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24 junho 2024

The Groundhogs - Discografia.

A primeira formação da Groundhogs surgiu em 1963, quando o esforçado grupo beat Dollarbills, do Reino Unido, optou por um nome mais estiloso; Tony McPhee (nascido em 23 de março de 1944, em Humberstone, Lincolnshire, Inglaterra; guitarra), John Cruickshank (vocais e harmônica), Bob Hall (piano), Pete Cruickshank (nascido em 2 de julho de 1945, em Calcutá, Índia; baixo) e Dave Boorman (bateria) também adotaram o prenome "John Lee", homenageando o mentor John Lee Hooker, a quem o quarteto posteriormente serviu de banda de apoio em concertos e gravações.

A John Lee's Groundhogs lançou dois singles antes de dissolver-se em 1966. McPhee gravou várias faixas solos com o produtor Mike Vernon até unir-se a Peter Cruickshank na Herbal Mixture, um efêmero grupo pseudopsicodélico. Em 1968, os dois músicos formaram o núcleo da reformulada Groundhogs, ao lado de Steve Rye (nascido por volta de 1946, na Inglaterra, e morto em 19 de julho de 1992, na Inglaterra; vocais e harmônica) e Ken Pustelnik (bateria). O renovado grupo debutou no mercado discográfico em 1968 com o rudimentar "Scratching The Surface", mas se reduziu a um trio com a partida de Rye. O segundo disco, "Blues Obituary", de 1969, continha duas canções, "Mistreated" e "Express Man", que se tornaram as mais pedidas pelo público nos concertos no momento em que a banda embarcou num rumo mais progressivo. Essa guinada se confirmou com "Thank Christ For The Bomb", o poderoso álbum de 1970, sedimentador da crescente popularidade da banda. 

McPhee compôs todas as músicas do disco, e o seu entusiasmo com relação a álbuns conceituais se estendeu para "Split", que abordou a esquizofrenia. Indiscutivelmente a obra definitiva da Groundhog, essa ousada seleção incluiu "Cherry Red", um clássico nas apresentações ao vivo do grupo. 

Pustelnik deixou a banda após o lançamento de "Who Will Save The World?", em 1972. Clive Brooks (nascido em 28 de dezembro de 1949, em Londres, Inglaterra), ex-baterista da Egg, mostrou-se um substituto à altura de Pustelnik, mas, embora a Groundhogs permanecesse desfrutando de uma fervorosa popularidade, seus discos subsequentes revelaram-se desprovidos do ímpeto dos primeiros registros. O trio também atormentou-se por problemas gerenciais e acabou se esfacelando em 1975, não obstante McPhee tenha usado o nome da banda para o lançamento de dois discos decepcionantes: "Crosscut Saw" e "Black Diamond". 

O guitarrista ressuscitou a Groundhogs em 1984 após o interesse despertado pela coletânea "Hoggin The Stage", editada no mesmo ano. Conquanto Pustelnik e diversos outros músicos se somassem a McPhee nas turnês, a formação mais constante da reformulada Groundhogs completava-se com o baixista Dave Anderson, ex-Hawkwind, e o baterista Mike Jones. Nos últimos anos, McPhee tem aparecido como artista solo, integrando uma nostálgica excursão setentista, na companhia de várias encarnações da sua respeitável banda. A fama da Groundhogs perdura, principalmente, graças às suas apresentações ao vivo, mas há relatos de que McPhee decidira dissolver o grupo no fim de 2004 (nota minha: a notícia não se confirmou, e a banda encontra-se ativa até hoje) (The Encyclopedia Of Popular Music. Compiled and edited by Colin Larkin. New York: Omnibus Press, 2007, p. 631; tradução livre do inglês) Fonte: Discófilos Anônimos.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

John Lee Hooker With The Groundhogs - Hooker & The Hogs (1965)
01. Mai Lee (3:30)
02. I'm Losing You (3:53)
03. Little Girl Go Back To School (3:52)
04. Little Dreamer (4:20)
05. Don't Be Messinґ With My Bread (3:20)
06. Bad Luck And Trouble (4:03)
07. Waterfront (4:13)
08. No One Pleases Me But You (2:25)
09. It's Raininґ Here (3:23)
10. It's A Crazy Mixed Up World (4:16)
11. Seven Days And Seven Nights (3:40)
12. Wandering Blues (2:59)
13. Goinґ Mad Blues (3:47)
14. Black Man Blues (3:31)
15. Helpless Blues (3:41)

Scratching The Surface (1968)
01. Rocking Chair (4:07)
02. Early in the Morning (4:48)
03. Waking Blues (2:24)
04. Married Man (4:34)
05. No More Doggin' (4:53)
06. Man Trouble (6:23)
07. Come Back Baby (3:50)
08. You Don't Love Me (4:07)
09. Still a Fool (6:34)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Oh Death (3:15)
11. Gasoline (4:49)
12. Rock Me (2:47)
13. Don't Pass the Hat Around (3:44)

Blues Obituary (1969)
01. B.D.D. (3:50)
02. Daze of the Weak (5:16)
03. Times (5:20)
04. Mistreated (4:04)
05. Express Man (3:59)
06. Natchez Burning (4:39)
07. Light Was The Day (6:54)

Thank Christ For The Bomb (1970)
01. Strange Town (4:20)
02. Darkness Is No Friend (3:48)
03. Soldier (4:55)
04. Thank Christ For The Bomb (7:21)
05. Ship On The Ocean (3:28)
06. Garden (5:24)
07. Status People (3:34)
08. Rich Man, Poor Man (3:27)
09. Eccentric Man (5:05)

Split (1971)
01. Split - Part One (4:30)
02. Split - Part Two (5:15)
03. Split - Part Three (4:30)
04. Split - Part Four (5:45)
05. Cherry Red (5:43)
06. A Year In The Life (3:16)
07. Junkman (5:02)
08. Groundhog (5:49)

Who Will Save The World? The Mighty Groundhogs (1972)
01. Earth Is Not Room Enough (4:49)
02. Wages Of Peace (4:38)
03. Body In Mind (3:50)
04. Music Is The Food Of Thought (4:39)
05. Bog Roll Blues (3:10)
06. Death Of The Sun (2:53)
07. Amazing Grace (2:25)
08. The Grey Maze (10:10)

Hogwash (1972)
01. I Love Miss Ogyny (5:25)
02. You Had A Lesson (5:54)
03. The Ringmaster (1:23)
04. 3744 James Road (7:18)
05. Sad Is The Hunter (5:20)
06. S'One Song (3:38)
07. Earth Shanty (6:50)
08. Mr Hooker, Sir John (3:37)
09. Rolling And Tumbling (2:32)
10. Death Letter (4:16)
11. Me And The Devil (3:55)
12. No More Doggin' (3:51)

Solid (1974)
01. Light My Light (6:29)
02. Free From All Alarm (5:14)
03. Sins Of The Father (5:31)
04. Sad Go Round (2:56)
05. Corn Cob (5:35)
06. Plea Sing, Plea Song (3:00)
07. Snow Storm (3:30)
08. Joker's Grave (8:42)
09. Over Blue (Bonus Track) (2:48)

Groundhogs Best 1969~72 (Coletânea 1974)
01. Groundhog (5:49)
02. Strange Town (4:19)
03. Bog Roll Blues (3:11)
04. You Had A Lesson (5:57)
05. Eccentric Man (4:57)
06. Earth Is Not Room Enough (4:50)
07. BDD (3:48)
08. Split Part 1 (4:32)
09. Cherry Red (5:47)
10. Mistreated (4:03)
11. 3744 James Road (7:19)
12. Soldier (4:52)
13. Sad Is The Hunter (5:21)
14. Garden (5:24)
15. Split Part 4 (5:48)

Crosscut Saw (1976)
01. Crosscut Saw (3:44)
02. Promiscuity (5:44)
03. Boogie Withus (3:52)
04. Fulfilment (7:36)
05. Live A Little Lady (6:06)
06. Three Way Split (4:56)
07. Mean Mistreater (2:32)
08. Eleventh Hour (6:47)

Black Diamond (1976)
01. Body Talk (4:49)
02. Fantasy Partner (5:11)
03. Live Right (3:42)
04. Country Blues (4:19)
05. Your Love Keeps Me alive (4:50)
06. Friendzy (5:27)
07. Pastorale Future (3:12)
08. Black Diamond (5:56)

Hoggin' The Stage (Live 1984)
CD 1.

Live At Leeds 1971.
01. Cherry Red (6:17)
02. Garden (6:07)
03. Split Pt. 1 (7:20)
04. Groundhog Blues (5:29)
05. Eccentric Man (7:00)
Live In London 1971.
06. Mistreated (4:44)
07. Still A Fool (17:11)
Live In USA.
08. Music Is The Food Of Thought (5:02)

CD 2.

Live In Stockholm 1976.
01. Split Pt. 2 (11:02)
02. Boogie With Us (4:11)
03. Your Love Keeps Me Alive (6:51)
04. Live Right (4:24)
05. I Love You Miss Ogyny (6:13)
06. Light My Light (6:58)

Razor's Edge (1985)
01. Razors Edge (4:40)
02. I Confess (3:59)
03. Born To Be With You (3:54)
04. One More Chance (7:18)
05. The Protector (4:17)
06. Superseded (3:29)
07. Moving Fast Standing Still (5:27)
08. I Want You To Love Me (6:37)

Back Against The Wall (1986)
01. Back Against The Wall (5:31)
02. No To Submission (4:41)
03. Blue Boar Blues (3:15)
04. Waiting In Shadows (6:20)
05. Ain't No Slaver (4:39)
06. Stick To Your Guns (5:57)
07. In The Meantime (5:20)
08. 54146 (3:30)

Moving Fast, Standing Still (Coletânea 1986)
01. Part 1 (2:00)
02. Part 2 (4:17)
03. Part 3 (6:06)
04. Part 4 (6:44)
05. Ain't Gonna Cry No More (Single) (3:13)
06. 3 X 7 (3:12)
07. All My Money, Alimony (3:02)
08. Morning Eyes (4:46)
09. Dog Me Bitch (2:47)
10. T.S Instrumental (5:24)
11. You Don't Love Me (Single) (2:30)
12. Razors Edge (4:41)
13. I Confess (3:58)
14. Born To Be With You (3:53)
15. One More Chance (7:17)
16. Someone To Love Me (Single) (2:20)
17. The Protector (4:18)
18. Superseded (3:26)
19. Moving Fast - Standing Still (5:25)
20. I Want You To Love Me (6:40)
21. When You Got A Good Friend (Single) (2:39)

Extremely Live (1988)
01. Express Man (3:21)
02. Stange Town (3:47)
03. Eccentric Man (4:50)
04. 3744 James Road (6:36)
05. I Want You To Love Me (4:52)
06. Splt Part Four (5:07)
07. Back Against The Wall (4:39)
08. Soldier (4:26)
09. Waiting In Shadows (6:09)
10. Groundhog Blues (6:26)
11. Cherry Red (10:19)

Hogs On The Road (Live 1988)
CD 1.

01. Express Man (3:18)
02. Strange Town (3:48)
03. Eccentic Man (4:49)
04. 3744 James Road (6:40)
05. I Want You To Love Me (4:56)
06. Split 4 (5:04)
07. Soldier (4:36)
08. Back Against The Wall (4:46)
09. Garden (4:56)
10. Split 1 (5:35)

CD 2.

01. Waiting The Shadows (6:12)
02. Light My Light (6:30)
03. Me And The Devil (4:04)
04. Mistreated (6:04)
05. Groundhog Blues (6:13)
06. Split 2 (8:25)
07. Cherry Red (10:18)

Classic Album Cuts 1968-1976 (Coletânea 1992)
01. Still A Fool (6:38)
02. Walking Blues (2:26)
03. Mistreated (4:02)
04. Expresss Man (3:58)
05. Eccentric Man (4:57)
06. Status People (3:33)
07. Cherry Red (5:47)
08. Split Part 4 (5:48)
09. Wages Of Peace (4:36)
10. Amazing Grace (2:25)
11. Love You Miss Ogyny (6:09)
12. Earth Shanty (6:51)
13. Live A Little Lady (6:07)
14. Boogie Withus (3:54)
15. Pastoral Future (3:16)
16. Live Right (3:49)

Groundhog Night, Groundhog Live (1993)
CD 1.

01. Shake For Me (3:36)
02. No More Doggin (7:37)
03. Eccentric Man (5:02)
04. 3744 James Road (6:56)
05. I Want You To Love Me (4:55)
06. Garden (5:32)
07. Split Part.1 (8:06)
08. Split Part.2 (7:59)

CD 2.

01. Still A Fool (8:16)
02. I Love You Misogyny (5:47)
03. Thank Christ For The Bomb (3:01)
04. Soldier (4:15)
05. Mistreated (7:18)
06. Me And The Devil (4:14)
07. Cherry Red (12:23)
08. Groundhog Blues (4:01)
09. Been There Done That (3:21)
10. Down In The Bottom (5:51)

BBC Radio One Live In Concert (1994)
01. Split Part 1 (10:10)
02. Cherry Red (4:00)
03. Split Part II (5:40)
04. Groundhog Blues (8:52)
05. Still A Fool (17:06)
06. Ship On The Ocean (3:59)
07. Free From All Alarm (6:17)
08. Dog Me Bitch (3:43)
09. Light My Light (6:05)
10. Sins Of The Father (10:21)

Tony Mcphee Groundhogs - Who Said Cherry Red? (1996)
01. A: Rocking Chair
B: Man Trouble
C: Married Men
02. A: BDD
B: Times
C: Natchez Burning
03. A: Status People
B: Rich Man Poor Man
C: Darkness Is No Frien
04. A: Junkman
B: A Year In The Life (5:40)
05. A: SAD IS The Hunter
B: You Had A Lesson
C:Earth Shanty
D: Mr. Hooker Sir John

The Best Of (Coletânea 1997)
01. Cherry Red (5:46)
02. Split, Part 1 (4:32)
03. Mistreated (4:02)
04. Still a Fool (4:11)
05. Split, Part 2 (5:17)
06. Times (5:18)
07. Groundhog (5:49)
08. BDD (3:47)
09. Strange Town (4:19)
10. You Had a Lesson (5:57)
11. Rich Man, Poor Man (3:28)
12. Earth Is Not Room Enough (4:51)
13. Eccentric Man (4:58)
14. Split, Part 4 (5:46)
15. Amazing Grace (2:24)

Hogs In Wolf's Clothing (1998)
01. Smokestack Lightnin' (3:11)
02. Baby, How Long (2:41)
03. Commit a Crime (4:16)
04. Forty Four (4:13)
05. No Place To Go (4:18)
06. Ain't Superstitious (4:38)
07. Evil (3:52)
08. So Glad (2:16)
09. My Life (5:52)
10. Sittin' on Top Of the World (3:55)
11. Shake for Me (3:20)
12. Wang Dang Doodle (3:36)
13. How Many More Years (3:06)
14. Nature (4:03)
15. Down in the Bottom (3:47)

Live At Leeds 71 (1998)
01. Cherry Red (6:26)
02. Garden (6:17)
03. Split pt 1 (7:17)
04. Groundhogs Blues (5:09)
05. Eccentric Man (6:47)

Muddy Waters Song Book (1999)
01. Stuff You Gotta Watch (3:04)
02. She's Alright (3:34)
03. I Got A Rich Man's Woman (2:44)
04. Can't Call Her Sugar (3:01)
05. Forty Days And Forty Nights (2:01)
06. Mean Ole Frisco (2:56)
07. I'm Ready (2:44)
08. Young Fashioned Ways (3:36)
09. Hoochie Coochie Man (3:59)
10. I Feel So Good (2:57)
11. Mean Red Spider (2:35)
12. Tiger In Your Tank (3:37)
13. Mannish Boy (3:28)
14. Got My Mojo Workin' (4:37)
15. Country Blues (3:18)

U.S. Tour '72 (1999)
01. Mistreated (4:47)
02. Split - Part One (10:01)
03. Cherry Red (9:35)
04. Groundhog (8:49)
05. Still A Fool (17:05)

Groundhog Blues (Live 1999)
01. Still A Fool (8:12)
02. I Love You Misogyny (5:47)
03. Thank Christ For The Bomb (3:04)
04. Soldier (4:11)
05. Mistreated Blues (7:13)
06. Me And The Devil (5:15)
07. Cherry Red (11:17)
08. Groundhog Blues (4:01)
09. Been There Done That (3:37)
10. Down In The Bottom (5:33)

No Surrender: Razors Edge Tour 1985 (2000)
01. Razor's Edge (6:08)
02. 3744, James Road (6:06)
03. Superseded (3:18)
04. Light My Light (8:00)
05. One More Chance (7:52)
06. Garden (5:52)
07. Split, Pt.2 (9:56)
08. Eccentric Man (5:40)
09. Strange Town (4:42)
10. Cherry Red (12:11)

Boogie With Us (Coletânea 2000)
01. Garden (6:20)
02. Split Part 1 (7:22)
03. Groundhog Blues (5:12)
04. Eccentric Man (6:48)
05. Mistreated (4:31)
06. Boogie With Us (4:10)
07. Your Love Keeps Me Alive (6:52)
08. Live Right (4:25)
09. I Love You Miss Ogyny (6:13)
10. Light My Light (5:16)
11. Light My Light (3:59)
12. Cherry Red (3:52)
13. Split Part 2 (5:13)

The HTD Years (Coletânea 2000)
01. Baby How Long (2:36)
02. Dry Land (3:40)
03. Soldier (4:14)
04. Country Blues (3:18)
05. Shake For Me (3:16)
06. Down In The Bottom (3:31)
07. Over Pressure (3:18)
08. Garden (5:26)
09. Evil (3:52)
10. Never Again (6:18)
11. One More Chance (7:46)
12. 3744 James Road (5:59)
13. Groundhog Blues (5:56)
14. Cherry Red (8:55)

Live At The Astoria (2001)
01. Shake For Me (4:01)
02. Eccentric Man (6:10)
03. 3744 James Road (11:17)
04. I Want You To Love Me (4:51)
05. Split Part 1 (9:19)
06. Split Part 2 (8:27)
07. Mistreated (7:48)
08. Still A Fool (8:07)
09. Cherry Red (9:47)
10. Groundhog Blues (4:49)
11. Down In The Bottom (4:52)

54146 (Coletânea 2001)
CD 1: Back Against The Wall (The Album) 

01. Back Against The Wall (5:30)
02. No To Submission (4:40)
03. Blue Boar Blues (3:14)
04. Waiting In Shadows (6:18)
05. Ain't No Slaver (4:38)
06. Stick To Your Guns (5:56)
07. In The Meantime (5:22)
08. 54146 (3:29)
09. Express Man (3:18)
10. Strange Town (3:48)
11. Eccentric Man (4:49)
12. 3744 James Road (6:40)
13. I Want You To Love Me (4:57)

CD 2: Hogs On The Road (Live In Germany)

01. Split Part 4 (5:04)
02. Soldier (4:36)
03. Back Against The Wall (4:46)
04. Garden (4:55)
05. Split Part 1 (5:42)
06. Waiting In Shadows (6:09)
07. Light My Light (6:30)
08. Me And The Devil (4:04)
09. Mistreated (6:04)
10. Groundhogs Blues (6:13)
11. Split Part 2 (8:25)
12. Cherry Red (10:17)

Eccentric Man: Live At The Marquee, London (2003)
01. Groundhog Blues (3:31)
02. Eccentric Man (4:53)
03. 3744 James Road (6:18)
04. Split Part 1 (5:31)
05. Garden (5:02)
06. Thank Christ For The Bomb (2:53)
07. Soldier (4:05)
08. Cherry Red (2:28)
09. Amazing Grace (1:34)
10. I Love You Misogyny (4:33)
11. Mistreated (6:36)
12. Me (3:56)
13. Split Part 2 (7:43)
14. Down In The Bottom (5:34)

UK Tour '76 (2004)
01. Boogie Withus (4:20)
02. Promiscuity (6:33)
03. Corn Cob (5:12)
04. Eleventh Hour (5:49)
05. Crosscut Saw (4:35)
06. Fulfuilment (8:02)
07. Light My Light (7:35)
08. Split Part 2 (10:31)
09. Cherry Red (14:35)

Tony Mcphee & The Groundhogs - High On The Hog (Coletânea 2004)
CD 1.

01. Foolish Pride (4:50)
02. Dry Land (3:41)
03. Over Pressure (3:18)
04. Down In The Bottom (3:22)
05. Love In Vain (2:38)
06. Smokestack Lightnin' (3:01)
07. Baby How Long (2:35)
08. Bleachin' The Blues (3:44)
09. Mannish Boy (3:25)
10. Every Minute (4:43)
11. No Place To Go (4:18)
12. Took Me By Surprise (4:08)
13. Little Red Rooster (3:22)
14. Country Blues (3:20)
15. Wang Dang Doodle (3:37)
16. Terraplane Blues (3:01)
17. Hoochie Coochie Man (4:02)
18. Hooker And The Hogs (5:35)
19. Young-Fashioned Ways (3:37)
20. BBD (2:10)
21. Status People (3:47)
22. A Year In The Life (3:04)

CD 2.

01. Me And The Devil (2:48)
02. Can't Be Satisfied (2:37)
03. Diving Duck (3:48)
04. No More Doggin' (7:38)
05. Eccentric Man (4:49)
06. 3744 James Road (7:05)
07. Split (Part 1) (7:55)
08. Split (Part 2) (7:57)
09. Thank Christ For The Bomb (3:14)
10. Superceded (3:21)
11. Groundhog Blues (8:31)
12. Cherry Red (13:02)

3744 James Road: The HTD Anthology (Coletânea 2006)
CD 1: Studio.

01. Smokestack Lightnin' (3:10)
02. No Place to Go (4:18)
03. Ain't Superstitious (4:37)
04. Sittin' On Top Of The World (3:54)
05. Shake For Me (3:20)
06. How Many More Years (3:05)
07. Nature (4:02)
08. Down In The Bottom (3:47)
09. Forty Four (4:12)
10. Stuff You Gotta Watch (3:04)
11. Can't Call Her Sugar (3:01)
12. Mean Ole Frisco (2:56)
13. I'm Ready (2:44)
14. Young Fashioned Ways (3:36)
15. Hoochie Coochie Man (3:59)
16. Mannish Boy (3:27)
17. Got My Mojo Workin' (4:37)
18. Country Blues (3:19)

CD 2: Live.

01. Razor's Edge (5:59)
02. I Want You to Love Me (4:51)
03. Split Part 1 (6:30)
04. Cherry Red (13:04)
05. Eccentric Man (5:04)
06. 3744 James Road (7:02)
07. Soldier (4:17)
08. Mistreated (7:18)
09. I Love You Misogyny (5:53)
10. Garden (5:28)
11. Thank Christ For The Bomb (3:03)
12. Groundhog Blues (3:59)

Thank Christ For Groundhogs: The Liberty Years 1968-1972 (Box Set 2010)
CD 1.

01. Rocking Chair (4:14)
02. Early In The Morning (4:51)
03. Waking Blues (2:30)
04. Married Men (4:40)
05. No More Doggin' (4:57)
06. Man Trouble (6:27)
07. Come Back Baby (3:55)
08. You Don't Love Me (4:11)
09. Still A Fool (6:38)
10. Still A Fool (Single Edit) (4:12)
11. B.D.D. (3:49)
12. Daze Of The Weak (5:16)
13. Times (5:20)
14. Mistreated (4:01)

CD 2.

01. Express Man (3:58)
02. Natchez Burning (4:37)
03. Light Was The Day (6:54)
04. BDD (Mono Mix) (2:52)
05. Strange Town (4:20)
06. Darkness Is No Friend (3:48)
07. Soldier (4:55)
08. Thank Christ For The Bomb (7:21)
09. Ship On The Ocean (3:28)
10. Garden (5:24)
11. Status People (3:34)
12. Rich Man, Poor Man (3:27)
13. Eccentric Man (4:57)
14. Split - Part One (4:29)
15. Split - Part Two (5:15)
16. Split - Part Three (4:30)
17. Split - Part Four (5:44)

CD 3.

01. Cherry Red (5:44)
02. A Year In The Life (3:16)
03. Junkman (5:02)
04. Groundhog (5:51)
05. Earth Is Not Room Enough (4:49)
06. Wages Of Peace (4:38)
07. Body In Mind (3:50)
08. Music Is The Food Of Thought (4:39)
09. Bog Roll Blues (3:09)
10. Death Of The Sun (2:53)
11. Amazing Grace (2:24)
12. The Grey Maze (10:10)

The United Artists Years, 1972-1976 (Box Set 2013)
CD 1.

01. I Love Miss Ogyny (5:25)
02. You Had A Lesson (5:54)
03. The Ringmaster (1:23)
04. 3744 James Road (7:18)
05. Sad Is The Hunter (5:20)
06. S'one Song (3:36)
07. Earth Shanty (6:50)
08. Mr Hooker, Sir John (3:38)
09. Split I (Live) (6:17)
10. I Love Miss Ogyny (Live) (7:01)
11. You Had A Lesson (Live) (7:37)
12. Earth Shanty (Live) (11:16)
13. 3744 James Road (Live) (8:14)

CD 2.

01. Sad Is The Hunter (Live) (4:45)
02. Split II (Live) (6:21)
03. Split IV (Live) (4:48)
04. Cherry Red (Live) (5:48)
05. Ship On The Ocean (Live) (4:16)
06. I Love Miss Ogyny (Live) (5:45)
07. Split I (Live) (7:26)
08. Soldier (Live) (14:53)
09. Split II (Live) (8:25)
10. Live A Little Lady (7' Edit) (4:57)

CD 3.

01. Crosscut Saw (3:44)
02. Promiscuity (5:46)
03. Boogie Withus (3:52)
04. Fulfilment (7:34)
05. Live A Little Lady (6:05)
06. Three Way Split (4:58)
07. Mean Mistreater (2:33)
08. Eleventh Hour (6:48)
09. Body Talk (4:51)
10. Fantasy Partner (5:12)
11. Live Right (3:48)
12. Country Blues (4:17)
13. Your Love Keeps Me Alive (4:51)
14. Friendzy (5:27)
15. Pastoral Future (3:13)
16. Black Diamond (5:55)

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