The Beach Boys é uma banda de rock dos Estados Unidos formada em
Hawthorne, Califórnia, em 1961, e é tida como uma das mais influentes da
história do rock e do pop. Emplacou dúzias de canções nas paradas de sucesso
(também emplacou quatro compactos no primeiro lugar entre os mais vendidos nos
Estados Unidos), além de álbuns recordistas de venda. Foi incluída no Hall da
Fama do Rock and Roll em 1988. Seu álbum Pet Sounds, de 1966, que contém
clássicos como "Wouldn't It Be Nice", "Sloop John B", e "God Only Knows", e é
considerado umas das maiores obras primas da história da música pop.
O grupo original consistia do cantor músico compositor Brian Wilson, seus irmãos Carl e Dennis, o primo Mike Love e o amigo Alan Jardine. Inúmeras mudanças tanto no estilo musical quanto na formação ocorreram durante a turbulenta existência da banda: os problemas psicológicos, abuso de drogas e o eventual afastamento de Brian; as mortes de Dennis em 1983 e Carl em 1998 e as batalhas legais entre os integrantes do grupo.
Beach Boys está em um dos mais inovadores da história do rock, possuindo em seu repertório uma grande variedade de estilos e influencias musicais; surf rock (primeira metade dos anos 60), música erudita, folk, country, blues, soul, bossa nova, música havaiana, até hard rock como a All I Want To Do do álbum 20/20 de 1969, entre outros estilos. Contribuiu na sofisticação e experimentação do pop e rock.
Em 1957, os irmãos Wilson ensaiavam vocais com influência de The Four Freshmen através do pai Murry Wilson que escutava e tocava piano ouvindo o grupo. Nesta época os irmãos ensaiavam vocais com muito cuidado na calada da noite devido a rigidez de Murry.
Brian Wilson tocava e estudava piano desde criança, e o seu talento surpreendia seus pais. Nesse tempo, Al Jardine conhece Brian, Carl e o primo Love na Hawthorne High School no futebol americano. Foi lá que Al Jardine viu os irmãos e o primo cantarem juntos.
Al Jardine nesta época tinha uma banda folk chamada The Islanders. Jardine chegou a chamar os Wilson para fazerem um som juntos desde a escola.
Em 1958, quando Brian Wilson completa 16 anos, ganha um gravador e começa a criar linhas vocais usando as vozes de Carl e sua mãe. Brian chamou a irmã de Love e um amigo para ensinar e treinar harmonias, além de sempre tentar fazer um som com colegas mas sem sucesso.
Em 1959 Brian, Love e dois amigos conseguem arrancar muitos aplausos na escola cantando "Hully Gully" de Frank Rocco na versão de The Olympics, um grupo doo wop formado em 1957.
Alguns dos grandes músicos influentes de Carl e Brian foram Johnny Otis e Chuck Berry, que ajudaram na mudança de tocar piano e violão com o rhythm & blues.
No início dos anos 1960 começam a experimentar as primeiras gravações de "Surfin". Em 1961 é fundada The Beach Boys, até então chamada Pendletones, Kenny & Cadets e Carl and Passions. Gravam músicas como "Surfin", "Luau", "Barbie", "Surfer Girl", "Surfin' Safari" entre outras que foram lançadas mais tarde no álbum chamado Lost & Found. A enfase aos vocais mais a importância experimental e instrumental da surf music resultaram numa formula diferente .
Em 1961 toca o primeiro show ao vivo e gravam o compacto simples "Surfin' " pela Candix no lado-A "Surfin' " e lado-B "Luau". "Surfin' " conseguiu um 75# nos Estados Unidos, facilitando o contrato com a gravadora Capitol Records.
Em 1962 entra David Marks. "Surfin' Safari" chega nas paradas americanas. A faixa título em 14#, e o lado-B em 76#. Esse compacto chega em outubro no Reino Unido, mas não chegou a fazer impacto. O disco Surfin' Safari foi importante para a popularização do grupo e do surf rock. O álbum foi produzido por Nick Venet e Murry Wilson.
Em 1963 e lança um álbum mais produzido e executado, o Surfin' USA. O compacto simples "Surfin' USA" (lado-A) e "Shut Down" (lado-B), chega ao 1# no Canada, 3# na América, 6# na Suíça, 9# na Austrália e em 34# no Reino Unido em junho de 1963.
Uma polêmica na época foi a canção Surfin' USA, que foi tirada da canção de Chuck Berry, Sweet Little Sixteen. Por Brian não ter creditado Chuck Berry na música, por homenagear a um clássico bastante conhecido na época, teve que oficialmente dar o crédito a Berry pela canção após a ameaça de uma ação judicial.
Ainda em 1963 lançam mais dois álbuns. Surfer Girl, que marca a liderança de Brian pela primeira vez como produtor, e em seguida Little Deuce Coupe.
A faixa título do álbum Surfer Girl é uma das mais respeitadas canções da primeira fase da banda, uma canção sofisticada e vocais doo wop com uma harmonia mais complexa. Influenciado por Phil Spector, especialmente Wall of Sound, Brian passa a aprimorar a produção dos álbuns.
Little Deuce Coupe de 1963 é considerado como um dos primeiros discos conceituais, e é o primeiro álbum com o estilo hot rods (uma vertente da surf music). O grupo já havia gravado um hot rod antes, a 409, que está no primeiro disco do grupo .
Em 1964 vem os Beatles dominar as paradas americanas. Pouco antes a banda já estava gravando o disco lançado no mesmo ano, o Shut Down Volume 2. É o segundo e último disco na fase hot rods, onde entra mais no pop, com o exemplo da refinada Don't Worry Baby, sendo como uma resposta à Be My Baby, gravada originalmente por The Ronettes.
Lançam o último disco com o predomínio do surf rock, o All Summer Long. Ele foi como uma resposta à Invasão Britânica, chegando ao 1# nas paradas com a clássica I Get Around. É um disco mais trabalhado e maduro. Os vocais de I Get Around são dos mais respeitados da década de 1960.
Lançam no Memorial Auditorium em Sacramento, Califórnia, o Beach Boys Concert. O disco registra a qualidade do grupo, com boa turnê ao vivo. O último álbum de estúdio de 1964, o The Beach Boys' Christmas Album, busca novas sonoridades, investe mais na instrumentação do jazz e possui uma boa ficha técnica. O álbum fecha uma era em que o grupo ficou mais conhecido por suas canções sobre surf, carros e garotas. Daqui pra frente se inicia a fase de maior mudança, mais precisamente a partir de 1965.
1965 é um ano importante para o grupo e para o rock, com as bandas buscando novos rumos e direções, servindo de alicerce para um som mais complexo e artístico. Today! e Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) estão entre os precoces discos da época com seu experimentalismo antecedendo a bandas como Beatles. Em agosto de 1964 lançam a When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) com o uso do instrumento cravo - incluída no disco Today!. Foi neste período que o experimentalismo por parte de Brian passa à virar prioridade nas composições, até que em dezembro de 1964 Brian assume consumir a maconha, alegando sentir os efeitos sobre suas composições. Assim a antiga fórmula do grupo foi perdendo força diante de sua própria evolução iniciada em 1961.
The Beach Boys Today!, gravado a partir de 1964, fortemente influenciado por Phil Spector, é um disco em que Brian Wilson decidiu fazer algo ainda mais trabalhado. Tudo começa com o surto de Brian no avião na volta de uma turnê dos Beach Boys. Brian nesse período já se mostrava não tão satisfeito com a real ambição musical do grupo, apesar da reconhecida importância musical nos álbuns anteriores. Busca mais músicos de estúdio (Wrecking Crew), variados instrumentos, maior produção, mudança em estrutura melódica e outras influencias musicais.
Além de jazz e rock, o disco possui elementos de flamenco de música erudita.
Os discos de 1965 são as principais bases do Pet Sounds. Ainda no final de 1965, Brian após ouvir o Rubber Soul dos Beatles, resolve levar mais a serio a rivalidade com os ingleses.
1966 é conhecido como um ano revolucionário na música pop e rock. Pet Sounds (sons de animais domésticos e com o duplo sentido no inglês, sons preferidos), composto e gravado a partir de 1965, é considerado um disco pioneiro neste ano. Influencia seus contemporâneos, principalmente os ingleses com a produção e composição de Brian Wilson.
Psicodelia, art rock, entre outras características musicais foram alguns dos resultados de experimentos de Brian com drogas alucinógenas para as composições. O álbum Pet Sounds é um dos mais importantes modelos para o desenvolvimento da musica psicodélica e para a vanguarda. Influenciou os Beatles e George Martin a criar o Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band e os ingleses de uma forma geral, obrigando a aprimorar a produção, forma de composição e experimentalismo.
Foi dito que os Rolling Stones fizeram um campanha para que seus fãs comprassem o Pet Sounds. The Who, entre os diversos grupos, passa a compor álbuns mais sofisticados.
Lança o compacto Good Vibrations, uma grande produção da música psicodélica em 1966. É um dos clássicos mais produzidos do rock já lançados. Como era uma época em que a mídia apoiava a música de vanguarda, o compacto vendeu milhões de cópias gerando uma grande expectativa para o próximo álbum do grupo, já que a canção faria parte do revolucionário Pet Sounds, mas ficando de fora.
Smile, colapso e afastamento de Brian.
Esta fase, e principalmente de Brian Wilson, começa ainda em 1966 e culminou em 1967 com o cancelamento do que seria um dos mais aguardados discos da época. Foi abortado depois de muita gravação e muito material; Smile, depois da grande expectativa gerada após o lançamento de Good Vibrations.
Brian Wilson nesta época estava abusando do LSD, além de sua doença diagnosticada anos depois, a esquizofrenia, estar sendo mal cuidada. Além disso, uma série problemas com o grupo contribuiu para a piora de Brian.
Pós Pet Sounds.
Lança o Smiley Smile, que apesar de pouca aceitação (devido a polêmica do Smile) é um dos mais psicodélicos da época. Pete Townshend do The Who é um dos fãs mais conhecidos do disco. A Good Vibrations foi colocada neste álbum.
Lançam ainda em 1967 o Wild Honey, que marca o primeiro álbum do grupo sem a liderança de Brian. É cheio de soul, e músicas ácidas. E em seguida (1968), Friends, que mostra o Beach Boys bastante maduro. O Friends é considerado artisticamente um dos discos mais recomendados do grupo.
Todos os álbuns pós Pet Sounds até o Holland são artisticamente bastante respeitados, mesmo não conseguindo grandes vendas. Curiosamente é que de Wild Honey até o Holland não tem a liderança de Brian Wilson, que havia se afastado do grupo, revelando o talento criativo dos outros beachboys. Brian retornou ao grupo somente em 1976.
Após o Holland, o grupo grava discos agora com Brian de volta, como uns dos exemplos, o 15 Big Ones, Love You, The Beach Boys, entre outros.
Em 1989 e 1992 lançam álbuns de estúdio com canções próprias. Em 1996 lançam outro álbum de estúdio com versões country dos clássicos do grupo. Em cada faixa tem a participação de artistas do gênero como Willie Nelson, Junior Brown, Lorrie Morgan, entre outros.
O Beach Boys continua a se apresentar em turnês, mas apenas com uma fração de seus integrantes originais, e em 2011 anunciaram uma nova turnê com os integrantes originais, além de um novo álbum para celebrar os 50 anos de existência do grupo. Neste ano o Smile foi oficialmente finalizado e lançado. Em 2012 depois de um bom período, o grupo lança um novo álbum de estúdio com canções próprias, o That's Why God Made the Radio. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.
Surfin' Safari (1962)01. Surfin' Safari (2:07)
02. County Fair (2:17)
03. Ten Little Indians (1:29)
04. Chug-A-Lug (2:01)
05. Little Miss America (2:06)
06. 409 (2:01)
07. Surfin' (2:13)
08. Heads You Win - Tales I Lose (2:20)
09. Summertime Blues (2:10)
10. Cuckoo Clock (2:11)
11. Moon Dawg (2:03)
12. The Shift (1:52)
03. Ten Little Indians (1:29)
04. Chug-A-Lug (2:01)
05. Little Miss America (2:06)
06. 409 (2:01)
07. Surfin' (2:13)
08. Heads You Win - Tales I Lose (2:20)
09. Summertime Blues (2:10)
10. Cuckoo Clock (2:11)
11. Moon Dawg (2:03)
12. The Shift (1:52)
Surfin' USA (1963)01. Surfin' USA (2:30)
02. Farmer's Daughter (1:52)
03. Misirlou (2:05)
04. Stoked (2:02)
05. Lonely Sea (2:24)
06. Shut Down (1:52)
07. Noble Surfer (1:54)
08. Honky Tonk (2:05)
09. Lana (1:43)
10. Surf Jam (2:14)
11. Let's Go Tippin' (2:00)
12. Finders Keepers (1:40)
03. Misirlou (2:05)
04. Stoked (2:02)
05. Lonely Sea (2:24)
06. Shut Down (1:52)
07. Noble Surfer (1:54)
08. Honky Tonk (2:05)
09. Lana (1:43)
10. Surf Jam (2:14)
11. Let's Go Tippin' (2:00)
12. Finders Keepers (1:40)
Surfer Girl (1963)01. Surfer Girl (2:28)
02. Catch A Wave (2:10)
03. The Surfer Moon (2:14)
04. South Bay Surfer (1:48)
05. The Rocking Surfer (2:02)
06. Little Deuce Coupe (1:40)
07. In My Room (2:14)
08. Hawaii (2:02)
09. Surfer's Rule (1:56)
10. Our Car Club (2:24)
11. Your Summer Dream (2:29)
12. Boogie Woodie (2:00)
03. The Surfer Moon (2:14)
04. South Bay Surfer (1:48)
05. The Rocking Surfer (2:02)
06. Little Deuce Coupe (1:40)
07. In My Room (2:14)
08. Hawaii (2:02)
09. Surfer's Rule (1:56)
10. Our Car Club (2:24)
11. Your Summer Dream (2:29)
12. Boogie Woodie (2:00)
Little Deuce Coupe (1963)01. Little Deuce Coupe (1:41)
02. Ballad Of Ole' Betsy
03. Be True To Your School (2:08)
04. Car Crazy Cutie (2:49)
05. Cherry, Cherry Coupe (1:50)
06. 409 (2:01)
07. Shut Down (1:50)
08. Spirit Of America (2:26)
09. Our Car Club (2:23)
10. No-Go Showboat (1:56)
11. A Young Man Is Gone (2:18)
12. Custom Machine (1:42)
03. Be True To Your School (2:08)
04. Car Crazy Cutie (2:49)
05. Cherry, Cherry Coupe (1:50)
06. 409 (2:01)
07. Shut Down (1:50)
08. Spirit Of America (2:26)
09. Our Car Club (2:23)
10. No-Go Showboat (1:56)
11. A Young Man Is Gone (2:18)
12. Custom Machine (1:42)
Shut Down Volume 2 (1964)01. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:05)
02. Don't Worry Baby (2:49)
03. In The Parkin' Lot (2:03)
04. Cassius Love Vs. Sonny Wilson (3:31)
05. The Warmth of the Sun (2:53)
06. This Car of Mine (1:37)
07. Why Do Fools Fall In Love (2:09)
08. Pom Pom Play Girl (1:32)
09. Keep An Eye On Summer (2:23)
10. Shut Down, Part II (2:09)
11. Louie Louie (2:19)
12. Denny's Drums (1:59)
03. In The Parkin' Lot (2:03)
04. Cassius Love Vs. Sonny Wilson (3:31)
05. The Warmth of the Sun (2:53)
06. This Car of Mine (1:37)
07. Why Do Fools Fall In Love (2:09)
08. Pom Pom Play Girl (1:32)
09. Keep An Eye On Summer (2:23)
10. Shut Down, Part II (2:09)
11. Louie Louie (2:19)
12. Denny's Drums (1:59)
All Summer Long (1964)01. I Get Around (2:12)
02. All Summer Long (2:09)
03. Hushabye (2:42)
04. Little Honda (1:54)
05. We'll Run Away (2:02)
06. Carl's Big Chance (2:27)
07. Wendy (2:18)
08. Do You Remember (1:40)
09. Girls On The Beach (2:26)
10. Drive-In (1:53)
11. Our Favorite Recording Sessions (1:59)
12. Don't Back Down (2:12)
03. Hushabye (2:42)
04. Little Honda (1:54)
05. We'll Run Away (2:02)
06. Carl's Big Chance (2:27)
07. Wendy (2:18)
08. Do You Remember (1:40)
09. Girls On The Beach (2:26)
10. Drive-In (1:53)
11. Our Favorite Recording Sessions (1:59)
12. Don't Back Down (2:12)
Beach Boys Concert (Live 1964)01. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:26)
02. The Litlle Old Lady From
Pasadena (3:00)
03. Little Deuce Coupe (2:27)
04. Long Tall Texan (2:31)
05. In My Room (2:25)
06. Monster Mash (2:27)
07. Let's Go Trippin (2:34)
08. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:18)
09. The Wanderer (1:59)
10. Hawaii (1:51)
11. Graduation Day (3:28)
12. I Get Around (2:42)
13. Johnny B. Goode (1:56)
03. Little Deuce Coupe (2:27)
04. Long Tall Texan (2:31)
05. In My Room (2:25)
06. Monster Mash (2:27)
07. Let's Go Trippin (2:34)
08. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:18)
09. The Wanderer (1:59)
10. Hawaii (1:51)
11. Graduation Day (3:28)
12. I Get Around (2:42)
13. Johnny B. Goode (1:56)
Christmas Album (1964)01. Little Saint Nick (2:00)
02. The Man With All The Toys
03. Santa's Beard (2:00)
04. Merry Christmas, Baby (2:29)
05. Christmas Day (1:52)
06. Frosty The Snowman (1:55)
07. We Three Kings Of Orient Are (4:06)
08. Blue Christmas (3:12)
09. Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town (2:21)
10. White Christmas (2:30)
11. I'll Be Home For Christmas (2:45)
12. Auld Lang Syne (1:21)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Little Saint Nick (Single Version) (2:02)
14. The Lord's Prayer (2:35)
15. Little Saint Nick (Alternate Take) (1:56)
16. Auld Lang Syne (Alternate Take) (1:22)
03. Santa's Beard (2:00)
04. Merry Christmas, Baby (2:29)
05. Christmas Day (1:52)
06. Frosty The Snowman (1:55)
07. We Three Kings Of Orient Are (4:06)
08. Blue Christmas (3:12)
09. Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town (2:21)
10. White Christmas (2:30)
11. I'll Be Home For Christmas (2:45)
12. Auld Lang Syne (1:21)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Little Saint Nick (Single Version) (2:02)
14. The Lord's Prayer (2:35)
15. Little Saint Nick (Alternate Take) (1:56)
16. Auld Lang Syne (Alternate Take) (1:22)
Today! (1965)01. Do You Wanna Dance? (2:22)
02. Good To My Baby
03. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (2:11)
04. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2:05)
05. Help Me, Ronda (3:11)
06. Dance, Dance, Dance (2:03)
07. Please Let Me Wonder (2:48)
08. I'm So Young (2:34)
09. Kiss Me, Baby (2:38)
10. She Knows Me Too Well (2:32)
11. In The Back Of My Mind (2:12)
12. Bull Session With The «Big Daddy» (2:12)
03. Don't Hurt My Little Sister (2:11)
04. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2:05)
05. Help Me, Ronda (3:11)
06. Dance, Dance, Dance (2:03)
07. Please Let Me Wonder (2:48)
08. I'm So Young (2:34)
09. Kiss Me, Baby (2:38)
10. She Knows Me Too Well (2:32)
11. In The Back Of My Mind (2:12)
12. Bull Session With The «Big Daddy» (2:12)
Summer Days: And Summer Nights!! (1965)01. The Girl From New York City (1:57)
02. Amusement Parks
U.S.A. (2:33)
03. Then I Kissed Her (2:19)
04. Salt Lake City (2:02)
05. Girl Don't Tell Me (2:20)
06. Help Me, Rhonda (2:47)
07. California Girls (2:38)
08. Let Him Run Wild (2:21)
09. You're So Good To Me (2:16)
10. Summer Means New Love (2:00)
11. I'm Bugged At My Ol' Man (2:20)
12. And Your Dream Comes True (1:04)
03. Then I Kissed Her (2:19)
04. Salt Lake City (2:02)
05. Girl Don't Tell Me (2:20)
06. Help Me, Rhonda (2:47)
07. California Girls (2:38)
08. Let Him Run Wild (2:21)
09. You're So Good To Me (2:16)
10. Summer Means New Love (2:00)
11. I'm Bugged At My Ol' Man (2:20)
12. And Your Dream Comes True (1:04)
Beach Boys’ Party! (1965)01. Hully Gully (2:21)
02. I Should Have Known Better
03. Tell Me Why (1:46)
04. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:17)
05. Mountain Of Love (2:50)
06. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:55)
07. Devoted To You (3:05)
08. Alley Oop (2:55)
09. There's No Other (Like My Baby) (3:05)
10. Medley I Get Around And Little Deuce Coupe (3:12)
11. The Times They Are A-Changin' (2:22)
12. Barbara Ann (3:22)
03. Tell Me Why (1:46)
04. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:17)
05. Mountain Of Love (2:50)
06. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:55)
07. Devoted To You (3:05)
08. Alley Oop (2:55)
09. There's No Other (Like My Baby) (3:05)
10. Medley I Get Around And Little Deuce Coupe (3:12)
11. The Times They Are A-Changin' (2:22)
12. Barbara Ann (3:22)
Pet Sounds (1966)01. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:24)
02. You Still Believe In Me
03. That's Not Me (2:27)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (2:52)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (3:04)
06. Let's Go Away For Awhile (2:18)
07. Sloop John B (2:58)
08. God Only Knows (2:51)
09. I Know There's An Answer (3:08)
10. Here Today (2:54)
11. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (3:12)
12. Pet Sounds (2:22)
13. Caroline, No (2:51)
14. Un-released BKG's (0:50)
15. Hang On To Your Ego (3:16)
03. That's Not Me (2:27)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (2:52)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (3:04)
06. Let's Go Away For Awhile (2:18)
07. Sloop John B (2:58)
08. God Only Knows (2:51)
09. I Know There's An Answer (3:08)
10. Here Today (2:54)
11. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (3:12)
12. Pet Sounds (2:22)
13. Caroline, No (2:51)
14. Un-released BKG's (0:50)
15. Hang On To Your Ego (3:16)
Smiley Smile (1967)01. Heroes And Villains (3:40)
02. Vegetables (2:10)
03. Fall Breaks And Back To Winter(2:18)
04. She's Goin' Bald (2:19)
05. Little Pad ' (2:33)
06. Good Vibrations (3:39)
07. With Me Tonight (2:19)
08. Wind Chimes (2:37)
09. Gettin' Hungry (2:29)
10. Wonderful (2:24)
11. Whistle In (1:03)
03. Fall Breaks And Back To Winter(2:18)
04. She's Goin' Bald (2:19)
05. Little Pad ' (2:33)
06. Good Vibrations (3:39)
07. With Me Tonight (2:19)
08. Wind Chimes (2:37)
09. Gettin' Hungry (2:29)
10. Wonderful (2:24)
11. Whistle In (1:03)
Wild Honey (1967)01. Wild Honey (2:40)
02. Aren't You Glad (2:18)
03. I Was Made To Love Her (2:07)
04. Country Air (2:22)
05. A Thing Or Two (2:43)
06. Darlin' (2:14)
07. I'd Love Just Once To See You (1:50)
08. Here Comes The Night (2:43)
09. Let The Wind Blow (2:21)
10. How She Boogalooed It (1:57)
11. Mama Says (1:03)
03. I Was Made To Love Her (2:07)
04. Country Air (2:22)
05. A Thing Or Two (2:43)
06. Darlin' (2:14)
07. I'd Love Just Once To See You (1:50)
08. Here Comes The Night (2:43)
09. Let The Wind Blow (2:21)
10. How She Boogalooed It (1:57)
11. Mama Says (1:03)
Smile (1967)01. Prayer (1:07)
02. Heroes And Villians (2:57)
03. Barnyard (0:56)
04. Do You Like Worms (4:06)
05. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine (1:12)
06. He Gives Speeches (0:54)
07. Wonderful (2:07)
08. Child Is Father Of The Man (1:47)
09. Cabinessence (3:32)
10. Look (2:41)
11. Good Vibrations (3:41)
12. I Wanna Be Around - Friday Night (1:37)
13. Vegatables (3:29)
14. Wild Chimes (2:28)
15. Mrs O'Leary's Cow (2:36)
16. I Love To Say Da Da (2:26)
17. You're Welcome (1:07)
18. Surf's Up (5:14)
03. Barnyard (0:56)
04. Do You Like Worms (4:06)
05. The Old Master Painter - You Are My Sunshine (1:12)
06. He Gives Speeches (0:54)
07. Wonderful (2:07)
08. Child Is Father Of The Man (1:47)
09. Cabinessence (3:32)
10. Look (2:41)
11. Good Vibrations (3:41)
12. I Wanna Be Around - Friday Night (1:37)
13. Vegatables (3:29)
14. Wild Chimes (2:28)
15. Mrs O'Leary's Cow (2:36)
16. I Love To Say Da Da (2:26)
17. You're Welcome (1:07)
18. Surf's Up (5:14)
Friends (1968)01. Meant For You (0:41)
02. Friends (2:33)
03. Wake The World (1:31)
04. Be Here In The Morning (2:19)
05. When A Man Needs A Woman (2:09)
06. Passing By (2:26)
07. Anna Lee, The Healer (1:55)
08. Little Bird (2:22)
09. Be Still (1:25)
10. Busy Doin' Nothin' (3:06)
11. Diamond Head (3:42)
12. Transcendental Meditation (1:48)
03. Wake The World (1:31)
04. Be Here In The Morning (2:19)
05. When A Man Needs A Woman (2:09)
06. Passing By (2:26)
07. Anna Lee, The Healer (1:55)
08. Little Bird (2:22)
09. Be Still (1:25)
10. Busy Doin' Nothin' (3:06)
11. Diamond Head (3:42)
12. Transcendental Meditation (1:48)
Stack-O-Tracks (Coletânea 1968)01. Darlin' (2:12)
02. Salt Lake City (1:57)
03. Sloop John B (3:05)
04. In My Room (2:13)
05. Catch А Wave (1:59)
06. Wild Honey (2:35)
07. Little Saint Nick (1:51)
08. Do It Again (2:11)
09. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:10)
10. God Only Knows (2:37)
11. Surfer Girl (2:16)
12. Little Honda (1:35)
13. Here Today (3:06)
14. You're So Good Тo Me (1:54)
15. Let Him Run Wild (2:13)
16. Help Me, Rhonda (2:52)
17. California Girls (2:44)
18. Our Car Club (2:59)
03. Sloop John B (3:05)
04. In My Room (2:13)
05. Catch А Wave (1:59)
06. Wild Honey (2:35)
07. Little Saint Nick (1:51)
08. Do It Again (2:11)
09. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:10)
10. God Only Knows (2:37)
11. Surfer Girl (2:16)
12. Little Honda (1:35)
13. Here Today (3:06)
14. You're So Good Тo Me (1:54)
15. Let Him Run Wild (2:13)
16. Help Me, Rhonda (2:52)
17. California Girls (2:44)
18. Our Car Club (2:59)
20/20 (1969)01. Do It Again (02:29)
02. I Can Hear Music (02:38)
03. Bluebirds Over The Mountain (02:53)
04. Be With Me (03:15)
05. All I Want To Do (02:05)
06. The Nearest Faraway Place (02:40)
07. Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song) (02:24)
08. I Went To Sleep (01:38)
09. Time To Get Alone (02:43)
10. Never Learn Not To Love (02:33)
11. Our Prayer (01:09)
12. Cabinessence (03:34)
03. Bluebirds Over The Mountain (02:53)
04. Be With Me (03:15)
05. All I Want To Do (02:05)
06. The Nearest Faraway Place (02:40)
07. Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song) (02:24)
08. I Went To Sleep (01:38)
09. Time To Get Alone (02:43)
10. Never Learn Not To Love (02:33)
11. Our Prayer (01:09)
12. Cabinessence (03:34)
Live In London (1970)01. Darlin' (2:41)
02. Wouldn't It Be Nice (1:53)
03. Sloop John B (2:29)
04. California Girls (2:19)
05. Do It Again (2:48)
06. Wake The World (2:25)
07. Aren't You Glad (3:15)
08. Bluebirds Over The Mountain (2:52)
09. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (2:50)
10. Good Vibrations (4:30)
11. God Only Knows (3:33)
12. Barbara Ann (2:33)
03. Sloop John B (2:29)
04. California Girls (2:19)
05. Do It Again (2:48)
06. Wake The World (2:25)
07. Aren't You Glad (3:15)
08. Bluebirds Over The Mountain (2:52)
09. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (2:50)
10. Good Vibrations (4:30)
11. God Only Knows (3:33)
12. Barbara Ann (2:33)
Sunflower (1970)01. Slip On Through (2:19)
02. This Whole World (1:58)
03. Add Some Music To Your Day (3:36)
04. Got To Know The Woman (2:43)
05. Deirdre (3:29)
06. It's About Time (2:58)
07. Tears In The Morning (4:11)
08. All I Wanna Do (2:36)
09. Forever (2:42)
10. Our Sweet Love (2:41)
11. At My Window (2:32)
12. Cool, Cool Water (5:04)
03. Add Some Music To Your Day (3:36)
04. Got To Know The Woman (2:43)
05. Deirdre (3:29)
06. It's About Time (2:58)
07. Tears In The Morning (4:11)
08. All I Wanna Do (2:36)
09. Forever (2:42)
10. Our Sweet Love (2:41)
11. At My Window (2:32)
12. Cool, Cool Water (5:04)
Surf's Up (1971)01. Don't Go Near The Water (2:42)
02. Long Promised Road
03. Take A Load Off Your Feet (2:31)
04. Disney Girls (1957) (4:11)
05. Student Demonstration Time (4:01)
06. Feel Flows (4:49)
07. Lookin' At Tomorrow (A Welfare So) (1:57)
08. A Day In The Life Of A Tree (3:10)
09. 'Til I Die (2:44)
10. Surf's Up (4:11)
03. Take A Load Off Your Feet (2:31)
04. Disney Girls (1957) (4:11)
05. Student Demonstration Time (4:01)
06. Feel Flows (4:49)
07. Lookin' At Tomorrow (A Welfare So) (1:57)
08. A Day In The Life Of A Tree (3:10)
09. 'Til I Die (2:44)
10. Surf's Up (4:11)
Carl & The Passions - "So Tough" (1972)01. You Need A Mess Of Help To Stan (3:34)
02. Here She Comes
03. He Come Down (4:42)
04. Marcella (3:57)
05. Hold On Dear Brother (4:48)
06. Make It Good (2:39)
07. All This Is That (4:03)
08. Cuddle Up (5:29)
03. He Come Down (4:42)
04. Marcella (3:57)
05. Hold On Dear Brother (4:48)
06. Make It Good (2:39)
07. All This Is That (4:03)
08. Cuddle Up (5:29)
Holland (1973)01. Sail On, Sailor (3:22)
02. Steamboat (4:35)
03. California Saga Big Sur (2:56)
04. California Saga The Beaks Of Ea (3:48)
05. California Saga California (3:24)
06. The Trader (5:08)
07. Leaving This Town (5:51)
08. Only With You (3:02)
09. Funky Pretty (4:12)
03. California Saga Big Sur (2:56)
04. California Saga The Beaks Of Ea (3:48)
05. California Saga California (3:24)
06. The Trader (5:08)
07. Leaving This Town (5:51)
08. Only With You (3:02)
09. Funky Pretty (4:12)
In Concert (Live 1973)01. Sail On, Sailor (3:21)
02. Sloop John B. (3:12)
03. The Trader (4:46)
04. You Still Believe in Me (2:58)
05. California Girls (2:57)
06. Darlin' (2:21)
07. Marcella (3:55)
08. Caroline, No (3:04)
09. Leaving This Town (6:59)
10. Heroes and Villains (3:51)
11. Funky Pretty (4:04)
12. Let the Wind Blow (4:22)
13. Help Me, Rhonda (4:59)
14. Surfer Girl (2:35)
15. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:45)
16. We Got Love (5:25)
17. Don't Worry Baby (3:11)
18. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:49)
19. Good Vibrations (4:49)
20. Fun, Fun, Fun (3:16)
03. The Trader (4:46)
04. You Still Believe in Me (2:58)
05. California Girls (2:57)
06. Darlin' (2:21)
07. Marcella (3:55)
08. Caroline, No (3:04)
09. Leaving This Town (6:59)
10. Heroes and Villains (3:51)
11. Funky Pretty (4:04)
12. Let the Wind Blow (4:22)
13. Help Me, Rhonda (4:59)
14. Surfer Girl (2:35)
15. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:45)
16. We Got Love (5:25)
17. Don't Worry Baby (3:11)
18. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:49)
19. Good Vibrations (4:49)
20. Fun, Fun, Fun (3:16)
02. Surfer Girl (2:31)
03. Catch A Wave (2:11)
04. The Warmth Of The Sun (2:56)
05. Surfin' Safari (2:15)
06. Be True To Your School (2:11)
07. Little Deuce Coupe (1:43)
08. In My Room (2:15)
09. Shut Down (1:54)
10. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:07)
11. I Get Around (2:17)
12. Girls On The Beach (2:26)
13. Wendy (2:21)
14. Let Him Run Wild (2:24)
15. Don't Worry Baby (2:52)
16. California Girls (2:41)
17. Girl Don't Tell Me (2:24)
18. Help Me, Rhonda (2:50)
19. You're So Good To Me (2:18)
20. All Summer Long (2:15)
21. Good Vibrations (3:45)
03. Catch A Wave (2:11)
04. The Warmth Of The Sun (2:56)
05. Surfin' Safari (2:15)
06. Be True To Your School (2:11)
07. Little Deuce Coupe (1:43)
08. In My Room (2:15)
09. Shut Down (1:54)
10. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:07)
11. I Get Around (2:17)
12. Girls On The Beach (2:26)
13. Wendy (2:21)
14. Let Him Run Wild (2:24)
15. Don't Worry Baby (2:52)
16. California Girls (2:41)
17. Girl Don't Tell Me (2:24)
18. Help Me, Rhonda (2:50)
19. You're So Good To Me (2:18)
20. All Summer Long (2:15)
21. Good Vibrations (3:45)
Nassau Coliseum (Live 1974)CD 1.
01. Wouldn't It Be Nice (4:07)
02. Sail On Sailor (4:06)
03. Funky Pretty (4:50)
04. Marcella (3:39)
05. California Saga, California (4:19)
06. We Got Love (6:35)
07. Little Deuce Coupe (3:29)
08. The Trader (5:41)
09. All This Is That (3:17)
10. Feel Flows (5:22)
11. Surfer Girl (3:06)
12. God Only Knows (3:17)
13. Heroes and Villians (4:37)
02. Sail On Sailor (4:06)
03. Funky Pretty (4:50)
04. Marcella (3:39)
05. California Saga, California (4:19)
06. We Got Love (6:35)
07. Little Deuce Coupe (3:29)
08. The Trader (5:41)
09. All This Is That (3:17)
10. Feel Flows (5:22)
11. Surfer Girl (3:06)
12. God Only Knows (3:17)
13. Heroes and Villians (4:37)
CD 2.
01. Don't Worry Baby (4:23)
02. Sloop John B (2:59)
03. Help Me, Rhonda (4:50)
04. I Get Around (2:58)
05. Good Vibrations (5:49)
06. California Girls (3:20)
07. Barbara Ann (3:05)
08. Surfin' U.S.A (2:50)
02. Sloop John B (2:59)
03. Help Me, Rhonda (4:50)
04. I Get Around (2:58)
05. Good Vibrations (5:49)
06. California Girls (3:20)
07. Barbara Ann (3:05)
08. Surfin' U.S.A (2:50)
Spirit Of America (Coletânea 1975)01. Dance, Dance, Dance (2:01)
02. Break Away Dunbar, Wilson
03. A Young Man Is Gone (2:18)
04. 409 (1:58)
05. The Little Girl I Once Knew (2:38)
06. Spirit of America (2:20)
07. Little Honda (1:53)
08. Hushabye (2:41)
09. Hawaii (2:04)
10. Drive-In (1:49)
11. Good to My Baby (2:18)
12. Tell Me Why (1:41)
13. Do You Remember? (1:40)
14. This Car of Mine (1:36)
15. Please Let Me Wonder (2:47)
16. Why Do Fools Fall in Love? (2:00)
17. Custom Machine (1:36)
18. Barbara Ann (2:07)
19. Salt Lake City (2:01)
20. Don't Back Down (1:41)
21. When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) (2:00)
22. Do You Wanna Dance (2:18)
23. Graduation Day (Studio Version) (2:25)
03. A Young Man Is Gone (2:18)
04. 409 (1:58)
05. The Little Girl I Once Knew (2:38)
06. Spirit of America (2:20)
07. Little Honda (1:53)
08. Hushabye (2:41)
09. Hawaii (2:04)
10. Drive-In (1:49)
11. Good to My Baby (2:18)
12. Tell Me Why (1:41)
13. Do You Remember? (1:40)
14. This Car of Mine (1:36)
15. Please Let Me Wonder (2:47)
16. Why Do Fools Fall in Love? (2:00)
17. Custom Machine (1:36)
18. Barbara Ann (2:07)
19. Salt Lake City (2:01)
20. Don't Back Down (1:41)
21. When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) (2:00)
22. Do You Wanna Dance (2:18)
23. Graduation Day (Studio Version) (2:25)
15 Big Ones (1976)01. Rock And Roll Music (2:31)
02. It's OK (2:15)
03. Had To Phone Ya (1:46)
04. Chapel Of Love (2:37)
05. Everyone's In Love With (2:43)
06. Talk To Me (2:17)
07. That Same Song (2:19)
08. TM Song (1:38)
09. Palisades Park (2:30)
10. Susie Cincinnati (3:00)
11. A Casual Look (2:48)
12. Blueberry Hill (3:04)
13. Back Home (2:52)
14. In The Still Of The Nig (3:05)
15. Just Once In My Life (3:49)
03. Had To Phone Ya (1:46)
04. Chapel Of Love (2:37)
05. Everyone's In Love With (2:43)
06. Talk To Me (2:17)
07. That Same Song (2:19)
08. TM Song (1:38)
09. Palisades Park (2:30)
10. Susie Cincinnati (3:00)
11. A Casual Look (2:48)
12. Blueberry Hill (3:04)
13. Back Home (2:52)
14. In The Still Of The Nig (3:05)
15. Just Once In My Life (3:49)
Beach Boys ’69: Live In London (1976)01. Darlin' (2:41)
02. Wouldn't It Be Nice (1:52)
03. Sloop John B. (2:30)
04. California Girls (2:19)
05. Do It Again (2:46)
06. Wake The World (2:25)
07. Aren't You Glad (3:09)
08. Bluebirds Over The Mountains (2:53)
09. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (2:49)
10. Good Vibrations (4:36)
11. God Only Knows (3:27)
12. Barbara Ann (2:32)
13. Don't Worry Baby (2:57)
14. Heroes & Villains (3:47)
03. Sloop John B. (2:30)
04. California Girls (2:19)
05. Do It Again (2:46)
06. Wake The World (2:25)
07. Aren't You Glad (3:09)
08. Bluebirds Over The Mountains (2:53)
09. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (2:49)
10. Good Vibrations (4:36)
11. God Only Knows (3:27)
12. Barbara Ann (2:32)
13. Don't Worry Baby (2:57)
14. Heroes & Villains (3:47)
Love You (1977)01. Let Us Go On This Way (2:01)
02. Roller Skating Child
03. Mona (2:08)
04. Johnny Carson (2:49)
05. Good Time (2:51)
06. Honkin' Down The Highwa (2:52)
07. Ding Dang (0:50)
08. Solar System (2:50)
09. The Night Was So Young (2:19)
10. I'll Bet He's Nice (2:39)
11. Let's Put Our Hearts To (2:15)
12. I Wanna Pick You Up (2:41)
13. Airplane (3:08)
14. Love Is A Woman (2:57)
03. Mona (2:08)
04. Johnny Carson (2:49)
05. Good Time (2:51)
06. Honkin' Down The Highwa (2:52)
07. Ding Dang (0:50)
08. Solar System (2:50)
09. The Night Was So Young (2:19)
10. I'll Bet He's Nice (2:39)
11. Let's Put Our Hearts To (2:15)
12. I Wanna Pick You Up (2:41)
13. Airplane (3:08)
14. Love Is A Woman (2:57)
M.I.U. Album (1978)01. She's Got Rhythm (2:29)
02. Come Go With Me (2:08)
03. Hey, Little Tomboy (2:27)
04. Kona Coast (2:33)
05. Peggy Sue (2:16)
06. Wontcha Come Out Tonight (2:29)
07. Sweet Sunday (2:43)
08. Belles Of Paris (2:29)
09. Pitter Patter (3:15)
10. My Diane (2:37)
11. Match Point Of Our Love (3:32)
12. Winds Of Change (3:16)
03. Hey, Little Tomboy (2:27)
04. Kona Coast (2:33)
05. Peggy Sue (2:16)
06. Wontcha Come Out Tonight (2:29)
07. Sweet Sunday (2:43)
08. Belles Of Paris (2:29)
09. Pitter Patter (3:15)
10. My Diane (2:37)
11. Match Point Of Our Love (3:32)
12. Winds Of Change (3:16)
L.A. Light Album (1979)01. Good Timin' (2:12)
02. Lady Lynda (3:59)
03. Full Sail (2:58)
04. Angel Come Home (3:41)
05. Love Surrounds Me (3:42)
06. Sumahama (4:32)
07. Here Comes The Night (10:52)
08. Baby Blue (3:25)
09. Goin' South (3:18)
10. Shortenin' Bread (2:50)
03. Full Sail (2:58)
04. Angel Come Home (3:41)
05. Love Surrounds Me (3:42)
06. Sumahama (4:32)
07. Here Comes The Night (10:52)
08. Baby Blue (3:25)
09. Goin' South (3:18)
10. Shortenin' Bread (2:50)
Keepin' The Summer Alive (1980)01. Keepin' The Summer Alive (3:43)
02. Oh Darlin'
03. Some Of Your Love (2:36)
04. Livin' With A Heartache (4:05)
05. School Day (2:52)
06. Goin' On (3:00)
07. Sunshine (2:51)
08. When Girls Get Together (3:31)
09. Santa Ana Winds (3:14)
10. Endless Harmony (3:10)
03. Some Of Your Love (2:36)
04. Livin' With A Heartache (4:05)
05. School Day (2:52)
06. Goin' On (3:00)
07. Sunshine (2:51)
08. When Girls Get Together (3:31)
09. Santa Ana Winds (3:14)
10. Endless Harmony (3:10)
Ten Years Of Harmony (Coletânea 1981)CD 1.
01. Add Some Music To Your Day (3:35)
02. Roller Skating Child (2:18)
03. Disney Girls (4:08)
04. It's a Beautifull Day (3:17)
05. California Sage (California) (3:15)
06. Wontcha Come Out Tonight (2:32)
07. Marcella (3:55)
08. Rock and Roll Music (2:28)
09. Goin On (3:04)
10. It's OK (2:10)
11. Cool, Cool Water (3:27)
12. San Miguel (2:28)
13. School Day (Ring Ring Goes The Bell) (2:49)
14. Good Timin (2:12)
15. Sail On Sailor (3:17)
02. Roller Skating Child (2:18)
03. Disney Girls (4:08)
04. It's a Beautifull Day (3:17)
05. California Sage (California) (3:15)
06. Wontcha Come Out Tonight (2:32)
07. Marcella (3:55)
08. Rock and Roll Music (2:28)
09. Goin On (3:04)
10. It's OK (2:10)
11. Cool, Cool Water (3:27)
12. San Miguel (2:28)
13. School Day (Ring Ring Goes The Bell) (2:49)
14. Good Timin (2:12)
15. Sail On Sailor (3:17)
CD 2.
01. Darlin (Recorded Live) (2:23)
02. Lady Lynda (3:58)
03. Sea Cruise (3:23)
04. The Trader (5:07)
05. This Whole World (1:58)
06. Don't Go Near the Water (2:40)
07. Surf's Up (4:14)
08. Come Go With Me (2:07)
09. Deirdre (3:28)
10. She's Got Rhythm (2:28)
11. River Song (3:46)
12. Long Promised Road (332)
13. Feel Flows (4:47)
14. Ti I Die (2:38)
02. Lady Lynda (3:58)
03. Sea Cruise (3:23)
04. The Trader (5:07)
05. This Whole World (1:58)
06. Don't Go Near the Water (2:40)
07. Surf's Up (4:14)
08. Come Go With Me (2:07)
09. Deirdre (3:28)
10. She's Got Rhythm (2:28)
11. River Song (3:46)
12. Long Promised Road (332)
13. Feel Flows (4:47)
14. Ti I Die (2:38)
The Beach Boys (1985)01. Getcha Back (3:01)
02. It's Gettin' Late (3:26)
03. Crack At Your Love (3:39)
04. Maybe I Don't Know (3:54)
05. She Believes In Love Again (3:29)
06. California Calling (2:49)
07. Passing Friend (5:00)
08. I'm So Lonely (2:52)
09. Where I Belong (2:58)
10. I Do Love You (4:20)
11. It's Just A Matter Of Time (2:22)
12. Male Ego (2:32)
03. Crack At Your Love (3:39)
04. Maybe I Don't Know (3:54)
05. She Believes In Love Again (3:29)
06. California Calling (2:49)
07. Passing Friend (5:00)
08. I'm So Lonely (2:52)
09. Where I Belong (2:58)
10. I Do Love You (4:20)
11. It's Just A Matter Of Time (2:22)
12. Male Ego (2:32)
Still Cruisin' (1989)01. Still Cruisin' (3:35)
02. Somewhere Near Japan
03. Island Girl (3:49)
04. In My Car (3:20)
05. Kokomo (3:37)
06. Wipe Out (With The Fat Boys) (4:00)
07. Make It Big (3:08)
08. I Get Around (2:13)
09. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:23)
10. California Girls (2:37)
03. Island Girl (3:49)
04. In My Car (3:20)
05. Kokomo (3:37)
06. Wipe Out (With The Fat Boys) (4:00)
07. Make It Big (3:08)
08. I Get Around (2:13)
09. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:23)
10. California Girls (2:37)
California Gold (Coletânea 1990)CD 1.
01. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:28)
02. Surfer Girl (2:26)
03. Little Deuce Coupe (1:40)
04. In My Room (2:12)
05. Fun Fun Fun (2:19)
06. The Warmth Of The Sun (2:52)
07. Be True To Your School (2:07)
08. I Get Around (2:13)
09. Don't Worry Baby (2:47)
10. All Summer Long (2:06)
11. Little Honda (1:52)
12. Wendy (2:14)
13. Girls On The Beach (2:22)
14. Do You Wanna Dance (2:17)
15. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2:00)
16. Dance Dance Dance (1:59)
17. Then I Kissed Her (2:15)
18. Help Me Rhonda (2:47)
19. California Girls (2:37)
20. The Little Girl I Once Knew (2:31)
02. Surfer Girl (2:26)
03. Little Deuce Coupe (1:40)
04. In My Room (2:12)
05. Fun Fun Fun (2:19)
06. The Warmth Of The Sun (2:52)
07. Be True To Your School (2:07)
08. I Get Around (2:13)
09. Don't Worry Baby (2:47)
10. All Summer Long (2:06)
11. Little Honda (1:52)
12. Wendy (2:14)
13. Girls On The Beach (2:22)
14. Do You Wanna Dance (2:17)
15. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2:00)
16. Dance Dance Dance (1:59)
17. Then I Kissed Her (2:15)
18. Help Me Rhonda (2:47)
19. California Girls (2:37)
20. The Little Girl I Once Knew (2:31)
CD 2.
01. Barbara Ann (2:06)
02. Sloop John B. (2:57)
03. You're So Good To Me (2:14)
04. God Only Knows (2:50)
05. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:23)
06. You Still Believe In Me (2:30)
07. Caroline No (2:51)
08. Good Vibrations (3:37)
09. Heroes And Villains (3:37)
10. Wild Honey (2:37)
11. Darlin' (2:12)
12. Friends (2:31)
13. Do It Again (3:45)
14. I Can Hear Music (2:38)
15. Bluebirds Over The Mountain (2:51)
16. Cottonfields (The Cotton Song) (3:00)
17. Breakaway (2:53)
18. California Dreamin' (3:10)
19. Kokomo (3:36)
20. Still Cruisin' (3:35)
02. Sloop John B. (2:57)
03. You're So Good To Me (2:14)
04. God Only Knows (2:50)
05. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:23)
06. You Still Believe In Me (2:30)
07. Caroline No (2:51)
08. Good Vibrations (3:37)
09. Heroes And Villains (3:37)
10. Wild Honey (2:37)
11. Darlin' (2:12)
12. Friends (2:31)
13. Do It Again (3:45)
14. I Can Hear Music (2:38)
15. Bluebirds Over The Mountain (2:51)
16. Cottonfields (The Cotton Song) (3:00)
17. Breakaway (2:53)
18. California Dreamin' (3:10)
19. Kokomo (3:36)
20. Still Cruisin' (3:35)
Lost & Found, 1961-1962 (Coletânea 1991)01. Luau (Prev. Unissued) (1:46)
02. Surfin' (Prev. Unissued)
03. Studio Chatter (0:16)
04. Surfin' (First Attempt, Prev. Unissued) (2:29)
05. Studio Chatter (0:07)
06. Surfin' (Master Take- X-301, Candix-301, 331, Capitol LP T-1081) (2:20)
07. Studio Chatter (0:23)
08. Luau (First Attempt, Prev. Unissued) (1:50)
09. Luau (Master Take- 'B' Side Of X-301, And Candix-301, 331) (1:49)
10. Barbie (Stereo) (2:23)
11. What Is A Young Girl Made Of (Stereo) (Prev. Unissued Take) (2:18)
12. Surfin' Safari (Prev. Unissued Take) (2:06)
13. Studio Chatter (0:20)
14. Surfin' Safari (Take Approved As Master) (2:05)
15. Studio Chatter (1:01)
16. Surfer Girl (Take Approved As Master) (2:25)
17. Judy (Prev. Unissued Take) (2:22)
18. Judy (Take Approved As Master) (2:21)
19. Beach Boy Stomp (Aka Karate) (Prev. Unissued Long Version) (2:15)
20. Surfin' Safari (Stereo) (An Attempt At Overdubbing, Prev. Unissued) (2:09)
21. Lavender (Prev. Unissued) (2:31)
03. Studio Chatter (0:16)
04. Surfin' (First Attempt, Prev. Unissued) (2:29)
05. Studio Chatter (0:07)
06. Surfin' (Master Take- X-301, Candix-301, 331, Capitol LP T-1081) (2:20)
07. Studio Chatter (0:23)
08. Luau (First Attempt, Prev. Unissued) (1:50)
09. Luau (Master Take- 'B' Side Of X-301, And Candix-301, 331) (1:49)
10. Barbie (Stereo) (2:23)
11. What Is A Young Girl Made Of (Stereo) (Prev. Unissued Take) (2:18)
12. Surfin' Safari (Prev. Unissued Take) (2:06)
13. Studio Chatter (0:20)
14. Surfin' Safari (Take Approved As Master) (2:05)
15. Studio Chatter (1:01)
16. Surfer Girl (Take Approved As Master) (2:25)
17. Judy (Prev. Unissued Take) (2:22)
18. Judy (Take Approved As Master) (2:21)
19. Beach Boy Stomp (Aka Karate) (Prev. Unissued Long Version) (2:15)
20. Surfin' Safari (Stereo) (An Attempt At Overdubbing, Prev. Unissued) (2:09)
21. Lavender (Prev. Unissued) (2:31)
Summer In Paradise (1992)01. Hot Fun In The Summertime (3:29)
02. Surfin'
04. Island Fever (3:26)
05. Still Surfin' (4:02)
06. Slow Summer Dancin' (3:20)
06. Summer In Paradise (3:53)
07. Strange Things Happen (4:41)
08. Remember Walking In The Sand (3:29)
09. Lahaina Aloha (3:44)
10. Under The Boardwalk (4:07)
11. Summer Of Love (2:50)
12. Forever (3:04)
04. Island Fever (3:26)
05. Still Surfin' (4:02)
06. Slow Summer Dancin' (3:20)
06. Summer In Paradise (3:53)
07. Strange Things Happen (4:41)
08. Remember Walking In The Sand (3:29)
09. Lahaina Aloha (3:44)
10. Under The Boardwalk (4:07)
11. Summer Of Love (2:50)
12. Forever (3:04)
Good Vibrations: Thirty Years Of The Beach Boys (Box Set
1993) CD 1: Mono.01. Surfin' U.S.A. (Demo) (1:49)
02. Little Surfer Girl
(Demo) (0:31)
03. Surfin' (Rehearsal) (1:31)
04. Surfin' (2:28)
05. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (Demo) (2:35)
06. Surfin' Safari (2:16)
07. 409 (2:09)
08. Punchline (Instrumental) (1:52)
09. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:29)
10. Shut Down (1:51)
11. Surfer Girl (2:26)
12. Little Deuce Coupe (1:48)
13. In My Room (2:15)
14. Catch A Wave (2:18)
15. The Surfer Moon (2:18)
16. Be True To Your School (2:07)
17. Spirit Of America (2:20)
18. Little Saint Nick (Single) (1:59)
19. Things We Did Last Summer (2:27)
20. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:19)
21. Don't Worry Baby (2:49)
22. Why Do Fools Fall In Love? (2:08)
23. The Warmth Of The Sun (2:50)
24. I Get Around (2:13)
25. All Summer Long (2:07)
26. Little Honda (1:51)
27. Wendy (2:20)
28. Don't Back Down (1:53)
29. Do You Wanna Dance? (2:17)
30. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2:01)
31. Dance, Dance, Dance (1:59)
32. Please Let Me Wonder (2:45)
33. She Knows Me Too Well (2:28)
34. Radio Station Jingles (1:03)
35. Concert Promo / Hushabye (Live) (3:56)
03. Surfin' (Rehearsal) (1:31)
04. Surfin' (2:28)
05. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (Demo) (2:35)
06. Surfin' Safari (2:16)
07. 409 (2:09)
08. Punchline (Instrumental) (1:52)
09. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:29)
10. Shut Down (1:51)
11. Surfer Girl (2:26)
12. Little Deuce Coupe (1:48)
13. In My Room (2:15)
14. Catch A Wave (2:18)
15. The Surfer Moon (2:18)
16. Be True To Your School (2:07)
17. Spirit Of America (2:20)
18. Little Saint Nick (Single) (1:59)
19. Things We Did Last Summer (2:27)
20. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:19)
21. Don't Worry Baby (2:49)
22. Why Do Fools Fall In Love? (2:08)
23. The Warmth Of The Sun (2:50)
24. I Get Around (2:13)
25. All Summer Long (2:07)
26. Little Honda (1:51)
27. Wendy (2:20)
28. Don't Back Down (1:53)
29. Do You Wanna Dance? (2:17)
30. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2:01)
31. Dance, Dance, Dance (1:59)
32. Please Let Me Wonder (2:45)
33. She Knows Me Too Well (2:28)
34. Radio Station Jingles (1:03)
35. Concert Promo / Hushabye (Live) (3:56)
CD 2: Mono.01. California Girls (2:37)
02. Help Me Rhonda (2:47)
03. Then I Kissed Her (2:15)
04. And Your Dream Comes True (1:06)
05. The Little Girl I Once Knew (Single) (2:37)
06. Barbara Ann (Single) (2:04)
07. Ruby Baby (Party LP Outtake) (2:10)
08. KOMA (Radio Promo Spot) (Stereo) (0:10)
09. Sloop John B (2:57)
10. Wouldn't It Be Nice? (2:23)
11. You Still Believe In Me (2:30)
12. God Only Knows (2:49)
13. Hang On To Your Ego (Alternate Version) (3:13)
14. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (3:12)
15. Pet Sounds (2:22)
16. Caroline, No (2:52)
17. Good Vibrations (Single) (3:38)
18. Our Prayer (1:07)
19. Heroes And Villains (Alternate Version) (2:56)
20. Heroes And Villains (Sections) (6:40)
21. Wonderful (2:02)
22. Cabinessence (3:33)
23. Wind Chimes (2:32)
24. Heroes And Villains (Intro) (0:35)
25. Do You Like Worms? (4:00)
26. Vegetables (3:29)
27. I Love To Say Da Da (1:34)
28. Surf's Up (3:38)
29. With Me Tonight (2:17)
02. Help Me Rhonda (2:47)
03. Then I Kissed Her (2:15)
04. And Your Dream Comes True (1:06)
05. The Little Girl I Once Knew (Single) (2:37)
06. Barbara Ann (Single) (2:04)
07. Ruby Baby (Party LP Outtake) (2:10)
08. KOMA (Radio Promo Spot) (Stereo) (0:10)
09. Sloop John B (2:57)
10. Wouldn't It Be Nice? (2:23)
11. You Still Believe In Me (2:30)
12. God Only Knows (2:49)
13. Hang On To Your Ego (Alternate Version) (3:13)
14. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (3:12)
15. Pet Sounds (2:22)
16. Caroline, No (2:52)
17. Good Vibrations (Single) (3:38)
18. Our Prayer (1:07)
19. Heroes And Villains (Alternate Version) (2:56)
20. Heroes And Villains (Sections) (6:40)
21. Wonderful (2:02)
22. Cabinessence (3:33)
23. Wind Chimes (2:32)
24. Heroes And Villains (Intro) (0:35)
25. Do You Like Worms? (4:00)
26. Vegetables (3:29)
27. I Love To Say Da Da (1:34)
28. Surf's Up (3:38)
29. With Me Tonight (2:17)
CD 3.01. Heroes And Villains (Single) (Mono) (3:38)
02. Darlin' (Mono) (2:12)
03. Wild Honey (Mono) (2:37)
04. Let The Wind Blow (Mono) (2:21)
05. Can't Wait Too Long (2:30)
06. Cool Cool Water (3:51)
07. Meant For You (0:40)
08. Friends (2:31)
09. Little Bird (1:58)
10. Busy Doin' Nothin' (3:04)
11. Do It Again (2:28)
12. I Can Hear Music (2:38)
13. I Went To Sleep (1:38)
14. Time To Get Alone (2:43)
15. Breakaway (2:56)
16. Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song) (Single) (Mono) (3:03)
17. San Miguel (2:26)
18. Games Two Can Play (2:01)
19. I Just Got My Pay (2:20)
20. This Whole World (1:57)
21. Add Some Music (3:33)
22. Forever (2:41)
23. Our Sweet Love (2:38)
24. H.E.L.P. Is On The Way (2:30)
25. 4th Of July (2:44)
26. Long Promised Road (3:27)
27. Disney Girls (4:08)
28. Surf's Up (4:13)
29. 'Til I Die (2:30)
02. Darlin' (Mono) (2:12)
03. Wild Honey (Mono) (2:37)
04. Let The Wind Blow (Mono) (2:21)
05. Can't Wait Too Long (2:30)
06. Cool Cool Water (3:51)
07. Meant For You (0:40)
08. Friends (2:31)
09. Little Bird (1:58)
10. Busy Doin' Nothin' (3:04)
11. Do It Again (2:28)
12. I Can Hear Music (2:38)
13. I Went To Sleep (1:38)
14. Time To Get Alone (2:43)
15. Breakaway (2:56)
16. Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song) (Single) (Mono) (3:03)
17. San Miguel (2:26)
18. Games Two Can Play (2:01)
19. I Just Got My Pay (2:20)
20. This Whole World (1:57)
21. Add Some Music (3:33)
22. Forever (2:41)
23. Our Sweet Love (2:38)
24. H.E.L.P. Is On The Way (2:30)
25. 4th Of July (2:44)
26. Long Promised Road (3:27)
27. Disney Girls (4:08)
28. Surf's Up (4:13)
29. 'Til I Die (2:30)
CD 4.01. Sail On Sailor (3:19)
02. California (3:20)
03. Trader (5:04)
04. Funky Pretty (4:10)
05. Fairy Tale Music (4:05)
06. You Need A Mess Of Help To Stand Alone (3:26)
07. Marcella (3:52)
08. All This Is That (3:59)
09. Rock And Roll Music (2:28)
10. It's OK (2:11)
11. Had To Phone Ya (1:44)
12. That Same Song (2:15)
13. It's Over Now (2:50)
14. Still I Dream Of It (3:26)
15. Let Us Go On This Way (1:59)
16. The Night Was So Young (2:15)
17. I'll Bet He's Nice (2:35)
18. Airplane (3:04)
19. Come Go With Me (2:03)
20. Our Team (2:33)
21. Baby Blue (3:18)
22. Good Timin' (2:11)
23. Goin' On (3:03)
24. Getcha Back (3:02)
25. Kokomo (3:35)
02. California (3:20)
03. Trader (5:04)
04. Funky Pretty (4:10)
05. Fairy Tale Music (4:05)
06. You Need A Mess Of Help To Stand Alone (3:26)
07. Marcella (3:52)
08. All This Is That (3:59)
09. Rock And Roll Music (2:28)
10. It's OK (2:11)
11. Had To Phone Ya (1:44)
12. That Same Song (2:15)
13. It's Over Now (2:50)
14. Still I Dream Of It (3:26)
15. Let Us Go On This Way (1:59)
16. The Night Was So Young (2:15)
17. I'll Bet He's Nice (2:35)
18. Airplane (3:04)
19. Come Go With Me (2:03)
20. Our Team (2:33)
21. Baby Blue (3:18)
22. Good Timin' (2:11)
23. Goin' On (3:03)
24. Getcha Back (3:02)
25. Kokomo (3:35)
CD 5: Sessions, Previously Unreleased.01. In My Room
(Demo) (Mono) (2:33)
02. Radio Spot #1 (Mono) (0:09)
03. I Get Around (Track Only) (2:19)
04. Radio Spot #2 (Mono) (0:15)
05. Dance, Dance, Dance (Tracking Session) (2:12)
06. Hang On To Your Ego (Sessions) (6:40)
07. God Only Knows (Tracking Session) (9:14)
08. Good Vibrations (Sessions) (15:18)
09. Heroes And Villains (Track Only) (Mono) (0:47)
10. Cabinessence (Track Only) (3:59)
11. Surf's Up (Track Only) (1:40)
12. Radio Spot #3 (Mono) (0:06)
13. All Summer Long (Vocals) (2:12)
14. Wendy (Vocals) (2:27)
15. Hushabye (Vocals) (2:42)
16. When I Grow Up To Be A Man (Vocals) (2:19)
17. Wouldn't It Be Nice? (Vocals) (2:43)
18. California Girls (Vocals) (2:34)
19. Radio Spot #4 (Mono) (0:11)
20. Concert Intro / Surfin' U.S.A. (Live 1964) (3:15)
21. Surfer Girl (Live 1964) (2:52)
22. Be True To Your School (Live 1964) (2:29)
23. Good Vibrations (Live 1966) (5:14)
24. Surfer Girl (Live Rehearsal 1967) (2:18)
02. Radio Spot #1 (Mono) (0:09)
03. I Get Around (Track Only) (2:19)
04. Radio Spot #2 (Mono) (0:15)
05. Dance, Dance, Dance (Tracking Session) (2:12)
06. Hang On To Your Ego (Sessions) (6:40)
07. God Only Knows (Tracking Session) (9:14)
08. Good Vibrations (Sessions) (15:18)
09. Heroes And Villains (Track Only) (Mono) (0:47)
10. Cabinessence (Track Only) (3:59)
11. Surf's Up (Track Only) (1:40)
12. Radio Spot #3 (Mono) (0:06)
13. All Summer Long (Vocals) (2:12)
14. Wendy (Vocals) (2:27)
15. Hushabye (Vocals) (2:42)
16. When I Grow Up To Be A Man (Vocals) (2:19)
17. Wouldn't It Be Nice? (Vocals) (2:43)
18. California Girls (Vocals) (2:34)
19. Radio Spot #4 (Mono) (0:11)
20. Concert Intro / Surfin' U.S.A. (Live 1964) (3:15)
21. Surfer Girl (Live 1964) (2:52)
22. Be True To Your School (Live 1964) (2:29)
23. Good Vibrations (Live 1966) (5:14)
24. Surfer Girl (Live Rehearsal 1967) (2:18)
Stars And Stripes Vol. 1 (1996)01. Don't Worry Baby (Lorrie Morgan) (3:18)
02. Little Deuce
Coupe (James House) (2:52)
03. 409 (Junior Brown) (2:22)
04. Long Tall Texan (Doug Supernaw) (4:04)
05. I Get Around (Sawyer Brown) (2:31)
06. Be True to Your School (Toby Keith) (3:20)
07. Fun, Fun, Fun (Ricky Van Shelton) (2:22)
08. Help Me, Rhonda (T. Graham Brown) (3:12)
09. Warmth of the Sun (Willie Nelson) (3:20)
10. Sloop John B. (Collin Rae) (3:47)
11. I Can Hear Music (Kathy Troccoli) (3:16)
12. Caroline, No (Timothy B. Schmit) (3:21)
03. 409 (Junior Brown) (2:22)
04. Long Tall Texan (Doug Supernaw) (4:04)
05. I Get Around (Sawyer Brown) (2:31)
06. Be True to Your School (Toby Keith) (3:20)
07. Fun, Fun, Fun (Ricky Van Shelton) (2:22)
08. Help Me, Rhonda (T. Graham Brown) (3:12)
09. Warmth of the Sun (Willie Nelson) (3:20)
10. Sloop John B. (Collin Rae) (3:47)
11. I Can Hear Music (Kathy Troccoli) (3:16)
12. Caroline, No (Timothy B. Schmit) (3:21)
The Pet Sounds Sessions (Box Set 1997)СD 1.
01. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Stereo Mix) (2:35)
02. You Still Believe In Me (Stereo) (2:38)
03. That's Not Me (Stereo Mix) (2:33)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (3:00)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (Stereo) (3:08)
06. Let's Go Away For Awhile (Stereo) (2:26)
07. Sloop John B (Stereo Mix) (3:01)
08. God Only Knows (Stereo Mix) (2:56)
09. I Know There's An Answer (Stereo) (3:10)
10. Here Today (Stereo Mix) (3:09)
11. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:23)
12. Pet Sounds (Stereo Mix) (2:39)
13. Caroline, No (Stereo Mix) (3:00)
14. Sloop John B (Highlights) (1:07)
15. Sloop John B (Stereo) (3:20)
16. Trombone Dixie (Highlights) (1:28)
17. Trombone Dixie (Stereo Backing) (2:52)
18. Pet Sounds (0:59)
19. Pet Sounds (Stereo) (2:51)
20. Let's Go Away For Awhile (2:22)
21. Let's Go Away For Awhile (Stereo) (2:53)
22. Wouldn't It Be Nice (7:22)
23. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Stereo) (2:36)
24. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Stereo) (2:36)
25. You Still Believe In Me (1:41)
26. You Still Believe In Me (0:17)
27. You Still Believe In Me (1:13)
28. You Still Believe In Me (Stereo) (2:37)
02. You Still Believe In Me (Stereo) (2:38)
03. That's Not Me (Stereo Mix) (2:33)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (3:00)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (Stereo) (3:08)
06. Let's Go Away For Awhile (Stereo) (2:26)
07. Sloop John B (Stereo Mix) (3:01)
08. God Only Knows (Stereo Mix) (2:56)
09. I Know There's An Answer (Stereo) (3:10)
10. Here Today (Stereo Mix) (3:09)
11. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:23)
12. Pet Sounds (Stereo Mix) (2:39)
13. Caroline, No (Stereo Mix) (3:00)
14. Sloop John B (Highlights) (1:07)
15. Sloop John B (Stereo) (3:20)
16. Trombone Dixie (Highlights) (1:28)
17. Trombone Dixie (Stereo Backing) (2:52)
18. Pet Sounds (0:59)
19. Pet Sounds (Stereo) (2:51)
20. Let's Go Away For Awhile (2:22)
21. Let's Go Away For Awhile (Stereo) (2:53)
22. Wouldn't It Be Nice (7:22)
23. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Stereo) (2:36)
24. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Stereo) (2:36)
25. You Still Believe In Me (1:41)
26. You Still Believe In Me (0:17)
27. You Still Believe In Me (1:13)
28. You Still Believe In Me (Stereo) (2:37)
СD 2.
01. Caroline, No (Highlights) (4:08)
02. Caroline, No (Stereo) (2:55)
03. Hang On To Your Ego (Highlights) (4:49)
04. Hang On To Your Ego (Stereo) (3:25)
05. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (2:22)
06. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (3:13)
07. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (1:50)
08. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:01)
09. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:49)
10. That's Not Me (Highlights) (1:54)
11. That's Not Me (Stereo) (2:48)
12. Good Vibrations (Highlights) (2:43)
13. Good Vibrations (Stereo) (3:17)
14. I'm Waiting For The Day (Highlights) (5:27)
15. I'm Waiting For The Day (Stereo) (3:16)
16. God Only Knows (Highlights) (9:27)
17. God Only Knows (Stereo) (3:08)
18. Here Today (Highlights) (6:39)
19. Here Today (Stereo) (4:55)
02. Caroline, No (Stereo) (2:55)
03. Hang On To Your Ego (Highlights) (4:49)
04. Hang On To Your Ego (Stereo) (3:25)
05. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (2:22)
06. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (3:13)
07. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (1:50)
08. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:01)
09. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:49)
10. That's Not Me (Highlights) (1:54)
11. That's Not Me (Stereo) (2:48)
12. Good Vibrations (Highlights) (2:43)
13. Good Vibrations (Stereo) (3:17)
14. I'm Waiting For The Day (Highlights) (5:27)
15. I'm Waiting For The Day (Stereo) (3:16)
16. God Only Knows (Highlights) (9:27)
17. God Only Knows (Stereo) (3:08)
18. Here Today (Highlights) (6:39)
19. Here Today (Stereo) (4:55)
CD 3.
01. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Vocals Only) (2:39)
02. You Still Believe In Me (Vocals Only) (2:49)
03. That's Not Me (Vocals Only) (2:30)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (3:09)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (Vocals Only) (3:04)
06. Sloop John B (Vocals Only) (3:11)
07. God Only Knows (Vocals Only) (2:51)
08. I Know There's An Answer (Vocals Only) (2:22)
09. Here Today (Vocals Only) (3:32)
10. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:25)
11. Caroline, No (Vocals Only) (1:56)
12. Caroline, No (Promotional Spot) (0:34)
13. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Alternate Version) (2:31)
14. You Still Believe In Me (Alternate Version) (2:25)
15. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (0:59)
16. I'm Waiting For The Day (3:04)
17. Sloop John B (Carl Sings First) (3:07)
18. God Only Knows (Sax Solo) (2:51)
19. Hang On To Your Ego (Alternate Version) (3:15)
20. Here Today (Alternate Version) (3:09)
21. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:13)
22. Banana & Louie (Alternate Version) (0:07)
23. Caroline, No (Stereo Mix) (2:26)
24. Dog Barking Session (Take Outta) (0:37)
25. Caroline, No (Promotional Spot) (0:30)
26. God Only Knows (With A Cappella) (2:58)
27. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Alternate Version) (2:30)
28. Sloop John B (Brian Wilson Vocal) (3:06)
29. God Only Knows (Brian Wilson Vocal) (2:44)
30. Caroline, No (Mono Mix, Original Version) (3:03)
02. You Still Believe In Me (Vocals Only) (2:49)
03. That's Not Me (Vocals Only) (2:30)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (3:09)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (Vocals Only) (3:04)
06. Sloop John B (Vocals Only) (3:11)
07. God Only Knows (Vocals Only) (2:51)
08. I Know There's An Answer (Vocals Only) (2:22)
09. Here Today (Vocals Only) (3:32)
10. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:25)
11. Caroline, No (Vocals Only) (1:56)
12. Caroline, No (Promotional Spot) (0:34)
13. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Alternate Version) (2:31)
14. You Still Believe In Me (Alternate Version) (2:25)
15. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (0:59)
16. I'm Waiting For The Day (3:04)
17. Sloop John B (Carl Sings First) (3:07)
18. God Only Knows (Sax Solo) (2:51)
19. Hang On To Your Ego (Alternate Version) (3:15)
20. Here Today (Alternate Version) (3:09)
21. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:13)
22. Banana & Louie (Alternate Version) (0:07)
23. Caroline, No (Stereo Mix) (2:26)
24. Dog Barking Session (Take Outta) (0:37)
25. Caroline, No (Promotional Spot) (0:30)
26. God Only Knows (With A Cappella) (2:58)
27. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Alternate Version) (2:30)
28. Sloop John B (Brian Wilson Vocal) (3:06)
29. God Only Knows (Brian Wilson Vocal) (2:44)
30. Caroline, No (Mono Mix, Original Version) (3:03)
CD 4.
01. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Mono) (2:27)
02. You Still Believe In Me (Mono) (2:37)
03. That's Not Me (Mono) (2:32)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (2:56)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (Mono) (3:08)
06. Let's Go Away For A While (Mono) (2:23)
07. Sloop John B (Mono) (3:02)
08. God Only Knows (Mono) (2:55)
09. I Know There's An Answer (Mono) (3:13)
10. Here Today (Mono) (2:57)
11. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:17)
12. Pet Sounds (Mono) (2:25)
13. Caroline, No (Mono) (2:53)
02. You Still Believe In Me (Mono) (2:37)
03. That's Not Me (Mono) (2:32)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My) (2:56)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (Mono) (3:08)
06. Let's Go Away For A While (Mono) (2:23)
07. Sloop John B (Mono) (3:02)
08. God Only Knows (Mono) (2:55)
09. I Know There's An Answer (Mono) (3:13)
10. Here Today (Mono) (2:57)
11. I Just Wasn't Made For These Ti (3:17)
12. Pet Sounds (Mono) (2:25)
13. Caroline, No (Mono) (2:53)
The Live Box: 1965-1968 (Box Set 1998)CD 1.01. Intro (1:19)
02. Help Me, Rhonda (2:11)
03. I Get Around (2:25)
04. Surfin' Safari And More... (3:10)
05. Mike Talking No.1 (2:44)
06. Surfer Girl (2:32)
07. Mike Talking No.2 (1:05)
08. Papa Oom Mow Mow (2:19)
09. You're So Good To Me (2:11)
10. Mike Talking No.3 (1:08)
11. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:41)
12. Mike Talking No.4 (2:26)
13. California Girls (2:38)
14. Mike Talking No.5 (2:28)
15. Sloop John B (2:50)
16. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:09)
17. Mike Talking No.6 (1:59)
18. God Only Knows (2:50)
19. Mike Talking No.7 (0:49)
20. Good Vibrations (Incomplete) (3:43)
21. Mike Talking No.8 (1:17)
22. Graduation Day (3:17)
23. Mike Talking No.9 (1:37)
24. Barbara Ann (2:48)
25. Radio Promo Spots (1:36)
26. Radio Promo Spot (0:23)
27. Radio Promo Spot (0:32)
28. Radio Promo Spot (0:20)
29. Radio Promo Spots (0:23)
30. Radio Promo Spots (0:35)
31. Radio Promo Spots (0:40)
32. Mike Love & Derek Taylor Promo Rehearsal (3:35)
33. Radio Promo Spot (0:18)
03. I Get Around (2:25)
04. Surfin' Safari And More... (3:10)
05. Mike Talking No.1 (2:44)
06. Surfer Girl (2:32)
07. Mike Talking No.2 (1:05)
08. Papa Oom Mow Mow (2:19)
09. You're So Good To Me (2:11)
10. Mike Talking No.3 (1:08)
11. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:41)
12. Mike Talking No.4 (2:26)
13. California Girls (2:38)
14. Mike Talking No.5 (2:28)
15. Sloop John B (2:50)
16. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:09)
17. Mike Talking No.6 (1:59)
18. God Only Knows (2:50)
19. Mike Talking No.7 (0:49)
20. Good Vibrations (Incomplete) (3:43)
21. Mike Talking No.8 (1:17)
22. Graduation Day (3:17)
23. Mike Talking No.9 (1:37)
24. Barbara Ann (2:48)
25. Radio Promo Spots (1:36)
26. Radio Promo Spot (0:23)
27. Radio Promo Spot (0:32)
28. Radio Promo Spot (0:20)
29. Radio Promo Spots (0:23)
30. Radio Promo Spots (0:35)
31. Radio Promo Spots (0:40)
32. Mike Love & Derek Taylor Promo Rehearsal (3:35)
33. Radio Promo Spot (0:18)
CD 2.01. Introduction (1:01)
02. Help Me, Rhonda (2:14)
03. I Get Around (2:28)
04. Surfin' Safari And More ... (3:32)
05. Mike Talking No.1 (2:19)
06. Surfer Girl (2:33)
07. Papa Oom Mow Mow (2:16)
08. Mike Talking No.2 (1:50)
09. You're So Good To Me (With False Start) (2:46)
10. Mike Talking No.3 (1:05)
11. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:43)
12. Mike Talking No.4 (1:01)
13. California Girls (2:33)
14. Mike Talking No.5 (1:28)
15. God Only Knows (2:36)
16. Mike Talking No.6 (1:31)
17. Good Vibrations (4:21)
18. Mike Talking No.7 (1:26)
19. Graduation Day (2:29)
20. Mike Talking No.8 (0:52)
21. Barbara Ann (3:43)
22. Introduction Of Brian Wilson (1:48)
23. Johnny B Goode (2:56)
24. Talk And Tuning (3:27)
25. God Only Knows (3:46)
26. Good Vibrations (4:09)
02. Help Me, Rhonda (2:14)
03. I Get Around (2:28)
04. Surfin' Safari And More ... (3:32)
05. Mike Talking No.1 (2:19)
06. Surfer Girl (2:33)
07. Papa Oom Mow Mow (2:16)
08. Mike Talking No.2 (1:50)
09. You're So Good To Me (With False Start) (2:46)
10. Mike Talking No.3 (1:05)
11. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away (2:43)
12. Mike Talking No.4 (1:01)
13. California Girls (2:33)
14. Mike Talking No.5 (1:28)
15. God Only Knows (2:36)
16. Mike Talking No.6 (1:31)
17. Good Vibrations (4:21)
18. Mike Talking No.7 (1:26)
19. Graduation Day (2:29)
20. Mike Talking No.8 (0:52)
21. Barbara Ann (3:43)
22. Introduction Of Brian Wilson (1:48)
23. Johnny B Goode (2:56)
24. Talk And Tuning (3:27)
25. God Only Knows (3:46)
26. Good Vibrations (4:09)
CD 3.01. Don't Worry, Baby (3:45)
02. I Get Around (2:00)
03. Johnny B Goode (3:52)
04. Papa Oom Mow Mow (2:13)
05. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:26)
06. I Get Around (2:06)
07. Johnny B Goode (2:40)
08. Outro (0:32)
09. You're So Good To Me (2:44)
10. Help Me, Rhonda (2:33)
11. Surfer Girl (Rehearsal) (3:16)
12. Surfer Girl (2:48)
13. California Girls (Rehearsal) (0:35)
14. California Girls (2:31)
15. Surfin' (Rehearsal) (1:04)
16. God Only Knows (Rehearsal) (3:17)
17. God Only Knows (Takes 1-6) (4:06)
18. God Only Knows (2:51)
19. Good Vibrations (Rehearsal) (4:59)
20. Heroes And Villains (Rehearsal) (0:51)
02. I Get Around (2:00)
03. Johnny B Goode (3:52)
04. Papa Oom Mow Mow (2:13)
05. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:26)
06. I Get Around (2:06)
07. Johnny B Goode (2:40)
08. Outro (0:32)
09. You're So Good To Me (2:44)
10. Help Me, Rhonda (2:33)
11. Surfer Girl (Rehearsal) (3:16)
12. Surfer Girl (2:48)
13. California Girls (Rehearsal) (0:35)
14. California Girls (2:31)
15. Surfin' (Rehearsal) (1:04)
16. God Only Knows (Rehearsal) (3:17)
17. God Only Knows (Takes 1-6) (4:06)
18. God Only Knows (2:51)
19. Good Vibrations (Rehearsal) (4:59)
20. Heroes And Villains (Rehearsal) (0:51)
Ultimate Christmas (1998)01. Little Saint Nick (2:02)
02. The Man With All The Toys
03. Santas Beard (2:03)
04. Merry Christmas Baby (2:23)
05. Christmas Day (1:48)
06. Frosty The Snowman (1:59)
07. We Three Kings Of Orient Are (4:06)
08. Blue Christmas (2:11)
09. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (2:24)
10. White Christmas (2:32)
11. I'll Be Home For Christmas (2:48)
12. Auld Lang Syne (1:24)
13. Little Saint Nick (Single Version) (2:10)
14. Auld Lang Syne (Alternate Version) (1:25)
15. Little Saint Nick (Alternate Version) (2:06)
16. Child Of Winter (Christmas Song) (2:50)
17. Santas Got An Airplane (3:12)
18. Winter Symphony (3:02)
19. Rockin Around The Christmas Tree (2:25)
20. Melekalikimaka (2:36)
21. Balls Of Christmas (2:46)
22. Morning Christmas (3:26)
23. Toy Drive Public Service Announcement (1:23)
24. Dennis Wilson Christmas Message (0:34)
25. Brian Wilson Christmas Interview (2:36)
03. Santas Beard (2:03)
04. Merry Christmas Baby (2:23)
05. Christmas Day (1:48)
06. Frosty The Snowman (1:59)
07. We Three Kings Of Orient Are (4:06)
08. Blue Christmas (2:11)
09. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (2:24)
10. White Christmas (2:32)
11. I'll Be Home For Christmas (2:48)
12. Auld Lang Syne (1:24)
13. Little Saint Nick (Single Version) (2:10)
14. Auld Lang Syne (Alternate Version) (1:25)
15. Little Saint Nick (Alternate Version) (2:06)
16. Child Of Winter (Christmas Song) (2:50)
17. Santas Got An Airplane (3:12)
18. Winter Symphony (3:02)
19. Rockin Around The Christmas Tree (2:25)
20. Melekalikimaka (2:36)
21. Balls Of Christmas (2:46)
22. Morning Christmas (3:26)
23. Toy Drive Public Service Announcement (1:23)
24. Dennis Wilson Christmas Message (0:34)
25. Brian Wilson Christmas Interview (2:36)
Endless Harmony (Soundtrack 1998)01. Soulful Old Man Sunshine (Writing Session Excerpt)
02. Soulful Old Man Sunshine (3:28)
03. Radio Concert Promo 1 (0:14)
04. Medley, Surfin' Safari, Fun, Fun, Fun, Shut Down, Little (3:31)
05. Surfer Girl (2:29)
06. Help Me, Rhonda (2:52)
07. Kiss Me, Baby (2:45)
08. California Girls (2:45)
09. Good Vibrations (Live) (3:43)
10. Heroes And Villains (2:24)
11. Heroes And Villains (Live) (3:41)
12. God Only Knows (Live) (2:46)
13. Radio Concert Promo 2 (0:15)
14. Darlin' (Live) (2:17)
15. Wonderful Don't Worry, Bill (Live) (5:54)
16. Do It Again (2:31)
17. Break Away (2:41)
18. Sail Plane Song (2:13)
19. Loop De Loop (2:59)
20. Barbara (3:00)
21. 'Til I Die (4:58)
22. Long Promised Road (Live) (4:18)
23. All Alone (3:40)
24. Brain's Back (4:09)
25. Endless Harmony (3:10)
03. Radio Concert Promo 1 (0:14)
04. Medley, Surfin' Safari, Fun, Fun, Fun, Shut Down, Little (3:31)
05. Surfer Girl (2:29)
06. Help Me, Rhonda (2:52)
07. Kiss Me, Baby (2:45)
08. California Girls (2:45)
09. Good Vibrations (Live) (3:43)
10. Heroes And Villains (2:24)
11. Heroes And Villains (Live) (3:41)
12. God Only Knows (Live) (2:46)
13. Radio Concert Promo 2 (0:15)
14. Darlin' (Live) (2:17)
15. Wonderful Don't Worry, Bill (Live) (5:54)
16. Do It Again (2:31)
17. Break Away (2:41)
18. Sail Plane Song (2:13)
19. Loop De Loop (2:59)
20. Barbara (3:00)
21. 'Til I Die (4:58)
22. Long Promised Road (Live) (4:18)
23. All Alone (3:40)
24. Brain's Back (4:09)
25. Endless Harmony (3:10)
20 Good Vibrations: Vol. 1 (Coletânea 1999)01. Surfer Girl (2:27)
02. Little Deuce Coupe (1:49)
03. Catch a Wave (2:18)
04. Be True to Your School (2:07)
05. I Get Around (2:14)
06. Dance, Dance, Dance (2:00)
07. Help Me, Rhonda (2:47)
08. Barbara Ann (2:09)
09. Sloop John B (2:56)
10. God Only Knows (2:49)
11. Good Vibrations (3:37)
12. Kokomo (3:36)
13. Surfin' Safari (2:06)
14. 409 (2:00)
15. Surfin' U.S.A (2:28)
16. Shut Down (1:50)
03. Catch a Wave (2:18)
04. Be True to Your School (2:07)
05. I Get Around (2:14)
06. Dance, Dance, Dance (2:00)
07. Help Me, Rhonda (2:47)
08. Barbara Ann (2:09)
09. Sloop John B (2:56)
10. God Only Knows (2:49)
11. Good Vibrations (3:37)
12. Kokomo (3:36)
13. Surfin' Safari (2:06)
14. 409 (2:00)
15. Surfin' U.S.A (2:28)
16. Shut Down (1:50)
20 Good Vibrations: Vol. 2 (Coletânea 1999)01. In My Room (2:12)
02. Warmth Of The Sun, The
03. Don't Worry, Baby (2:51)
04. All Summer Long (2:06)
05. Wendy (2:24)
06. Little Honda (1:52)
07. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2:03)
08. Please Let Me Wonder (2:46)
09. You're So Good To Me (2:16)
10. Little Girl I Once Knew, The (2:36)
11. Caroline, No (Single Version) (2:18)
12. Heroes And Villains (3:37)
13. Wild Honey (2:38)
14. Darlin' (2:12)
15. Friends (Mono Single Mix) (2:31)
16. Do It Again (Single Version) (2:19)
17. Bluebirds 17-Over The Mountain (Mono Single Mix) (2:51)
18. I Can Hear Music (2:38)
19. Break Away (2:55)
20. Cottonfields (3:04)
03. Don't Worry, Baby (2:51)
04. All Summer Long (2:06)
05. Wendy (2:24)
06. Little Honda (1:52)
07. When I Grow Up (To Be A Man) (2:03)
08. Please Let Me Wonder (2:46)
09. You're So Good To Me (2:16)
10. Little Girl I Once Knew, The (2:36)
11. Caroline, No (Single Version) (2:18)
12. Heroes And Villains (3:37)
13. Wild Honey (2:38)
14. Darlin' (2:12)
15. Friends (Mono Single Mix) (2:31)
16. Do It Again (Single Version) (2:19)
17. Bluebirds 17-Over The Mountain (Mono Single Mix) (2:51)
18. I Can Hear Music (2:38)
19. Break Away (2:55)
20. Cottonfields (3:04)
Greatest Hits: The Swedish Collection (Coletânea
2000)01. I Get Around (2:13)
02. California Girls (2:36)
03. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:20)
04. Don't Worry Baby (2:45)
05. Help Me Rhonda (2:47)
06. Surfin' USA (2:27)
07. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:24)
08. Sloop John B (2:57)
09. Surfin' Safari (2:06)
10. Ten Little Indians (1:29)
11. Surfer Girl (2:27)
12. God Only Knows (2:50)
13. Good Vibrations (3:37)
14. Little Deuce Coupe (1:39)
15. Little Honda (1:51)
16. Be True To Your School (2:06)
17. Heroes And Villains (3:37)
18. Darlin' (2:12)
19. In My Room (2:13)
20. When I Grow Up (1:59)
21. Dance, Dance, Dance (2:00)
22. Barbara Ann (2:07)
23. I Can Hear Music (2:37)
24. Cotton Fields (3:01)
25. Do You Wanna Dance (2:19)
26. You're So Good To Me (2:15)
27. Then I Kissed Her (2:14)
28. Do It Again (2:26)
29. California Dreamin'(3:11)
30. Kokomo (3:37)
03. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:20)
04. Don't Worry Baby (2:45)
05. Help Me Rhonda (2:47)
06. Surfin' USA (2:27)
07. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:24)
08. Sloop John B (2:57)
09. Surfin' Safari (2:06)
10. Ten Little Indians (1:29)
11. Surfer Girl (2:27)
12. God Only Knows (2:50)
13. Good Vibrations (3:37)
14. Little Deuce Coupe (1:39)
15. Little Honda (1:51)
16. Be True To Your School (2:06)
17. Heroes And Villains (3:37)
18. Darlin' (2:12)
19. In My Room (2:13)
20. When I Grow Up (1:59)
21. Dance, Dance, Dance (2:00)
22. Barbara Ann (2:07)
23. I Can Hear Music (2:37)
24. Cotton Fields (3:01)
25. Do You Wanna Dance (2:19)
26. You're So Good To Me (2:15)
27. Then I Kissed Her (2:14)
28. Do It Again (2:26)
29. California Dreamin'(3:11)
30. Kokomo (3:37)
Hawthorne, CA (Coletânea 2001)CD 1.
01. Mike Love Introdices ''Surfin''' (0:48)
02. 3701 West 119th Street, Hawthorne, California ''The Surf'' (2:40)
03. Happy Birthday Four Freshmen (0:55)
04. Mike On Brian's Harmonies (0:45)
05. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (Live Rehearsal) (2:31)
06. Surfin' USA (Demo) (2:03)
07. Surfin' USA (Backing Track) (2:35)
08. Carl Wilson Radio Promo (0:15)
09. Shut Down (Live) (1:56)
10. Little Deuce Coupe (Demo) (1:51)
11. Murry Wilson Directs A Radio Promo (0:25)
12. Fun, Fun, Fun (Backing Track) (2:26)
13. Brian's Message To ''Rog'' - Take 22 (0:29)
14. Dance Dance Dance (Stereo Remix) (2:05)
15. Kiss Me Baby (A Cappella Mix) (2:49)
16. Good To My Baby (Backing Track) (2:32)
17. Chuck Britz On Brian In The Studio (0:21)
18. Salt Lake City (Session Highlights) (1:50)
19. Salt Lake City (Stereo Remix) (2:07)
20. Wish That He Could Stay (Session Excerpt) (1:13)
21. And Your Dream Comes True (Stereo Remix) (1:06)
22. Carol K Session Highlights (2:13)
23. The Little Girl I Once Knew (Alternate Version) (2:33)
24. Alan And Dennis Introduce ''Barbara Ann'' (0:30)
25. Barbara Ann (Session Excerpt) With Dean Torrance (2:52)
26. Barbara Ann (Master Take Without Party Overdubs) (3:08)
27. Mike On The Everly Brothers (0:22)
28. Devoted To You (Master Take Without Party Overdubs) (2:19)
29. Dennis Thanks Everybody ''In The Back Of My Mind'' (1:44)
02. 3701 West 119th Street, Hawthorne, California ''The Surf'' (2:40)
03. Happy Birthday Four Freshmen (0:55)
04. Mike On Brian's Harmonies (0:45)
05. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring (Live Rehearsal) (2:31)
06. Surfin' USA (Demo) (2:03)
07. Surfin' USA (Backing Track) (2:35)
08. Carl Wilson Radio Promo (0:15)
09. Shut Down (Live) (1:56)
10. Little Deuce Coupe (Demo) (1:51)
11. Murry Wilson Directs A Radio Promo (0:25)
12. Fun, Fun, Fun (Backing Track) (2:26)
13. Brian's Message To ''Rog'' - Take 22 (0:29)
14. Dance Dance Dance (Stereo Remix) (2:05)
15. Kiss Me Baby (A Cappella Mix) (2:49)
16. Good To My Baby (Backing Track) (2:32)
17. Chuck Britz On Brian In The Studio (0:21)
18. Salt Lake City (Session Highlights) (1:50)
19. Salt Lake City (Stereo Remix) (2:07)
20. Wish That He Could Stay (Session Excerpt) (1:13)
21. And Your Dream Comes True (Stereo Remix) (1:06)
22. Carol K Session Highlights (2:13)
23. The Little Girl I Once Knew (Alternate Version) (2:33)
24. Alan And Dennis Introduce ''Barbara Ann'' (0:30)
25. Barbara Ann (Session Excerpt) With Dean Torrance (2:52)
26. Barbara Ann (Master Take Without Party Overdubs) (3:08)
27. Mike On The Everly Brothers (0:22)
28. Devoted To You (Master Take Without Party Overdubs) (2:19)
29. Dennis Thanks Everybody ''In The Back Of My Mind'' (1:44)
CD 2.
01. Can't Wait Too Long (A Cappella Mix) (0:51)
02. Dennis Introduces Carl (0:43)
03. Good Vibrations (Stereo Track Sections) (3:13)
04. Good Vibrations (Concert Rehearsal) (4:09)
05. Heroes And Villains (Stereo Single Version) (3:40)
06. Vegetables Promo (Instrumental Section) (0:56)
07. Vegetables (Stereo Extended Mix) (3:01)
08. You're With Me Tonight (0:50)
09. Lonely Days (0:52)
10. Bruce On Wild Honey (0:14)
11. Let The Wind Blow (Stereo Remix) (2:35)
12. I Went To Sleep (A Cappella Mix) (1:35)
13. Time To Get Alone (Alternate Version) (3:39)
14. Alan And Brian Talk About Dennis (0:19)
15. A Time To Live In Dreams (1:50)
16. Be With Me (Backing Track) (3:17)
17. Dennis Introduces ''Cotton Fields'' (0:10)
18. Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song) (Stereo Single Version) (3:15)
19. Alan And Carl On ''Break Away'' (0:21)
20. Break Away (Alternate Version) (3:12)
21. Add Some Music To Your Day (A Cappella Mix) (3:29)
22. Dennis Wilson (0:27)
23. Forever (A Cappella Mix) (2:51)
24. Sail On Sailor (Backing Track) (3:16)
25. Old Man River (Vocal Section) (1:20)
26. Carl Wilson (0:39)
27. The Lord's Prayer (Stereo Remix) (2:33)
28. Carl Wilson - Coda (2:28)
02. Dennis Introduces Carl (0:43)
03. Good Vibrations (Stereo Track Sections) (3:13)
04. Good Vibrations (Concert Rehearsal) (4:09)
05. Heroes And Villains (Stereo Single Version) (3:40)
06. Vegetables Promo (Instrumental Section) (0:56)
07. Vegetables (Stereo Extended Mix) (3:01)
08. You're With Me Tonight (0:50)
09. Lonely Days (0:52)
10. Bruce On Wild Honey (0:14)
11. Let The Wind Blow (Stereo Remix) (2:35)
12. I Went To Sleep (A Cappella Mix) (1:35)
13. Time To Get Alone (Alternate Version) (3:39)
14. Alan And Brian Talk About Dennis (0:19)
15. A Time To Live In Dreams (1:50)
16. Be With Me (Backing Track) (3:17)
17. Dennis Introduces ''Cotton Fields'' (0:10)
18. Cotton Fields (The Cotton Song) (Stereo Single Version) (3:15)
19. Alan And Carl On ''Break Away'' (0:21)
20. Break Away (Alternate Version) (3:12)
21. Add Some Music To Your Day (A Cappella Mix) (3:29)
22. Dennis Wilson (0:27)
23. Forever (A Cappella Mix) (2:51)
24. Sail On Sailor (Backing Track) (3:16)
25. Old Man River (Vocal Section) (1:20)
26. Carl Wilson (0:39)
27. The Lord's Prayer (Stereo Remix) (2:33)
28. Carl Wilson - Coda (2:28)
Good Timin': Live At Knebworth England 1980 (2002)01. Intro (0:49)
02. California Girls (3:10)
03. Sloop John B (3:04)
04. Darlin' (2:37)
05. School Days (3:26)
06. God Only Knows (2:51)
07. Be True To Your School (2:27)
08. Do It Again (3:08)
09. Little Deuce Coupe (2:14)
10. Cotton Fields/Heroes And Villains (5:19)
11. Happy Birthday Brian (1:25)
12. Keepin' The Summer Alive (3:42)
13. Lady Lynda (5:01)
14. Surfer Girl (2:39)
15. Help Me, Rhonda (4:05)
16. Rock And Roll Music (2:22)
17. I Get Around (2:14)
18. Surfin' USA (2:54)
19. You Are So Beautiful (3:13)
20. Good Vibrations (6:03)
21. Barbara Ann (2:46)
22. Fun, Fun, Fun (4:49)
03. Sloop John B (3:04)
04. Darlin' (2:37)
05. School Days (3:26)
06. God Only Knows (2:51)
07. Be True To Your School (2:27)
08. Do It Again (3:08)
09. Little Deuce Coupe (2:14)
10. Cotton Fields/Heroes And Villains (5:19)
11. Happy Birthday Brian (1:25)
12. Keepin' The Summer Alive (3:42)
13. Lady Lynda (5:01)
14. Surfer Girl (2:39)
15. Help Me, Rhonda (4:05)
16. Rock And Roll Music (2:22)
17. I Get Around (2:14)
18. Surfin' USA (2:54)
19. You Are So Beautiful (3:13)
20. Good Vibrations (6:03)
21. Barbara Ann (2:46)
22. Fun, Fun, Fun (4:49)
Pet Sounds 40th Anniversary (2006)01. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:25)
02. You Still Believe In Me
03. That's Not Me (2:28)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (2:53)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (3:05)
06. Let's Go Away For Awhile (2:20)
07. Sloop John B (2:58)
08. God Only Knows (2:51)
09. I Know There's An Answer (3:10)
10. Here Today (2:55)
11. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (3:14)
12. Pet Sounds (2:22)
13. Caroline No (2:53)
14. Hang On To Your Ego (Mono) (3:14)
15. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Stereo) (2:33)
16. You Still Believe In Me (Stereo) (2:36)
17. That's Not Me (Stereo) (2:31)
18. Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder) (Stereo) (2:58)
19. I'm Waiting For the Day (Stereo) (3:06)
20. Let's Go Away For Awhile (Stereo) (2:24)
21. Sloop John B (Stereo) (2:59)
22. God Only Knows (Stereo) (2:54)
23. I Know There's An Answer (Stereo) (3:18)
24. Here Today (Stereo) (3:07)
25. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (Stereo) (3:21)
26. Pet Sounds (Stereo) (2:37)
27. Caroline No (Stereo) (3:34)
03. That's Not Me (2:28)
04. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (2:53)
05. I'm Waiting For The Day (3:05)
06. Let's Go Away For Awhile (2:20)
07. Sloop John B (2:58)
08. God Only Knows (2:51)
09. I Know There's An Answer (3:10)
10. Here Today (2:55)
11. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (3:14)
12. Pet Sounds (2:22)
13. Caroline No (2:53)
14. Hang On To Your Ego (Mono) (3:14)
15. Wouldn't It Be Nice (Stereo) (2:33)
16. You Still Believe In Me (Stereo) (2:36)
17. That's Not Me (Stereo) (2:31)
18. Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder) (Stereo) (2:58)
19. I'm Waiting For the Day (Stereo) (3:06)
20. Let's Go Away For Awhile (Stereo) (2:24)
21. Sloop John B (Stereo) (2:59)
22. God Only Knows (Stereo) (2:54)
23. I Know There's An Answer (Stereo) (3:18)
24. Here Today (Stereo) (3:07)
25. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (Stereo) (3:21)
26. Pet Sounds (Stereo) (2:37)
27. Caroline No (Stereo) (3:34)
In The Beginning: The Garage Tapes, 1962-1963 (Coletânea
2007)CD 1.
01. One Way Road to Love (3:22)
02. One Way Road to Love (Gary Usher Vocal) (2:54)
03. One Way Road to Love (Overdub) (2:17)
04. The Beginning of the End (Takes 1-5) (2:53)
05. The Beginning of the End (Take 6) (1:48)
06. The Beginning of the End (Vocal Overdub) (3:20)
07. The Beginning of the End (Vocal Overdub 2) (3:28)
08. The Beginning of the End (Guitar Overdub) (1:47)
09. Visions (Take 1) (2:19)
10. Visions (Take 2) (2:42)
11. My Only Alibi (Take 1) (3:07)
12. My Only Alibi (Take 2) (2:31)
13. Summertime (1:59)
14. Mother May (2:26)
15. The Big Beat (2:25)
16. Marie (2:24)
17. Funny Boy (2:58)
18. Runaway with You (1:55)
19. Unknown Instrumental (2:22)
20. In My Room (3:08)
21. Hawaii (Takes 1-4) (3:05)
22. Hawaii (Take 5) (2:08)
23. Hawaii (Takes 6-9) (2:25)
24. Your Summer Dream (1:31)
25. Good Humor Man (2:23)
26. Rabbit's Foot (1:18)
27. The Surfer Moon (Vocal Overdub) (3:14)
28. Little Saint Nick (Takes 2b-5b) (4:17)
29. Little Saint Nick (Take 6b) (2:07)
02. One Way Road to Love (Gary Usher Vocal) (2:54)
03. One Way Road to Love (Overdub) (2:17)
04. The Beginning of the End (Takes 1-5) (2:53)
05. The Beginning of the End (Take 6) (1:48)
06. The Beginning of the End (Vocal Overdub) (3:20)
07. The Beginning of the End (Vocal Overdub 2) (3:28)
08. The Beginning of the End (Guitar Overdub) (1:47)
09. Visions (Take 1) (2:19)
10. Visions (Take 2) (2:42)
11. My Only Alibi (Take 1) (3:07)
12. My Only Alibi (Take 2) (2:31)
13. Summertime (1:59)
14. Mother May (2:26)
15. The Big Beat (2:25)
16. Marie (2:24)
17. Funny Boy (2:58)
18. Runaway with You (1:55)
19. Unknown Instrumental (2:22)
20. In My Room (3:08)
21. Hawaii (Takes 1-4) (3:05)
22. Hawaii (Take 5) (2:08)
23. Hawaii (Takes 6-9) (2:25)
24. Your Summer Dream (1:31)
25. Good Humor Man (2:23)
26. Rabbit's Foot (1:18)
27. The Surfer Moon (Vocal Overdub) (3:14)
28. Little Saint Nick (Takes 2b-5b) (4:17)
29. Little Saint Nick (Take 6b) (2:07)
CD 2.
01. Surfin' (0:53)
02. Surfin' (2:56)
03. Surfin' (3:03)
04. Surfin' (2:57)
05. Surfin' (1:13)
06. Surfin' (1:15)
07. Surfin' (2:28)
08. Surfin' (4:22)
09. Bermuda Shorts (2:25)
10. Bermuda Shorts (1:58)
11. Sloop John B (2:27)
12. Good News (2:34)
13. Hully Gully (2:44)
14. Happy Birthday (1:12)
15. Dream (0:45)
16. Dennis is a Prick (2:23)
17. Ipana Toothpaste (0:46)
18. To Spend One Night With You (0:35)
19. Brian at the Piano (0:42)
20. July 18th Celebration (0:56)
21. Murray Wilson on the Phone (1:18)
22. White Christmas (0:55)
23. Screwing Around (4:54)
24. Spanish Practice (4:47)
25. Brian's Book Report (2:20)
26. Vocal Rehearsal (0:43)
27. Murray Directs Brian at the Organ (1:41)
02. Surfin' (2:56)
03. Surfin' (3:03)
04. Surfin' (2:57)
05. Surfin' (1:13)
06. Surfin' (1:15)
07. Surfin' (2:28)
08. Surfin' (4:22)
09. Bermuda Shorts (2:25)
10. Bermuda Shorts (1:58)
11. Sloop John B (2:27)
12. Good News (2:34)
13. Hully Gully (2:44)
14. Happy Birthday (1:12)
15. Dream (0:45)
16. Dennis is a Prick (2:23)
17. Ipana Toothpaste (0:46)
18. To Spend One Night With You (0:35)
19. Brian at the Piano (0:42)
20. July 18th Celebration (0:56)
21. Murray Wilson on the Phone (1:18)
22. White Christmas (0:55)
23. Screwing Around (4:54)
24. Spanish Practice (4:47)
25. Brian's Book Report (2:20)
26. Vocal Rehearsal (0:43)
27. Murray Directs Brian at the Organ (1:41)
That's Why God Made The Radio (2012)01. Think About The Days (1:28)
02. That's Why God Made The
Radio (3:19)
03. Isn't It Time (3:45)
04. Spring Vacation (3:07)
05. The Private Life Of Bill And Sue (4:17)
06. Shelter (3:02)
07. Daybreak Over The Ocean (4:20)
08. Beaches In Mind (2:38)
09. Strange World (3:03)
10. From There To Back Again (3:24)
11. Pacific Coast Highway (1:47)
12. Summer's Gone (4:42)
03. Isn't It Time (3:45)
04. Spring Vacation (3:07)
05. The Private Life Of Bill And Sue (4:17)
06. Shelter (3:02)
07. Daybreak Over The Ocean (4:20)
08. Beaches In Mind (2:38)
09. Strange World (3:03)
10. From There To Back Again (3:24)
11. Pacific Coast Highway (1:47)
12. Summer's Gone (4:42)
Live: The 50th Anniversary Tour (2013)CD 1.
01. Do It Again (3:38)
02. Little Honda (2:06)
03. Catch a Wave (2:09)
04. Hawaii (1:46)
05. Don't Back Down (1:45)
06. Surfin' Safari (2:48)
07. Surfer Girl (2:29)
08. The Little Girl I Once Knew (3:09)
09. Wendy (2:25)
10. Getcha Back (2:42)
11. Then I Kissed Her (2:17)
12. Marcella (3:23)
13. Isn't It Time (4:01)
14. Why Do Fools Fall in Love (2:30)
15. When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) (2:55)
16. Disney Girls (5:33)
17. Be True to Your School (3:06)
18. Little Deuce Coupe (1:50)
19. 409 (1:52)
20. Shut Down (1:46)
21. I Get Around (2:46)
02. Little Honda (2:06)
03. Catch a Wave (2:09)
04. Hawaii (1:46)
05. Don't Back Down (1:45)
06. Surfin' Safari (2:48)
07. Surfer Girl (2:29)
08. The Little Girl I Once Knew (3:09)
09. Wendy (2:25)
10. Getcha Back (2:42)
11. Then I Kissed Her (2:17)
12. Marcella (3:23)
13. Isn't It Time (4:01)
14. Why Do Fools Fall in Love (2:30)
15. When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) (2:55)
16. Disney Girls (5:33)
17. Be True to Your School (3:06)
18. Little Deuce Coupe (1:50)
19. 409 (1:52)
20. Shut Down (1:46)
21. I Get Around (2:46)
CD 2.
01. Pet Sounds (3:45)
02. Add Some Music to Your Day (3:49)
03. Heroes and Villains (3:54)
04. Sail On, Sailor (3:45)
05. California Saga: California (3:09)
06. In My Room (2:53)
07. All This Is That (3:38)
08. That's Why God Made the Radio (4:27)
09. Forever (2:57)
10. God Only Knows (2:39)
11. Sloop John B (3:07)
12. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:41)
13. Good Vibrations (4:14)
14. California Girls (3:15)
15. Help Me Rhonda (3:19)
16. Rock and Roll Music (2:48)
17. Surfin' U.S.A. (3:00)
18. Kokomo (4:00)
19. Barbara Ann (2:33)
20. Fun, Fun, Fun (3:29)
02. Add Some Music to Your Day (3:49)
03. Heroes and Villains (3:54)
04. Sail On, Sailor (3:45)
05. California Saga: California (3:09)
06. In My Room (2:53)
07. All This Is That (3:38)
08. That's Why God Made the Radio (4:27)
09. Forever (2:57)
10. God Only Knows (2:39)
11. Sloop John B (3:07)
12. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:41)
13. Good Vibrations (4:14)
14. California Girls (3:15)
15. Help Me Rhonda (3:19)
16. Rock and Roll Music (2:48)
17. Surfin' U.S.A. (3:00)
18. Kokomo (4:00)
19. Barbara Ann (2:33)
20. Fun, Fun, Fun (3:29)
Live In Sacramento, 1964 (2014)CD 1.
01. Introduction (0:31)
02. Little Honda (2:11)
03. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:06)
04. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena (3:04)
05. Hushabye (3:26)
06. Hawaii (2:40)
07. Let's Go Trippin' (2:11)
08. The Wanderer (2:25)
09. Surfer Girl (2:25)
10. Monster Mash (3:37)
11. Graduation Day (2:05)
12. Be True To Your School (3:28)
13. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:06)
14. Don't Back Down (2:09)
15. Don't Worry Baby (2:50)
16. Wendy (2:36)
17. I Get Around (2:12)
18. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:12)
19. Louie Louie (3:03)
20. Little Honda (3:11)
21. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:28)
22. Wendy (1:44)
23. Wendy (2:30)
24. Wendy (3:17)
25. Don't Worry Baby (1:23)
26. Little Honda (1:50)
27. Little Honda (2:01)
28. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:35)
29. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:39)
30. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena / Don't Back Down (1:32)
02. Little Honda (2:11)
03. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:06)
04. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena (3:04)
05. Hushabye (3:26)
06. Hawaii (2:40)
07. Let's Go Trippin' (2:11)
08. The Wanderer (2:25)
09. Surfer Girl (2:25)
10. Monster Mash (3:37)
11. Graduation Day (2:05)
12. Be True To Your School (3:28)
13. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:06)
14. Don't Back Down (2:09)
15. Don't Worry Baby (2:50)
16. Wendy (2:36)
17. I Get Around (2:12)
18. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:12)
19. Louie Louie (3:03)
20. Little Honda (3:11)
21. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:28)
22. Wendy (1:44)
23. Wendy (2:30)
24. Wendy (3:17)
25. Don't Worry Baby (1:23)
26. Little Honda (1:50)
27. Little Honda (2:01)
28. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:35)
29. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (2:39)
30. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena / Don't Back Down (1:32)
CD 2.
01. Introduction (1:17)
02. Little Honda (2:01)
03. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:13)
04. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena (3:04)
05. Hushabye (2:55)
06. Hawaii (2:56)
07. Let's Go Trippin' (2:21)
08. The Wanderer (2:27)
09. Wendy (2:24)
10. Monster Mash (3:35)
11. Surfer Girl (3:18)
12. Be True To Your School (2:49)
13. Graduation Day (2:55)
14. Surfin' U.S.A. (3:18)
15. Don't Back Down (1:59)
16. Don't Worry Baby (3:20)
17. I Get Around (2:26)
18. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (1:56)
19. Fun, Fun, Fun (Vocal Rehearsals) (2:00)
20. I Get Around (Vocal Overdub) (2:00)
21. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena (Vocal Overdub) (2:55)
22. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena (Vocal Overdub) (2:57)
23. Fun, Fun, Fun (Vocal Overdub) (1:56)
24. Hawaii (Vocal Overdub) (0:58)
25. Johnny B Goode (Vocal Overdub) (1:10)
26. Johnny B Goode (Vocal Overdub) (1:41)
27. Honda "55" (Vocal Rehearsal) (1:19)
28. Honda "55" (Vocal Rehearsal) (0:24)
02. Little Honda (2:01)
03. Fun, Fun, Fun (2:13)
04. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena (3:04)
05. Hushabye (2:55)
06. Hawaii (2:56)
07. Let's Go Trippin' (2:21)
08. The Wanderer (2:27)
09. Wendy (2:24)
10. Monster Mash (3:35)
11. Surfer Girl (3:18)
12. Be True To Your School (2:49)
13. Graduation Day (2:55)
14. Surfin' U.S.A. (3:18)
15. Don't Back Down (1:59)
16. Don't Worry Baby (3:20)
17. I Get Around (2:26)
18. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (1:56)
19. Fun, Fun, Fun (Vocal Rehearsals) (2:00)
20. I Get Around (Vocal Overdub) (2:00)
21. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena (Vocal Overdub) (2:55)
22. The Little Old Lady From Pasadena (Vocal Overdub) (2:57)
23. Fun, Fun, Fun (Vocal Overdub) (1:56)
24. Hawaii (Vocal Overdub) (0:58)
25. Johnny B Goode (Vocal Overdub) (1:10)
26. Johnny B Goode (Vocal Overdub) (1:41)
27. Honda "55" (Vocal Rehearsal) (1:19)
28. Honda "55" (Vocal Rehearsal) (0:24)
Live In Chicago, 1965 (2016)CD 1: Live At Arie Crown Theater, Chicago/March 26,
01. Intro (1:00)
02. Do You Wanna Dance (2:22)
03. Little Honda (2:24)
04. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:35)
05. Don't Worry Baby (3:11)
06. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (3:38)
07. Monster Mash (3:03)
08. Louie Louie (3:15)
09. Hawaii (2:35)
10. Surfer Girl (2:30)
11. Runaway (3:29)
12. Shut Down (1:54)
13. Wendy (3:02)
14. Please Let Me Wonder (3:46)
15. Fun Fun Fun (2:24)
16. I Get Around (2:09)
17. Johnny B Goode (3:18)
02. Do You Wanna Dance (2:22)
03. Little Honda (2:24)
04. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:35)
05. Don't Worry Baby (3:11)
06. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (3:38)
07. Monster Mash (3:03)
08. Louie Louie (3:15)
09. Hawaii (2:35)
10. Surfer Girl (2:30)
11. Runaway (3:29)
12. Shut Down (1:54)
13. Wendy (3:02)
14. Please Let Me Wonder (3:46)
15. Fun Fun Fun (2:24)
16. I Get Around (2:09)
17. Johnny B Goode (3:18)
CD 2: Live At Arie Crown Theater, Chicago/March 27,
01. Intro (1:35)
02. Do You Wanna Dance (2:36)
03. Hawaii (1:54)
04. Please Let Me Wonder (3:15)
05. Surfer Girl (2:21)
06. Runaway (2:27)
07. Louie Louie (2:37)
08. Fun Fun Fun (3:10)
09. 409 (2:26)
10. Shut Down (1:47)
11. Monster Mash (3:01)
12. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:16)
13. Little Honda (2:06)
14. Wendy (2:46)
15. In My Room (2:59)
16. Don't Worry Baby (2:57)
17. I Get Around (2:52)
18. Johnny B Goode (3:01)
19. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (3:22)
02. Do You Wanna Dance (2:36)
03. Hawaii (1:54)
04. Please Let Me Wonder (3:15)
05. Surfer Girl (2:21)
06. Runaway (2:27)
07. Louie Louie (2:37)
08. Fun Fun Fun (3:10)
09. 409 (2:26)
10. Shut Down (1:47)
11. Monster Mash (3:01)
12. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:16)
13. Little Honda (2:06)
14. Wendy (2:46)
15. In My Room (2:59)
16. Don't Worry Baby (2:57)
17. I Get Around (2:52)
18. Johnny B Goode (3:01)
19. Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow (3:22)
CD 3: Rehearsal.
01. Louie Louie (3:02)
02. Little Honda (2:31)
03. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:29)
04. Wendy (3:31)
02. Little Honda (2:31)
03. Surfin' U.S.A. (2:29)
04. Wendy (3:31)
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