Jean Michel André Jarre (Lyon, 24 de agosto de 1948) é um
instrumentista, compositor e produtor musical francês, filho do aclamado
compositor de trilhas sonoras Maurice Jarre.
Jean Michel é um pioneiro da new age, música eletrônica e música ambiente. É conhecido como um organizador de espetáculos ao ar livre de sua música, que combina luzes, displays de laser e fogos de artifício.
Seu primeiro grande sucesso foi o álbum Oxygene, lançado em 1976. Gravado em um estúdio improvisado em sua casa, o álbum vendeu cerca de 12 milhões de cópias em todo mundo. Oxygene foi seguido de Equinoxe, lançado em 1978, e em 1979, Jarre se apresentou para um público recorde de mais de um milhão de pessoas, na Praça da Concórdia, em Paris, França, um recorde que ele mesmo quebrou três vezes. Mais álbuns seguiram-se, e seu show de 1979 serviu como modelo para suas atuações futuras em todo o mundo.
Até o ano de 2004, Jarre tinha vendido aproximadamente 80 milhões de álbuns.
Ele foi o primeiro músico ocidental a ser autorizado a realizar um show na República Popular da China, e detém o recorde mundial para a maior público num evento ao ar livre.
Considerado por muitos o pioneiro na música eletrônica pop, bem como um “quebra-recordes” de espetáculos ao ar livre nos quais inclui efeitos laser, de pirotecnia, conjugando imagens projetadas com a arquitetura existente no local do espetáculo, juntando a isso os efeitos surround dos seus temas. O seu primeiro single "oficial" foi La Cage/Erosmachine de 1970, as músicas são bastante experimentais. Muitos afirmam que Jarre gravou as escondidas nos estúdios da GRM durante a noite, e utilizou tudo que esteve em suas mãos para criar efeitos, como por exemplo uma maquina de escrever.
Jarre vendeu estimadamente 80 milhões de álbuns e singles ao longo da sua carreira (desde 1971) e bateu 4 recordes no Guinness World Records Book.
Em 1986 ele trabalhou num concerto com a NASA: o astronauta Ronald McNair iria tocar o solo de saxofone da música Rendez-Vous VI enquanto estivesse em órbita no Ônibus espacial Challenger, enquanto os seus batimentos cardíacos seriam usados como amostras de som na mesma música. Esta seria a primeira música gravada do espaço, a ser incluída no álbum Rendez-Vous. Após o desastre com a espaçonave Challenger em 28 de Janeiro de 1986, a música foi gravada com outro saxofonista, recebeu o nome de Last Rendez-Vous - Ron's Piece e tanto a música, como o álbum foram dedicados aos astronautas mortos no acidente com a Challenger. Ele é um Embaixador da Boa Vontade da UNESCO, dedicado à causa da cultura, informação e liberdade.
Em 1976, é lançado pela Disques Dreyfus o seu primeiro LP totalmente instrumental e sintetizado, Oxygene, que teve um sucesso estrondoso na França e só um ano mais tarde é lançado no resto do mundo pela Polydor, obtendo igual importância em outros países como por exemplo, o Reino Unido, Portugal, Espanha, Estados Unidos, Brasil, etc.
Devido à grande importância de "Oxygene", Jean-Michel Jarre recebe ainda em 1976 vários galardões, como o 'Grand Prix Du Disques' da Charles Cross Academy. Em 1977 a revista americana "People", coloca Jean Michel Jarre como uma das personalidades do ano, feito notável para um artista francês que tinha acabado de lançar o seu primeiro álbum. Deste LP, para além da sua interessante capa, (o planeta Terra desfazendo-se, com um crânio por dentro), destacam-se os famosos singles Oxygene II e Oxygene IV, sendo o primeiro adaptado em vários anúncios comerciais, e o segundo alvo de variadíssimas covers e do seu primeiro video-clip, em que numa das versões mostra inúmeros pinguins andando no gelo.
Música para supermercados.
Em 1983, um grupo de pintores e escultores franceses iriam realizar uma exposição sobre supermercados. Assim tiveram a ideia de chamar um músico de grande prestígio para compor a base musical da exposição, então contactaram Jean Michel Jarre.
Jarre se interessou pela ideia e compôs 30 minutos de música para a exposição. Foram 3 meses de trabalho. Durante esse período, ele comparou seu futuro álbum com uma pintura ou escultura. Assim decidiu que seria produzida apenas uma cópia e depois posta à venda; Depois da dita exposição ocorrida no Hotel Drout em 6 de Julho de 1983, o álbum foi a leilão sendo vendido por 69.000 FF, tornando-se o álbum mais caro vendido na França. O dinheiro arrecadado foi doado aos artistas responsáveis pela exposição, e no mesmo dia o álbum foi tocado integralmente pela única vez na Radio Luxemburgo e o próprio Jarre autorizou que os ouvintes gravassem em fitas as músicas do álbum.
Embora o álbum seja único, algumas partes de seu conteúdo foram aproveitadas em futuros trabalhos de Jarre como Rendez-Vous e Zoolook.
Os anos na Dreyfus.
Jean Michel Jarre permaneceu por mais de 25 anos na gravadora francesa Disques Dreyfus, foi lá onde iniciou sua carreira com o apoio de Francis Dreyfus, o dono da gravadora. Enquanto esteve nela, lançou os álbuns mais bem sucedidos de sua carreira como Oxygene (1976), Equinoxe (1978) dentre outros. Na gravadora, Jarre também atuou como produtor e ajudou vários artistas e grupos musicais a conquistarem espaço na mídia francesa como foi o caso de Gérard Lenorman, Triangle, Christophe (com quem trabalhou também como produtor e letrista de seu single "Les Mots Bleus") além de produzir dois álbuns de Patrick Juvet.
Mas com o passar do tempo, a Dreyfus não concordou com as experimentações que Jarre queria fazer, como os álbuns Sessions 2000 (2002) e Geometry of Love (2003), o que o levou a abandonar a gravadora. Com o rompimento do contrato, não foi permitido que Jarre recuperasse sua discografia oficial anterior ao ano 2000. Assim a Disques Dreyfus pode fazer o que bem entender com o catálogo antigo do maestro. Atualmente, depois de uma passagem pela Warner Music, Jarre está agora na EMI onde lançou um álbum em comemoração aos 30 anos do álbum Oxygene de 1976.
In-Doors World Arena Tour 2009-2010.
Após ter realizado durante o ano de 2008 uma turnê por vários países para celebrar o aniversário de seu primeiro sucesso, Oxygene de 1976, Jean Michel Jarre está preparando uma nova turnê que busca resgatar seus maiores sucessos em versões totalmente reformuladas. A grande surpresa é que assim como na turnê Oxygene, Jarre utilizará instrumentos analógicos e não fará uso de playback e computadores como era de costume em seus shows no passado. Será a primeira turnê em que não existe um álbum como carro-chefe, mas anunciou que novos materiais estariam sendo testados para utilizá-los em futuro álbum a ser lançado no fim de 2009 ou começo de 2010. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.
Bitrate: 192Kbps.
02. Music Box Concerto
03. Rain Forest Rap Session (1:44)
04. A Love Theme for Gargoyles (1:15)
05. Bridge of Promises (3:19)
06. Exasperated Frog (0:51)
07. Take Me to Your Leader (2:00)
08. Deserted Palace (2:27)
09. Pogo Rock (1:08)
10. Windswept Canyon (7:44)
11. The Abominable Snowman (0:56)
12. Iraqi Hitch-Hiker (2:32)
13. Free Floating Anxiety (2:19)
14. Synthetic Jungle (1:43)
15. Bee Factory (1:00)
03. Rain Forest Rap Session (1:44)
04. A Love Theme for Gargoyles (1:15)
05. Bridge of Promises (3:19)
06. Exasperated Frog (0:51)
07. Take Me to Your Leader (2:00)
08. Deserted Palace (2:27)
09. Pogo Rock (1:08)
10. Windswept Canyon (7:44)
11. The Abominable Snowman (0:56)
12. Iraqi Hitch-Hiker (2:32)
13. Free Floating Anxiety (2:19)
14. Synthetic Jungle (1:43)
15. Bee Factory (1:00)
02. Le Pays de Rose
03. L'Hélicoptère (1:29)
04. Une Morte dans la Neige (1:43)
05. Zig-Zag (2:15)
06. Le Juge (1:17)
07. Le Car / Le Chasse-Neige (1:24)
08. Thème de l'Argent (1:08)
09. Rose (2:15)
10. Hésitation (1:00)
11. La Perquisition et les Paysans (2:35)
12. Reconstitution (0:55)
13. Les Granges Brûlées (3:14)
14. Descente au Village (0:27)
15. La Vérité (0:56)
16. Générique (2:44)
03. L'Hélicoptère (1:29)
04. Une Morte dans la Neige (1:43)
05. Zig-Zag (2:15)
06. Le Juge (1:17)
07. Le Car / Le Chasse-Neige (1:24)
08. Thème de l'Argent (1:08)
09. Rose (2:15)
10. Hésitation (1:00)
11. La Perquisition et les Paysans (2:35)
12. Reconstitution (0:55)
13. Les Granges Brûlées (3:14)
14. Descente au Village (0:27)
15. La Vérité (0:56)
16. Générique (2:44)
02. Oxygène Part 2 (7:37)
03. Oxygène Part 3 (3:24)
04. Oxygène Part 4 (4:06)
05. Oxygène Part 5 (10:26)
06. Oxygène Part 6 (6:24)
03. Oxygène Part 3 (3:24)
04. Oxygène Part 4 (4:06)
05. Oxygène Part 5 (10:26)
06. Oxygène Part 6 (6:24)
02. Equinoxe Part 2 (5:00)
03. Equinoxe Part 3 (5:09)
04. Equinoxe Part 4 (6:54)
05. Equinoxe Part 5 (3:54)
06. Equinoxe Part 6 (3:28)
07. Equinoxe Part 7 (7:06)
08. Equinoxe Part 8 (4:57)
03. Equinoxe Part 3 (5:09)
04. Equinoxe Part 4 (6:54)
05. Equinoxe Part 5 (3:54)
06. Equinoxe Part 6 (3:28)
07. Equinoxe Part 7 (7:06)
08. Equinoxe Part 8 (4:57)
02. Magnetic Fields Part 2
03. Magnetic Fields Part 3 (4:15)
04. Magnetic Fields Part 4 (6:18)
05. Magnetic Fields Part 5 (3:30)
03. Magnetic Fields Part 3 (4:15)
04. Magnetic Fields Part 4 (6:18)
05. Magnetic Fields Part 5 (3:30)
01. The Overture (4:47)
02. Arpegiator (6:54)
03. Equinoxe Part 4 (7:49)
04. Fishing Junks at Sunset (9:38)
05. Band in the Rain (1:29)
06. Equinoxe Part 7 (9:54)
02. Arpegiator (6:54)
03. Equinoxe Part 4 (7:49)
04. Fishing Junks at Sunset (9:38)
05. Band in the Rain (1:29)
06. Equinoxe Part 7 (9:54)
CD 2.
01. Orient Express (4:22)
02. Magnetic Fields Part 1 (0:21)
03. Magnetic Fields Part 3 (3:48)
04. Magnetic Fields Part 4 (6:49)
05. Laser Harp (3:35)
06. Night in Shanghai (7:02)
07. The Last Rumba (2:07)
08. Magnetic Fields Part 2 (6:26)
09. Souvenir of China (Studio Track) (3:54)
02. Magnetic Fields Part 1 (0:21)
03. Magnetic Fields Part 3 (3:48)
04. Magnetic Fields Part 4 (6:49)
05. Laser Harp (3:35)
06. Night in Shanghai (7:02)
07. The Last Rumba (2:07)
08. Magnetic Fields Part 2 (6:26)
09. Souvenir of China (Studio Track) (3:54)
Music For Supermarkets (1983)01. Music For Supermarkets 1 (4:09)
02. Music For Supermarkets 2 (2:18)
03. Music For Supermarkets 3 (3:30)
04. Music For Supermarkets 4 (2:17)
05. Music For Supermarkets 5 (3:52)
06. Music For Supermarkets 6 (5:54)
07. Music For Supermarkets 7 (3:59)
08. Music For Supermarkets 8 (3:51)
02. Music For Supermarkets 2 (2:18)
03. Music For Supermarkets 3 (3:30)
04. Music For Supermarkets 4 (2:17)
05. Music For Supermarkets 5 (3:52)
06. Music For Supermarkets 6 (5:54)
07. Music For Supermarkets 7 (3:59)
08. Music For Supermarkets 8 (3:51)
02. Equinoxe Part V (3:54)
03. Oxygene II (7:34)
04. Magnetic Fields Part II (3:59)
05. Arpegiator (6:54)
06. Magnetic Fields Part I (3:10)
07. Orient Express (4:22)
08. Equinoxe Part IV (3:30)
09. Oxygene VI (6:24)
10. Magnetic Fields Part IV (6:18)
11. Equinoxe Part III (5:09)
12. Equinoxe Part I (2:25)
13. Magnetic Fields Part V (3:30)
03. Oxygene II (7:34)
04. Magnetic Fields Part II (3:59)
05. Arpegiator (6:54)
06. Magnetic Fields Part I (3:10)
07. Orient Express (4:22)
08. Equinoxe Part IV (3:30)
09. Oxygene VI (6:24)
10. Magnetic Fields Part IV (6:18)
11. Equinoxe Part III (5:09)
12. Equinoxe Part I (2:25)
13. Magnetic Fields Part V (3:30)
02. Diva (7:33)
03. Zoolook (3:50))
04. Wooloomooloo (3:20)
05. Zoolookologie (4:20)
06. Blah Blah Cafe (3:22)
07. Ethnicolor II (3:52)
03. Zoolook (3:50))
04. Wooloomooloo (3:20)
05. Zoolookologie (4:20)
06. Blah Blah Cafe (3:22)
07. Ethnicolor II (3:52)
02. Second Rendez-Vous (Part I)
03. Second Rendez-Vous (Part II) (3:17)
04. Second Rendez-Vous (Part III) (2:18)
05. Second Rendez-Vous (Part IV) (2:43)
06. Third Rendez-Vous (3:30)
07. Fourth Rendez-Vous (4:03)
08. Fifth Rendez-Vous (Part I) (2:59)
09. Fifth Rendez-Vous (Part II) (1:13)
10. Fifth Rendez-Vous (Part III) (3:45)
11. Last Rendez-vous (Ron's Piece) (5:47)
03. Second Rendez-Vous (Part II) (3:17)
04. Second Rendez-Vous (Part III) (2:18)
05. Second Rendez-Vous (Part IV) (2:43)
06. Third Rendez-Vous (3:30)
07. Fourth Rendez-Vous (4:03)
08. Fifth Rendez-Vous (Part I) (2:59)
09. Fifth Rendez-Vous (Part II) (1:13)
10. Fifth Rendez-Vous (Part III) (3:45)
11. Last Rendez-vous (Ron's Piece) (5:47)
02. Ethnicolor (9:39)
03. Magnetic Fields Part 1 (4:350
04. Souvenir Of China (3:32)
05. Equinoxe Part 5 (3:55)
06. Blessing Of The Pope (0:33)
07. Rendez-Vous 3 (3:54)
08. Rendez-Vous 2 (11:10)
09. Ron's Piece (4:37)
10. Rendez-Vous 4 (4:55)
03. Magnetic Fields Part 1 (4:350
04. Souvenir Of China (3:32)
05. Equinoxe Part 5 (3:55)
06. Blessing Of The Pope (0:33)
07. Rendez-Vous 3 (3:54)
08. Rendez-Vous 2 (11:10)
09. Ron's Piece (4:37)
10. Rendez-Vous 4 (4:55)
02. Industrial
Revolution Part 1 (5:08)
03. Industrial Revolution Part 2 (2:18)
04. Industrial Revolution Part 3 (4:47)
05. London Kid (4:34)
06. Revolution, Revolutions (4:55)
07. Tokyo Kid (5:18)
08. Computer Weekend (4:38)
09. September (3:52)
10. The Emigrant (3:56)
03. Industrial Revolution Part 2 (2:18)
04. Industrial Revolution Part 3 (4:47)
05. London Kid (4:34)
06. Revolution, Revolutions (4:55)
07. Tokyo Kid (5:18)
08. Computer Weekend (4:38)
09. September (3:52)
10. The Emigrant (3:56)
02. Overture
(Industrial Revolution) (3:00)
03. Industrial Revolution Part 1-2-3 (5:45)
04. Magnetic Fields Part 2 (4:09)
05. Oxygene Part 4 (3:46)
06. Computer Week-End (5:18)
07. Revolutions (3:52)
08. London Kid (4:57)
09. Rendez-Vous Part 4 (4:16)
10. Rendez-Vous Part 2 (8:54)
11. September (4:45)
12. The Emigrant (3:53)
03. Industrial Revolution Part 1-2-3 (5:45)
04. Magnetic Fields Part 2 (4:09)
05. Oxygene Part 4 (3:46)
06. Computer Week-End (5:18)
07. Revolutions (3:52)
08. London Kid (4:57)
09. Rendez-Vous Part 4 (4:16)
10. Rendez-Vous Part 2 (8:54)
11. September (4:45)
12. The Emigrant (3:53)
02. Calypso Part 2 (7:10)
03. Calypso Part 3 (Fin de Siècle) (6:28)
04. Waiting for Cousteau (46:55)
03. Calypso Part 3 (Fin de Siècle) (6:28)
04. Waiting for Cousteau (46:55)
02. Introduction
03. Oxygene IV (2:40)
04. Equinoxe IV (6:42)
05. Souvenir Of China (4:08)
06. Magnetic Fields II (5:09)
07. Ethnicolor (4:50)
08. Zoolookologie (4:22)
09. Revolutions (5:23)
10. Revolutions Reprise (1:31)
11. Rendez-Vous II (8:42)
12. Calypso II (6:09)
13. Calypso III (Fin De Siecle) (5:27)
14. Calypso (8:00)
03. Oxygene IV (2:40)
04. Equinoxe IV (6:42)
05. Souvenir Of China (4:08)
06. Magnetic Fields II (5:09)
07. Ethnicolor (4:50)
08. Zoolookologie (4:22)
09. Revolutions (5:23)
10. Revolutions Reprise (1:31)
11. Rendez-Vous II (8:42)
12. Calypso II (6:09)
13. Calypso III (Fin De Siecle) (5:27)
14. Calypso (8:00)
02. Equinoxe 5 (3:21)
03. Magnetic Fields 2 (New Version) (3:57)
04. Oxygene 2 (3:11)
05. Computer Weekend (3:36)
06. Equinoxe 4 (New Version) (3:12)
07. Ethnicolor 1 (3:41)
08. Band In The Rain (1:26)
09. Orient Express (New Version) (3:26)
10. Calypso 1 (2:59)
11. Calypso 3 (Fin De Siècle) (3:42)
12. Rendez-Vous 4 (3:24)
13. Moon Machine (Rare) (2:58)
14. Eldorado (Previously Unreleased) (3:39)
15. Globe Trotter (Previously Unreleased) (3:29)
16. Wooloomooloo (3:16)
17. Blah Blah Cafe (New Version) (3:26)
18. London Kid (3:47)
19. Zoolookologie (Remix) (3:47)
20. Rendez-Vous 2 (New Version) (8:48)
03. Magnetic Fields 2 (New Version) (3:57)
04. Oxygene 2 (3:11)
05. Computer Weekend (3:36)
06. Equinoxe 4 (New Version) (3:12)
07. Ethnicolor 1 (3:41)
08. Band In The Rain (1:26)
09. Orient Express (New Version) (3:26)
10. Calypso 1 (2:59)
11. Calypso 3 (Fin De Siècle) (3:42)
12. Rendez-Vous 4 (3:24)
13. Moon Machine (Rare) (2:58)
14. Eldorado (Previously Unreleased) (3:39)
15. Globe Trotter (Previously Unreleased) (3:29)
16. Wooloomooloo (3:16)
17. Blah Blah Cafe (New Version) (3:26)
18. London Kid (3:47)
19. Zoolookologie (Remix) (3:47)
20. Rendez-Vous 2 (New Version) (8:48)
02. Chronologie Part 2
03. Chronologie Part 3 (3:59)
04. Chronologie Part 4 (3:59)
05. Chronologie Part 5 (5:34)
06. Chronologie Part 6 (3:45)
07. Chronologie Part 7 (2:17)
08. Chronologie Part 8 (5:33)
03. Chronologie Part 3 (3:59)
04. Chronologie Part 4 (3:59)
05. Chronologie Part 5 (5:34)
06. Chronologie Part 6 (3:45)
07. Chronologie Part 7 (2:17)
08. Chronologie Part 8 (5:33)
01. Countdown (1:37)
02. Chronologie 2 (6:37)
03. Chronologie 3 (5:46)
04. How Old Are You? (1:17)
05. Équinoxe 4 (4:46)
06. Souvenir of China (4:43)
07. Qu'est-ce-que l'amour? (0:52)
08. Chronologie 6 (5:10)
09. Chronologie 8 (4:49)
10. Where Are You Going? (0:52)
11. Oxygène 4 (4:32)
02. Chronologie 2 (6:37)
03. Chronologie 3 (5:46)
04. How Old Are You? (1:17)
05. Équinoxe 4 (4:46)
06. Souvenir of China (4:43)
07. Qu'est-ce-que l'amour? (0:52)
08. Chronologie 6 (5:10)
09. Chronologie 8 (4:49)
10. Where Are You Going? (0:52)
11. Oxygène 4 (4:32)
CD 2.
01. Hong Kong Hostess (0:35)
02. Fishing Junks At Sunset - Part 1 (6:09)
03. Fishing Junks At Sunset - Part 2 (5:31)
04. Sale Of The Century (1:18)
05. Digi Sequencer (6:07)
06. Magnetic Fields 2 (6:31)
07. Band In The Rain (Unplugged Version) (2:26)
08. Rendez-Vous 4 (6:23)
09. Chronologie 4 (6:35)
02. Fishing Junks At Sunset - Part 1 (6:09)
03. Fishing Junks At Sunset - Part 2 (5:31)
04. Sale Of The Century (1:18)
05. Digi Sequencer (6:07)
06. Magnetic Fields 2 (6:31)
07. Band In The Rain (Unplugged Version) (2:26)
08. Rendez-Vous 4 (6:23)
09. Chronologie 4 (6:35)
01. Poltergeist Party (2:10)
02. Music Box Concerto (2:40)
03. Rain Forest Rap Session (1:37)
04. A Love Theme For Gargoyles (1:10)
05. Bridge Of Promises (3:15)
06. Exasperated Frog (0:45)
07. Take Me To Your Leader (1:55)
08. Deserted Palace (2:10)
09. Pogo Rock (1:05)
10. Windswept Canyon (8:00)
11. The Abominable Snowman (0:55)
12. Iraqi Hitch-Hiker (2:24)
13. Free Floating Anxiety (2:15)
14. Synthetic Jungle (1:35)
15. Bee Factory (0:55)
Early Singles.
16. La Cage (3:12)
17. Eros Machine (2:54)
18. Zig Zag Dance (By Foggy Joe) (2:31)
19. Zig Zag Dance (By Electric Choo Choo Band) (2:32)
Les Granges Brulées.
20. La Chanson Des Granges Brulées (2:40)
21. Le Pays De Rose (2:02)
22. L'hélicoptère (1:29)
23. Une Morte Dans La Neige (1:40)
24. Zig-Zag (2:15)
25. Le Juge (1:20)
26. Le Car / Le Chasse Neige (1:24)
27. Theme De L'argent (1:08)
28. Rose (2:15)
29. Hesitation (1:00)
30. Le Perquistion Et Les Paysans (2:35)
31. Reconstitution (0:55)
32. Les Grange Brulees (3:14)
33. Descente Au Village (0:25)
34. La Vérité (0:58)
35. Géneriqué (2:40)
02. Music Box Concerto (2:40)
03. Rain Forest Rap Session (1:37)
04. A Love Theme For Gargoyles (1:10)
05. Bridge Of Promises (3:15)
06. Exasperated Frog (0:45)
07. Take Me To Your Leader (1:55)
08. Deserted Palace (2:10)
09. Pogo Rock (1:05)
10. Windswept Canyon (8:00)
11. The Abominable Snowman (0:55)
12. Iraqi Hitch-Hiker (2:24)
13. Free Floating Anxiety (2:15)
14. Synthetic Jungle (1:35)
15. Bee Factory (0:55)
Early Singles.
16. La Cage (3:12)
17. Eros Machine (2:54)
18. Zig Zag Dance (By Foggy Joe) (2:31)
19. Zig Zag Dance (By Electric Choo Choo Band) (2:32)
Les Granges Brulées.
20. La Chanson Des Granges Brulées (2:40)
21. Le Pays De Rose (2:02)
22. L'hélicoptère (1:29)
23. Une Morte Dans La Neige (1:40)
24. Zig-Zag (2:15)
25. Le Juge (1:20)
26. Le Car / Le Chasse Neige (1:24)
27. Theme De L'argent (1:08)
28. Rose (2:15)
29. Hesitation (1:00)
30. Le Perquistion Et Les Paysans (2:35)
31. Reconstitution (0:55)
32. Les Grange Brulees (3:14)
33. Descente Au Village (0:25)
34. La Vérité (0:58)
35. Géneriqué (2:40)
02. Black Bird (Bridge Of Promises)
03. Freedom Day (2:52)
04. Synthetic Man (2:29)
05. Récréation (5:41)
06. Le Matin Du Premier Jour (3:58)
07. Zig-Zag Dance (Instrumental) (2:13)
08. Zig-Zag Dance (2:28)
09. Ping-Pong Song (2:52)
10. Zig-Zag Dance (Instrumental) (2:21)
11. Zig-Zag Dance (2:21)
12. Zig-Zag Dance (Instrumental) (2:21)
13. Zig-Zag Dance (2:32)
14. Cartolina (2:19)
15. Helza (3:55)
16. Hypnose (3:26)
17. Hypnose (Instrumental) (3:25)
18. La Belle Et La Bête (3:25)
19. La Mort Du Cygne (3:53)
20. Jolly Dolly (2:30)
21. Lady (2:56)
22. Des Garçons Et Des Filles (9:22)
03. Freedom Day (2:52)
04. Synthetic Man (2:29)
05. Récréation (5:41)
06. Le Matin Du Premier Jour (3:58)
07. Zig-Zag Dance (Instrumental) (2:13)
08. Zig-Zag Dance (2:28)
09. Ping-Pong Song (2:52)
10. Zig-Zag Dance (Instrumental) (2:21)
11. Zig-Zag Dance (2:21)
12. Zig-Zag Dance (Instrumental) (2:21)
13. Zig-Zag Dance (2:32)
14. Cartolina (2:19)
15. Helza (3:55)
16. Hypnose (3:26)
17. Hypnose (Instrumental) (3:25)
18. La Belle Et La Bête (3:25)
19. La Mort Du Cygne (3:53)
20. Jolly Dolly (2:30)
21. Lady (2:56)
22. Des Garçons Et Des Filles (9:22)
02. Equinoxe 4 (Extended Remix)
03. Radio Walhalla (0:55)
04. Zoolook (Extended Remix) (6:20)
05. Zoolook (Effects) (0:57)
06. Zoolookologie (Extended Remix) (6:32)
07. Rendez-Vous (Special Remix) (6:03)
08. Oxygene 1 (Live In Houston 1986) (7:35)
09. Oxygene 2 (Live In Houston 1986) (7:43)
10. Oxygene 4 (Live In Houston 1986) (3:57)
11. Remenance (2:36)
12. Palawan, The Last Refuge (Part 1) (0:48)
13. Palawan, The Last Refuge (Part 2) (1:02)
14. Palawan, The Last Refuge (Part 1 Reprise) (0:48)
15. Palawan, The Last Refuge (Part 2 Reprise) (1:36)
16. Oxygene 1 (Palawan Video Edit) (4:00)
17. Volcanic Dance (Live In South Africa 1992) (6:59)
18. Band In The Rain (Unplugged) (1:52)
19. Equinoxe 3 (Unplugged) (1:58)
20. Magnetic Fields 5 (Unplugged) (2:19)
03. Radio Walhalla (0:55)
04. Zoolook (Extended Remix) (6:20)
05. Zoolook (Effects) (0:57)
06. Zoolookologie (Extended Remix) (6:32)
07. Rendez-Vous (Special Remix) (6:03)
08. Oxygene 1 (Live In Houston 1986) (7:35)
09. Oxygene 2 (Live In Houston 1986) (7:43)
10. Oxygene 4 (Live In Houston 1986) (3:57)
11. Remenance (2:36)
12. Palawan, The Last Refuge (Part 1) (0:48)
13. Palawan, The Last Refuge (Part 2) (1:02)
14. Palawan, The Last Refuge (Part 1 Reprise) (0:48)
15. Palawan, The Last Refuge (Part 2 Reprise) (1:36)
16. Oxygene 1 (Palawan Video Edit) (4:00)
17. Volcanic Dance (Live In South Africa 1992) (6:59)
18. Band In The Rain (Unplugged) (1:52)
19. Equinoxe 3 (Unplugged) (1:58)
20. Magnetic Fields 5 (Unplugged) (2:19)
02. Oxygene 8 (3:54)
03. Oxygene 9 (6:13)
04. Oxygene 10 (4:16)
05. Oxygene 11 (4:58)
06. Oxygene 12 95:40)
07. Oxygene 13 94:27)
03. Oxygene 9 (6:13)
04. Oxygene 10 (4:16)
05. Oxygene 11 (4:58)
06. Oxygene 12 95:40)
07. Oxygene 13 94:27)
Jean Michel Jarre & Tetsuya
Komuro - Paris Live: Electronic Night (Live 1998)01. En Attendant Cousteau (5:53)
02. Together Now
03. Oxygene 7 (4:53)
04. Unesco Theme / Japan (5:44)
05. Oxygene 8 (Hani Mix) (5:51)
06. Paris Underground (6:42)
07. Oxygene 13 (4:38)
08. Oxygene 8 (Sunday Club) (13:40)
09. Oxygene 12 (5:53)
10. Revolution, Revolutions (3:42)
11. Rave-Olution (4:44)
12. En Attendant Cousteau (4:15)
03. Oxygene 7 (4:53)
04. Unesco Theme / Japan (5:44)
05. Oxygene 8 (Hani Mix) (5:51)
06. Paris Underground (6:42)
07. Oxygene 13 (4:38)
08. Oxygene 8 (Sunday Club) (13:40)
09. Oxygene 12 (5:53)
10. Revolution, Revolutions (3:42)
11. Rave-Olution (4:44)
12. En Attendant Cousteau (4:15)
02. Oxygene 8 (Revisited
Radio Edit) (6:01)
03. Oxygene 8 (Dado FM Remix) (5:32)
04. Oxygene 8 (Hani's Oxygene 101 Radio Edit) (6:27)
05. Oxygene 8 (Sunday Club Radio Edit) (3:45)
06. Oxygene 8 (Takkyu Ishino Radio Edit) (3:22)
07. Oxygene 8 (Club Mix) (3:44)
08. Oxygene 10 (Original Edit) (3:47)
09. Oxygene 10 (Sash! Rmx (Maxi Version) (4:19)
10. Oxygene 10 (Transcengenics 1) (4:52)
11. Oxygene 10 (Club Mix 1) (6:29)
03. Oxygene 8 (Dado FM Remix) (5:32)
04. Oxygene 8 (Hani's Oxygene 101 Radio Edit) (6:27)
05. Oxygene 8 (Sunday Club Radio Edit) (3:45)
06. Oxygene 8 (Takkyu Ishino Radio Edit) (3:22)
07. Oxygene 8 (Club Mix) (3:44)
08. Oxygene 10 (Original Edit) (3:47)
09. Oxygene 10 (Sash! Rmx (Maxi Version) (4:19)
10. Oxygene 10 (Transcengenics 1) (4:52)
11. Oxygene 10 (Club Mix 1) (6:29)
02. C'est La Vie (7:11)
03. Rendez-Vous À Paris (4:19)
04. Hey Gagarin (6:20)
05. Millions Of Stars (5:41)
06. Tout Est Bleu (6:01)
07. Love Love Love (4:26)
08. Bells (3:49)
09. Miss Moon (6:08)
10. Give Me A Sign (3:49)
11. Gloria, Lonely Boy (5:31)
12. Silhouette (2:29)
03. Rendez-Vous À Paris (4:19)
04. Hey Gagarin (6:20)
05. Millions Of Stars (5:41)
06. Tout Est Bleu (6:01)
07. Love Love Love (4:26)
08. Bells (3:49)
09. Miss Moon (6:08)
10. Give Me A Sign (3:49)
11. Gloria, Lonely Boy (5:31)
12. Silhouette (2:29)
02. Whispers of Life
02. The Voyage (5:08)
03. My Name Is Arthur (4:11)
04. Children Of Space (6:54)
05. Nobody (4:47)
06. Rendezvous In Space (6:36)
07. Race In Space (8:16)
03. My Name Is Arthur (4:11)
04. Children Of Space (6:54)
05. Nobody (4:47)
06. Rendezvous In Space (6:36)
07. Race In Space (8:16)
02. March 23 (8:02)
03. May 1 (4:49)
04. June 21 (6:18)
05. September 14 (9:30)
06. December 17 (8:11)
03. May 1 (4:49)
04. June 21 (6:18)
05. September 14 (9:30)
06. December 17 (8:11)
02. Geometry Of Love Part 1
03. Soul Intrusion (4:45)
04. Electric Flesh (6:01)
05. Skin Paradox (6:17)
06. Velvet Road (5:54)
07. Near Djaina (5:01)
08. Geometry Of Love Part 2 (4:06)
03. Soul Intrusion (4:45)
04. Electric Flesh (6:01)
05. Skin Paradox (6:17)
06. Velvet Road (5:54)
07. Near Djaina (5:01)
08. Geometry Of Love Part 2 (4:06)
02. Oxygene 2 (7:39)
03. Oxygene 4 (4:12)
04. Geometry of Love (5:01)
05. Equinoxe 8 (1:05)
06. Equinoxe 4 (5:34)
07. Aerozone (5:00)
08. Chronology 6 (5:35)
09. Fishing Junks at Sunset (11:45)
10. Souvenir of China (4:38)
11. Aerology Remix (3:37)
03. Oxygene 4 (4:12)
04. Geometry of Love (5:01)
05. Equinoxe 8 (1:05)
06. Equinoxe 4 (5:34)
07. Aerozone (5:00)
08. Chronology 6 (5:35)
09. Fishing Junks at Sunset (11:45)
10. Souvenir of China (4:38)
11. Aerology Remix (3:37)
02. Oxygene 2 (7:41)
03. Aero (3:09)
04. Equinoxe 8 (1:24)
05. Oxygene 4 (5:05)
06. Souvenir of China (4:46)
07. Aerology (3:40)
08. Equinoxe 3 (6:33)
09. Equinoxe 4 (6:46)
10. Last Rendez-Vous (5:08)
11. Zoolookology (3:54)
12. Aerozone (4:56)
13. Magnetic Fields 1 (5:59)
14. Chronology 6 (4:55)
15. Rendez-Vous 4 (Live Version) (7:34)
03. Aero (3:09)
04. Equinoxe 8 (1:24)
05. Oxygene 4 (5:05)
06. Souvenir of China (4:46)
07. Aerology (3:40)
08. Equinoxe 3 (6:33)
09. Equinoxe 4 (6:46)
10. Last Rendez-Vous (5:08)
11. Zoolookology (3:54)
12. Aerozone (4:56)
13. Magnetic Fields 1 (5:59)
14. Chronology 6 (4:55)
15. Rendez-Vous 4 (Live Version) (7:34)
02. Zoolookologie (4:08)
03. Equinoxe Part 4 (3:08)
04. Oxygene Part 8 (3:53)
05. C'est La Vie (Featuring Natacha Atlas) (7:08)
06. Ethnicolor 1 (3:37)
07. Oxygene Part 2 (3:12)
08. Equinoxe Part 5 (3:25)
09. Souvenir De Chine / Souvenir Of China (4:05)
10. Chronologie Part 4 (3:58)
11. Revolution, Revolutions (4:56)
12. L'orchestre Sous La Pluie / Band In The Rain (1:26)
13. Calypso (3:07)
14. Quatrième Rendez-vous / Fourth Rendez-vous (3:49)
15. Oxygene Part 6 (5:18)
16. Diva (7:16)
03. Equinoxe Part 4 (3:08)
04. Oxygene Part 8 (3:53)
05. C'est La Vie (Featuring Natacha Atlas) (7:08)
06. Ethnicolor 1 (3:37)
07. Oxygene Part 2 (3:12)
08. Equinoxe Part 5 (3:25)
09. Souvenir De Chine / Souvenir Of China (4:05)
10. Chronologie Part 4 (3:58)
11. Revolution, Revolutions (4:56)
12. L'orchestre Sous La Pluie / Band In The Rain (1:26)
13. Calypso (3:07)
14. Quatrième Rendez-vous / Fourth Rendez-vous (3:49)
15. Oxygene Part 6 (5:18)
16. Diva (7:16)
Oxygene 4 (Actually Oxygene 2) (4:21)
03. Mury (5:49)
04. Space of Freedom (March 23) (5:01)
05. Oxygene 8 (4:45)
06. Light My Sky (Tout Est Bleu) (4:51)
07. Tribute to John Paul II (Akropolis) (6:24)
08. Rendez-vous 4 (6:20)
09. Aerology Remix (5:15)
03. Mury (5:49)
04. Space of Freedom (March 23) (5:01)
05. Oxygene 8 (4:45)
06. Light My Sky (Tout Est Bleu) (4:51)
07. Tribute to John Paul II (Akropolis) (6:24)
08. Rendez-vous 4 (6:20)
09. Aerology Remix (5:15)
02. Metallic Souvenir
03. Body Language (4:41)
04. Paris Bourges (11:24)
03. Body Language (4:41)
04. Paris Bourges (11:24)
02. Velvet Road (5:48)
03. Geometry of Love (Part 1) (3:38)
04. Soul Intrusion (2:04)
05. Geometry of Love (Part 2) (3:54)
06. Alive in Bourges (20:41)
03. Geometry of Love (Part 1) (3:38)
04. Soul Intrusion (2:04)
05. Geometry of Love (Part 2) (3:54)
06. Alive in Bourges (20:41)
02. Téo & Téa (3:27)
03. Beautiful Agony (4:38)
04. Touch To Remember (6:07)
05. Ok, Do It Fast (3:23)
06. Partners In Crime 1 (3:38)
07. Partners In Crime 2 (3:33)
08. Chatterbox (2:14)
09. In The Mood For You (4:18)
10. Gossip (2:09)
11. Vintage (3:04)
12. Melancholic Rodeo (3:46)
13. Téo & Téa 4:00 Am (7:06)
03. Beautiful Agony (4:38)
04. Touch To Remember (6:07)
05. Ok, Do It Fast (3:23)
06. Partners In Crime 1 (3:38)
07. Partners In Crime 2 (3:33)
08. Chatterbox (2:14)
09. In The Mood For You (4:18)
10. Gossip (2:09)
11. Vintage (3:04)
12. Melancholic Rodeo (3:46)
13. Téo & Téa 4:00 Am (7:06)
02. Oxygène Part 2 (7:54)
03. Oxygène Part 3 (3:06)
04. Oxygène Part 4 (4:13)
05. Oxygène Part 5 (10:11)
06. Oxygène Part 6 (7:05)
03. Oxygène Part 3 (3:06)
04. Oxygène Part 4 (4:13)
05. Oxygène Part 5 (10:11)
06. Oxygène Part 6 (7:05)
02. Oxygene (Part I) (6:59)
03. Oxygene (Part II) (6:48)
04. Oxygene (Part III) (4:53)
05. Variation I (3:38)
06. Oxygene (Part IV) (5:26)
07. Variation II (3:26)
08. Oxygene (Part V) (9:55)
09. Variation III (4:19)
10. Oxygene (Part VI) (6:34)
03. Oxygene (Part II) (6:48)
04. Oxygene (Part III) (4:53)
05. Variation I (3:38)
06. Oxygene (Part IV) (5:26)
07. Variation II (3:26)
08. Oxygene (Part V) (9:55)
09. Variation III (4:19)
10. Oxygene (Part VI) (6:34)
02. Oxygene 8
(Hani's 303 Reprise) (3:46)
03. Oxygene 10 (Resistance D Treatment) (8:35)
04. Oxygene 10 (Apollo 440 Remix Dub) (6:52)
05. Oxygene 10 (Transcengenics 1) (5:31)
06. Oxygene 10 (Transcengenics 2) (6:26)
07. Oxygene 7 (Sash! Rmx Single Edit) (3:31)
08. Oxygene 8 (Takkyu Ishino Extended Mix) (7:34)
09. Oxygene 8 (Sunday Club Radio Edit) (4:16)
10. Oxygene 10 (Sash! Rmx Maxi Version) (6:01)
03. Oxygene 10 (Resistance D Treatment) (8:35)
04. Oxygene 10 (Apollo 440 Remix Dub) (6:52)
05. Oxygene 10 (Transcengenics 1) (5:31)
06. Oxygene 10 (Transcengenics 2) (6:26)
07. Oxygene 7 (Sash! Rmx Single Edit) (3:31)
08. Oxygene 8 (Takkyu Ishino Extended Mix) (7:34)
09. Oxygene 8 (Sunday Club Radio Edit) (4:16)
10. Oxygene 10 (Sash! Rmx Maxi Version) (6:01)
01. Souvenir Of China (3:59)
02. Oxygene 2 (3:12)
03. Arpegiateur (6:16)
04. Oxygene 4 (4:14)
05. Equinoxe 4 (6:42)
06. Calypso 2 (2:28)
07. Zoolook (3:52)
08. Magnetic Fields 1 (5:20)
09. Magnetic Fields 2 (4:02)
10. Equinoxe 5 (3:55)
11. Industrial Revolution 2 (2:22)
12. Rendez-Vous 4 (3:59)
13. Gloria, Lonely Boy (5:30)
14. Oxygene 6 (6:21)
15. Space Of Freedom (March 23) (8:03)
02. Oxygene 2 (3:12)
03. Arpegiateur (6:16)
04. Oxygene 4 (4:14)
05. Equinoxe 4 (6:42)
06. Calypso 2 (2:28)
07. Zoolook (3:52)
08. Magnetic Fields 1 (5:20)
09. Magnetic Fields 2 (4:02)
10. Equinoxe 5 (3:55)
11. Industrial Revolution 2 (2:22)
12. Rendez-Vous 4 (3:59)
13. Gloria, Lonely Boy (5:30)
14. Oxygene 6 (6:21)
15. Space Of Freedom (March 23) (8:03)
CD 2: Rarities.
01. Happiness Is A Sad Song (5:53)
02. Hypnose (3:29)
03. Erosmachine (2:58)
04. La Cage (3:23)
05. Chanson Des Granges Brûlées / Song Of The Burnt Barns (2:45)
06. Windswept Canyon (7:39)
07. The Abominable Snowman (0:59)
08. Deserted Palace (2:22)
09. Le Pays De Rose / Roseland (2:01)
10. Rain Forest Rap Session (1:40)
11. Black Bird (3:06)
12. Music Box Concerto (2:41)
13. Iraqi Hitch-hiker (2:25)
14. Les Granges Brûlées / The Burnt Barns (3:13)
15. La Cage (Vitalic RMX) (4:16)
16. Erosmachine (Vitalic RMX) (3:45)
02. Hypnose (3:29)
03. Erosmachine (2:58)
04. La Cage (3:23)
05. Chanson Des Granges Brûlées / Song Of The Burnt Barns (2:45)
06. Windswept Canyon (7:39)
07. The Abominable Snowman (0:59)
08. Deserted Palace (2:22)
09. Le Pays De Rose / Roseland (2:01)
10. Rain Forest Rap Session (1:40)
11. Black Bird (3:06)
12. Music Box Concerto (2:41)
13. Iraqi Hitch-hiker (2:25)
14. Les Granges Brûlées / The Burnt Barns (3:13)
15. La Cage (Vitalic RMX) (4:16)
16. Erosmachine (Vitalic RMX) (3:45)
02. Arpegiateur (Live)
03. Oxygene, Pt. 4 (4:05)
04. Souvenir de Chine (Live) (3:59)
05. Equinoxe, Pt. 4 (6:41)
06. Zoolookologie (4:19)
07. Magnetic Fields, Pt. 1 (6:32)
08. Magnetic Fields, Pt. 2 (3:57)
09. Equinoxe, Pt. 5 (3:54)
10. Chronologie, Pt. 4 (3:59)
11. Fourth Rendez-Vous (3:50)
12. Oxygene, Pt. 6 (5:58)
13. Bells (3:47)
14. Last Rendez-Vous (5:51)
03. Oxygene, Pt. 4 (4:05)
04. Souvenir de Chine (Live) (3:59)
05. Equinoxe, Pt. 4 (6:41)
06. Zoolookologie (4:19)
07. Magnetic Fields, Pt. 1 (6:32)
08. Magnetic Fields, Pt. 2 (3:57)
09. Equinoxe, Pt. 5 (3:54)
10. Chronologie, Pt. 4 (3:59)
11. Fourth Rendez-Vous (3:50)
12. Oxygene, Pt. 6 (5:58)
13. Bells (3:47)
14. Last Rendez-Vous (5:51)
Jean-Michel Jarre & Tangerine
Dream - Zero Gravity (Remix 2015)01. Zero Gravity (Above & Beyond Remix) (7:20)
02. Glory (With
M83) (4:12)
03. Close Your Eyes (With Air) (6:15)
04. Automatic. Pt. 1 (With Vince Clarke) (3:06)
05. Automatic. Pt. 2 (With Vince Clarke) (3:03)
06. If..! (With Little Boots) (3:13)
07. Immortals (With Fuck Buttons) (4:24)
08. Suns Have Gone (With Moby) (5:55)
09. Conquistador (With Gesaffelstein) (3:09)
10. Travelator (Part 2) (With Pete Townshend) (3:10)
11. Zero Gravity (With Tangerine Dream) (7:12)
12. Rely On Me (With Laurie Anderson) (2:54)
13. Stardust (With Armin Van Buuren) (4:37)
14. Watching You (With 3D Of Massive Attack) (4:09)
15. A Question Of Blood (With John Carpenter) (2:58)
16. The Train & The River (With Lang Lang) (7:13)
03. Close Your Eyes (With Air) (6:15)
04. Automatic. Pt. 1 (With Vince Clarke) (3:06)
05. Automatic. Pt. 2 (With Vince Clarke) (3:03)
06. If..! (With Little Boots) (3:13)
07. Immortals (With Fuck Buttons) (4:24)
08. Suns Have Gone (With Moby) (5:55)
09. Conquistador (With Gesaffelstein) (3:09)
10. Travelator (Part 2) (With Pete Townshend) (3:10)
11. Zero Gravity (With Tangerine Dream) (7:12)
12. Rely On Me (With Laurie Anderson) (2:54)
13. Stardust (With Armin Van Buuren) (4:37)
14. Watching You (With 3D Of Massive Attack) (4:09)
15. A Question Of Blood (With John Carpenter) (2:58)
16. The Train & The River (With Lang Lang) (7:13)
02. The
Heart Of Noise, Pt. 2 (4:10)
03. Brick England (With Pet Shop Boys) (4:01)
04. These Creatures (With Julia Holter) (3:40)
05. As One (With Primal Scream) (3:58)
06. Here For You (With Gary Numan) (3:59)
07. Electrees (With Hans Zimmer) (4:10)
08. Exit (With Edward Snowden) (6:19)
09. What You Want (With Peaches) (3:27)
10. Gisele (With Sebastien Tellier) (3:43)
11. Switch On Leon (With The Orb) (4:43)
12. Circus (With Siriusmo) (3:09)
13. Why This, Why That And Why (With Yello) (3:58)
14. The Architect (With Jeff Mills) (4:43)
15. Swipe To The Right (With Cyndi Lauper) (4:54)
16. Walking The Mile (With Christophe) (4:52)
17. Falling Down (3:23)
18. The Heart Of Noise (The Origin) (2:39)
03. Brick England (With Pet Shop Boys) (4:01)
04. These Creatures (With Julia Holter) (3:40)
05. As One (With Primal Scream) (3:58)
06. Here For You (With Gary Numan) (3:59)
07. Electrees (With Hans Zimmer) (4:10)
08. Exit (With Edward Snowden) (6:19)
09. What You Want (With Peaches) (3:27)
10. Gisele (With Sebastien Tellier) (3:43)
11. Switch On Leon (With The Orb) (4:43)
12. Circus (With Siriusmo) (3:09)
13. Why This, Why That And Why (With Yello) (3:58)
14. The Architect (With Jeff Mills) (4:43)
15. Swipe To The Right (With Cyndi Lauper) (4:54)
16. Walking The Mile (With Christophe) (4:52)
17. Falling Down (3:23)
18. The Heart Of Noise (The Origin) (2:39)
02. Oxygène Part 15 (6:40)
03. Oxygène Part 16 (6:50)
04. Oxygène Part 17 (4:20)
05. Oxygène Part 18 (2:48)
06. Oxygène Part 19 (5:45)
07. Oxygène Part 20 (7:58)
03. Oxygène Part 16 (6:50)
04. Oxygène Part 17 (4:20)
05. Oxygène Part 18 (2:48)
06. Oxygène Part 19 (5:45)
07. Oxygène Part 20 (7:58)
02. Flying Totems
(Movement 2) (3:54)
03. Robots Don't Cry (Movement 3) (5:44)
04. All You Leave Behind (Movement 4) (4:01)
05. If The Wind Could Speak (Movement 5) (1:32)
06. Infinity (Movement 6) (4:14)
07. Machines Are Learning (Movement 7) (2:07)
08. The Opening (Movement 8) (4:16)
09. Don't Look Back (Movement 9) (3:36)
10. Equinoxe Infinity (Movement 10) (7:33)
03. Robots Don't Cry (Movement 3) (5:44)
04. All You Leave Behind (Movement 4) (4:01)
05. If The Wind Could Speak (Movement 5) (1:32)
06. Infinity (Movement 6) (4:14)
07. Machines Are Learning (Movement 7) (2:07)
08. The Opening (Movement 8) (4:16)
09. Don't Look Back (Movement 9) (3:36)
10. Equinoxe Infinity (Movement 10) (7:33)
Amazônia (2021)01. Amazônia, Pt. 1 (7:42)
02. Amazônia, Pt. 2 (10:00)
03. Amazônia, Pt. 3 (8:10)
04. Amazônia, Pt. 4 (3:17)
05. Amazônia, Pt. 5 (6:04)
06. Amazônia, Pt. 6 (3:34)
07. Amazônia, Pt. 7 (4:19)
08. Amazônia, Pt. 8 (3:20)
09. Amazônia, Pt. 9 (6:24)
OXYMORE (2022)01. Agora (1:34)
02. Oxymore (4:46)
03. Neon Lips (4:27)
04. Sonic Land (6:01)
05. Animal Genesis (5:46)
06. Synthy Sisters (3:20)
07. Sex In The Machine (5:46)
08. Zeitgeist (3:07)
09. Crystal Garden (4:09)
10. Brutalism (4:41)
11. Epica (5:25)
OXYMOREWORKS (2023)01. Brutalism Take 2 (5:00)
02. Epica Extension (4:29)
03. Brutalism Reprise (4:28)
04. Epica Take 2 (5:33)
05. Synthy Sisters Take 2 (3:09)
06. Epica Maxima (5:15)
07. Sex In The Machine Take 2 (5:04)
08. Zeitgeist Take 2 (5:12)
09. Zeitgeist Botanica (5:49)
02. Amazônia, Pt. 2 (10:00)
03. Amazônia, Pt. 3 (8:10)
04. Amazônia, Pt. 4 (3:17)
05. Amazônia, Pt. 5 (6:04)
06. Amazônia, Pt. 6 (3:34)
07. Amazônia, Pt. 7 (4:19)
08. Amazônia, Pt. 8 (3:20)
09. Amazônia, Pt. 9 (6:24)
OXYMORE (2022)01. Agora (1:34)
02. Oxymore (4:46)
03. Neon Lips (4:27)
04. Sonic Land (6:01)
05. Animal Genesis (5:46)
06. Synthy Sisters (3:20)
07. Sex In The Machine (5:46)
08. Zeitgeist (3:07)
09. Crystal Garden (4:09)
10. Brutalism (4:41)
11. Epica (5:25)
OXYMOREWORKS (2023)01. Brutalism Take 2 (5:00)
02. Epica Extension (4:29)
03. Brutalism Reprise (4:28)
04. Epica Take 2 (5:33)
05. Synthy Sisters Take 2 (3:09)
06. Epica Maxima (5:15)
07. Sex In The Machine Take 2 (5:04)
08. Zeitgeist Take 2 (5:12)
09. Zeitgeist Botanica (5:49)
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