Pouco tempo depois a banda mudou seus membros e também seu nome e passaram a ser denominados de The Mockingbirds, integrado pelo cantor e guitarrista Graham Gouldman, Stephen Jacobson como guitarrista, Bernard Basso como baixista e Kevin Godley como baterista, que anteriormente tocava no conjunto The Sabres, juntamente como Lol Creme. Como The Mockingbirds gravaram cinco singles entre 1965 a 1966, mas não alcançaram nenhum sucesso, e assim sendo resolveram dissolver a banda.
Pouco tempo depois da dissolução de The Mockingbirds, Kevin Godley e Lol Creme resolveram gravar umas músicas na CBS UK, sob o nome de The Yellow Room Boom e pouco tempo depois conseguiram chamar a atenção do produtor Giorgio Gomelskly que ficou impressionado com o falsete de Kevin Godley, resolveu contratá-los e desta forma começaram a galgar um pouco de sucesso, e também conhecer gente importante do mundo musical.
Por outro lado Graham Gouldman também começou a fazer sucesso, e finalmente em 1970 eles formaram uma nova banda denominada Hotlegs e gravaram o seu primeiro LP denominado "Thinks: School Stings", um álbum duplo contendo nove músicas no primeiro disco e o outro com 13 faixas, e chegando as paradas de sucesso com a música "Neanderthal Man".
Em meados de 1972 a banda assina contrato com a Jonathan King UK e finalmente começam a empregar o nome de 10cc, com esse nome a banda lança o disco homônimo em 1973 que alcançou algum sucesso com canções como a regravação de "Donna" de Richie Valens.
Porém foi em 1974 que a banda mostraria de uma vez por todas as suas potencialidades com o excelente "Sheet Music". Neste discos estão todas as marcas que tornariam o 10cc uma das maiores referências do rock inglês em meados dos anos 70: guitarra aveludadas típicas dos grupos do soft rock, harmonia vocais esplêndidas e variações de ritmo e melodia dentro de uma mesma canção.
Vale lembrar que os 4 membros da banda eram multi instrumentistas e compositores de primeira linha (Gouldman havia composto vários hits anos anos 60 como "Bus Stop" do The Hollies e "For Your Love" dos Yardbirds). Isto proporcionava uma grande versatilidade para a banda. Stewart e Gouldman queriam que a banda investisse numa sonoridade mais pop, enquanto Godley e Creme pensavam numa sonoridade mais experimental para o grupo. "Sheet Music" é o trabalho no qual a banda consegue "temperar" sua faceta pop com o experimentalismo na doce certa e assim sair com um conjunto de canções inesquecíveis, provavelmente as melhores de sua carreira.
Em "Wall Street Shuffle" (a mais conhecida do álbum 10º lugar nas paradas inglesas) , "Silly Love" e "Oh Effendi" a banda se mostra capaz de aventurar com naturalidade por Rocks mais tradicionais quando quer.
"Clockwork Creep", com seu teclado infantil, recria o dialogo entre um jato e uma bomba, fazendo ainda referências ao vodu. Os teclados espaciais no inicio de "Hotel", fazem parecer que o disco vai embarcar num Stonehenge, porém a canção rapidamente é tomada por um ritmo de rock latino que também domina a boa "Baron Samedi".
A faceta mais progressiva da banda se torna evidente na cinematográfica "Somewhere In Hollywood" onde os teclados dão a tônica da canção. Harmonias luminosas se destacam em "The Worst Band In The World", talvez a mais irônica canção já composta por um grupo de Rock e na elegia acústica de "The Sacro-Illiac" onde Gouldman e Stewart inventam uma nova dança para os que não sabem dançar.
Na balada "Old Wild Man " aparece pela primeira vez o Gizmo um aparelho criado por Godley e Creme para ser acoplado a guitarra e que permite emular o som de diversos instrumentos. Este apetrecho fica em primeiro plano na instrumental "Gizmo My Way" que foi lançada apenas em single como lado b do rock enérgico de "18 Carat Of Man" que aparece no álbum somente em relançamento posteriores.
Com a formação original seriam gravado ainda os bons "Original Soundtrack" de 1975 e "How Dare You!" de 1976. Após esse disco devido a divergências musicais Creme e Godley saem do grupo que vivencia então um constante entra e sai de integrantes. Desde 1999, Gouldman tem feito uma turnê com uma versão da banda formada por Rick Fenn, Paul Burgess, Mick Wilson, Mike Stevens e/ou Keith Hayman, com aparições ocasionais de Kevin Godley como convidado. Texto: Elias Rodigues Emídio (Whiplash).

Bitrate: 192Kbps.
Hotlegs - Thinks: School Stinks (1971)
02. How Many Times (4:20)
03. Desperate Dan (2:22)
04. Take Me Back (5:04)
05. Um Wah, Um Woh (5:12)
06. Suite F.A. (12:53)
07. Fly Away (2:48)
08. Run Baby Run (2:56)
09. All God's Children (3:59)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
10cc (1973)
02. Donna (2:55)
03. Johnny, Don't Do It (3:40)
04. Sand In My Face (3:39)
05. Speed Kills (3:50)
06. The Dean And I (3:04)
07. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They) (3:06)
08. The Hospital Song (2:43)
09. Fresh Air For My Momma (3:06)
10. Headline Hustler (3:33)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Hot Sun Rock (3:02)
12. 4% Of Something (4:02)
13. Waterfall (3:43)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Sheet Music (1974)
02. The Worst Band In The World (2:48)
03. Hotel (4:54)
04. Old Wild Men (3:21)
05. Clockwork Creep (2:46)
06. Silly Love (4:02)
07. Somewhere In Hollywood (6:40)
08. Baron Samedi (3:46)
09. The Sacro-Iliac (2:34)
10. Oh Effendi (2:51)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Bee In My Bonnet (2:04)
12. Gismo My Way (3:47)
13. 18 Carat Man Of Means (3:27)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Original Soundtrack (1975)
02. I'm Not In Love (6:09)
03. Blackmail (4:33)
04. The Second Sitting For The Last Supper (4:31)
05. Brand New Day (4:05)
06. Flying Junk (4:16)
07. Life Is A Minestrone (4:48)
08. The Film Of My Love (5:09)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Channel Swimmer (2:54)
10. Good News (3:54)
11. Life Is A Minestrone (Single Edit) (4:30)
12. I'm Not In Love (Single Edit) (3:46)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
100cc: Greatest Hits Of 10cc (Coletânea 1975)
02. The Worst Band In The World (2:48)
03. Hotel (4:53)
04. Old Wild Men (3:20)
05. Clockwork Creep (2:44)
06. Silly Love (4:00)
07. Somewhere In Hollywood (6:38)
08. Baron Samedi (3:45)
09. The Sacro-iliac (2:32)
10. Oh Effendi (2:51)
11. Johhny Don't Do It (3:38)
12. Sand In My Face (3:39)
13. Donna (2:56)
14. The Dean And I (3:05)
15. Headline Hustler (3:33)
16. Speed Kills (3:50)
17. Rubber Bullets (5:15)
18. The Hospital Song (2:43)
19. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They?) (3:06)
20. Fresh Air For My Mama (3:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
How Dare You! (1976)
02. Lazy Ways (4:21)
03. I Wanna Rule The World (3:58)
04. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:22)
05. Iceberg (3:46)
06. Art For Arts Sake (6:01)
07. Rock 'n' Roll Lullaby (4:00)
08. Head Room (4:23)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Don't Hang Up (6:21)
10. Art For Art's Sake (Single Edit) (4:12)
11. Get It While You Can (2:55)
12. I'm Mandy Fly Me (Single Edit) (4:41)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Deceptive Bends (1977)
02. The Things We Do For Love (3:29)
03. Marriage Bureau Rendezvous (4:06)
04. People In Love (3:49)
05. Modern Man Blues (5:33)
06. Honeymoon With B Troop (2:49)
07. I Bought A Flat Guitar Tutor (1:48)
08. You've Got A Cold (3:37)
09. Feel The Benefit (Parts 1, 2, And 3) (11:32)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Hot To Trot (4:29)
11. Don't Squeeze Me Like Toothpaste (3:37)
12. I'm So Laid Back, I'm Laid Out (3:48)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Concert (1977)
02. You've Got A Cold (3:49)
03. The Things We Do For Love (3:55)
04. Art For Arts Sake (8:11)
05. People In Love (4:11)
06. Wall Street Shuffle (4:02)
07. I'm Mandy Fly Me (6:01)
08. Marriage Bureau Rendezvous (4:18)
09. Good Morning Judge (2:54)
10. Honeymoon With B Troop (2:48)
11. Waterfall (7:53)
12. I'm Not In Love (6:03)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live And Let Live (1977)
01. The Second Sitting For The Last Supper (5:22)
02. You've Got A Cold (3:57)
03. Honeymoon With B Troop (3:56)
04. Art For Art's Sake (7:11)
05. People In Love (4:08)
06. Wall Street Shuffle (4:20)
07. Ship's Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They) (7:38)
08. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:56)
09. Marriage Bureau Rendezvous (4:25)
CD 2.
01. Good Morgning Judge (3:10)
02. Feel The Benefit (13:28)
03. The Things We Do For Love (3:54)
04. Waterfall (7:52)
05. I'm Not In Love (6:04)
06. Modern Man Blues (9:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bloody Tourists (1978)
01. Dreadlock Holiday (4:29)
02. For You And I (5:19)
03. Take These Chains (2:37)
04. Shock On The Tube (Don't Want Love) (3:41)
05. Last Night (3:12)
06. The Anonymous Alcoholic (5:40)
07. Reds in My Bed (4:11)
08. Life Line (3:27)
09. Tokyo (4:30)
10. Old Mister Time (4:31)
11. From Rochdale To Ocho Rios (3:45)
12. Everything You've Wanted To Know About!!! (Exclamation Marks) (4:28)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Dreadlock Holiday (Long Version) (5:01)
14. Nothing Can Move (4:04)
15. For You And I (DJ Edit) (3:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Look Hear? (1980)
01. One-Two-Five (5:16)
02. Welcome To The World (3:43)
03. How'm I Ever Gonna Say Goodbye (3:39)
04. Don't Send We Back (3:20)
05. I Took You Home (5:15)
06. It Doesn't Matter At All (4:03)
07. Dressed To Kill (3:30)
08. Lovers Anonymous (5:09)
09. I Hate To Eat Alone (2:56)
10. Strange Lover (3:43)
11. L.A. Inflatable (4:35)
Bonus Tracks.
12. One-Two-Five (Single Edit) (4:06)
13. Only Child (3:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ten Out Of 10 (1981)
01. Don't Ask (4:03)
02. Overdraft In Overdrive (3:26)
03. Don't Turn Me Away (5:07)
04. Memories (4:34)
05. Notell Hotel (4:58)
06. Les Nouveaux Riches (5:14)
07. Action Man In A Motown Suit (4:46)
08. Listen With Your Eyes (3:15)
09. Lying Here With You (3:24)
10. Survivor (5:50)
Bonus Tracks.
11. The Power Of Love (4:15)
12. Memories (Us Mix) (4:28)
13. We've Heard It All Before (3:37)
14. Tomorrow's World Today (3:16)
15. Runaway (4:05)
16. Les Nouveaux Riches (Single Mix) (4:38)
17. You're Coming Home Again (4:29)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Windows In The Jungle (1983)
01. 24 Hours (8:09)
02. Feel The Love (Oomachasaooma) (5:09)
03. Yes, I Am (6:01)
04. Americana Panorama (3:44)
05. City Lights (3:32)
06. Food For Thought (3:34)
07. Working Girls (4:27)
08. Taxi! Taxi! (7:41)
Bonus Tracks.
09. 24 Hours (Radio Edit) (4:26)
10. Dreadlock Holiday (Live) (5:00)
11. I'm Not In Love (Live) (6:38)
12. Feel The Love (Radio Edit) (3:48)
13. She Gives Me Pain (2:16)
14. Food For Thought (Radio Edit) (3:24)
15. The Secret Life Of Henry (6:10)
02. You've Got A Cold (3:57)
03. Honeymoon With B Troop (3:56)
04. Art For Art's Sake (7:11)
05. People In Love (4:08)
06. Wall Street Shuffle (4:20)
07. Ship's Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They) (7:38)
08. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:56)
09. Marriage Bureau Rendezvous (4:25)
CD 2.
01. Good Morgning Judge (3:10)
02. Feel The Benefit (13:28)
03. The Things We Do For Love (3:54)
04. Waterfall (7:52)
05. I'm Not In Love (6:04)
06. Modern Man Blues (9:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bloody Tourists (1978)
02. For You And I (5:19)
03. Take These Chains (2:37)
04. Shock On The Tube (Don't Want Love) (3:41)
05. Last Night (3:12)
06. The Anonymous Alcoholic (5:40)
07. Reds in My Bed (4:11)
08. Life Line (3:27)
09. Tokyo (4:30)
10. Old Mister Time (4:31)
11. From Rochdale To Ocho Rios (3:45)
12. Everything You've Wanted To Know About!!! (Exclamation Marks) (4:28)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Dreadlock Holiday (Long Version) (5:01)
14. Nothing Can Move (4:04)
15. For You And I (DJ Edit) (3:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Look Hear? (1980)
02. Welcome To The World (3:43)
03. How'm I Ever Gonna Say Goodbye (3:39)
04. Don't Send We Back (3:20)
05. I Took You Home (5:15)
06. It Doesn't Matter At All (4:03)
07. Dressed To Kill (3:30)
08. Lovers Anonymous (5:09)
09. I Hate To Eat Alone (2:56)
10. Strange Lover (3:43)
11. L.A. Inflatable (4:35)
Bonus Tracks.
12. One-Two-Five (Single Edit) (4:06)
13. Only Child (3:14)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ten Out Of 10 (1981)
02. Overdraft In Overdrive (3:26)
03. Don't Turn Me Away (5:07)
04. Memories (4:34)
05. Notell Hotel (4:58)
06. Les Nouveaux Riches (5:14)
07. Action Man In A Motown Suit (4:46)
08. Listen With Your Eyes (3:15)
09. Lying Here With You (3:24)
10. Survivor (5:50)
Bonus Tracks.
11. The Power Of Love (4:15)
12. Memories (Us Mix) (4:28)
13. We've Heard It All Before (3:37)
14. Tomorrow's World Today (3:16)
15. Runaway (4:05)
16. Les Nouveaux Riches (Single Mix) (4:38)
17. You're Coming Home Again (4:29)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Windows In The Jungle (1983)
02. Feel The Love (Oomachasaooma) (5:09)
03. Yes, I Am (6:01)
04. Americana Panorama (3:44)
05. City Lights (3:32)
06. Food For Thought (3:34)
07. Working Girls (4:27)
08. Taxi! Taxi! (7:41)
Bonus Tracks.
09. 24 Hours (Radio Edit) (4:26)
10. Dreadlock Holiday (Live) (5:00)
11. I'm Not In Love (Live) (6:38)
12. Feel The Love (Radio Edit) (3:48)
13. She Gives Me Pain (2:16)
14. Food For Thought (Radio Edit) (3:24)
15. The Secret Life Of Henry (6:10)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In London (1986)
01. Art For Art's Sake (8:56)
02. Lying Here With You (3:19)
03. The Power Of Love (4:05)
04. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:28)
05. The Things We Do For Love (3:34)
06. The Wall Street Shuffle (4:08)
07. Dreadlock Holiday (4:47)
08. I'm Not In Love (6:29)
09. Feel The Benefit (13:53)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Feel The Love (5:09)
11. Waterfall (3:40)
12. Hot Sun Rock (3:01)
13. Bee In My Bonnet (2:03)
14. 4% Of Something (4:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Collection (Coletânea 1989)
01. Wall Street Shuffle (3:55)
02. The Worst Band In The World (2:50)
03. Hotel (4:56)
04. Old Wild Men (3:23)
05. Clockwork Creep (2:46)
06. Silly Love (4:02)
07. Somewhere In Hollywood (6:41)
08. Baron Samedi (3:49)
09. The Sacro-iliac (2:35)
10. Oh Effendi (2:55)
11. Johhny Don't Do It (3:39)
12. Sand In My Face (3:40)
13. Donna (2:57)
14. The Dean And I (3:06)
15. Headline Hustler (3:36)
16. Speed Kills (3:52)
17. Rubber Bullets (5:15)
18. The Hospital Song (2:44)
19. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They?) (3:07)
20. Fresh Air For My Mama (3:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Two Classic Albums By 10cc (Coletânea 1990)
01. Rubber Bullets (Long Version) (5:19)
02. Johnny Don't Do It (3:40)
03. Sand In My Face (3:41)
04. Donna (2:58)
05. The Dean And I (3:07)
06. Headline Hustler (3:34)
07. Speed Kills (3:52)
08. The Hospital Song (2:45)
09. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They?) (3:08)
10. Fresh Air For My Mama (3:12)
11. The Wall Street Shuffle (4:06)
12. The Worst Band In The World (2:48)
13. Hotel (4:55)
14. Old Wild Men (3:23)
15. Clockwork Creep (2:44)
16. Silly Love (4:03)
17. Somewhere In Hollywood (6:42)
18. Baron Samedi (3:49)
19. The Sacro-Iliac (2:35)
20. Oh Effendi (2:52)
21. Waterfall (Non-LP Single Release) (3:38)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
...Meanwhile (1992)
01. Woman In Love (6:12)
02. Wonderland (4:53)
03. Fill Her Up (4:08)
04. Something Special (3:23)
05. Welcome To Paradise (6:14)
06. The Stars Didn't Show (4:51)
07. Green Eyed Monster (4:45)
08. Charity Begins At Home (4:54)
09. Shine A Light In The Dark (5:42)
10. Don't Break The Promises (6:24)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Woman In Love (Radio Edit) (4:02)
12. Man With A Mission (5:56)
13. Welcome To Paradise (7'' Edit) (4:05)
14. Don't (3:49)
15. Lost In Love (4:58)
16. Woman In Love (DJ Edit) (4:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Alive: The Very Best Of (Coletânea 1993)
01. The Wall Street Shuffle (3:59)
02. I'm Mandy, Fly Me (4:45)
03. Good Morning Judge (2:55)
04. Welcome To Paradise (5:11)
05. The Things We Do For Love (3:21)
06. Across The Universe (3:37)
07. The Stars Didn't Show (4:31)
08. Art For Art's Sake (7:43)
09. Feel The Benefit (13:58)
10. Dreadlock Holiday (4:49)
11. I'm Not In Love (6:10)
12. The Bullets Medley (7:32)
Rubber Bullets
Silly Love
Life Is A Minestrone
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of The Early Years (Coletânea 1993)
01. Rubber Bullets (5:19)
02. The Wall Street Shuffle (3:54)
03. Waterfall (3:43)
04. Headline Hustler (3:35)
05. Somewhere in Hollywood (6:40)
06. Donna (2:57)
07. Ships Don't Disappear in the Night (Do They?) (3:07)
08. Fresh Air for My Mama (3:07)
09. Johnny Don't Do It (3:39)
10. Silly Love (4:01)
11. Sand in My Face (3:39)
12. Speed Kills (3:48)
13. The Hospital Song (2:44)
14. The Dean and I (3:06)
15. Old Wild Men (3:22)
16. The Worst Band in the World (2:48)
17. Hot Sun Rock (3:03)
18. Bee in My Bonnet (2:05)
19. 4% of Something (4:01)
20. Clockwork Creep (2:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Alive In Japan (1993)
CD 1.
Live In London (1986)
02. Lying Here With You (3:19)
03. The Power Of Love (4:05)
04. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:28)
05. The Things We Do For Love (3:34)
06. The Wall Street Shuffle (4:08)
07. Dreadlock Holiday (4:47)
08. I'm Not In Love (6:29)
09. Feel The Benefit (13:53)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Feel The Love (5:09)
11. Waterfall (3:40)
12. Hot Sun Rock (3:01)
13. Bee In My Bonnet (2:03)
14. 4% Of Something (4:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Collection (Coletânea 1989)
02. The Worst Band In The World (2:50)
03. Hotel (4:56)
04. Old Wild Men (3:23)
05. Clockwork Creep (2:46)
06. Silly Love (4:02)
07. Somewhere In Hollywood (6:41)
08. Baron Samedi (3:49)
09. The Sacro-iliac (2:35)
10. Oh Effendi (2:55)
11. Johhny Don't Do It (3:39)
12. Sand In My Face (3:40)
13. Donna (2:57)
14. The Dean And I (3:06)
15. Headline Hustler (3:36)
16. Speed Kills (3:52)
17. Rubber Bullets (5:15)
18. The Hospital Song (2:44)
19. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They?) (3:07)
20. Fresh Air For My Mama (3:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Two Classic Albums By 10cc (Coletânea 1990)
02. Johnny Don't Do It (3:40)
03. Sand In My Face (3:41)
04. Donna (2:58)
05. The Dean And I (3:07)
06. Headline Hustler (3:34)
07. Speed Kills (3:52)
08. The Hospital Song (2:45)
09. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They?) (3:08)
10. Fresh Air For My Mama (3:12)
11. The Wall Street Shuffle (4:06)
12. The Worst Band In The World (2:48)
13. Hotel (4:55)
14. Old Wild Men (3:23)
15. Clockwork Creep (2:44)
16. Silly Love (4:03)
17. Somewhere In Hollywood (6:42)
18. Baron Samedi (3:49)
19. The Sacro-Iliac (2:35)
20. Oh Effendi (2:52)
21. Waterfall (Non-LP Single Release) (3:38)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
...Meanwhile (1992)
02. Wonderland (4:53)
03. Fill Her Up (4:08)
04. Something Special (3:23)
05. Welcome To Paradise (6:14)
06. The Stars Didn't Show (4:51)
07. Green Eyed Monster (4:45)
08. Charity Begins At Home (4:54)
09. Shine A Light In The Dark (5:42)
10. Don't Break The Promises (6:24)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Woman In Love (Radio Edit) (4:02)
12. Man With A Mission (5:56)
13. Welcome To Paradise (7'' Edit) (4:05)
14. Don't (3:49)
15. Lost In Love (4:58)
16. Woman In Love (DJ Edit) (4:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Alive: The Very Best Of (Coletânea 1993)
02. I'm Mandy, Fly Me (4:45)
03. Good Morning Judge (2:55)
04. Welcome To Paradise (5:11)
05. The Things We Do For Love (3:21)
06. Across The Universe (3:37)
07. The Stars Didn't Show (4:31)
08. Art For Art's Sake (7:43)
09. Feel The Benefit (13:58)
10. Dreadlock Holiday (4:49)
11. I'm Not In Love (6:10)
12. The Bullets Medley (7:32)
Rubber Bullets
Silly Love
Life Is A Minestrone
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Best Of The Early Years (Coletânea 1993)
02. The Wall Street Shuffle (3:54)
03. Waterfall (3:43)
04. Headline Hustler (3:35)
05. Somewhere in Hollywood (6:40)
06. Donna (2:57)
07. Ships Don't Disappear in the Night (Do They?) (3:07)
08. Fresh Air for My Mama (3:07)
09. Johnny Don't Do It (3:39)
10. Silly Love (4:01)
11. Sand in My Face (3:39)
12. Speed Kills (3:48)
13. The Hospital Song (2:44)
14. The Dean and I (3:06)
15. Old Wild Men (3:22)
16. The Worst Band in the World (2:48)
17. Hot Sun Rock (3:03)
18. Bee in My Bonnet (2:05)
19. 4% of Something (4:01)
20. Clockwork Creep (2:44)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Alive In Japan (1993)
01. The Wall Street Shuffle (4:51)
02. I'm Mandy, Fly Me (5:49)
03. Good Morning Judge (3:06)
04. Welcome To Paradise (5:26)
05. The Things We Do For Love (3:39)
06. Across The Universe (4:09)
07. The Stars Didn't Show (4:47)
08. Art For Art's Sake (8:03)
09. Paperback Writer (4:00)
10. Shine A Little Light In The Dark (5:25)
CD 2.
01. Feel The Benefit (14:30)
02. Dreadlock Holiday (6:04)
03. I'm Not In Love (6:41)
04. The Bullets Medley (7:44)
05. Slow Down (5:45)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Mirror Mirror (1995)
01. I'm Not In Love (Rework Of Art Mix) (5:53)
02. Peace In Our Time (4:05)
03. Code Of Silence (5:40)
04. Take This Woman (3:52)
05. Yvonne's The One (4:27)
06. Monkey And The Onion (3:18)
07. Margo Wants The Mustard (3:55)
08. Ready To Go Home (4:39)
09. Everything Is Not Enough (4:29)
10. Blue Bird (4:05)
11. Age Of Consent (5:43)
12. Grow Old With Me (3:23)
13. Why Did I Break Your Heart? (5:19)
14. Now You're Gone (3:02)
15. I'm Not In Love (Acoustic Session '95-Bonus Track) (3:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
In Concert: King Biscuit Flower Hour, 1975 (1995)
01. Intro (1:33)
02. Silly Love (4:27)
03. Baron Samedi (8:59)
04. Old Wild Men (5:02)
05. The Sacro Illiac (2:45)
06. Somewhere In Hollywood (7:06)
07. Donna (3:37)
08. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night, Do They? (5:15)
09. Worst Band In The World (3:37)
10. Wall Street Shuffle (3:57)
11. Rubber Bullets (12:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Concert: Volume One, 1993 (1995)
01. The Wall Street Shuffle (4:49)
02. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:21)
03. Good Morning Judge (3:03)
04. Welcome To Paradise (5:18)
05. The Stars Didn't Show (5:16)
06. Dreadlock Holiday (5:06)
07. Shine A Light In The Dark (5:25)
08. Feel The Benefit (14:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Concert: Volume Two, 1993 (1995)
01. I'm Not In Love (6:16)
02. The Things We Do For Love (3:27)
03. Across The Universe (3:43)
04. Art For Arts Sake (7:50)
05. Paperback Writer (3:42)
06. Slow Down (5:30)
07. Bullets Medley (7:35)
Rubber Bullet
Silly Love
Life Is A Minestrone
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Singles (Coletânea 1998)
01. Life Is A Minestrone (4:02)
02. I'm Not In Love (6:02)
03. Art For Art's Sake (4:20)
04. I'm Mandy Fly Me (4:38)
05. The Things We Do For Love (3:29)
06. People In Love (3:45)
07. Good Morning Judge (2:52)
08. Five O'Clock In The Morning (3:55)
09. Wall Street Shuffle Live (3:57)
10. Dreadlock Holiday (4:28)
11. For You And I (3:48)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Complete UK Recordings (Coletânea 2004)
CD 1.
02. I'm Mandy, Fly Me (5:49)
03. Good Morning Judge (3:06)
04. Welcome To Paradise (5:26)
05. The Things We Do For Love (3:39)
06. Across The Universe (4:09)
07. The Stars Didn't Show (4:47)
08. Art For Art's Sake (8:03)
09. Paperback Writer (4:00)
10. Shine A Little Light In The Dark (5:25)
CD 2.
01. Feel The Benefit (14:30)
02. Dreadlock Holiday (6:04)
03. I'm Not In Love (6:41)
04. The Bullets Medley (7:44)
05. Slow Down (5:45)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Mirror Mirror (1995)
02. Peace In Our Time (4:05)
03. Code Of Silence (5:40)
04. Take This Woman (3:52)
05. Yvonne's The One (4:27)
06. Monkey And The Onion (3:18)
07. Margo Wants The Mustard (3:55)
08. Ready To Go Home (4:39)
09. Everything Is Not Enough (4:29)
10. Blue Bird (4:05)
11. Age Of Consent (5:43)
12. Grow Old With Me (3:23)
13. Why Did I Break Your Heart? (5:19)
14. Now You're Gone (3:02)
15. I'm Not In Love (Acoustic Session '95-Bonus Track) (3:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
In Concert: King Biscuit Flower Hour, 1975 (1995)
02. Silly Love (4:27)
03. Baron Samedi (8:59)
04. Old Wild Men (5:02)
05. The Sacro Illiac (2:45)
06. Somewhere In Hollywood (7:06)
07. Donna (3:37)
08. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night, Do They? (5:15)
09. Worst Band In The World (3:37)
10. Wall Street Shuffle (3:57)
11. Rubber Bullets (12:09)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Concert: Volume One, 1993 (1995)
02. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:21)
03. Good Morning Judge (3:03)
04. Welcome To Paradise (5:18)
05. The Stars Didn't Show (5:16)
06. Dreadlock Holiday (5:06)
07. Shine A Light In The Dark (5:25)
08. Feel The Benefit (14:21)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Live In Concert: Volume Two, 1993 (1995)
02. The Things We Do For Love (3:27)
03. Across The Universe (3:43)
04. Art For Arts Sake (7:50)
05. Paperback Writer (3:42)
06. Slow Down (5:30)
07. Bullets Medley (7:35)
Rubber Bullet
Silly Love
Life Is A Minestrone
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Singles (Coletânea 1998)
02. I'm Not In Love (6:02)
03. Art For Art's Sake (4:20)
04. I'm Mandy Fly Me (4:38)
05. The Things We Do For Love (3:29)
06. People In Love (3:45)
07. Good Morning Judge (2:52)
08. Five O'Clock In The Morning (3:55)
09. Wall Street Shuffle Live (3:57)
10. Dreadlock Holiday (4:28)
11. For You And I (3:48)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Complete UK Recordings (Coletânea 2004)
01. Johnny, Don't Do It (3:36)
02. Sand In My Face (3:35)
03. Donna (2:55)
04. The Dean And I (3:05)
05. Headline Hustler (3:34)
06. Speed Kills (3:50)
07. Rubber Bullets (5:16)
08. The Hospital Song (2:44)
09. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They ) (3:07)
10. Fresh Air For My Mama (3:10)
11. Hot Sun Rock (Single B Side) (3:03)
12. 4% Of Something (Single B Side) (4:03)
13. Waterfall (Single B Side) (3:42)
14. Bee In My Bonnet (Single B Side) (2:04)
15. Donna (Single Version) (2:59)
16. Johnny, Don't Do It (Single Version) (3:56)
17. Rubber Bullets (Single Version) (3:45)
18. The Dean And I (Single Version) (2:53)
CD 2.
01. The Wall Street Shuffle (4:02)
02. The Worst Band In The World (2:46)
03. Hotel (4:54)
04. Old Wild Men (3:23)
05. Clockwork Creep (2:44)
06. Silly Love (4:02)
07. Somewhere In Hollywood (6:42)
08. Baron Samedi (3:49)
09. The Sacro-Illac (2:35)
10. Oh Effendi (2:57)
11. 18 Carat Man Of Means (Single B Side) (3:32)
12. Gismo My Way (Single B Side) (3:49)
13. The Wall Street Shuffle (Single Version) (3:43)
14. The Worst Band In The World (Lyric Two) (2:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The U.K. Records Singles Collection (Coletânea 2007)
01. Donna (2:55)
02. Hot Sun Rock (3:01)
03. Johnny Don't Do It (3:37)
04. 4% Of Something (4:01)
05. Rubber Bullets (4:09)
06. Waterfall (3:43)
07. The Dean And I (3:05)
08. Bee In My Bonnet (2:03)
09. The Worst Band In The World (2:49)
10. 18 Carat Man Of Means (3:28)
11. Wall Street Shuffle (3:58)
12. Gismo My Way (3:44)
13. Silly Love (4:00)
14. The Sacro-Illiac (2:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Hotlegs - You Didn't Like It Because You Didn't Think Of It:
02. Sand In My Face (3:35)
03. Donna (2:55)
04. The Dean And I (3:05)
05. Headline Hustler (3:34)
06. Speed Kills (3:50)
07. Rubber Bullets (5:16)
08. The Hospital Song (2:44)
09. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They ) (3:07)
10. Fresh Air For My Mama (3:10)
11. Hot Sun Rock (Single B Side) (3:03)
12. 4% Of Something (Single B Side) (4:03)
13. Waterfall (Single B Side) (3:42)
14. Bee In My Bonnet (Single B Side) (2:04)
15. Donna (Single Version) (2:59)
16. Johnny, Don't Do It (Single Version) (3:56)
17. Rubber Bullets (Single Version) (3:45)
18. The Dean And I (Single Version) (2:53)
CD 2.
01. The Wall Street Shuffle (4:02)
02. The Worst Band In The World (2:46)
03. Hotel (4:54)
04. Old Wild Men (3:23)
05. Clockwork Creep (2:44)
06. Silly Love (4:02)
07. Somewhere In Hollywood (6:42)
08. Baron Samedi (3:49)
09. The Sacro-Illac (2:35)
10. Oh Effendi (2:57)
11. 18 Carat Man Of Means (Single B Side) (3:32)
12. Gismo My Way (Single B Side) (3:49)
13. The Wall Street Shuffle (Single Version) (3:43)
14. The Worst Band In The World (Lyric Two) (2:51)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The U.K. Records Singles Collection (Coletânea 2007)
02. Hot Sun Rock (3:01)
03. Johnny Don't Do It (3:37)
04. 4% Of Something (4:01)
05. Rubber Bullets (4:09)
06. Waterfall (3:43)
07. The Dean And I (3:05)
08. Bee In My Bonnet (2:03)
09. The Worst Band In The World (2:49)
10. 18 Carat Man Of Means (3:28)
11. Wall Street Shuffle (3:58)
12. Gismo My Way (3:44)
13. Silly Love (4:00)
14. The Sacro-Illiac (2:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Hotlegs - You Didn't Like It Because You Didn't Think Of It:
The Complete Sessions 1970-1971 (2012)
01. Neanderthal Man (4:16)
02. How Many Times (4:19)
03. Desperate Dan (2:20)
04. Take Me Back (5:01)
05. Um Wah, Um Woh (5:07)
06. Suite F.A. (12:49)
07. Fly Away (2:45)
08. Run Baby Run (2:54)
09. All God's Children (4:00)
10. The Loser (3:39)
11. Today (4:04)
12. Lady Sadie (4:21)
13. You Didn't Like It, Because You Didn't Think Of It (4:33)
14. Neanderthal Man (7' Single Version) (4:19)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
I'm Not In Love: The Essential (Box Set 2016)
CD 1.
01. I'm Not In Love (6:01)
02. Life Is A Minestrone (4:40)
03. Une Nuit A Paris (Part 1) (8:38)
The Same Night In Paris (Part 2)
Later The Same...
04. The Second Sitting For The Last Supper (4:24)
05. Brand New Day (4:03)
06. Channel Swimmer (2:49)
07. Good News (3:45)
08. Art For Art's Sake (5:53)
09. Get It While You Can (2:54)
10. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:21)
11. I Wanna Rule The World (3:52)
12. Head Room (4:22)
13. Lazy Ways (4:20)
14. Iceberg (3:43)
15. People In Love (3:46)
16. I'm So Laid Back I'm Laid Out (3:46)
17. Don't Squeeze Me Liek Toothpaste (3:35)
18. The Things We Do For Love (3:30)
CD 2.
01. Wall Street Shuffle (4:03)
02. Good Morning Judge (3:11)
03. Waterfall (7:48)
04. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (7:34)
05. You've Got A Cold (3:52)
06. Dreadlock Holiday (4:32)
07. Lifeline (3:25)
08. Take These Chains (2:35)
09. From Rochdale To Ocho Rios (3:46)
10. Last Night (3:10)
11. Nothing Can Move Me (4:04)
12. One Two Five (5:07)
13. It Doesn't Matter At All (3:59)
14. Strange Lover (3:41)
15. Welcome To The World (3:43)
16. Dressed To Kill (3:28)
17. I Took You Home (5:10)
18. Only Child (3:19)
CD 3.
01. I'm Not In Love (Live) (6:37)
02. The Power Of Love (4:08)
03. You're Coming Home Again (4:28)
04. Run Away (4:02)
05. Les Nouveaux Riches (4:36)
06. Don't Ask (4:01)
07. Memories (4:23)
08. Action Man In Motown Suit (4:45)
09. We've Heard It All Before (3:35)
10. Feel The Love (5:05)
11. Food For Thought (3:27)
12. Dreadlock Holiday (Live) (4:58)
13. Woman In Love (6:11)
14. Something Special (3:23)
15. Welcome To Paradise (6:11)
16. Flying Junk (4:05)
17. How Dare You (4:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Before, During, After: The Story Of 10cc (Box Set 2017)
CD 1: During, Greatest Hits 1972-1978.
01. Rubber Bullets (4:45)
02. Donna (2:57)
03. Silly Love (3:18)
04. The Dean And I (2:53)
05. Life Is A Minestrone (4:29)
06. The Wall Street Shuffle (3:53)
07. Art For Arts Sake (4:22)
08. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:20)
09. Good Morning Judge (2:54)
10. The Things We Do For Love (3:31)
11. Dreadlock Holiday (5:03)
12. I'm Not In Love (6:09)
CD 2: After, Post 10cc Years.
01. Under Your Thumb (3:48)
02. An Englishman In New York (5:36)
03. Cry (3:57)
04. Wedding Bells (3:26)
05. Sunburn (3:02)
06. Bridge To Your Heart (4:14)
07. Right Between The Eyes (4:10)
08. The Ritual (Parts 1-2-3) (10:42)
09. Pretty Little Head (3:52)
10. Metaphor On The Floor (Plan 138-Mixed By Ollies J) (3:45)
11. Metaphor On The Floor (2:08)
12. Hooligan Crane (5:40)
13. Son Of Man (5:02)
14. Confessions (3:08)
15. Expecting A Message (4:15)
16. Man On The Moon (4:03)
17. Every Single Night In Jamaica (5:17)
CD 3: Before, The Strawberry Hit Factory.
01. Sausalito (Is The Place To Go) (2:16)
02. Tampa, Florida (2:31)
03. Have You Ever Been To Georgia? (3:22)
04. Travellin' Man (2:16)
05. Crickets (3:15)
06. Today (4:19)
07. Umbopo (5:32)
08. Safari (2:20)
09. Da Doo Ron Ron (3:05)
10. The Joker (2:37)
11. Funky City (2:28)
12. The Man With The Golden Gun (2:41)
13. Roll On (4:36)
14. Wicked Melinda (3:30)
15. Willie Morgan (2:51)
16. Pig Bin An' Gone (4:03)
17. Warm Me (2:03)
18. Oh Solomon (2:54)
19. Boys In Blue (2:36)
20. There Ain't No Umbopo (3:02)
CD 4: Before, The Early Years.
01. A Groovy Kind Of Love (2:00)
02. One More Time (2:09)
03. Bus Stop (3:28)
04. No Milk Today (3:15)
05. For Your Love (2:33)
06. Neanderthal Man (4:16)
07. Desperate Dan (2:18)
08. Life Child (6:38)
09. Quasar One (6:43)
10. That's When The Music Takes Me (3:37)
11. Solitaire (5:02)
12. Love Will Keep Us Together (3:47)
02. How Many Times (4:19)
03. Desperate Dan (2:20)
04. Take Me Back (5:01)
05. Um Wah, Um Woh (5:07)
06. Suite F.A. (12:49)
07. Fly Away (2:45)
08. Run Baby Run (2:54)
09. All God's Children (4:00)
10. The Loser (3:39)
11. Today (4:04)
12. Lady Sadie (4:21)
13. You Didn't Like It, Because You Didn't Think Of It (4:33)
14. Neanderthal Man (7' Single Version) (4:19)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
I'm Not In Love: The Essential (Box Set 2016)
01. I'm Not In Love (6:01)
02. Life Is A Minestrone (4:40)
03. Une Nuit A Paris (Part 1) (8:38)
The Same Night In Paris (Part 2)
Later The Same...
04. The Second Sitting For The Last Supper (4:24)
05. Brand New Day (4:03)
06. Channel Swimmer (2:49)
07. Good News (3:45)
08. Art For Art's Sake (5:53)
09. Get It While You Can (2:54)
10. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:21)
11. I Wanna Rule The World (3:52)
12. Head Room (4:22)
13. Lazy Ways (4:20)
14. Iceberg (3:43)
15. People In Love (3:46)
16. I'm So Laid Back I'm Laid Out (3:46)
17. Don't Squeeze Me Liek Toothpaste (3:35)
18. The Things We Do For Love (3:30)
CD 2.
01. Wall Street Shuffle (4:03)
02. Good Morning Judge (3:11)
03. Waterfall (7:48)
04. Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (7:34)
05. You've Got A Cold (3:52)
06. Dreadlock Holiday (4:32)
07. Lifeline (3:25)
08. Take These Chains (2:35)
09. From Rochdale To Ocho Rios (3:46)
10. Last Night (3:10)
11. Nothing Can Move Me (4:04)
12. One Two Five (5:07)
13. It Doesn't Matter At All (3:59)
14. Strange Lover (3:41)
15. Welcome To The World (3:43)
16. Dressed To Kill (3:28)
17. I Took You Home (5:10)
18. Only Child (3:19)
CD 3.
01. I'm Not In Love (Live) (6:37)
02. The Power Of Love (4:08)
03. You're Coming Home Again (4:28)
04. Run Away (4:02)
05. Les Nouveaux Riches (4:36)
06. Don't Ask (4:01)
07. Memories (4:23)
08. Action Man In Motown Suit (4:45)
09. We've Heard It All Before (3:35)
10. Feel The Love (5:05)
11. Food For Thought (3:27)
12. Dreadlock Holiday (Live) (4:58)
13. Woman In Love (6:11)
14. Something Special (3:23)
15. Welcome To Paradise (6:11)
16. Flying Junk (4:05)
17. How Dare You (4:15)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Before, During, After: The Story Of 10cc (Box Set 2017)
02. Donna (2:57)
03. Silly Love (3:18)
04. The Dean And I (2:53)
05. Life Is A Minestrone (4:29)
06. The Wall Street Shuffle (3:53)
07. Art For Arts Sake (4:22)
08. I'm Mandy Fly Me (5:20)
09. Good Morning Judge (2:54)
10. The Things We Do For Love (3:31)
11. Dreadlock Holiday (5:03)
12. I'm Not In Love (6:09)
CD 2: After, Post 10cc Years.
02. An Englishman In New York (5:36)
03. Cry (3:57)
04. Wedding Bells (3:26)
05. Sunburn (3:02)
06. Bridge To Your Heart (4:14)
07. Right Between The Eyes (4:10)
08. The Ritual (Parts 1-2-3) (10:42)
09. Pretty Little Head (3:52)
10. Metaphor On The Floor (Plan 138-Mixed By Ollies J) (3:45)
11. Metaphor On The Floor (2:08)
12. Hooligan Crane (5:40)
13. Son Of Man (5:02)
14. Confessions (3:08)
15. Expecting A Message (4:15)
16. Man On The Moon (4:03)
17. Every Single Night In Jamaica (5:17)
CD 3: Before, The Strawberry Hit Factory.
02. Tampa, Florida (2:31)
03. Have You Ever Been To Georgia? (3:22)
04. Travellin' Man (2:16)
05. Crickets (3:15)
06. Today (4:19)
07. Umbopo (5:32)
08. Safari (2:20)
09. Da Doo Ron Ron (3:05)
10. The Joker (2:37)
11. Funky City (2:28)
12. The Man With The Golden Gun (2:41)
13. Roll On (4:36)
14. Wicked Melinda (3:30)
15. Willie Morgan (2:51)
16. Pig Bin An' Gone (4:03)
17. Warm Me (2:03)
18. Oh Solomon (2:54)
19. Boys In Blue (2:36)
20. There Ain't No Umbopo (3:02)
CD 4: Before, The Early Years.
02. One More Time (2:09)
03. Bus Stop (3:28)
04. No Milk Today (3:15)
05. For Your Love (2:33)
06. Neanderthal Man (4:16)
07. Desperate Dan (2:18)
08. Life Child (6:38)
09. Quasar One (6:43)
10. That's When The Music Takes Me (3:37)
11. Solitaire (5:02)
12. Love Will Keep Us Together (3:47)

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