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30 janeiro 2024

Episode Six - Discografia.

Banda beat britânica famosa por incluir entre os seus membros dois integrantes do grupo Deep Purple, o cantor Ian Gillan e o baixista Roger Glover.

Formada em 1964, a primeira encarnação do Episode Six, derivada da reunião dos componentes das bandas The Madisons e The Lightnings, apresentava-se com o vocalista Andy Ross, a tecladista e vocalista Sheila Carter Dimmock, o guitarrista Tony Lander, o guitarrista e vocalista Graham Carter Dimmock, o baterista Harvey Fields e o baixista Roger Glover.

Após alguns shows pela Alemanha no final de 1965, Ross foi substituído por Ian Gillan, ex-vocalista do The Javelins.

A banda começou a sua carreira com um som pop melódico, mostrando um excelente trabalho nas harmonias vocais, bem influenciada pelos The Hollies e The Beatles, com Glover sendo o principal compositor dos lados B dos singles lançados.

Assinaram contrato com a gravadora Pye e em 1966 lançaram seu primeiro single, o cover dos The Hollies "Put Yourself In My Place" (mais o lado B composto por Glover, "That’s All I Want”), seguido no mesmo ano por uma versão do Tokens, "I Hear Trumpest Blow”, uma adaptação dos The Beatles, "Here, There And Everywhere" e a versão da canção de Charles Aznavour "I Will Warm Your Heart".

Após esta primeira etapa beat, o Six Episode adotou em 1967 sonoridades mais psicodélicas, gravando músicas como "Love, Hate, Revenge", "Morning Dew" (uma composição de Tim Rose), "I Won’t Hurt You" (versão da banda West Coast Pop Art Experimental) ou "I Can See Through You", grande composição de Glover que marcou a última passagem da banda pela Pye por não atingir as vendas desejadas.

Em 1967, o baterista Fields, que visitou Beirute se tornou noivo de uma dançarina libanesa de dança do ventre e foi substituído por John Kerrigan, que mais tarde foi substituído por Mick Underwood.

Seus últimos singles, propensos a sons mais progressivos, continham a música "Little One", gravada pela gravadora MGM e escrita em conjunto pelos compositores Michael Grainger e Steve Wadey e "Lucky Sunday" e "Mozart Vs The Rest", gravadas pela gravadora Chapter One.

Devido a um resultado comercial praticamente nulo, Episode Six encerrou sua carreira em 1969, com Gillan e Glover juntando-se ao grupo Deep Purple em julho do mesmo ano. Texto: Francisco Pimentel. 


Sheila Carter-Dimmock (Vocais, Teclados, 1964-1974)
Tony Lander (Guitarra, 1964-1974)
Graham Carter-Dimmock (Vocais, Guitarra, 1964-1969)
Roger Glover (Guitarra Baixo, 1964-1969)
Harvey Shields (Bateria, 1964-1967)
Andy Ross (Vocais, 1964-1965)
Ian Gillan (Vocais, 1965-1969)
John Kerrison (Bateria, 1967-1968)
Mick Underwood (Bateria, 1968-1972)
John Gustafson (Baixo, Vocais, 1969-1972; R.I.P 2014)
Tony Dangerfield (Baixo, 1972-1974)
Dave Lawson (Bateria, 1972-1974)

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Here, There And Everywhere (1966)
01. Here, There And Everywhere
02. Mighty Morris Ten 

The Complete Episode Six (1991)
01. My Babe (Previously Unissued)
02. Put Yourself In My Place 
03. That's All I Want
04. I Hear Trumpets Blow
05. True Love Is Funny That Way
06. Here There And Everywhere
07. Mighty Morris Ten
08. I Will Warm Your Heart
09. Incense
10. Love Hate Revenge
11. Baby Baby Baby
12. Morning Dew
13. Sunshine Girl
14. I Won't Hurt You
15. U.F.O.
16. I Can See Through You
17. When I Fall In Love 
(Previously Unissued)
 18. The Way You Look Tonight
19. My Little Red Book
20. Plastic Love
21. Time And Motion Ma
22. Only Lonely People 
 23. Little One
24. Wide Smiles
25. Lucky Sunday
26. Mr. Universe
27. Mozart vs The Rest
28. Jack D'Or

The Radio 1 Club Sessions 68/69 (1997)
01. Intro: Radio One Club
02. Sheila And Ian Interview
03. A Hazy Shade Of Winter
04. Sheila Picks The Numbers 1
05. Morning Dew
06. That’s The Way Life Goes
07. Light My Fire
08. Sheila Picks The Numbers 2
09. Jesse James
10. Sheila Picks The Numbers 3
11. Monster In Paradise
12. Slow Down
13. Tony And Sheila Interview
14. Ian Gillan Interview
15. Mozart Vs. The Rest
16. Sheila Picks The Numbers 4
17. Rolling Stones Medley
18. Stay With Me Baby
19. The Castle
20. Spanish Caravan
21. I Am A Cloud (Take 2)
22. I Am The Boss
23. Orange Air
24. River Deep, Mountain High
25. I Am A Cloud (Take 3)
26. Can’t Be So Bad
27. I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
28. Something’s Gotten Hold Of My Heart
29. Morning
30. Been Such A Long Way Home
31. Coda

Cornflakes And Crazyfoam (2002)
CD 1.

01. Fortune Teller (Demo, 1964)
02. Got My Mojo Working (Demo, 1964)
03. Mohair Sam (Demo, 1965)
04. Love, Hate, Revenge (US Single Version, 1967)
05. I Can See Through You (Tony Brandon Show, 1967)
06. Stagger Lee (Bob Holness Evening Session, 1968)
07. My Little Red Book (Tony Brandon Show, 1968)
08. Que Sera (Bob Holness Evening Session, 1968)
09. Little One (Jimmy Young Show, 1968)
10. Always Something There To Remind Me (Jimmy Young Show, 1968)
11. Sunshine Superman (Pop North, 1968)
12. Orange Air (Jimmy Young Show, 1968)
13. Can’t Be So Bad (Pop North, 1968)
14. Mr. Universe (Live, 1968)
15. I Had A Talk With My Man (Demo, 1964)
16. Temptation (Pete Murray Show, 1969)
17. Alone Again Or (David Symonds Show, 1969)
18. A Hazy Shade Of Winter (David Symonds Show, 1969)
19. Mozart Vs. The Rest (Live Radio 1, 1969)
20. Stones Medley (Satisfaction/Paint It Black) (Live Radio 1, 1969)
21. The Morning (Demo, 1969)
22. I Am The Boss (Demo, 1969)
23. I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight (Demo, 1969)
24. Something’s Gotten Hold Of My Heart (Demo, 1969)
25. Been Such A Long Way Home (Demo, 1969)

CD 2.

01. Nobody Loves Me Like You Do (Demo, 1964)
02. Let The Four Winds Blow (Demo, 1964)
03. Have You Ever Been There (Demo, 1966)
04. Sunshine Girl (Demo, 1967)
05. Lucky Sunday (Rehearsal, 1968)
06. Gentlemen Of The Park (Les Bicyclettes De Belsize soundtrack, 1969)
07. The Way You Look Tonight (Unreleased Single, 1967)
08. Love Is Such A Swinging Thing (Demo, 1965)
09. Steal Your Heart Away (Demo, 1965)
10. You Can Have Him (Tony Brandon Show, 1968)
11. I Will Warm Your Heart (Demo, 1966)
12. Incense (Live Saturday Club, 1968)
13. Stay With Me Baby (Pete Murray Sunday People, 1968)
14. I Hear Trumpets Blow (German TV, 1967)
15. Morning Dew (German TV, 1967)
16. Monster In Paradise (Live Radio One Club, 1969)
17. I Am A Cloud (Live Radio One Club, 1969)
18. Light My Fire (Live Radio One Club, 1968)
19. The Castle (Live Radio One Club, 1968)
20. Spanish Caravan (Live Radio One Club, 1969)
21. Say You Don’t Mind (Bob Holness session, 1968)
22. Island In The Sun (Bob Holness session, 1968)
23. Here, There And Everywhere (Tony Brandon Show, 1968)
24. River Deep, Mountain High (Jimmy Young Show, 1968)
25. Jesse James (Pop North, 1968)
26. Slow Down (Live, 1969)

Love, Hate, Revenge (2005)
CD 1.

01. Put Yourself In My Place (A-Side, January 1966)
02. That’s All I Want (B-Side, January 1966)
03. I Hear Trumpets Blow (A-Side, April 1966)
04. True Love Is Funny That Way (B-Side, April 1966)
05. Here, There And Everywhere (A-Side, August 1966)
06. Mighty Morris Ten (B-Side, August 1966)
07. Love, Hate, Revenge (A-Side, January 1967)
08. Baby, Baby, Baby (B-Side, January 1967)
09. Morning Dew (A-Side, June 1967)
10. Sunshine Girl (B-Side, June 1967)
11. I Can See Through You (A-Side, October 1967)
12. When I Fall In Love (B-Side, October 1967)
13. Little One (A-Side, February 1968)
14. Wide Smiles (B-Side, February 1968)
15. Lucky Sunday (A-Side, October 1968)
16. Mr. Universe (B-Side, October 1968)
17. Mozart Vs. The Rest (A-Side, February 1969)
18. Jack D’Or (B-Side, February 1969)
19. I Will Warm Your Heart (A-Side, October 1966)
20. Incense (B-Side, October 1966)
21. I Won’t Hurt You (A-Side, September 1967)
22. U.F.O. (Single B-Side, September 1967)

CD 2.

01. Love, Hate, Revenge (US A-Side, February 1967)
02. The Way You Look Tonight (Studio Outtake, 1967)
03. My Little Red Book (Studio Outtake, 1966)
04. Plastic Love (Studio Outtake, 1967)
05. Time And Motion Man (Studio Outtake, 1967)
06. Only Lonely People (Studio Outtake, 1967)
07. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (Demo, 1964)
08. Cotton Fields (Demo, 1964)
09. My Babe (Demo, 1964)
10. Love Is A Swinging Thing (Demo, 1965)
11. Steal Your Heart Away (Demo, 1965)
12. Walking To New Orleans (Demo, 1964)
13. Let The Four Winds Blow (Demo, 1964)
14. Mozart Vs. The Rest (Live, 1969)
15. Him Or Me (Live, 1968)
16. Hazy Shade Of Winter (Live, 1968)
17. Monster In Paradise (Live, 1968)
18. Orange Air (Live, 1968)
19. The Castle (Live, 1968)
20. Slow Down (Live, 1968)
21. I Am The Boss (Live, 1968)
22. Morning Dew (Live, 1967)

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