Metheny (Patrick Bruce Metheny) (Kansas City, Missouri, 12 de agosto
de 1954) é um guitarrista de jazz norte-americano, considerado uma
lenda viva.
Iniciando com o trompete já aos 8 anos de idade, Metheny trocou para a guitarra ao 12 anos. Aos 15 anos, já estava trabalhando com os melhores músicos de jazz do Kansas, adquirindo experiência em bandas desde muito jovem. O seu primeiro sucesso na cena internacional do jazz foi em 1974, com o lançamento de seu primeiro álbum, Bright Size Life (1976), que segundo a crítica, reinventara "o som tradicional da guitarra jazz" para uma nova geração de guitarristas. Durante a sua carreira, continuou a redefinir o gênero, utilizando novas tecnologias e trabalhando constantemente para refinar sua capacidade sonora e de improvisação no seu instrumento.
Planeando a sua carreira com sabedoria, trabalhou primeiro com uma produtora de grande prestígio na música moderna (ECM), depois noutra de inclinações mais pop (Geffen) e finalmente com a multi nacional (Warner Bros). Flertou com o jazz rock, com grande sucesso e chegou mesmo a ter videoclipes exibidos na rede MTV. Segundo os críticos Richard Cook e Brian Morton, "Metheny tornou-se uma figura-chave na música instrumental dos últimos 20 anos".
Durante os anos, atuou com músicos tão diversos como Steve Reich, Ornette Coleman, Herbie Hancock, Brad Mehldau, Jim Hall, Jaco Pastorius,Joni Mitchell, Milton Nascimento e David Bowie. Formou uma parceria de composição com o tecladista Lyle Mays por mais de vinte anos - uma parceria que foi comparada às de Lennon/McCartney e de Ellington/Strayhorn por críticos e ouvintes. O trabalho de Metheny inclui composições para guitarra solo, instrumentos elétricos e acústicos, grandes orquestras e peças para ballet, com passagens que variam do jazz moderno ao rock e à clássico.
Metheny atuou também na área acadêmica como professor de música. Aos 18, foi o professor mais novo da história na universidade de Miami. Aos 19, transformou-se no professor mais novo da história na Berklee College of Music,onde recebeu também o título de doutor honorário vinte anos mais tarde (1996). Ensinou também em workshops de música em várias partes do mundo, desde o Dutch Royal Conservatory ao Thelonius Monk Institute of Jazz. Foi também um dos pioneiros da música eletrônica e foi um dos primeiros músicos do jazz que tratou o sintetizador seriamente. Anos antes da invenção da tecnologia de MIDI, Metheny usava o Synclavier como uma ferramenta de composição. Também tem participação no desenvolvimento de diversos novos tipos de guitarras tais como a guitarra acústica soprano, a guitarra de 42-cordas Pikasso, a guitarra de jazz Ibanez Pm-100 e uma variedade de outros instrumentos feitos sob encomenda.
Metheny é um músico que estuda e escreve muito, está aberto a inúmeras influências e principalmente toca e grava muito. Nesse processo, atira em várias direções e é inegável que acaba produzindo alguns trabalhos de caráter mais comercial, ainda que agradáveis e perfeitamente bem executados.
Durante anos, Metheny ganhou vários concursos como o "melhor guitarrista de jazz" e prêmios, incluindo discos de ouro para os álbuns Still Life (Talking), Letter from Home e Secret Story. Ganhou também vinte prêmios Grammy Awards sobre uma variedade de categorias diferentes incluindo "Best Rock Instrumental", "Best Contemporary Jazz Recording", "Best Jazz Instrumental Solo", "Best Instrumental Composition". O Pat Metheny Group ganhou sete Grammies consecutivos em sete álbuns consecutivos.
Metheny dedica a maior parte de sua vida a turnês e viagens, calculando uma média entre 120 a 240 viagens por ano desde 1974. Continua a ser uma das estrelas mais brilhantes da comunidade do jazz, dedicando tempo aos seus próprios projetos, a novos músicos e aos veteranos, ajudando-lhes a alcançar suas audiências e também a realizar suas próprias visões artísticas. Texto: Wikipédia.
Gibson ES-175.
Ibanez PM100 Signature Model.
Guitarra Pikasso, ou Pikasso I.
Ibanez PM100 Signature Model.
Guitarra Pikasso, ou Pikasso I.
Roland GR-300.
Digitech 2010 pré-amp.
Digitech 2010 pré-amp.
Pat Metheny.
Jaco Pastorius, Pat Metheny, Paul Bley, Bruce Ditmas - Jaco (1974)01. Vashkar
02. Poconos
03. Donkey
04. Vampira
05. Overtoned
06. Jaco
07. Batterie
08. King Korn
09. Blood
02. Poconos
03. Donkey
04. Vampira
05. Overtoned
06. Jaco
07. Batterie
08. King Korn
09. Blood
Bright Size Life (1976)01. Bright Size Life
02. Sirabhorn
03. Unity Village
04. Missouri Uncompromised
05. Midwestern Nights Dream
06. Unquity Road
07. Omaha Celebration
08. Round Trip, Broadway Blues
02. Sirabhorn
03. Unity Village
04. Missouri Uncompromised
05. Midwestern Nights Dream
06. Unquity Road
07. Omaha Celebration
08. Round Trip, Broadway Blues
Watercolors (1977)01. Watercolors
02. Icefire
03. Oasis
04. Lakes
05. River Quay
06. Suite: I. Florida Greeting Song
07. Suite: II. Legend Of The Fountain
08. Sea Song
02. Icefire
03. Oasis
04. Lakes
05. River Quay
06. Suite: I. Florida Greeting Song
07. Suite: II. Legend Of The Fountain
08. Sea Song
New Chautauqua (1979)01. New Chautauqua
02. Country Poem
03. Long-Ago Child / Fallen Star
04. Hermitage
05. Sueno Con Mexico
06. Daybreak
02. Country Poem
03. Long-Ago Child / Fallen Star
04. Hermitage
05. Sueno Con Mexico
06. Daybreak
01. Two Folk Songs: 1st And 2nd
02. 80/81
03. The Bat
04. Turnaround
02. 80/81
03. The Bat
04. Turnaround
CD 2.
01. Open
02. Pretty Scattered
03. Every Day (I Thank You)
04. Goin' Ahead
02. Pretty Scattered
03. Every Day (I Thank You)
04. Goin' Ahead
Pat Metheny & Lyle Mays - As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls (1981)01. As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls
02. Ozark
03. September Fifteenth
04. It's For You
05. Estupenda Graca
02. Ozark
03. September Fifteenth
04. It's For You
05. Estupenda Graca
Secret Story (1992)01. Above the Treetops
02. Facing West
03. Cathedral in a Suitcase
04. Finding and Believing
05. The Longest Summer
06. Sunlight
07. Rain River
08. Always and Forever
09. See the World
10. As a Flower Blossoms (I Am Running to You)
11. Antonia
12. The Truth Will Always Be
13. Tell Her You Saw Me
14. Not to Be Forgotton (Our Final Hour)
02. Facing West
03. Cathedral in a Suitcase
04. Finding and Believing
05. The Longest Summer
06. Sunlight
07. Rain River
08. Always and Forever
09. See the World
10. As a Flower Blossoms (I Am Running to You)
11. Antonia
12. The Truth Will Always Be
13. Tell Her You Saw Me
14. Not to Be Forgotton (Our Final Hour)
Passaggio Per Il Paradiso (Soundtrack 1996)01. Theme From "Passaggio Per Il Paradiso"
02. Marta's Theme
03. The Roads Of Marche
04. Marta's House Story
05. Wolf Story
06. Marta's Stag Story
07. Learning On The Road
08. Private Eye
09. Marta On The Bus, Marta In The Fields
10. Remembering Home, Meeting The Kids
11. Renato's Theme
12. Finale (It's Always Worth The Trouble)
13. Don't Forget (Renato's Theme)
02. Marta's Theme
03. The Roads Of Marche
04. Marta's House Story
05. Wolf Story
06. Marta's Stag Story
07. Learning On The Road
08. Private Eye
09. Marta On The Bus, Marta In The Fields
10. Remembering Home, Meeting The Kids
11. Renato's Theme
12. Finale (It's Always Worth The Trouble)
13. Don't Forget (Renato's Theme)
Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny - Beyond The Missouri Sky (1997)01. Waltz For Ruth
02. Our Spanish Love Song
03. Message to a Friend
04. Two for the Road
05. First Song
06. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
07. The Precious Jewel
08. He's Gone Away
09. The Moon Song
10. Tears of Rain
11. Cinema Paradiso (Love Theme)
12. Cinema Paradiso (Main Theme)
13. Spiritual
02. Our Spanish Love Song
03. Message to a Friend
04. Two for the Road
05. First Song
06. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
07. The Precious Jewel
08. He's Gone Away
09. The Moon Song
10. Tears of Rain
11. Cinema Paradiso (Love Theme)
12. Cinema Paradiso (Main Theme)
13. Spiritual
A Map Of The World (Soundtrack 1999)01. A Map of the World
02. Family
03. North
04. Home
05. Sisters
06. Childhood
07. Fall from Grace
08. Memory
09. Gone
10. Flight
11. Alone
12. Outcasts
13. Sunday
14. Discovery
15. Acceptance
16. Realization
17. Soliloquy
18. Night
19. Sunrise
20. Resolution
21. Pictures
22. Patience
23. Transition
24. Reunion
25. Renewal
26. Homecoming
27. Forgiving
28. Holding Us
02. Family
03. North
04. Home
05. Sisters
06. Childhood
07. Fall from Grace
08. Memory
09. Gone
10. Flight
11. Alone
12. Outcasts
13. Sunday
14. Discovery
15. Acceptance
16. Realization
17. Soliloquy
18. Night
19. Sunrise
20. Resolution
21. Pictures
22. Patience
23. Transition
24. Reunion
25. Renewal
26. Homecoming
27. Forgiving
28. Holding Us
Jim Hall & Pat Metheny (1999)
Jim Hall & Pat Metheny (1999)
02. All the Things You Are
03. The Birds and the Bees
04. Improvisation No. 1
05. Falling Grace
06. Ballad Z
07. Summertime
08. Farmer's Trust
09. Cold Spring
10. Improvisation No. 2
11. Into the Dream
12. Don't Forget
13. Improvisation No. 3
14. Waiting to Dance
15. Improvisation No. 4
16. Improvisation No. 5
17. All Across the City
03. The Birds and the Bees
04. Improvisation No. 1
05. Falling Grace
06. Ballad Z
07. Summertime
08. Farmer's Trust
09. Cold Spring
10. Improvisation No. 2
11. Into the Dream
12. Don't Forget
13. Improvisation No. 3
14. Waiting to Dance
15. Improvisation No. 4
16. Improvisation No. 5
17. All Across the City
02. Song For The Boys
03. Don't Know Why
04. Another Chance
05. And Time Goes On
06. My Song
07. Peace Memory
08. Ferry Cross The Mersey
09. Over On 4th Street
10. I Will Find The Way
11. North To South, East To West
12. Last Train Home
04. Another Chance
05. And Time Goes On
06. My Song
07. Peace Memory
08. Ferry Cross The Mersey
09. Over On 4th Street
10. I Will Find The Way
11. North To South, East To West
12. Last Train Home
Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny - Live At Jazz Festival: Burghausen, Germany (2003)01. North To South, East To West
02. Song For The Boys
03. Improvisation Picasso Guernica
04. Waltz For Ruth
05. Our Spanish Love Song
06. First Song
07. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
08. Message To A Friend
09. The Precious Jewel
10. Two For The Road
11. He's Gone Away
12. Blues For Pat
13. Cinema Paradiso
02. Song For The Boys
03. Improvisation Picasso Guernica
04. Waltz For Ruth
05. Our Spanish Love Song
06. First Song
07. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
08. Message To A Friend
09. The Precious Jewel
10. Two For The Road
11. He's Gone Away
12. Blues For Pat
13. Cinema Paradiso
01. Above the Treetops
02. Facing West
03. Cathedral In a Suitcase
04. Finding And Believing
05. The Longest Summer
06. Sunlight
07. Rain River
08. Always And Forever
09. See the World
10. As A Flower Blossoms (I'm Running To You)
11. Antonia
12. The Truth Will Always Be
13. Tell Her You Saw Me
14. Not To Be Forgotten (Our Final Hour)
02. Facing West
03. Cathedral In a Suitcase
04. Finding And Believing
05. The Longest Summer
06. Sunlight
07. Rain River
08. Always And Forever
09. See the World
10. As A Flower Blossoms (I'm Running To You)
11. Antonia
12. The Truth Will Always Be
13. Tell Her You Saw Me
14. Not To Be Forgotten (Our Final Hour)
CD 2.
01. Back in Time
02. Understanding
03. A Change in Circumstance
04. Look Ahead
05. Et si c'etait la fin (As If It Were the End)
02. Understanding
03. A Change in Circumstance
04. Look Ahead
05. Et si c'etait la fin (As If It Were the End)
Orchestrion (2010)01. Orchestrion
02. Entry Point
03. Expansion
04. Soul Search
05. Spirit of the Air
02. Entry Point
03. Expansion
04. Soul Search
05. Spirit of the Air
What's It All About (2011)01. The Sound Of Silence
02. Cherish
03. Alfie
04. Pipeline
05. Garota de Ipanema
06. Rainy Days and Mondays
07. That’s the Way I’ve Always Heard It Should Be
08. Slow Hot Wind
09. Betcha By Golly, Wow
10. And I Love Her
02. Cherish
03. Alfie
04. Pipeline
05. Garota de Ipanema
06. Rainy Days and Mondays
07. That’s the Way I’ve Always Heard It Should Be
08. Slow Hot Wind
09. Betcha By Golly, Wow
10. And I Love Her
01. Improvisation, Pt. 1
02. Antonia
03. Entry Point
04. Expansion
05. Improvisation, Pt. 2
06. 80-81/Broadway Blues
07. Orchestrion
02. Antonia
03. Entry Point
04. Expansion
05. Improvisation, Pt. 2
06. 80-81/Broadway Blues
07. Orchestrion
CD 2.
01. Soul Search
02. Spirit of the Air
03. Stranger in Town
04. Sueno Con Mexico
05. Tell Her You Saw Me
06. Unity Village
02. Spirit of the Air
03. Stranger in Town
04. Sueno Con Mexico
05. Tell Her You Saw Me
06. Unity Village
Pat Metheny Plays Masada Book Too - Tap: Book Of Angels Vol. 20 (2013)01. Mastema
02. Albim
03. Tharsis
04. Sariel
05. Phanuel
06. Hurmiz
02. Albim
03. Tharsis
04. Sariel
05. Phanuel
06. Hurmiz
Hommage À Eberhard Weber (2015)01. Résumé Variations
02. Hommage
03. Touch
04. Maurizius
05. Tübingen
06. Notes After an Evening
02. Hommage
03. Touch
04. Maurizius
05. Tübingen
06. Notes After an Evening
01. Adagia
02. Sign of the Season
03. This Belongs to You
04. Roofdogs
05. Cherokee
06. Genealogy
07. On Day One
08. Medley
02. Sign of the Season
03. This Belongs to You
04. Roofdogs
05. Cherokee
06. Genealogy
07. On Day One
08. Medley
CD 2.
01. Come and See
02. Police People
03. Two Folk Songs (#1)
04. Born
05. Kin
06. Rise Up
07. Go Get It
02. Police People
03. Two Folk Songs (#1)
04. Born
05. Kin
06. Rise Up
07. Go Get It
Cuong Vu Trio With Pat Metheny - Cuong Vu Trio Meets Pat Metheny (2016)01. Acid Kiss
02. Not Crazy (Just Giddy Upping)
03. Seeds of Doubt
04. Tiny Little Pieces
05. Telescope
06. Let's Get Back
07. Tune Blues
02. Not Crazy (Just Giddy Upping)
03. Seeds of Doubt
04. Tiny Little Pieces
05. Telescope
06. Let's Get Back
07. Tune Blues
Pat Metheny Group.
Pat Metheny Group.
Pat Metheny Group (1978)01. San Lorenzo
02. Phase Dance
03. Jaco
04. April Wind
05. April Joy
06. Lone Jack
02. Phase Dance
03. Jaco
04. April Wind
05. April Joy
06. Lone Jack
American Garage (1980)01. (Cross The) Heartland
02. Airstream
03. The Search
04. American Garage
05. The Epic
02. Airstream
03. The Search
04. American Garage
05. The Epic
Offramp (1981)01. Barcarole
02. Are You Going With Me
03. Au Lait
04. Eighteen
05. Offramp
06. James
07. The Bat, Part 2
02. Are You Going With Me
03. Au Lait
04. Eighteen
05. Offramp
06. James
07. The Bat, Part 2
01. Are You Going With Me?
02. The Fields, the Sky
03. Goodbye
04. Phase Dance
05. Straight on Red
06. Farmer's Trust
02. The Fields, the Sky
03. Goodbye
04. Phase Dance
05. Straight on Red
06. Farmer's Trust
CD 2.
01. Extradition
02. Goin' Ahead / As Falls Wichita, so Falls Wichita Falls
03. Travels
04. Song for Bilbao
05. San Lorenzo
02. Goin' Ahead / As Falls Wichita, so Falls Wichita Falls
03. Travels
04. Song for Bilbao
05. San Lorenzo
First Circle (1984)01. Forward March
02. Yolanda, You Learn
03. The First Circle
04. If I Could
05. Tell It All
06. End Of The Game
07. Mas Alla (Beyond)
08. Praise
02. Yolanda, You Learn
03. The First Circle
04. If I Could
05. Tell It All
06. End Of The Game
07. Mas Alla (Beyond)
08. Praise
The Falcon And The Snowman (Soundtrack 1985)01. Psalm 121 / Flight Of The Falcon
02. Daulton Lee
03. Chris
04. "The Falcon"
05. This Is Not America (With David Bowie)
06. Extent Of The Lie
07. The Level Of Deception
08. Capture
09. Epilogue (Psalm 121)
02. Daulton Lee
03. Chris
04. "The Falcon"
05. This Is Not America (With David Bowie)
06. Extent Of The Lie
07. The Level Of Deception
08. Capture
09. Epilogue (Psalm 121)
Still Life: Talking (1987)01. In Her Family
02. Distance
03. Third Wind
04. (It's Just) Talk
05. Last Train Home
06. So May It Secretly Begin
07. Minuano (Six Eight)
02. Distance
03. Third Wind
04. (It's Just) Talk
05. Last Train Home
06. So May It Secretly Begin
07. Minuano (Six Eight)
Letter From Home (1989)01. Have You Heard
02. Every Summer Night
03. Better Days Ahead
04. Spring Ain't Here
05. 45/8
06. 5-5-7
07. Beat 70
08. Dream Of The Return
09. Are We There Yet
10. Vidala
11. Slip Away
12. Letter From Home
02. Every Summer Night
03. Better Days Ahead
04. Spring Ain't Here
05. 45/8
06. 5-5-7
07. Beat 70
08. Dream Of The Return
09. Are We There Yet
10. Vidala
11. Slip Away
12. Letter From Home
The Road To You (Live 1993)01. Have You Heard
02. First Circle
03. The Road To You
04. Half Life Of Absolution
05. Last Train Home
06. Better Days Ahead
07. Naked Moon
08. Beat 70
09. Letter From Home
10. Third Wind
11. Solo From "More Travels"
02. First Circle
03. The Road To You
04. Half Life Of Absolution
05. Last Train Home
06. Better Days Ahead
07. Naked Moon
08. Beat 70
09. Letter From Home
10. Third Wind
11. Solo From "More Travels"
We Live Here (1995)01. Here To Stay
02. And Then I Knew
03. The Girls Next Door
04. To The End Of The World
05. We Live Here
06. Episode D'Azur
07. Something To Remind You
08. Red Sky
09. Stranger In Town
02. And Then I Knew
03. The Girls Next Door
04. To The End Of The World
05. We Live Here
06. Episode D'Azur
07. Something To Remind You
08. Red Sky
09. Stranger In Town
Quartet (1996)01. Introduction
02. When We Were Free
03. Montevideo
04. Take Me There
05. Seven Days
06. Oceania
07. Dismantling Utopia
08. Double Blind
09. Second Thought
10. Mojave
11. Badland
12. Glacier
13. Language of Time
14. Sometimes I See
15. As I Am
02. When We Were Free
03. Montevideo
04. Take Me There
05. Seven Days
06. Oceania
07. Dismantling Utopia
08. Double Blind
09. Second Thought
10. Mojave
11. Badland
12. Glacier
13. Language of Time
14. Sometimes I See
15. As I Am
Imaginary Day (1997)01. Imaginary Day
02. Follow Me
03. Into the Dream
04. A Story Within the Story
05. The Heat of the Day
06. Across the Sky
07. The Roots of Coincidence
08. Too Soon Tomorrow
09. The Awakening
02. Follow Me
03. Into the Dream
04. A Story Within the Story
05. The Heat of the Day
06. Across the Sky
07. The Roots of Coincidence
08. Too Soon Tomorrow
09. The Awakening
02. Proof
03. Another Life
04. The Gathering Sky
05. You
06. On Her Way
07. A Place In The World
08. Afternoon
09. Wherever You Go
03. Another Life
04. The Gathering Sky
05. You
06. On Her Way
07. A Place In The World
08. Afternoon
09. Wherever You Go
Pat Metheny Unity Group - Kin (←→) (2014)01. On Day One
02. Rise Up
03. Adagia
04. Sign Of The Season
05. Kin (←→)
06. Born
07. Genealogy
08. We Go On
09. Kqu
02. Rise Up
03. Adagia
04. Sign Of The Season
05. Kin (←→)
06. Born
07. Genealogy
08. We Go On
09. Kqu
Pat Metheny w/ Charlie Haden & Billy Higgins - Rejoicing (1983)01. Lonely Woman
02. Tears Inside
03. Humpty Dumpty
04. Blues for Pat
05. Rejoicing
06. Story from a Stranger
07. The Calling
08. Waiting for an Answer
02. Tears Inside
03. Humpty Dumpty
04. Blues for Pat
05. Rejoicing
06. Story from a Stranger
07. The Calling
08. Waiting for an Answer
Pat Metheny, Dave Holland & Roy Haynes - Question And Answer (1990)01. Solar
02. Question and Answer
03. H&H
04. Never Too Far Away
05. Law Years
06. Change of Heart
07. All the Things You Are
08. Old Folks
09. Three Flights Up
02. Question and Answer
03. H&H
04. Never Too Far Away
05. Law Years
06. Change of Heart
07. All the Things You Are
08. Old Folks
09. Three Flights Up
Trio 99 > 00 (2000)01. (Go) Get It
02. Giant Steps
03. Just Like The Day
04. Soul Cowboy
05. The Sun In Montreal
06. Capricorn
07. We Had A Sister
08. What Do You Want?
09. A Lot Of Livin' To Do
10. Lone Jack
11. Travels
02. Giant Steps
03. Just Like The Day
04. Soul Cowboy
05. The Sun In Montreal
06. Capricorn
07. We Had A Sister
08. What Do You Want?
09. A Lot Of Livin' To Do
10. Lone Jack
11. Travels
01. Bright Size Life
02. Question And Answer
03. Giant Steps
04. Into The Dream
05. So May It Secretly Begin
06. The Bat
07. All The Things You Are
02. Question And Answer
03. Giant Steps
04. Into The Dream
05. So May It Secretly Begin
06. The Bat
07. All The Things You Are
CD 2.
01. James
02. Unity Village
03. Soul Cowboy
04. Night Turns Into Day
05. Faith Healer
06. Counting Texas
02. Unity Village
03. Soul Cowboy
04. Night Turns Into Day
05. Faith Healer
06. Counting Texas
Pat Metheny w/ Christian McBride & Antonio Sanchez - Day Trip (2008)01. Son Of Thirteen
02. At Last You're Here
03. Let's Move
04. Snova
05. Calvin's Keys
06. Is This America? (Katrina 2005)
07. When We Were Free
08. Dreaming Trees
09. The Red One
10. Day Trip
02. At Last You're Here
03. Let's Move
04. Snova
05. Calvin's Keys
06. Is This America? (Katrina 2005)
07. When We Were Free
08. Dreaming Trees
09. The Red One
10. Day Trip
Tokyo Day Trip Live (EP 2008)01. Tromso
02. Traveling Fast
03. Inori
04. Back Arm & Blackcharge
05. The Night Becomes You
02. Traveling Fast
03. Inori
04. Back Arm & Blackcharge
05. The Night Becomes You
Works (1984)01. Sueno Con Mexico
02. (Cross The) Heartland
03. Travels
04. James
05. "It's For You"
06. Everyday (I Thank You)
07. Goin' Ahead
02. (Cross The) Heartland
03. Travels
04. James
05. "It's For You"
06. Everyday (I Thank You)
07. Goin' Ahead
Works II (1988)01. Unquity Road
02. Unity Village
03. Open
04. Story From a Stranger
05. Oasis
06. Sirabhorn
07. Farmer's Trust
02. Unity Village
03. Open
04. Story From a Stranger
05. Oasis
06. Sirabhorn
07. Farmer's Trust
Rarum IX: Selected Recordings (2004)01. Bright Size Life
02. Phase Dance
03. New Chautauqua
04. Airstream
05. Everyday (I Thank You)
06. It's For You
07. Are You Going With Me
08. The First Circle
09. Lonely Woman
02. Phase Dance
03. New Chautauqua
04. Airstream
05. Everyday (I Thank You)
06. It's For You
07. Are You Going With Me
08. The First Circle
09. Lonely Woman
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