) (3:34)
10. Skin Tight (Live, Paris 1977) (3:55)
11. Satisfaction (Live, Tokyo 1984) (3:59)
12. Livin' In The Lamelight (Live, Tokyo 1984) (4:22)
13. Beginnings (Live, Tokyo 1984) (5:34)
14. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (Live, Tokyo 1984) (3:19)
15. Turn Back The Pages (5:43)
16. Old Days (Live, St.Louis 1975) (4:18)
17. Harry Truman (Live, St.Louis 1975) (2:21)
02. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! (3:28)
03. Jolly Old St. Nicholas (New Recording) (3:35)
04. Little Drummer Boy (4:05)
05. This Christmas (New Recording) (4:03)
06. Feliz Navidad (4:15)
07. Bethlehem (New Recording) (4:07)
08. The Christmas Song (3:36)
09. O Come All Ye Faithful (4:45)
10. Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (New Recording) (3:44)
11. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (4:01)
12. Sleigh Ride (New Recording) (3:55)
13. Silent Night (3:18)
14. What Child Is This? (4:38)
15. Christmas Time Is Here (3:46)
16. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (3:23)
17. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (3:56)
18. Child's Prayer (3:23)
19. One Little Candle (1:24)
20. White Christmas (2:29)
02. King Of Might Have Been (3:52)
03. Caroline (3:39)
04. Why Can't We (4:07)
05. Love Will Come Back (3:48)
06. Long Lost Friend (4:33)
07. 90 Degrees And Freezing (3:52)
08. Where Were You (4:17)
09. Already Gone (6:51)
10. Come To Me, Do (4:36)
11. Lovin' Chains (3:56)
12. Better (4:41)
13. Feel (With Horns) (4:30)
Chicago XXXII: Stone Of Sisyphus (2008)
02. Bigger Than Elvis (4:31)
03. All The Years (4:16)
04. Mah-Jong (4:42)
05. Sleeping In The Middle Of The Bed (4:45)
06. Let's Take A Lifetime (4:56)
07. The Pull (4:17)
08. Here With Me (A Candle For The Dark) (4:11)
09. Plaid (4:59)
10. Cry For The Lost (5:18)
11. The Show Must Go On (5:25)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Love Is Forever (Demo) (4:14)
13. Mah-Jong (Demo) (4:59)
14. Let's Take A Lifetime (Demo) (4:15)
15. Stone Of Sisyphus (No Rhythm Loop) (4:35)
02. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree (3:28)
03. I Saw Three Ships (Feat. America) (3:05)
04. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays (4:12)
05. What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? (5:06)
06. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (3:32)
07. I'll Be Home For Christmas (3:11)
08. On The Last Night Of The Year (3:38)
09. Merry Christmas Darling (Feat. Bebe Winans) (3:12)
10. Rockin' And Rollin' On Christmas Day (Feat. Steve Cropper) (4:09)
11. My Favorite Things (3:20)
12. O Christmas Tree (3:44)
13. Jingle Bells (3:30)
14. Here Comes Santa / Joy To The World (2:53)
01. Introduction (7:29)
02. Anyway You Want (3:34)
03. Beginnings (6:05)
04. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (3:33)
05. Call On Me (5:00)
06. Make Me Smile (3:11)
07. So Much To Say, So Much To Give (1:00)
08. Anxiety's Moment (1:00)
09. West Virginia Fantasies (1:14)
10. Colour My World (3:05)
11. To Be Free (1:04)
12. Now More Than Ever (4:04)
13. Ain't It Blue? (3:28)
14. Just You 'N' Me (5:03)
15. (I've Been) Searchin' So Long (4:22)
16. Mongonucleosis (12:17)
17. Old Days (3:23)
18. 25 Or 6 To 4 (7:19)
CD 2.
01. Got to Get You into My Life (3:19)
02. Free (5:25)
03. I'm a Man (13:02)
04. Dialogue (8:00)
05. Wishing You Were Here (4:33)
06. Feelin' Stronger Every Day (4:17)
02. More Will Be Revealed (5:15)
03. America (4:16)
04. Crazy Happy (5:03)
05. Free At Last (5:13)
06. Love Lives On (5:18)
07. Something's Coming, I Know (3:45)
08. Watching All The Colors (4:13)
09. Nice Girl (3:59)
10. Naked In The Garden Of Allah (4:24)
11. Another Trippy Day (4:00)
12. Introduction (Live-Bonus Track For Japan) (3:33)
02. The Road (3:18)
03. Poem For The People (5:41)
04. In The Country (6:41)
05. Wake Up Sunshine (2:52)
06. Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon (Make Me Smile) (3:21)
07. Medley (9:24)
Ballet For A Girl In Buchannon
So Much To Say, So Much To Give
Anxiety's Moment
West Virginia Fantasies
Colour My World
To Be Free
Now More Than Ever
08. Fancy Colours (4:48)
09. Memories Of Love (3:12)
10. Better End Soon (6:46)
11. Where Do We Go From Here (2:50)
12. 25 Or 6 To 4 (5:50)
Born For This Moment (2020)01. Born For This Moment (4:50)
02. If This Is Goodbye (3:49)
03. Firecracker (3:51)
04. Someone Needed Me The Most (5:18)
05. Our New York Time (4:16)
06. Safer Harbours (4:53)
07. Crazy Idea (3:17)
08. Make A Man Outta Me (4:15)
09. She's Right (3:46)
10. "The Mermaid" Sereia Do Mar (3:34)
11. You've Got To Believe (3:13)
12. For The Love (4:03)
13. If This Isn't Love (4:38)
14. House On The Hill (3:48)