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09 janeiro 2024

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Discografia.

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band é formada em Long Beach, Califórnia em 1966. A primeira formação da banda consistia em Jeff Hanna (guitarra, nandolim e vocais), Jimmie Fadden (guitarra, harmônica, baixo e vocais), Ralph Barr – (guitarra, clarineta e vocais), Les Thompson (guitarra, mandolin e vocais), Bruce Kunkel (guitarra, kazoo e vocais) e Jackson Browne (guitarra e vocais). Sua primeira apresentação foi no Golden Bear em Huntington Beach, Califórnia.

Browne ficou na banda por pouco tempo, sendo substituído por John McEuen no banjo, violino, bandolim e steel guitar. O irmão mais velho de John McEuen, Bill McEuen, foi o empresário da banda e ajudou a conseguir um contrato com a Liberty Records, que lançou o álbum de estreia da banda, "The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band" em 1967. O primeiro single da banda, "Buy For Me The Rain", alcançou a 45° posição na The Billboard Hot 100. 

O segundo álbum, "Ricochet", foi lançado ainda em 1967 e fez menos sucesso do que o álbum de estreia. Bruce queria adicionar a guitarra elétrica no som da banda, mas os outros membros não aceitaram e Kunkel deixou a banda, sendo substituído por Chris Darrow. 

Em 1968 a banda lança "Junk Rare", com instrumentos elétricos e guitarra, resultando em um grande fracasso comercial, assim como o primeiro ao vivo da banda, "Alive", lançado em 1969. 

A banda continuou a ganhando publicidade, a banda fez aparições em filmes como "For Singles Only" e no musical western "Paint Your Wagon", onde tocaram a faixa "Hand Me Down That Can o' Beans". 

O grupo teve um período de inatividade durante o ano de 1969 e quando voltaram, Chris Darrow foi substituído por Jimmy Ibbotson. Em 1970 a banda lançou seu último álbum de estúdio pela Liberty, "Uncle Charlie & His Dog Teddy". O álbum contém a faixa mais conhecida da banda, "Mr. Bojangles", um cover de Jerry Jeff Walker. O próximo álbum, "All The Good Times", lançado em 1972, tinha um estilo similar ao anterior. 

Nessa época a Nitty Gritty Dirt Band procurou solidificar sua reputação como uma banda Country, viajando para Nashville, Tennessee, onde gravou o álbum triplo, "Will the Circle Be Unbroken". O álbum contou com a participação de diversos ícones do Bluegrass e Country, entre eles Roy Acuff, Mother Maybelle Carter, Doc Watson, Earl Scruggs, Merle Travis, Bashful Brother Oswald, Norman Blake e Jimmy Martin. Mesmo sendo um álbum composto por covers, ele foi um verdadeiro sucesso, vendendo mais de um milhão de cópias. Meses depois, Les Thompson deixa a banda. 

O próximo álbum, "Stars & Stripes Forever", foi um álbum ao vivo que mistura antigos sucessos. Um álbum de estúdio, "Dream", também foi liberada. 

Em julho de 1974, a banda foi uma das principais atrações do Ozark Music Festival, juntamente com Blue Öyster Cult, The Eagles, Marshall Tucker Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Ozark Mountain Daredevils, Charlie Daniels Band e Aerosmith. Algumas estimativas estimaram a contagem de multidão em 350.000 pessoas, que fazem deste um dos maiores eventos de música na história. 

Após a saída de Jimmy Ibbotson no final de 1975, a banda encurtou seu nome para The Dirt Band. Em 1977, a Dirt Band foi o primeiro grupo americano a fazer shows na extinta União Soviética, os concertos e as aparições da banda na televisão foram vistos por cerca de 145 milhões de pessoas. 

O pianista Bob Carpenter entrou em 1977 e com isso o som do grupo tornou-se mais pop rock. O saxofonista Al Garth, o baterista Merel Bregante e o baixista Richard Hathaway, também foram adicionados. Jeff Hanna tornou-se produtor do grupo. Com o nome The Dirt Band, foram lançados mais 4 álbuns, "The Dirt Band" (1978), "An American Dream" (1979), "Make a Little Magic" (1980) e "Jealousy" (1980), ambos não chamaram muita a atenção. 

A banda voltou ao seu nome original em 1982, a suas raízes Country e adicionou Jimmy Ibbotson novamente a banda. Em 1983 eles lançaram o álbum "Let 's Go", que rendeu o sucesso "Dance Little Jean", que alcançou a 9° posição na Hot Country Songs. 

O próximo álbum, "Plain Dirt Fashion", lançado em 1984, teve o primeiro da banda a alcançar a 1° posição na Hot Country Songs, "Long Hard Road (The Sharecropper's Dream)", "I Love Only You" ficou em 3° e "High Horse" em 2°. 

A banda ainda emplacou diversos sucessos na Hot Country Songs durante os anos de 1980, como "Modern Day Romance" (1°), "Home Again in My Heart" (3°), "Partners, Brothers and Friends" (6°), "Stand a Little Rain" (5°), "Fire in the Sky" (7°), "Baby's Got a Hold on Me" (2°), "Fishin' in the Dark" (1°), "Oh What a Love" (5°), "Workin' Man (Nowhere to Go)" (4°), "I've Been Lookin'" (2°) e "Down That Road Tonight" (6°). 

Durante 1989, a Nitty Gritty Dirt Band retornou para Nashville e gravou "Will the Circle Be Unbroken: Volume Two". O álbum contou com a ilustre participação do Johnny Cash, Rosanne Cash, Emmylou Harris, Ricky Skaggs, Jimmy Martin, Earl Scruggs, Vassar Clements, Roy Acuff, Levon Helm, John Denver, John Prine, John Hiatt e Bruce Hornsby. O álbum, mais uma vez, vendeu mais de um milhão de cópias. O álbum ganhou dois Grammys em 1990: Best Bluegrass Recording (por "The Valley Road", com Bruce Hornsby) e Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal. O álbum também ganhou na categoria Album of the Year da Country Music Association Awards.

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The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (1967)
01. Buy For Me The Rain (2:27)
02. Euphoria (1:30)
03. Melissa (2:18)
04. You Took The Happiness (Out Of My Head) (2:26)
05. Hard Hearted Hannah (The Vamp Of Savannah) (2:12)
06. Holding (2:39)
07. Song For Jutta (2:38)
08. Candy Man (2:32)
09. Dismal Swamp (2:56)
10. I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate (1:51)
11. Crazy Words, Crazy Tune (1:29)
12. You're Gonna Get It In The End (2:29)

Ricochet (1967)
01. Shadow Dream Song (2:33)
02. Ooh Po Pe Do Girl (3:03)
03. Coney Island Washboard (2:13)
04. Put A Bar In My Car (1:54)
05. It's Raining Here In Long Beach (2:19)
06. I'll Search The Sky (2:19)
07. Truly Right (2:44)
08. Tide Of Love (2:30)
09. Happy Fat Annie (2:05)
10. I'll Never Forget What's Her Name (2:37)
11. Call Again (2:29)
12. The Teddy Bear's Picnic (2:18)

Rare Junk (1968)
01. Mournin' Blues (3:23)
02. Collegiana (2:38)
03. Willie The Weeper (2:25)
04. Cornbread And Lasses (2:31)
05. These Days (3:12)
06. Sadie Green The Vamp Of New Orleans (2:25)
07. Do.Heckle And Mr.Jibe (2:37)
08. End Of Your Life (2:22)
09. Reason To Believe (2:54)
10. Hesitation Blues (3:25)
11. A Number And A Name (3:18)

Alive! (Live 1969)
01. Crazy Words Tunes (1:38)
02. Goodnight My Love (Pleasant Dreams) (3:11)
03. Foggy Mountain Breakdown (2:36)
04. Alligator Man (5:05)
05. Buy for Me the Rain (5:51)
06. Candy Man (1:40)
07. Rock Me Baby (3:43)
08. Fat Boys (Can Make It in Sanata Monica) (3:49)
09. Crazy Words, Crazy Tunes (10:07)

Uncle Charlie & His Dog Teddy (1970)
01. Some Of Shelly's Blues (3:10)
02. Prodigal's Return (3:10)
03. The Cure (2:12)
04. Travelin' Mood (2:37)
05. Chicken Reel & Yukon Railroad (3:11)
06. Livin' Without You (2:03)
07. Clinch Mountain Backstep (2:28)
08. Rave On (2:56)
09. Billy In The Low Ground (0:56)
10. Jesse James & Uncle Charlie Interview (2:30)
11. Mr.Bojangles (3:34)
12. Opus 36 (Clementi) (1:40)
13. Santa Rosa (2:25)
14. Propinquity (2:20)
15. Uncle Charlie & Randy Lynn Rag (3:35)
16. House At Pooh Corner (2:37)
17. Swanee River & Uncle Charlie Interview & The End Spanih Fandango (3:17)

All The Good Times (1972)
01. Sixteen Tracks (5:21)
02. Fish Song (4:37)
03. Jambalaya (On The Bayou) (3:26)
04. Down In Texas (3:21)
05. Creepin' Round Your Back Door (2:55)
06. Daisy (2:55)
07. Slim Carter (3:05)
08. Hoping To Say (3:25)
09. Baltimore (3:44)
10. Jamiaca,Say You Will (3:33)
11. Do You Feel It Too (3:23)
12. Civil War Trilogy (1:56)
13. Diggy Liggy Lo (2:50)

Will The Circle Be Unbroken (1972)
CD 1.

01. Grand Ole Opry Song (3:10)
02. Keep On The Sunny Side (4:27)
03. Nashville Blues (3:15)
04. You Are My Flower (3:39)
05. The Precious Jewel (4:09)
06. Dark As A Dungeon (2:47)
07. Tennesse Stud (4:50)
08. Black Mountain Rag (2:40)
09. Wreck On The Highway (3:25)
10. The End Of The World (3:54)
11. I Saw The Light (4:210
12. Sunny Side Of The Mountain (2:50)
13. Nine Pound Hammer (2:53)
14. Losin' You (Might Be The Best Thing Yet) (2:49)
15. Honky Tonkin' (2:32)
16. You Don't Know My Mind (2:47)
17. My Walkin' Shoes (2:51)

CD 2.

01. Lonesome Fiddle Blues (2:43)
02. Cannonball Rag (1:16)
03. Avalanche (2:52)
04. Flint Hill Special (2:13)
05. Togary Mountain (2:29)
06. Earl's Breakdown (2:37)
07. Orange Blossom Special (2:12)
08. Wabash Cannonball (2:03)
09. Lost Highway (3:48)
10. Doc Watson & Merle Travis First Meeting (Dialogue) (1:52)
11. Way Downtown (3:36)
12. Down Yonder (3:45)
13. Pins And Needles (In My Heart) (2:54)
14. Honky Tonk Blues (2:23)
15. Sailin' On To Hawaii (2:09)
16. I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes (4:26)
17. I Am A Pilgrim (3:54)
18. Wildwood Flower (3:33)
19. Soldier's Joy (3:33)
20. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (4:49)
21. Both Sides Now (2:25)
22. Foggy Mountain Breakdown (2:39)
23. Warming Up For ''The Opry'' (Talk) (2:43)
24. Sunny Side (Talk) (4:06)
25. Remember Me (1:32)

Stars & Stripes Forever (1974)
01. Jambalaya + Dirt Band Interview + Cosmic Cowboy (8:50)
02. Aliminum Record Award (1:26)
03. Fish Song (3:55)
04. Mr.Bojangles (3:54)
05. Vasser Clements Interview (3:57)
06. Listen To The Mockingbird (2:47)
07. The Sheik Of Araby (2:08)
08. Resign Yourself To Me (2:46)
09. Dixie Hoedown + Cripple Creek (3:27)
10. The Mountain Whippoorwill (7:00)
11. Honky Tonkin' (2:03)
12. House At Pooh Corner (3:00)
13. Buy For Me The Rain (2:40)
14. Oh Boy (2:56)
15. Teardrops In My Eyes (2:16)
16. Glocoat-Blues (3:15)
17. Stars & Stripes Forever (0:39)
18. Battle Of New Orleans (3:02)
19. It Came From The 50's (6:48)
20. My True Story (3:19)
21. Diggy Liggy Lo (3:57)

Symphonion Dream (1975)
01. Winterwhite + Raleigh-Durham Reel (3:18)
02. Battle Of New Orleans (3:56)
03. Bayou Jubilee + Sally Was A Goodun (3:32)
04. Hey Good Lookin (1:50)
05. Classical Banjo I (3:01)
06. Daddy Was A Sailor (2:54)
07. Sleeping On The Beach + Santa Monica Pier (4:23)
08. Rippling Waters (5:55)
09. All I Have To Do Is Dream (3:51)
10. Mother Of Love (2:43)
11. The Moon Just Turned Blue (2:45)
12. Gotta Travel On (1:05)
13. Joshua Come Home + Solstice (6:06)

The Dirt Band - The Dirt Band (1978)
01. In For The Night (3:34)
02. Wild Nights (3:22)
03. For A Little While (3:17)
04. Lights (4:06)
05. Escaping Reality (3:41)
06. Whoa Babe (3:20)
07. White Russia (2:51)
08. You Can't Stop Loving Me Now (3:53)
09. On The Loose (3:51)
10. Angel (4:13)

The Dirt Band - An American Dream (1979)
01. An American Dream (3:37)
02. In Her Eyes (4:16)
03. Take Me Back (3:01)
04. Jas' Moon (3:25)
05. Dance The Night Away (4:19)
06. New Orleans (3:58)
07. Happy Feet (3:58)
08. Do You Feel The Way That I Do (3:57)
09. What's On Your Mind (3:42)
10. Wolverton Mountain (3:30)

The Dirt Band - Make A Little Magic (1980)
01. Make A Little Magic (3:57)
02. Badlands (4:14)
03. High School Yearbook (2:44)
04. Leigh Anne (4:11)
05. Riding Alone (2:20)
06. Anxious Heart (2:43)
07. Do It! (Party Lights) (4:25)
08. Harmony (4:20)
09. Too Good To Be True (3:39)
10. Mullen's Farewell To America (1:50)

Dirt Band - Jealousy (1981)
01. Jealousy (3:38)
02. Too Close For Comfort (3:06)
03. Fire In The Sky (4:38)
04. Love Is The Last Thing (3:44)
05. Crossfire (4:01)
06. Circular Man (3:46)
07. Catch The Next Dream (3:23)
08. So You Run (3:19)
09. Forget It! (3:10)
10. Easy Slow (4:28)

Let's Go (1983)
01. Heartaches In Heartaches (3:31)
02. Special Look (3:15)
03. Shot Full Of Love (3:25)
04. Never Together (But Close Sometimes) (3:08)
05. Goodbye Eyes (3:26)
06. Maryann (3:12)
07. Too Many Heartaches In Paradise (4:01)
08. Don't Get Sand In It (3:29)
09. Let's Go (3:08)
10. Dance Little Jean (3:15)

Plain Dirt Fashion (1984)
01. Long Hard Road (The Sharecropper's Dream) (3:21)
02. High Horse (3:16)
03. Face On The Cutting Room Floor (3:11)
04. Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad (3:19)
05. Must Be Love (3:38)
06. I Love Only You (3:32)
07. Run With Me (2:59)
08. Cadillac Ranch (3:49)
09. 'Til The Fire's Burned Out (3:28)
10. Video Tape (3:00)

Partners, Brothers And Friends (1985)
01. Modern Day Romance (3:32)
02. Other Side Of The Hill (3:03)
03. Home Again In My Heart (3:33)
04. Telluride (3:31)
05. Old Upright Piano (3:52)
06. Partners, Brothers And Friends (4:02)
07. Redneck Riviera (3:54)
08. Queen Of The Road (3:32)
09. As Long As You're Loving Me (2:33)
10. Leon Mcduff (4:50)

Hold On (1987)
01. Fishin' In The Dark (3:21)
02. Joe Knows How To Live (3:54)
03. Keepin' The Road Hot (3:30)
04. Blue Ridge Mountain Girl (3:22)
05. Angelyne (4:12)
06. Baby's Got A Hold On Me (3:08)
07. Dancing To The Beat Of A Broken Heart (3:59)
08. Oh What A Love (3:08)
09. Oleanna (4:41)
10. Tennessee (3:04)

Workin' Band (1988)
01. Workin' Man (Nowhere To Go) (3:51)
02. I've Been Lookin' (3:20)
03. Soldier Of Love (3:44)
04. Down That Road Tonight (3:08)
05. Baby Blues (3:37)
06. Corduroy Road (3:15)
07. Johnny O (3:28)
08. Thunder And Lightnin' (3:07)
09. A Lot Like Me (4:36)
10. Living Without You (3:46)
11. Brass Sky (5:13)
12. I've Been Lookin' (Reprise) (0:29)

Will The Circle Be Unbroken Vol. 2 (1989)
01. Life's Railway To Heaven (4:39)
02. Grandpa Was A Carpenter (3:23)
03. When I Get My Rewards (4:25)
04. Don't You Hear Jerusalem Moan (3:56)
05. Little Mountain Church House (3:32)
06. And So It Goes (3:54)
07. When It's Gone (2:34)
08. Mary Danced With The Soldiers (3:06)
09. Riding Alone (3:09)
10. I'm Sitting On Top Of The World (3:09)
11. Loving On The Side (2:58)
12. Lost River (3:26)
13. Bayou Jubilee (3:01)
14. Blues Berry Hill (3:26)
15. Turn Of The Century (3:39)
16. One Step Over The Line (4:30)
17. You Ain't Going Nowhere (3:53)
18. The Valley Road (4:13)
19. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (5:39)
20. Amazing Grace (1:47)

The Rest Of The Dream (1990)
01. From Small Things (Big Things One Day Come) (3:56)
02. Waitin' On A Dark Eyed Gal (4:15)
03. Junior's Grill (3:09)
04. Blow Out The Stars,Turn Off The Moon (3:54)
05. The Rest Of The Dream (4:38)
06. Just Enough Ashland City (3:57)
07. Hillbilly Hollywood (2:56)
08. Snowballs (4:07)
09. Wishing Well (3:33)
10. You Made Life Good Again (3:00)

Not Fade Away (1992)
01. Not Fade Away (2:54)
02. Little Angel (3:52)
03. Mama Tried (2:53)
04. One Good Love (3:48)
05. Losin' You (4:21)
06. I Fought The Law (2:19)
07. Mother Of The Bride (3:47)
08. Don't Underestimate Love (3:48)
09. What'll You Do About Me (2:40)
10. The Dream (4:06)

Acoustic (1994)
01. How Long (2:56)
02. Cupid's Got A Gun (3:41)
03. Sarah In The Summer (3:18)
04. Let It Roll (4:05)
05. Hello,I Am Your Heart (3:06)
06. Love Will Find A Way (2:43)
07. Tryin' Times (3:34)
08. This Train Keeps Rolling Along (4:28)
09. Badlands (3:32)
10. One Sure Honest Line (2:57)
11. The Broken Road (3:51)

The Christmas Album (1997)
01. Colorado Christmas (3:38)
02. We Three Kings (3:01)
03. Christmas Dinner (2:13)
04. One Christmas Tree (4:05)
05. Silent Night (3:54)
06. The Christmas Morning (3:39)
07. Silver Bells (2:54)
08. It Came Upon The Midnight Clear (3:15)
09. Love Has Brought Him Here (3:03)
10. Little Drummer Boy (3:04)
11. Jingle Bells (2:56)

Bang Bang Bang (1999)
01. If This Ain't Love (2:56)
02. Bang Bang Bang (3:41)
03. Singing To The Scarecrow (4:29)
04. Forget The Job (Get A Life) (3:03)
05. It's About Time (3:58)
06. Down The Road (2:37)
07. Nickel In The Well (3:22)
08. Rent,Groceries And Gasoline (3:31)
09. Dry Town (2:44)
10. The Monkey Song (2:31)
11. Southbound Train (3:37)
12. Maybe Baby (Buddy Holly Cover) (2:47)

Will The Circle Be Unbroken Vol. 3 (2002)
CD 1.

01. Take Me In Your Lifeboat (3:41)
02. Milk Cow Blues (5:04)
03. I Find Jesus (3:54)
04. Hold Whatcha Got (2:55)
05. Mama's Opry (4:23)
06. Diamonds In The Rough (3:39)
07. Lonesome River (4:23)
08. Some Dark Holler (3:19)
09. The Lowlands (3:50)
10. Love,Please Come Home (2:49)
11. Goodnight Irene (4:30)
12. I Know What It Means To Be Lonesome (3:49)
13. I'll Be Faithful To You (2:33)
14. Tears In The Holston River (4:16)

CD 2.

01. Fishin' Blues (4:31)
02. Save It,Save It (1:58)
03. Wheels (3:15)
04. Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms (3:56)
05. Oh Cumberland (4:21)
06. I Am A Pilgrim (4:09)
07. Sallie Ann (2:37)
08. Catfish John (4:07)
09. Roll The Stone Away (4:10)
10. All Prayed Up (3:10)
11. Return To Dismal Swamp II (3:17)
12. There Is A Time (3:32)
13. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (Glory, Glory) (4:39)
14. Farther Along (5:59)

Welcome To Woody Creek (2004)
01. Walkin' In The Sunshine (3:41)
02. Forever Don't Last (3:40)
03. Jealous Moon (4:28)
04. It's Morning (3:52)
05. Get Back (2:25)
06. She (5:26)
07. Safe Back Home (2:56)
08. Party On The Mountain (3:19)
09. Any Love But Our Love (2:45)
10. It's A New Day (3:19)
11. Old Time's Sake (3:57)
12. Midnight At Woody Creek (4:36)

Speed Of Life (2009)
01. Tulsa Sounds Like Trouble To Me (4:37)
02. Brand New Heartache (3:11)
03. The Resurrection (4:13)
04. Somethin' Dangerous (3:23)
05. Going Up The Country (4:17)
06. Jimmy Martin (3:35)
07. Lost In The Pines (1:06)
08. Speed Of Life (3:38)
09. Amazing Love (4:06)
10. Stuck In The Middle (3:42)
11. Earthquake (3:23)
12. Tryin' To Try (2:49)
13. Good To Be Alive (3:37)

Circlin' Back: Celebrating 50 Years (Live 2016)
01. You Ain't Going Nowhere (3:29)
02. Grandpa Was A Carpenter (Feat. John Prine) (3:54)
03. Paradise (Feat. John Prine) (3:58)
04. My Walkin' Shoes (3:36
05. Tennessee Stud (Feat. Vince Gill) (4:55)
06. Nine Pound Hammer (Feat. Sam Bush With Vince Gill) (4:03)
07. Buy For Me The Rain (3:49)
08. These Days (Feat. Jackson Browne) (6:08)
09. Truthful Parson Brown (Feat. Jackson Browne, Jerry Douglas, Sam Bush & Byron House) (3:52)
10. Keep On The Sunny Side (Feat. Alison Krauss) (4:18)
11. Catfish John (Feat. Alison Krauss) (4:26)
12. An American Dream (Feat. Rodney Crowell With Alison Krauss) (4:41)
13. Long Hard Road (The Sharecropper's Dream) (Feat. Rodney Crowell) (4:36)
14. Mr. Bojangles (Feat. Jerry Jeff Walker) (4:44)
15. Fishin' In The Dark (Feat. Jimmy Ibbotson) (3:54)
16. Bayou Jubilee / Sally Was A Goodun (3:48)
17. Jambalaya (3:58)
18. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (5:18)

Dirt Does Dylan (2022)
01. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You (2:57)
02. Girl From The North Country (4:54)
03. It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry (5:12)
04. Country Pie (2:49)
05. I Shall Be Released (Feat. Larkin Poe) (4:47)
06. She Belongs To Me (4:06)
07. Forever Young (4:16)
08. The Times They Are A-Changin' (Feat. Rosanne Cash, Steve Earle, Jason Isbell & The War And Treaty) (3:44)
09. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (4:29)
10. Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) (3:09)


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