Tangerine Dream é um grupo alemão de música eletrônica,
psicodélica e krautrock fundado em 1967 por Edgar Froeses. A banda cresceu por
baixo de muitas mudanças de pessoal ao longo dos anos, com Froese sendo o único
membro contínuo. O baterista e compositor Klaus Schulze foi brevemente membro de
uma formação prévia, mas a formação mais estável do grupo, durante o seu
influente período no meio dos anos 70, foi como um trio de teclados com Froeses,
Cristopher Franke e Peter Baumann. No início dos anos 80, Johannes Schomoelling
substituiu Baumann, e esta formação, também, foi estável e extremamente
Os álbuns iniciais dos "Anos de Ouro" tiveram um papel crucial no desenvolvimento do Krautrock. Seus "Anos Virgens" e álbuns posteriores tornaram-se uma influência definitiva no gênero conhecido como música New Age, embora a banda não tenha gostado do termo.
Embora o grupo tenha lançado inúmeras gravações de estúdio e ao vivo, um substancial número de fãs foram apresentados ao Tangerine Dream pelas suas trilhas sonoras de filmes, que totalizam mais de 60 e incluem Sorcerer, Thief, The Keep, Risky Business, Firestarter, Legend, Near Dark, Shy People e Miracle Mile.
No final dos anos 60 e início dos anos 70, várias encarnações de vida curta do Tangerine Dream foram formadas por Froese em parceria com inúmeros músicos underground da parte Oeste de Berlim.
Alguns desses colaboradores incluíam Steve Jolliffe, Klaus Schulze e Conrad Schnitzler.
A mais notável das colaborações de Froese acabou sendo sua parceria com Christopher Franke. Franke juntou-se ao Tangerine Dream em 1970 do grupo Agitation Free para substituir Schulze como baterista. Ele é creditado pela descoberta inicial da técnica do sequenciador, introduzida em Phaedra, que veio a definir a música da banda. Franke deixou o Tangerine Dream por diferenças criativas com Froese quase duas décadas depois, em 1987.
Outros membros de longo tempo do grupo eram Peter Baumann (1971-1977), que mais tarde fundou o selo New Age chamado de Private Music, o qual a banda assinou de 1988 até 1991; Johannes Schmoelling (1979-1985); Paul Haslinger (1986-1990); e mais recentemente, o filho de Froese, Jerome Froese (1990-2006).
Um certo número de membros também foi parte do Tangerine Dream por períodos mais curtos de tempo. Em contraste com músicos apenas contratados, eles também contribuíram para algumas composições da banda durante sua estadia. Os cinco membros mais notáveis foram Steve Shroyder (órgão, 1971-72), Michael Hoenig (que substituiu Baumann para uma tour australiana de 1975 e um concerto em Londres, incluído no Bootleg Box Sex Vol. 1), Steve Jolliffe (instrumentos de sopro e vocais em Cyclone e sua respectiva tour; ele também foi parte de uma formação de curta duração em 1969), Ralf Wadephul (em colaboração com Edgar Froese gravaram o álbum Blue Dawn, que foi lançado apenas em 2006; ele também é creditado em uma faixa em Optical Race (1988) e fez uma turnê com a banda em apoio a este álbum) e Linda Spa (saxofonista que apareceu em numerosos álbuns e concertos entre 1990 e 1996, bem como em 2005).
A partir de 2009 o Tangerine Dream é composto por Edgar Froese e Thorsten Quaeschning, , que colaboraram na composição de Jeanne d'Arc (2005) e muitos lançamenos posteriores. Para concertos e gravações eles se reuniram também a Hoshiko Yamane, Iris Camaa, Linda Spa and Bernhard Beibl.
Origens: Psicodelia e Krautrock.
Edgar Froese chegou no lado oeste de Berlim no meio dos anos 60 para estudar arte. Sua primeira banda, a estilo R&B The Ones, foi gradualmente desfeita após o lançamento de apenas um single, e Froese voltou-se para a experimentação, tocando em shows menores com uma variedade de músicos. A maior parte destes shows foram no famoso Zodiak Free Arts Lab, embora a banda de Froese também ter sido convidado para tocar para Salvador Dalí. Música era misturada com literatura, pintura, formas primitivas de multimídia e mais. Apenas as mais estranhas ideias atraíram alguma atenção, e Froese resumiu esta atitude com a frase: "No absurdo frequentemente paira o que é artisticamente possível." Como os membros do grupo iam e vinham, a direção da música continuou a ser inspirada pelos Surrealistas, e o grupo chegou a ser chamado pelo surreal nome de Tangerine Dream, inspirado pelo trecho "árvores de tangerina e céus de marmelada" da música dos Beatles, "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds."
Froese era fascinado pela tecnologia e qualificou se usando-a para criar música. Ele construiu instrumentos customizados e, onde quer que ele chegasse, coletava sons com gravadores para usar em trabalhos musicais posteriormente. Seu primitivo trabalho com tape loops e outros sons de repetição foram obviamente precursores da emergente tecnologia do sequenciador, tal qual o Tangerine Dream rapidamente adotou após sua chegada.
O primeiro álbum do Tangerine Dream, Electronic Meditation, foi uma fita-colagem de Krautrock, usando a tecnologia da época, em vez de a música sintetizada que fez eles tornarem-se famosos posteriormente. A formação para o álbum álbum era composta por Froese, Klaus Schulze e Conrad shnitzler. Electronic Meditation foi publicado pela Ohr em 1970, e inaugurou o período conhecido como Pink Years ("anos rosas", o logotipo da Ohr era uma orelha rosa (pink ear), originando o trocadilho entre "pink years" e "pink ear"). Mas começando com o segundo álbum, Alpha Centauri, o grupo tinha sido um trio ou ocasionalmente um dueto de instrumentos eletrônicos, aumentada pela guitarra de Froese (ou, bem mais tarde, outros músicos também), e ocasionalmente outros instrumentos. Destes, a bateria de Christopher Franke e o órgão de Steve Schroyder (em Alpha Centauri) ou Pete Baumann (em lançamentos subsequentes) caracterizam proeminentemente a música da banda durante o início dos anos 70. Eles também iniciaram o pesado uso do Mellotron durante o período.
Ascensão para a Fama: Os Anos Virgens.
O álbum Atem de 1973 foi nomeado como álbum do Ano pelo DJ britânico John Peel, e sua atenção ajudou o Tangerine Dream a assinar com a inexperiente Virgin Records no mesmo ano. Em breve mais tarde eles lançaram o álbum Phaedra, uma paisagem sonora sinistra que inesperadamente alcançou #15 na tabela de álbuns do Reino Unido e tornou-se um dos primeiros "sucessos de boa fé" da Virgin. Phaedra foi um dos primeiros álbuns comerciais a caracterizar os sequenciadores e veio a definir muito mais do que apenas o som da própria banda. A criação da faixa título do álbum foi algo por acidente; a banda estava experimentando no estúdio um recém adquirido sintetizador Moog, e ocorreu que a fita estava rodando no momento. Eles mantiveram os resultados e depois adicionaram a flauta, o baixo e Mellotron. O "bringuento" Moog, assim como muitos outros sintetizadores primitivos, era tão sensitivo a mudanças na temperatura que seus osciladores movimentavam-se mal em sintonia como o equipamento aquecido, e este desvio pode ser facilmente ouvida na gravação final. Este álbum marcou o início do período conhecido como os Anos Virgens (Virgin Years, uma referência a gravadora Virgin Records).
Nos anos 80, junto com outros pioneiros da música eletrônica como Jean Michel Jarre e Vangelis, a banda aderiu cedo à nova tecnologia digital que revolucionou o som do sintetizador; embora o grupo estivesse usando equipamento digital (de uma forma ou de outra) já em meados dos anos setenta. A competência técnica e extensiva experiência nos antigos anos com instrumentos feitos por eles mesmos e maneiras não usuais de criação de sons significava que eles eram capazes de explorar esta nova tecnologia para fazer música completamente diferente de qualquer coisa já ouvida. Para o ouvinte moderno, seus álbuns deste período podem não parecer tão excepcionais, mas apenas por causa que a tecnologia adotada por eles nessa época é que ela é usada quase universalmente.
Tangerine Dream Ao Vivo.
Os concertos mais antigos do Tangerine Dream eram visualmente simples para os padrões modernos, como três homens sentando sem se moverem por horas ao lado de enormes caixas eletrônicas enfeitadas com cordões e algumas luzes piscando. Alguns concertos eram até apresentados em completa escuridão como aconteceu durante a performance no York Minister, dia 20 de Outubro de 1975. Conforme o tempo chegou e a tecnologia avançou, os concertos tornaram-se muito mais elaborados, com efeitos visuais, luzes, lasers, pirotecnia e imagens projetadas. Em torno de 1977 sua tour norte-americana teve efeitos de laserium de longa escala.
Entre os anos 1970 e 1980 e banda excursionou extensivamente. Os concertos geralmente incluíam em larga escala uma grande quantidade de material não lançado e improvisado, e foram consequentemente gravados como bootleg. Eles eram notáveis por tocarem extremamente alto (chegando até 124db em 1976) e por um longo período de tempo. A banda lançou gravações de um razoável número de seus concertos, e em alguns destes e a banda trabalhou o material que viria a formar mais tarde a espinha dorsal de suas gravações de estúdio (por exemplo, Pergamon, que remete a um concerto apresentado em no lado Leste de Berlin logo depois que Johannes Schmoelling juntou-se ao grupo, contém temas que apareceriam depois em Tangram). Uma excelente introdução é o seminal álbum Ricochet; ela foi gravada durante uma tour que incluía catedrais europeias, com algum overdubbing mais tarde.
Incursos Vocais.
A maioria dos álbuns do Tangerine Dream eram inteiramente experimentais - dois álbuns que proeminentemente apresentaram letras, Cyclone (1978) e Tyger (1987) foram recebidos de forma negativa por alguns fãs. Embora tenha havido ocasionalmente alguns vocais nos outros lançamentos da banda, como na faixa "Kiew Mission" do álbum Exit de 1981 e "The Harbor" do álbum Shy People de 1987), o grupo apenas recentemente voltou com vocais, em uma trilogia musical baseada na Divina Comédia de Dante, e seu álbum de 2007 Madcap's Flaming Duty.
Após seu show em 1980 na parte Leste de Berlim, quando eles tornaram-se uma das primeiras principais bandas do oeste a apresentarem-se em um país comunista. O Tangerine Dream tornou-se muito popular atrás da cortina de ferro. Eles foram uma das mais populares bandas na Polônia durante o início dos anos 80 e até lançaram um álbum duplo ao vivo de uma de suas performances intitulado Poland (Polônia), gravado durante sua turnê no inverno, no final de 1983. Devido a natureza abstrata da música - e, sem dúvida, a falta de letras - eles não atraíram os órgão de censura das autoridades, ao contrário de muitas outras bandas do oeste. Com Poland, a banda mudou para a gravadora Jive Electro, marcando o início dos Anos Azuis (Blue Years).
Trilhas Sonoras (Soundtracks).
Através dos anos 80 o Tangerine Dream compôs partituras para mais de vinte filmes. Esse tinha sido um interesse Froese desde o final dos anos 60, quando ele fez as partituras para um obscuro filme polonês, também aparecendo como um ator em diversos filmes underground alemães. Ele fez a partitura para o filme experimental "Never shoot the bathroom man," dirigido por Jürgen Polland. Muitas das trilhas sonoras do grupo foram compostas pelo menos parcialmente por material retrabalhado dos álbuns de estúdio da banda ou de algum trabalho que estivesse em progresso para álbuns posteriores; veja, por exemplo, a semelhança entre a faixa "Igneous" em sua segunda trilha sonora para Thief e a faixa "Thru Metamorphic Rocks" no seu lançamento de estúdio Force Majeure. A sua primeira aparição na televisão americana veio quando uma faixa para o álbum que estava então em progresso, Le Parc, foi utilizada como a música tema para o programa de televisão Street Hawk. Algumas das mais famosas trilhas sonoras foram para os filmes Sorcerer, The Keep, Risky Business, Firestarter, Near Dark, Shy People e Legend. No seu melhor, as trilhas sonoras foram tão bem sucedidas quanto os álbuns de estúdio comuns, e muitos fãs descobriram eles através de filmes ou trabalhos televisivos. Uma faixa de Phaedra foi usada no filme de Godfrey Ho, "Thunder Ninja Kids: The Hunt for Devil Boxer."
Conexões Artísticas.
O Tangerine Dream começou como uma banda de rock surreal, com cada um dos membros contribuindo com diferentes influências musicais e estilos. O estilo de guitarra de Edgar Froese foi inspirado por Jimi Hendrix, enquanto Chris Franke contribuiu com os elementos mais avant garde de Karlheinz Stockhausen e Terry Riley. A influência estilo Yes de rock progressivo foi trazida por Steve Joliffe em Cyclone. As colagens de áudio com base experimental de Johannes Schmoelling desenhou sua inspiração como vinda de inúmeras fontes; um exemplo é a música de Steve Reich, Music For 18 Musicians a respeito de, por exemplo, partes de Logos Live e a faixa Love on a Real Train da trilha sonora de Risky Business.
A música clássica teve alguma influência no som do Tangerine Dream ao longo dos anos. György Ligeti, Johann Sebastian Bach, Maurice Ravel e Arcangelo Corelli são influências dominantes claramente visíveis nos álbuns iniciais. Uma sensibilidade barroca algumas vezes informa o mais coordenado padrão de sequencias, que que tem sua expressão mais direta na seção La Follia que vem no final da faixa-título de Force Majeure. Em performances ao vivo, os solos de piano muitas vezes citou diretamente obras românticas clássicas para piano, como trechos de Beethoven e Mozart na maior parte no fim dos anos 70 e início dos anos 80 em shows ao vivo. Nas gravações bottleg do concerto Mannheim Mozartsaal em 1976 (Tangerine Tree volume 13), a primeira parte da primeira peça também faz claras citações a Totentanz de Franz Liszt. A primeira frase é tocada em um remendado sintetizador-cravo, e é respondida pela segunda metade da frase em um vocal de flauta em um Mellotron.
Durante os anos 90, muitos lançamentos incluíam gravações de composições clássicas: Pictures at an Exhibition (em Turn of the Tides), Largo (from Xerxes) (em Tyranny of Beauty), Sinfonia em A Menor (por J. S. Bach), e Concerto em A Maior / Adagio (por Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) (ambos em Ambient Monkeys).
Desde os anos 9o, o Tangerine Dream tem também gravado versões cover de Purple haze do Jimi Hendrix (primeiro em 220 Volt Live) e Eleanor Rigby, Back in the U.S.S.R., Tomorrow Never Knows e Norwegia Wood dos Beatles.
Um infrequente recurso não-musical influente no Tangerine Dream, particularmente de Edgar Froese, foram os poetas do século 12 - 19. Isso foi evidenciado primeiramente no álbum Exit de 1981, a faixa "Pilots of the Purple Night" continha uma citação ao poema de Alfred Lord Tennyson, Locksley Hall. Seis anos mais tarde, o álbum Tyger apresentou poemas de William Blake ligados à música; e em torno da virada do milênio, Edgar Froese começou a trabalhar em uma trilogia musical baseada na Divina Comédia de Dante Alighieri, completada em 2006. Recentemente, o álbum de 2007 Madcap's Flaming Duty apresentava mais poemas ligados à música, alguns novamente de Blake mas também de Walt Whitman.
Pink Floyd também foi influência para Edgar Froese e o Tangerine Dream, a banda no sua muito importante e psicodélica fase inicial, tocava improvisos baseados na música Interstellar Overdrive. Madcap's Flaming Duty é dedicado à memória do falecido Syd Barrett. O título faz referência ao lançamento solo de barrett, The Madcap Laughs.
A influência da banda pode ser sentida em artistas de ambientes como Deepspace, The Future Sound of London, David Kristian e Global Communication, assim como artistas de rock, pop e de dança, como Radiohead, Porcupine Tree, M83, DJ Shadow, Ulrich Schnauss, Cut Copy e Kasabian. A banda também influênciou claramente a Trance music dos anos 90 e 2000, onde sons exuberantes e synth pads são utilizados com repetitivas sequências de sintetizadores, muito parecidos com seus lançamentos de 1975, Rubycon e Ricochet, assim como algumas de suas músicas no início dos anos 80. O grupo também foi amostrado inúmeras vezes, recentemente pelo Recoil no álbum SubHuman, por Sasha em Involver, e em vários álbuns de Houzan Suzuk. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.
Thorsten Quaeschning (Líder da Banda, Diretor musical, Sintetizador, Sequenciador, Bateria, Vocal, Guitarra, desde 2004)
Hoshiko Yamane (Violino Acústico, Viola Elétrica, Violino Elétrico, Violoncelo, Controlador Ableton Push, Looper, Sintetizador, desde 2011)
Paul Frick (Sintetizador, Piano, desde 2020–Presente, Convidado, 2018-2020)
Bianca Froese-Acquaye (Viúva de Edgar, assumiu o manto de continuar o legado do grupo e trabalha perto dos membros restantes)
Hoshiko Yamane (Violino Acústico, Viola Elétrica, Violino Elétrico, Violoncelo, Controlador Ableton Push, Looper, Sintetizador, desde 2011)
Paul Frick (Sintetizador, Piano, desde 2020–Presente, Convidado, 2018-2020)
Bianca Froese-Acquaye (Viúva de Edgar, assumiu o manto de continuar o legado do grupo e trabalha perto dos membros restantes)
Estúdio (Studio).
02. Journey Through A Burning Brain
03. Cold Smoke
04. Ashes To Ashes
05. Resurrection
03. Cold Smoke
04. Ashes To Ashes
05. Resurrection
02. Fly And Collision Of
Comas Sola
03. Alpha Centauri
03. Alpha Centauri
02. Nebulous Dawn
03. Origin Of Supernatural Probabilities
04. Zeit
03. Origin Of Supernatural Probabilities
04. Zeit
02. Fauni Gena
03. Circulation Of Events
04. Wahn
03. Circulation Of Events
04. Wahn
02. Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of
03. Movements Of A Visionary
04. Sequent C'
03. Movements Of A Visionary
04. Sequent C'
02. Rubycon (Part Two)
02. The Big Sleep In Search Of Hades
03. 3 AM At The Border Of The Marsh From Okefenokee
04. Invisible Limits
03. 3 AM At The Border Of The Marsh From Okefenokee
04. Invisible Limits
02. Rising Runner Missed By Endless
03. Madrigal Meridian
03. Madrigal Meridian
02. Cloudburst Flight
03. Thru Metamorphic Rocks
03. Thru Metamorphic Rocks
02. Tangram (Set 2)
02. Pilots Of Purple Twighlight
03. Choronzon
04. Exit
05. Network 23
06. Remote Viewing
03. Choronzon
04. Exit
05. Network 23
06. Remote Viewing
02. Midnight In Tula
03. Convention Of The 24
04. White Eagle
03. Convention Of The 24
04. White Eagle
02. Hyperborea
03. Cinnamon Road
04. Sphinx Lightning
03. Cinnamon Road
04. Sphinx Lightning
02. Central Park (New
03. Gaudi Park (Guell Garden Barcelona)
04. Tiergarten (Berlin)
05. Zen Garden (Ryoanji Temple Kyoto)
06. Le Parc (L.A. - Streethawk)
07. Hyde Park (London)
08. The Cliffs Of Sydney (Sydney)
09. Yellowstone Park (Rocky Mountains)
03. Gaudi Park (Guell Garden Barcelona)
04. Tiergarten (Berlin)
05. Zen Garden (Ryoanji Temple Kyoto)
06. Le Parc (L.A. - Streethawk)
07. Hyde Park (London)
08. The Cliffs Of Sydney (Sydney)
09. Yellowstone Park (Rocky Mountains)
02. White Clouds
03. Astral Voyager
04. Indian Summer
03. Astral Voyager
04. Indian Summer
02. Song Of The
Whale Part Two - ...To Dusk
03. Dolphin Dance
04. Ride On The Ray
05. Scuba Scuba
06. Underwater Twilight
03. Dolphin Dance
04. Ride On The Ray
05. Scuba Scuba
06. Underwater Twilight
02. London
03. Alchemy Of The Heart
04. Smile
05. 21st Century Common Man 1
06. 21st Century Common Man 2
07. Vigour
03. Alchemy Of The Heart
04. Smile
05. 21st Century Common Man 1
06. 21st Century Common Man 2
07. Vigour
02. Atlas Eyes
03. Mothers Of Rain
04. Twin Soul Tribe
05. Optical Race
06. Cat Scan
07. Sun Gate
08. Turning Off The Wheel
09. The Midnight Trail
10. Ghazal (Love Song)
03. Mothers Of Rain
04. Twin Soul Tribe
05. Optical Race
06. Cat Scan
07. Sun Gate
08. Turning Off The Wheel
09. The Midnight Trail
10. Ghazal (Love Song)
02. Lily On The Beach
03. Alaskan Summer
04. Desert Drive
05. Mount Shasta
06. Crystal Curfew
07. Paradise Cove
08. Twenty-Nine Palms
09. Valley Of The Kings
10. Radio City
11. Blue Mango Cafe
12. Gecko
13. Long Island Sunset
03. Alaskan Summer
04. Desert Drive
05. Mount Shasta
06. Crystal Curfew
07. Paradise Cove
08. Twenty-Nine Palms
09. Valley Of The Kings
10. Radio City
11. Blue Mango Cafe
12. Gecko
13. Long Island Sunset
02. Three Bikes In The Sky
03. Dolls In The Shadow
04. Yucatan
05. Electric Lion
06. Rolling Down Cahuenga
07. Art Of Vision
08. Desert Train
09. Cool At Heart
03. Dolls In The Shadow
04. Yucatan
05. Electric Lion
06. Rolling Down Cahuenga
07. Art Of Vision
08. Desert Train
09. Cool At Heart
02. Red Roadster
03. Touchwood
04. Graffiti Street
05. Funky Atlanta
06. Spanish Love
07. Lifted Veil
08. Penguin Reference
09. Body Corporate
10. Rockoon
11. Girls On Broadway
03. Touchwood
04. Graffiti Street
05. Funky Atlanta
06. Spanish Love
07. Lifted Veil
08. Penguin Reference
09. Body Corporate
10. Rockoon
11. Girls On Broadway
02. Firetongues
03. Galley Slave's Horizon
04. Death Of A Nightingale
05. Twilight Brigade
06. Jungle Journey
07. Midwinter Night
08. Turn Of The Tides
03. Galley Slave's Horizon
04. Death Of A Nightingale
05. Twilight Brigade
06. Jungle Journey
07. Midwinter Night
08. Turn Of The Tides
02. Birdwatcher's Dream
03. Little Blonde In The Park Of Attractions
04. Living In A Fountain Pen
05. Stratosfear 1995
06. Bridge In Cold Tears
07. Haze Of Fame
08. Tyranny Of Beauty
09. Largo
03. Little Blonde In The Park Of Attractions
04. Living In A Fountain Pen
05. Stratosfear 1995
06. Bridge In Cold Tears
07. Haze Of Fame
08. Tyranny Of Beauty
09. Largo
01. Little Blond In The Park Of Attractions (The Thai
02. Rough Embrace
03. Touchwood (The Forest Mix)
04. Jungle Journey (Reptile Mix)
05. Virtually Fields
06. Firetongues (The Break Freak Mix)
07. San Rocco
08. Catwalk (Dress Up Mix)
09. Change Of The Gods
10. Bride In Cold Tears (The Motown Monk Mix)
02. Rough Embrace
03. Touchwood (The Forest Mix)
04. Jungle Journey (Reptile Mix)
05. Virtually Fields
06. Firetongues (The Break Freak Mix)
07. San Rocco
08. Catwalk (Dress Up Mix)
09. Change Of The Gods
10. Bride In Cold Tears (The Motown Monk Mix)
CD 2.
01. Touchwood (Radio Edit)
02. Little Blond In The Park Of Attractions (Radio Edit)
03. Catwalk (Black Ink Mix)
04. Touchwood (Poison Byte Mix)
05. Iowa
06. Sojus
02. Little Blond In The Park Of Attractions (Radio Edit)
03. Catwalk (Black Ink Mix)
04. Touchwood (Poison Byte Mix)
05. Iowa
06. Sojus
02. At Darwin's Motel
03. On Cranes' Passage
04. Rising Haul In Silence
05. United Goblins Parade
06. Lamb With Radar Eyes
07. Elf June And The Midnight Patrol
08. Sad Merlin's Sunday
03. On Cranes' Passage
04. Rising Haul In Silence
05. United Goblins Parade
06. Lamb With Radar Eyes
07. Elf June And The Midnight Patrol
08. Sad Merlin's Sunday
02. Symphony In A-minor
03. The Seventh Propeller Of Silence
04. Calyx Calamander
05. Riddle Of The Monkey Tribe
06. Moon Marble
07. Concerto In A-major, Adagio
08. Lemon Vendor Khaly
09. Campera De Mon Glyan
10. Virtue Is Its Own Reward
11. Pantha Rhei
12. Myopia World
03. The Seventh Propeller Of Silence
04. Calyx Calamander
05. Riddle Of The Monkey Tribe
06. Moon Marble
07. Concerto In A-major, Adagio
08. Lemon Vendor Khaly
09. Campera De Mon Glyan
10. Virtue Is Its Own Reward
11. Pantha Rhei
12. Myopia World
02. Quinoa
03. Lhasa
03. Lhasa
02. Jungle Jacula
03. Towards The Evening Star
04. Digital Sister
05. Pixel Pirates
06. Culpa Levis
07. Timesquare
03. Towards The Evening Star
04. Digital Sister
05. Pixel Pirates
06. Culpa Levis
07. Timesquare
02. Rim Of Schiaparelly
03. Pilots Of The Ether Belt
04. Deep Space Cruiser
05. Outland
06. Spiral Star Date
07. Mars Mission Counter
08. Astrophobia
09. Tharsis Maneuver
10. Dies Martis
03. Pilots Of The Ether Belt
04. Deep Space Cruiser
05. Outland
06. Spiral Star Date
07. Mars Mission Counter
08. Astrophobia
09. Tharsis Maneuver
10. Dies Martis
02. The Orange Breath
03. The Golden Heart
04. The Green Land
05. The Blue Pearl
06. The Indigo Clouds
07. The Purple Of All Curtains
03. The Golden Heart
04. The Green Land
05. The Blue Pearl
06. The Indigo Clouds
07. The Purple Of All Curtains
02. Astrophobia (Red Supernova Mix)
03. Stereolight
04. Diamonds And Dust
05. Blue Spears
06. Meng Tian (Smart Machine Remix)
07. Girl On The Stairs
08. The Spirit Of The Czar
09. The Comfort Zone
03. Stereolight
04. Diamonds And Dust
05. Blue Spears
06. Meng Tian (Smart Machine Remix)
07. Girl On The Stairs
08. The Spirit Of The Czar
09. The Comfort Zone
02. The Spirit Of
03. Minotaurae Hunt At Dawn
04. Those Once Broke The First Word
05. Dante In Despair
06. Io Non Mor
07. Vidi Tre Facce
08. At The Deepest Point In Space
09. L'Omperador Del Doloroso Regno
10. Voices In A Starless Night
11. Fear And Longing
12. Fallen For Death
13. Where All Light Went Silent
14. Charon, Il Barchere
15. La Grey De Los Almas Perdidas
16. Justice Of The Karma Law
17. As The Sun Moves Towards Heaven
18. Beatrice, l`Ame Infinie
03. Minotaurae Hunt At Dawn
04. Those Once Broke The First Word
05. Dante In Despair
06. Io Non Mor
07. Vidi Tre Facce
08. At The Deepest Point In Space
09. L'Omperador Del Doloroso Regno
10. Voices In A Starless Night
11. Fear And Longing
12. Fallen For Death
13. Where All Light Went Silent
14. Charon, Il Barchere
15. La Grey De Los Almas Perdidas
16. Justice Of The Karma Law
17. As The Sun Moves Towards Heaven
18. Beatrice, l`Ame Infinie
02. World Of The Day
03. Perplex Parts
04. Cosmic Merriment
05. Messenger
06. Rebound 03
07. Floating Higher
08. From Kiev With Love
09. Meta Morph Magic
10. The Metropolitan Sphere
03. Perplex Parts
04. Cosmic Merriment
05. Messenger
06. Rebound 03
07. Floating Higher
08. From Kiev With Love
09. Meta Morph Magic
10. The Metropolitan Sphere
01. Above The Great Dry Land
02. Chasing The Bad Seed
03. Slave To The Gods
04. Hope And Glory
05. Sun Son's Seal (Part One)
06. Beyond All Suns
07. Sisyphus
08. All The Steps To Heaven
09. Mountain Of Destiny
02. Chasing The Bad Seed
03. Slave To The Gods
04. Hope And Glory
05. Sun Son's Seal (Part One)
06. Beyond All Suns
07. Sisyphus
08. All The Steps To Heaven
09. Mountain Of Destiny
CD 2.
01. The Glowing Zodiac Wheel
02. Modern Cave Men
03. Death Of Medusa
04. Blinded By The World's Desire
05. Sun Son's Seal (Part Two)
06. Soulgate
07. Till The End Of Silence
08. Prison And Paradise
09. Spirit Spiral
02. Modern Cave Men
03. Death Of Medusa
04. Blinded By The World's Desire
05. Sun Son's Seal (Part Two)
06. Soulgate
07. Till The End Of Silence
08. Prison And Paradise
09. Spirit Spiral
02. La Joie
03. La Force Du Courage
04. La Solitude Dans L'Espoir
05. La Marche
06. La Sagesse Du Destin
07. Le Combat Du Sang
08. Le Combat Des Epees
09. La Liberation
03. La Force Du Courage
04. La Solitude Dans L'Espoir
05. La Marche
06. La Sagesse Du Destin
07. Le Combat Du Sang
08. Le Combat Des Epees
09. La Liberation
02. Industrial Life
03. Chilly Moons
04. Lizard Lounge
05. Cherry Blossom Road
06. Tamago Yaki
07. Craving For Silence
08. Mad Sumo Yamoto
09. Kyoto Sunrise
10. Last Train To Osaka
11. Shogun's Prayer
03. Chilly Moons
04. Lizard Lounge
05. Cherry Blossom Road
06. Tamago Yaki
07. Craving For Silence
08. Mad Sumo Yamoto
09. Kyoto Sunrise
10. Last Train To Osaka
11. Shogun's Prayer
01. La Grande Spirale
02. Beyond Sodom And Gomorrha
03. La Ley De La Montana
04. A Cielo Della Luna
05. Mercury Sphere
06. L'Era Della Venere
07. Invisible Sun
02. Beyond Sodom And Gomorrha
03. La Ley De La Montana
04. A Cielo Della Luna
05. Mercury Sphere
06. L'Era Della Venere
07. Invisible Sun
CD 2.
01. Jupiter Lightning
02. La Forza Del Saturno
03. Stars On Distance Glow
04. No More Birth, No More Death
05. Transformazione
06. Truth Beyond Thoughts
07. L'Ultima Tromba d'Oro
08. Leaving
02. La Forza Del Saturno
03. Stars On Distance Glow
04. No More Birth, No More Death
05. Transformazione
06. Truth Beyond Thoughts
07. L'Ultima Tromba d'Oro
08. Leaving
02. Riding The
03. Thunderheads
04. Eagle's Crest
05. Food For The Gods
06. Without A Bad Conscience
07. Cardamom Route
08. A World Away From Gagaland
09. Native Companions
10. Blue Dawn
03. Thunderheads
04. Eagle's Crest
05. Food For The Gods
06. Without A Bad Conscience
07. Cardamom Route
08. A World Away From Gagaland
09. Native Companions
10. Blue Dawn
02. Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of
03. Movements Of A Visionary
04. Sequent C
05. Delfi
03. Movements Of A Visionary
04. Sequent C
05. Delfi
02. Logos Blue
03. Alchemy Of The Heart II
04. Beach Theme
05. Phaedra 2005
06. Desert T. Dream
07. Convention Of The 24
08. The Blue Bridge
09. Ride On A Ray
10. Logos Velvet
11. Challengers Arrival
12. Sphinx Red Lightning
13. Pergamon Sphere
14. Loved By The Sun
03. Alchemy Of The Heart II
04. Beach Theme
05. Phaedra 2005
06. Desert T. Dream
07. Convention Of The 24
08. The Blue Bridge
09. Ride On A Ray
10. Logos Velvet
11. Challengers Arrival
12. Sphinx Red Lightning
13. Pergamon Sphere
14. Loved By The Sun
02. Man
03. Modesty And Greed
04. Loved By The Sun (Instrumental)
05. Gleeful Poets Crying Softly
06. Daughters Of Time
03. Modesty And Greed
04. Loved By The Sun (Instrumental)
05. Gleeful Poets Crying Softly
06. Daughters Of Time
02. Navel Of Light, Part
03. Navel Of Light, Part Three
04. Persistence Of Memory, Part One
05. Persistence Of Memory, Part Two
06. Persistence Of Memory, Part Three
03. Navel Of Light, Part Three
04. Persistence Of Memory, Part One
05. Persistence Of Memory, Part Two
06. Persistence Of Memory, Part Three
02. In The Cherry Blossom
03. Mystery Of Life And Death
04. Dreaming In A Kyoto Train
05. Ayumi's Butterflies
06. Presentiment
07. 11-02 AM
03. Mystery Of Life And Death
04. Dreaming In A Kyoto Train
05. Ayumi's Butterflies
06. Presentiment
07. 11-02 AM
02. Reset
03. Awareness (1st Teaching)
04. Novice (2nd Teaching)
05. Strange Voices
06. Fathom (3rd Teaching)
07. Oracular World (4th Teaching)
08. Remembering Ayumi
09. Mellow Submersion (5th Teaching)
10. Answers (6th Teaching)
11. Touching Truth
12. Insight (7th Teaching)
13. Omniscience (8th Teaching)
14. Nothing And All
03. Awareness (1st Teaching)
04. Novice (2nd Teaching)
05. Strange Voices
06. Fathom (3rd Teaching)
07. Oracular World (4th Teaching)
08. Remembering Ayumi
09. Mellow Submersion (5th Teaching)
10. Answers (6th Teaching)
11. Touching Truth
12. Insight (7th Teaching)
13. Omniscience (8th Teaching)
14. Nothing And All
02. A Matter Of Time
03. Cliff Dwellers
04. Hopi Mesa Heart
05. Purple Nightfall
06. Reflections
07. Rocky Mountain Hawk
08. Shadow Flyer
09. Waters Gift
10. Zion
03. Cliff Dwellers
04. Hopi Mesa Heart
05. Purple Nightfall
06. Reflections
07. Rocky Mountain Hawk
08. Shadow Flyer
09. Waters Gift
10. Zion
02. Hyperborea Part I
03. Hyperborea Part II
04. Cinnamon Road
05. Sphinx Lightning
03. Hyperborea Part II
04. Cinnamon Road
05. Sphinx Lightning
02. Shape My Sin
03. The Blessed Damozel
04. The Divorce
05. A Dream Of Death
06. Hear The Voice
07. Lake Of Pontchartrain
08. Mad Song
09. One Hour Of Madness
10. Man
11. Hymn To Intellectual Beauty
12. Solution Of All Problems
03. The Blessed Damozel
04. The Divorce
05. A Dream Of Death
06. Hear The Voice
07. Lake Of Pontchartrain
08. Mad Song
09. One Hour Of Madness
10. Man
11. Hymn To Intellectual Beauty
12. Solution Of All Problems
02. Episode 2, Dragon In
The House
03. Episode 3, Wu Wei
04. Episode 4, Leaving The Masters For Good
05. Episode 5, Point Of No Return
06. Episode 6, Dream Puzzle
07. Episode 7, Terra Coda
03. Episode 3, Wu Wei
04. Episode 4, Leaving The Masters For Good
05. Episode 5, Point Of No Return
06. Episode 6, Dream Puzzle
07. Episode 7, Terra Coda
02. Passing All Signs
03. Leviathan
04. Hunter Shot By A Yellow Rabbit
05. Nutshell Awakening
06. One Night In Space
07. Serpent Magique
08. Lord Of The Ants
09. Fire On The Mountain
10. Sound Of A Shell
03. Leviathan
04. Hunter Shot By A Yellow Rabbit
05. Nutshell Awakening
06. One Night In Space
07. Serpent Magique
08. Lord Of The Ants
09. Fire On The Mountain
10. Sound Of A Shell
02. Ayumi's Loom
03. Outlook
04. Togetherness
05. Echo Of Light
06. Key Moment
07. Insiders
08. Nexuses
09. Glowing Vision
03. Outlook
04. Togetherness
05. Echo Of Light
06. Key Moment
07. Insiders
08. Nexuses
09. Glowing Vision
02. Pier 54
03. Lord Nelson
04. Ca Va - Ca Marche - Ca Ira Encore (Orchestral)
05. Timeless
06. Ride On The Ray (Atlantic Ocean Version)
07. Peddington At Five
08. Morning Star
03. Lord Nelson
04. Ca Va - Ca Marche - Ca Ira Encore (Orchestral)
05. Timeless
06. Ride On The Ray (Atlantic Ocean Version)
07. Peddington At Five
08. Morning Star
02. The Moondog
03. Screaming Of The Dreamless Sleeper
04. The Unknown Is The Truth
05. The Dance Without Dancers
06. Child Lost In Wilderness
07. Sailor Of The Lost Arch
08. Verses Of A Sisong
09. Silence On A Crawler Lane
03. Screaming Of The Dreamless Sleeper
04. The Unknown Is The Truth
05. The Dance Without Dancers
06. Child Lost In Wilderness
07. Sailor Of The Lost Arch
08. Verses Of A Sisong
09. Silence On A Crawler Lane
02. Devotion
03. Virtue Of Hope
04. Escape
05. The Seven Barriers
06. Logic Of Intuition
07. Shunyata
08. Restless Mind
09. Wild Ocean Of Blue Fate
10. Breaching Sky
11. Morphing
03. Virtue Of Hope
04. Escape
05. The Seven Barriers
06. Logic Of Intuition
07. Shunyata
08. Restless Mind
09. Wild Ocean Of Blue Fate
10. Breaching Sky
11. Morphing
02. Everybody Hurts
03. Precious
04. Space Oddity
05. The Model
06. Wicked Game
07. Hotel California
08. Suzanne
09. Heroes
10. Forever Young
11. Iris
12. Norwegian Wood
13. Hallelujah
14. Wish You Were Here
03. Precious
04. Space Oddity
05. The Model
06. Wicked Game
07. Hotel California
08. Suzanne
09. Heroes
10. Forever Young
11. Iris
12. Norwegian Wood
13. Hallelujah
14. Wish You Were Here
02. Flow Paths
03. Scope Of Minds
04. Meshwork
05. Code To Zero
06. Polar Circles
07. Alien Sitcom
08. Hinterland
09. Mombasa (Touareg Remix)
03. Scope Of Minds
04. Meshwork
05. Code To Zero
06. Polar Circles
07. Alien Sitcom
08. Hinterland
09. Mombasa (Touareg Remix)
02. Breath Kissing Matter's
03. Beauty Of Magic Antagonism
04. Fay Bewitching The Moon
05. Cycle Of Eternity
06. Death In The Shadow
07. Moment Of Floating Into The Light
08. Darkness Veiling The Night
03. Beauty Of Magic Antagonism
04. Fay Bewitching The Moon
05. Cycle Of Eternity
06. Death In The Shadow
07. Moment Of Floating Into The Light
08. Darkness Veiling The Night
02. Finnegan's
Excessive Wake
03. Resurrection By The Spirit
04. Mother Of All Sources
05. The Warring Forces Of The Twins
06. Three Quarks For Muster Mark
07. Everling's Mythical Letter
08. Hermaphrodite
03. Resurrection By The Spirit
04. Mother Of All Sources
05. The Warring Forces Of The Twins
06. Three Quarks For Muster Mark
07. Everling's Mythical Letter
08. Hermaphrodite
02. The Evening Before
03. Living In Eternity
04. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green
05. Hosanna Of The Damned
06. Dream Phantom Of The Common Man
07. The Strange Idol Of Baphomet
08. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
09. The Invisible Seal Of The Holy Tribe
03. Living In Eternity
04. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green
05. Hosanna Of The Damned
06. Dream Phantom Of The Common Man
07. The Strange Idol Of Baphomet
08. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
09. The Invisible Seal Of The Holy Tribe
02. Betrayal (Sorceror Theme)
03. Three Bikes In The Sky
04. A Wise Fisherman's Nocturnal Song
05. The End Of Bondage
06. Too Hot For My Chinchilla
07. Dream Phantom Of The Common Man
08. Sungate
09. Hoel Dhat The Chemist
10. Cat Scan
11. Paradise Cove
12. Dreaming In A Kyoto Train
13. Moon River
03. Three Bikes In The Sky
04. A Wise Fisherman's Nocturnal Song
05. The End Of Bondage
06. Too Hot For My Chinchilla
07. Dream Phantom Of The Common Man
08. Sungate
09. Hoel Dhat The Chemist
10. Cat Scan
11. Paradise Cove
12. Dreaming In A Kyoto Train
13. Moon River
02. Odd Welcome
03. The Untouchable Castle
04. The Apparently Lunatic Hierarchy
05. Barnabass The Messenger
06. Irredeemable Entity
07. The Implicit Will To Meet Klemm
08. Desperate Neverending Longing
09. Surrender And Adaption
10. A Place Of Mercy
03. The Untouchable Castle
04. The Apparently Lunatic Hierarchy
05. Barnabass The Messenger
06. Irredeemable Entity
07. The Implicit Will To Meet Klemm
08. Desperate Neverending Longing
09. Surrender And Adaption
10. A Place Of Mercy
02. Aldebaran
03. Dnammoc Su
04. Capricornus
05. Apus
06. Auriga
07. Columba
08. Cygnus
09. Centaurus
10. Monocerus
03. Dnammoc Su
04. Capricornus
05. Apus
06. Auriga
07. Columba
08. Cygnus
09. Centaurus
10. Monocerus
02. Stranger Things - Main Theme
03. Rubycon
04. Mothers Of Rain
05. Power Of The Rainbow Serpent
06. White Eagle
07. Dolphin Dance
03. Rubycon
04. Mothers Of Rain
05. Power Of The Rainbow Serpent
06. White Eagle
07. Dolphin Dance
02. Roll The Seven Twice
03. Granular Blankets
04. It Is Time To Leave When Everyone Is Dancing
05. Identity Proven Matrix
06. Non-Locality Destination
07. Proton Bonfire
08. Tear Down The Grey Skies
09. Genesis Of Precious Thoughts
03. Granular Blankets
04. It Is Time To Leave When Everyone Is Dancing
05. Identity Proven Matrix
06. Non-Locality Destination
07. Proton Bonfire
08. Tear Down The Grey Skies
09. Genesis Of Precious Thoughts
02. Roll the Seven Twice
03. Granular Blankets
04. It is Time to Leave When Everyone is Dancing
05. Identity Proven Matrix
06. Non-Locality Destination
07. Proton Bonfire
08. Tear Down the Grey Skies
09. Genesis of Precious Thoughts
10. Electron Bonfire
11. Drowning in Universes
12. Mirage of Reality
03. Granular Blankets
04. It is Time to Leave When Everyone is Dancing
05. Identity Proven Matrix
06. Non-Locality Destination
07. Proton Bonfire
08. Tear Down the Grey Skies
09. Genesis of Precious Thoughts
10. Electron Bonfire
11. Drowning in Universes
12. Mirage of Reality
Recurring Dreams (2019)01. Sequent C' 2019
02. Monolight (Yellow Part) 2019
03. Tangram Set 1 2019 (Excerpt)
04. Horizon 2019 (Part 1)
05. Horizon 2019 (Part 2)
06. Phaedra 2014
07. Los Santos City Map
08. The Claymore Mine / Stalking 2019
09. Yellowstone Park 2019
10. Stratosfear 2019
11. Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen (Part 1 & 2)
Raum (2022)01. Continuum
02. Portico
03. In 256 Zeichen
04. You're Always On Time
05. Along the Canal
06. What You Should Know About Endings
07. Raum
02. Monolight (Yellow Part) 2019
03. Tangram Set 1 2019 (Excerpt)
04. Horizon 2019 (Part 1)
05. Horizon 2019 (Part 2)
06. Phaedra 2014
07. Los Santos City Map
08. The Claymore Mine / Stalking 2019
09. Yellowstone Park 2019
10. Stratosfear 2019
11. Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen (Part 1 & 2)
Raum (2022)01. Continuum
02. Portico
03. In 256 Zeichen
04. You're Always On Time
05. Along the Canal
06. What You Should Know About Endings
07. Raum
Ao Vivo (Live).
02. Ricochet (Part Two)
02. Monolight
03. Coldwater Canyon
04. Desert Dream
03. Coldwater Canyon
04. Desert Dream
02. Quichotte Part II
02. Dominion
02. Tangent
03. Barbakane
04. Horizon
03. Barbakane
04. Horizon
02. Livemiles II
(Berlin Concert 1987)
02. Two Bunch Palms
03. 220 Volt
04. Homeless
05. Sundance Kid
06. Backstreet Hero
07. The Blue Bridge
08. Hamlet
09. Dreamtime
10. Purple Haze
11. Treasure Of Innocence
03. 220 Volt
04. Homeless
05. Sundance Kid
06. Backstreet Hero
07. The Blue Bridge
08. Hamlet
09. Dreamtime
10. Purple Haze
11. Treasure Of Innocence
02. Flashflood
03. 220 Volt (Big Volt Version)
04. Firetongues
05. Girls On Broadway
06. Little Blond In The Park Of Attractions
07. Rising Haul In Silence
08. Lamb With Radar Eyes (Lost Lamb Version)
09. Touchwood
10. Towards The Evening Star
03. 220 Volt (Big Volt Version)
04. Firetongues
05. Girls On Broadway
06. Little Blond In The Park Of Attractions
07. Rising Haul In Silence
08. Lamb With Radar Eyes (Lost Lamb Version)
09. Touchwood
10. Towards The Evening Star
02. Betrayal
03. Poland
04. Sundance Kid
05. Silver Scale
06. Warsaw In The Sun
07. Stratosfear 95
08. Dolphin Dance
09. Le Parc
10. Beach Theme
03. Poland
04. Sundance Kid
05. Silver Scale
06. Warsaw In The Sun
07. Stratosfear 95
08. Dolphin Dance
09. Le Parc
10. Beach Theme
02. White Eagle
03. Ayers Majestic
04. Logos Part One
05. Bondi Parade
03. Ayers Majestic
04. Logos Part One
05. Bondi Parade
01. Mothers Of Rain
02. After The Call
03. Tyger (Instrumental)
04. Alchemy Of The Heart
05. Papyrus (Piano)
06. Phaedra 88
07. Live Miles
08. Logos 88
09. Parabola
02. After The Call
03. Tyger (Instrumental)
04. Alchemy Of The Heart
05. Papyrus (Piano)
06. Phaedra 88
07. Live Miles
08. Logos 88
09. Parabola
CD 2.
01. Table Bay
02. Nomad's Scale
03. Cat Scan
04. Atlas Eyes
05. Marakesh
06. Eden's Gate
07. Ghazal
08. Alexander Square
09. The Silent League
10. Canyon Voices
11. Optical Race
02. Nomad's Scale
03. Cat Scan
04. Atlas Eyes
05. Marakesh
06. Eden's Gate
07. Ghazal
08. Alexander Square
09. The Silent League
10. Canyon Voices
11. Optical Race
02. Atlas Eyes
03. Gaudi Park
04. Cat Scan
05. Teetering Scales
06. Lily On The Beach
07. Nomad's Scale
08. Daybreak On The River Spree
09. Longing For Cashba
10. Mount Shasta
11. Alaskan Summer
12. Wall Street
13. Hitchhiker's Point
14. Long Island Sunset
15. Berlin Summer Nights (Encore)
03. Gaudi Park
04. Cat Scan
05. Teetering Scales
06. Lily On The Beach
07. Nomad's Scale
08. Daybreak On The River Spree
09. Longing For Cashba
10. Mount Shasta
11. Alaskan Summer
12. Wall Street
13. Hitchhiker's Point
14. Long Island Sunset
15. Berlin Summer Nights (Encore)
02. Dolls In The Shadow
03. Treasure Of Innocence
04. Oriental Haze
05. Graffit Street
06. Backstreet Hero
07. Phaedra
08. Love On A Real Train
09. Hamlet
10. Purple Haze
11. Logos
03. Treasure Of Innocence
04. Oriental Haze
05. Graffit Street
06. Backstreet Hero
07. Phaedra
08. Love On A Real Train
09. Hamlet
10. Purple Haze
11. Logos
01. Intro UK`86
02. Stratosfear `86
03. Akash Deep
04. Beneath The Waves
05. Zen Garden
06. Scuba Scuba
07. Coloured Rain
02. Stratosfear `86
03. Akash Deep
04. Beneath The Waves
05. Zen Garden
06. Scuba Scuba
07. Coloured Rain
CD 2.
01. Piano Medley
02. Dolphin Dance
03. Northern Lights
04. Cool Breeze Of Brighton
05. Going West
06. Yellowstone Park
07. Underwater Twilight
08. Legend Leftover
09. Rare Bird
02. Dolphin Dance
03. Northern Lights
04. Cool Breeze Of Brighton
05. Going West
06. Yellowstone Park
07. Underwater Twilight
08. Legend Leftover
09. Rare Bird
01. Pilots Of Purple Twilight
02. Stratosfear 86
03. Akash Deep
04. Beneath The Waves
05. Zen Garden
06. Scuba Scuba
07. Coloured Rain
02. Stratosfear 86
03. Akash Deep
04. Beneath The Waves
05. Zen Garden
06. Scuba Scuba
07. Coloured Rain
CD 2.
01. Piano Medley
02. Dolphin Dance
03. The Velvet Garden
04. Ride On The Ray
05. Going West
06. Yellowstone Park
07. Underwater Twilight
08. Legend Leftover
09. Unicorn Theme
02. Dolphin Dance
03. The Velvet Garden
04. Ride On The Ray
05. Going West
06. Yellowstone Park
07. Underwater Twilight
08. Legend Leftover
09. Unicorn Theme
01. Comet's Figure Head
02. Rim Of Schiaparelli
03. Deep Space Cruiser
04. Pilots Of The Ether Belt
05. Spiral Star Date
06. Mars Mission Counter
02. Rim Of Schiaparelli
03. Deep Space Cruiser
04. Pilots Of The Ether Belt
05. Spiral Star Date
06. Mars Mission Counter
CD 2.
01. Ca Va-Ca Marche-Ca Ira Encore
02. Astrophobia
03. Tharsis Maneuver
04. Outland
05. Dies Martis
06. Terra Gravity
07. Wormhole Number Five
08. Red Ocean
02. Astrophobia
03. Tharsis Maneuver
04. Outland
05. Dies Martis
06. Terra Gravity
07. Wormhole Number Five
08. Red Ocean
02. Jupiter Space Doors
01. Waterborne
02. Touchwood
03. Rolling Down Cahuenga
04. The Blue Bridge
05. Oriental Haze
06. Graffiti Street
07. Melrose
08. Two Bunch Palms
09. 220 Volt
10. Homeless
02. Touchwood
03. Rolling Down Cahuenga
04. The Blue Bridge
05. Oriental Haze
06. Graffiti Street
07. Melrose
08. Two Bunch Palms
09. 220 Volt
10. Homeless
CD 2.
01. Story Of The Brave
02. Sundance Kid
03. Girls On Broadway
04. Love On A Real Train
05. Back Street Hero
06. Body Corporate
07. Rockoon
08. One Night In Medina
09. Hamlet
10. Dreamtime
11. Purple Haze
02. Sundance Kid
03. Girls On Broadway
04. Love On A Real Train
05. Back Street Hero
06. Body Corporate
07. Rockoon
08. One Night In Medina
09. Hamlet
10. Dreamtime
11. Purple Haze
01. Dvorak (New World No.9)
02. Traffic Of Silence
03. Vault Of The Heaven
04. Daluminacion
05. Lightcone
06. Timanfaya
07. Tropic Of Capricorn
08. Dalinetopia
09. Stuntman
10. Metropolis
11. Daliesquador
12. Drunken Mozart In The Desert
02. Traffic Of Silence
03. Vault Of The Heaven
04. Daluminacion
05. Lightcone
06. Timanfaya
07. Tropic Of Capricorn
08. Dalinetopia
09. Stuntman
10. Metropolis
11. Daliesquador
12. Drunken Mozart In The Desert
CD 2.
01. Pinnacles Part One
02. Scarlet Score For Mescalero
03. Hamlet
04. Maroubra Bay
05. Pinnacles Part Two
06. Heatwave City
07. One Night In Space
08. Serpent Magique
09. Leviathan
02. Scarlet Score For Mescalero
03. Hamlet
04. Maroubra Bay
05. Pinnacles Part Two
06. Heatwave City
07. One Night In Space
08. Serpent Magique
09. Leviathan
01. Astrophel And Stella
02. Going West 2008
03. One Night In Space
04. Boat To China
05. Lady Monk
06. Sally's Garden
07. Le Parc
08. Red Sphinx Lightning
09. Loved By The Sun
10. I Could Hear It When The Moon Collapsed On Broadway
02. Going West 2008
03. One Night In Space
04. Boat To China
05. Lady Monk
06. Sally's Garden
07. Le Parc
08. Red Sphinx Lightning
09. Loved By The Sun
10. I Could Hear It When The Moon Collapsed On Broadway
CD 2.
01. Phaeadra 2005
02. Love On A Real Train 2008
03. Stratosfear 95
04. Angel On Barbed Wine
05. Midwinter Night
06. Leviathan
07. Lily On The Beach
08. Cinnamon Road
09. Scrapyard 2008
10. La Joie
02. Love On A Real Train 2008
03. Stratosfear 95
04. Angel On Barbed Wine
05. Midwinter Night
06. Leviathan
07. Lily On The Beach
08. Cinnamon Road
09. Scrapyard 2008
10. La Joie
01. Trauma
02. Serpent Magique
03. Terra Coda
04. No Man's Land
05. Sally's Garden
06. Hyperborea 2008
07. Sphinx Lightning Part 1
08. Carmel California
09. Leviathan
10. Wisdom And Tragedy
02. Serpent Magique
03. Terra Coda
04. No Man's Land
05. Sally's Garden
06. Hyperborea 2008
07. Sphinx Lightning Part 1
08. Carmel California
09. Leviathan
10. Wisdom And Tragedy
CD 2.
01. Blue Bridge
02. Fire On The Mountain
03. Leaving The Masters For Good
04. Cinnamon Road
05. Hunter Shot By Yellow Rabbit
06. The Last Soldier
07. Wu Wei
08. Sphinx Lightning Part 2
09. Going West
10. Point Of No Return
11. Loved By The Sun
02. Fire On The Mountain
03. Leaving The Masters For Good
04. Cinnamon Road
05. Hunter Shot By Yellow Rabbit
06. The Last Soldier
07. Wu Wei
08. Sphinx Lightning Part 2
09. Going West
10. Point Of No Return
11. Loved By The Sun
CD 3.
01. Love On A Real Train 2008
02. Streethawk
03. Sadness Of Echnaton Losing The World Child
04. One Night In Space
05. Tomorrow Never Knows
06. Cloudburst Flight 2008
07. Absage
02. Streethawk
03. Sadness Of Echnaton Losing The World Child
04. One Night In Space
05. Tomorrow Never Knows
06. Cloudburst Flight 2008
07. Absage
01. Cello Opening
02. Piano Improvisation - The Whip
03. Rubycon 2010
04. Phaedra 2005
05. Stratosfear '95
06. Kiev Mission 2009
07. Song Of The Whale
08. No Man's Land (Hyperborea 2008)
09. Poland
10. Dream Puzzle (Tangram 2008)
11. Ayumy's Loom
12. Cloudburst Flight 2008
13. Order Of The Ginger Guild
14. Warsaw In The Sun
15. Cinnamon Road (Hyperborea 2008)
16. Death Of A Nightingale
02. Piano Improvisation - The Whip
03. Rubycon 2010
04. Phaedra 2005
05. Stratosfear '95
06. Kiev Mission 2009
07. Song Of The Whale
08. No Man's Land (Hyperborea 2008)
09. Poland
10. Dream Puzzle (Tangram 2008)
11. Ayumy's Loom
12. Cloudburst Flight 2008
13. Order Of The Ginger Guild
14. Warsaw In The Sun
15. Cinnamon Road (Hyperborea 2008)
16. Death Of A Nightingale
CD 2.
01. Alchemy Of The Heart
02. Astrophel - Stella (String Version)
03. Oracular World
04. Gymnopedies
05. Mombasa
06. The Halloween Cast
07. Carmel Calif
08. Boat To China
09. Bells Of Accra
10. Transition
11. Trauma
02. Astrophel - Stella (String Version)
03. Oracular World
04. Gymnopedies
05. Mombasa
06. The Halloween Cast
07. Carmel Calif
08. Boat To China
09. Bells Of Accra
10. Transition
11. Trauma
CD 3.
01. Iris' Vocal Solo
02. Logos Part 1
03. One Night In Space
04. Hamlet
05. Long Island Sunset
06. Norwegian Wood
07. Closing Words
02. Logos Part 1
03. One Night In Space
04. Hamlet
05. Long Island Sunset
06. Norwegian Wood
07. Closing Words
01. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
02. Death In The Shadow
03. Logos 2011
04. Culpa Levis 2010
05. Living In Eternity
06. Calumet
07. Cyrcle Of Eternity
08. Ayumi's Butterflies
09. Sally's Garden
10. Darkness Veiling The Night
02. Death In The Shadow
03. Logos 2011
04. Culpa Levis 2010
05. Living In Eternity
06. Calumet
07. Cyrcle Of Eternity
08. Ayumi's Butterflies
09. Sally's Garden
10. Darkness Veiling The Night
CD 2.
01. Astrophel And Stella
02. Mombasa Tuareg Remix
03. Fire On The Mountain
04. Carmel Calif
05. Long Island Sunset
06. A Snail's Dream
07. Dominion 2010
08. Alchemy Of The Heart
09. Morphing
10. Kiev Mission
02. Mombasa Tuareg Remix
03. Fire On The Mountain
04. Carmel Calif
05. Long Island Sunset
06. A Snail's Dream
07. Dominion 2010
08. Alchemy Of The Heart
09. Morphing
10. Kiev Mission
CD 3.
01. Cool At Heart
02. Fay Bewitching The Moon
03. Blue Bridge
04. The Gate Of Saturn
05. Dolphin Dance
02. Fay Bewitching The Moon
03. Blue Bridge
04. The Gate Of Saturn
05. Dolphin Dance
01. Rise And Fall Of Spazoo
02. The Sensational Fall Of The Master Builder
03. Dolphin Dance
04. The Cliffs Of Sydney
05. Song Of The Whale (To Dusk)
06. Ayumi's Loom
07. Logos (Extract)
08. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
09. Oriental Haze
10. Love On A Real Train
02. The Sensational Fall Of The Master Builder
03. Dolphin Dance
04. The Cliffs Of Sydney
05. Song Of The Whale (To Dusk)
06. Ayumi's Loom
07. Logos (Extract)
08. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
09. Oriental Haze
10. Love On A Real Train
CD 2.
01. Underwater Sunlight
02. Homeless
03. Going West
04. One Night In Space
05. The Siver Boots Of Bartlet Green
06. Industrial Romantics (Rough Part)
07. Ricochet Part One (Excerpt)
08. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
09. Lady Monk
10. Long Island Sunset
11. Blue Bridge
12. Alchemy Of The Heart
02. Homeless
03. Going West
04. One Night In Space
05. The Siver Boots Of Bartlet Green
06. Industrial Romantics (Rough Part)
07. Ricochet Part One (Excerpt)
08. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
09. Lady Monk
10. Long Island Sunset
11. Blue Bridge
12. Alchemy Of The Heart
CD 3.
01. Warsaw In The Sun
02. Horizon
03. Teetering Scale
04. Transition
05. Girl On The Stairs
06. Loved By The Sun
07. Statosfear
08. Summer (Four Seasons)
09. Phaedra
10. Russian Soul
11. Ride On A Ray
02. Horizon
03. Teetering Scale
04. Transition
05. Girl On The Stairs
06. Loved By The Sun
07. Statosfear
08. Summer (Four Seasons)
09. Phaedra
10. Russian Soul
11. Ride On A Ray
01. The Sensational Fall Of The Master Builder
02. Breaching Sky
03. Morphin
04. Song Of The Whale (To Dusk)
05. Ayumi's Loom
06. Logos
07. Purple Of All Curtains
08. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
09. Living In Eternity
10. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green
02. Breaching Sky
03. Morphin
04. Song Of The Whale (To Dusk)
05. Ayumi's Loom
06. Logos
07. Purple Of All Curtains
08. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
09. Living In Eternity
10. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green
CD 2.
01. Ricochet (Extract)
02. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
03. Lady Monk
04. Long Island Sunset
05. Circle Of Eternity
06. Blue Bridge
07. Alchemy Of The Heart
08. Adios A Cusco
02. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
03. Lady Monk
04. Long Island Sunset
05. Circle Of Eternity
06. Blue Bridge
07. Alchemy Of The Heart
08. Adios A Cusco
CD 3.
01. Homeless
02. Warsaw In The Sun
03. Transition
04. Girl On The Stairs
05. Summer (Four Seasons)
06. One Night In Space
07. Star Wars Theme (R2-D2 Joke)
08. Caminos Del Inca
02. Warsaw In The Sun
03. Transition
04. Girl On The Stairs
05. Summer (Four Seasons)
06. One Night In Space
07. Star Wars Theme (R2-D2 Joke)
08. Caminos Del Inca
01. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
02. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
03. Serpent Magique
04. Carmel Calif
05. Sunshift (Moonmother's Mix)
06. Living In Eternity
07. Asheville Sunrise
08. Restless Mind
09. One Night In Space
02. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
03. Serpent Magique
04. Carmel Calif
05. Sunshift (Moonmother's Mix)
06. Living In Eternity
07. Asheville Sunrise
08. Restless Mind
09. One Night In Space
CD 2.
01. Hunter Shot By A Yellow Rabbit
02. The Evening Before Easter
03. Dream Phantom Of The Common Man
04. Long Island Sunset
05. Stratosfear '95
06. Cloudburst Flight 2008
07. Darkness Veiling The Night
08. Edgar's Closing Words
09. View From A Distant Star
02. The Evening Before Easter
03. Dream Phantom Of The Common Man
04. Long Island Sunset
05. Stratosfear '95
06. Cloudburst Flight 2008
07. Darkness Veiling The Night
08. Edgar's Closing Words
09. View From A Distant Star
Tangerine Dream And Brian May -
Starmus: Sonic Universe, Live On The Starmus Festival 2011 (2013)CD 1.
01. Supernova (Real Star Sounds)
02. Last Horizon
03. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
04. Trauma
05. Nothing And All
06. Nutshell Awakening
07. Shinning Ray
08. Beauty Of Magic Antagonism
09. Novice
10. One Night In Space
02. Last Horizon
03. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
04. Trauma
05. Nothing And All
06. Nutshell Awakening
07. Shinning Ray
08. Beauty Of Magic Antagonism
09. Novice
10. One Night In Space
CD 2.
01. Calymba Caly
02. Omniscience
03. Janus Parade
04. Loved By The Sun
05. Fire On The Mountain
06. Darkness Veiling The Night
07. Living In Eternity
08. Bells Of Accra
09. Sally' Garden
10. We Will Rock You (Extended)
11. Tenderness (Russian Song)
12. Mr. Alexey Leonov's Speech
02. Omniscience
03. Janus Parade
04. Loved By The Sun
05. Fire On The Mountain
06. Darkness Veiling The Night
07. Living In Eternity
08. Bells Of Accra
09. Sally' Garden
10. We Will Rock You (Extended)
11. Tenderness (Russian Song)
12. Mr. Alexey Leonov's Speech
01. Odd Welcome
02. Burning The Bad Seal
03. The Midnght Trail
04. Sorcerer Theme
05. Twilight In Abidjan
06. Hermaphrodite
07. Sleeping Watches Snoring In Silence
08. Song Of The Whale
09. Horizon
10. Hyper Sphinx
02. Burning The Bad Seal
03. The Midnght Trail
04. Sorcerer Theme
05. Twilight In Abidjan
06. Hermaphrodite
07. Sleeping Watches Snoring In Silence
08. Song Of The Whale
09. Horizon
10. Hyper Sphinx
CD 2.
01. Josephine The Mouse Singer
02. Logos
03. Alchemy Of The Heart
04. Grind
05. Warsaw In The Sun
06. Oriental Haze
07. Three Bikes In The Sky
08. Girl On The Stairs
09. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
10. Trauma
02. Logos
03. Alchemy Of The Heart
04. Grind
05. Warsaw In The Sun
06. Oriental Haze
07. Three Bikes In The Sky
08. Girl On The Stairs
09. Marmontel Riding On A Clef
10. Trauma
CD 3.
01. Phaedra 2014
02. Berlin Summer Night
03. Darkness Veiling The Night
04. Love On A Real Train
05. Beyond The Cottage And The Lake 2014
06. Boat To China
07. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green
02. Berlin Summer Night
03. Darkness Veiling The Night
04. Love On A Real Train
05. Beyond The Cottage And The Lake 2014
06. Boat To China
07. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green
Trilhas Sonoras (Soundtracks).
02. Search
03. The Call
04. Creation
05. Vengeance
06. The Journey
07. Grind
08. Rain Forest
09. Abyss
10. The Mountain Road
11. Impressions Of Sorcerer
12. Betrayal (Sorcerer Theme)
03. The Call
04. Creation
05. Vengeance
06. The Journey
07. Grind
08. Rain Forest
09. Abyss
10. The Mountain Road
11. Impressions Of Sorcerer
12. Betrayal (Sorcerer Theme)
02. Dr. Destructo
03. Diamond Diary
04. Burning Bar
05. Beach Scene
06. Scrap Yard
07. Trap Feeling
08. Igneous
03. Diamond Diary
04. Burning Bar
05. Beach Scene
06. Scrap Yard
07. Trap Feeling
08. Igneous
02. Wavelength Main Title
03. Desert Drive
04. Mojave End Title
05. Healing
06. Breakout
07. Alien Goodbyes
08. Spaceship
09. Church Theme
10. Sunset Drive
11. Airshaft
12. Alley Walk
13. Cyro Lab
14. Running Through The Hills
15. Campfire Theme
16. Mojave End Title Reprise
03. Desert Drive
04. Mojave End Title
05. Healing
06. Breakout
07. Alien Goodbyes
08. Spaceship
09. Church Theme
10. Sunset Drive
11. Airshaft
12. Alley Walk
13. Cyro Lab
14. Running Through The Hills
15. Campfire Theme
16. Mojave End Title Reprise
02. The Run
03. Testlab
04. Charly The Kid
05. Escaping Point
06. Rainbirds Move
07. Burning Force
08. Between Realities
09. Shop Territory
10. Flash Final
11. Out Of The Heat
03. Testlab
04. Charly The Kid
05. Escaping Point
06. Rainbirds Move
07. Burning Force
08. Between Realities
09. Shop Territory
10. Flash Final
11. Out Of The Heat
02. Afternoon In The Desert
03. Plane Ride
04. Mystery Tracks
05. Lost In The Dunes
06. Highway Patrol
07. Lover Phantasy
08. Mad Cap Story
09. Dirty Cross Roads
10. Flashpoint
03. Plane Ride
04. Mystery Tracks
05. Lost In The Dunes
06. Highway Patrol
07. Lover Phantasy
08. Mad Cap Story
09. Dirty Cross Roads
10. Flashpoint
02. Footbridge To Heaven
03. Twilight Painter
04. Gemini
05. Rain In N.Y. City
06. Pastime
07. The Loser
08. Breathing The Night Away
09. Desire
10. Thorny Affair
11. Daybreak
03. Twilight Painter
04. Gemini
05. Rain In N.Y. City
06. Pastime
07. The Loser
08. Breathing The Night Away
09. Desire
10. Thorny Affair
11. Daybreak
02. Opening
03. Cottage
04. Unicorn Theme
05. Goblins
06. Fairies
07. Loved By The Sun
08. Blue Room
09. The Dance
10. Darkness
11. The Kitchen - Unicorn Theme Reprise
03. Cottage
04. Unicorn Theme
05. Goblins
06. Fairies
07. Loved By The Sun
08. Blue Room
09. The Dance
10. Darkness
11. The Kitchen - Unicorn Theme Reprise
02. The Dream Is Always The
03. No Future (Get Off The Babysitter)
04. Guido The Killer Pimp
05. Lana
06. Mannish Boy (I'm A Man)
07. The Pump
08. D.M.S.R.
09. After The Fall
10. In The Air Tonight
11. Love On A Real Train
03. No Future (Get Off The Babysitter)
04. Guido The Killer Pimp
05. Lana
06. Mannish Boy (I'm A Man)
07. The Pump
08. D.M.S.R.
09. After The Fall
10. In The Air Tonight
11. Love On A Real Train
02. Fatal Fall -
03. The Letter (Parts 1 & 2)
04. Taking The Park (Parts 1 & 2)
05. Swatting S.W.A.T.
06. Love Theme
07. The Helicopter Attack
08. Morning
09. We're Running Out Of Time
10. The Claymore Mine - Stalking
11. The Final Confrontation - The Park Is Yours
12. Finale - End Credits
03. The Letter (Parts 1 & 2)
04. Taking The Park (Parts 1 & 2)
05. Swatting S.W.A.T.
06. Love Theme
07. The Helicopter Attack
08. Morning
09. We're Running Out Of Time
10. The Claymore Mine - Stalking
11. The Final Confrontation - The Park Is Yours
12. Finale - End Credits
02. Paddles - Stolen Pills
03. A Strong Drink - A Bad Morning
04. Wasted And Sick
05. Hope For Future
06. The Hospital
07. In Bed
08. Annie & Father
09. More Pills
10. In The Head Nurse's Office - At The Father's Grave
11. Clean And Sober
03. A Strong Drink - A Bad Morning
04. Wasted And Sick
05. Hope For Future
06. The Hospital
07. In Bed
08. Annie & Father
09. More Pills
10. In The Head Nurse's Office - At The Father's Grave
11. Clean And Sober
02. Pick Up At High Noon
03. Rain In The Third House
04. Bus Station (Includes Mae's Theme)
05. Good Times
06. She's My Sister (Resurrection I)
07. Mae Comes Back
08. Father And Son (Resurrection II)
09. Severin Dies
10. Fight At Dawn
11. Mae's Transformation
03. Rain In The Third House
04. Bus Station (Includes Mae's Theme)
05. Good Times
06. She's My Sister (Resurrection I)
07. Mae Comes Back
08. Father And Son (Resurrection II)
09. Severin Dies
10. Fight At Dawn
11. Mae's Transformation
02. Joe's Palace
03. The Harbor
04. Nightfall
05. Dancing On A White Moon
06. Civilized Illusions
07. Swamp Voices
08. Transparent Days
09. Shy People (Instrumental)
03. The Harbor
04. Nightfall
05. Dancing On A White Moon
06. Civilized Illusions
07. Swamp Voices
08. Transparent Days
09. Shy People (Instrumental)
02. 46-32-15
03. No Detention
04. Any School Bully Will Do
05. Go To The Head Of The Class
06. Sit
07. The Fight
08. Jerry's Decisions
09. The Fight Is On
10. Paper
11. Big, Bright Brass Knuckles
12. Buying Paper Like It's Going Out Of Style
13. Dangerous Trend
14. Who's Chasing Who
15. Bonding By Candlelight
16. You'll Never Believe It
17. Starting The Day Off Right
18. Weak At The Knees
19. Kill Him (The Football Dummy)
20. Not So Quiet In The Library - Get Lost In A Crowd
21. Something To Remember Me By
22. Arrival
03. No Detention
04. Any School Bully Will Do
05. Go To The Head Of The Class
06. Sit
07. The Fight
08. Jerry's Decisions
09. The Fight Is On
10. Paper
11. Big, Bright Brass Knuckles
12. Buying Paper Like It's Going Out Of Style
13. Dangerous Trend
14. Who's Chasing Who
15. Bonding By Candlelight
16. You'll Never Believe It
17. Starting The Day Off Right
18. Weak At The Knees
19. Kill Him (The Football Dummy)
20. Not So Quiet In The Library - Get Lost In A Crowd
21. Something To Remember Me By
22. Arrival
02. Sad Melissa
03. Fast Eddie's Car
04. Back To The Race
05. Melissa Asks Dylan Out
06. Dylan Alone At Home
07. Melissa Needs Help
08. The Kiss
09. Racing Montage
10. The Clock Is Ticking
11. Window Maker
12. Dylan's Dream
13. Taking The Test
14. Back To The Race Again
15. One More Chance
16. Melissa's Challenge
17. Window Maker Race
18. Dylan's Triumph
19. Catch Me If You Can Main Theme
03. Fast Eddie's Car
04. Back To The Race
05. Melissa Asks Dylan Out
06. Dylan Alone At Home
07. Melissa Needs Help
08. The Kiss
09. Racing Montage
10. The Clock Is Ticking
11. Window Maker
12. Dylan's Dream
13. Taking The Test
14. Back To The Race Again
15. One More Chance
16. Melissa's Challenge
17. Window Maker Race
18. Dylan's Triumph
19. Catch Me If You Can Main Theme
02. In The Pond
03. Beverly Leaves
04. Of Cads And Caddies
05. Tournament Montage
06. A Whore In One
07. Sand Trap
08. In The Rough
09. Nine Iron
10. U.S. Open
11. My Name Is Bad Hair
12. In The Hospital Room
13. Welcome To Bushwood - Golfus Interruptus
14. Deja Vu (I've Heard This Before)
15. Birdie
16. Divot
17. Kenny And Donny Montage
18. Off To See Beverly
19. Phone To Beverly
20. Nice Shots
21. Sinking Putts
22. Kenny's Winning Shot
03. Beverly Leaves
04. Of Cads And Caddies
05. Tournament Montage
06. A Whore In One
07. Sand Trap
08. In The Rough
09. Nine Iron
10. U.S. Open
11. My Name Is Bad Hair
12. In The Hospital Room
13. Welcome To Bushwood - Golfus Interruptus
14. Deja Vu (I've Heard This Before)
15. Birdie
16. Divot
17. Kenny And Donny Montage
18. Off To See Beverly
19. Phone To Beverly
20. Nice Shots
21. Sinking Putts
22. Kenny's Winning Shot
02. Emperors Castle
03. Hitchhikers Point
04. Brandenburg Gate
05. Wall-Street
06. Peacock Island
07. Down The Avus
08. Midnight In Bear City
09. Berlin Summer Nights
10. Alexander Square (Reprise)
03. Hitchhikers Point
04. Brandenburg Gate
05. Wall-Street
06. Peacock Island
07. Down The Avus
08. Midnight In Bear City
09. Berlin Summer Nights
10. Alexander Square (Reprise)
02. One For The Books
03. After The Call
04. On The Spur Of The Moment
05. All Of A Dither
06. Final Statement
07. In Julie's Eyes
08. Running Out Of Time
09. If It's All Over
10. People In The News
11. Museum Walk
03. After The Call
04. On The Spur Of The Moment
05. All Of A Dither
06. Final Statement
07. In Julie's Eyes
08. Running Out Of Time
09. If It's All Over
10. People In The News
11. Museum Walk
02. Canyon Carver
03. Water`s Gift
04. Canyon Voices
05. Sudden Revelation
06. A Matter Of Time
07. Purple Nightfall
08. Colorado Dawn
09. Rocky Mountain Hawk
03. Water`s Gift
04. Canyon Voices
05. Sudden Revelation
06. A Matter Of Time
07. Purple Nightfall
08. Colorado Dawn
09. Rocky Mountain Hawk
02. Tendency Of Love
03. Addicted To The Truth
04. World Of The Standard
05. Purposes Of Brevity
06. Tobel's Death By The River
07. Taboo Society
08. The Drive To Hanover
09. Correlation Of Lies
10. Investigation
11. News & Morality
12. The Dream Is Always The Same
13. No Future
14. Guido The Killer Pimp
15. Lana
16. Love On A Real Train
03. Addicted To The Truth
04. World Of The Standard
05. Purposes Of Brevity
06. Tobel's Death By The River
07. Taboo Society
08. The Drive To Hanover
09. Correlation Of Lies
10. Investigation
11. News & Morality
12. The Dream Is Always The Same
13. No Future
14. Guido The Killer Pimp
15. Lana
16. Love On A Real Train
02. Alchemy Of Straw
03. Rumpel Town
04. The Countryside
05. A Walk Trough The Woods
06. Dance On The Hill
07. A Mother's Triumph
08. Rumpelstiltskin (Told by Kathleen Turner)
03. Rumpel Town
04. The Countryside
05. A Walk Trough The Woods
06. Dance On The Hill
07. A Mother's Triumph
08. Rumpelstiltskin (Told by Kathleen Turner)
02. The Hospital
03. The Letter
04. Theme From Dead Solid Perfect
05. Taking Central Park
06. Suite From Dead Solid Perfect
07. The Helicopter Attack
08. Clean And Sober
03. The Letter
04. Theme From Dead Solid Perfect
05. Taking Central Park
06. Suite From Dead Solid Perfect
07. The Helicopter Attack
08. Clean And Sober
02. Skyscraper
03. Headhunter
04. Downtown Chicago
05. Fading And Turning
06. Affluent Society
07. Stairway Affair
08. Good Choice, Bad Timing
09. Bachelor Of Crime
10. Unfit For Consumption
11. Days Of Grief And Glory
12. Eyewitness News
13. Missing Link
03. Headhunter
04. Downtown Chicago
05. Fading And Turning
06. Affluent Society
07. Stairway Affair
08. Good Choice, Bad Timing
09. Bachelor Of Crime
10. Unfit For Consumption
11. Days Of Grief And Glory
12. Eyewitness News
13. Missing Link
02. Zion
03. Reflection
04. Cliff Dwellers
05. Waterborne
06. Cedar Breaks
07. Summer Storm
08. Hopi Mesa Heart
09. Chia Maroon
03. Reflection
04. Cliff Dwellers
05. Waterborne
06. Cedar Breaks
07. Summer Storm
08. Hopi Mesa Heart
09. Chia Maroon
02. Ancient
03. The Silver Seal
04. Voices From A Common Land
05. Arx Allemand
06. The Night In Romania
07. Canzone
08. Sign In The Dark
09. Weird Village
10. Love And Destiny
11. The Challenger's Arrival
12. Supernatural Accomplice
13. Parallel Worlds
14. Truth And Fiction
15. Wardays Sunrise
16. Heritage Survival
03. The Silver Seal
04. Voices From A Common Land
05. Arx Allemand
06. The Night In Romania
07. Canzone
08. Sign In The Dark
09. Weird Village
10. Love And Destiny
11. The Challenger's Arrival
12. Supernatural Accomplice
13. Parallel Worlds
14. Truth And Fiction
15. Wardays Sunrise
16. Heritage Survival
01. Evil Healing
02. Evil Healing Pt. 2
03. Evil Healing (Alternative Theme)
04. Eva And Glaeken Overlook The Keep
05. Glaeken Awakes
06. Fisherman's Morning
07. Einsatzkommandos (Remix)
08. Glaeken Gunned Down
09. Dreamscape
10. Brothers In Death
11. Brothers In Death (Alternative Theme)
12. Arx Allemand
13. Canzone
14. Deadly Silver Crosses
15. Death Of Woermann And Kaempffe
16. Deadly Silver Crosses (Alternative Theme)
17. End Title
18. Leave Taking
19. Crossing Saver
20. The Keep Theme
02. Evil Healing Pt. 2
03. Evil Healing (Alternative Theme)
04. Eva And Glaeken Overlook The Keep
05. Glaeken Awakes
06. Fisherman's Morning
07. Einsatzkommandos (Remix)
08. Glaeken Gunned Down
09. Dreamscape
10. Brothers In Death
11. Brothers In Death (Alternative Theme)
12. Arx Allemand
13. Canzone
14. Deadly Silver Crosses
15. Death Of Woermann And Kaempffe
16. Deadly Silver Crosses (Alternative Theme)
17. End Title
18. Leave Taking
19. Crossing Saver
20. The Keep Theme
CD 2.
01. Gloria (Blue Moon Version)
02. Weird Village
03. The Keep (Main Title)
04. Truth And Fiction
05. Raping Of Eva
06. Sign In The Dark
07. South Camora
08. Stealing The Silver Cross
09. The Black Soldiers 1st Mix
10. The Talisman
11. The Keep (Mid Theme Remix)
12. Wardays Sunrise
13. Glaeken's Quest
14. The Evil From Within
15. Supernatural Accomplice
16. The Keep (End Theme Remix)
17. Denounce
18. Terrible
02. Weird Village
03. The Keep (Main Title)
04. Truth And Fiction
05. Raping Of Eva
06. Sign In The Dark
07. South Camora
08. Stealing The Silver Cross
09. The Black Soldiers 1st Mix
10. The Talisman
11. The Keep (Mid Theme Remix)
12. Wardays Sunrise
13. Glaeken's Quest
14. The Evil From Within
15. Supernatural Accomplice
16. The Keep (End Theme Remix)
17. Denounce
18. Terrible
CD 3.
01. The Silver Seal
02. Mirage
03. Love And Destiny
04. Heritage Survival
05. Gloria (First Mix Version)
06. Dinu Pass
07. Puer Natus Est Nobis (Gloria Theme)
08. Parallel Worlds
09. Gloria (Fantasy Merchants Version)
10. Desert Run
11. Removing The Silver Cross
12. Renewed Purpose
13. Rush Of Joy
14. Romainian Road
15. Sailing Mission
16. The Black Soldiers
17. The Challenger's Arrival
18. Showdown
19. The Night In Romania
20. The Keep End Theme (First Mix Version)
02. Mirage
03. Love And Destiny
04. Heritage Survival
05. Gloria (First Mix Version)
06. Dinu Pass
07. Puer Natus Est Nobis (Gloria Theme)
08. Parallel Worlds
09. Gloria (Fantasy Merchants Version)
10. Desert Run
11. Removing The Silver Cross
12. Renewed Purpose
13. Rush Of Joy
14. Romainian Road
15. Sailing Mission
16. The Black Soldiers
17. The Challenger's Arrival
18. Showdown
19. The Night In Romania
20. The Keep End Theme (First Mix Version)
02. Smoky Karlow
03. Siberian Lights
04. Jenissei River
05. Baikal Sunrise
06. Samowar Juri
07. Ulan-Ude
08. Chingan Night
09. Russian Soul
10. The Golden Horn
03. Siberian Lights
04. Jenissei River
05. Baikal Sunrise
06. Samowar Juri
07. Ulan-Ude
08. Chingan Night
09. Russian Soul
10. The Golden Horn
02. Beauty Of The Blast
03. Dream Sculpture
04. Last Trumpet On 23rd Street
05. Art Of Destruction
06. Forced To Surrender
07. Timesquare (The Legendary N.Y. Brix Mix)
08. Jungle Journey (The Bond Of Ages Mix)
03. Dream Sculpture
04. Last Trumpet On 23rd Street
05. Art Of Destruction
06. Forced To Surrender
07. Timesquare (The Legendary N.Y. Brix Mix)
08. Jungle Journey (The Bond Of Ages Mix)
02. Silver Siren
03. Beauty Of The Blast
04. Dream Sculpture
05. Last Trumpet On 23th Street
06. Art Of Destruction
07. Forced To Surrender
08. Timesquere (The Legendary N.Y.BrixMix)
09. Jungle Journey (The Bond Of Ages Mix)
03. Beauty Of The Blast
04. Dream Sculpture
05. Last Trumpet On 23th Street
06. Art Of Destruction
07. Forced To Surrender
08. Timesquere (The Legendary N.Y.BrixMix)
09. Jungle Journey (The Bond Of Ages Mix)
02. Summer In Shauxi
03. The South Gate Knights
04. Silence The Barkling Monk
05. Zhu Zhanji
06. Stranded Without Shade
07. No More Candles Burning
08. Lights Of Beijing
09. Snow On Dragon`s Peak
10. Cradle Of Prodigies
11. Tiger Forest
03. The South Gate Knights
04. Silence The Barkling Monk
05. Zhu Zhanji
06. Stranded Without Shade
07. No More Candles Burning
08. Lights Of Beijing
09. Snow On Dragon`s Peak
10. Cradle Of Prodigies
11. Tiger Forest
02. For The Summit Only
03. No Pleasure No Pain
04. Royal Way Of Privacy
05. Phoenix Burning
06. Prophet In Chains
07. Snow On Angels Feather
08. A Fair Days Wage
09. Brain Offender
10. A Day In Liberty Valley
03. No Pleasure No Pain
04. Royal Way Of Privacy
05. Phoenix Burning
06. Prophet In Chains
07. Snow On Angels Feather
08. A Fair Days Wage
09. Brain Offender
10. A Day In Liberty Valley
02. Opening
03. Cottage
04. Unicorn Theme
05. Goblins
06. Fairies
07. Blue Room
08. The Dance
09. Darkness
10. Kitchen Fight
11. Unicorn Theme Reprise
12. Jack Versus Darkness
13. Unicorn Saga
14. Loved By The Sun
15. The Unicorn Song
16. Is Your Love Strong Enough
17. Cottage (Alternate)
18. Unicorn Theme (Alternate)
19. Fairies (Alternate)
20. Unicorn Saga (Alternate)
03. Cottage
04. Unicorn Theme
05. Goblins
06. Fairies
07. Blue Room
08. The Dance
09. Darkness
10. Kitchen Fight
11. Unicorn Theme Reprise
12. Jack Versus Darkness
13. Unicorn Saga
14. Loved By The Sun
15. The Unicorn Song
16. Is Your Love Strong Enough
17. Cottage (Alternate)
18. Unicorn Theme (Alternate)
19. Fairies (Alternate)
20. Unicorn Saga (Alternate)
02. Streets Of Fortune
03. Mission Possible
04. Downtown Los Santos
05. Blaine County Sunrise
06. Burning The Bad Seal
07. Beyond The Weakest Point
08. Sadness, Grief And Hope
09. Diary Of A Robbery
10. Draw The Last Line Somewhere
11. The Dangerous Mile
12. Living On A Razor Edge
03. Mission Possible
04. Downtown Los Santos
05. Blaine County Sunrise
06. Burning The Bad Seal
07. Beyond The Weakest Point
08. Sadness, Grief And Hope
09. Diary Of A Robbery
10. Draw The Last Line Somewhere
11. The Dangerous Mile
12. Living On A Razor Edge
02. Berlin Bedtime Bond
03. Niagara Falls Checkpoint
04. Desert Detonation Device
05. Virtual Shooting Range And Kansas Arrival
06. Black Fighter Attack
07. The Soldier's Force
08. Counterstrike Commando
09. Warhead Hijack
10. City Chase
11. Berlin Border Breach
12. The Takeover
13. Interception Incident
14. Nuclear Transport
15. Agency Assignment
16. Israeli Intelligence Interference
17. Light Bulb Bomb
18. Aerial Approach
19. Checkpoint Charlie Challenge
20. Berlin Briefing
21. Cat And Mouse Game
22. Embassy Escape
23. Susan's Seduction
24. Turning Point
25. Assalut Aftermath
26. Russian Renegades Return
27. Alpine Aggression
28. Dracha Determination
29. Philadelphia Plot
30. Liberty Island, NYC
03. Niagara Falls Checkpoint
04. Desert Detonation Device
05. Virtual Shooting Range And Kansas Arrival
06. Black Fighter Attack
07. The Soldier's Force
08. Counterstrike Commando
09. Warhead Hijack
10. City Chase
11. Berlin Border Breach
12. The Takeover
13. Interception Incident
14. Nuclear Transport
15. Agency Assignment
16. Israeli Intelligence Interference
17. Light Bulb Bomb
18. Aerial Approach
19. Checkpoint Charlie Challenge
20. Berlin Briefing
21. Cat And Mouse Game
22. Embassy Escape
23. Susan's Seduction
24. Turning Point
25. Assalut Aftermath
26. Russian Renegades Return
27. Alpine Aggression
28. Dracha Determination
29. Philadelphia Plot
30. Liberty Island, NYC
01. Search
02. The Call
03. Creation
04. Vengeance
05. The Journey
06. Grind
07. Abyss
08. Mountain Road
09. Impression Of Sorcerer
10. Sorcerer Theme
02. The Call
03. Creation
04. Vengeance
05. The Journey
06. Grind
07. Abyss
08. Mountain Road
09. Impression Of Sorcerer
10. Sorcerer Theme
CD 2.
01. Approaching The Danger
02. Servant Of Misery
03. Rain And Thunder
04. In The Mist Of The Night
05. Nebulous Jungle Path
06. Distance And Hope
07. Jungle On Fire
08. Crash At Dawn
09. Fast Ride To Disaster
02. Servant Of Misery
03. Rain And Thunder
04. In The Mist Of The Night
05. Nebulous Jungle Path
06. Distance And Hope
07. Jungle On Fire
08. Crash At Dawn
09. Fast Ride To Disaster
Coletâneas (Compilations).
01. The Dream Is Always The Same
02. Phaedra
03. Rubycon Part One (Excerpt)
04. Stratosfear (Excerpt)
05. Choronzon
06. Cherokee Lane (Live)
07. Cinnamon Road
08. Kiew Mission
09. Ricochet Part Two
02. Phaedra
03. Rubycon Part One (Excerpt)
04. Stratosfear (Excerpt)
05. Choronzon
06. Cherokee Lane (Live)
07. Cinnamon Road
08. Kiew Mission
09. Ricochet Part Two
CD 2.
01. Cloudburst Flight
02. Force Majeure (Excerpt)
03. Tangram Part One
04. Beach Scene
05. Logos Part One (A)
06. Logos Part One (B)
07. Logos Part Two
08. Dominion
09. White Eagle
10. Love On A Real Train
02. Force Majeure (Excerpt)
03. Tangram Part One
04. Beach Scene
05. Logos Part One (A)
06. Logos Part One (B)
07. Logos Part Two
08. Dominion
09. White Eagle
10. Love On A Real Train
01. Central Park (New York)
02. Tyger
03. Livemiles (Part II)
04. Dolphin Dance
05. Song Of The Whale
06. Tangerine Dream - Le Parc (L.A. - Streethawk)
07. Yellowstone Park (Rocky Mountains)
08. Poland
09. Astral Voyager
10. Wahn
02. Tyger
03. Livemiles (Part II)
04. Dolphin Dance
05. Song Of The Whale
06. Tangerine Dream - Le Parc (L.A. - Streethawk)
07. Yellowstone Park (Rocky Mountains)
08. Poland
09. Astral Voyager
10. Wahn
CD 2.
01. Journy Through A Burning Brain
02. Green Desert
03. Horizon
02. Green Desert
03. Horizon
01. Ashes To Ashes
02. Ziet
03. Atem
04. Green Desert
05. Genesis
02. Ziet
03. Atem
04. Green Desert
05. Genesis
CD 2.
01. Alpha Centauri
02. Astral Voyager
03. Wahn
04. Circulation Of Events
05. Nebulous Dawn
02. Astral Voyager
03. Wahn
04. Circulation Of Events
05. Nebulous Dawn
01. Central Park (New York)
02. Tyger
03. Livemiles (Part II) (Extract)
04. Dolphin Dance
05. Song Of The Whale
06. Le Parc (L.A. - Streethawk)
07. Yellowstone Park (Rocky Mountains)
08. Poland (Extract)
09. Astral Voyager
10. Wahn
02. Tyger
03. Livemiles (Part II) (Extract)
04. Dolphin Dance
05. Song Of The Whale
06. Le Parc (L.A. - Streethawk)
07. Yellowstone Park (Rocky Mountains)
08. Poland (Extract)
09. Astral Voyager
10. Wahn
CD 2.
01. Journy Through A Burning Brain
02. Green Desert
03. Horizon
02. Green Desert
03. Horizon
01. Mojave Plan (Desert Part)
02. No Man's Land
03. Kiew Mission
04. Ricochet
05. Force Majeure
06. Logos (Blue Part)
07. Stratosfear
08. Mysterious Semblance
09. Cinnamon Road
10. Tangram (Solution Part)
02. No Man's Land
03. Kiew Mission
04. Ricochet
05. Force Majeure
06. Logos (Blue Part)
07. Stratosfear
08. Mysterious Semblance
09. Cinnamon Road
10. Tangram (Solution Part)
CD 2.
01. White Eagle
02. Phaedra
03. Logos (Red Part)
04. Sphinx Lighting
05. Desert Dream
06. Invisible Limits
07. Exit
08. Mojave Plan (Canyon Part)
09. Tangram (Puzzle Part)
10. Monolight
11. Rubycon (The Decision)
02. Phaedra
03. Logos (Red Part)
04. Sphinx Lighting
05. Desert Dream
06. Invisible Limits
07. Exit
08. Mojave Plan (Canyon Part)
09. Tangram (Puzzle Part)
10. Monolight
11. Rubycon (The Decision)
CD 3.
01. Cloudburst Flight
02. Pilots Of Purple
03. Logos (Velvet Part)
04. Monolight (Yellow Part)
05. Tangram (Future Part)
06. Rubycon (Dice Part)
07. Hyperborea
08. Force Majeure
09. Rubycon (Crossing Part)
10. Dominion
11. Pergamon (Piano Part)
02. Pilots Of Purple
03. Logos (Velvet Part)
04. Monolight (Yellow Part)
05. Tangram (Future Part)
06. Rubycon (Dice Part)
07. Hyperborea
08. Force Majeure
09. Rubycon (Crossing Part)
10. Dominion
11. Pergamon (Piano Part)
CD 4.
01. Going West
02. The Dream Is Always...
03. Alien Goodbye
04. The Call
05. The Run
06. Betrayal
07. Rainbirds Move
08. Creation
09. Charly The Kid
10. The Journey
11. Scrap Yard
12. Dirty Cross Roads
13. Search
14. Highway Patrol
15. Grind
16. Risky Business
17. Beach Theme
02. The Dream Is Always...
03. Alien Goodbye
04. The Call
05. The Run
06. Betrayal
07. Rainbirds Move
08. Creation
09. Charly The Kid
10. The Journey
11. Scrap Yard
12. Dirty Cross Roads
13. Search
14. Highway Patrol
15. Grind
16. Risky Business
17. Beach Theme
CD 5.
01. Vulcano
02. The Jogger
03. South Dakota
04. Coppercoast
05. Great Barrier Reef
06. The Night At Ayers Rock
07. Afternoon On The Nile
08. Crane Routing
09. Silver Scale
10. Jamaican Monk
02. The Jogger
03. South Dakota
04. Coppercoast
05. Great Barrier Reef
06. The Night At Ayers Rock
07. Afternoon On The Nile
08. Crane Routing
09. Silver Scale
10. Jamaican Monk
01. Journey Through A Burning Brain
02. Alpha Centauri
03. Birth Of Liquid Plejades
04. Zeit
05. Fauni Gena
06. Wahn
07. Green Desert
08. Poland
09. Barbakane Part One (The Smuggler)
10. Barbakane Part Two (Downtown Yam)
11. Songs Of The Whale - From Dawn
12. Songs Of The Whale - To Dusk
02. Alpha Centauri
03. Birth Of Liquid Plejades
04. Zeit
05. Fauni Gena
06. Wahn
07. Green Desert
08. Poland
09. Barbakane Part One (The Smuggler)
10. Barbakane Part Two (Downtown Yam)
11. Songs Of The Whale - From Dawn
12. Songs Of The Whale - To Dusk
CD 2.
01. Alchemy Of The Heart
02. London Part One (The Dungeon Cry)
03. London Part Two (Rotten Row Patriot)
04. Tyger (Jungle Myster Song)
05. Livemiles (The Albuquerque Concert)
06. Gaudi Park
07. Bois De Boulogne
08. Le Parc
09. Yellowstone Park
02. London Part One (The Dungeon Cry)
03. London Part Two (Rotten Row Patriot)
04. Tyger (Jungle Myster Song)
05. Livemiles (The Albuquerque Concert)
06. Gaudi Park
07. Bois De Boulogne
08. Le Parc
09. Yellowstone Park
02. Journey Through A Burning
03. Alpha Centauri
04. Zeit
05. Wahn
06. Fauni-Gena
07. Green Desert
08. White Clouds
09. Astral Voyager
10. Origin Of Supernatural Probabilities
11. Indian Summer
03. Alpha Centauri
04. Zeit
05. Wahn
06. Fauni-Gena
07. Green Desert
08. White Clouds
09. Astral Voyager
10. Origin Of Supernatural Probabilities
11. Indian Summer
02. Livemiles (Albuquerque Concert)
03. Tangent (Poland Concert)
04. Smile
05. Livemiles (Berlin Concert 1)
06. Vigour (Tyger Bonus)
07. Central Park
08. Zen Garden
09. Livemiles (Berlin Concert 2)
03. Tangent (Poland Concert)
04. Smile
05. Livemiles (Berlin Concert 1)
06. Vigour (Tyger Bonus)
07. Central Park
08. Zen Garden
09. Livemiles (Berlin Concert 2)
02. 21st Century Common Man
03. Underwater Sunlight
04. Livemiles
05. London (The Dungeon)
06. Gaudi Park
07. Barbakane (Part One)
08. Alchemy Of The Heart
09. Horizon
03. Underwater Sunlight
04. Livemiles
05. London (The Dungeon)
06. Gaudi Park
07. Barbakane (Part One)
08. Alchemy Of The Heart
09. Horizon
02. Yellowstone Park
03. Tyger (Jungle Mystery Song)
04. Bois De Boulogne
05. Tiergarten
06. Poland
07. Barbakane (Part Two)
08. Livemiles (San Buena Ventura)
09. Rarebird
10. Song Of The Whale - To Dusk
11. London (Rotten Row Patriot)
03. Tyger (Jungle Mystery Song)
04. Bois De Boulogne
05. Tiergarten
06. Poland
07. Barbakane (Part Two)
08. Livemiles (San Buena Ventura)
09. Rarebird
10. Song Of The Whale - To Dusk
11. London (Rotten Row Patriot)
02. Beach Bay Bunker
03. Vanishing Blue
04. Red Morpho
03. Vanishing Blue
04. Red Morpho
01. Philosophical Conversation (Legend)
02. Oszillator Planet Concert (Ossiach Live)
03. Ultima Thule (Part 1) (7' Single)
04. Ultima Thule (Part 2) (7' Single)
05. Overture (V, OST For Oedipus Tyrannus)
06. Haunted Heights (Baumann) (70-80 Box Set)
07. Chimes & Chains (Franke) (70-80 Box Set)
08. Baryll Blue (Froese) (70-80 Box Set)
09. Monolight (Remix) (70-80 Box Set)
10. Dr Destructo (Thief, 12' Promo Single)
11. Confrontation (Craig Safan) (Thief OST)
12. Code Name - The Soldier (Film, Main Title)
13. Die Russen Kommen (Baumann, C & G Schnitzler)
14. The 4-08 To Paris (Berlin Express - Baumann, C & G Schnitzler)
15. The Russians Are Coming (Baumann, C & G Schnitzler)
02. Oszillator Planet Concert (Ossiach Live)
03. Ultima Thule (Part 1) (7' Single)
04. Ultima Thule (Part 2) (7' Single)
05. Overture (V, OST For Oedipus Tyrannus)
06. Haunted Heights (Baumann) (70-80 Box Set)
07. Chimes & Chains (Franke) (70-80 Box Set)
08. Baryll Blue (Froese) (70-80 Box Set)
09. Monolight (Remix) (70-80 Box Set)
10. Dr Destructo (Thief, 12' Promo Single)
11. Confrontation (Craig Safan) (Thief OST)
12. Code Name - The Soldier (Film, Main Title)
13. Die Russen Kommen (Baumann, C & G Schnitzler)
14. The 4-08 To Paris (Berlin Express - Baumann, C & G Schnitzler)
15. The Russians Are Coming (Baumann, C & G Schnitzler)
CD 2.
01. OS 452 (Remix) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
02. PA 701 (Remix) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
03. Tropic Of Capricorn (Remix) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
04. Pizarro And Athuallpa (Remix) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
05. NGC 891 (Rerecorded) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
06. Das Madchen Auf Der Treppe (Tatort OST, 12' Single)
07. Flock (Tatort OST, 12' Single)
08. Katja (Tatort OST, 12' Single)
09. Speed (Tatort OST, 12' Single)
10. Daydream (Tatort OST, 7' Single)
11. Moorland (Tatort OST, 7' Single)
12. Fisherman's Morning (The Keep, Virgin Promo LP)
13. Romanian Road (The Keep, Virgin Promo LP)
14. Sailing Mission (The Keep, Virgin Promo LP)
15. Gloria (The Keep, Virgin Promo LP)
16. The Dream Is Always The Same (R.B. LP, Dream Scene)
17. Love On A Real Train (R.B. LP, Train Scene)
18. Chased By Guido, The Killer Pimp (R.B. Press Kit)
19. Joel And The Porsche Take The Plunge (R.B. Press Kit)
20. Catching The Egg (R.B. Press Kit)
21. The Return Of The Goodsens (R.B. Press Kit)
22. Love On A Real Train (R.B. Press Kit)
23. Warsaw In The Sun (7' Single)
02. PA 701 (Remix) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
03. Tropic Of Capricorn (Remix) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
04. Pizarro And Athuallpa (Remix) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
05. NGC 891 (Rerecorded) (Froese, Solo 1974-1979)
06. Das Madchen Auf Der Treppe (Tatort OST, 12' Single)
07. Flock (Tatort OST, 12' Single)
08. Katja (Tatort OST, 12' Single)
09. Speed (Tatort OST, 12' Single)
10. Daydream (Tatort OST, 7' Single)
11. Moorland (Tatort OST, 7' Single)
12. Fisherman's Morning (The Keep, Virgin Promo LP)
13. Romanian Road (The Keep, Virgin Promo LP)
14. Sailing Mission (The Keep, Virgin Promo LP)
15. Gloria (The Keep, Virgin Promo LP)
16. The Dream Is Always The Same (R.B. LP, Dream Scene)
17. Love On A Real Train (R.B. LP, Train Scene)
18. Chased By Guido, The Killer Pimp (R.B. Press Kit)
19. Joel And The Porsche Take The Plunge (R.B. Press Kit)
20. Catching The Egg (R.B. Press Kit)
21. The Return Of The Goodsens (R.B. Press Kit)
22. Love On A Real Train (R.B. Press Kit)
23. Warsaw In The Sun (7' Single)
CD 3.
01. Warsaw In The Sun Part 1 (12' Single)
02. Warsaw In The Sun Part 2 (12' Single)
03. Streethawk (Radio Remix) (12' Single)
04. Prologue (Legend)
05. Unicorn Theme (Legend)
06. Horns Of Doom (Anniversary Cassette)
07. Dolphin Smile (Dolphin Dance, 12' Single)
08. Brother Or Stranger (City Of Shadows)
09. Shy People (Original Film Version)
10. Shadow Flyer (Canyon Dreams)
11. A Time For Heroes (Extended) (CD Single)
12. A Time For Heroes (Single) (CD Single)
13. House Of The Rising Sun (Live, 1988 Tour)
14. Vermillion Sands (Christopher Franke)
15. Alexander Square (CD Single)
02. Warsaw In The Sun Part 2 (12' Single)
03. Streethawk (Radio Remix) (12' Single)
04. Prologue (Legend)
05. Unicorn Theme (Legend)
06. Horns Of Doom (Anniversary Cassette)
07. Dolphin Smile (Dolphin Dance, 12' Single)
08. Brother Or Stranger (City Of Shadows)
09. Shy People (Original Film Version)
10. Shadow Flyer (Canyon Dreams)
11. A Time For Heroes (Extended) (CD Single)
12. A Time For Heroes (Single) (CD Single)
13. House Of The Rising Sun (Live, 1988 Tour)
14. Vermillion Sands (Christopher Franke)
15. Alexander Square (CD Single)
CD 4.
01. Lost Tale
02. Octahedron I
03. Octahedron II
04. I Just Want To Rule My Own Life Without You
05. One Night In Medina
06. I Just Want To Rule My Own Life Without You (Vocal)
07. Roaring Of The Bliss
08. Beaver Town
09. Machiko
10. Purple Haze
11. Dreamtime (Vocal)
12. Graffiti Street (Live)
13. Phaedra (Live)
14. Oriental Haze (Live)
15. Love On A Real Train (Live)
16. Story Of The Brave
17. Quazar
18. Sound Sampling Of No Man's Land
19. The Dream Is Always The Same
02. Octahedron I
03. Octahedron II
04. I Just Want To Rule My Own Life Without You
05. One Night In Medina
06. I Just Want To Rule My Own Life Without You (Vocal)
07. Roaring Of The Bliss
08. Beaver Town
09. Machiko
10. Purple Haze
11. Dreamtime (Vocal)
12. Graffiti Street (Live)
13. Phaedra (Live)
14. Oriental Haze (Live)
15. Love On A Real Train (Live)
16. Story Of The Brave
17. Quazar
18. Sound Sampling Of No Man's Land
19. The Dream Is Always The Same
02. Sungate
03. Long Island Sunset
04. Paradise Cove
05. Atlas Eyes
06. Melrose
07. Girls On Broadway
08. Turn Of The Tides
09. Jungle Journey
10. Catwalk
11. Touchwood
12. TimeSquare
03. Long Island Sunset
04. Paradise Cove
05. Atlas Eyes
06. Melrose
07. Girls On Broadway
08. Turn Of The Tides
09. Jungle Journey
10. Catwalk
11. Touchwood
12. TimeSquare
02. Midwinter Night
03. Graffiti Street
04. Crystal Curfew
05. Pictures At An Exibition
06. Firetongues
07. Mobocaster
08. Three Bikes In The Sky
09. Birdwatchers Dream
10. Too Hot For My Chinchilla
11. Little Blond In The Parc Of Attraction
12. Marakesh
03. Graffiti Street
04. Crystal Curfew
05. Pictures At An Exibition
06. Firetongues
07. Mobocaster
08. Three Bikes In The Sky
09. Birdwatchers Dream
10. Too Hot For My Chinchilla
11. Little Blond In The Parc Of Attraction
12. Marakesh
02. Forth Worth Runway
03. Eleanor Rigby
04. Oriental Haze
05. Story Of The Brave
06. Thief Yang And The Tangram Seal
07. Catwalk
08. Purple Haze
09. The Midnight Trail
10. Rolling Down Cahuenga
11. Towards The Evening Star
12. Dominion
03. Eleanor Rigby
04. Oriental Haze
05. Story Of The Brave
06. Thief Yang And The Tangram Seal
07. Catwalk
08. Purple Haze
09. The Midnight Trail
10. Rolling Down Cahuenga
11. Towards The Evening Star
12. Dominion
02. Ultima Thule Part 1
03. Calymba Caly
04. Flock Of Bluebirds
05. Speed Dragon
06. Edinburgh Castle
07. Moorland
08. Sorcerer And Thief
09. Southend Mall
10. Cool Breeze Of Brighton
11. Phaedra Of Nottingham
12. House Of The Rising Sun
03. Calymba Caly
04. Flock Of Bluebirds
05. Speed Dragon
06. Edinburgh Castle
07. Moorland
08. Sorcerer And Thief
09. Southend Mall
10. Cool Breeze Of Brighton
11. Phaedra Of Nottingham
12. House Of The Rising Sun
01. Alpha Centauri
02. Fauni-Gena
03. Birth Of Liquid Plejades
04. White Clouds
05. Green Desert
06. Astral Voyager
07. Indian Summer
08. Dolphin Dance
09. Underwater Twilight
10. Coppercoast
11. The Night At Ayers Rock
12. Logos (Red Part)
13. Monolight
14. No Man's Land
02. Fauni-Gena
03. Birth Of Liquid Plejades
04. White Clouds
05. Green Desert
06. Astral Voyager
07. Indian Summer
08. Dolphin Dance
09. Underwater Twilight
10. Coppercoast
11. The Night At Ayers Rock
12. Logos (Red Part)
13. Monolight
14. No Man's Land
CD 2.
01. Logos
02. Cinnamon Road
03. Desert Dream
04. Logos (Velvet Part)
05. Hyperborea
06. Dominion
07. Monolight (Yellow Part)
08. Volcano
09. Ride On A Ray
10. Pergamon (Piano Part)
11. Tangent
12. Central Park
13. Barbakane
02. Cinnamon Road
03. Desert Dream
04. Logos (Velvet Part)
05. Hyperborea
06. Dominion
07. Monolight (Yellow Part)
08. Volcano
09. Ride On A Ray
10. Pergamon (Piano Part)
11. Tangent
12. Central Park
13. Barbakane
CD 3.
01. Zen Garden
02. Yellowstone Park
03. Livemiles (Green Trail Part)
04. Gaudi Park
05. Alchemy Of The Heart
06. Song Of The Whale (From Dawn)
07. Tyger (William Blake Poem)
08. Bois De Boulogne
09. Poland
10. Livemiles (San Buena Ventura)
11. Song Of The Whale (To Dusk)
12. The Cliffs Of Sydney
02. Yellowstone Park
03. Livemiles (Green Trail Part)
04. Gaudi Park
05. Alchemy Of The Heart
06. Song Of The Whale (From Dawn)
07. Tyger (William Blake Poem)
08. Bois De Boulogne
09. Poland
10. Livemiles (San Buena Ventura)
11. Song Of The Whale (To Dusk)
12. The Cliffs Of Sydney
CD 4.
01. Warsaw In The Sun (Live)
02. Polish Dance (Live)
03. Melrose (Live)
04. Electric Lion (Live)
05. Longing For Cashba
06. Cool At Heart (Live)
07. Sungate (Live)
08. Marakesh (Live)
09. Ivory Town
10. Cat Scan (Live)
11. Ghazal (Live)
12. The Midnight Trail (Live)
02. Polish Dance (Live)
03. Melrose (Live)
04. Electric Lion (Live)
05. Longing For Cashba
06. Cool At Heart (Live)
07. Sungate (Live)
08. Marakesh (Live)
09. Ivory Town
10. Cat Scan (Live)
11. Ghazal (Live)
12. The Midnight Trail (Live)
CD 5.
01. Too Hot For My Chinchilla (Live)
02. Unicorn Saga (Live)
03. Lily On The Beach (Live)
04. Storm Seekers
05. Mount Shasta (Live)
06. Exit (Live)
07. Akash Deep
08. Crystal Curfew (Live)
09. Cool Shibuya
10. Alaskan Summer (Live)
11. Long Island Sunset (Live)
12. Rolling Down Cahuenga (Live)
13. Iguana (Live)
02. Unicorn Saga (Live)
03. Lily On The Beach (Live)
04. Storm Seekers
05. Mount Shasta (Live)
06. Exit (Live)
07. Akash Deep
08. Crystal Curfew (Live)
09. Cool Shibuya
10. Alaskan Summer (Live)
11. Long Island Sunset (Live)
12. Rolling Down Cahuenga (Live)
13. Iguana (Live)
CD 6.
01. Dream Yard (The Perth Tapes)
01. Poland
02. Bois De Boulogne
03. Song Of The Whale Pt. I - From Dawn...
04. Livemiles II (Berlin Concert)
05. 21st Century Common Man Pt. I
06. 21st Century Common Man Pt. II
02. Bois De Boulogne
03. Song Of The Whale Pt. I - From Dawn...
04. Livemiles II (Berlin Concert)
05. 21st Century Common Man Pt. I
06. 21st Century Common Man Pt. II
CD 2.
01. Genesis
02. Alpha Centauri
03. Zeit
04. Atem
05. White Clouds
02. Alpha Centauri
03. Zeit
04. Atem
05. White Clouds
02. Culpa Levis
03. Sad Merlinґs Sunday
04. Exit
05. Elf June And The Midnight Patrol
06. Forth Worth Runway One
07. Order Of The Ginger Gild
08. Iguana
09. At Darwinґs Motel
10. United Goblins Parade
03. Sad Merlinґs Sunday
04. Exit
05. Elf June And The Midnight Patrol
06. Forth Worth Runway One
07. Order Of The Ginger Gild
08. Iguana
09. At Darwinґs Motel
10. United Goblins Parade
02. Velvet Sun
03. Cool Ma Bell
04. Hall Of Mirrors
05. Token From Birdland
06. In The Distant Shore
07. Third Angel's Gate
08. Q-Time
09. Cat And Snowman
10. Gold Hunter
11. Propeller Beach
12. Chamber Of Hope
13. Labeo
14. Sonata By J.S.Bach
15. Fairfax
03. Cool Ma Bell
04. Hall Of Mirrors
05. Token From Birdland
06. In The Distant Shore
07. Third Angel's Gate
08. Q-Time
09. Cat And Snowman
10. Gold Hunter
11. Propeller Beach
12. Chamber Of Hope
13. Labeo
14. Sonata By J.S.Bach
15. Fairfax
02. Elysium Basin
03. Mars Mission Counter
04. Marte Vallis
05. Rim Of Schiaparelli
06. The Red Gate
07. The Silent Rock
08. Tharsis Maneuver
09. Spiral Stardate
10. Dies Martis
11. Helium County
03. Mars Mission Counter
04. Marte Vallis
05. Rim Of Schiaparelli
06. The Red Gate
07. The Silent Rock
08. Tharsis Maneuver
09. Spiral Stardate
10. Dies Martis
11. Helium County
02. Longing For Cashba
03. Bois De Boulogne
04. Stoneyard
05. Akash Deep
06. Storm Seekers
07. Gaudi Parc
08. Last Trumpet On 23rd Street
09. Silver Siren
10. Dream Sculpture
03. Bois De Boulogne
04. Stoneyard
05. Akash Deep
06. Storm Seekers
07. Gaudi Parc
08. Last Trumpet On 23rd Street
09. Silver Siren
10. Dream Sculpture
02. Barbakane
03. Horizon (Warsaw Gate Mix)
04. House Of The Rising Sun (Southend Mix)
05. Livemiles (Morning Glow Mix)
06. Storm Seekers - Cool Shibuya
07. Story Of The Brave (Vienna Mix)
08. Sungate (Red Rock Version)
09. Teetering Scale
10. Underwater Sunlight
03. Horizon (Warsaw Gate Mix)
04. House Of The Rising Sun (Southend Mix)
05. Livemiles (Morning Glow Mix)
06. Storm Seekers - Cool Shibuya
07. Story Of The Brave (Vienna Mix)
08. Sungate (Red Rock Version)
09. Teetering Scale
10. Underwater Sunlight
01. One Night In Space
02. Hyper Sphinx
03. Metaphor Part One
04. Metaphor Part Two
05. The Greek Mirror
06. Lady Monk
07. I Could Hear It When The Moon
08. Logos
02. Hyper Sphinx
03. Metaphor Part One
04. Metaphor Part Two
05. The Greek Mirror
06. Lady Monk
07. I Could Hear It When The Moon
08. Logos
CD 2.
01. Tangram Chin Part
02. Sleeping Watches Snoring In Silence
03. Tangines On And Running
04. All Thirsty Angels Pass
05. World Away From Gagaland
06. Big Sur And The Oranges
07. Ca Va - Ca Marche - Ca Ira Encore
08. Bells Of Accra
02. Sleeping Watches Snoring In Silence
03. Tangines On And Running
04. All Thirsty Angels Pass
05. World Away From Gagaland
06. Big Sur And The Oranges
07. Ca Va - Ca Marche - Ca Ira Encore
08. Bells Of Accra
01. Lady Greengrass
02. Love Of Mine
03. Ultima Thule Part 1
04. Ultima Thule Part 2
05. Sunset In The Fifth System
06. Asteroid Agenda
07. Maroubra Bay
08. Borealis
09. Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of Nightmares
10. Run To Vegas
02. Love Of Mine
03. Ultima Thule Part 1
04. Ultima Thule Part 2
05. Sunset In The Fifth System
06. Asteroid Agenda
07. Maroubra Bay
08. Borealis
09. Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of Nightmares
10. Run To Vegas
CD 2.
01. Exit To Heaven
02. Pink Ashes
03. Landing On 51
04. The Seventh Folder
05. The Burning Hole
06. Rare Bird
07. Silver Pendulum
08. Shy Shila
09. Huckebees Dream
02. Pink Ashes
03. Landing On 51
04. The Seventh Folder
05. The Burning Hole
06. Rare Bird
07. Silver Pendulum
08. Shy Shila
09. Huckebees Dream
01. Cloudburst Flight 2008
02. Scrapyard 2008
03. A Streetcar Named Desire
04. The Last Wave
05. Modesty And Greed
06. Hunter Shot By A Yellow Rabbit
07. Boat To China
08. No Man's Land 2008
09. Desert Dream (Palm Desert Version)
10. Exit To Heaven
02. Scrapyard 2008
03. A Streetcar Named Desire
04. The Last Wave
05. Modesty And Greed
06. Hunter Shot By A Yellow Rabbit
07. Boat To China
08. No Man's Land 2008
09. Desert Dream (Palm Desert Version)
10. Exit To Heaven
CD 2.
01. Sadness Of Echnaton Losing The World Child
02. Huckebee's Dream
03. Angel In Barbed Wire Robe
04. La Boca Race
05. Tomorrow Never Knows
06. Oracular World
07. Fire On The Mountain
08. Sunshift
09. Beyond The Cottage And The Lake
10. Trauma
02. Huckebee's Dream
03. Angel In Barbed Wire Robe
04. La Boca Race
05. Tomorrow Never Knows
06. Oracular World
07. Fire On The Mountain
08. Sunshift
09. Beyond The Cottage And The Lake
10. Trauma
01. Mombasa
02. Morning Star
03. The Dance Without Dancers
04. Sunshift (Moonmother's Mix)
05. The Unknown Is The Truth
06. Nexuses
07. Astrophel And Stella (String Version)
08. Sound Of A Shell
09. The Moondog Connection
10. Lord Nelson
11. Remote Viewing 2009
02. Morning Star
03. The Dance Without Dancers
04. Sunshift (Moonmother's Mix)
05. The Unknown Is The Truth
06. Nexuses
07. Astrophel And Stella (String Version)
08. Sound Of A Shell
09. The Moondog Connection
10. Lord Nelson
11. Remote Viewing 2009
CD 2.
01. The Halloween Cast (Rolling The World's Pumpkin Part
02. Kiev Mission (Remake 2009)
03. Synth Affection
04. Transition
05. Kilimandscharo
06. Two Drunken Angels At Trafalgar Square
07. Key Moment
08. The Angel Of The West Window
09. Romantic Vision (Part 2 Of Das Romantische Opfer)
10. Romantic Power (Part 1 Of Das Romantische Opfer)
11. Ayumi's Loom
02. Kiev Mission (Remake 2009)
03. Synth Affection
04. Transition
05. Kilimandscharo
06. Two Drunken Angels At Trafalgar Square
07. Key Moment
08. The Angel Of The West Window
09. Romantic Vision (Part 2 Of Das Romantische Opfer)
10. Romantic Power (Part 1 Of Das Romantische Opfer)
11. Ayumi's Loom
02. La Marche
03. The Metropolitan Sphere
04. The Golden Heart
05. Meng Tian
06. World Of The Day
07. Prime Time
08. La Solitude Dans L'Espoir
09. Cradle Of Prodigies
10. Meng Tian (Smart Machine Remix)
03. The Metropolitan Sphere
04. The Golden Heart
05. Meng Tian
06. World Of The Day
07. Prime Time
08. La Solitude Dans L'Espoir
09. Cradle Of Prodigies
10. Meng Tian (Smart Machine Remix)
02. Ultima Thule Part II
03. Asteroid Agenda
04. Sunset In The Fifth System
05. Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of Nightmares
06. Maroubra Bay
07. Borealis
08. Pink Ashes
09. Exit To Heaven
03. Asteroid Agenda
04. Sunset In The Fifth System
05. Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of Nightmares
06. Maroubra Bay
07. Borealis
08. Pink Ashes
09. Exit To Heaven
02. Love Of Mine (1967)
03. Run To Vegas (1978)
04. Huckebees Dream (1981)
05. Silver Penbulum (1981)
06. The Seventh Folder (1981)
07. Shy Shila (1984)
08. Rare Bird (Live) (1988)
09. The Burning Hole (1991)
10. Landing On 51 (Bonus Track)
03. Run To Vegas (1978)
04. Huckebees Dream (1981)
05. Silver Penbulum (1981)
06. The Seventh Folder (1981)
07. Shy Shila (1984)
08. Rare Bird (Live) (1988)
09. The Burning Hole (1991)
10. Landing On 51 (Bonus Track)
02. The Orange Breath
03. The Golden Head
04. The Green Land
05. The Blue Pearl
06. The Indigo Clouds
07. The Purple Of All Curtains
03. The Golden Head
04. The Green Land
05. The Blue Pearl
06. The Indigo Clouds
07. The Purple Of All Curtains
02. Living In A Fountain Pen
03. Midwinter Night
04. Tyranny Of Beauty
05. Birdwatcher's Dream
06. Body Corporate
07. Death Of A Nightingale
08. Haze Of Fame
09. Story Of The Brave
10. Homeless
03. Midwinter Night
04. Tyranny Of Beauty
05. Birdwatcher's Dream
06. Body Corporate
07. Death Of A Nightingale
08. Haze Of Fame
09. Story Of The Brave
10. Homeless
02. Longing For Cashba
03. Bois De Boulogne
04. Stoneyard
05. Akash Deep
06. Storm Seekers
07. Gaudi Park
08. Last Trumpet On 23rd Street
09. Silver Siren
10. Dream Sculpture
03. Bois De Boulogne
04. Stoneyard
05. Akash Deep
06. Storm Seekers
07. Gaudi Park
08. Last Trumpet On 23rd Street
09. Silver Siren
10. Dream Sculpture
02. Ancient Power Plant
03. Speed Dragon
04. Oceanride
05. Sundance Kid
06. Hamlet
03. Speed Dragon
04. Oceanride
05. Sundance Kid
06. Hamlet
02. Smoky Karlow
03. Siberian Lights
04. Jenissei River
05. Baikal Sunrise
06. Samowar Juri
07. Ulan Ude
08. Chingan Night
09. Russian Soul
10. The Golden Horn
03. Siberian Lights
04. Jenissei River
05. Baikal Sunrise
06. Samowar Juri
07. Ulan Ude
08. Chingan Night
09. Russian Soul
10. The Golden Horn
02. Culpa Levis
03. Sad Merlin's Sunday
04. Exit (Re-Rec)
05. Elf June And The Midnight Patrol (Vienna Mix)
06. Forth Worth Runway One
07. Order Of The Ginger Guild
08. Iguana
09. At Darwin's Hotel
10. United Goblin's Parade
03. Sad Merlin's Sunday
04. Exit (Re-Rec)
05. Elf June And The Midnight Patrol (Vienna Mix)
06. Forth Worth Runway One
07. Order Of The Ginger Guild
08. Iguana
09. At Darwin's Hotel
10. United Goblin's Parade
02. Hope And Glory
03. Dante In Despair
04. Soulgate
05. Sisyphus
06. The Spirit Of Virgil
07. Transformazione
08. Prison And Paradise
09. Beyond Sodom And Gomorrha
10. La Ley De La Montana
11. Mercury Sphere
12. Invisible Sun
13. No More Birth No More Death
14. L'Ultima Tromba d'Oro
03. Dante In Despair
04. Soulgate
05. Sisyphus
06. The Spirit Of Virgil
07. Transformazione
08. Prison And Paradise
09. Beyond Sodom And Gomorrha
10. La Ley De La Montana
11. Mercury Sphere
12. Invisible Sun
13. No More Birth No More Death
14. L'Ultima Tromba d'Oro
02. A Matter Of Time
03. Cliff Dwellers
04. Hopi Mesa Heart
05. Purple Nightfall
06. Reflections
07. Rocky Mountain Hawk
08. Shadow Flyer
09. Waters Gift
10. Zion
03. Cliff Dwellers
04. Hopi Mesa Heart
05. Purple Nightfall
06. Reflections
07. Rocky Mountain Hawk
08. Shadow Flyer
09. Waters Gift
10. Zion
02. Barbakane (Re-Rec)
03. Horizon (Warsaw Gate Mix) (Re-Rec)
04. House Of The Rising Sun (Southend Mix)
05. Livemiles (Morning Glow Mix) (Re-Rec)
06. Storm Seekers - Cool Shibuya
07. Story Of The Brave (Vienna Mix)
08. Sungate (Red Rock Mix)
09. Teetering Scale (Live)
10. Underwater Sunlight (Re-Rec)
03. Horizon (Warsaw Gate Mix) (Re-Rec)
04. House Of The Rising Sun (Southend Mix)
05. Livemiles (Morning Glow Mix) (Re-Rec)
06. Storm Seekers - Cool Shibuya
07. Story Of The Brave (Vienna Mix)
08. Sungate (Red Rock Mix)
09. Teetering Scale (Live)
10. Underwater Sunlight (Re-Rec)
02. The Midnight Trail
03. Twin Soul Tribe
04. Ruling The Waves
05. Marakesh
06. Crystal Curfew
07. Blue Mango Cafe
08. Three Bikes In The Sky
09. Valley Of The Kings
10. Long Island Sunset
11. Yucatan
12. Alaskan Summer
13. Electric Lion
03. Twin Soul Tribe
04. Ruling The Waves
05. Marakesh
06. Crystal Curfew
07. Blue Mango Cafe
08. Three Bikes In The Sky
09. Valley Of The Kings
10. Long Island Sunset
11. Yucatan
12. Alaskan Summer
13. Electric Lion
01. Phaedra
02. Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of Nightmares
03. Movements Of A Visionary
04. Sequent C'
05. Rubycon Part One
06. Rubycon Part Two
02. Mysterious Semblance At The Strand Of Nightmares
03. Movements Of A Visionary
04. Sequent C'
05. Rubycon Part One
06. Rubycon Part Two
CD 2.
01. Rubycon Part Two (Excerpt)
02. Rubycon (7'' Side One)
03. Rubycon (7'' Side Two)
04. Ricochet Part One
05. Ricochet Part Two
06. Stratosfear
07. The Big Sleep In Search Of Hades
02. Rubycon (7'' Side One)
03. Rubycon (7'' Side Two)
04. Ricochet Part One
05. Ricochet Part Two
06. Stratosfear
07. The Big Sleep In Search Of Hades
CD 3.
01. 3 AM At The Border Of The Marsh From Okefenokee
02. Invisible Limits
03. Stratosfear (7'' Single Edit)
04. The Big Sleep In Search Of Hades (7'' Single Edit)
05. Bent Cold Sidewalk
06. Rising Runner Missed By Endless Sender
07. Madrigal Meridian
08. Madrigal Meridian (Excerpt)
09. Phaedra Radio Advert
10. Rubycon Radio Advert
02. Invisible Limits
03. Stratosfear (7'' Single Edit)
04. The Big Sleep In Search Of Hades (7'' Single Edit)
05. Bent Cold Sidewalk
06. Rising Runner Missed By Endless Sender
07. Madrigal Meridian
08. Madrigal Meridian (Excerpt)
09. Phaedra Radio Advert
10. Rubycon Radio Advert
01. A Streetcar Named Desire (Mellow Tyre Mix)
02. Alchemy Of The Heart 2010
03. Culpa Levis 2010
04. Warhol's New York Walk
05. Dominion 2010
06. A Snail's Dream
07. Arctic Sunrise
08. The Lion Of The Law
09. Solution To All Problems (Think Pink Mix)
10. Thorns From Heaven
11. Babylon The Great Has Fallen
02. Alchemy Of The Heart 2010
03. Culpa Levis 2010
04. Warhol's New York Walk
05. Dominion 2010
06. A Snail's Dream
07. Arctic Sunrise
08. The Lion Of The Law
09. Solution To All Problems (Think Pink Mix)
10. Thorns From Heaven
11. Babylon The Great Has Fallen
CD 2.
01. Mombasa (Tuareg Remix)
02. Zulu
03. Armageddon In The Rose Garden Part II
04. Going West 2009 (Live In Japan)
05. Devotion
06. Long Island Sunset 2010 (Live In London)
07. Breaching Sky
08. Paddington At Five
09. Purple Diluvial 2011
02. Zulu
03. Armageddon In The Rose Garden Part II
04. Going West 2009 (Live In Japan)
05. Devotion
06. Long Island Sunset 2010 (Live In London)
07. Breaching Sky
08. Paddington At Five
09. Purple Diluvial 2011
01. Calymba Caly (Figaro's Fine Cut)
02. Beauty Of Magic Antagonism
03. Rubycon 2010
04. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green
05. Shinning Ray
06. Twilight Dance
07. Morpheus' Light
08. Escape
09. The Invisible Seal Of The Holy Tribe
10. Hermaphrodite
02. Beauty Of Magic Antagonism
03. Rubycon 2010
04. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green
05. Shinning Ray
06. Twilight Dance
07. Morpheus' Light
08. Escape
09. The Invisible Seal Of The Holy Tribe
10. Hermaphrodite
CD 2.
01. Resurrection By The Spirit
02. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
03. Mother Of All Sources
04. Sailing Through The Night
05. Calumet
06. Booster Battery
07. The Mysterious Gift Of Mankind
08. View From A Distant Star (Milky Way Mix)
09. Wild Ocean Of Blue Fate
10. Fay Bewitching The Moon
02. Hoel Dhat The Alchemist
03. Mother Of All Sources
04. Sailing Through The Night
05. Calumet
06. Booster Battery
07. The Mysterious Gift Of Mankind
08. View From A Distant Star (Milky Way Mix)
09. Wild Ocean Of Blue Fate
10. Fay Bewitching The Moon
01. Cherokee Lane
02. Monolight
03. Coldwater Canyon
04. Desert Dream
05. Monolight
06. Hobo March
02. Monolight
03. Coldwater Canyon
04. Desert Dream
05. Monolight
06. Hobo March
CD 2.
01. Force Majeure
02. Cloudburst Flight
03. Thru Metamorphic Rocks
04. Tangram (Set 1)
02. Cloudburst Flight
03. Thru Metamorphic Rocks
04. Tangram (Set 1)
CD 3.
01. Tangram (Set 2)
02. Kiew Mission
03. Pilots Of Purple Twilight
04. Choronzon
05. Exit
06. Network 23
07. Remote Viewing
08. Beach Scene
09. Burning Bar
02. Kiew Mission
03. Pilots Of Purple Twilight
04. Choronzon
05. Exit
06. Network 23
07. Remote Viewing
08. Beach Scene
09. Burning Bar
CD 4.
01. Mojave Plan
02. Midnight In Tula
03. Convention Of The 24
04. White Eagle
05. Logos Part I
02. Midnight In Tula
03. Convention Of The 24
04. White Eagle
05. Logos Part I
CD 5.
01. Logos Part II
02. Dominion
03. No Man's Land
04. Hyperborea
05. Cinnamon Road
06. Sphinx Lightning
02. Dominion
03. No Man's Land
04. Hyperborea
05. Cinnamon Road
06. Sphinx Lightning
01. Convention Of The 24
02. Asheville Sunrise
03. Ancient Powerplant
04. Season Of The Birds
05. Finnegans Excessive Wake
06. Sahara Storm
07. The Velvet Meridian
08. Sphinx Red Lightning
09. Dream Catcher
10. Twillight In Abidjan
11. Agony Of Suspense
12. Siberian Lights
02. Asheville Sunrise
03. Ancient Powerplant
04. Season Of The Birds
05. Finnegans Excessive Wake
06. Sahara Storm
07. The Velvet Meridian
08. Sphinx Red Lightning
09. Dream Catcher
10. Twillight In Abidjan
11. Agony Of Suspense
12. Siberian Lights
CD 2.
01. Betrayal 2013 (Sorcerer Theme)
02. Weird Village
03. The Warring Forces Of The Twins
04. The Crystal Ship
05. Rain Forest
06. The Dangerous Mile
07. Mothers Of Rain
08. Pier 54 2013
09. Madagascar
10. Voices From A Common Land
11. Marrakesh 2013
12. The Silver Seal
13. Ghazal
14. Tutankhama
15. Puer Natus Est Nobis
02. Weird Village
03. The Warring Forces Of The Twins
04. The Crystal Ship
05. Rain Forest
06. The Dangerous Mile
07. Mothers Of Rain
08. Pier 54 2013
09. Madagascar
10. Voices From A Common Land
11. Marrakesh 2013
12. The Silver Seal
13. Ghazal
14. Tutankhama
15. Puer Natus Est Nobis
02. Madagascar
03. Serpent Magique
04. Sahara Storm
05. Kilimanscharo
06. Rain Prayer
07. Sadness Of Echnaton Losing The World Child
08. Twilight In Abidjan
09. Mombasa (Tuareg Remix)
03. Serpent Magique
04. Sahara Storm
05. Kilimanscharo
06. Rain Prayer
07. Sadness Of Echnaton Losing The World Child
08. Twilight In Abidjan
09. Mombasa (Tuareg Remix)
01. Tamago Yaki 2015
02. Industrial Life
03. Diary Of A Robbery
04. Chilly Moons
05. Rotcaf Neila
06. Pilgrims To Elysium
07. The Apparently Lunatic Hierarchy
08. The Gate Of Saturn
09. Dnammoc Su (Neat Mix)
10. The Light Cone 2015
02. Industrial Life
03. Diary Of A Robbery
04. Chilly Moons
05. Rotcaf Neila
06. Pilgrims To Elysium
07. The Apparently Lunatic Hierarchy
08. The Gate Of Saturn
09. Dnammoc Su (Neat Mix)
10. The Light Cone 2015
CD 2.
01. Parallel Worlds
02. Polar Radius
03. Heart Throb
04. A Matter Of Time (Red Canyon Remix)
05. Rim Of Schiaparelli
06. Barnabas The Messenger
07. Burning The Bad Seal
08. Silvery Ice Lake
09. Shadow And Sun
10. Morning Sun
11. Le Combat Des Epees (Director's Cut)
02. Polar Radius
03. Heart Throb
04. A Matter Of Time (Red Canyon Remix)
05. Rim Of Schiaparelli
06. Barnabas The Messenger
07. Burning The Bad Seal
08. Silvery Ice Lake
09. Shadow And Sun
10. Morning Sun
11. Le Combat Des Epees (Director's Cut)
Singles & EP’S.
Links no final da página.
02. Streethawk
03. Tiergarten (Berlin)
04. Gaudi Park (Guell Garden Barcelona)
05. Warsaw In The Sun (Part One)
06. Warsaw In The Sun (Part Two)
03. Tiergarten (Berlin)
04. Gaudi Park (Guell Garden Barcelona)
05. Warsaw In The Sun (Part One)
06. Warsaw In The Sun (Part Two)
02. Paradise Cove
03. All Of A Dither
04. Marakesh
05. Melrose
03. All Of A Dither
04. Marakesh
05. Melrose
02. Oriental Haze
03. Interview By Joanne Davenport With Edgar Froese
03. Interview By Joanne Davenport With Edgar Froese
02. The Blue Bridge
03. Treasure Of Innocence
04. Dreamtime (Instrumental)
05. Purple Haze
03. Treasure Of Innocence
04. Dreamtime (Instrumental)
05. Purple Haze
Limited World Tour Edition (Single 1997)
02. Maedchen On The
Stairs (Club Mix)
03. Order Of The Ginger Gild
03. Order Of The Ginger Gild
Towards The Evening Star: Remixed By The ORB (Single
1997)01. Towards The Evening Star (Remixed by The Orb)
02. Towards
The Evening Star
02. Metaphor Second Reality
03. Metaphor Third Reality
04. Metaphor Earthling's Reality
03. Metaphor Third Reality
04. Metaphor Earthling's Reality
02. I Could Hear It When The Moon
Collapsed On Broadway
02. Lady Monk
03. Sleeping Watches Snoring In Silence
03. Sleeping Watches Snoring In Silence
02. Scrapyard 2008
03. Sally's Garden
03. Sally's Garden
02. Two Drunken Angels At
Trafalgar Square
03. Angels On Transit
03. Angels On Transit
02. Purple
03. Babylon The Great Has Fallen
03. Babylon The Great Has Fallen
02. A Cage In Search Of
A Bird Part 2
03. Kiev Mission (Remake 2009)
03. Kiev Mission (Remake 2009)
02. Zulu
03. Order Of The Ginger Guild 2010
04. Norwegian Wood
03. Order Of The Ginger Guild 2010
04. Norwegian Wood
02. Morpheus' Light
03. Phantoms And Oracles
04. Mona Da Vinci
05. In The Storm Of Serenity
06. Hunting For Illusions
03. Phantoms And Oracles
04. Mona Da Vinci
05. In The Storm Of Serenity
06. Hunting For Illusions
02. Logos 2011
03. Cool At Heart 2011
04. The End Of Bondage
05. Vernal Rapture
03. Cool At Heart 2011
04. The End Of Bondage
05. Vernal Rapture
02. Machu Picchu
03. Adiуs A Cusco
04. Tayta Inti
05. Rio Urubamba
06. La Piedra Intihuatana
03. Adiуs A Cusco
04. Tayta Inti
05. Rio Urubamba
06. La Piedra Intihuatana
02. The Bleeding
03. Center Of Now
04. Josephine The Mouse Singer
05. Arcangelo Corelli's La Folia
03. Center Of Now
04. Josephine The Mouse Singer
05. Arcangelo Corelli's La Folia
02. Madagaskunia
03. Madagasmala
04. Beyond Uluru
05. Vision Of The Blue Birds
06. Snake Men's Dance At Dawn
07. Power Of The Rainbow Serpent
03. Madagasmala
04. Beyond Uluru
05. Vision Of The Blue Birds
06. Snake Men's Dance At Dawn
07. Power Of The Rainbow Serpent
Jean-Michel Jarre & Tangerine
Dream - Zero Gravity (Remix 2015)01. Zero Gravity (Above & Beyond Remix)
02. Electron Bonfire
03. Drowning In Universes
04. Mirage Of Reality
03. Drowning In Universes
04. Mirage Of Reality
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