Memória afetiva é algo deveras interessante e (certamente)
objeto de muito estudo pela psicologia e hoje também pelas ciências
mercadológicas. Volta e meia estou aqui neste nosso sagrado espaço a discorrer
sobre minhas experiências musicais vinculadas a um período muito interessante na
minha vida e decisivo para minha formação. No final dos anos 70 cumpri um
programa de intercâmbio em Iowa, nos EUA, durante um ano. Apesar de ainda estar
dando meus primeiros passos no mundo do rock, já era um fanático. E, acredite,
levei muita informação e ajudei a fazer a cabeça de muito jovem americano (ainda
mais no meio rural), levando até eles minhas preferências. Mas também aprendi
muito e pude desenvolver lá uma predileção por shows de rock, pois foi onde
assisti aos meus primeiros concertos. Nunca mais fui o mesmo em todos os
Gastei o primeiro parágrafo apenas para justificar porque gosto do cantor, compositor e multi instrumentista Bob Seger, um artista de muita repercussão na América do Norte e muitíssimo pouco badalado por essas bandas. Na época ele dominava as paradas de sucesso ianques ao lado de nomes como Bruce Springsteen, Boston, Ted Nugent, The Runaways, entre outros (todos já resenhei aqui com esse viés de meu período como jovem forasteiro no primeiro mundo da era Jimmy Carter). Pois bem, Seger era queridíssimo do público americano e não só de rock. Era presença constante nas rádios (ainda AM). Como era natural de Michigan, estado vizinho a Iowa, era nome forte da música nas bandas onde este humilde escriba se deslumbrava com uma cultura tão diferente.
Influenciado diretamente por Little Richard e o rei Presley, Bob Seger começou a perambular por diversas bandas ainda no final dos anos 50, a tocar em eventos regionais, escolas, etc. Em 66 gravou seu primeiro álbum a bordo dos teclados grupo The Omens. Já se destacava e logo em seguida cria sua própria banda, Bob Seger & The Last Heard, com quem grava vários singles pela gravadora Cameo. Em 1969, assina com a major Capitol Records e inicia uma carreira de muito sucesso.
No mesmo ano lança seu primeiro grande êxito em escala nacional, The Ramblin’ Gamblin’ man. Curiosamente, resolve se afastar do meio musical para estudar, mas os apelos para voltar aos palcos vêm de todos os lados, dado ao seu grande talento. Em 1972 retoma a carreira atuando em gravadoras menores, mas sempre fazendo algum sucesso, até que em 1975 retorna à Capitol e desponta de vez. O LP Beatiful Looser é sucesso nacional e Seger passa a ser cotado para inúmeros shows e festivais. Seu cachê ganha uma monstruosa valorização. A fama passa a ser tamanha que no ano seguinte ele despeja no mercado um energético duplo live que arrebenta nas vendagens. No mesmo ano, Night Moves é lançado e mantém a ótima performance musical, crítica e nas vendas. O ano de 1978 marca sua estreia no topo das paradas com Stranger in Town.
Multi premiado, famoso, rico, o melhor ainda estava por vir. Against the Wind, de 1980, é seu maior sucesso (meu predileto) e Seger extrapola as fronteiras americanas e passa a despontar no topo das paradas europeias. Dono de uma voz vigorosa, guitarrista e tecladista de mão cheia, seus shows são sold out, seu carisma é gigantesco e sua inspiração parece não ter fim. A nova década ainda reservaria grandes momentos para Seger, que segue (sic) produzindo em alta escala e com sucesso com seu rock and roll melódico com forte influência do country, do blues e com temperos psicodélicos.
Em seu período no auge, Seger esteve sempre acompanhado da banda Silver Bullet. De 1982 a 1994 sua carreira registra um hiato, mas é retomada com força, embora sem a mesma pegada, e com outros direcionamentos. O sucesso já não é tão estrondoso, os tempos são outros, mas o cara continuava com moral. Recebe prêmios, participa de trilhas sonoras, enfim, se mantém no metiê. Ele segue gravando discos regularmente de maior ou menor inspiração e continua cotado para shows, especialmente no forte mercado do meio oeste americano. Texto: Mural Cultural.
The Bob Seger System (1969-1970).
02. Tales of Lucy Blue
03. Ivory (2:23)
04. Gone (3:28)
05. Down Home (3:01)
06. Train Man (4:07)
07. White Wall (5:20)
08. Black Eyed Girl (6:34)
09. 2+2=? (2:49)
10. Doctor fine (1:05)
11. The Last Song (Love Needs To Be Loved) (3:04)
03. Ivory (2:23)
04. Gone (3:28)
05. Down Home (3:01)
06. Train Man (4:07)
07. White Wall (5:20)
08. Black Eyed Girl (6:34)
09. 2+2=? (2:49)
10. Doctor fine (1:05)
11. The Last Song (Love Needs To Be Loved) (3:04)
02. Innervenous Eyes (2:48)
03. Lonely Man (3:15)
04. Loneliness Is A Feeling (3:04)
05. Cat (6:16)
06. Jumpin' Humpin' Hip Hypocrite (3:13)
07. Follow the Children (3:29)
08. Lennie Johnson (3:06)
09. Paint Them A Picture (4:09)
10. Death Row (2:55)
03. Lonely Man (3:15)
04. Loneliness Is A Feeling (3:04)
05. Cat (6:16)
06. Jumpin' Humpin' Hip Hypocrite (3:13)
07. Follow the Children (3:29)
08. Lennie Johnson (3:06)
09. Paint Them A Picture (4:09)
10. Death Row (2:55)
02. Evil Edna (3:12)
03. Highway Child (2:50)
04. Big River (3:10)
05. Mongrel... (2:22)
06. Lucifer (2:27)
07. Teachin' Blues (2:01)
08. Leanin' on My Dream (3:17)
09. Mongrel Too (4:09)
10. River Deep, Mountain High (7:24)
03. Highway Child (2:50)
04. Big River (3:10)
05. Mongrel... (2:22)
06. Lucifer (2:27)
07. Teachin' Blues (2:01)
08. Leanin' on My Dream (3:17)
09. Mongrel Too (4:09)
10. River Deep, Mountain High (7:24)
Bob Seger Solo (1971-1975, 2006-2017).
02. Maybe Today (3:11)
03. Sometimes (5:14)
04. You Know Who You Are (3:18)
05. Railroad Days (6:57)
06. Louise (2:49)
07. Song For Him (4:35)
08. Something Like (3:29)
03. Sometimes (5:14)
04. You Know Who You Are (3:18)
05. Railroad Days (6:57)
06. Louise (2:49)
07. Song For Him (4:35)
08. Something Like (3:29)
02. Love The One You're With
03. If I Were A Carpenter (3:50)
04. Hummin' Bird (3:48)
05. Let It Rock (3:27)
06. Turn On Your Lovelight (4:46)
07. Jesse James (3:28)
08. Someday (2:32)
09. Heavy Music (2:33)
03. If I Were A Carpenter (3:50)
04. Hummin' Bird (3:48)
05. Let It Rock (3:27)
06. Turn On Your Lovelight (4:46)
07. Jesse James (3:28)
08. Someday (2:32)
09. Heavy Music (2:33)
02. So I Wrote You A Song
03. Stealer (2:53)
04. Rosalie (3:20)
05. Turn The Page (5:09)
06. Back in '72 (4:24)
07. Neon Sky (3:32)
08. i've Been Working (4:30)
09. i've Got Time (5:38)
10. Persecution Smith (3:04)
11. Chain Smokin' (2:45)
12. Lookin' Back (2:41)
03. Stealer (2:53)
04. Rosalie (3:20)
05. Turn The Page (5:09)
06. Back in '72 (4:24)
07. Neon Sky (3:32)
08. i've Been Working (4:30)
09. i've Got Time (5:38)
10. Persecution Smith (3:04)
11. Chain Smokin' (2:45)
12. Lookin' Back (2:41)
02. Long Song Comin'
03. Need Ya (3:23)
04. School Teacher (2:45)
05. Cross Of Gold (2:23)
06. U.M.C. (Upper Middle Class) (3:15)
07. Seen A Lot Of Floors (3:00)
08. 20 Years From Now (4:31)
09. All Your Love (4:32)
03. Need Ya (3:23)
04. School Teacher (2:45)
05. Cross Of Gold (2:23)
06. U.M.C. (Upper Middle Class) (3:15)
07. Seen A Lot Of Floors (3:00)
08. 20 Years From Now (4:31)
09. All Your Love (4:32)
02. Black Night (3:19)
03. Katmandu (6:08)
04. Jody Girl (3:38)
05. Travelin' Man (2:41)
06. Momma (3:21)
07. Nutbush City Limits (3:52)
08. Sailing Nights (3:16)
09. Fine Memory (2:58)
03. Katmandu (6:08)
04. Jody Girl (3:38)
05. Travelin' Man (2:41)
06. Momma (3:21)
07. Nutbush City Limits (3:52)
08. Sailing Nights (3:16)
09. Fine Memory (2:58)
02. Wait for Me (3:42)
03. Face the Promise (3:18)
04. No Matter Who You Are (3:40)
05. Are You (3:35)
06. Simplicity (3:59)
07. No More (2:58)
08. Real Mean Bottle (With Kid Rock) (3:05)
09. Won't Stop (3:19)
10. Between (4:48)
11. The Answer's in the Question (With Patty Loveless) (3:41)
12. The Long Goodbye (3:07)
03. Face the Promise (3:18)
04. No Matter Who You Are (3:40)
05. Are You (3:35)
06. Simplicity (3:59)
07. No More (2:58)
08. Real Mean Bottle (With Kid Rock) (3:05)
09. Won't Stop (3:19)
10. Between (4:48)
11. The Answer's in the Question (With Patty Loveless) (3:41)
12. The Long Goodbye (3:07)
02. If I Were A Carpenter
03. Get Out Of Denver (2:45)
04. Someday (2:33)
05. U.M.C. (Upper Middle Class) (3:17)
06. Long Song Comin' (3:50)
07. Star Tonight (3:40)
08. Gets Ya Pumpin' (4:09)
09. Wildfire (4:36)
10. Days When The Rain Would Come (4:15)
03. Get Out Of Denver (2:45)
04. Someday (2:33)
05. U.M.C. (Upper Middle Class) (3:17)
06. Long Song Comin' (3:50)
07. Star Tonight (3:40)
08. Gets Ya Pumpin' (4:09)
09. Wildfire (4:36)
10. Days When The Rain Would Come (4:15)
02. Hey Gypsy (2:32)
03. The Devil's Right Hand (3:49)
04. Ride Out (3:08)
05. Adam and Eve (Duet with Laura Creamer) (3:15)
06. California Stars (4:45)
07. It's Your World (3:19)
08. All of the Roads (3:36)
09. You Take Me In (2:36)
10. Gates of Eden (3:48)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Listen (Feat. Vince Gill On vocals) (3:21)
12. The Fireman's Talkin' (2:47)
13. Let The Rivers Run (3:52)
03. The Devil's Right Hand (3:49)
04. Ride Out (3:08)
05. Adam and Eve (Duet with Laura Creamer) (3:15)
06. California Stars (4:45)
07. It's Your World (3:19)
08. All of the Roads (3:36)
09. You Take Me In (2:36)
10. Gates of Eden (3:48)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Listen (Feat. Vince Gill On vocals) (3:21)
12. The Fireman's Talkin' (2:47)
13. Let The Rivers Run (3:52)
02. Busload of Faith (4:31)
03. The Highway (3:37)
04. I Knew You When (3:52)
05. I’ll Remember You (3:48)
06. The Sea Inside (4:14)
07. Marie (3:25)
08. Runaway Train (4:09)
09. Something More (3:46)
10. Democracy (6:31)
11. Forward Into the Past (4:12)
12. Blue Ridge (3:49)
13. Glenn Song (2:49)
03. The Highway (3:37)
04. I Knew You When (3:52)
05. I’ll Remember You (3:48)
06. The Sea Inside (4:14)
07. Marie (3:25)
08. Runaway Train (4:09)
09. Something More (3:46)
10. Democracy (6:31)
11. Forward Into the Past (4:12)
12. Blue Ridge (3:49)
13. Glenn Song (2:49)
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band (1976-1995).
02. Night Moves
03. The Fire Down Below (4:46)
04. Sunburst (5:10)
05. Sunspot Baby (4:35)
06. Mainstreet (3:41)
07. Come To Poppa (3:07)
08. Ship Of Fools (3:21)
09. Mary Lou (2:55)
03. The Fire Down Below (4:46)
04. Sunburst (5:10)
05. Sunspot Baby (4:35)
06. Mainstreet (3:41)
07. Come To Poppa (3:07)
08. Ship Of Fools (3:21)
09. Mary Lou (2:55)
02. Travelin' Man
03. Beautiful Loser (4:00)
04. Jody Girl (4:33)
05. I've Been Working (4:37)
06. Turn The Page (5:01)
07. U.M.C. (3:21)
08. Bo Diddley (5:38)
09. Ramblin' Gamblin' Man (3:01)
10. Heavy Music (8:15)
11. Katmandu (6:28)
12. Lookin' Back (2:36)
13. Get Out Of Denver (5:20)
14. Let It Rock (8:23)
15. I Feel Like Breaking Up Somebody's Home (Bonus Track) (3:05)
03. Beautiful Loser (4:00)
04. Jody Girl (4:33)
05. I've Been Working (4:37)
06. Turn The Page (5:01)
07. U.M.C. (3:21)
08. Bo Diddley (5:38)
09. Ramblin' Gamblin' Man (3:01)
10. Heavy Music (8:15)
11. Katmandu (6:28)
12. Lookin' Back (2:36)
13. Get Out Of Denver (5:20)
14. Let It Rock (8:23)
15. I Feel Like Breaking Up Somebody's Home (Bonus Track) (3:05)
02. Still The Same (3:21)
03. Old Time Rock & Roll (3:13)
04. Till It Shines (3:53)
05. Feel Like A Number (3:42)
06. Ain't Got No Money (4:12)
07. We've Got Tonight (4:39)
08. Brave Strangers (6:21)
09. The Famous Final Scene (5:08)
03. Old Time Rock & Roll (3:13)
04. Till It Shines (3:53)
05. Feel Like A Number (3:42)
06. Ain't Got No Money (4:12)
07. We've Got Tonight (4:39)
08. Brave Strangers (6:21)
09. The Famous Final Scene (5:08)
02. You’ll Accomp’ny Me
03. Her Strut (3:53)
04. No Man’s Land (3:43)
05. Long Twin Silver Line (4:15)
06. Against The Wind (5:33)
07. Good For Me (4:03)
08. Betty Lou’s Gettin’ Out Tonight (2:52)
09. Fire Lake (3:32)
10. Shinin’ Brightly (4:24)
03. Her Strut (3:53)
04. No Man’s Land (3:43)
05. Long Twin Silver Line (4:15)
06. Against The Wind (5:33)
07. Good For Me (4:03)
08. Betty Lou’s Gettin’ Out Tonight (2:52)
09. Fire Lake (3:32)
10. Shinin’ Brightly (4:24)
02. Tryin' Live My Life Without You
03. You'll Acomp'ny Me (4:11)
04. Hollywood Nights (4:57)
05. Old Time Rock and Roll (5:26)
06. Mainstreet (4:10)
07. Against the Wind (5:35)
08. The Fire Down Below (4:57)
09. Her Strut (4:06)
10. Feel Like A Number (4:12)
11. Fire Lake (3:53)
12. Betty Lou's Gettin' Out Tonight (2:57)
13. We've Got Tonight (5:00)
14. Night Moves (5:54)
15. Rock and Roll Never Forget (3:34)
16. Let It Rock (6:19)
03. You'll Acomp'ny Me (4:11)
04. Hollywood Nights (4:57)
05. Old Time Rock and Roll (5:26)
06. Mainstreet (4:10)
07. Against the Wind (5:35)
08. The Fire Down Below (4:57)
09. Her Strut (4:06)
10. Feel Like A Number (4:12)
11. Fire Lake (3:53)
12. Betty Lou's Gettin' Out Tonight (2:57)
13. We've Got Tonight (5:00)
14. Night Moves (5:54)
15. Rock and Roll Never Forget (3:34)
16. Let It Rock (6:19)
02. Makin' Thunderbirds (3:00)
03. Boomtown Blues (3:40)
04. Shame On The Moon (4:58)
05. Love's The Last To Know (4:29)
06. Roll Me Away (4:41)
07. House Behind A House (4:03)
08. Comin' Home (6:08)
09. Little Victories (5:52)
03. Boomtown Blues (3:40)
04. Shame On The Moon (4:58)
05. Love's The Last To Know (4:29)
06. Roll Me Away (4:41)
07. House Behind A House (4:03)
08. Comin' Home (6:08)
09. Little Victories (5:52)
02. Like A Rock (5:56)
03. Miami (4:40)
04. The Ring (5:35)
05. Tightrope (Craig Frost, Seger) (4:31)
06. The Aftermath (Craig Frost, Seger) (3:30)
07. Sometimes (3:31)
08. It's You (4:03)
09. Somewhere Tonight (4:25)
10. Fortunate Son (John Fogerty) (3:20)
03. Miami (4:40)
04. The Ring (5:35)
05. Tightrope (Craig Frost, Seger) (4:31)
06. The Aftermath (Craig Frost, Seger) (3:30)
07. Sometimes (3:31)
08. It's You (4:03)
09. Somewhere Tonight (4:25)
10. Fortunate Son (John Fogerty) (3:20)
02. The Real Love (4:40)
03. Sightseeing (3:39)
04. Real At The Time (3:52)
05. Always In My Heart (4:14)
06. The Fire Inside (5:56)
07. New Coat Of Paint (3:25)
08. Which Way (3:57)
09. The Mountain (6:45)
10. The Long Way Home (4:24)
11. Blind Love (4:22)
12. She Can't Do Anything Wrong (3:37)
03. Sightseeing (3:39)
04. Real At The Time (3:52)
05. Always In My Heart (4:14)
06. The Fire Inside (5:56)
07. New Coat Of Paint (3:25)
08. Which Way (3:57)
09. The Mountain (6:45)
10. The Long Way Home (4:24)
11. Blind Love (4:22)
12. She Can't Do Anything Wrong (3:37)
It's A Mystery (1995)01. Rite Of Passage (3:51)
02. Lock And Load (4:55)
03. By The River (3:26)
04. Manhattan (5:22)
05. I Wonder (4:06)
06. It's A Mystery (4:18)
07. Revisionism Street (3:48)
08. Golden Boy (2:25)
09. I Can't Save You Angelene (3:56)
10. 16 Shells From A 30-6 (4:20)
11. West Of The Moon (4:37)
12. Hands In The Air (4:45)
It's A Mystery (1995)01. Rite Of Passage (3:51)
02. Lock And Load (4:55)
03. By The River (3:26)
04. Manhattan (5:22)
05. I Wonder (4:06)
06. It's A Mystery (4:18)
07. Revisionism Street (3:48)
08. Golden Boy (2:25)
09. I Can't Save You Angelene (3:56)
10. 16 Shells From A 30-6 (4:20)
11. West Of The Moon (4:37)
12. Hands In The Air (4:45)
01. Old Time Rock And Roll (3:16)
02. Hollywood Nights (5:03)
03. Night Moves (5:26)
04. Mainstreet (3:44)
05. Roll Me Away (4:41)
06. Turn The Page (5:14)
07. Her Strut (3:54)
08. Still The Same (3:25)
09. You'll Accomp'ny Me (4:01)
10. We've Got Tonight (3:41)
11. Like A Rock (5:58)
12. Fire Lake (3:34)
13. Tryin' to Live My Life Without You (4:09)
02. Hollywood Nights (5:03)
03. Night Moves (5:26)
04. Mainstreet (3:44)
05. Roll Me Away (4:41)
06. Turn The Page (5:14)
07. Her Strut (3:54)
08. Still The Same (3:25)
09. You'll Accomp'ny Me (4:01)
10. We've Got Tonight (3:41)
11. Like A Rock (5:58)
12. Fire Lake (3:34)
13. Tryin' to Live My Life Without You (4:09)
CD 2.
01. Rock And Roll Never Forgets (3:54)
02. Against The Wind (5:34)
03. Ramblin' Gamblin' Man (2:30)
04. The Fire Down Below (4:28)
05. Travelin' Man (Live) (5:00)
06. Beautiful Loser (Live) (3:42)
07. Shakedown (4:03)
08. Shame On The Moon (4:56)
09. Katmandu (5:00)
10. Little Drummer Boy (3:31)
11. Wait For Me (3:43)
12. Hey Hey Hey Hey (Going Back to Birmingham) (2:07)
13. Downtown Train (4:00)
02. Against The Wind (5:34)
03. Ramblin' Gamblin' Man (2:30)
04. The Fire Down Below (4:28)
05. Travelin' Man (Live) (5:00)
06. Beautiful Loser (Live) (3:42)
07. Shakedown (4:03)
08. Shame On The Moon (4:56)
09. Katmandu (5:00)
10. Little Drummer Boy (3:31)
11. Wait For Me (3:43)
12. Hey Hey Hey Hey (Going Back to Birmingham) (2:07)
13. Downtown Train (4:00)
02. Turn The Page
03. Ramblin Gamblin Man
04. Lookin Back
05. Mainstreet
06. Against The Wind
07. Fire Lake
08. We've Got Tonight
09. Night Moves
10. Rock And Roll Never Forgets
03. Ramblin Gamblin Man
04. Lookin Back
05. Mainstreet
06. Against The Wind
07. Fire Lake
08. We've Got Tonight
09. Night Moves
10. Rock And Roll Never Forgets