Durante 50 anos na indústria do entretenimento o trabalho de Jones foi indicado para 79 Grammy Award, sendo premiado com 27 destes, e um Grammy Legends Award em 1991. Ele é mais conhecido por ajudar o ícone cultural Michael Jackson a produzir o álbum Thriller, que viria a ser o álbum mais vendido de todos os tempos, e a canção "We Are the World". Ele também é conhecido por lançar a cantora Tamia que durante seu tempo com Quincy Jones foi indicada para 2 Grammy Awards por sua canção "You Put a Move On My Heart".
Nascido em Illinois, Jones descobriu a música na escola primária o que o levou a aprender trompete. Quando tinha 10 anos, sua família se mudou para Bremerton, Washington, onde ele fez amizade com o jovem Ray Charles, que mais tarde lhe ensinou braille. Os dois formaram um duo e tocaram em casamentos locais e em clubes de jazz onde hoje é conhecido como Pioneer Square distrito de Seattle.
Em 1951, com 18 anos, Jones ganhou uma bolsa de estudos para a Schillinger House (agora conhecida como Berklee College of Music) em Boston. Contudo, abandonou os estudos quando recebeu uma oferta para viajar como trompetista com o lendário bandleader Lionel Hampton. Quando ainda viajava com Hampton, ele mostrou um jeito incomum para arranjar canções. Jones se mudou para Nova York, onde recebeu vários pedidos de arranjos para artistas como Sarah Vaughan, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Gene Krupa e seu agora velho amigo Ray Charles.
Em 1956, Jones viajou novamente como trompetista e diretor musical da Dizzy Gillespie Band em uma turnê pelo Oriente Médio e América do Sul patrocinada pelo Departamento de Estado dos Estados Unidos. No retorno para os Estados Unidos, ele ganhou um contrato da ABC Paramount Records e iniciou sua carreira de gravações como líder de sua própria banda.
Jones se mudou para Paris, França em 1957. Estudou composição musical e teoria com Nadia Boulanger e Olivier Messiaen. Também tocou no Paris Olympia. Jones foi diretor musical na Barclay Disques, o distribuidor francês da Mercury Records e durante os anos 50, Jones viajou muito pela Europa com várias orquestras de jazz. Formou sua própria big band e organizou uma turnê pela América do Norte e Europa. Embora a turnê fosse um sucesso de crítica, um mau planejamento orçamentário fez dela um desastre econômico e levou Jones a uma crise financeira. Irving Green, chefe da Mercury Records, trouxe Jones de volta com um empréstimo e um novo trabalho como diretor musical da divisão da companhia em Nova York. Em 1964, Jones foi promovido a vice-presidente da companhia, se tornando assim o primeiro Afro-americano a ocupar tal cargo. 1964 também viu Jones derrubar outra barreira social: a convite do diretor Sidney Lumet ele compôs a primeira de suas 33 maiores trilhas sonoras. O resultado foi a lendária trilha de The Pawnbroker.
Com Hollywood acenando, Jones rescindiu com a Mercury Records e se mudou para Los Angeles para compor trilhas em tempo integral. Algumas de suas composições mais célebres foram para os filmes: Walk, Don't Run, In Cold Blood, In the Heat of the Night, Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice, Cactus Flower, Italian Job, The Getaway e A Cor Púrpura. Também compôs para televisão, incluindo os shows Ironside, Sanford and Son e The Cosby Show, assim como a música-tema de The New Bill Cosby Show chamada "Chump Change", que mais tarde foi usada como tema do show de jogos de Mark Goodson-Bill Todman chamado Now You See It.
Nos anos 60, Jones trabalhou como arranjador para alguns dos mais importantes artistas da era, incluindo Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, e Dinah Washington. As gravações - solo de Jones também foram aclamadas, incluindo Walking in Space, Gula Materi, Smackwater Jack and Ndeda, You've Got It Bad, Girl, Body Heat, Mellow Madness, I Heard That e The Dude.
Lendária parceria com Michael Jackson.
Enquanto trabalhava no filme The Wiz, Jones conheceu Michael Jackson, que lhe pediu conselhos sobre qual produtor Quincy indicaria para trabalhar com ele em seu próximo álbum em carreira solo.
Surpreendentemente, o nome que Quincy indicou foi o seu próprio. Formou-se ali a dupla de maior sucesso do mundo da música. O primeiro disco de Jackson com colaboração de Quincy, Off the Wall (1979), vendeu 40 milhões de cópias, se tornando um dos mais aclamados discos de música negra do século XX. O trabalho seguinte, Thriller (1982), alcançou um sucesso sem precedentes, vendendo 100 milhões de cópias e tornou-se o álbum mais vendido de todos os tempos. Jones também trabalhou no terceiro álbum solo de Jackson, intitulado Bad (1987), que vendeu 30 milhões de cópias mundialmente, e se firmou durante algum tempo como o segundo álbum mais vendido da história.
Após Bad, Michael e Jones se separaram. Em uma entrevista de 2002, quando perguntado se trabalharia de novo com Jones, respondeu, "a porta estará sempre aberta". Após a cerimônia de 1984 do Grammy Awards, Jones usou a sua influência junto a de Jackson para reunir os maiores artistas americanos em um estúdio para gravar a legendária canção We Are The World para angariar fundos para as vítimas da fome na Etiópia. Quando as pessoas se espantaram com sua habilidade para fazer com que todos trabalhassem unidos, Jones explicou que ele apenas deixou uma placa na porta dizendo: "Deixe seu ego na porta".
Pós - Michael Jackson.
Em 1993, Jones colaborou com David Saltzman para produzir o extravagante concerto An American Reunion, uma celebração da inauguração do mandato de Bill Clinton como presidente dos Estados Unidos. Saltzman e Jones decidiram unir suas consideráveis forças e formar a companhia Quincy Jones/David Saltzman Entertainment (QDE) com Time Warner Inc.. QDE é uma companhia que produz tecnologia de mídia, filmes, programas para a televisão (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, inclusive é o próprio Quincy Jones que dirige o taxi na abertura do programa), publicações literárias (as revistas Vibe e Spin).
Em 2001, ele publicou sua autobiografia Q: The Autobiography of Quincy Jones.
No mesmo ano, sua fundação, a Quincy Jones Listen Up Foundation, construiu mais de 100 casas para a fundação Nelson Mandela na África do Sul.
Em 2004, ao lado de Carlos Santana, Alicia Keys, Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Fher (de Mana), Evander Holyfield, Chris Tucker, e vários outros músicos, celebridades, dignitários, e políticos, Jones produziu o concerto "WE Are The Future" para uma audiência de mais de meio milhão de pessoas em Roma, Itália. O concerto angariou fundos para a fundação Quincy Jones Listen Up Foundation.
Em 2013 foi homenageado pelo Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, induzido por Oprah Winfrey.
Ativismo social.
O ativismo social de Quincy Jones começou nos anos 60 com o apoio do Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jones é um dos fundadores do Instituto para a Música Negra Americana (IBAM) cujos eventos buscam levantar fundos para a criação de uma biblioteca nacional de arte e música Afro-americana. Jones é também um dos fundadores do Black Arts Festival (Festival de Artes Negras) em sua cidade Chicago. Por muitos anos ele tem trabalhado ao lado de Bono do U2 em vários trabalhos filantrópicos. Ele é o fundador da Quincy Jones Listen Up Foundation, uma fundação que dá aos jovens acesso à tecnologia, educação, cultura e música. Um dos programas da organização é um intercâmbio intercultural entre os jovens carentes de Los Angeles e da África do Sul. Jones mantém vários trabalhos sociais incluindo o NAACP, GLAAD, Jogos da Paz e AmFAR.
Música Brasileira.
Grande pesquisador, incentivador e observador de todas manifestações musicais de qualidade, Jones é um grande admirador da música brasileira. Entre os artistas favoritos, figuram Simone, a qual ele cita como "uma das maiores cantoras do mundo", Milton Nascimento, Gilson Peranzzetta, Ivan Lins, entre outros da bossa nova. Texto: Wikipédia.

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This Is How I Feel About Jazz (1957)
01. Hagnes
02. Walkin'
03. Stockholm Sweetnin'
04. Evening In Paris
05. Sermonette
06. A Sleepin' Bee
07. Boo's Blues
03. Stockholm Sweetnin'
04. Evening In Paris
05. Sermonette
06. A Sleepin' Bee
07. Boo's Blues
Go West, Man! (1957)
01. Dancin' Pants
02. Blues Day
03. Bright Moon
04. No Bones at All
05. The OOM is Blues
06. Be My Guest
07. Medley:
What's New
We'll Be Together Again
Time On My Hands
You Go to My Head
08. London Derriere
09. Kings Road Blues
03. Bright Moon
04. No Bones at All
05. The OOM is Blues
06. Be My Guest
07. Medley:
What's New
We'll Be Together Again
Time On My Hands
You Go to My Head
08. London Derriere
09. Kings Road Blues
The Birth Of A Band (1959)
01. The Birth Of A Band
02. Moanin'
03. I Remember Clifford
04. Along Came Betty
05. Tickle Toe
06. Happy Faces
07. Whisper Not
08. The Gypsy
09. A Change Of Pace
10. Tuxedo Junction
03. I Remember Clifford
04. Along Came Betty
05. Tickle Toe
06. Happy Faces
07. Whisper Not
08. The Gypsy
09. A Change Of Pace
10. Tuxedo Junction
Quincy Jones & Band - I Dig
Dancers (1960)
01. Pleasingly Plump
02. G'wan Train
03. Moonglow
04. Tone Poem
05. You Turned The Tables On Me
06. Chinese Checkers
07. Our Love Is Here To Stay
08. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
09. Trouble On My Mind
10. A Sunday Kind Of Love
11. Parisian Thoroughfare
12. Pleasingly Plump (First Take)
13. G'wan Train (Short Version)
14. Close Your Eyes
15. Blues From Free And Easy
03. Moonglow
04. Tone Poem
05. You Turned The Tables On Me
06. Chinese Checkers
07. Our Love Is Here To Stay
08. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
09. Trouble On My Mind
10. A Sunday Kind Of Love
11. Parisian Thoroughfare
12. Pleasingly Plump (First Take)
13. G'wan Train (Short Version)
14. Close Your Eyes
15. Blues From Free And Easy
Quincy Jones And His Orchestra - The
Quintessence (1961)
01. Quintessence
02. Robert Portrait
03. Little Karen
04. Straight, No Chaser
05. For Lena and Lennie
06. Hard Sock Dance
07. Invitation
08. The Twitch
03. Little Karen
04. Straight, No Chaser
05. For Lena and Lennie
06. Hard Sock Dance
07. Invitation
08. The Twitch
Quincy Jones And His Orchestra -
Around The World (1961)
01. Hot Sake
02. Strike Up The Band
03. Africana
04. Meadowlands
05. Rico Vacilon
06. Under Paris Skies
07. Mack The Knife
08. Manolete De Espana
09. Baia
10. Come Back To Sorrento
11. Dear Old Stockholm
03. Africana
04. Meadowlands
05. Rico Vacilon
06. Under Paris Skies
07. Mack The Knife
08. Manolete De Espana
09. Baia
10. Come Back To Sorrento
11. Dear Old Stockholm
Big Band Bossa Nova (1962)
01. Soul Bossa Nova
02. Boogie Stop Shuffle
03. Desafinado
04. Manha De Carnaval (Morning Of The Carnival)
05. Se E Tarde Me Pardoa (Forgive Me If I'm Late)
06. On The Street Where You Live
07. Samba De Una Nota So (One Note Samba)
08. Lalo Bossa Nova
09. Serenata
10. Chega De Saudade (No More Blues)
03. Desafinado
04. Manha De Carnaval (Morning Of The Carnival)
05. Se E Tarde Me Pardoa (Forgive Me If I'm Late)
06. On The Street Where You Live
07. Samba De Una Nota So (One Note Samba)
08. Lalo Bossa Nova
09. Serenata
10. Chega De Saudade (No More Blues)
Explores The Music Of Henry Mancini (1964)
01. Baby Elephant Walk
02. Charade
03. Dreamsville
04. Bird Brain
05. Days Of Wine And Roses
06. Mr. Lucky
07. Pink Panther
08. (I Love You) And Don't You Forget It
09. Soldier In The Rain
10. Odd Ball
11. Moon River
12. Peter Gunn
03. Dreamsville
04. Bird Brain
05. Days Of Wine And Roses
06. Mr. Lucky
07. Pink Panther
08. (I Love You) And Don't You Forget It
09. Soldier In The Rain
10. Odd Ball
11. Moon River
12. Peter Gunn
The Pawnbroker (1965)
01. Theme From The Pawnbroker
02. Main Title
03. Harlem Drive
04. The Naked Truth
05. Otez's Night Off
06. Theme From The Pawnbroker (Instrumental)
07. How Come You People
08. Rack'Em Up
09. Death Scene
10. End Title
11. Theme from The Pawnbroker (45 Rpm)
03. Harlem Drive
04. The Naked Truth
05. Otez's Night Off
06. Theme From The Pawnbroker (Instrumental)
07. How Come You People
08. Rack'Em Up
09. Death Scene
10. End Title
11. Theme from The Pawnbroker (45 Rpm)
The Deadly Affair (1966)
01. Who Needs Forever?
02. Dieter's First Mistake
03. Main Theme (Version 1)
04. Postcard Signed "S"...
05. Main Theme (Version 2)
06. Don't Fly If It's Foggy
07. Blondie-Tails
08. Main Theme (Version 3)
09. Ridiculous Scene
10. Body On Elevator
11. Bobb's at Gunpoint
12. End Title (2)
03. Main Theme (Version 1)
04. Postcard Signed "S"...
05. Main Theme (Version 2)
06. Don't Fly If It's Foggy
07. Blondie-Tails
08. Main Theme (Version 3)
09. Ridiculous Scene
10. Body On Elevator
11. Bobb's at Gunpoint
12. End Title (2)
Mackenna's Gold (1969)
01. Overture
02. Ole Turkey Buzzard (Vocal: José
Feliciano-English Version)
03. Cañon del Oro
04. Waterhole Trek
05. Réve Parisien
06. Ole Turkey Buzzard (Instrumental)
07. Soul Full of Gold
08. Main Title
09. Apache Camp
10. Massacre Montage
11. Ole Turkey Buzzard (Vocal: José Feliciano-Spanish Version)
12. Finale
03. Cañon del Oro
04. Waterhole Trek
05. Réve Parisien
06. Ole Turkey Buzzard (Instrumental)
07. Soul Full of Gold
08. Main Title
09. Apache Camp
10. Massacre Montage
11. Ole Turkey Buzzard (Vocal: José Feliciano-Spanish Version)
12. Finale
Walking In Space (1969)
01. Dead End
02. Walking in Space
03. Killer Joe
04. Love and Peace
05. I Never Told You
06. Oh Happy Day
03. Killer Joe
04. Love and Peace
05. I Never Told You
06. Oh Happy Day
Smackwater Jack (1971)
01. Smackwater Jack
02. Cast Your Fate To The Wind
03. Theme From Ironside
04. What's Going On?
05. Theme From The Anderson Tapes
06. Brown Ballad
07. Hikky-Burr
08. Guitar Blues Odyssey: Grom Roots To Fruits
03. Theme From Ironside
04. What's Going On?
05. Theme From The Anderson Tapes
06. Brown Ballad
07. Hikky-Burr
08. Guitar Blues Odyssey: Grom Roots To Fruits
You’ve Got It Bad Girl (1973)
01. Summer In The City
02. Eyes Of Love
03. Daydreaming
04. First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
05. Love Theme From "The Getaway"
06. You've Got It Bad Girl
07. Superstition
08. Manteca
09. "Sanford & Son Theme" - NBC-TV (The Streetbeater)
10. Chump Change
03. Daydreaming
04. First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
05. Love Theme From "The Getaway"
06. You've Got It Bad Girl
07. Superstition
08. Manteca
09. "Sanford & Son Theme" - NBC-TV (The Streetbeater)
10. Chump Change
Body Heat (1974)
01. Body Heat
02. Soul Saga
03. Everything Must Change
04. Boogie Joe, The Grinder
05. Reprise: Everything Must Change
06. One Track Mind
07. Just A Man
08. Along Came Betty
09. If I Ever Lose This Heaven
03. Everything Must Change
04. Boogie Joe, The Grinder
05. Reprise: Everything Must Change
06. One Track Mind
07. Just A Man
08. Along Came Betty
09. If I Ever Lose This Heaven
Mellow Madness (1975)
01. Is It Love That We're Missin'
02. Paranoid
03. Mellow Madness
04. Beautiful Black Girl
05. Listen (What It Is)
06. Just A Little Taste Of Me
07. My Cherie Amour
08. Tryin' To Find Out About You
09. Cry Baby
10. Bluesette
03. Mellow Madness
04. Beautiful Black Girl
05. Listen (What It Is)
06. Just A Little Taste Of Me
07. My Cherie Amour
08. Tryin' To Find Out About You
09. Cry Baby
10. Bluesette
I Heard That! (1976)
01. I Heard That!
02. Things Could Be Worse For Me
03. What Good Is A Song
04. You Have To Do It Yourself
05. There's A Train Leavin'
06. Midnight Soul Patrol
07. Brown Soft Shoe
08. Superstition
09. Summer In The City
10. Is It Love That We're Missing?
11. Body Heat
12. If I Ever Lose This Heaven
13. Killer Joe
14. Gula Matari
15. Theme From The Anderson Tapes
16. Walking In Space
03. What Good Is A Song
04. You Have To Do It Yourself
05. There's A Train Leavin'
06. Midnight Soul Patrol
07. Brown Soft Shoe
08. Superstition
09. Summer In The City
10. Is It Love That We're Missing?
11. Body Heat
12. If I Ever Lose This Heaven
13. Killer Joe
14. Gula Matari
15. Theme From The Anderson Tapes
16. Walking In Space
Roots: The Saga Of An American Family (1977)
01. Motherland
02. Roots Mural Theme
03. Main Title: Mama Aifambeni (Premiere Episode)
04. Behold, The Only Thing Greater Than Yourself (Birth)
05. Oluwa (Many Rains Ago-African Theme)
06. Boyhood To Manhood
07. The Toubob Is Here! (The Capture)
08. Middle Passage (Slaveship Crossing)
09. You In Americuh' Now, African
10. Roots Mural Theme Intro (Slave Auction)
11. Ole Fiddler
12. Jumpin' De Broom (Marriage Ceremony)
13. What Shall I Do? (Hush, Hush, Somebody's Calling My Name)
14. Roots Mural Theme Bridge (Plantation Life)
15. Oh Lord, Come By Here
16. Free At Last? (The Civil War 2)
17. Many Rains Ago (Oluwa-African Thee: Eglish Version)
03. Main Title: Mama Aifambeni (Premiere Episode)
04. Behold, The Only Thing Greater Than Yourself (Birth)
05. Oluwa (Many Rains Ago-African Theme)
06. Boyhood To Manhood
07. The Toubob Is Here! (The Capture)
08. Middle Passage (Slaveship Crossing)
09. You In Americuh' Now, African
10. Roots Mural Theme Intro (Slave Auction)
11. Ole Fiddler
12. Jumpin' De Broom (Marriage Ceremony)
13. What Shall I Do? (Hush, Hush, Somebody's Calling My Name)
14. Roots Mural Theme Bridge (Plantation Life)
15. Oh Lord, Come By Here
16. Free At Last? (The Civil War 2)
17. Many Rains Ago (Oluwa-African Thee: Eglish Version)
Sounds... And Stuff Like That!! (1978)
01. Stuff Like That
02. I'm Gonna Miss You In The
03. Love, I Never Had It So Good
04. Tell Me A Bedtime Story
05. Love Me By Name
06. Superwoman (Where Were You When I Needed You)
07. Takin' It To The Streets
03. Love, I Never Had It So Good
04. Tell Me A Bedtime Story
05. Love Me By Name
06. Superwoman (Where Were You When I Needed You)
07. Takin' It To The Streets
The Dude (1981)
01. Ai No Corrida
02. The Dude
03. Just Once
04. Betcha Wouldn't Hurt Me
05. Something Special
06. Razzamatazz
07. One Hundred Ways
08. Velas
09. Turn On The Action
03. Just Once
04. Betcha Wouldn't Hurt Me
05. Something Special
06. Razzamatazz
07. One Hundred Ways
08. Velas
09. Turn On The Action
The Color Purple (1986)
CD 1.
01. Overture
02. Main Title
03. Celie Leaves with Mr.
04. Corrine and Olivia
05. Nettie Teaches Celie
06. The Seperation
07. Celie and Harpo Grow Up
Mr. Dresses to See Shug
08. Careless Love
09. Sophie Leaves Harpo
10. Celie Cooks Shug Breakfast
11. Junk Bucket Blues
12. The Dirty Dozens
13. Miss Celies Blues (Sister)
14. Don't Make Me No Never Mind
15. My Heart (Will Always Lead me Back to You)
16. Three on the Road
17. Bus Pulls Out
02. Main Title
03. Celie Leaves with Mr.
04. Corrine and Olivia
05. Nettie Teaches Celie
06. The Seperation
07. Celie and Harpo Grow Up
Mr. Dresses to See Shug
08. Careless Love
09. Sophie Leaves Harpo
10. Celie Cooks Shug Breakfast
11. Junk Bucket Blues
12. The Dirty Dozens
13. Miss Celies Blues (Sister)
14. Don't Make Me No Never Mind
15. My Heart (Will Always Lead me Back to You)
16. Three on the Road
17. Bus Pulls Out
CD 2.
01. The First Letter
02. Letter Search
03. Nettie's Letters
04. High Life
Proud Theme
05. J.B. King
06. Heaven Belongs To You
07. Katutoka Corrine
08. Celie Shaves Mr.
Scarifiaction Ceremony
09. I'm Here
10. Champagne Train
11. Celie's New House
Body And Soul
12. Maybe God Is Tryin' To Tell You Somethin'
13. Reunion
02. Letter Search
03. Nettie's Letters
04. High Life
Proud Theme
05. J.B. King
06. Heaven Belongs To You
07. Katutoka Corrine
08. Celie Shaves Mr.
Scarifiaction Ceremony
09. I'm Here
10. Champagne Train
11. Celie's New House
Body And Soul
12. Maybe God Is Tryin' To Tell You Somethin'
13. Reunion
Back On The Block (1989)
01. Prologue (2 Q's Rap)
02. Back On The Block
03. I Don't Go For That
04. I'll Be Good To You
05. The Verb To Be
06. Wee B. Dooinit
07. The Places You Find Love
08. Jazz Corner Of The Word
09. Birdland
10. Setembro (Brazilian Wedding Song)
11. One Man Woman
12. Tomorrow (A Better You, Better Me)
13. Prelude To The Garden
14. The Secret Garden
03. I Don't Go For That
04. I'll Be Good To You
05. The Verb To Be
06. Wee B. Dooinit
07. The Places You Find Love
08. Jazz Corner Of The Word
09. Birdland
10. Setembro (Brazilian Wedding Song)
11. One Man Woman
12. Tomorrow (A Better You, Better Me)
13. Prelude To The Garden
14. The Secret Garden
Everything Must Change (1990)
01. If I Ever Lose This Heaven
02. Everything Must
03. Body Heat
04. Is It Love That We're Missin'
05. Mellow Madness
06. Stuff Like That
07. Ai No Corrida
08. Razzamatazz
09. Just Once
10. Betcha' Wouldn't Hurt Me
11. One Hundred Ways
12. I'll Be Good To You
13. The Secret Garden
14. Tomorrow (A Better You, Better Me)
15. You Put A Move On My Heart
16. I'm Yours
17. Everthing
03. Body Heat
04. Is It Love That We're Missin'
05. Mellow Madness
06. Stuff Like That
07. Ai No Corrida
08. Razzamatazz
09. Just Once
10. Betcha' Wouldn't Hurt Me
11. One Hundred Ways
12. I'll Be Good To You
13. The Secret Garden
14. Tomorrow (A Better You, Better Me)
15. You Put A Move On My Heart
16. I'm Yours
17. Everthing
Jazz 'Round Midnight (1990)
01. Change Of Pace
02. Dear Old Stockholm
03. Meet Benny Bailey
04. Moonglow
05. Midnight Sun Never Sets
06. Under Paris Skies
07. Evening In Paris
08. Everybody's Blues
09. Ellington Medley
10. Manha De Carnival
11. Django
12. Sunday Kind Of Love
13. Exodus
14. Soldier In The Rain
15. Witching Hour
03. Meet Benny Bailey
04. Moonglow
05. Midnight Sun Never Sets
06. Under Paris Skies
07. Evening In Paris
08. Everybody's Blues
09. Ellington Medley
10. Manha De Carnival
11. Django
12. Sunday Kind Of Love
13. Exodus
14. Soldier In The Rain
15. Witching Hour
Quincy Jones And His Orchestra - Hip
Hop Jazz Best (1991)
01. Comin' Home Baby
02. Moanin'
03. Take Five
04. Desafinado
05. Django
06. Whisper Not
07. A Taste of Honey
08. Watermelon Man
09. Soul Bosa Nova
10. Jive Samba
11. The Sidewinder
12. I Remember Clifford
13. Air Mail Special
14. After Hours
15. Mack the Knife
16. The 'In' Crowd
17. Charade
18. Days of Wine and Roses
19. Exodus
20. Manha de Carnaval
03. Take Five
04. Desafinado
05. Django
06. Whisper Not
07. A Taste of Honey
08. Watermelon Man
09. Soul Bosa Nova
10. Jive Samba
11. The Sidewinder
12. I Remember Clifford
13. Air Mail Special
14. After Hours
15. Mack the Knife
16. The 'In' Crowd
17. Charade
18. Days of Wine and Roses
19. Exodus
20. Manha de Carnaval
A&M Gold Series (1991)
01. Ironside
02. Killer Joe
03. Midnight Soul Patrol
04. Tell Me a Bedtime Story
05. My Cherie Amour
06. Velas
07. Body Heat
08. Stuff Like That
09. You Have to Do It Yourself
10. Bluesette
11. Just Once
12. Ai No Corrida
13. Bridge Over Troubled Water
14. Superstition
15. Brown Ballad
03. Midnight Soul Patrol
04. Tell Me a Bedtime Story
05. My Cherie Amour
06. Velas
07. Body Heat
08. Stuff Like That
09. You Have to Do It Yourself
10. Bluesette
11. Just Once
12. Ai No Corrida
13. Bridge Over Troubled Water
14. Superstition
15. Brown Ballad
Live At The Alhambra '60 (1994)
01. The Birth Of A Band
02. Everybody's Blues
03. Moanin'
04. Tickle Tol
05. Stockholm Sweetnin'
06. I Remeber Clifford
07. Walkin'
03. Moanin'
04. Tickle Tol
05. Stockholm Sweetnin'
06. I Remeber Clifford
07. Walkin'
Walk On The Wild Side (1994)
01. Walk On The Wild Side
02. Bossa Nova U.S.A.
03. Take Five
04. Gravy Waltz
05. Exodus
06. Back At The Chicken Shack
07. Watermelon Man
08. Cast Your Fate To The Wind
09. Stormy Weather
10. Abstractions
11. Osie's Oasis
12. Johnson's Whacks
13. The Jones Bash
14. Don't Bug Me
15. Ondine
16. Gerry Old Man
03. Take Five
04. Gravy Waltz
05. Exodus
06. Back At The Chicken Shack
07. Watermelon Man
08. Cast Your Fate To The Wind
09. Stormy Weather
10. Abstractions
11. Osie's Oasis
12. Johnson's Whacks
13. The Jones Bash
14. Don't Bug Me
15. Ondine
16. Gerry Old Man
Q's Jook Joint (1995)
01. Jook Joint Intro
02. Let The Good Times Roll
03. Cool Joe, Mean Joe (Killer Joe)
04. You Put A Move On My Heart
05. Rock With You
06. Moody's Mood For Love
07. Stomp
08. Jook Joint Reprise
09. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
10. Is It Love That We're Missin'
11. Heaven's Girl
12. Stuff Like That
13. Slow Jams
14. At The End Of The Day (Grace)
15. Jook Joint Outro
03. Cool Joe, Mean Joe (Killer Joe)
04. You Put A Move On My Heart
05. Rock With You
06. Moody's Mood For Love
07. Stomp
08. Jook Joint Reprise
09. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
10. Is It Love That We're Missin'
11. Heaven's Girl
12. Stuff Like That
13. Slow Jams
14. At The End Of The Day (Grace)
15. Jook Joint Outro
Quincy Jones Featuring Toots
Thielemans - I Never Told You (1998)
01. What`s Going On
02. Velas
03. Brown Ballad
04. Bluesette
05. I Never Told You
06. Brown Soft Shoe
07. Eyes of Love
08. Hummin'
09. Love Theme From The Get Away
10. Theme From The Anderson Tapes
03. Brown Ballad
04. Bluesette
05. I Never Told You
06. Brown Soft Shoe
07. Eyes of Love
08. Hummin'
09. Love Theme From The Get Away
10. Theme From The Anderson Tapes
The Very Best Of Quincy Jones (2000)
01. Quintessence
02. Little Karen
03. Straight, No Chaser
04. Soul Bossa Nova
05. Bossa Nova U.S.A.
06. Killer Joe
07. Ironside
08. Hikky Burr
09. Everything Must Change
10. Body Heat
11. If I Ever Lose This Heaven
12. Stuff Like That
13. I'm Gonna Miss You in the Morning
14. Superwoman
15. Tell Me a Bedtime Story
16. Somethin' Special
17. Ai No Corrida
03. Straight, No Chaser
04. Soul Bossa Nova
05. Bossa Nova U.S.A.
06. Killer Joe
07. Ironside
08. Hikky Burr
09. Everything Must Change
10. Body Heat
11. If I Ever Lose This Heaven
12. Stuff Like That
13. I'm Gonna Miss You in the Morning
14. Superwoman
15. Tell Me a Bedtime Story
16. Somethin' Special
17. Ai No Corrida
The Quincy Jones & Sammy Nestico
Orchestra - Basie & Beyond (2000)
01. Ya Gotta Try... Harder!
02. Belly Roll
03. Grace
04. The Joy Of Cookin'
05. Quintessence
06. How Sweet It Is
07. Hard Sock Dance
08. The Witching Hour
09. For Lena And Lennie
10. No Time Like The Present
11. Lisette
12. Out Of The Night
03. Grace
04. The Joy Of Cookin'
05. Quintessence
06. How Sweet It Is
07. Hard Sock Dance
08. The Witching Hour
09. For Lena And Lennie
10. No Time Like The Present
11. Lisette
12. Out Of The Night
Quincy Jones And Bill Cosby - The
Original Jam Session, 1969 (2004)
01. Hikky-Burr (Kincaid Kinfolk)
02. Groovy Gravy
03. Oh Happy Day
04. Jimmy Cookin' On Top (Interlude)
05. Toe Jam
06. Jive Den
07. Eubie Walkin'
08. Monty, Is That You?
09. The Drawing Room (Interlude)
10. Hikky-Burr (Featuring Bill Cosby)
11. Hikky-Burr (Mix Master Mike Remix)
03. Oh Happy Day
04. Jimmy Cookin' On Top (Interlude)
05. Toe Jam
06. Jive Den
07. Eubie Walkin'
08. Monty, Is That You?
09. The Drawing Room (Interlude)
10. Hikky-Burr (Featuring Bill Cosby)
11. Hikky-Burr (Mix Master Mike Remix)
Swinging The Big Band (2006)
01. Comin' Home Baby
02. Desafinado
03. Invitation
04. Hard Sock Dance
05. Quintessence
06. Bossa Nova
07. Straight, No Chaser
08. Chega De Saudade (No More Blues)
09. Baby Elephant Walk
10. Jive Samba
11 . Moanin'
12. I Never Has Seen Snow
13. Take Five
14. Samba De Uma Nota So
15. Strike Up The Band
16. The 'In' Crowd
17. Caravan
18. The Gentle Rain
03. Invitation
04. Hard Sock Dance
05. Quintessence
06. Bossa Nova
07. Straight, No Chaser
08. Chega De Saudade (No More Blues)
09. Baby Elephant Walk
10. Jive Samba
11 . Moanin'
12. I Never Has Seen Snow
13. Take Five
14. Samba De Uma Nota So
15. Strike Up The Band
16. The 'In' Crowd
17. Caravan
18. The Gentle Rain
The Quincy Jones ABC/Mercury Big Band Jazz Sessions, 1959-1961
(Box Set 2007)
CD 1.
01. Walkin'
02. A Sleeping Bee
03. Sermonette
04. Stockholm Sweetnin'
05. Evening In Paris
06. Boo's Bloos
07. The Quintessence
08. Robot Portrait
09. Little Karen
10. Straight, No Chaser
11. For Lena And Lennie
12. Hard Sock Dance
13. Invitation
14. The Twitch
02. A Sleeping Bee
03. Sermonette
04. Stockholm Sweetnin'
05. Evening In Paris
06. Boo's Bloos
07. The Quintessence
08. Robot Portrait
09. Little Karen
10. Straight, No Chaser
11. For Lena And Lennie
12. Hard Sock Dance
13. Invitation
14. The Twitch
CD 2.
01. The Birth Of A Band
02. Moanin'
03. I Remember Clifford
04. Along Came Betty
05. Tickle Toe
06. Happy Faces
07. Whisper Not
08. The Gypsy
09. A Change Of Pace
10. Tuxedo Junction
11. Daylie Double
12. Moanin' (Alt. Take)
13. Happy Faces (Alt. Take)
14. After Hours
15. Choo Choo Ch'Boogie
16. The Hucklebuck
17. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
18. The Preacher
19. Marching The Blues
20. Blues In The Night
21. Syncopated Clock
02. Moanin'
03. I Remember Clifford
04. Along Came Betty
05. Tickle Toe
06. Happy Faces
07. Whisper Not
08. The Gypsy
09. A Change Of Pace
10. Tuxedo Junction
11. Daylie Double
12. Moanin' (Alt. Take)
13. Happy Faces (Alt. Take)
14. After Hours
15. Choo Choo Ch'Boogie
16. The Hucklebuck
17. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
18. The Preacher
19. Marching The Blues
20. Blues In The Night
21. Syncopated Clock
CD 3.
01. Lester Leaps In
02. Ghana
03. Caravan
04. Everybody's Blues
05. Cherokee
06. Air Mail Special
07. They Say It's Wonderful
08. Chant Of The Weed
09. I Never Has Seen Snow
10. Eesom
11. Pleasingly Plump
12. G'wan Train
13. Moonglow
14. Tone Poem
15. You Turned The Tables On Me
16. Chinese Checkers
17. Love Is Here To Stay (I)
18. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
19. Trouble On My Mind
20. A Sunday Kind Of Love
21. Parisian Thoroughfare
22. Pleasingly Plump (1st Version)
23. G'wan Train (Short Version)
02. Ghana
03. Caravan
04. Everybody's Blues
05. Cherokee
06. Air Mail Special
07. They Say It's Wonderful
08. Chant Of The Weed
09. I Never Has Seen Snow
10. Eesom
11. Pleasingly Plump
12. G'wan Train
13. Moonglow
14. Tone Poem
15. You Turned The Tables On Me
16. Chinese Checkers
17. Love Is Here To Stay (I)
18. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
19. Trouble On My Mind
20. A Sunday Kind Of Love
21. Parisian Thoroughfare
22. Pleasingly Plump (1st Version)
23. G'wan Train (Short Version)
CD 4.
01. Solitude
02. Stolen Moments
03. Bess, You Is My Woman Now
04. Moanin'
05. Air Mail Special
06. Banja Luka (Phil Woods)
07. Billie's Bounce
08. Scrapple From The Apple
09. Blue 'N Boogie
02. Stolen Moments
03. Bess, You Is My Woman Now
04. Moanin'
05. Air Mail Special
06. Banja Luka (Phil Woods)
07. Billie's Bounce
08. Scrapple From The Apple
09. Blue 'N Boogie
CD 5.
01. Ghana
02. Meet B.B.
03. The Boy In The Tree
04. Evening In Paris
05. Air Mail Special
06. Lester Leaps In
07. G'wan Train
08. Banja Luka
09. I Had A Ball
10. Almost
11. Addie's At It Again
02. Meet B.B.
03. The Boy In The Tree
04. Evening In Paris
05. Air Mail Special
06. Lester Leaps In
07. G'wan Train
08. Banja Luka
09. I Had A Ball
10. Almost
11. Addie's At It Again
The Split, 1968 (2009)
01. Main Title
02. It's Just a Game, Love
03. Funny Money
What the Hell
04. Kifka Car Caper
05. A Good Woman's Love
06. Pussy Safe Negli
Half a Million Dollars
It's Just a Game, Love
07. Kifka, My Driver
08. Night Headlights
09. Hot Meter
10. Eleven O'Clock Time
Q.J. March
Frantic Fans
Let's Go
11. Clinger's Waiting
12. Celebration
13. Two People, Two Rents
14. Drawer Fulla Money
15. Fine Dead Lady
16. Pull the String
Drag Him Over, Escape
17. Shook Up Fuzz
Mac Let's Talk
18. It's Over
End Title Card
19. Main Title (Alternate)
20. End Title (Alternate)
03. Funny Money
What the Hell
04. Kifka Car Caper
05. A Good Woman's Love
06. Pussy Safe Negli
Half a Million Dollars
It's Just a Game, Love
07. Kifka, My Driver
08. Night Headlights
09. Hot Meter
10. Eleven O'Clock Time
Q.J. March
Frantic Fans
Let's Go
11. Clinger's Waiting
12. Celebration
13. Two People, Two Rents
14. Drawer Fulla Money
15. Fine Dead Lady
16. Pull the String
Drag Him Over, Escape
17. Shook Up Fuzz
Mac Let's Talk
18. It's Over
End Title Card
19. Main Title (Alternate)
20. End Title (Alternate)
Q - Soul Bossa Nostra (2010)
01. Ironside (Feat. Talib Kweli)
02. Strawberry Letter 23
(Feat. Akon)
03. Soul Bossa Nostra (Feat. Ludacris, Naturally 7 And Rudy Currence)
04. Give Me The Night (Feat. Jamie Foxx)
05. Tomorrow (Feat. John Legend)
06. You Put A Move On My Heart (Feat. Jennifer Hudson)
07. Get The Funk Out Of My Face (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
08. Secret Garden (Feat. Usher, Robin Thicke, Tyrese Gibson, LL Cool J, Tevin Campbell And Barry White)
09. Betcha Wouldn't Hurt Me (Feat. Mary J. Blige, Q-Tip & Alfredo Rodriguez)
10. Everything Must Change (Feat. Bebe Winans)
11. Many Rains Ago (Oluwa) (Feat. Wyclef Jean)
12. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) (Feat. T-Pain And Robin Thicke)
13. It's My Party (Feat. Amy Winehouse)
14. Hikky-Burr (Feat. Three 6 Mafia And David Banner)
15. Sanford And Son (Feat. T.I., B.O.B., Prince Charlez And Mohombi)
03. Soul Bossa Nostra (Feat. Ludacris, Naturally 7 And Rudy Currence)
04. Give Me The Night (Feat. Jamie Foxx)
05. Tomorrow (Feat. John Legend)
06. You Put A Move On My Heart (Feat. Jennifer Hudson)
07. Get The Funk Out Of My Face (Feat. Snoop Dogg)
08. Secret Garden (Feat. Usher, Robin Thicke, Tyrese Gibson, LL Cool J, Tevin Campbell And Barry White)
09. Betcha Wouldn't Hurt Me (Feat. Mary J. Blige, Q-Tip & Alfredo Rodriguez)
10. Everything Must Change (Feat. Bebe Winans)
11. Many Rains Ago (Oluwa) (Feat. Wyclef Jean)
12. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) (Feat. T-Pain And Robin Thicke)
13. It's My Party (Feat. Amy Winehouse)
14. Hikky-Burr (Feat. Three 6 Mafia And David Banner)
15. Sanford And Son (Feat. T.I., B.O.B., Prince Charlez And Mohombi)
Complete Recordings 1955-1959 (Box Set 2013)
CD 1.
'Jazz Abroad' With Roy Haynes', 1955, Originally Mercury LP
01. Pogo Stick
02. Liza
03. Jones Bones
04. Sometimes I'm Happy
05. Little Leona
06. Miss Mopsy
07. Gone Again
08. Hagnes
'This Is Ноw I Feel About Jazz', Originally ABC LP 149.
09. Walkin'
10. Stockholm Sweetnin'
11. Evening In Paris
12. Sermonette
13. ASIeepin' Bee
14. Boo's Blues
01. Pogo Stick
02. Liza
03. Jones Bones
04. Sometimes I'm Happy
05. Little Leona
06. Miss Mopsy
07. Gone Again
08. Hagnes
'This Is Ноw I Feel About Jazz', Originally ABC LP 149.
09. Walkin'
10. Stockholm Sweetnin'
11. Evening In Paris
12. Sermonette
13. ASIeepin' Bee
14. Boo's Blues
CD 2.
'Go West, Man!', 1957, Originally ABC LP 186.
01. Dancing Pants
02. Blues Day
03. Bright Moon
04. No Bones At All
05. The Oom Is Blues
06. Be My Guest
07. Medley:
What's New
We'll Be Together Again
Time on My Hands
You Go To My Head
08. London Derriere
09. King's Road Blues
'Last Night When We Were Young' with Art Farmer, 1957, Originally ABC LP 200.
10. Two Sleepy People
11. Someone To Watch Over Me
12. I Concentrate On You
13. III Wind
14. Last Night When We Were Young
15. Out Of This World
16. When I Fall In Love
17. Tangerine
18. What's Good About Goodbye
01. Dancing Pants
02. Blues Day
03. Bright Moon
04. No Bones At All
05. The Oom Is Blues
06. Be My Guest
07. Medley:
What's New
We'll Be Together Again
Time on My Hands
You Go To My Head
08. London Derriere
09. King's Road Blues
'Last Night When We Were Young' with Art Farmer, 1957, Originally ABC LP 200.
10. Two Sleepy People
11. Someone To Watch Over Me
12. I Concentrate On You
13. III Wind
14. Last Night When We Were Young
15. Out Of This World
16. When I Fall In Love
17. Tangerine
18. What's Good About Goodbye
CD 3.
'Harry Arnold + Quincy Jones = Jazz!', 1958, Originally Mercury
LP 80006.
01. Quincy's Home Again
02. Midnight Sun Never Sets
03. Cherokee
04. Count 'em
05. Brief Encounter
06. Room 608
07. Kinda Blues
08. Meet Benny Bailey
09. Doodlin'
'The Birth Of A Band', 1959, Originally Mercury LP 60129.
10. The Birth Of A Band
11. Moanin'
12. I Remember Clifford
13. Along Came Betty
14. Tickle Toe
15. Happy Faces
16. Whisper Not
17. The Gypsy
18. A Change Of Pace
19. Tuxedo Junction
01. Quincy's Home Again
02. Midnight Sun Never Sets
03. Cherokee
04. Count 'em
05. Brief Encounter
06. Room 608
07. Kinda Blues
08. Meet Benny Bailey
09. Doodlin'
'The Birth Of A Band', 1959, Originally Mercury LP 60129.
10. The Birth Of A Band
11. Moanin'
12. I Remember Clifford
13. Along Came Betty
14. Tickle Toe
15. Happy Faces
16. Whisper Not
17. The Gypsy
18. A Change Of Pace
19. Tuxedo Junction
CD 4.
'The Birth Of A Band Vol. 2', 1984, Originally Mercury Japan
Only LP I95J-30.
01. Syncopated Clock
02. Choo Choo Ch-Boogie
03. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
04. The Preacher
05. Marchin' The Blues
06. Moanin'
07. Happy Faces
08. Daylie Double
09. Pleasingly Plump
10. A Parisian Thoroughfare
11. G'wan Train
'The Great Wide World Of Quincy Jones', 1959, Originally Mercury LP 60221.
12. Lester Leaps In
13. Ghana
14. Caravan
15. Everybody's Blues
16. Cherokee
17. Air Mail Special
18. They Say It's Wonderful
19. Chant Of The Weed
20. I Never Has Seen Snow
21. Eesom
01. Syncopated Clock
02. Choo Choo Ch-Boogie
03. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
04. The Preacher
05. Marchin' The Blues
06. Moanin'
07. Happy Faces
08. Daylie Double
09. Pleasingly Plump
10. A Parisian Thoroughfare
11. G'wan Train
'The Great Wide World Of Quincy Jones', 1959, Originally Mercury LP 60221.
12. Lester Leaps In
13. Ghana
14. Caravan
15. Everybody's Blues
16. Cherokee
17. Air Mail Special
18. They Say It's Wonderful
19. Chant Of The Weed
20. I Never Has Seen Snow
21. Eesom
Complete Recordings 1960-1962 (Box Set 2014)
CD 1.
01. Pleasingly Plump
02. G'Wan Train
03. Moonglow
04. Tone Poem
05. You Turned the Tables on Me
06. Chinese Checkers
07. Our Love is Here to Stay
08. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
09. Trouble on My Mind
10. A Sunday Kind of Love
11. Hot Sake
12. Strike Up the Band
13. Africana
14. Meadowlands
15. Rico Vacilon
16. Under Paris Skies
17. Mack the Knife
18. Manolete De Espana
19. Baia (Brazil)
20. Come Back to Sorrento
21. Dear Old Stockholm
02. G'Wan Train
03. Moonglow
04. Tone Poem
05. You Turned the Tables on Me
06. Chinese Checkers
07. Our Love is Here to Stay
08. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set
09. Trouble on My Mind
10. A Sunday Kind of Love
11. Hot Sake
12. Strike Up the Band
13. Africana
14. Meadowlands
15. Rico Vacilon
16. Under Paris Skies
17. Mack the Knife
18. Manolete De Espana
19. Baia (Brazil)
20. Come Back to Sorrento
21. Dear Old Stockholm
CD 2.
01. Meet B.B.
02. The Boy in the Tree
03. Evening in Paris
04. Air Mail Special
05. Lester Leaps In
06. G'Wan Train
07. Banja Luka
08. Ghana
09. Air Mail Special
10. Banja Luka
11. Bess, You is My Women Now
12. Solitude
13. Stolen Moments
14. Moanin'
02. The Boy in the Tree
03. Evening in Paris
04. Air Mail Special
05. Lester Leaps In
06. G'Wan Train
07. Banja Luka
08. Ghana
09. Air Mail Special
10. Banja Luka
11. Bess, You is My Women Now
12. Solitude
13. Stolen Moments
14. Moanin'
CD 3.
01. Main Title
02. The Boy in the Tree
03. Crucifixion March
04. Fulla' Fira
05. The Quintessence
06. Robot Portrait
07. Little Karen
08. Straight, No Chaser
09. For Lena and Lennie
10. Hard Sock Dance
11. Invitation
12. The Twitch
13. Alright, Okay, You Win
14. I'm Falling For You, Fool That I Am
Everything I Have is For You
15. In the Still of the Night
16. Don't Get Around Much Anymore
I'm Just a Lucky So and So
Sophisticated Lady
17. Work Song
18. Ma (She's Making Eyes At Me)
02. The Boy in the Tree
03. Crucifixion March
04. Fulla' Fira
05. The Quintessence
06. Robot Portrait
07. Little Karen
08. Straight, No Chaser
09. For Lena and Lennie
10. Hard Sock Dance
11. Invitation
12. The Twitch
13. Alright, Okay, You Win
14. I'm Falling For You, Fool That I Am
Everything I Have is For You
15. In the Still of the Night
16. Don't Get Around Much Anymore
I'm Just a Lucky So and So
Sophisticated Lady
17. Work Song
18. Ma (She's Making Eyes At Me)
CD 4.
01. Soul Bossa Nova
02. Boogie Stop Shuffle
03. Desafinado
04. Manha De Carnaval
05. Se E Tarde Me Pardoa
06. On the Street Where You Live
07. Samba De Uma Nota So
08. Lalo Bossa Nova
09. Serenata
10. Chega De Saudade
11. You're Mine You
12. The Best Is Yet To Come
13. Witchcraft
14. The Second Time Around
15. I Could Write a Book
16. Maria
17. Baubles, Bangles and Beads
18. Fly Me to the Moon
19. So Long
20. On Green Dolphin Street
02. Boogie Stop Shuffle
03. Desafinado
04. Manha De Carnaval
05. Se E Tarde Me Pardoa
06. On the Street Where You Live
07. Samba De Uma Nota So
08. Lalo Bossa Nova
09. Serenata
10. Chega De Saudade
11. You're Mine You
12. The Best Is Yet To Come
13. Witchcraft
14. The Second Time Around
15. I Could Write a Book
16. Maria
17. Baubles, Bangles and Beads
18. Fly Me to the Moon
19. So Long
20. On Green Dolphin Street
The Cinema Of Quincy Jones (Box Set 2016)
CD 1.
The Pawnbroker.
01. Theme from The Pawnbroker
02. Main Title
03. Harlem Drive
04. The Naked Truth
05. Otez' Night Off
06. Theme from The Pawnbroker (Instrumental Version)
07. How Come, You People! (Dialogue By Rod Steiger)
08. Rack 'Em Up
09. Death Scene
10. End Title
11. Theme from The Pawnbroker
The Slender Thread.
12. Preludium (Main Title Part II)
13. Main Theme (Main Title Part I)
14. Threadbare (Main Title Part III)
15. Aftermath
16. Fox's Sugar
17. Funny Farm
18. Theme for Inga
19. Psychosis
20. No Places to Go
21. Big Sir
01. Theme from The Pawnbroker
02. Main Title
03. Harlem Drive
04. The Naked Truth
05. Otez' Night Off
06. Theme from The Pawnbroker (Instrumental Version)
07. How Come, You People! (Dialogue By Rod Steiger)
08. Rack 'Em Up
09. Death Scene
10. End Title
11. Theme from The Pawnbroker
The Slender Thread.
12. Preludium (Main Title Part II)
13. Main Theme (Main Title Part I)
14. Threadbare (Main Title Part III)
15. Aftermath
16. Fox's Sugar
17. Funny Farm
18. Theme for Inga
19. Psychosis
20. No Places to Go
21. Big Sir
CD 2.
01. Mirage (Vocal Version)
02. Boobie Baby
03. Shoot to Kill
04. Dead Duck
05. Purple Prose
06. Main Title
07. Mirage (Instrumental Version)
08. Turtle's Last Lap
09. A Shot in the Park
10. Kinda Scary
11. End Title
The Deadly Affair.
12. Who Needs Forever
13. Dieter's First Mistake
14. Intrumental Main Theme (I)
15. Postcard Signed 'S' - Mendel Tails Elsa - Ticket to 'S'
16. Intrumental Main Theme (II)
17. Don't Fly If It's Foggy
18. Blondie-Tails
19. Intrumental Main Theme (III)
20. Ridiculous Scene
21. Body on Elevator
22. Bobb's at Gunpoint
23. End Title
01. Mirage (Vocal Version)
02. Boobie Baby
03. Shoot to Kill
04. Dead Duck
05. Purple Prose
06. Main Title
07. Mirage (Instrumental Version)
08. Turtle's Last Lap
09. A Shot in the Park
10. Kinda Scary
11. End Title
The Deadly Affair.
12. Who Needs Forever
13. Dieter's First Mistake
14. Intrumental Main Theme (I)
15. Postcard Signed 'S' - Mendel Tails Elsa - Ticket to 'S'
16. Intrumental Main Theme (II)
17. Don't Fly If It's Foggy
18. Blondie-Tails
19. Intrumental Main Theme (III)
20. Ridiculous Scene
21. Body on Elevator
22. Bobb's at Gunpoint
23. End Title
CD 3.
In The Heat Of The Night.
01. In the Heat of the Night
02. Peep-Freak Patrol Car
03. Cotton Curtain
04. Where Whitey Ain't Around
05. Whipping Boy
06. No You Won't
07. Nitty Gritty Time
08. It Sure is Groovy!
09. Bowlegged Polly
10. Shag Bag, Hounds & Harvey
11. Chief's Drive to Mayor
12. Give Me Until Morning
13. On Your Feet, Boy!
14. Blood & Roots
15. Mama Caleba's Blues
16. Foul Owl
In Cold Blood.
17. In Cold Blood
18. Clutter Family Theme
19. Hangin' Paper
20. Down Clutter's Lane
21. Seduction
22. Perry's Theme
23. Lonely Bottles
24. No Witnesses
25. I'll Have to Kill You
26. Nina
27. Murder Scene
28. The Corner
01. In the Heat of the Night
02. Peep-Freak Patrol Car
03. Cotton Curtain
04. Where Whitey Ain't Around
05. Whipping Boy
06. No You Won't
07. Nitty Gritty Time
08. It Sure is Groovy!
09. Bowlegged Polly
10. Shag Bag, Hounds & Harvey
11. Chief's Drive to Mayor
12. Give Me Until Morning
13. On Your Feet, Boy!
14. Blood & Roots
15. Mama Caleba's Blues
16. Foul Owl
In Cold Blood.
17. In Cold Blood
18. Clutter Family Theme
19. Hangin' Paper
20. Down Clutter's Lane
21. Seduction
22. Perry's Theme
23. Lonely Bottles
24. No Witnesses
25. I'll Have to Kill You
26. Nina
27. Murder Scene
28. The Corner
CD 4.
Walk Don't Run.
01. Happy Feet
02. Stay with Me
03. Copy Cat (Wack A Doo)
04. Happy Feet
05. Papa San
06. Abso-Bleedin'-Lutely
07. Stay With Me
08. One More Time
09. 20th Century Drawers
10. Locked Out
11. Happy Feet (Reprise)
12. Rabelasian Rutland
13. One More Time (Reprise)
The Italian Job.
14. On Days Like These
15. Something's Cookin'
16. Hello Mrs. Beckerman!
17. Britannia and Mr. Bridger, If You Please
18. Trouble for Charlie
19. On Days Like These
20. It's Caper Time
21. Meanwhile, Back at the Mafia
22. Smell That Gold
23. Greensleeves and All That Jazz
24. On Days Like These
25. Getta Bloomin' Move On! - The Italian Job
01. Happy Feet
02. Stay with Me
03. Copy Cat (Wack A Doo)
04. Happy Feet
05. Papa San
06. Abso-Bleedin'-Lutely
07. Stay With Me
08. One More Time
09. 20th Century Drawers
10. Locked Out
11. Happy Feet (Reprise)
12. Rabelasian Rutland
13. One More Time (Reprise)
The Italian Job.
14. On Days Like These
15. Something's Cookin'
16. Hello Mrs. Beckerman!
17. Britannia and Mr. Bridger, If You Please
18. Trouble for Charlie
19. On Days Like These
20. It's Caper Time
21. Meanwhile, Back at the Mafia
22. Smell That Gold
23. Greensleeves and All That Jazz
24. On Days Like These
25. Getta Bloomin' Move On! - The Italian Job
CD 5.
The Lost Man.
01. Main Title
02. Sweet Soul Sister
03. Slum Creeper
04. Rap, Run It on Down
05. He Says He Loves Me
06. Main Squeeze
07. Try, Try, Try
08. Need to Be Needed
09. Up Against the Wall
10. He'll Wash You Whiter Than Snow
11. End Title
John & Mary.
12. Maybe Tomorrow
13. Bump In the Night
14. Main Title
15. Silent Movies
16. Maybe Tomorrow
17. Lost In Space
18. Maybe Tomorrow
The Getaway.
19. Love Theme
20. Love Theme (Faraway Forever)
01. Main Title
02. Sweet Soul Sister
03. Slum Creeper
04. Rap, Run It on Down
05. He Says He Loves Me
06. Main Squeeze
07. Try, Try, Try
08. Need to Be Needed
09. Up Against the Wall
10. He'll Wash You Whiter Than Snow
11. End Title
John & Mary.
12. Maybe Tomorrow
13. Bump In the Night
14. Main Title
15. Silent Movies
16. Maybe Tomorrow
17. Lost In Space
18. Maybe Tomorrow
The Getaway.
19. Love Theme
20. Love Theme (Faraway Forever)
CD 6.
01. Soul Bossa Nova
02. They Call Me Mister Tibbs!: Call Me Mister Tibbs!
03. Cactus Flower: The Time for Love Is Anytime
04. The Anderson Tapes: Theme from The Anderson Tapes
05. The Out of Towners: The Out of Towners (Main Title)
06. The Split: The Split (Main Title)
07. The Split: It's Just a Game, Love
08. The Split: Funny Money - End Title Card
09. The Wiz: Is This What Feeling Gets?
10. Ironside
11. Eyes of Love (Banning)
12. Hikky-Burr
13. A Dandy in Aspic: The Spell You Spin (The Web You Weave)
14. Sandford and Son Theme
15. The Color Purple: Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)
16. Dollars: Money Is
17. Roots: Many Rains Ago (Oluwa)
18. The Q Cinema Suite:
In the Heat of the Night
Walk Don't Run
The Deadly Affair
The Color Purple - Ironside
02. They Call Me Mister Tibbs!: Call Me Mister Tibbs!
03. Cactus Flower: The Time for Love Is Anytime
04. The Anderson Tapes: Theme from The Anderson Tapes
05. The Out of Towners: The Out of Towners (Main Title)
06. The Split: The Split (Main Title)
07. The Split: It's Just a Game, Love
08. The Split: Funny Money - End Title Card
09. The Wiz: Is This What Feeling Gets?
10. Ironside
11. Eyes of Love (Banning)
12. Hikky-Burr
13. A Dandy in Aspic: The Spell You Spin (The Web You Weave)
14. Sandford and Son Theme
15. The Color Purple: Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)
16. Dollars: Money Is
17. Roots: Many Rains Ago (Oluwa)
18. The Q Cinema Suite:
In the Heat of the Night
Walk Don't Run
The Deadly Affair
The Color Purple - Ironside
The Great Wide World Of...Quincy Jones! 1959 (2019)
01. Air Mail Special
02. Banja Luka
03. Bess, You is My Woman Now
04. Solitude
05. Stolen Moments
06. Moanin'
07. A Parisian Thoroughfare
08. G'wan Train
09. Lester Leaps In
10. Ghana
11. Caravan
12. Everybody's Blues
13. Cherokee (Indian Love Song)
14. Air Mail Special
15. They Say It's Wonderful
16. Chant Of The Weed
17. I Never Has Seen Snow
18. Eesom
03. Bess, You is My Woman Now
04. Solitude
05. Stolen Moments
06. Moanin'
07. A Parisian Thoroughfare
08. G'wan Train
09. Lester Leaps In
10. Ghana
11. Caravan
12. Everybody's Blues
13. Cherokee (Indian Love Song)
14. Air Mail Special
15. They Say It's Wonderful
16. Chant Of The Weed
17. I Never Has Seen Snow
18. Eesom
The Italian Job, 1969 (2019)
01. On Days Like These
02. Something's Cookin'
03. Hello Mrs. Beckerman!
04. Britannia and Mr. Bridger - If You Please
05. Trouble for Charlie 9
06. On Days Like These (Instrumental)
07. It's Caper Time (Self Preservation Society - Instrumental)
08. Meanwhile, Back at the Mafia
09. Smell That Gold!
10. Greensleeves and All That Jazz
11. On Days Like These (Reprise)
12. Getta Bloomin' Move On! (Self Preservation Society - Vocal)
13. On Days Like These (Film Version)
14. Altabani's Footsteps
15. Something's Cookin'
16. Bosso-Angelia (Coming Out Party)
17. Hello, Mrs. Beckersman!
18. Too Loo Two Procession and The British Grenadiers
Britannia and Mr. Bridger, If You Please No. 1
Rule Britannia
19. Greensleeves and All That Jazz
20. Britannia and Mr. Bridger, If You Please No. 2
God Save the Queen
21. Arrange a Funeral
22. Convoy to Mafia
23. Trouble for Charlie
24. Smell That Gold
25. Meanwhile, Back in the Mafia
26. It's Caper Time
27. Bang Bang (Getta Bloomin' Move On!)
28. Coach to Fatal Skid / End Title
29. On Days Like These (Alternate)
30. On Days Like These (French Version)
31. Getta Bloomin' Move On (Self Preservation Society - Vocal) (Single Version)
32. On Days Like These (Single Version)
03. Hello Mrs. Beckerman!
04. Britannia and Mr. Bridger - If You Please
05. Trouble for Charlie 9
06. On Days Like These (Instrumental)
07. It's Caper Time (Self Preservation Society - Instrumental)
08. Meanwhile, Back at the Mafia
09. Smell That Gold!
10. Greensleeves and All That Jazz
11. On Days Like These (Reprise)
12. Getta Bloomin' Move On! (Self Preservation Society - Vocal)
13. On Days Like These (Film Version)
14. Altabani's Footsteps
15. Something's Cookin'
16. Bosso-Angelia (Coming Out Party)
17. Hello, Mrs. Beckersman!
18. Too Loo Two Procession and The British Grenadiers
Britannia and Mr. Bridger, If You Please No. 1
Rule Britannia
19. Greensleeves and All That Jazz
20. Britannia and Mr. Bridger, If You Please No. 2
God Save the Queen
21. Arrange a Funeral
22. Convoy to Mafia
23. Trouble for Charlie
24. Smell That Gold
25. Meanwhile, Back in the Mafia
26. It's Caper Time
27. Bang Bang (Getta Bloomin' Move On!)
28. Coach to Fatal Skid / End Title
29. On Days Like These (Alternate)
30. On Days Like These (French Version)
31. Getta Bloomin' Move On (Self Preservation Society - Vocal) (Single Version)
32. On Days Like These (Single Version)
Ray Haynes And Quincy Jones - Jazz
Abroad (2019)
01. Pogo Stick
02. Liza
03. Jones Bones
04. Sometimes I'm Happy
05. Little Leona
06. Miss Mopsy
07. Gone Again
08. Hagnes
03. Jones Bones
04. Sometimes I'm Happy
05. Little Leona
06. Miss Mopsy
07. Gone Again
08. Hagnes
Quincy Jones And His Orchestra - Newport, 1961 (2019)
01. Meet B.B.
02. The Boy in the Tree
03. Evening in Paris
04. Air Mail Special
05. Lester Leaps In
06. G'Wan Train
07. Banja Luka
08. Ghana
03. Evening in Paris
04. Air Mail Special
05. Lester Leaps In
06. G'Wan Train
07. Banja Luka
08. Ghana

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