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26 julho 2024

Charles Mingus - Collection.

Qualquer pessoa familiarizada ao universo do jazz já ouviu falar sobre Charles Mingus. Além de estar entre os maiores baixistas desse gênero em todos os tempos, o seu nome figura entre seus maiores compositores e arranjadores. A tragédia faz parte da vida dos músicos de jazz, principalmente dos negros, isso não é novidade. São incontáveis os trabalhos produzidos em praticamente todas as mídias explorando a biografia dos músicos de jazz.

Charlie Parker teve sua vida contada em Bird do diretor e ator Clint Eastwood, declaradamente amante deste gênero musical. Lester Young teve sua vida em Paris contada no comovente Por Volta da Meia Noite, filme em que foi interpretado por outro grande sax tenorista, Dexter Gordon. Isso para ficarmos em dois exemplos já consagrados. Documentários sobre a vida dos gênios do jazz pululam na internet, mas aqui indico a vocês a história contada por seu protagonista.

Recentemente tivemos a oportunidade de vivenciar a discussão se as biografias sobre músicos brasileiros deveriam ser inspecionadas pelos biografados, interferindo diretamente no trabalho do biógrafo. Esse “cuidado” revela o medo desses músicos em revelar determinados fatos de suas vidas, preocupados com possíveis “manchas” nas imagens impecáveis construídas ao longo da carreira. Não é o caso de Saindo da Sarjeta. Mingus vai fundo na própria história, expondo seus medos, complexos, personalidades e fatos pouco gloriosos de uma vida conturbada e cheia de altos e baixos. No caso de Mingus todas as searas de sua vida estão diretamente ligadas à sua música e ao seu método de criação.

Saindo da Sarjeta é muito mais do que uma coleção de relatos extravagantes para impactar, chocar, fazer rir e compartilhar em rodas de conversas a fim de mostrar o quão alucinado era Charles Mingus. Sua autobiografia revela a ligação íntima entre a vida e a música de Mingus. Não bastasse ser este o registro emocionante e valoroso da sua história pessoal e do próprio jazz a partir da segunda metade dos anos 40, Saindo da Sarjeta revela o talento do baixista, para além do modo como manipulava os sons. O texto é rico em estilo literário, conceitos e metáforas, se mostrando sedutor e de leitura aprazível.

O primeiro capítulo reúne todos os elementos a serem desdobrados ao longo do livro. A leitura pega o leitor de assalto convidando-o a acompanhar o ritmo alucinado e conturbado da vida do músico, tanto no aspecto físico quanto mental. Os conflitos existenciais foram vivenciados por Mingus. A condição social do negro na sociedade americana responsável por retirar-lhe a humanidade, tornando-o objeto, uma coisa, demarcando sua inferioridade em relação ao homem branco, causava em Mingus revolta e traumas.

Desde a infância foi assombrado pelo fantasma do racismo, começando dentro de casa quando o pai dizia que os membros de sua família não eram negros por terem a pele “mais clara”. Isso causou traumas profundos dos quais Mingus jamais se livrou. Entrando, na pré-adolescência experimentava os efeitos dessa educação recebida no lar pelo pai. Quando saia nas ruas sofria o racismo como os negros e isso o deixava confuso na medida que aprendeu em casa não ser negro. Os erros da educação familiar eram sempre corrigidos pela educação do mundo.

A perseguição desde a infância do homem branco levou à militância contra o racismo e à conscientização sobre a causa civil dos negros nos EUA. Contudo, Mingus possuía uma personalidade esquizofrênica, em algum grau pelo menos. No primeiro parágrafo do livro ele diz ao psicólogo possuir dentro de si três Mingus. Essa percepção de si dá um sabor especial à narrativa do livro. Para entendermos melhor esse ponto temos que conhecer os três Mingus. Transcrevo o primeiro parágrafo do livro, primeiro momento do diálogo entre Mingus e o psicólogo.

“Em outras palavras, eu sou três. Um homem fica sempre no meio, despreocupado, sem se emocionar, observando, esperando que lhe permitam expressar o que ele vê para os outros dois. O segundo homem é como um animal assustado que ataca por medo de ser atacado. E, então, há uma pessoa gentil e super amorosa que acolhe as pessoas no templo mais sagrado do seu ser, aceita insultos, confia, assina contratos sem ler, cai na conversa dos outros e acaba trabalhando barato ou de graça, e quando percebe o que lhe fizeram tem vontade de matar e destruir tudo ao seu redor, inclusive a si mesma por ter sido tão estúpida. Mas não consegue, e volta para dentro de si mesma.”

A distinção dessas três personalidades convivendo juntas na psique de Mingus mostra a compreensão que tem de si próprio e estabelece o modo como a narrativa será construída. Isso porque é o primeiro Mingus quem conta a história, relatando os acontecimentos envolvendo os outros dois. O primeiro Mingus se caracteriza pelo autocontrole, capacidade de analise e tomar decisões conscientes, planejadas, além de ter força e frieza suficientes para amparar os outros dois em seus momentos de descontrole, dor e frustração. Momentos em que esses sentimentos se manifestam são constante. O terceiro Mingus é o protagonista, o segundo o ator coadjuvante.

Faz parte da índole do baixista idealizar as relações humanas, seja no âmbito pessoal ou profissional. Há sempre a presença de ações despretensiosas buscando melhorar a condição do negro na sociedade, de fazer da música um fim em si mesmo, de idealizar a figura feminina, de constituir laços de família sólidos e harmônico, constituindo uma visão extremamente romântica da vida.

Mas tudo isso se desfaz quando “os outros”, em suas decisões e ações, frustram as expectativas em torno das idealizações criadas pelo terceiro Mingus. A questão se mostra mais profunda pelo fato dessas idealizações conduzirem as ações de Mingus. Isso traz à tona toda a ingenuidade dessa personalidade desarmada que se entrega despida às determinações de sua alma. Temos a configuração perfeita de alguém que se torna alvo fácil dos predadores da “selva” de asfalto e concreto. Nesse momento explode o segundo Mingus, destruidor, selvagem, capaz das maiores barbáries contra si e aqueles que o machucaram, seja seu empresário, amigo ou a mulher que ama.

Quando o segundo Mingus sacia sua sede de destruição, o terceiro surge e se deprime, se arrepende, afogando-se na própria dor, levando-o a ultrapassar os limites da sanidade. Nesse vai e vem de personalidades que governam a vida de Mingus, somos colocados diante de seu corpo jogado na sarjeta de forma literal. Entre essa briga de personalidades vemos o Mingus sedento por sexo, o gigolô, o junk, o que odeia os brancos com seus valores e seu mundo, o gênio musical, o louco, o criminoso, o que não encontra lugar no mundo, o irresponsável e enfim o Mingus que encontra a redenção!?

Não sei se isso realmente acontece, embora ele a busque constantemente. Neste sentido vou até além, confessando que terminei o livro e não posso dizer se Charles Mingus realmente conseguiu sair da sarjeta. O que sei é que trata-se de um dos grandes gênios do século XX. Texto: Oganpazan. Site Oficial.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.

Intrusions (1954)
01. What Is This Thing Called Love
02. Spur of the Moment
03. Thrice Upon A Theme
04. Four Hands
05. Minor Intrusions


At The Bohemia (1955)
01. Jump Monk
02. Serenade In Blue
03. Percussion Discussion
04. Work Song
05. Septemberly
06. All The Things You C#
07. Jump Monk (Previously Unissued Alternate Take)
08. All The Things You C# (Previously Unissued Alternate Take)


The Charles Mingus Quintet + Max Roach (1955)
01. A Foggy Day
02. Drums
03. Haitian Fight Song
04. Lady Bird
05. I'll Remember April
06. Love Chant


Pithecanthropus Erectus (1956)
01. Pithecanthropus Erectus
02. A Foggy Day
03. Profile Of Jackie
04. Love Chant


The Clown (1957)
01. Haitian Fight Song
02. Blue Cee
03. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird
04. The Clown


Mingus Ah Um (1959)
01. Better Git It In Your Soul
02. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
03. Boogie Stop Shuffle
04. Self-Portrait In Three Colors
05. Open Letter To Duke
06. Bird Calls
07. Fables Of Faubus
08. Pussy Cat Dues
09. Jelly Roll


Mingus In Wonderland (1959)
01. Nostalgia In Times Square
02. I Can't Get Started
03. No Private Income Blues
04. Alice's Wonderland


Mingus At Antibes (1960)
01. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
02. Prayer For Passive Resistance
03. What Love?
04. I'll Remember April
05. Folk Forms I
06. Better Get Hit In Your Soul


Blues & Roots (1960)
01. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
02. Cryin' Blues
03. Moanin'
04. Tensions
05. My Jelly Roll Soul
06. E's Flat Ah's Flat Too
07. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting (Alternate Take)
08. Tensions (Alternate Take)
09. My Jelly Roll Soul (Alternate Take)
10. E's Flat Ah's Flat Too (Alternate Take)


Mingus Revisited (1960)
01. Take The A Train
02. Prayer For Passive Resistance
03. Eclipse
04. Mingus Fingus No. 2
05. Weird Nightmare
06. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
07. Bemoanable Lady
08. Half-Mast Inhibition


Original Faubus Fables (1960)
01. Lock Em' Up
02. M.D.M.
03. Original Faubus Fables
04. Folk Forms No.1
05. Stormy Weather


Pre-Bird (1960)
01. Take The 'A' Train
02. Prayer For Passive Resistance
03. Eclipse
04. Mingus Fingus No. 2
05. Weird Nightmare
06. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
07. Bemoanable Lady
08. Half-Mast Inhibition


Presents Charles Mingus (1960)
01. Folk Forms No. 1
02. Original Faubus Fables
03. What Love
04. All The Things You Could Be By Now If Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your Mother


Charles Mingus & Eric Dolphy - Immortal Concerts (1960)
01. Better Git Hit In Your Soul
02. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
03. Prayer For Passive Resistance
04. I'Ll Remember April
05. What Love?
06. Folk Forms 1


Reincarnation Of A Love Bird (1961)
01. Reincarnation of a Love Bird (Take 1)
02. Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams (Take 4)
03. R & R (Take 1)
04. Body & Soul (Take 2)
05. Bugs (Take 3)


New Tijuana Moods (1962)
01. Dizzy Moods
02. Ysabel's Table Dance
03. Tijuana Gift Shop
04. Los Mariachis
05. Flamingo
06. Dizzy Moods (Alternate Take)
07. Tijuana Gift Shop (Alternate Take)
08. Los Mariachis (Alternate Take)
09. Flamingo (Alternate Take)


The Complete Town Hall Concert (1962)
01. Freedom - Part One
02. Freedom - Part Two (Clark In The Dark)
03. Osmotin'
04. Epitaph - Part One
05. Peggy's Blue Skylight
06. Epitaph - Part Two
07. My Search
08. Portrait
09. Duke's Choice (Don't Come Back)
10. Please Don't Come Back From The Moon
11. In A Mellotone (Finale)
12. Epitaph - Part One (Alternate Take)


Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus (1963)
01. II B.S.
02. IX Love
03. Cella
04. Mood Indigo
05. Better Get Hit in Yo' Soul
06. Theme for Lester Young
07. Hora Decubitus
08. Freedom


Mingus Plays Piano (1963)
01. Myself When I Am Real
02. I Can't Get Started
03. Body and Soul
04. Roland Kirk's Message
05. Memories of You
06. She's Just Miss Popular Hybrid
07. Orange Was the Color of Her Dress, Then Silk Blues
08. Meditations for Moses
09. Old Portrait
10. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
11. Compositional Theme Story: Medleys, Anthems and Folklore


The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady (1963)
01. Track A - Solo Dancer
02. Track B - Duet Solo Dancers
03. Track C - Group Dancers
04. Mode D - Trio and Group Dancers + Mode E - Single Solos And Group Dance + Mod...


Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (1964)
01. Fables Of Faubus
02. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat


Mingus In Europe (1964)
01. Orange Was The Colour Of Her Dress Then Blue Silk
02. Sophisticated Lady
04. Peggy's Blue Sky Light
05. So Long Eric


Right Now: Live At The Jazz Workshop (1964)
01. New Fables
02. Meditation (For A Pair Of Wire Cutters)


Mingus At Monterey (1965)
01. Duke Ellington Medley
02. Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress, Then Blue Silk
03. Meditations On Integration


Let My Children Hear Music (1972)
01. The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers
02. Adagio Ma Non Troppo
03. Don't Be Afraid, the Clown's Afraid Too
04. Taurus in the Arena of Life
05. Hobo Ho
06. The Chill of Death
07. The I of Hurricane Sue


Mingus Moves (1973)
01. Canon
02. Opus 4
03. Moves
04. Wee
05. Flowers for A Lady
06. Newcomer
07. Opus 3


Mingus At Carnegie Hall (1974)
01. C Jam Blues
02. Perdido


Ahus (1975)
01. Devil Blues
02. Sue's Changes


Three Or Four Shades Of Blues (1977)
01. Better Git Hit In Your Soul
02. Goodbye, Pork Pie Hat
03. Noddin' Ya Head Blues
04. Three or Four Shades of Blues
05. Nobody Knows


Cumbia & Jazz Fusion (1978)
01. Cumbia & Jazz Fusion
02. Music For 'TODO MODO'
03. Wedding March - Slow Waltz (Take 9)
04. Wedding March - Slow Waltz (Take 12)


Me, Myself An Eye (1978)
01. Three Worlds of Drums
02. Devil Woman
03. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
04. Carolyn 'Keki' Mingus


Town Hall Concert: European Tour, 1964 (1983)
01. So Long Eric
02. Praying With Eric


The Complete Candid Recordings Of Charles Mingus, 1960 (1985)
CD 1.

01. Folk Forms No. 1
02. Original Faubus Fables
03. What Love
04. All the Things You Could Be By Now if Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your Mother
05. Stormy Weather
06. Melody From the Drums

CD 2.

01. Reincarnation of A Lovebird No. 1
02. Vasserlean
03. MDM
04. Bugs
05. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird No. 2
06. Lock 'Em Up

CD 3.

01. Mysterious Blues
02. Body And Soul
03. Body And Soul (Alt.Take)
04. R & R
05. Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams
06. Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams (Alt.Take)
07. Me And You


Shoes Of The Fisherman's Wife (1988)
01. Slop
02. Song with Orange
03. Gunslinging Bird
04. Things Ain't What They Used to Be
05. The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers
06. Far Wells, Mill Valley
07. Mood Indigo


Epitaph (1990)
CD 1.

01. Main Score (Part 1)
02. Percussion Discussion
03. Main Score (Part 2)
04. Started Melody
05. Better Get It In Your Soul
06. The Soul
07. Moods In Mambo
08. Self Portrait - Chill Of Death
09. O.P. (Oscar Pettiford)
10. Please Don't Come Back From The Moon

CD 2.

01. Monk, Bunk & Vice Versa (Osmotin')
02. Peggy's Blue Skylight
03. Wolverine Blues
04. The Children's Hour Of Dream
05. Balld (In Other Words, I Am Three)
06. Freedom
07. Interlude (The Underdog Rising)
08. Noon Night
09. Main Score Reprise
10. (Applause)


The Great Concert, Paris, 1964 (1991)
CD 1.

01. Introduction et Presentation
02. So Long Eric
03. Meditation for Integration
04. Sophisticated Lady

CD 2.

01. Orange Was the Color of Her Dress Then Blue Silk
02. Parkeriana
03. Fables of Faubus


Changes One & Two, 1975 (1993)
CD 1: Changes One.
01. Remember Rockefeller at Attica
02. Sue's Changes
03. Devil Blues
04. Duke Ellington's Sound Of Love

CD 2: Changes Two.
01. Free Cell Block F, 'tis Nazi U.S.A.
02. Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress, Then Silk Blue
03. Black Bats And Poles
04. Duke Ellington's Sound Of Love
05. For Harry Carney
Charles Mingus And Friends - In Concert, 1973 (1996)
CD 1.

01. Introduction
02. Jump Monk
03. E.S.P.
04. Ecclusiastics
05. Eclipse
06. Us Is Two
07. Taurus In The Arena Of Life
08. Mingus Blues
09. Intro To Little Royal Suite
10. Little Royal Suite

CD 2.

01. Introduction To Strollin'
02. Strollin'
03. The I Of Hurricane Sue
04. E'S Flat, Ah'S Flat Too
05. Ool-Ya-Koo
06. Portrait
07. Don't Be Afraid, The Clown's Afraid Too


This Is Jazz (1996)
01. Better Git It In Your Soul
02. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
03. Fables of Faubus
04. Self-Portrait in Three Colors
05. Slop
06. Song With Orange
07. Gunslinging Bird
08. New Now Know How
09. The Shoes Of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers
10. Please Don't Come Back From The Moon


Priceless Jazz Collection (1997)
01. Better Get Hit In Yo' Soul
02. Theme For Lester Young
03. Hora Decubitus
04. Celia
05. I X Love
06. II B.S.
07. Mood Indigo
08. Track A - Solo Dancer
09. Memories Of You


The Complete Columbia Recordings (Box Set 1998)
CD 1: Mingus Ah Um.
01. Better Git It In Your Soul
02. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
03. Boogie Stop Shuffle
04. Self-Portrait In Three Colors
05. Open Letter To Duke
06. Bird Calls
07. Fables Of Faubus
08. Pussy Cat Dues
09. Jelly Roll
10. Pedal Point Blues
11. GG Train
12. Girl Of My Dreams

CD 2: Mingus Dynasty.
01. Slop
02. Diane
03. Song With Orange
04. Gunslinging Bird
05. Things Ain't What They Used To Be
06. Far Wells, Mill Valley
07. New Now Know How
08. Mood Indigo
09. Put Me In That Dungeon
10. Strollin'

CD 3: Alternate Takes.
01. Better Git It In Your Soul
02. Bird Calls
03. Jelly Roll
04. Song With Orange
05. Diane
06. New Now Know How


Backtracks (1999)
01. Hamp's New Blues
02. I Can't Get Standart
03. Yesterdays
04. Laura
05. Back Home Blues
06. Summertime
07. What Is This Thing Called
08. Minor Instrusions
09. Spur Of The Moment
10. Four Hands


Ken Burns Jazz (2000)
01. Haitian Fight Song
02. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
03. Better Get Hit in Your Soul
04. Original Faubus Fables
05. Peggy's Blue Skylight
06. Eat That Chicken
07. Solo Dancer
Stop! Look! And Listen
Sinner Jim Whitney (The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady)
08. Mood Indigo
09. The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers


Jazz Composers Workshop, 1954-1955 (2000)
01. Purple Heart
02. Gregarian Chant
03. Eulogy for Rudy Williams
04. Tea for Two
05. Smog L.A.
06. Level Seven
07. Transeason
08. Rose Geranium
09. Getting Together
10. Body & Soul (Alt. Take 1)


Tijuana Moods, 1957 (2000)
CD 1.

01. Dizzy Moods
02. Ysabel's Table Dance
03. Tijuana Gift Shop
04. Los Mariachis (The Street Musicians)
05. Flamingo
06. A Colloquial Dream

CD 2.

01. Dizzy Moods (Alternate Take)
02. Ysabel's Table Dance (Alternate Take)
03. Tijuana Gift Shop (Alternate Take)
04. Los Mariachis (Alternate Take)
05. Flamingo (Alternate Take)
06. A Colloquial Dream (Alternate Take)


Complete 1945-1949 West Coast Recordings (2001)
01. The Texas Hop
02. Baby, Take a Chance With Me
03. Lonesome Woman Blues
04. Swingin' An Echo
05. Ain't Jivin' Blues
06. Baby, Take a Chance With Me
07. Shuffle Bass Boogie
08. Weird Nightmare
09. Make Believe
10. Honey, Take a Chance With Me
11. Bedspread
12. This Subdues My Passion
13. Pipe Dream
14. Mingus Fingers
15. These Foolish Things
16. Story of Love
17. He's Gone
18. Pennies From Heaven
19. Lyon's Roar
20. Say It Isn't So
21. Boppin' In Boston
22. The Story of Love
23. Inspiration


Tonight At Noon, 1957-1961 (2001)
01. Tonight at Noon
02. Invisible Lady
03. 'Old' Blues For Walt's Torin
04. Peggy's Blue Skylight
05. Passions Of A Woman Loved


The Very Best Of (2001)
01. Pithecanthropus Erectus
02. Profile Of Jackie
03. Tonight At Noon
04. Haitian Fight Song
05. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird
06. Moanin'
07. Cryin' Blues
08. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
09. Ecclusiastics
10. Passions Of A Man
11. Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am


Trilogy The Complete Bethlehem Jazz Collection (Box Set 2001)
CD 1: The Jazz Experiments Of Charlie Mingus.
01. What Is This Thing Called Love?
02. Minor Intrusion
03. Stormy Weather
04. Four Hands
05. Thrice Upon A Theme
06. The Spur Of The Moment

CD 2: A Modern Jazz Symposium Of Music and Poetry With Charlie Mingus.
01. Scenes In The City
02. Nouroog
03. New York Sketchbook
04. Duke's Choice
05. Slippers
06. Wouldn't You (Unreleased)
07. Bounce (Unreleased)
08. Slippers (Alternate Take)

CD 3: East Coasting.
01. Memories Of You (Take 7)
02. East Coasting (Take 4)
03. West Coast Ghost (Take 6)
04. Celia (Take 5)
05. Conversation (Take 16)
06. Fifty-First Street Blues (Take 4)
07. East Coasting (Alternate Take 3)
08. Memories Of You (Alternate Take 3)


Lock 'Em Up (2002)
01. M D M
02. Stormy Weather
03. Lock 'Em Up
04. Vassarlean
05. Re-Incarnation of a Love Bird


The Great Concert Of Charles Mingus, 1964 (2003)
CD 1.

01. A.T.F.W. (Art Tatum Fats Waller)
02. Presentation of Musicians : Johnny Coles' Trumpet
03. So Long Eric (Don't Stay Over There Too Long)
04. Orange was The Color Of Her Dress Then Blue Silk
05. Fables Of Faubus

CD 2.

01. Sophisticated Lady
02. Parkeriana (Dedicated To A Genius)
03. Meditations On Integration (Or For A Pair Of Wire Cutters)


Minor Intrusion: Quadromania (Box Set 2005)
CD 1.

01. Shuffle Bass Boogie
02. Ain't Jivin' Blues
03. Weird Nightmare
04. Baby, Take A Chance With Me
05. Bedspread
06. Make Believe
07. This Subdues My Passion
08. Honey, Take A Chance Whis Me
09. Pipe Dream
10. Mingus Fingers
11. These Foolish Things
12. He's Gone
13. Story Of Love
14. Pennies From Heaven
15. Lyon's Roar
16. Say It Isn't So
17. Boppin' In Boston

CD 2.

01. Minor Intrusion
02. Thrice Upon A Theme
03. Stormy Weather
04. The Spur Of the Moment / Echonitus
05. Four Hands
06. Abstractions
07. What Is This Thing Called Love

CD 3.

01. Folk Forms №1
02. Original Faubus Fables
03. What Love?
04. All The Things You Could Be By Now If Sigmund Freud's Wife Wos Your Mother

CD 4.

01. MDM
02. Stormy Weather
03. Lock' Em Up
04. Vassarlean
05. Re - Incarnation Of A Love Bird


Oh Yeah, 1962 (2005)
01. Hog Callin' Blues
02. Devil Woman
03. Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am
04. Ecclusiastics
05. Oh Lord Don't Let Them Drop That Atomic Bomb on Me
06. Eat That Chicken
07. Passions of a Man
08. Old Blues For Walt's Torin
09. Peggy's Blue Skylight
10. Invisible Lady


Charles Mingus Sextet Eith Eric Dolphy - Corneel 1964 (2007)
CD 1.

01. Opening
02. ATFW You
03. Sophisticated Lady
04. Fables Of Faubus
05. Orange Was The Colour Of Her Dress, Then Blue Silk
06. Take The 'A' Train

CD 2.

01. Meditations
02. So Long Eric
03. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
04. Jitterbug Waltz


King Of Mingus (Box Set 2009)
CD 1: Live In Stuttgart 1964 (Vol. 1).
01. So Long Eric
02. Orange Was The Colour Of Her Hair
03. These Foolish Things

CD 2: Live In Stuttgart 1964 (Vol. 2).
01. Peggyis Blue Skylight
02. Meditations

CD 3: Live In Stuttgart 1964 (Vol. 3).
02. Sophisticated Lady
03. Fables Of Fabius (Pt 1 & 2)

CD 4: Blue Cee.
01. The Clown
02. Blue Cee
03. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird
04. Haitian Fight Song
05. Blue Greens

CD 5: Passions Of A Woman.
01. Tonight At Noon
02. Passions Of A Woman Loved
03. Laura
04. When Your Lover Has Gone
05. Just One Of Those Things
06. Profile Of Jackie
07. Yesterday
08. All The Things You C#

CD 6: New York Sketchbook.
01. New York Sketchbook
02. Scenes In The City
03. 51st Street Blues
04. Conversation
05. Duke's Choice
06. Celia

CD 7: Thrice Upon A Theme.
01. Thrice Upon A Theme
02. Minor Intrusions
03. Percussion Discussion
04. Septemberly
05. What Is This Thing Called Love
06. Spur Of The Moment
07. Four Hands

CD 8: Jump Monk.
01. Pithecanthropus Erectus
02. Love Chant
03. A Foggy Day
04. Jump Monk
05. Serenade In Blue
06. Work Song

CD 9: Dizzy Moods.
01. Los Mariachis
02. Dizzy Moods
03. A Colloquial Dream
04. Flamingo
05. Tijuana Gift Shop
06. Ysabel's Table Dance

CD 10: Dizzy Moods - Trio.
01. Laura
02. Yesterday's
03. Summertime
04. I Can't Get Started
05. Dizzy Moods
06. Hamp's New Blues
07. Back Home Blues


Charles Mingus & Eric Dolphy - The Complete Bremen Concert, 1964 (2010)
CD 1.

01. A.T.F.W (Art Tatum-Fats Waller)
02. Sophisticated Lady
03. So Long Eric
04. Parkeriana

CD 2.

01. Meditations On Integration
02. Fables Of Faubus


Eight Classic Albums (Box Set 2011)
CD 1.

Mingus Three (1957).

01. Yesterdays
02. Back Home Blues
03. I Can't Get Started
04. Hamps's New Blues
05. Summertime
06. Dizzy Moods
07. Laura
Charles Mingus Quintet And Max Roach (1955).
08. A Foggy Day
09. Drums
10. Haitian Fight Song
11. Lady Bird
12. I'll remember April
13. Love Chant

CD 2.

The Clown (1957).
01. Haitian Fight Song
02. Blue Cee
03. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird
04. The Clown
East Coasting (1957).
05. Memories Of You
06. East Coasting (Tk 4)
07. West Coast Ghost (Tk 6)
08. Celia (Tk 5)
09. Conversation (Tk 16)
10. Fifty First Street Blues (Tk 4)

CD 3.

Mingus At The Bohemia (1955).
01. Jump Monk
02. Serenade In Blue
03. Percussion Discussion
04. Work Song
05. Septemberly
06. All The Things You C-Sharp Minor
Pithecanthropus Erectus (1956).
07. Pithecanthropus Erectus
08. A Foggy Day
09. Profile Of Jackie
10. Love Chant

CD 4.

Jazzical Moods Volume 1 (1954).
01. What Is This Thing Called Love
02. Stormy Weather
03. Minor Intrusion
04. Abstractions
Mingus In Wonderland (1959).
05. Nostalgia In Times Square
06. I Can't Get Started
07. No Private Income Blues
08. Alice's Wonderland


The Jazz Workshop Concerts, 1964-65 (Box Set 2012)
CD 1.

01. A.T.F.W.
02. Sophisticated Lady
03. So Long Eric
04. Praying With Eric

CD 2.

01. Peggy's Blue Skylight
02. Parkeriana, Part One
03. Parkeriana, Part Two
04. Fables Of Faubus

CD 3.

01. A.T.F.W.
02. Parkeriana
03. So Long Eric
04. Orange Was the Color of Her Dress, Then Blue Silk

CD 4.

01. Sophisticated Lady
02. Meditations On a Pair of Wire Cutters
02. Meditations On Integration
03. Fables of Faubus

CD 5.

01. Duke Ellington Medley
02. Orange Was the Color of Her Dress, Then Blue Silk
03. Meditations On Integration

CD 6.

01. The Arts of Tatum and Freddie Webster
02. Don't Let It Happen Here
03. They Trespass the Land of the Sacred Sioux
04. When the Saints Go Marching In
05. So Long Eric
06. Medley
07. Cocktails For Two

CD 7.

01. Announcement
02. Copa City Titty (AKA O.P.)
03. A Lonely Day in Selma, Alabama/Freedom
04. Peggy's Blue Skylight
05. Mingus Piano Solo
06. Announcement #2
07. Bird Preamble
08. Themeless Blues
09. Closing Announcement


The Complete Columbia & RCA Albums Collection (Box Set 2012)
CD 1: Tijuana Moods Vol.1.

01. Dizzy Moods
02. Ysabel's Table Dance
03. Tijuana Gift Shop
04. Los Mariachis
05. Flamingo
06. Dizzy Moods (Composite Partial Alternate Take)
07. Ysabel's Table Dance (Composite Partial Alternate Take)
08. Los Mariachis (Composite Partial Alternate Take)
09. Flamingo (Partial Alternate Take)

CD 2: Tijuana Moods Vol.2

01. Tijuana Gift Shop (Alternate Take)
02. A Colloquial Dream (Aka Scenes In The City)
03. Flamingo (Composite Partial Alternate Take)
04. Ysabel's Table Dance (Composite Partial Alternate Take)
05. Dizzy Moods (Breakdown)
06. Dizzy Moods (Bass Solos)
07. Tijuana Gift Shop (Breakdowns)
08. Tijuana Gift Shops (Solos Edited Out Of Master Take)
09. Los Mariachis (False Start / Breakdowns)
10. Los Mariachis (Breakdowns / False Start)
11. Los Mariachis (Breakdowns, False Starts, Rehearsal)
12. A Colloquial Dream (Breakdown)
13. A Colloquial Dream (Breakdown)

CD 3: Mingus Ah Um.

01. Better Git It In Your Soul
02. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
03. Boogie Stop Shuffl
04. Self Portrait In Three Colours
05. Open Letter To Duke
06. Bird Calls
07. Fables Of Faubus
08. Pussy Cat Dues
09. Jelly Roll
10. Pedal Point Blues
11. GG Train
12. Girl Of My Dreams

CD 4: Mingus Dynasty.

01. Slop
02. Diane
03. Song With Orange
04. Gunslinging Bird
05. Things Ain't What They Used to Be
06. Far Wells, Mill Valley
07. New Now Know How
08. Mood Indigo
09. Put Me in That Dungeon
10. Strollin'

CD 5: Alternate Takes.

01. Better Git It in Your Soul
02. Bird Calls
03. Jelly Roll
04. Song with Orange
05. Diane
06. New Now Know How
07. Revelations (First Movement)
08. Non-Sectarian Blues (Feat. Dave Brubeck)

CD 6: Let My Children Hear Music.

01. The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers
02. Adagio Ma Non Troppo
03. Don't Be Afraid, the Clown's Afraid Too
04. Taurus in the Arena of Life
05. Hobo Ho
06. The Chill of Death
07. The I of Hurricane Sue

CD 7: Charles Mingus & Friends In Concert Vol.1.

01. Introduction (By Bill Cosby)
02. Jump Monk
03. E.S.P.
04. Ecclusiastics
05. Eclipse
06. Us Is Two
07. Taurus In The Arena Of Life (A.K.A. Number One Grandson)
08. Mingus Blues
09. Introduction To Little Royal Suite (By Bill Cosby)
10. Little Royal Suite

CD 8: Charles Mingus & Friends In Concert Vol.2.

01. Introduction to Strollin'
02. Strollin'
03. The I of Hurricane Sue
04. E's Flat, Ah's Flat Too (A.K.A. Hora Decubitus)
05. Ool-Ya-Koo
06. Portrait
07. Don't Be Afraid, The Clown's Afraid Too

CD 9: Epitaph Vol.1.

01. Main Score (Part 1)
02. Percussion Discussion
03. Main Score (Part 2)
04. Started Memory
05. Better Get It in Your Soul
06. The Soul
07. Moods in Mambo
08. Self Portrait - Chill of Death
09. O.P. (Oscar Pettiford)
10. Please Don't Come Back From the Moon

CD 10: Epitaph Vol.2.

01. Monk, Bunk & Vice Versa (Osmotin')
02. Peggy's Blue Skylight
03. Wolverine Blues
04. The Children's Hour of Dream
05. Ballad (In Other Words, I Am Three)
06. Freedom
07. Interlude (The Underdog Rising)
08. Noon Night
09. Main Score Reprise


Passions Of A Man The Complete Atlantic Recordings, 1956-1961 
(Box Set 2013)
CD 1.

01. Pithecantropus Erectus
02. A Foggy Day
03. Love Chant
04. Profile Of Jackie
05. Laura
06. When Your Lover Has Gone
07. Just One Of Those Things
08. Blue Greens

CD 2.

01. The Clown
02. Passions Of A Woman Loved
03. Blue Cee
04. Tonight At Noon
05. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird
06. Haitian Fight Song

CD 3.

01. E's Flat Ah's Flat Too
02. My Jelly Roll Soul
03. Tensions
04. Moanin'
05. Cryin' Blues
06. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
07. E's Flat Ah's Flat Too (Alt. Take)
08. My Jelly Roll Soul (Alt. Take)
09. Tensions (Alt. Take)
10. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting (Alt. Take)

CD 4.

01. Prayer For Passive Resistance
02. Better Git Hit In Your Soul
03. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
04. Folk Forms I
05. What Love?
06. I'll Remember April

CD 5.

01. Devil Woman
02. Ecclusiastics
03. 'Old' Blues For Walt's Torin
04. Peggy's Blue Skylight
05. Hog Callin' Blues
06. Oh Lord Don't Let Them Drop That Atomic Bomb On Me
07. Passions Of A Man
08. Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am
09. Invisible Lady
10. Eat That Chicken

CD 6.

01. Charles Mingus Interviewed By Nesuhi Ertegun
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