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29 maio 2024

Chet Baker - Collection.

Chesney Henry "Chet" Baker, Jr. (23 de dezembro de 1929 – 13 de maio de 1988) foi um trompetista e cantor de jazz norte-americano.

Criado até os dez anos numa quinta em Oklahoma, partiu para Los Angeles no final dos anos 1930, quando começou a estudar teoria musical. Chet Baker sempre foi influenciado pelo seu pai, guitarrista, de quem herdou a paixão pela música e de quem recebeu, aos 10 anos de idade, um trombone. Amante do Jazz, não tardou em conquistar o sucesso, sendo apontado como um dos melhores trompetistas do gênero logo com o seu primeiro álbum. 

Ainda bem jovem, passou a integrar grupos de renome da música americana da época. Os seus primeiros trabalhos foram com a Vido Musso's Band e com Stan Getz, porém, Chet só conheceu o sucesso depois do convite de Charlie Parker (Bird), em 1951, para uma série de apresentações na Costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos. Em 1952 entrou para a banda de Gerry Mulligan, alcançando grande notoriedade com a primeira versão de My Funny Valentine. Entretanto, devido aos problemas de Gerry com as drogas, o quarteto acabou por ter uma vida curta, sustentando-se por menos de um ano. Mas o talento de Chet logo o transformaria num ídolo, por toda a América e pela Europa. 

Especialistas dividem a vasta obra do músico em duas etapas: a fase cool, do início da sua carreira, mais ligada ao virtuosismo jazzístico, e a outra, a partir de 1957, quando a sensibilidade na interpretação torna-se ainda mais evidente. 

Avesso às partituras, Chet não deixou, entretanto, de integrar as big bands americanas. Era dotado de uma extrema criatividade, inaugurando um modo de cantar no qual a voz era quase sussurrada. Possivelmente, exerceu grande influência em alguns dos grandes nomes da bossa nova, como João Gilberto e Carlos Lyra, embora alguns, como o contrabaixista Sizão Machado, acreditem que a bossa nova é que teria influenciado os músicos americanos — e não o contrário. 
Para tocar as músicas, Chet apenas pedia o tom econômico nas notas (ao contrário de outros trompetistas, como Dizzy Gillespie, que preferiam o virtuosismo), improvisava com sentimento. Certo dia, deram-lhe o tom errado de uma música de propósito, e mesmo assim Chet Baker conseguiu encontrar um caminho harmônico.[carece de fontes] Valorizava as frases melódicas com notas longas e encorpadas, o que acabou valendo-lhe o rótulo de cool. 

No começo dos anos 1960, Chet realizou diversas experiências com o flugelhorn, instrumento de timbre macio e aveludado. 

Contudo, o seu glorioso trajeto na música não lhe rendeu uma vida segura, afastada de problemas; por causa do seu envolvimento com drogas, especialmente com a heroína (durante as suas crises de abstinência, que eram monitoradas por médicos, usava metadona). Chet foi preso muitas vezes, é dito que chegou a ser espancado por não ter pago uma dívida contraída com a compra de drogas. Este episódio teria-lhe rendido a perda de vários dentes. 

Para alguns especialistas, as falhas na sua arcada dentária teriam contribuído para prejudicar a sua performance. Contudo, para outros, contraditoriamente, tal facto teria obrigado o músico a enveredar pelas nuances do instrumento, alcançando, deste modo, sonoridades ímpares e inconfundíveis. 

Em maio de 1983, durante uma das suas inúmeras viagens à Holanda, produziu gravações com o pianista Michael Graillier e com o baixista italiano Ricardo Del Fra, parceiro do baterista brasileiro Afonso Vieira. 

Em 1985, Chet Baker esteve no Brasil para duas apresentações na primeira edição do Free Jazz Festival. A banda era formada pelo pianista brasileiro Rique Pantoja (com quem Chet já havia gravado um disco no início dos anos 1980 — Chet Baker & The Boto Brasilian Quartet), pelo baixista Sizão Machado, pelo baterista americano Bob Wyatt e pelo flautista Nicola Stilo. A primeira apresentação, no Hotel Nacional, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, foi considerada magnífica por muitos e decepcionante por alguns, mas a apresentação em São Paulo, igualmente tida por alguns como um sucesso e por outros como decepcionante, quase entra para a história do Jazz pela porta dos fundos: depois do espetáculo, já no seu quarto, no Maksoud Plaza, Chet surripiou a maleta do médico que o acompanhava e tomou doses cavalares das drogas que lhe estavam a ser administradas para controlar as crises de abstinência. Chet teve uma overdose e quase morreu. 

Naquele mesmo ano, em Roma, o trompetista iniciou, com Rique Pantoja, as gravações de Rique Pantoja & Chet Baker (WEA, Musiquim), que terminariam em São Paulo, no ano de 1987. O LP foi um sucesso de crítica. 

Chet Baker morreu aos 58 anos, em Amsterdã, de forma trágica e misteriosa: na madrugada de 13 de maio de 1988, ao cair da janela do Hotel Prins Hendrik. Até hoje, há controvérsias sobre as circunstâncias de sua morte — acidente ou suicídio. Sua hospedagem foi no quarto 210. Foi sepultado no Inglewood Park Cemetery, em Los Angeles. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.

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Ensemble (1953)
01. Bockhanal (3:00)
02. Ergo (3:11)
03. Moonlight Becomes You (3:27)
04. Headline (3:11)
05. A Dandy Line (2:51)
06. Little Old Lady (2:50)
07. Goodbye (3:50)
08. Pro Defunctus (3:27)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Bockhanal (Alternate Take) (2:34)
10. Moonlight Becomes You (Alternate Take) (2:55)
11. A Dandy Line (Alternate Take) (2:51)
12. Little Old Lady (Alternate Take) (2:01)
13. Goodbye (Alternate Take) (3:41)

Chet Baker & Strings (1954)
01. You Don't Know What Love Is (3:28)
02. I'm Thru With Love (2:36)
03. Love Walked In (2:56)
04. You'd Better Go Now (3:04)
05. I Married an Angel (3:35)
06. Love (2:33)
07. I Love You (2:46)
08. What A Diff'rence A Day Made (2:39)
09. Why Shouldn't I (3:34)
10. Little Duet for Zoot and Chet (2:35)
11. The Wind (3:59)
12. Trickleydidlier (2:39)
Bonus Tracks.
13. You Don't Know What Love Is (Alternate Take) (3:27)
14. You'd Better Go Now (Alternate Take) (3:08)
15. Little Duet for Zoot and Chet (Alternate Take) (2:39)

Chet Baker Quartet - Jazz At Ann Arbor (1954)
01. Annoucement (0:18)
02. Line for Lyons (7:16)
03. Lover Man (6:06)
04. My Funny Valentine (5:26)
05. Maid In Mexico (5:11)
06. Stella By Starlight (4:33)
07. My Old Flame (6:04)
08. Headline (5:06)
09. Russ Job (6:18)
Bonus Tracks.
10. Zing Went the Strings Of My Heart (6:04)
11. My Little Suede Shoes (6:30)
12. Line for Lyons (5:32)
13. My Old Flame (5:46)
14. Everything Happens To Me (5:20)

Chet Baker Sextet (1954)
01. Little Man, You've Had a Busy Day (4:45)
02. Dot's Groovy (4:34)
03. Stella By Starlight (3:55)
04. Tommyhawk (3:43)
05. I'm Glad There Is You (3:14)
06. Half Dozens (2:23)
07. Dot's Groovy (EP Take) (3:09)
08. Stella By Starlight (EP Take) (3:09)
09. A-Minor Benign (4:20)
10. Ponder (4:27)
11. Twenties Late (5:41)
12. X (Bob Zieff) (4:33)

The Trumpet Artistry Of Chet Baker (1955)
01. I'm Glad There Is You (3:10)
02. Moon Love (3:14)
03. Moonlight Becomes You (2:51)
04. Imagination (2:57)
05. Little Man You've Had a Busy Day (4:39)
06. Goodbye (3:39)
07. All the Things You Are (2:52)
08. No Ties (2:55)
09. Happy Little Sunbeam (2:38)
10. Bea's Flat (2:56)
11. Russ Job (4:19)
12. Tommy Hawk (3:38)

'Cools' Out (1956)
01. The Route (5:06)
02. Lucious Lou (5:39)
03. Pawnee Junction (4:05)
04. Extra Mild (5:20)
05. Helena (4:38)
06. Jumpin' Off a Cliff (4:55)

Chet Baker & Art Pepper - Playboys (1956)
01. For Minors Only (4:02)
02. Minor Yours (6:44)
03. Resonant Emotions (5:42)
04. Tynan Time (5:32)
05. Picture of Heath (6:45)
06. For Miles And Miles (6:26)
07. C.T.A. (5:14)

Chet Baker & Art Pepper - The Route (1956)
01. Tynan Time (6:18)
02. The Route (5:04)
03. Sonny Boy (3:55)
04. Minor Yours (7:11)
05. Little Girl (4:14)
06. Ol' Croix (5:27)
07. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (4:07)
08. The Great Lie (4:16)
09. Sweet Lorraine (3:08)
10. If I Should Love You (4:18)
11. Younger Than Springtime (Richard Rodgers/Oscar Hammerstein II) (4:30)

Chet Baker & Bud Shank - The James Dean Story (Soundtrack 1956)
01. Jimmy's Theme (2:52)
02. The Search (4:46)
03. Lost Love (3:39)
04. People (3:35)
05. The Movie Star (3:36)
06. Fairmont, Indiana (4:34)
07. Rebel at Work (3:44)
08. Success and then What? (3:58)
09. Let Me Be Loved (4:11)
10. Hollywood (5:06)
11. Let Me Be Loved (Vocal Version) (2:14)

Chet Baker & Crew (1956)
01. To Mickey's Memory (5:12)
02. Slightly Above Moderate (6:59)
03. Halema (3:51)
04. Revelation (3:58)
05. Something for Liza (4:05)
06. Lucius Lu (5:34)
07. Worryin' The Life Out of Me (2:59)
08. Medium Rock (5:30)
09. To Mickey's Memory (Alternate Take) (5:25)
10. Jumpin' Off A Clef (4:55)
11. Chippyin' (3:20)
12. Pawnee Junction (4:01)
13. Music to Dance By (4:35)
14. Line for Lyons (2:48)

Chet Baker Big Band (1956)
01. A Foggy Day (3:27)
02. Mythe (4:25)
03. Worrying the Life Out of Me (5:18)
04. Chet (4:10)
05. Not Too Slow (3:50)
06. Phil's Blues (4:36)
07. Darn That Dream (3:28)
08. Dinah (4:38)
09. V-Line (3:23)
10. Tenderly (4:05)

Sings (1956)
01. That Old Feeling (3:02)
02. It's Always You (3:33)
03. Like Someone In Love (2:24)
04. My Ideal (4:20)
05. I've Never Been In Love Before (4:26)
06. My Buddy (3:19)
07. But Not for Me (3:02)
08. Time Afte-r Time (2:45)
09. I Get Along Without You Very Well (2:58)
10. My Funny Valentine (2:18)
11. There Will Never Be Another You (2:59)
12. The Thrill Is Gone (2:50)
13. I Fall In Love Too Easily (3:19)
14. Look For The Silver Lining (2:40)

Chet Baker With Bobby Jaspar - I Get Chet (1957)
01. How About You (4:25)
02. Once In A While (5:30)
03. Chekeetah (5:57)
04. Alone Together (3:52)
05. Chet (3:08)
06. Dinah (3:08)
07. Tasty Pudding (4:44)
08. Anticipated Blues (2:33)
09. Vline (3:03)
10. Exitus (8:30)

Russ Freeman, Chet Baker - Quartet (1957)
01. Love Nest (4:14)
02. Fan Tan (5:37)
03. Summer Sketch (4:34)
04. An Afternoon At Home (5:08)
05. Say When (5:00)
06. Lush Life (4:43)
07. Amblin (7:12)
08. Hugo Hurwhey (4:23)

In New York (1958)
01. Fair Weather (6:55)
02. Polka Dots and Moonbeams (7:57)
03. Hotel 49 (9:52)
04. Solar (5:49)
05. Blue Thoughts (7:35)
06. When Lights Are Low (6:54)
07. Soft Winds (6:26)

Introduces Johnny Pace (1958)
01. All Or Nothing at All (3:18)
02. Crazy, She Calls Me (4:10)
03. The Way You Look Tonight (3:09)
04. This Is Always (3:35)
05. When The Sun Comes Out (4:02)
06. What Is There to Say (3:34)
07. Everything I've Got Belongs To You (2:37)
08. We Could Make Such Beautiful Music (3:09)
09. It Might as Well Be Spring (3:46)
10. Yesterdays (4:59)

It Could Happen To You (1958)
01. Do It The Hard Way (3:00)
02. I'm Old Fashioned (5:04)
03. You're Driving Me Crazy (2:54)
04. It Could Happen To You (2:50)
05. My Heart Stood Still (3:26)
06. The More I See You (3:03)
07. Everything Happens To Me (5:02)
08. Dancing On The Ceiling (3:06)
09. How Long Has This Been Going On? (4:07)
10. Old Devil Moon (3:57)
11. While My Lady Sleeps (Take 10) (4:19)
12. You Make Me Feel So Young (Take 5) (3:37)


Stan Getz & Chet Baker - Stan Getz Meets Chet Baker (1958)
01. I'll Remember April (12:24)
02. Ballad Medley: (14:34)
Autumn In New York
Embraceable You
What's New

03. Jordu (8:31)
04. Half-Breed Apache (14:49)


Chet (1958-1959)
01. Alone Together (6:46)
02. How High The Moon (3:31)
03. It Never Entered My Mind (4:36)
04. 'Tis Autumn (5:12)
05. If You Could See Me Now (5:11)
06. September Song (3:00)
07. You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (4:38)
08. Time On My Hands (You In My Arms) (4:27)
09. You And The Night And The Music (3:50)
10. Early Morning Mood (Bonus Track) (9:00)

In Milan (1959)
01. Lady Bird (4:44)
02. Cheryl Blues (4:58)
03. Tune Up (5:17)
04. Line for Lyons (7:45)
05. Pent Up House (4:59)
06. Looking for the Silver Lining (4:33)
07. Indian Summer (5:13)
08. My Old Flame (4:56)

Chet Baker With Fifty Italian Strings (1959)
01. I Should Care (2:46)
02. Violets for Your Furs (3:16)
03. The Song Is You (2:30)
04. When I Fall In Love (3:34)
05. Goodbye (4:59)
06. Autumn In New York (3:30)
07. Angel Eyes (4:32)
08. Street of Dreams (2:26)
09. Forgetful (2:41)
10. Deep In a Dream (4:30)

Plays The Best Of Lerner & Loewe (1959)
01. I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face (4:11)
02. I Could Have Danced All Night (3:39)
03. The Heather On The Hill (5:01)
04. On The Street Where You Live (8:35)
05. Almost Like Being In Love (4:49)
06. Thank Heaven for Little Girls (4:31)
07. I Talk To the Trees (5:47)
08. Show Me (6:29)


Chet Baker & Bill Evans - The Complete Legendary Session (1959)
01. Alone Together
02. How high the moon
03. It Never Entered My Mind
04. 'Tis Autumn
05. If You Could See Me Now
06. September Song
07. You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To
08. Time on My Hands
09. You and the Night and the Music
10. Early Morning Mood
11. Show Me
12. I Talk to the Trees
13. Thank Heaven for Little Girls
14. I Could Have Danced All Night
15. Almost Like Being in Love

Chet Baker Sextet - Chet Is Back! (1962)
01. Well, You Needn't (6:23)
02. These Foolish Things (4:56)
03. Barbados (8:26)
04. Star Eyes (6:58)
05. Over the Rainbow (3:30)
06. Pent-Up House (6:51)
07. Ballata in Forma Di Blues (10:06)
08. Blues in the Closet (7:41)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Chetty's Lullaby (4:04)
10. So Che Ti Perdero (4:16)
11. Motivo Su Raggio Di Luna (3:53)
12. Il Mio Domani Written (5:21)

Baby Breeze (1964)
01. Baby Breeze (3:06)
02. Born to Be Blue (4:03)
03. This Is the Thing (4:51)
04. I Wish You Love (3:09)
05. Everything Depends On You (3:21)
06. One With One (3:420
07. Pamela's Passion (5:19)
08. The Touch Of Your Lips (2:39)
09. Comin' Down (4:25)
10. You're Mine, You (3:08)
11. Sweet Sue, Just You (2:16)
12. A Taste of Honey (2:57)
13. Think Beautiful (4:18)
Bonus Tracks.
14. I Wish You Love (Alternative Take) (3:24)
15. Think Beautiful (Alternative Take) (4:18)

Sings And Plays With Bud Shank, Russ Freeman And Strings, 1955 (1964)
01. Let's Get Lost (3:42)
02. This Is Always (3:07)
03. Long Ago and Far Away (3:56)
04. Someone to Watch Over Me (3:01)
05. Just Friends (2:40)
06. I Wish I Knew (3:59)
07. Daybreak (2:40)
08. You Don't Know What Love Is (4:49)
09. Grey December (3:40)
10. I Remember You (3:14)

The Most Important Jazz Album Of (1964-65)
01. Soultrane (4:41)
02. Walkin' (2:57)
03. Tadd's Delight (3:54)
04. Whatever Possess'd Me (4:01)
05. Retsim B (5:46)
06. Gnid (5:00)
07. Ann, Wonderful One (4:45)
08. Mating Call (3:53)
09. Margerine (4:33)
10. Flight to Jordan (3:30)

Baker’s Holiday (1965)
01. Travelin' Light (3:07)
02. Easy Living (3:34)
03. That Ole Devil Called Love (3:12)
04. You're My Thrill (2:56)
05. Crazy She Calls Me (3:12)
06. When Your Lover Has Gone (3:50)
07. Mean to Me (3:30)
08. These Foolish Things (Remind Me Of You) (3:25)
09. There Is No Greater Love (2:30)
10. Don't Explain (3:30)

Chet Baker Quintet - Smokin' With The Chet Baker Quintet, 1965 (1966)
01. Grade "A" Gravy (6:24)
02. Serenity (5:17)
03. Fine And Dandy (7:21)
04. Have You Met Miss Jones? (6:35)
05. Rearin' Back (6:00)
06. So Easy (6:52)

Chet Baker And The Carmel Strings - Quietly There (1966)
01. Early Autumn (2:43)
02. I Left My Heart In San Francisco (2:29)
03. Forget Him (2:41)
04. The Christmas Song (3:05)
05. Quietly There (2:38)
06. Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most (2:52)
07. Stranger on the Shore (2:39)
08. You Don't Have to Say You Love Me (2:35)
09. The More I See You (2:48)
10. No More Blues (Chega de Saudade) (2:24)
11. Message to Michael (2:42)
12. (You're My) Soul and Inspiration (2:38)

Chet Baker Quintet - Groovin' With The Chet Baker Quintet, 1965 (1966)
01. Madison Avenue (5:51)
02. Lonely Star (7:49)
03. Wee, Too (7:37)
04. Tan Gaugin (6:16)
05. Cherokee (6:45)
06. Bevan Beeps (5:05)

Chet Baker Quintet - Boppin' With The Chet Baker Quintet, 1965 (1967)
01. Go-Go (4:32)
02. Lament For The Living (7:00)
03. Pot Luck (8:14)
04. Bud's Blues (6:17)
05. Romas (6:52)
06. On a Misty Night (7:33)

Chet Baker Quintet - Comin’ On With The Chet Baker Quintet, 1965 (1967)
01. Comin' On (5:39)
02. Stairway To The Stars (4:42)
03. No Fair Lady (8:10)
04. When You Are Gone (4:04)
05. Choose Now (5:47)
06. Chabootie (5:53)
07. Carpie's Groove (6:34)

Chet Baker Quintet - Cool Burnin' With The Chet Baker Quintet, 1965 (1967)
01. Hurry (4:54)
02. I Waited For You (6:33)
03. The 490 (6:10)
04. Cut Plug (4:40)
05. Boudoir (6:24)
06. Etude In Three (5:12)
07. Sleeping Susan (8:46)

Albert's House (1969)
01. Albert's House (2:25)
02. Farewell San Francisco (4:40)
03. Time (4:21)
04. I Should Have Told You (4:20)
05. How Dare You Sir (3:19)
06. End Of The Line (3:16)
07. Pretty People (3:21)
08. Sunday In Town (4:36)
09. A Man Who Used to Be (3:18)
10. Never Had This Felling Before (3:24)
11. Life (4:05)
12. Nice Little Girls (3:48)

Blood, Chet And Tears (1970)
01. Easy Come, Easy Go (2:51)
02. Sugar, Sugar (2:52)
03. Something (3:20)
04. Spinning Wheel (3:16)
05. Vehicle (2:44)
06. The Letter (3:34)
07. And When I Die (2:57)
08. Come Saturday Morning (2:48)
09. Evil Ways (3:35)
10. You've Made Me So Very Happy (3:40)

She Was Too Good To Me (1974)
01. Autumn Leaves (7:05)
02. She Was Too Good To Me (4:39)
03. Funk In Deep Freeze (6:06)
04. Tangarine (5:29)
05. With A Song In My Heart (4:03)
06. What'll I Do (4:00)
07. It's You Or No One (4:28)
08. My Future Just Passed (4:46)


Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Carnegie Hall Concert (1975)
01. Line For Lyons (8:16)
02. Margarine (5:59)
03. For An Unfinished Woman (8:51)
04. My Funny Valentine (8:42)
05. Song Dor Strayhorn (9:42)
06. It's Sandy At The Beach (9:39)
07. K-4 Pacific (11:46)
08. There Will Never Be Another You (6:53)
09. Bernie's Tune (7:55)

The Incredible Plays And Sings (1977)
01. Autumn Leaves (4:30)
02. Sad Walk (4:46)
03. Highblown (4:47)
04. Laura (4:58)
05. Love Vibration (5:42)
06. Whatever Possessed Me (6:40)
07. I Waited For You (7:24)

You Can't Go Home Again (1977)
01. Love for Sale (12:58)
02. Un Poco Loco (9:20)
03. You Can't Go Home Again (5:43)
04. El Morro (13:14)

The Chet Baker Quintet - In Concerto: Live In Florence, 1956 (1978)
01. This Is Always (6:24)
02. Ray's Idea (18:00)
03. You Don't Know What Love Is (6:24)
04. Stella By Starlight (13:00)
05. Cool Blues (8:35)

Oh You Crazy Moon (1978)
01. The Touch of Your Lips (10:58)
02. Beautiful Black Eyes (14:30)
03. Oh You Crazy Moon (9:15)
04. Love for Sale (11:33)
05. Once Upon a Summertime (8:56)
06. My Funny Valentine (8:56)

Rachel Gould, Chet Baker - All Blues (1979)
01. All Blues (5:31)
02. My Funny Valentine (5:36)
03. Bangles Bangles And Beads (6:52)
04. Straight No Chaser (3:51)
05. 'Round Midnight (5:05)
06. I've Got You Under My Skin (4:57)
07. Phil's Bossa (5:30)

Broken Wing (1979)
01. Broken Wing (7:08)
02. Oh You Crazy Moon (7:03)
03. Black Eyes (8:47)
04. Blue Gilles (11:11)
05. How Deep Is the Ocean (8:32)

The Touch Of Your Lips (1979)
01. I Waited for You (8:10)
02. But Not for Me (6:00)
03. Autumn In New York (5:54)
04. Blue Room (8:36)
05. The Touch Of Your Lips (8:17)
06. Star Eyes (5:43)
07. Autumn In New York (Take 2) (4:47)

 Chet Baker - Steve Houben, 1979 (1980)
01. This Is Always (7:43)
02. Sweet Martine (8:15)
03. Beatrice (6:46)
04. Deep In a Dream (5:47)
05. Once I Loved (4:47)

Chet Baker Meets Enrico Pieranunzi - Soft Journey (1979-1980)
01. Soft Journey (6:00)
02. Animali Diurni (5:43)
03. Brown Cat Dance (7:50)
04. My Funny Valentine (10:35)
05. Night Bird (6:20)
06. Fairy Flowers (5:05)

Chet Baker, Wolfgang Lackerschmid Feat Larry Coryell, Buster Williams, Tony Williams, 1979 (1980)
01. Mr. Biko (9:03)
02. Balzwaltz (6:16)
03. The Latin One (2:25)
04. Rue Gregoire Du Tour (6:32)
05. Here's That Rainy Day (4:14)
06. Toku Do (6:28)

Chet Baker Meets Novos Tempos Group - Salsamba (1980)
01. Salsamba (6:00)
02. Inaia (7:40)
03. Sei La (5:45)
04. Balsa (4:55)
05. Julinho (5:20)
06. Novos Tempos (5:00)
07. Forget Full (8:30)
08. Balao (4:55)

Chet Baker Trio - Daybreak (1980)
01. For Minors Only (6:28)
02. Daybreak (11:24)
03. You Can't Go Home Again (11:04)
04. Broken Wing (8:01)
05. Down (11:04)

Leaving (1980)
01. Gershwin Goes To Rio (6:22)
02. Leaving (9:37)
03. You've Flipped Out (4:15)
04. Tempus Fugit (4:52)
05. Blues Pour C.R. (6:01)
06. Prayer for the Newborn (3:26)
07. When I Fall In Love (6:23)

Once Upon A Summertime (1980)
01. Tidal Breeze (6:50)
02. Shifting Down (7:28)
03. ESP (5:38)
04. The Song Is You (9:14)
05. Once Upon a Summertime (La Valse Des Lilas) (11:22)

Two A Day, 1978 (1980)
01. Two a Day (3:27)
02. Blue Room (7:53)
03. If I Should Lose You (6:59)
04. This Is Always (9:14)
05. The Best Thing for You (8:12)

Live At The Salt Peanuts Club: I Remember You (1981)
01. Belle Meade (12:17)
02. I Remember You (9:58)
03. Night Bird (10:09)
04. Tempus Fugit (8:24)

Live At The Salt Peanuts Club: My Funny Valentine (1981)
01. Resonant Emotions (9:50)
02. Ray's Idea (13:00)
03. My Funny Valentine (7:50)
04. If I Should Loose You (14:30)

Chet Baker, Jim Hall, Hubert Laws - Studio Trieste (1982)
01. Swan Lake (8:42)
02. All Blues (9:43)
03. Malaguena (9:44)
04. Django (10:02)

Chet Baker, Lee Konitz - In Concert, 1974 (1982)
01. There Will Never Be Another You (9:54)
02. Airegin (9:23)
03. Au Privave (11:33)
04. Just Friends (6:25)
05. Body and Soul (11:23)
06. This Is Always (6:09)
07. Willow Weep for Me (7:27)
08. Walkin' (5:24)

Chet Baker Trio - This Is Always (1982)
01. How Deep Is the Ocean (11:05)
02. House of Jade (7:35)
03. Love for Sale (9:55)
04. This Is Always (9:00)
05. Way To Go Out (10:03)

Live At The Salt Peanuts Club: 'Round Midnight, 1981 (1982)
01. Prayer for the Newborn (7:08)
02. My Ideal (8:16)
03. Lady Bird (7:13)
04. 'Round Midnight (9:37)
05. Beatrice (14:45)

Peace (1982)
01. 3 + 1 = 5 (7:35)
02. Peace (4:17)
03. Lament For Thelonious (10:10)
04. The Song Is You (7:06)
05. Shadows (4:35)
06. For Now (7:30)
07. 3 + 1 = 5 (Alternate Take-Bonus Track) (6:53)

Live At New Morning (1983)
01. Out of Nowhere (11:29)
02. My Funny Valentine (12:59)
03. I Remember You (11:05)
04. New Morning Blues (7:29)

Chet Baker, Philip Catherine, Jean Louis Rassinfosse - Crystal Bells (1983)
01. Crystal Bells (6:14)
02. Strollin (7:20)
03. Lament (7:27)
04. Leaving (9:36)
05. Cherokee (6:46)
06. Estate (5:30)

Chet Baker Quartet - In Your Own Sweet Way, 1980 (1983)
01. Intro By Chet Baker (0:34)
02. No Ties (27:02)
03. In Your Own Sweet Way (16:04)
04. Old Devil Moon (15:55)

Chet Baker Quartet - No Problem, 1979 (1983)
01. No Problem (9:50)
02. Sultry Eve (7:04)
03. Glad I Met Pat (5:12)
04. Kiss Of Spain (7:20)
05. The Fuzz (6:08)
06. My Queen Is Home To Stay (7:16)
07. Jealous Blues (8:49)

Chet Baker Trio - Someday My Prince Will Come (1983)
01. Gnid (8:33)
02. Love Vibrations (9:52)
03. Sad Walk (10:41)
04. Someday My Prince Will Come (7:49)
05. I'm Old Fashioned (7:26)
06. In Your Own Sweet Way (10:11)


Stan Getz Quartet With Chet Baker - Quintessence Vol. 1 (1983)
01. Intro Announcement (0:41)
02. I'm Old Fashioned (6:33)
03. Just Friends (8:50)
04. Star Eyes (9:36)
05. My Ideal (5:44)
06. But Not For Me (10:12)
07. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:07)
08. Stablemates (7:41)

Stan Getz Quartet With Chet Baker - Quintessence Vol. 2 (1983)
01. Conception (7:44)
02. We'll Be Together Again (6:56)
03. I'll Remember April (9:05)
04. Blood Count (4:23)
05. It's You Or No One (6:48)
06. Airegin (5:35)
07. Line For Lyons (2:20)

Stan Getz & Chet Baker - The Stockholm Concerts (1983)
CD 1.

01. Announcement (1:43)
02. Stablemates (10:50)
03. We'll Be Together Again (7:42)
04. On the Up and Up (10:52)
05. How Long Has This Been Going on (5:53)
06. O Grande Amor (7:08)
07. Just Friends (11:09)

CD 2.

01. My Funny Valentine (9:00)
02. Sipping at Bell's (8:40)
03. Stella By Starlight (5:40)
04. Airegin (7:46)
05. The Baggage Room Blues (8:33)
06. We'll Be Together Again (7:33)
07. I'll Remember April (11:10)

CD 3.

01. Annoucement (1:25)
02. Just Friends (8:38)
03. My Funny Valentine (8:22)
04. Sippin' at Bell's (9:02)
05. Blood Count 95:04)
06. Milestones (9:55)
07. Airegin (8:47)
08. Dear Old Stockholm (5:28)
09. Line for Lyons (2:12)


Stan Getz & Chet Baker - Line For Lyons (1983)
01. Just Friends (10:05)
02. Stella By Starlight (5:48)
03. Airegin (8:45)
04. My Funny Valentine (8:27)
05. Milestones (10:07)
06. Dear Old Stockholm (5:33)
07. Line for Lyons (2:24)

Chet Baker Quartet - Just Friends (1984)
01. Doodlin' (22:42)
02. Just Friends (24:46)

At Capolinea (1984)
01. Estate (11:50)
02. Francamente (5:13)
03. Dream Drop (4:22)
04. Lament (9:34)
05. Pioggia Sul Deserto (5:24)
06. Finestra Sul Mare (6:50)

Chet Baker With Ake Johansson Trio - Live In Sweden (1984)
01. Lament (12:54)
02. My Ideal (7:41)
03. Beatrice (10:15)
04. Ellen David (8:33)
05. You Can't Go Home Again (7:45)
06. Ray's Idea (6:27)
07. Milestones (8:17)
08. But Not for Me (8:00)

Chet Baker With The Per Husby Trio - The Improviser (1984)
01. Margarine (9:35)
02. Polka Dots And Moonbeams (8:15)
03. Beatrice (8:55)
04. Gnid (10:25)
05. Night Bird (13:25)

Kirk Lightsey Trio With Chet Baker - Everything Happens To Me (1984)
01. Inner Urge (6:07)
02. Girl With the Purple Eyes (4:58)
03. Ray's Ideas (4:52)
04. Speak No Evil (6:57)
05. Everything Happens To Me (10:45)
06. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum (6:53)

Mister B. (1984)
01. Dolphin Dance (6:22)
02. Ellen and David (6:16)
03. Strollin' (7:20)
04. In Your Own Sweet Way (7:14)
05. Mister B. (4:05)
06. Beatrice (4:45)
07. White Blues (4:57)
08. Father X-Mas (5:00)

September Song (1984)
01. September Song (8:08)
02. My Fanny Valentine (6:43)
03. I Remember You (4:22)
04. But Beautiful (4:35)
05. Barbados (11:29)
06. September Song (7:38)
07. Solar (4:05)

Candy (1985)
01. Love for Sale (9:55)
02. Nardis (5:20)
03. Candy (5:05)
04. Bye, Bye Blackbird (7:50)
05. Sad Walk (4:50)
06. Tempus Fugit (4:23)
07. Red's Blues (4:16)
Bonus Tracks.
08. Red Michell (8:15)
09. My Romance (5:46)

Chet Baker & Paul Bley - Diane (1985)
01. If I Should Lose You (7:16)
02. You Go To My Head (7:03)
03. How Deep Is the Ocean (5:17)
04. Pent-Up House (3:55)
05. Everytime We Say Goodbye (7:52)
06. Diane (5:31)
07. Skidadidlin' (4:16)
08. Little Girl Blue (5:27)

Chet Baker And The Lighthouse All-Stars - Witch Doctor, 1953 (1985)
01. Loaded (7:50)
02. I'll Remember April (11:51)
03. Winter Wonderland (4:20)
04. Pirouette (7:48)
05. Witch Doctor (9:09)

Chet Baker Quintet Featuring Warne Marsh - Blues For A Reason (1985)
01. Well Spoken (9:05)
02. If You Could See Me Now (5:35)
03. We Know It's Love (6:28)
04. Looking Good Tonight (8:28)
05. Imagination (7:30)
06. Blues for a Reason (8:38)
Bonus Tracks.
07. Looking Good Tonight (Take 2) (5:19)
08. We Know It's Love (Take 2) (6:30)

Chet Baker Trio - Live From The Moonlight (1985)
CD 1.

01. Polka Dots and Moonbeams (13:29)
02. Night Bird (11:32)
03. Estate (17:27)
04. Polka Dots and Moonbeams (18:06)
05. Arbor Way (16:46)

CD 2.

01. Dee's Dilemma (15:05)
02. How Deep Is the Ocean (10:06)
03. My Folish Heart (13:57)
04. My Funny Valentine (11:44)
05. Broken Wing (13:24)
06. Funk In Deep Freeze (13:39)

Chet Baker Trio Featuring Philip Catherine - Chet's Choice (1985)
01. If I Should Lose You (4:37)
02. Sad Walk (5:30)
03. How Deep Is The Ocean (6:20)
04. Doodlin' (4:48)
05. My Foolish Heart (9:30)
06. Conception (4:40)
07. Love For Sale (9:08)
08. Adriano (4:02)
09. Blues In The Closet (6:36)
10. Stella By Starlight (7:30)

Misty (1985)
01. When I Fall in Love (15:29)
02. There Will Never Be Another You (6:44)
03. Misty (7:17)
04. Mr. B (2:58)
05. I Love My Wife (5:15)
06. Time After Time (2:26)

My Foolish Heart (1985)
01. Girl Talk (6:51)
02. My Foolish Heart (11:28)
03. The Lady Is a Tramp (2:56)
04. Solar (5:54)
05. My Funny Valentine (9:51)
06. But Not for Me (8:22)

Sentimental Walk In Paris (1985)
01. 12 + 12 (4:23)
02. Sentimental Walk (3:46)
03. Hobbylog (5:00)
04. B.B. Blues (6:00)
05. Two Much (5:02)
06. Douceurs Ternaires (5:01)
07. Yves et Jeun (3:30)
08. Pintade a Jeun (3:20)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Douceur Ternaires (Alternate Take) (2:18)
10. B.B. Blues (Alternate Take) (2:12)
11. Pardon, Mon Affaire (3:55)

The Amstel Octet & Chet Baker - Hazy Hugs (1985)
01. Shifting Down (6:27)
02. Someday You'll Leave Me (10:12)
03. Silver Blues (4:58)
04. Hazy Hugs (5:10)
05. Tergiversation (6:19)
06. Deep Soul (7:33)
Bonus Tracks.
07. Shifting Down (Alternate Take) (6:27)
08. Tergiversation (Alternate Take) (5:37)
09. Deep Soul (Alternate Take) (6:19)
10. Someday You'll Leave Me (Alternate Take) (3:58)

 Chet Baker, Wolfgang Lackerschmid - Ballads For Two, 1979 (1986)
01. Blue Bossa (3:51)
02. Five Years (3:49)
03. Why Shoudn't You Cry (4:44)
04. Dessert (6:58)
05. Softly as in the Morning Sunrise (6:10)
06. You Don't Know What Love Is (7:53)
07. Waltz for Susan (3:53)

Chet Baker Featuring Van Morrison - Nightbird: Live At Ronnie Scott's (1986)
01. But Not for Me (5:59)
02. Arborway (6:49)
03. If I Should Lose You (6:09)
04. My Ideal (5:49)
05. Nightbird (6:43)
06. Love for Sale (10:02)
07. Shifting Down (5:45)
08. You Can't Go Home Again (8:02)
09. Send In the Clowns (3:54)

Chet Baker Quartet - When Sunny Gets Blue (1986)
01. Long Ago and Far Away (6:07)
02. Here's That Rainy Day (7:04)
03. Two In the Dew (8:19)
04. I Should Care (8:37)
05. Out Of Nowhere (5:20)
06. When Sunny Gets Blue (9:06)
07. Isn't It Romantic (5:17)
08. You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (7:18)

Mike Melillo, Chet Baker - Symphonically (1986)
01. Laura (12:50)
02. This Thing By Starlight (12:00)
03. Yesterdays (8:48)
04. My Foolish Heart (8:34)
05. Dancing In The Dark (5:03)

Sings Again (1986)
01. All Of You (4:40)
02. Body and Soul (6:31)
03. Look for the Silver Lining (3:52)
04. I Can't Get Started (6:54)
05. My Funny Valentine (7:15)
06. Alone Together (6:13)
07. Someone To Watch Over Me (5:20)
08. How Deep Is the Ocean (3:48)

Strollin' (1986)
01. Sad Walk (10:24)
02. Strollin' (9:15)
03. Love for Sale (9:36)
04. Funk In Deep Freeze (9:59)
05. Leaving (16:45)
06. But Not for Me 8:21)

A Night At The Shalimar (1987)
01. Mr. B (14:05)
02. Arborway (18:40)
03. Just Friends (10:01)
04. Nightbird (15:02)
05. Conception (10:54)
06. I Remember You (9:04)

Chet Baker & Wolfgang Lackerschmid - Welcome Back (1987)
01. Welcome Back (3:55)
02. Christmas Waltz (7:39)
03. Glorias Answer (5:29)
04. Pitztal Daybreak (6:30)
05. Volta Trais (5:02)
06. Try It Dry (6:05)
07. Why Shouldn't You Cry (5:44)
08. Waltz for Berlin (7:15)

Chet Baker Quartet Featuring Phil Markowitz - Live At Nick's, 1978 (1987)
01. The Best Thing for You Is Me (9:36)
02. Broken Wing (9:52)
03. This Is Always (8:23)
04. Beautiful Black Eyes (17:02)
05. I Remember You (10:07)
06. Love for Sale (13:37)

Chet Baker Quartet - Singin' In The Midnight, 1986 (1987)
01. Blue Moon (6:29)
02. My Foolish Heart (7:42)
03. When She Smiles (6:02)
04. My Melancholy Baby (6:56)
05. Sea Breeze (6:56)
06. For All We Know (5:10)
07. Swift Shifting (7:22)
08. 'Round Midnight (7:36)

Rique Pantoja & Chet Baker - Tropical Storm (1987)
01. Cinema 1 (5:20)
02. Saci (Brazilian Goblin) (4:21)
03. Arborway (5:28)
04. So Hard To Know (5:41)
05. Te Cantei (I Made a Pass At You) (5:27)
06. Despois Da Praia (After The Beach) (4:43)

Chet Baker, Christopher Mason - Silent Nights: A Christmas Jazz Album (1987)
01. Silent Night Pt.1 (2:50)
02. The First Noel (2:06)
03. We Three Kings (2:27)
04. Hark, the Herald Angels Sing (2:01)
05. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen (3:57)
06. Amazing Grace (3:36)
07. Come All Ye Faithful (4:28)
08. Joy to the World (2:40)
09. Amen (1:41)
10. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear (1:57)
11. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (3:24)
12. Silent Night Pt.2 (4:03)

The Chet Baker Quartet With Russ Freeman - The Complete Pacific Jazz Studio Recordings, 1953-1956 (1987)
CD 1.

01. Isn't It Romantic (3:31)
02. The Lamp Is Low (2:33)
03. This Time The Dream's On Me (2:46)
04. Maid In Mexico (2:55)
05. Russ Job (2:55)
06. Imagination (3:01)
07. Long Ago And Far Away (10" LP Take) (2:15)
08. Long Ago And Far Away (12" LP Take) (2:28)
09. Carson City Stage (2:39)
10. Easy To Love (3:01)
11. Batter Up (2:54)
12. No Ties (10" LP take) (2:59)
13. No Ties (12" LP take) (3:00)
14. All The Things You Are (2:55)
15. The Thrill Is Gone (10" LP Take) (2:47)
16. The Thrill Is Gone (12" LP Take) (2:48)
17. Band Aid (2:46)
18. Bea's Flat (3:01)
19. Moon Love (10" LP take) (3:18)
20. Moon Love (12" LP take) (3:18)
21. Happy Little Sunbeam (2:43)
22. Happy Little Sunbeam (Alternate Take) (2:44)
23. I Fall In Love Too Easily (2:05)
24. Winter Wonderland (78 Take) (3:19)
25. Winter Wonderland (LP Take) (2:30)

CD 2.

01. The Thrill Is Gone (2:50)
02. But Not For Me (3:03)
03. Time After Time (2:46)
04. I Get Along Without You Very Well (2:59)
05. There Will Never Be Another You (2:59)
06. Look For the Silver Lining (2:40)
07. My Funny Valentine (2:19)
08. I Fall In Love Too Easily (3:20)
09. Daybreak (2:42)
10. Just Friends (2:44)
11. I Remember You (3:16)
12. Let's Get Lost (3:45)
13. Long Ago And Far Away (3:59)
14. You Don't Know What Love Is (4:53)
15. That Old Feeling (3:02)
16. It's Always You (3:35)
17. I've Never Been In Love Before (4:28)
18. My Buddy (3:19)
19. Like Someone In Love (2:26)
20. My Ideal (4:20)

CD 3.

01. Love Nest (4:20)
02. Fan Tan (5:43)
03. Summer Sketch (4:39)
04. An Afternoon at Home (5:12)
05. Say When (5:04)
06. Lush Life (4:56)
07. Amblin' (7:14)
08. Hugo Hurwhey (4:25)

Archie Shepp, Chet Baker Quintet - In Memory Of (1988)
01. Dedication To Bessie Smith's Blues (11:55)
02. My Foolish Heart (9:11)
03. Confirmation (11:03)
04. When Lights Are Low (9:26)
05. How Deep Is the Ocean (9:41)
06. Old Devil Moon (10:51)
07. My Ideal (7:18)

Live In Paris 1960-63, Live In Nice 1975 (1988)
Recorded on June 9, 1963, Paris. 
01. Porgy and Bess (9:47)
02. Milestones (6:30)
Recorded on October 12, 1960, Paris.
03. Autumn In New York (3:38)
04. Marilyn (3:28)
Recorded on July 20, 1975, Nice.
05. Witchcraft (7:24)
06. Stella By Starlight (10:46)
Recorded on July 24, 1975, Nice.
07. Dear Old Stockholm (4:09)
08. Mister B. (7:20)
09. I Waited For You (5:43)
10. There Will Never Be Another You (3:01)

Chet Baker, Enrico Pieranunzi - The Heart Of The Ballad (1988)
01. But Beautiful (1rst Take) (4:04)
02. But Beautiful (2nd Take) (9:48)
03. But Beautiful (3rd Take) (4:58)
04. My Old Flame (5:49)
05. The Thrill Is Gone (3:19)
06. Here's That Rainy Day (5:56)
07. If You Could See Me Now (3:30)
08. All the Way (7:02)
09. But Beautiful (4th Take) (8:08)
10. Darn That Dream (5:57)

Chet Baker Quartet - Deep In A Dream Of You, 1976 (1988)
01. Tidal Breeze (10:45)
02. If You Could See Me Now (7:38)
03. Look for the Silver Lining (7:15)
04. Deep In a Dream of You (6:55)
05. Chet’s Theme (5:36)

Chet Baker Quartet - Down (1988)
01. Afternoon At Home (17:11)
02. Down (19:48)

My Favourite Songs: The Last Great Concert Vol. I & II (1988)
CD 1.

01. All Blues (5:30)
02. My Funny Valentine (9:10)
03. Well You Needn't (6:00)
04. Summertime (4:50)
05. In Your Own Sweet Way (9:05)
06. Django (5:40)
07. I Fall In Love Too Easily (6:35)

CD 2.

01. Look for the Silver Lining (5:24)
02. I Get Along Without You Very Weil (5:57)
03. Conception (7:40)
04. There's a Small Hotel (6:11)
05. Sippin' at Bells (4:42)
06. Tenderly (6:24)
07. My Funny Valentine (Reprise) (6:47)

Chet In Paris: The Complete Barclay Recordings Of Chet Baker Vol. 1, Featuring Dick Twardzik 1955 (1988)
01. Rondette (2:11)
02. Mid-Forte (3:09)
03. Sad Walk (4:15)
04. Re-Search (5:01)
05. Just Duo (4:13)
06. Piece Caprice (5:12)
07. Pomp (4:42)
08. The Girl From Greenland (5:16)
09. Brash (5:56)
10. Chet (3:10)
11. Vline (3:05)
12. In Memory Of Dick (2:56)

Chet In Paris: The Complete Barclay Recordings Of Chet Baker Vol. 2, Everything Happens To Me, 1955 (1988)
01. Summertime (4:16)
02. You Go To My Head (5:55)
03. Tenderly (6:40)
04. Lover Man (4:52)
05. There's a Small Hotel (3:48)
06. Autumn In New York (7:07)
07. These Foolish Things (4:43)
08. I'll Remember April (5:54)
09. Alone Together (3:53)
10. Exitus (8:32)
11. Once In a While (5:37)
12. All The Things You Are (5:44)
13. Everything Happens To Me (3:38)

Chet In Paris: The Complete Barclay Recordings Of Chet Baker Vol. 3, Cheril 1955-1956 (1988)
01. Chekeetah (6:00)
02. How About You (4:27)
03. Exitus (4:14)
04. Dear Old Stockholm (Traditional) (7:43)
05. Speak Low (4:27)
06. Anticipated Blues (2:28)
07. Cheryl (3:10)
08. Tasty Puding (4:43)
09. Mythe (3:00)
10. Not Too Slow (2:50)
11. Vline (2:52)
12. In a Little Provincial Town (2:55)

Chet In Paris: The Complete Barclay Recordings Of Chet Baker Vol. 4, Alternate Takes 1955-1956 (1988)
01. Chet (3:15)
02. Dinah (3:09)
03. In Memory Of Dick (2:58)
04. Alone Together (1) (3:32)
05. Alone Together (2) (3:42)
06. Exitus (Quartet Version) (7:03)
07. All The Things You Are (5:41)
08. Chekeetah (5:06)
09. How About You (4:14)
10. Exitus (Quintet Version I) (4:28)
11. Exitus (Quintet Version II) (4:24)
12. Anticipated Blues (2:17)
13. Tasty Pudding (Take 1) (2:18)
14. Tasty Pudding (Take 2) (1:56)
15. Tasty Pudding (Take 3) (2:09)
16. Tasty Pudding (Take 4) (6:05)


Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Reunion With Chet Baker (1988)
01. Reunion (4:08)
02. When Your Lover Has Gone (5:09)
03. Stardust (4:46)
04. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (4:14)
05. Jersey Bounce (4:28)
06. The Surrey With The Fringe On Top (4:44)
07. Trav’lin’ Light (3:44)
08. Trav’lin’ Light (Alternate Take) (4:34)
09. Ornithology (5:14)
10. People Will Say We’re In Love (3:43)
11. The Song Is You (3:23)
12. Gee Baby, Ain’t I Good To You (3:36)
13. Gee Baby, Ain’t I Good To You (Alternate Take) (3:33)
14. I Got Rhythm (6:01)
15. All The Things You Are (6:46)


Live In Chateauvallon, 1978 (1989)
01. Oh, You Crazy Moon (12:40)
02. Love for Sale (15:00)
03. Beautiful Black Eyes (16:20)
04. There Will Never Be Another You (9:50)
05. Once Upon a Summertime (12:50)

Chet Baker, René Urtreger, Aldo Romano, Pierre Michelot - Paris, 1981 (1989)
01. For Minors Only (9:00)
02. Chasing the Bird (10:07)
03. But Not for Me (6:52)
04. Down (10:41)
05. My Funny Valentine (11:33)
06. Just Friends (7:17)

Chet On Poetry, 1988 (1989)
01. In A Sentimental Mood (6:43)
02. The Party Is Over (5:16)
03. With Sadness (5:06)
04. Like the Precedent (1:35)
05. Deep Arabesques (4:18)
06. Chet's Blues (4:55)
07. Almost Blue (3:23)
08. Waiting for Chet (3:11)

Cool Cat, 1986 (1989)
01. Swift Shifting (7:20)
02. 'Round Midnight (10:30)
03. Caravelle (5:47)
04. For All We Know (5:06)
05. Blue Moon (6:25)
06. My Foolish Heart (7:38)

Live In Rosenheim, Chet Baker's Last Recording As Quartet, 1988 (1989)
01. Funk In Deep Freeze (17:52)
02. I'm a Fool to Want You (8:49)
03. Portrait In Black and White (5:36)
04. In a Sentimental Mood (4:20)
05. If I Should Lose You (13:54)
06. Arborway (18:32)

Sings And Plays From The Film Let's Get Lost (1989)
01. Moon & Sand (5:30)
02. Imagination (4:52)
03. You're My Thrill (4:59)
04. For Heaven's Sake (4:51)
05. Every Time We Say Goodbye (4:48)
06. I Don't Stand a Ghost of a Chance With You (5:03)
07. Daydream (5:00)
08. Zingaro (7:33)
09. Blame It On My Youth (6:18)
10. My One and Only Love (5:30)
11. Everything Happens To Me (5:19)
12. Almost Blue (3:13)

Stella By Starlight, 1964 (1989)
01. My Funny Valentine (5:34)
02. Stella By Starlight (5:36)
03. Short Bridge (4:48)
04. Serpent's Tooth (4:57)
05. Theme for Freddy (6:15)
06. When Will the Blues Leave (5:54)
07. In Your Own Sweet Way (6:30)

The Best Thing For You, 1977 (1989)
01. The Best Thing for You (4:14)
02. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You (6:01)
03. Oh, You Crazy Moon (3:33)
04. How Deep Is the Ocean (5:41)
05. If You Could See Me Now (4:38)
06. El Morro (17:03)

Time After Time, 1985 (1989)
01. Like Someone In Love (11:21)
02. Time After Time (5:10)
03. The Lady Is a Tramp (2:49)
04. Almost Like Being In Love (7:48)
05. My Foolish Hart (4:58)
06. Chet Swings (7:06)

 As Time Goes By, 1986 (1990)
01. You and the Night and the Music (5:24)
02. As Time Goes By (6:40)
03. My Melancholy Baby (6:52)
04. I'm a Fool to Want You (8:38)
05. When She Smiles (6:00)
06. Sea Breeze (6:54)
07. You Have Been Here All Along (7:37)
08. Angel Eyes (6:04)
09. You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (4:27)
10. 'Round Midnight (7:33)

Chet Baker Quintet - Live In Europe, 1956 (1990)
01. Chekeetah (18:00)
02. You Don't Know What Love Is (6:24)
03. Stella By Starlight (13:00)
04. Exitus (11:24)

Star Eyes: Live At George's Jazz Cafe, 1983 (1990)
01. Walkin' (13:49)
02. Solar (12:15)
03. Star Eyes (18:56)

Chet Baker Sings, 1952-1962 (1990)
01. My Funny Valentine (2:18)
02. That Old Feeling (3:02)
03. Like Someone in Love (2:24)
04. My Buddy (3:18)
05. It's Always You (3:33)
06. Someone to Watch Over Me (3:00)
07. But Not for Me (3:02)
08. Look for the Silver Lining (2:39)
09. I Get Along Without You Very Well (2:58)
10. I Fall in Love Too Easily (3:19)
11. The Thrill Is Gone (2:50)
12. There Will Never Be Another You (3:00)

Seven Faces Of Valentine, 1975-1985 (1990)
01. My Funny Valentine (Bologna, 4-85) (11:30)
02. My Funny Valentine (Roma, 1-80) (8:19)
03. My Funny Valentine (Pescara Jazz Festival, 7-75) (3:18)
04. My Funny Valentine (Angouleme, 3-83) (8:46)
05. My Funny Valentine (Senigallia, 5-87) (15:40)
06. My Funny Valentine (Copenhagen, 2-83) (10:01)
07. My Funny Valentine (Locorotondo, 6-85) (5:55)

Burnin' At Backstreet, 1980 (1991)
01. Tune Up (15:20)
02. Milestones (13:05)
03. Blue 'n' Boogie (10:35)
04. Stella By Starlight (17:34)
05. Four (15:05)
06. Just Friends (5:35)

Boston, 1954 (1991)
01. Introduction (0:24)
02. Isn't It Romantic? (4:24)
03. The Wind (4:22)
04. Winter Wonderland (4:24)
05. Intermission (0:59)
06. Maid in Mexico (4:23)
07. My Funny Valentine (3:17)
08. Happy Little Sunbeam (1:40)
09. Introduction (0:24)
10. Long Ago (And Far Away) (4:43)
11. My Old Flame (5:04)
12. Band Aid (3:04)
13. Intermission (0:31)
14. A Line for Lyons (4:12)
15. My Funny Valentine (3:03)
16. Bea's Flat (2:42)
17. Russ Job (5:09)
18. Time After Time (4:19)
19. Five Brothers (0:33)

Chet Baker Meets Space Jazz Trio - Little Girl Blue, 1988 (1991)
01. I Thought About You (12:44)
02. Come Rain or Come Shine (7:13)
03. Blue in Green (9:50)
04. House of Jade (4:44)
05. Old Devil Moon (6:05)
06. Little Girl Blue (6:58)
07. Just One of Those Things (9:39)

Chet Baker Quartet - Live At Fat Tuesday's, 1981 (1991)
01. You Can't Go Home Again (10:32)
02. Ray's Idea (14:30)
03. In Your Own Sweet Way (18:52)
04. There Will Never Be Another You (14:04)

Live At Buffalo, 1984 (1991)

01. Stella By Starlight (17:11)
02. I Remember You (8:33)
03. Nightbird (10:29)
04. I'm Old Fashioned (9:47)
05. Margarine (10:38)

Out Of Nowhere, 1982 (1991)
01. Fine and Dandy (4:26)
02. There Will Never Be Another You (5:34)
03. Lady Be Good (7:13)
04. Au Privave (7:18)
05. All the Things You Are (7:09)
06. Out of Nowhere (8:09)
07. There Is No Greater Love (4:38)
08. The Theme (5:16)

Live At The Trade Winds, 1952 (1991)
01. Out Of Nowhere (16:18)
02. Bernie's Tune (7:00)
03. My Old Flame (5:27)
04. Avalon (5:55)
05. How High The Moon (11:15)
06. There Will Never Be Another Yoy (7:01)
07. Sweet Georgia Brown (5:47)
08. I'll Remember April (7:33)

Chet Baker With Strings - Heartbreak, 1986-1988 (1991)
01. Angel Eyes (5:06)
02. All of You (3:42)
03. My Funny Valentine (7:15)
04. Blue Moon (4:16)
05. I'm A Fool To Want You (7:35)
06. You and the Night And The Music (4:27)
07. As Time Goes By (5:46)
08. 'Round Midnight (6:54)
09. My Melancholy Baby (4:38)
10. My Foolish Heart (7:42)


Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - The Best Of The Gerry Mulligan Quartet With Chet Baker, 1953 (1991)
01. Bernie's Tune (2:53)
02. Nights At The Turntable (2:54)
03. Freeway (2:46)
04. Soft Shoe (2:40)
05. Walkin' Shoes (3:13)
06. Makin' Whoopee (3:29)
07. Carson City Stage (2:32)
08. My Old Flame (3:14)
09. Love Me Or Leave Me (2:45)
10. Swinghouse (2:56)
11. Jeru (2:31)
12. Darn That Dream (3:51)
13. I'm Beginning To See The Light (3:37)
14. My Funny Valentine (5:19)
15. Festive Minor (4:09)


Naima, 1983-1987 (1992)
01. Chet's Blues (4:57)
02. Mr. B (13:35)
03. Killer Joe (10:46)
04. Lover Man (7:03)
05. A Child Is Born (5:29)
06. Seven Steps to Heaven (9:11)
07. Naima (14:45)

Live At Pueblo, Colorado 1966 (1992)
01. Airegin (11:08)
02. ‘Round Midnight (8:42)
03. Green Dolphin Street (12:35)
04. Mister B. (12:08)
05. Forgetful (5:35)
06. Milestone (10:44)

Live In Bologna, 1985 (1992)
01. Conception (7:11)
02. My Foolish Heart (12:50)
03. Tune Up (7:39)
04. My Funny Valentine (10:13)
05. But Not for Me (7:03)
06. Down (11:16)

Gray December, 1954-1955 (1992)
01. Grey December (3:40)
02. I Wish I Knew (3:59)
03. Someone To Watch Over Me (3:00)
04. This Is Always (3:06)
05. Headline (3:07)
06. Ergo (3:08)
07. Bockhanal (2:58)
08. Bockhanal (Alternate Take) (2:33)
09. A Dandy Line (2:48)
10. A Dandy Line (Alternate Take) (2:48)
11. Pro Defunctus (3:26)
12. Little Old Lady (2:47)
13. Little Old Lady (Alternate Take) (2:00)
14. Moonlight Becomes You (3:24)
15. Moonlight Becomes You (Alternate Take) (2:52)
16. Goodbye (3:47)
17. Goodbye (Alternate Take) (3:42)

Chet Baker & Paul Desmond - Together: The Complete Studio Recordings, 1974-1977 (1992)
01. Tangerine (5:27)
02. You Can't Go Home Again (5:43)
03. How Deep Is The Ocean? (5:41)
04. You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (7:03)
05. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You/You've Changed (6:01)
06. Autumn Leaves (7:02)
07. Concierto De Aranjuez (19:16)


Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Gerry Mulligan Quartet Featuring Chet Baker (1992)
01. Carioca (2:29)
02. Line For Lyons (2:32)
03. Moonlight In Vermont (4:07)
04. Bark For Barksdale (3:13)
05. Turnstile (2:57)
06. The Lady Is A Tramp (3:16)
07. My Funny Valentine (2:57)
08. Limelight (2:48)
09. Gerry Mulligan Signing Off (0:23)
10. Flying The Coop (3:05)
11. Why Not (3:25)
12. So What (2:46)
13. I May Be Wrong (3:29)
14. New York (3:29)
15. Leavin' Town (2:31)
16. Hot Dog (3:26)
17. Sax Appeal (2:53)

 Italian Movies 1958-1962 (Soundtrack 1993)
01. Sentirsi Solo (4:53)

02. Thinking Blues (4:28)
03. Tema D'Amore (2:25)
04. Tensione (3:33)
05. Smog (5:23)
06. Improvvisando In Blues (3:13)
07. Relaxing With Chet (4:16)
08. Twilight In Los Angeles (6:09)
09. Furtivamente (3:47)
10. I Soliti Ignoti (4:16)
11. Motorizzazione (2:34)
12. Gassman Blues (5:33)

In Italy 1975-1988 (1994)
01. For Minors Only (5:26)
02. Forgetful (7:21)
03. Blue Room (9:52)
04. Cheryl (10:23)
05. Cherokee (10:39)
06. Dancing In The Dark (6:59)
07. Laura (12:31)
08. Solar (13:19)

But Not For Me, 1982 (1994)
01. Lament (6:52)
02. Four (4:34)
03. Line for Lyons (6:28)
04. Ellen David (8:32)
05. But Not for Me (7:55)
06. Prayer to the Newborn (7:55)

The Pacific Years, 1952-1957 (1994)
CD 1.

01. Freeway (2:46)
02. My Old Flame (3:13)
03. Five Brothers (3:00)
04. My Funny Valentine (Live) (5:18)
05. Come Out Wherever You Are (5:30)
06. What's New (3:34)
07. Half Nelson (Live) (5:45)
08. All the Things You Are (2:55)
09. Bea's Flat (3:00)
10. Moon Love (3:17)
11. Happy Little Sunbeam (2:42)
12. But Not for Me (3:03)
13. I Get Along Without You Very Well (2:59)
14. I Fall in Love Too Easily (3:22)
15. Let's Get Lost (3:44)
16. You Don't Know What Love Is (4:52)
17. Grey December (3:40)

CD 2.

01. Russ Job (6:04)
02. Lullaby of the Leaves (4:32)
03. A Dandy Line (Live) (6:25)
04. Carson City Stage (Live) (4:53)
05. All the Things You Are (Live) (17:46)
06. Love Nest (4:18)
07. Lush Life (4:56)
08. Say When (5:01)

CD 3.

01. Minor Yours (Live) (7:14)
02. Tynan Time (5:33)
03. Picture of Heath (6:45)
04. C.T.A. (5:11)
05. To Mickey's Memory (5:15)
06. Lucius Lu (5:36)
07. Jumpin' Off a Clef (4:56)
08. Music to Dance By (Live) (4:37)
09. Festive Minor (4:11)
10. The Song Is You (3:23)
11. My Old Flame (3:49)

CD 4.

01. Pro Defunctus (3:28)
02. Moonlight Becomes You (3:26)
03. Bockhanal (3:00)
04. Stella by Starlight (3:55)
05. The Half Dozens (4:11)
06. A Foggy Day (3:28)
07. Mythe (4:26)
08. Rebel at Work (3:43)
09. Let Me Be Loved (4:10)
10. Twenties Late (5:40)
11. A-Minor Benign (4:16)
12. Ponder (4:28)
13. X (4:34)

In Europe 1979-1988 (1995)
01. Double-O (Prev Unreleased) (7:07)
02. Why Shouldn't You Cry (Take 2) (4:34)
03. Interview (1:19)
04. Interview (1:50)
05. Someday You'll Leave Me (10:13)
06. Deep Soul (7:33)
07. Shifting Down (6:27)
08. Tergiversation (6:19)
09. Interview (2:08)
10. Interview (4:56)
11. I Remember Clifford (1:27)

Embraceable You, 1957 (1995)
01. The Night We Called It A Day (2:22)
02. Little Girl Blue (Instrumental Version) (4:33)
03. Embraceable You (2:06)
04. They All Laughed (2:08)
05. There's A Lull In My Life (2:53)
06. What Is There To Say (3:38)
07. While My Lady Sleeps (2:48)
08. Forgetful (2:35)
09. How Long Has This Been Going On (2:46)
10. Come Rain Or Come Shine (2:07)
11. On Green Dolphin Street (3:07)
12. Little Girl Blue (Vocal Version) (4:30)
13. Trav'lin' Light (3:09)

The Legacy, 1987 (1995)
01. Here's That Rainy Day (5:20)
02. How Deep Is The Ocean (4:35)
03. Mister B. (4:55)
04. In Your Own Sweet Way (6:50)
05. All Of You (4:15)
06. Dolphin Dance (7:10)
07. Look for the Silver Lining (5:15)
08. Django (4:30)
09. All Blues (7:05)

Chet Baker Trio - A Trumpet For The Sky Vol. 1, 1983 (1996)
01. Leaving (15:18)
02. Margarine (7:50)
03. My Funny Valentine (11:40)
04. Love for Sale (4:29)
05. Funk in Deep Freeze (3:23)
06. Ellen and David (10:51)
07. Arborway (11:55)
08. Just Friends (6:03)
09. Margarine (7:53)

Chet Baker Trio - A Trumpet For The Sky Vol. 2, 1983 (1996)
01. Cheryl (10:22)
02. When I Fall In Love (14:54)
03. Mr. B (11:02)
04. Sad Walk (9:37)
05. Four (9:18)
06. Arbor Way (12:41)
07. This Is Always (10:56)


Gerry Mulligan - The Original Tentet & Quartet Featuring Chet Baker (1996)
01. Westwood Walk (2:36)
02. Simbah (3:00)
03. Walkin' Shoes (3:39)
04. Rocker (2:30)
05. A Ballad (2:55)

06. Taking A Chance On Love (2:52)
07. Flash (3:05)
08. Ontet (3:19)
09. Varsity Drag (2:24)
10. Speak Low (2:09)
11. Half Nelson (3:02)
12. Lady Bird (4:28)
13. Love Me Or Leave Me (3:16)
14. Swing House (3:24)


Gerry Mulligan With Chet Baker - The Complete Pacific Jazz Recordings 
(Box Set 1996)
CD 1: Get Happy. 

01. Get Happy (2:33)
02. 'S Wonderful (3:34)
03. Godchild (2:51)
04. Dinah (2:57)
05. She Didn't Say Yes, She Didn't Say No (2:34)
06. Bernie's Tune (2:52)
07. Lullaby Of The Leaves (3:14)
08. Utter Chaos #1 (0:34)
09. Aren't You Glad You're You (2:52)
10. Frenesi (3:09)
11. Nights At The Turntable (2:54)
12. Freeway (2:45)
13. Soft Shoe (2:38)
14. Walkin' Shoes (3:13)
15. Aren't You Glad You're You (4:00)
16. Get Happy (5:54)
17. Poinciana (3:53)
18. Godchild (3:58)
19. Makin' Whoopee (3:28)
20. Cherry (2:56)
21. Motel (2:36)
22. Carson City Stage (2:30)

CD 2: The Original Sessions.

01. My Old Flame (3:12)
02. All The Things You Are (5:07)
03. Love Me Or Leave Me-Alt Tk (2:48)
04. Love Me Or Leave Me (2:43)
05. Swinghouse (10' LP Tk) (2:55)
06. Swinghouse (12' LP Tk) (2:56)
07. Jeru (2:31)
08. Utter Chaos #2 (0:32)
09. Darn The Dream (3:50)
10. Darn The Dream (Alt Tk) (3:22)
11. I May Be Wrong (12' LP Tk) (3:00)
12. I May Be Wrong (10' LP Tk) (2:52)
13. I'm Beginning To See The Light (10' LP Tk) (3:36)
14. I'm Beginning To See The Light (12' LP Tk) (3:08)
15. The Nearness Of You (2:52)
16. Tea For Two (2:48)
17. Five Brothers (2:59)
18. I Can't Get Started (4:03)
19. Ide's Side (4:23)
20. Funhouse (3:29)
21. My Funny Valentine (5:18)

CD 3: The Reunion.

01. People Will Say We're In Love (3:42)
02. Reunion (4:05)
03. When Your Lover Has Gone (5:08)
04. Stardust (4:43)
05. My Heart Belongs To Daddy (4:14)
06. Jersey Bounce (4:28)
07. The Surrey With The Fringe On Top (4:43)
08. Ornithology (5:10)
09. Travelin' Light (3:41)
10. Travelin' Light (Alt Tk) (4:34)
11. The Song Is You (3:23)
12. Gee Baby Ain't I Good To You (3:37)
13. Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You (Alt Tk) (3:33)
14. I Got Rhythm (6:01)
15. All The Things You Are (6:46)
16. Festive Minor (4:09)

CD 4: The Colloborations.

01. Too Marvelous For Words (3:44)
02. Lover Man (3:07)
03. I'll Remember April (4:16)
04. These Foolish Things (3:29)
05. All The Things You Are (3:55)
06. Bernie's Rune (3:33)
07. Almost Like Being In Love (2:58)
08. Sextet (3:01)
09. Broadway 2:56
10. I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me (3:09)
11. Lady Be Good (2:31)
12. Lady Be Good (Alt Tk) (1:55)
13. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (3:41)
14. This Time The Dream's On Me (3:24)
15. Let There Be Love (3:44)
16. How About You? (2:52)
17. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plans (2:25)
18. This Is Always-Alt Ver (4:00)
19. My Old Flame (3:50)
20. It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing (2:10)
21. The Lady's In Love With You (2:28)
22. I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face (Alt Ver) (3:06)
23. You Turned The Tables On Me (3:24)


Gerry Mulligan Quartet With Chet Baker (1996)
01. Line For Lyons (2:31)
02. Walking Shoes (3:12)
03. Love Me Or Leave Me (2:42)
04. Carioca (2:25)
05. Freeway (2:46)
06. Moonlight In Vermont (4:06)
07. The Lady Is A Tramp (3:12)
08. Bark For Barksdale (3:14)
09. My Funny Valentine (2:56)
10. Bernie's Tune (2:54)
11. Five Brothers (3:01)
12. Turnstile (2:57)
13. I May Be Wrong (2:58)
14. Swing House (2:56)
15. Lullaby Of The Leaves (3:13)
16. The Nearness Of You (2:51)
17. I'm Beginning To See The Light (3:07)
18. Makin' Whoopee (3:28)
19. Frenesi (3:10)
20. Nights At The Turntable (2:53)
21. Jeru (2:30)
22. Cherry (2:57)
23. Aren't You Glad You're You? (2:52)
24. Tea For Two (2:49)


In Tokyo, 1987 (1997)
CD 1.

01. Stella By Starlight (10:50)
02. For Minors Only (7:40)
03. Almost Blue (7:53)
04. Portrait In Black and White (15:46)
05. My Funny Valentine (13:14)

CD 2.

01. Four (7:28)
02. Arborway (14:00)
03. I'm a Fool To Want You (11:22)
04. Seven Steps To Heaven (7:56)
05. For All We Know (8:57)
06. Broken Wing (10:08)

Chet Baker Duo Philip Catherine - There'll Never Be Another You, 1985 (1997)
01. Beatrice (13:55)
02. There' ll Never Be Another You (9:16)
03. Leaving (16:33)
04. My Foolish Heart (15:36)

Chet Baker & Stan Getz - West Coast Live, 1954 (1997)
CD 1.

01. My Funny Valentine (2:59)
02. Strike Up the Band (5:06)
03. The Way You Look Tonight (6:18)
04. Yardbird Suite (4:49)
05. Yesterdays (4:23)
06. Winter Wonderland (4:09)
07. Come Out Wherever You Are (5:28)
08. Move (4:34)
09. What's New (3:41)
10. Half Nelson (5:42)
11. Little Willie Leaps (3:55)
12. Soft Shoe (6:06)
13. Whispering (9:04)

CD 2.

01. Bernie's Tune (3:39)
02. All the Things You Are (5:33)
03. Winter Wonderland (4:18)
04. Gone With the Wind (5:25)
05. All the Things You Are (17:42)
06. Darn That Dream (12:06)
07. Crazy Rhythm (8:41)

In Paris, 1980-1981 (1997)
01. For Minors Only (8:59)
02. Chasing the Bird (10:07)
03. But Not for Me (6:51)
04. Down (10:40)
05. My Funny Valentine (11:32)
06. Just Friends (7:17)
07. Tempus Fugit (11:12)
08. Tune Up (11:00)

Round Midnight, 1979 (1998)
01. 'Round Midnight (5:11)
02. Secret Love (4:49)
03. What's New (4:33)
04. All Blues (5:34)
05. Darn That Dream (3:43)
06. Phil's Bossa (5:46)
07. My Funny Valentine (5:33)
08. Straight No Chaser (3:40)
09. 'Round Midnight (Vocal Version) (5:08)
10. Blues for Inge (4:37)

Why Shouldn't You Cry, 1979-1987 (1999)
01. Why Shouldn't You Cry (5:48)
02. You Don't Know What Love Is (7:52)
03. Rue Gregoire du Tour (6:37)
04. Balzwaltz (6:49)
05. Five Years Ago (3:46)
05. Waltz for Berlin (7:18)
07. Dessert (6:56)
08. Toku Do (6:33)
09. Chet's Ballad (Why Shouldn't You Cry) (4:50)

Chet Baker Quartet - Live Vol. 1: This Time the Dream's On Me, 1953-1954 (2000)
01. All The Things You Are (5:08)
02. Isn't It Romantic (5:17)
03. Maid In Mexico (4:55)
04. My Funny Valentine (3:11)
05. This Time The Dream's On Me (5:05)
06. Introduction (0:33)
07. Line For Lyons (6:57)
08. Lover Man (5:59)
09. My Funny Valentine (5:30)
10. Maid In Mexico (5:16)
11. Stella By Starlight (4:22)
12. My Old Flame (6:06)
13. Headline (5:04)
14. Russ Job (6:07)

You Can't Go Home Again, 1977 (2000)
CD 1.

01. Love for Sale (12:59)
02. Un Poco Loco (10:37)
03. You Can't Go Home Again (Master Take) (5:45)
04. El Morro (Master Take) (14:20)
05. The Best Thing for You (Issued Take) (4:17)
06. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You/You've Changed (Issued Take) (6:03)
07. Oh, You Crazy Moon (3:35)
08. How Deep Is the Ocean? (5:43)
09. If You Could See Me Now (Issued Take) (4:37)
10. You Can't Go Home Again (Alt. Take) (6:27)
11. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You/You've Changed (Alt. Take) (6:08)

CD 2.

01. El Morro (Issued Alt. Composite Take) (17:20)
02. Out of Our Hands (10:33)
03. Broken Wing (5:19)
04. Paradox (5:45)
05. Blues (Traditional) (7:57)
06. The Best Thing for You
(Alt. Take) (4:26)
07. How Deep Is the Ocean? (
(Alt. Take) (5:43)
08. If You Could See Me Now
(Alt. Take) (4:56)
09. El Morro
(Alt. Take) (13:14)

Chet Baker Quartet - Live Vol. 2: Out Of Nowhere, 1954 (2001)
01. Billie's Bounce (10:22)
02. Stella By Starlight (4:50)
03. Line For Lyons (5:25)
04. Carson City Stage (5:51)
05. All The Things You Are (6:20)
06. No Ties (Incomplete) (3:10)
07. Out Of Nowhere (8:30)
08. Deep Purple (6:23)
09. Lady Bird (7:19)

Chet Baker Quartet - Live Vol. 3: My Old Flame, 1954 (2001)
01. My Little Suede Shoes (6:30)
02. Line for Lyons (5:31)
03. Lullaby Of the Leaves (4:32)
04. My Old Flame (5:45)
05. Russ Job (6:03)
06. The Wind (4:22)
07. Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart (6:00)
08. Everything Happens To Me (5:20)
09. A Dandy Line (6:23)
10. Frenesi (6:27)
11. Moonlight In Vermont (5:06)
12. Carson City Stage (7:03)

My Funny Valentine, 1955 (2001)
01. My Funny Valentine (3:06)
02. CTA (6:46)
03. Darn That Dream (4:29)
04. Chekeetah (8:26)
05. Four (8:06)
06. Ray's Idea (17:30)
07. This Is Always (6:11)
08. Cheryl (8:19)
09. Exitus (9:39)


Gerry Mulligan Quartet With Chet Baker - Walking Shoes (2001)
01. Bernie's Tune (2:56)
02. Lullaby Of The Leaves (3:14)
03. Freeway (2:48)
04. Frenesi (3:11)
05. Nights At The Turntable (2:55)
06. Aren't You Glad You're You (2:54)
07. Line For Lyons (2:53)
08. Carioca (2:27)
09. My Funny Valentine (2:57)

10. Bark For Barksdale (3:15)
11. Moonight In Vermont (4:08)
12. The Lady Is A Tramp (3:14)
13. Turnstile (2:59)
14. Makin' Whoopee (3:29)
15. Cherry (2:59)
16. Love Me Or Leave Me (2:44)
17. Swing House (2:58)
18. Jeru (2:32)
19. I Mey Be Wrong (2:59)
20. I'm Beginning To See The Light (3:09)
21. Tea For Two (2:51)
22. Five Brothers (2:59)


Chet Baker & Charlie Parker - Complete Jam Sessions, 1952-1953 (2002)
01. Indiana (11:19)
02. Liza (10:06)
03. They Didn't Believe Me (6:16)
04. The Squirrel (14:47)
05. Ornithology (2:52)
06. Barbados (3:49)
07. Cool Blues (5:36)

The Definitive Chet Baker, 1952-1983 (2002)
01. Freeway (2:44)
02. Happy Little Sunbeam (2:40)
03. I Get Along Without You Very Well (2:56)
04. My Funny Valentine (2:15)
05. Little Man You've Had a Busy Day (4:42)
06. That Old Feeling (2:59)
07. Lush Life (4:53)
08. Born To Be Blue (4:03)
09. Think Beautiful (4:18)
10. Easy Living (3:21)
11. If You Could See Me Now (4:37)
12. Oh, You Crazy Moon (3:35)
13. Stella By Starlight (5:40)

At Le Dreher, 1980 (2002)
01. No Ties (26:18)
02. There Will Never Be Another You (17:12)
03. Leaving (17:43)
04. D.S. Dilemma (15:29)

Sings, Plays: Live At The Keystone Korner, 1978 (2003)
01. But Not For Me (9:59)
02. Broken Wing (8:36)
03. Secret Love (17:30)
04. Blue N' Boogie (15:17)

Californian Jam Sessions, 1947-1952 (2003)
01. Out of Nowhere (16:19)
02. There Will Never Be Another You (7:00)
03. How High the Moon (11:15)
04. Bernie's Tune (7:00)
05. My Old Flame (5:25)
06. I'll Remember April (7:32)
07. Sweet Georgia Brown (5:46)
08. Avalon Californian (5:58)
09. Sweet Georgia Brown (Bonus Track) (10:27)

Chet Baker & Miles Davis - With The Lighthouse All Stars, 1953 (2003)
01. At Last (5:18)
02. Winter Wonderland (4:24)
03. Loaded (7:56)
04. I'll Remember April (11:59)
05. Pirouette (7:54)
06. Witch Doctor (9:17)
07. 'Round Midnight (5:44)
08. Infinity Promenade (12:18)
09. A Night in Tunisia (12:00)

Complete Studio Sessions With Dick Twardzik, 1955 (2004)
01. Rondette (2:09)
02. Mid-Forte (3:06)
03. Sad Walk (4:13)
04. Re-Search (4:57)
05. Just Duo (4:10)
06. Piece Caprice (5:08)
07. Pomp (4:39)
08. The Girl From Greenland (5:13)
09. Brash (5:53)
10. Cool Blues (3:11)
11. Brash (4:30)
12. Lover Man (5:22)
13. I'll Remenber April (6:39)

The Early Years, 1952-1954 (2005)
CD 1: My Funny Valentine.

01. Out Of Nowhere (16:20)
02. The Squirrel (14:45)
03. They Didnt Believe Me (6:17)
04. My Old Flame (5:25)
05. There Will Never Be Another You (7:02)
06. Line for Lyons (2:33)
07. My Funny Valentine (2:57)
08. Walkin Shoes (3:13)
09. Cherry (2:58)
10. Motel (2:37)
11. Festive Minor (4:12)
12. Tea for Two (3:23)
13. The Way You Look Tonight (6:24)

CD 2: Imagination.

01. Isn't It Romantic? (3:32)
02. The Lamp Is Low (2:34)
03. This Time The Dreams On Me (2:47)
04. Maid In Mexico (2:56)
05. Imagination (3:03)
06. Russ Job (2:56)
07. Long Ago And Far Away (2:16)
08. Carson City Stage (2:39)
09. Easy To Love (3:02)
10. Batter Up (2:55)
11. Loaded (7:55)
12. Ill Remember April (11:57)
13. Winter Wonderland (4:26)
14. Pirouette (7:57)
15. Witch Doctor (9:19)
16. No Ties (3:01)
17. All the Things You Are (2:56)

CD 3: Bea's Flat.

01. Band Aid (2:48)
02. Beas Flat (3:02)
03. Moon Love (3:19)
04. Happy Little Sunbeam (2:43)
05. I Fall In Love Too Easily (2:06)
06. Winter Wonderland (3:21)
07. The Thrill Is Gone (2:52)
08. Head Line (3:08)
09. Bockanal (2:59)
10. Ergo (3:10)
11. A Dandy Line (2:50)
12. Pro Defunctus (3:26)
13. Little Old Lady (2:50)
14. Moonlight Becomes You (2:56)
15. Goodbye (3:47)
16. I Married an Angel (3:38)
17. Love Walked In (3:00)
18. A Little Duet (For Zoot and Chet) (2:37)
19. You Better Go Now (3:07)
20. Why Shouldn't I? (3:38)
21. Trickleydidlier (2:41)
25. Love (2:41)
26. I Love You (3:31)

CD 4: Chet Sings.

01. The Wind (4:03)
02. But Not for Me (3:05)
03. Time After Time (2:47)
04. I Get Along Without You Very Well (3:00)
05. There Will Never Be Another You (3:00)
06. Look for the Silver Lining (2:41)
07. My Funny Valentine (2:20)
08. I Fall In Love Too Easily (3:20)
09. Line for Lyons (7:00)
10. Loverman (5:56)
11. My Funny Valentine (5:11)
12. Maid In Mexico (5:02)
13. Stella By Starlight (4:19)
14. Dots Groovy (4:34)
15. Tommyhawk (3:41)
16. The Half Dozens (4:13)
17. Little Man Youve Had A Busy Day (4:44)
18. Stella By Starlight (3:55)
19. Im Glad There's You (3:15)

Chet Baker Quintet - Conservatorio Cherubini Complete Concert, 1955-1956 (2005)
CD 1.

01. Chekeetah (17:52)
02. You Don't Know What Love Is (5:42)
03. Stella by Starlight (12:52)
04. Exitus (10:29)
05. Ray's Idea (17:34)
06. This is Always (6:21)

CD 2.

01. Night in Tunisia (13:19)
02. Cool Blues (9:01)
03. Baker 56 (2:12)
04. Bockhanal (2:59)
05. I'll Remember April (2:49)
06. Everytime We Say Goodbye (3:11)
07. Newport Jazz Festival Intro (0:57)
08. Walkin' (7:11)
09. You Don't Know What Love is (Newport Version) (5:22)
10. Five Brothers (7:15)
11. Tiny's Blues (6:32)
12. Night in Tunisia (3:27)
13. You Don't Know What Love Is (Carnegie Hall Version) (2:56)

Chet Baker Quartet Featuring Dick Twardzik - Köln Concert, 1955 (2006)
01. Announcement (2:50)
02. Exitus (7:17)
03. Announcement (0:32)
04. Tommyhawk (7:09)
05. Imagination (4:02)
06. Chet Baker Presents Dick Twardzik's Solo Feature (0:13)
07. Yellow Tango (8:47)
08. Someone To Watch Over Me (5:30)
09. C.T.A. (9:27)
10. My Funny Valentine (6:02)
11. Announcement (0:37)
12. Cool Blues (9:58)
13. I'll Remember April (15:09)
14. Exitus (1:03)

Chet Baker Quartet Featuring Dick Twardzik - The Lost Holland Concert, 1955 (2006)
01. Introduction 6:35)
02. Indian Summer (8:22)
03. Someone To Watch Over Me (5:41)
04. Imagination (3:14)
05. C.T.A. (5:30)
06. Walkin' (7:43)
08. All the Things You Are (9:08)
07. Indian Summer (9:07)
09. Happy Little Sunbeam (6:05)
10. Moonlight In Vermont (4:36)

Indian Summer, 1955 (2007)
01. Introduction (1:16)
02. Tommyhawk (6:10)
03. Indian Summer (7:54)
04. I'm Glad There Is You (5:39)
05. But Not for Me (6:21)
06. My Funny Valentine (Incomplete) (1:21)
07. Tommyhawk (6:06)
08. Indian Summer (8:21)
09. Someone To Watch Over Me (5:57)
10. Imagination (3:31)
11. C.T.A. (3:18)
12. Exitus (1:07)

One Night In Tokyo, 1987 (2007)
CD 1.

01. Stella By Starlight (10:52)
02. For Minors Only (7:44)
03. You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (10:57)
04. Arborway (13:54)

CD 2.

01. Four (7:23)
02. Almost Blue (7:55)
03. Beatrice (6:51)
04. My Funny Valentine (12:52)
05. Seven Steps To Heaven (7:59)

Chet Baker & Crew - Complete Recordings: At The Forum Theatre, 1956 (2007)
CD 1.

01. Tabu (5:39)
02. Halema (3:52)
03. To Mickey’s Memory (5:14)
04. Down (6:12)
05. I Can’t Get Started (3:07)
06. Revelation (3:58)
07. Lucius Lou (5:35)
08. Worryin’ the Life Out Of Me (2:59)
09. Something for Liza (4:05)
10. Medium Rock (5:30)
11. Pawnee Junction (4:01)

CD 2.

01. Extra Mild (5:17)
02. Chippyin’ (3:20)
03. It’s Only a Paper Moon (4:45)
04. Music To Dance By (4:35)
05. Autumn In New York (2:08)
06. A Night On Bop Mountain (4:18)
07. Slightly Above Moderate (6:59)
08. Jumpin’ Off a Clef (4:56)
09. Line For Lyons (2:58)
10. Mickey’s Memory (Alternate) (5:24)

Chet Baker With The Bradley Young Trio - Chet In Chicago, 1986 (2008)
01. It's You Or No One (6:47)
02. My Funny Valentine (6:27)
03. Orinthology (7:35)
04. Moment's Notice (8:05)
05. We'll Be Together Again (7:08)
06. Solar (5:59)

Chet Baker Trio - Estate, 1983-1985 (2008)
01. Crystal Bells (6:17)
02. Strollin' (7:25)
03. Lament (7:37)
04. Leaving (9:43)
05. Cherokee (6:49)
06. Estate (5:31)
07. My Funny Valentine (10:17)

The Sesjun Radio Shows, 1976-1985 (2010)
CD 1.

01. There Will Never Be Abother You (7:37)
02. I'm Old Fashioned (11:14)
03. Ray's Idea (10:31)
04. Chet's Theme (3:50)
05. This Is Always (10:25)
06. Just Friends (11:21)
07. Lady Bird (14:01)
08. Blue 'n' Boogie (8:58)

CD 2.

01. My Foolish Heart (14:05)
02. Margarine (6:17)
03. Strollin' (8:31)
04. The New Yorkers - Love For Sale (12:11)
05. Leaving (11:22)
06. Lament (10:59)
07. Shifting Down (6:42)

Chet Baker Quartet - I Can't Get Started: Live In Palermo, 1976 (2011)
01. Solar (11:36)
02. There Will Never Be Another You (8:42)
03. Milestones (12:51)
04. My Funny Valentine (9:20)
05. But not for Me (12:56)
06. I Can't Get Started (9:43)
07. Blue'n' Boogie / Buzzy (10:25)

Chet Baker & Art Pepper - Complete Recordings, 1955-1957 (2011)
CD 1.

01. Tynan Tyme (6:20)
02. The Route (5:06)
03. Sonny Boy (3:58)
04. Minor Yours (7:15)
05. Little Girl (4:18)
06. Ol' Croix (5:30)
07. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (4:11)
08. The Great Lie (4:19)
09. Sweet Lorraine (3:12)
10. If I Should Lose You (4:21)
11. Younger Than Springtime (4:32)
12. Tenderly (4:04)
13. A Foggy Day (3:28)
14. Darn That Dream (3:30)
15. Mythe (4:26)

CD 2.

01. For Minors Only (4:02)
02. Minor Yours (6:43)
03. Resonant Emotions (5:43)
04. Tynan Time (5:32)
05. Picture of Heath (6:45)
06. For Miles and Miles (6:25)
07. C.T.A. (5:12)
08. Anyhow (3:24)
09. Julie is Her Name (3:27)
10. Aplomb (3:47)
11. Sunset Eyes (2:55)
12. J.S. (3:40)

Chet Baker Quintet With Rene Thomas - Live In Bologna, 1962 (2013)
01. Our Delight (14:56)
02. Solar (22:08)
03. Pennies From Heaven (11:51)
04. Donna Lee (7:39)
05. My Funny Valentine (5:43)
06. Bernie's Tune (8:24)
07. All the Things You Are (7:46)

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