empresário Kevin Jacobsen conseguiu com que os Bee Gees assinassem seu
primeiro contrato musical com a maior gravadora de artistas
independentes da Austrália, a Festival Records, sob a etiqueta Leedon,
usando o nome Bee Gees. Inicialmente, quase chegaram a falir, mas com o
sucesso “Wine and Women”, que chegou ao top 20 em 1965, puderam gravar
seu primeiro disco, The Bee Gees Sing and Play 14 Barry Gibb Songs.
Em 1966, os Bee Gees lançaram Spicks and Specks, já pela etiqueta Spin, também da Festival Records. Em outubro de 1966, os Bee Gees decidiram que iriam retornar à Inglaterra. O primeiro single mundial da banda, lançado já pela Polydor, foi “New York Mining Disaster 1941″ em abril de 1967. Lançado de maneira inusitada, representou um verdadeiro golpe de marketing: o artista vinha escrito como “Be…es”, levando as pessoas a pensarem que era uma nova música dos Beatles. As pessoas compravam, acabavam gostando e depois descobriam que, em vez dos Beatles, eram os Bee Gees. Mas a canção que realmente lançou o trio ao estrelato foi “Massachusetts”, de novembro de 1967, que foi o primeiro single a chegar ao topo das paradas mundiais, em mais de dez países.
Até o fim dos anos 1960, os Bee Gees formaram um quinteto de rock, com influências do country e do soul e letras românticas. Com essas características, conseguiram outros sucessos: “To Love Somebody”, em 1967, “Words” e “I’ve Gotta Get a Message To You” em 1968, além de “I Started a Joke”, a primeira canção dos Bee Gees a chegar no primeiro lugar no Brasil, em 1968.
No fim de 1968, os Bee Gees gravaram o álbum Odessa, lançado em 1969 e que culminou na trágica separação do grupo, com a saída de Vince Melouney, no fim de 1968, e a de Robin, em março de 1969. Colin Petersen ainda gravou algumas canções com Barry e Maurice mas só permaneceu até agosto de 1969, quando foi despedido, sendo substituído por Geoff Bridgeford. Ainda em 1969, Robin gravou seu primeiro disco solo, que lançaria em 1970. Barry e Maurice continuaram e gravaram como Bee Gees até dezembro de 1969, e o álbum resultante dessas gravações foi Cucumber Castle, lançado em abril de 1970.
Os Bee Gees começaram o ano de 1970 sem existir, sendo que cada um dos irmãos gravou um disco a ser lançado em 1970. Entretanto, aos poucos o grupo voltou a gravar junto, e os projetos solo foram largados de lado. Após a reaproximação, os irmãos não perderam tempo e lançaram 2 Years On, que só tem três faixas compostas pelos três irmãos.
Em 1971, a banda teve seu primeiro grande sucesso na América: a balada “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?”, primeiro lugar na maior parte das paradas do continente e a terceira mais ouvida no Brasil em 1971. No ano seguinte foi a vez de “Run to Me” tocar na Europa. Em 1973, lançaram o disco Life in a Tin Can, basicamente country. Apostaram no estilo errado. O resultado foi uma vendagem irrisória, com nível de sucesso perto do nulo. Os Bee Gees gravaram então outro álbum, A Kick in the Head is Worth Eight in the Pants, em que voltavam àquele pop rock dos anos 1960. Acabou sendo rejeitado pela gravadora pela baixa vendagem de Life in a Tin Can e do single “Wouldn’t I Be Someone”. Lançaram, em 1974, o disco Mr. Natural, que tem uma levada mais soul. Entretanto, com toda a decadência que os Bee Gees tinham sofrido, o disco foi praticamente esquecido pela mídia, sendo o menos vendido da banda.
Em 1975, foi lançado Main Course, contendo os sucessos “Jive Talkin’”, “Nights On Broadway” e “Wind Of Change”. Nessa época, KC and the Sunshine Band fazia sucesso com “That’s the Way (I Like It)”, o primeiro grande sucesso da música disco. Os Bee Gees então decidiram embarcar nesse estilo. No ano seguinte, eles lançaram Children of the World, o primeiro álbum disco da banda, que continha a balada “Love So Right” e o hit “You Should Be Dancing”, um clássico da música disco.
Depois de lançarem um disco ao vivo, foram convidados a participar da trilha sonora do filme Os Embalos de Sábado à Noite, que na época bateu todos os recordes de vendagem (até hoje é um best-seller, já vendeu mais de quarenta milhões de cópias, só ficando atrás de Thriller, de Michael Jackson). “Stayin’ Alive”, “How Deep Is Your Love?” e “Night Fever” alcançaram o primeiro lugar em vários países, no auge da era disco. “More Than A Woman”, do mesmo álbum, ainda alcançou 7º lugar na Itália. O grupo também assinou a faixa “If I Can’t Have You”, sucesso na voz de Yvonne Elliman, e a balada “Emotion”, sucesso interpretado pela cantora australiana Samantha Sang.
Era mesmo o ano dos irmãos Gibb. Barry ainda compôs em 1978 a faixa título do filme musical Grease – Nos Tempos da Brilhantina, essa interpretada por Frankie Valli. Os Bee Gees ainda arrumaram tempo para participar do filme musical Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, baseado no álbum homônimo dos Beatles.
Em 1979, os Bee Gees ainda mostraram sua força e emplacaram vários sucessos, como “Tragedy”, “Too Much Heaven” e “Love You Inside Out”, que foram bastante executadas nas rádios. O álbum Spirits Having Flown vendeu mais de 25 milhões de cópias (até hoje) e a turnê Spirits foi grandiosa, percorrendo cerca de sessenta cidades nos EUA.
Em 1981, os Bee Gees decidiram lançar mais um disco. Living Eyes fracassou devido ao pouco apoio das rádios, que já estavam saturadas de músicas dos Gibb nas paradas de sucesso, e começaram a promover outro ritmo emergente, o punk rock.
Após um tempo de pausa, em outubro de 1986, os Bee Gees assinam com a Warner, voltando então a trabalhar juntos. Em 1987, lançaram o álbum E.S.P, que os devolveu ao primeiro lugar em boa parte do mundo, exceto na América, com o sucesso “You Win Again”. Em 1988, a família sofreu um abalo com a morte de Andy Gibb, que sofria de uma problema cardíaco agravado após anos de uso de drogas e álcool. Mesmo assim, o álbum seguinte, One (1989) foi lançado em sua homenagem, e conseguiu popularidade na América, ficando no top 10 por quase um ano, e originando a turnê One For All, que percorreu Europa e Ásia e que foi registrada em VHS (lançado em DVD posteriormente).
Outros singles e álbuns foram lançados nos anos 1990, repetindo sucesso localizado na Europa, Ásia e América Latina. Em 1991, é lançado o álbum “High Civilization”, com grande sucesso na Alemanha, e mais alguns países da Europa. Em 1993, mais um álbum é lançado…”Size Isn’t Everything”. De 1994 a 1997, muitas composições nasceram, e resultaram no album seguinte “Still Waters” lançado em 1997, e um dos álbuns mais vendidos desde “Saturday Night Fever”. Com o Hit “Alone”, os Brothers voltaram ao topo das paradas nos Estados Unidos depois de muitos anos, ganhando disco duplo de platina.
Outro single de muito sucesso do álbum foi a poderosa balada “I Could Not Love You More”, que pouco foi tocada ao vivo, mas que pode ser encontrada no Acústico “Storytellers”, não lançado oficialmente. Neste mesmo ano de 1997, os irmãos lançaram um documentário sobre sua carreira chamado “Keppel Road” (Contendo clipes do álbum Still Waters) e começaram sua grande turnê “One Night Only” pelo mundo todo (em média, um show por país) que durou até 1999. Um desses shows, realizado no luxuoso hotel “MGM Grand Las Vegas”, foi lançado em DVD e CD no ano seguinte. Os Bee Gees também compuseram, cantaram e produziram um mega hit de Celine Dion, “Immortality”, que permaneceu durante um ano nas paradas de todo mundo.
Em 2001, lançaram o que foi o seu último álbum, This Is Where I Came In, um álbum pop rock, em que se destaca a canção/título "This Is Where I Came In", "Wedding Day", "Sacred Trust" e "Man In The Middle", álbum que também teve repercussão localizada em países diferentes: sucesso na Europa, frieza na América, estouro na Ásia. Gravaram no mesmo ano o DVD Live By Request e um documentário em DVD completo sobre a vida deles, tendo o mesmo nome de seu último álbum This Is Where I Came In. No final de 2001 foi lançado a coletânea Their Greatest Hits: The Record.
Uma tragédia acontece em 12 de Janeiro de 2003: de ataque cardíaco, morre Maurice Gibb. Maurice tinha a fama de ser o mediador entre as mentes conflitantes de Barry e Robin. Estes então anunciaram o fim do grupo, no dia 22. Porém, em 2006, os irmãos se reuniram para uma apresentação beneficente em Miami e para o Prince's Trust em Londres. Receberam no mesmo ano um prêmio da Academia Britânica da Música. Em 2007, Barry e Robin gravaram um documentário sobre a repercussão de suas músicas no filme Saturday Night Fever, lançado em DVD no mesmo ano em comemoração aos 30 anos de lançamento do filme. No inicio de 2009, o álbum Odessa foi relançado com material bônus e canções inéditas, apresentando um aspecto diferente, e novo pack-age.
As esperanças sobre uma volta do grupo começaram em 2009, com Robin e Barry trabalhando conjuntamente em um musical dos Bee Gees a ser lançado e, em julho, participando de uma homenagem feita pela Rhino em comemoração aos 50 anos de carreira na Inglaterra. Além disso, eles fizeram uma apresentação juntos, sob o nome de Bee Gees, tocando seus maiores sucessos em Manchester, Inglaterra. Robin, então, deu uma entrevista à rádio britânica BBC revelando que é a volta definitiva dos Bee Gees aos palcos, dizendo que ele e Barry já estão se preparando para uma grande turnê.
Ainda em 2009, os irmãos decidiram lançar duas coletâneas. A primeira, Ultimate Bee Gees: The 50th Anniversary Collection traz dois discos, um de músicas dançantes e outro de românticas, todas sucessos da carreira da banda. A edição de luxo traz ainda um DVD com clipes da banda totalmente remasterizado, iniciativa inédita do grupo. A outra, Mythology, estava planejada para ser lançada junto com a primeira, no dia 3 de novembro de 2009, mas foi adiada para 2010; ela traz quatro discos, cada um contendo músicas interpretadas por cada irmão Gibb, inclusive Andy. A coletânea Mythology ainda conta com canções inéditas na voz de Andy Gibb e Maurice Gibb. Para a divulgação da coletânea Ultimate, os Bee Gees iniciaram no final de Outubro uma série de apresentações na televisão. É a primeira aparição dos Bee Gees na mídia após 07 anos, excetuando a apresentação em 2006, no Prince's Trust.
Havia projetos para os Bee Gees voltarem em 2012, mas a saúde de Robin Gibb piorou devido a uma pneumonia, onde também foi diagnosticado que o mesmo sofria de câncer no cólon, resultando meses de tratamento e, por fim, sua morte, no dia 20 de maio, impedindo este sonho. Foi relatado que Barry Gibb voltará aos palcos, em uma grande turnê em homenagem aos seus irmãos e ao Bee Gees . Ele revelou em sua página no Twitter que "ele estará sempre vivendo pela musica e não importa onde estiver, seus irmãos estarão com ele palco". Texto: Udo Rempel. (urempel@fas.curitiba.pr.gov.br) Fonte: Wikipédia.
Barry Alan Crompton Gibb (Voz e Guitarra)
Robin Hugh Gibb (Voz, R.I.P 2012)
Maurice Ernest Gibb (Voz, Piano, Guitarra, Teclado, Sintetizadores e Baixo)
Robin Hugh Gibb (Voz, R.I.P 2012)
Maurice Ernest Gibb (Voz, Piano, Guitarra, Teclado, Sintetizadores e Baixo)
Outros Integrantes.
Vince Melouney (Guitarra, 1967-1968)
Robert Stigwood (Produtor, 1967-1983)
Alan Kendall (Guitarra, 1971-1980, de 1989-2003)
Arif Mardin (Produtor a Arranjador, 1973´-1975, 1987)
Dennys Bryon (Bateria, 1973-1979)
Blue Weaver (Teclados, Piano, Sintetizador, 1975-1980)
Albhy Galuten (Sintetizador, Produção, Arranjos, 1975-1986)
Karl Richardson (Engenheiro de Som, Produção, 1975-1986)
George Terry (Guitarra, 1979-1986)
George Bitzer (Piano, Sintetizador, 1977-1986)
Rhett Lawrence (Teclados, Sintetizador, Programação, 1986-1987)
George Perry (Baixo, 1990-2003)
Brian Tench (Engenheiro, 1986-1987, 1990)
Femi Jiya (Engenheiro e Produtor, 1990-1993)
John Merchant (Engenheiro, 1990-2003)
Ben Stivers (Teclados 1996-2000)
Matt Bonelli (Baixo 1996-2000)
Steve Rucker (Bateria 1996-2003)
John Merchant (Engenheiro, Programação, 1992-2003)
Ashley Gibb (Engenheiro, 1999-2003)
Robert Stigwood (Produtor, 1967-1983)
Alan Kendall (Guitarra, 1971-1980, de 1989-2003)
Arif Mardin (Produtor a Arranjador, 1973´-1975, 1987)
Dennys Bryon (Bateria, 1973-1979)
Blue Weaver (Teclados, Piano, Sintetizador, 1975-1980)
Albhy Galuten (Sintetizador, Produção, Arranjos, 1975-1986)
Karl Richardson (Engenheiro de Som, Produção, 1975-1986)
George Terry (Guitarra, 1979-1986)
George Bitzer (Piano, Sintetizador, 1977-1986)
Rhett Lawrence (Teclados, Sintetizador, Programação, 1986-1987)
George Perry (Baixo, 1990-2003)
Brian Tench (Engenheiro, 1986-1987, 1990)
Femi Jiya (Engenheiro e Produtor, 1990-1993)
John Merchant (Engenheiro, 1990-2003)
Ben Stivers (Teclados 1996-2000)
Matt Bonelli (Baixo 1996-2000)
Steve Rucker (Bateria 1996-2003)
John Merchant (Engenheiro, Programação, 1992-2003)
Ashley Gibb (Engenheiro, 1999-2003)
Músicos de apoio.
Colin Petersen (Bateria, 1966-1969)
Geoff Bridgeford (Bateria, 1969-1972)
Geoff Bridgeford (Bateria, 1969-1972)
The Bee Gees Sing And Play 14 Barry Gibb Songs (1965)01. I Was A Lover, A Leader Of Men
02. I Don’t Think It’s Funny
03. How Love Was True
04. To Be Or Not To Be
05. Timber
06. Claustrophobia
07. Could It Be
08. And The Children Laughing
09. Wine And Women
10. Don’t Say Goodbye
11. Peace Of Mind
12. Take Hold Of That Star
13. You Wouldn’t Know
14. Follow The Wind
02. I Don’t Think It’s Funny
03. How Love Was True
04. To Be Or Not To Be
05. Timber
06. Claustrophobia
07. Could It Be
08. And The Children Laughing
09. Wine And Women
10. Don’t Say Goodbye
11. Peace Of Mind
12. Take Hold Of That Star
13. You Wouldn’t Know
14. Follow The Wind
Spicks And Specks (1966)01. Monday’s Rain
02. How Many Birds
03. Playdown
04. Second Hand People
05. I Don’t Know Why I Bother With Myself
06. Big Chance
07. Spicks And Specks
08. Jingle Jangle
09. Tint Of Blue
10. Where Are You
11. Born A Man
12. Glass House
02. How Many Birds
03. Playdown
04. Second Hand People
05. I Don’t Know Why I Bother With Myself
06. Big Chance
07. Spicks And Specks
08. Jingle Jangle
09. Tint Of Blue
10. Where Are You
11. Born A Man
12. Glass House
1st (1967)01. Turn Of The Century
02. Holiday
03. Red Chair Fade Away
04. New York Mining Disaster 1941
05. One Minute Women
06. In My Own Time
07. Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
08. Craise Finton Kirk Royal Academy Of Arts
09. Cucumber Castle
10. To Love Somebody
11. I Close My Eyes
12. I Can’t See Nobody
13. Please Read Me
14. Close Another Door
02. Holiday
03. Red Chair Fade Away
04. New York Mining Disaster 1941
05. One Minute Women
06. In My Own Time
07. Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
08. Craise Finton Kirk Royal Academy Of Arts
09. Cucumber Castle
10. To Love Somebody
11. I Close My Eyes
12. I Can’t See Nobody
13. Please Read Me
14. Close Another Door
Horizontal (1968)01. Word
02. And The Sun Will Shine
03. Lemons Never Do Forget
04. Really And Sincerely
05. Birdie Told Me
06. With The Sun In My Eyes
07. Massachussetts
08. Harry Braff
09. Daytime Girl
10. The Earnest Of Being George
11. The Change Is Made
12. Horizontal
02. And The Sun Will Shine
03. Lemons Never Do Forget
04. Really And Sincerely
05. Birdie Told Me
06. With The Sun In My Eyes
07. Massachussetts
08. Harry Braff
09. Daytime Girl
10. The Earnest Of Being George
11. The Change Is Made
12. Horizontal
Idea (1968)01. Let There Be Love
02. Kitty Can
03. In The Summer Of His Years
04. Indian Gin And Whiskey Dry
05. Down To Earth
06. Such A Shame
07. I've Gotta Get A Message To You
08. Idea
09. When The Swallows Fly
10. I Have Decided To Join The Airforce
11. I Started The Joke
12. Kilburn Towers
13. Swang Song
02. Kitty Can
03. In The Summer Of His Years
04. Indian Gin And Whiskey Dry
05. Down To Earth
06. Such A Shame
07. I've Gotta Get A Message To You
08. Idea
09. When The Swallows Fly
10. I Have Decided To Join The Airforce
11. I Started The Joke
12. Kilburn Towers
13. Swang Song
Odessa (1969)01. Odessa (City On The Black Sea)
02. You’ll Never See My Face Again
03. Black Diamond
04. Marley Purt Drive
05. Edison
06. Melody Fair
07. Suddenly
08. Whisper Whisper
09. Lamplight
10. Sound Of Love
11. Give Your Best
12. Seven Seas Symphony
13. With All Nations (International Anthem)
14. I Laugh In Your Face
15. Never Say Never Again
16. First Of May
17. The British Opera
02. You’ll Never See My Face Again
03. Black Diamond
04. Marley Purt Drive
05. Edison
06. Melody Fair
07. Suddenly
08. Whisper Whisper
09. Lamplight
10. Sound Of Love
11. Give Your Best
12. Seven Seas Symphony
13. With All Nations (International Anthem)
14. I Laugh In Your Face
15. Never Say Never Again
16. First Of May
17. The British Opera
Best Of Bee Gees (1969)01. Holiday
Cucumber Castle (1970)01. If Only Had My Mind On Something Else
Best Of Bee Gees (1969)01. Holiday
02. I've Gotta Get a Message to You
03. I Can't See Nobody
04. Words
05. I Started A Joke
06. Tomorrow, Tomorrow
07. First Of May
08. World
09. Massachusetts
10. To Love Somebody
11. Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
12. New York Mining Disaster 1941
03. I Can't See Nobody
04. Words
05. I Started A Joke
06. Tomorrow, Tomorrow
07. First Of May
08. World
09. Massachusetts
10. To Love Somebody
11. Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
12. New York Mining Disaster 1941
Cucumber Castle (1970)01. If Only Had My Mind On Something Else
02. I.O.I.O
03. Then You Left Me
04. The Lord
05. I Was The Child
06. I Lay Down And Die
07. Sweetheart
08. Bury Me Down By The Rider
09. My Thing
10. The Chance Of Love
11. Turning Tide
12. Don’t Forget To Remember
03. Then You Left Me
04. The Lord
05. I Was The Child
06. I Lay Down And Die
07. Sweetheart
08. Bury Me Down By The Rider
09. My Thing
10. The Chance Of Love
11. Turning Tide
12. Don’t Forget To Remember
2 Years On (1970)01. 2 Years On
02. Portrait Of Louise
03. Man For All Seasons
04. Sincere Relation
05. Back Home
06. The 1St Mistake I Ever Made
07. Lonely Days
08. Alone Again
09. Tell Me Why
10. Lay It On Me
11. Every Second, Every Minute
12. I’m Weeping
02. Portrait Of Louise
03. Man For All Seasons
04. Sincere Relation
05. Back Home
06. The 1St Mistake I Ever Made
07. Lonely Days
08. Alone Again
09. Tell Me Why
10. Lay It On Me
11. Every Second, Every Minute
12. I’m Weeping
Trafalgar (1971)01. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
02. Israel
03. Greatest Man In The World
04. It’s Just The Way
05. Remembering
06. Somebody Stop The Music
07. Trafalgar
08. Don’t Want To Live Inside Myself
09. When Do I
10. Dearest
11. Lion In Winter
12. Walking Back To Waterloo
02. Israel
03. Greatest Man In The World
04. It’s Just The Way
05. Remembering
06. Somebody Stop The Music
07. Trafalgar
08. Don’t Want To Live Inside Myself
09. When Do I
10. Dearest
11. Lion In Winter
12. Walking Back To Waterloo
To Whom It May Concern (1972)01. Run To Me
02. We Lost The Road
03. Never Been Alone
04. Paper Mache, Cabbages And Kings
05. I Can Bring Love
06. I Held A Party
07. Please Don’t Turn Out The Light
08. Sea Of Smiling Face
09. Bad Bad Dreams
10. You Know It’s For You
11. Alive
12. Road To Alaska
13. Sweet Song Of Summer
02. We Lost The Road
03. Never Been Alone
04. Paper Mache, Cabbages And Kings
05. I Can Bring Love
06. I Held A Party
07. Please Don’t Turn Out The Light
08. Sea Of Smiling Face
09. Bad Bad Dreams
10. You Know It’s For You
11. Alive
12. Road To Alaska
13. Sweet Song Of Summer
Life In A Tin Can (1973)01. Saw A New Morning
02. I Don’t Wanna Be The One
03. South Dakota Morning
04. Living In Chicago
05. While I Play
06. My Life Has Been A Song
07. Come Home Johnny Bride
08. Method To My Madness
02. I Don’t Wanna Be The One
03. South Dakota Morning
04. Living In Chicago
05. While I Play
06. My Life Has Been A Song
07. Come Home Johnny Bride
08. Method To My Madness
A Kick In the Head Is Worth Eight In The Pants, 1970 (1973)Álbum não lançado.
01. A Lonely Violin
02. Losers And Lovers
03. Home Again Rivers
04. Dear Mr. Kissinger
05. Jesus In Heaven
06. Harry’s Gate
07. Rocky L.A.
08. Castles In The Air
09. Where Is Your Sister?
10. Life, Am I Wasting My Time?
Bonus Tracks: Midnight Special 1973 US TV Broadcast.
11. Money (With Jerry Lee Lewis)
12. Alexanders Ragtime Band
13. Hey Jude (With Wilson Pickett)
14. Beatles Bedley
01. A Lonely Violin
02. Losers And Lovers
03. Home Again Rivers
04. Dear Mr. Kissinger
05. Jesus In Heaven
06. Harry’s Gate
07. Rocky L.A.
08. Castles In The Air
09. Where Is Your Sister?
10. Life, Am I Wasting My Time?
Bonus Tracks: Midnight Special 1973 US TV Broadcast.
11. Money (With Jerry Lee Lewis)
12. Alexanders Ragtime Band
13. Hey Jude (With Wilson Pickett)
14. Beatles Bedley
Mr. Natural (1974)01. Charade
02. Throw A Penny
03. Down The Road
04. Voices
05. Give A Hand, Take A Hand
06. Dogs
07. Mr. Natural
08. Lost In Your Love
09. I Can’t Let You Go
10. Heavy Breathing
11. Had A Lot Of Love Last Night
02. Throw A Penny
03. Down The Road
04. Voices
05. Give A Hand, Take A Hand
06. Dogs
07. Mr. Natural
08. Lost In Your Love
09. I Can’t Let You Go
10. Heavy Breathing
11. Had A Lot Of Love Last Night
Replay (Coletânea 1974)01. Spicks And Specks
02. Follow The Wind
03. I Am The World
04. I Was A Lover
05. How Love Was True
06. Every Day I Have To Cry
07. Turn Around Look At Me
08. How Many Birds
09. The Three Kisses Of Love
10. I Don't Think Its Funny
11. Take Hold Of That Star
12. Second Hand People
13. Wine And Women
14. To Be Or Not To Be
15. Mondays Rain
02. Follow The Wind
03. I Am The World
04. I Was A Lover
05. How Love Was True
06. Every Day I Have To Cry
07. Turn Around Look At Me
08. How Many Birds
09. The Three Kisses Of Love
10. I Don't Think Its Funny
11. Take Hold Of That Star
12. Second Hand People
13. Wine And Women
14. To Be Or Not To Be
15. Mondays Rain
Main Course (1975)01. Nights On Broadway
02. Jive Talkin
03. Wind Of Change
04. Songbird
05. Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
06. All This Making Love
07. Country Lane
08. Come On Over
09. Edge Of The Universe
10. Baby As You Turn Away
02. Jive Talkin
03. Wind Of Change
04. Songbird
05. Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
06. All This Making Love
07. Country Lane
08. Come On Over
09. Edge Of The Universe
10. Baby As You Turn Away
02. You Stepped Into My Life
03. Love So Right
04. Lovers
05. Can't Keep A Good Man Down
06. Boogie Child
07. Love Me
08. Subway
09. The Way It Was
10. Children Of The World
03. Love So Right
04. Lovers
05. Can't Keep A Good Man Down
06. Boogie Child
07. Love Me
08. Subway
09. The Way It Was
10. Children Of The World
01. I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You
02. Loveso Right
03. Edge Of The Universe
04. Come On Over
05. Can’t Keep A Good Man Down
06. New York Mining Disaster 1941
07. Run To Me-World
08. Medley:
I Can’t See Nobody
I Started A Joke
09. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
10. To Love Somebody
02. Loveso Right
03. Edge Of The Universe
04. Come On Over
05. Can’t Keep A Good Man Down
06. New York Mining Disaster 1941
07. Run To Me-World
08. Medley:
I Can’t See Nobody
I Started A Joke
09. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
10. To Love Somebody
CD 2.
01. You Should Be Dancing
02. Boogie Child
03. Down The Road
04. Words
05. Wind Of Change
06. Nights Of Broadway
07. Jive Talkin’
08. Lonely Days
02. Boogie Child
03. Down The Road
04. Words
05. Wind Of Change
06. Nights Of Broadway
07. Jive Talkin’
08. Lonely Days
Spirits Having Flown (1979)01. Tragedy
02. Too Much Heaven
03. Love You Inside Out
04. Reaching Out
05. Spirits (Having Flown)
06. Search, Find
07. Stop (Think Again)
08. Living Together
09. I’m Satisfied
10. Until
02. Too Much Heaven
03. Love You Inside Out
04. Reaching Out
05. Spirits (Having Flown)
06. Search, Find
07. Stop (Think Again)
08. Living Together
09. I’m Satisfied
10. Until
02. He’s A Liar
03. Paradise
04. Don’t Fall In Love With Me
05. Soldiers
06. I Still Love You
07. Wildflower
08. Nothing Could Be Good
09. Cryin’Every Day
10. Be Who You Are
03. Paradise
04. Don’t Fall In Love With Me
05. Soldiers
06. I Still Love You
07. Wildflower
08. Nothing Could Be Good
09. Cryin’Every Day
10. Be Who You Are
E.S.P (1987)01. E.S.P
02. You Win Again
03. Live Or Die (Hold Me Like A Child)
04. Giving Up The Ghost
05. The Longest Night
06. This Is Your Life
07. Angela
08. Overnight
09. Crazy For Your Love
10. Backtafunk
11. E.S.P (Vocal Reprise)
02. You Win Again
03. Live Or Die (Hold Me Like A Child)
04. Giving Up The Ghost
05. The Longest Night
06. This Is Your Life
07. Angela
08. Overnight
09. Crazy For Your Love
10. Backtafunk
11. E.S.P (Vocal Reprise)
One (1989)01. Ordinary Lives
02. One
03. Bodyguard
04. In My Neighborhood
05. Tears
06. Tokyo Nights
07. Flesh And Blood
08. Wish You Were Here
09. House Of Shame
10. Will You Ever Let Me
11. Wing And A Praye
02. One
03. Bodyguard
04. In My Neighborhood
05. Tears
06. Tokyo Nights
07. Flesh And Blood
08. Wish You Were Here
09. House Of Shame
10. Will You Ever Let Me
11. Wing And A Praye
High Civilization (1991)01. High Civilization
02. Secret Love
03. When He’s Gone
04. Happy Ever After
05. Party With No Name
06. Ghost Train
07. Dimensions
08. The Only Love
09. Human Sacrifice
10. True Confessions
11. Evolutions
02. Secret Love
03. When He’s Gone
04. Happy Ever After
05. Party With No Name
06. Ghost Train
07. Dimensions
08. The Only Love
09. Human Sacrifice
10. True Confessions
11. Evolutions
Size Isn’t Everything (1993)01. Paying The Price Of Love
02. Kiss Of Life
03. How To Fall In Love (Part 1)
04. Omega Man
05. Haunted House
06. Heart Like Mine
07. Anything For You
08. Blue Island
09. Above & Beyond
10. For Whom The Bell Tolls
11. Fallen Angel
02. Kiss Of Life
03. How To Fall In Love (Part 1)
04. Omega Man
05. Haunted House
06. Heart Like Mine
07. Anything For You
08. Blue Island
09. Above & Beyond
10. For Whom The Bell Tolls
11. Fallen Angel
The Early Years (Coletânea 1996)01. Everyday I Have to Cry
02. How Many Birds
03. Second Hand People
04. Wine and Women
05. I Am the World
06. I Was a Love, Leader of Men
07. Spicks and Specks
08. Three Kisses of Love
09. You Wouldn't Know
10. Claustrophobia
11. Glass House
12. Monday's Rain
13. Take Hold of That Star
14. To Be or Not to Be
15. Could It Be I'm In Love
16. How Love Was True
17. I Don't Think It's Funny
18. Playdown
19. The Battle of the Blue and Gray
20. Turn Around and Look At Me
02. How Many Birds
03. Second Hand People
04. Wine and Women
05. I Am the World
06. I Was a Love, Leader of Men
07. Spicks and Specks
08. Three Kisses of Love
09. You Wouldn't Know
10. Claustrophobia
11. Glass House
12. Monday's Rain
13. Take Hold of That Star
14. To Be or Not to Be
15. Could It Be I'm In Love
16. How Love Was True
17. I Don't Think It's Funny
18. Playdown
19. The Battle of the Blue and Gray
20. Turn Around and Look At Me
Still Waters (1997)01. Alone
02. I Surrender
03. I Could Not Love You More
04. Still Waters Run Deep
05. My Lover’s Prayer
06. Whit My Eyes Closed
07. Irresistible Force
08. Closer Than Close
09. I Will
10. Obsessions
11. Miracles Happen
12. Smoke And Mirrors
02. I Surrender
03. I Could Not Love You More
04. Still Waters Run Deep
05. My Lover’s Prayer
06. Whit My Eyes Closed
07. Irresistible Force
08. Closer Than Close
09. I Will
10. Obsessions
11. Miracles Happen
12. Smoke And Mirrors
One Night Only (Live 1998)01. Intro-You Should Be Dancing/Alone
02. Massachussets
03. To Love Somebody
04. Words
05. Closer Than Close
06. Islands In The Stream
07. Our Love (Don’t Throw It All Away)
08. Night Fever/ More Than A Woman
09. Lonely Days
10. New York Minning Disaster 1941
11. I Can’t See Nobody
12. And The Sun Will Shine
13. Nigths On Broadway
14. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
15. Heartbreaker
16. Guilty
17. Immortalitty
18. Tragedy
19. I Started A Joke
20. Grease
21. Jive Talkin
22. How Deep Is Your Love
23. Stayin Alive
24. You Should Be Dancing
02. Massachussets
03. To Love Somebody
04. Words
05. Closer Than Close
06. Islands In The Stream
07. Our Love (Don’t Throw It All Away)
08. Night Fever/ More Than A Woman
09. Lonely Days
10. New York Minning Disaster 1941
11. I Can’t See Nobody
12. And The Sun Will Shine
13. Nigths On Broadway
14. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
15. Heartbreaker
16. Guilty
17. Immortalitty
18. Tragedy
19. I Started A Joke
20. Grease
21. Jive Talkin
22. How Deep Is Your Love
23. Stayin Alive
24. You Should Be Dancing
This Is Where I Came In (2001)01. This Is Where I Came In
02. She Keeps On Coming
03. Sacred Trust
04. Wedding Day
05. Man In The Middle
06. Deja Vu
07. Technicolor Dreams
08. Walking On Air
09. Loose Talk Costs Lives
10. Enbrace
11. The Extra Mile
12. Voice In The Wildernes
02. She Keeps On Coming
03. Sacred Trust
04. Wedding Day
05. Man In The Middle
06. Deja Vu
07. Technicolor Dreams
08. Walking On Air
09. Loose Talk Costs Lives
10. Enbrace
11. The Extra Mile
12. Voice In The Wildernes
Spicks And Specks: The Early Years (Coletânea 2003)01. Spicks And Specks
Perguntas, avisos ou problemas no blog, serão atendidos somente através do e-mail: alex.classicrock@yahoo.com.br
Quem insistir em escrever nos comentários será ignorado e o problema não será corrigido.
Por vários motivos esse Blog não atende pedidos de discografias, e-mails ignorando este aviso serão marcados como Spam.
Links alheios não serão permitidos.
Respeite os gostos e opiniões alheias, críticas, ofensas e discussões com palavras de baixo calão não serão permitidas.
Spicks And Specks: The Early Years (Coletânea 2003)01. Spicks And Specks
02. Follow The Wind
03. I Am The World
04. I Was A Lover
05. How Love Was True
06. Everyday I Have To Cry Some
07. Turn Around Look At Me
08. How Many Birds
09. The Three Kisses Of Love
10. I Don't Think It's Funny
11. Take Hold Of That Star
12. Second Hand People
13. Wine And Woman
14. To Be Or Not To Be
15. Monday's Rain
03. I Am The World
04. I Was A Lover
05. How Love Was True
06. Everyday I Have To Cry Some
07. Turn Around Look At Me
08. How Many Birds
09. The Three Kisses Of Love
10. I Don't Think It's Funny
11. Take Hold Of That Star
12. Second Hand People
13. Wine And Woman
14. To Be Or Not To Be
15. Monday's Rain
Number Ones (Coletânea 2004)01. Massachusetts
02. World
03. Words
04. I've Gotta Get a Message to You
05. I Started a Joke
06. Don't Forget to Remember
07. How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
08. Jive Talkin'
09. You Should Be Dancing
10. How Deep Is Your Love
11. Stayin' Alive
12. Night Fever
13. Too Much Heaven
14. Tragedy
15. More Than a Woman
16. Love You Inside Out
17. You Win Again
18. Man In the Middle
19. Islands In the Stream
20. Immortality (Original Demo Version)
02. World
03. Words
04. I've Gotta Get a Message to You
05. I Started a Joke
06. Don't Forget to Remember
07. How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
08. Jive Talkin'
09. You Should Be Dancing
10. How Deep Is Your Love
11. Stayin' Alive
12. Night Fever
13. Too Much Heaven
14. Tragedy
15. More Than a Woman
16. Love You Inside Out
17. You Win Again
18. Man In the Middle
19. Islands In the Stream
20. Immortality (Original Demo Version)
Love Songs (Coletânea 2005)01. To Love Somebody
02. Words
03. First of May
04. Lonely Days
05. How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
06. How Deep Is Your Love
07. More Than a Woman
08. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
09. Emotion
10. Too Much Heaven
11. Heartbreaker
12. Islands In the Stream (Live)
13. Juliet
14. Secret Love
15. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Single Version)
16. Closer Than Close
17. I Could Not Love You More
18. Wedding Day
02. Words
03. First of May
04. Lonely Days
05. How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
06. How Deep Is Your Love
07. More Than a Woman
08. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
09. Emotion
10. Too Much Heaven
11. Heartbreaker
12. Islands In the Stream (Live)
13. Juliet
14. Secret Love
15. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Single Version)
16. Closer Than Close
17. I Could Not Love You More
18. Wedding Day
01. Jive Talkin'
02. Night Fever
03. Tragedy
04. You Should Be Dancing
05. Stayin' Alive
06. How Deep Is Your Love
07. Love So Right
08. Too Much Heaven
09. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
10. Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
11. Warm Ride
12. Stayin' Alive (Promo 12" Version)
02. Night Fever
03. Tragedy
04. You Should Be Dancing
05. Stayin' Alive
06. How Deep Is Your Love
07. Love So Right
08. Too Much Heaven
09. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
10. Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
11. Warm Ride
12. Stayin' Alive (Promo 12" Version)
CD 2.
01. If I Can't Have You
02. You Stepped Into My Life
03. Love Me
04. More Than a Woman
05. Rest Your Love On Me
06. Nights On Broadway
07. Spirits (Having Flown)
08. Love You Inside Out
09. Winds of Change
10. Children of the World
11. You Should Be Dancing (Jason Bentley / Philip Steir Remix)
12. If I Can't Have You (Count Da Money Remix)
13. Night Fever (Grn Remix)
14. How Deep Is Your Love (Supreme Beings of Leisure Remix)
15. Stayin' Alive (Teddybears Remix)
02. You Stepped Into My Life
03. Love Me
04. More Than a Woman
05. Rest Your Love On Me
06. Nights On Broadway
07. Spirits (Having Flown)
08. Love You Inside Out
09. Winds of Change
10. Children of the World
11. You Should Be Dancing (Jason Bentley / Philip Steir Remix)
12. If I Can't Have You (Count Da Money Remix)
13. Night Fever (Grn Remix)
14. How Deep Is Your Love (Supreme Beings of Leisure Remix)
15. Stayin' Alive (Teddybears Remix)
Essential Masters (Coletânea 2009)01. And The Children Laughing
02. Could It Be I'm In Love With You
03. I Want Home
04. I Am The World
05. In The Morning
06. I Was A Lover, A Leader Of Men
07. Wine And Women
08. To Be Or Not To Be
09. Claustrophobia
10. The Battle Of The Blue And The Grey
11. How Love Was True
12. You Wouldn't Know
13. Three Kisses Of Love
14. I Don't Think It's Funny
15. How Many Birds
16. Everyday I Have To Cry
17. Spicks & Specks
18. Take Hold Of That Star
19. I Don't Know Why I Bother Myself
20. Glass House
21. Monday's Rain
22. Playdown
23. Follow The Wind
24. Theme From Jamie McPheeters
25. Second Hand People
26. Turn Around, Look At Me
27. Big Chance
02. Could It Be I'm In Love With You
03. I Want Home
04. I Am The World
05. In The Morning
06. I Was A Lover, A Leader Of Men
07. Wine And Women
08. To Be Or Not To Be
09. Claustrophobia
10. The Battle Of The Blue And The Grey
11. How Love Was True
12. You Wouldn't Know
13. Three Kisses Of Love
14. I Don't Think It's Funny
15. How Many Birds
16. Everyday I Have To Cry
17. Spicks & Specks
18. Take Hold Of That Star
19. I Don't Know Why I Bother Myself
20. Glass House
21. Monday's Rain
22. Playdown
23. Follow The Wind
24. Theme From Jamie McPheeters
25. Second Hand People
26. Turn Around, Look At Me
27. Big Chance
01. You Should Be Dancing
02. Stayin' Alive
03. Jive Talkin'
04. Nights On Broadway
05. Tragedy
06. Night Fever
07. More Than a Woman
08. Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
09. Spirits Having Flown
10. If I Can't Have You
11. Boogie Child
12. Love You Inside Out
13. You Win Again
14. One
15. Secret Love
16. Alone
17. Still Waters (Run Deep)
18. This Is Where I Came In
19. Spicks and Specks (Live)
02. Stayin' Alive
03. Jive Talkin'
04. Nights On Broadway
05. Tragedy
06. Night Fever
07. More Than a Woman
08. Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
09. Spirits Having Flown
10. If I Can't Have You
11. Boogie Child
12. Love You Inside Out
13. You Win Again
14. One
15. Secret Love
16. Alone
17. Still Waters (Run Deep)
18. This Is Where I Came In
19. Spicks and Specks (Live)
CD 2.
01. How Deep Is Your Love
02. To Love Somebody
03. Words
04. How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
05. Too Much Heaven
06. Emotion
07. Lonely Days
08. Run to Me
09. Love So Right
10. For Whom the Bell Tolls
11. I've Gotta Get a Message to You
12. New York Mining Disaster 1941
13. Massachusetts
14. I Started a Joke
15. World
16. First of May
17. Holiday
18. Don't Forget to Remember
(Live At MGM Grand Las Vegas)
19. Islands In the Stream
20. Heartbreaker
02. To Love Somebody
03. Words
04. How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
05. Too Much Heaven
06. Emotion
07. Lonely Days
08. Run to Me
09. Love So Right
10. For Whom the Bell Tolls
11. I've Gotta Get a Message to You
12. New York Mining Disaster 1941
13. Massachusetts
14. I Started a Joke
15. World
16. First of May
17. Holiday
18. Don't Forget to Remember
(Live At MGM Grand Las Vegas)
19. Islands In the Stream
20. Heartbreaker
Big Chance (Coletânea 2010)01. Tree Kisses of Love
02. Turn Around Look At Me
03. Claustrophobia
04. Big Chance
05. Theme from Jamie McPheeters
06. Second Hand People
07. How Many Birds
08. Everyday I Have to Cry
09. I Want Home
10. Spicks and Speeks
11. Could It Be I'm In Love
12. The Battle of Blue and Grey
13. Playdown
14. Monday's Rain
15. You Wouldn't Know
16. I Don't Think It Is Funny
17. I Am the World
18. Glasshouse
19. Follow the Wind
20. In the Morning
02. Turn Around Look At Me
03. Claustrophobia
04. Big Chance
05. Theme from Jamie McPheeters
06. Second Hand People
07. How Many Birds
08. Everyday I Have to Cry
09. I Want Home
10. Spicks and Speeks
11. Could It Be I'm In Love
12. The Battle of Blue and Grey
13. Playdown
14. Monday's Rain
15. You Wouldn't Know
16. I Don't Think It Is Funny
17. I Am the World
18. Glasshouse
19. Follow the Wind
20. In the Morning
Early Bee Gee Sessions, Vol. 2 (Coletânea 2010)01. Spicks And Specks
02. I Don't Know Why I Bother Myself
03. Follow The Wind
04. Everyday I Have To Cry
05. I Want Home
06. Second Hand People
07. And The Children Laughing
08. I Am The World
09. Wine And Women
10. Playdown
11. I Was A Lover (A Leader Of Men)
12. Monday's Rain
13. To Be Or Not To Be
02. I Don't Know Why I Bother Myself
03. Follow The Wind
04. Everyday I Have To Cry
05. I Want Home
06. Second Hand People
07. And The Children Laughing
08. I Am The World
09. Wine And Women
10. Playdown
11. I Was A Lover (A Leader Of Men)
12. Monday's Rain
13. To Be Or Not To Be
01. Spirits (Having Flown)
02. You Win Again
03. Jive Talkin'
04. To Love Somebody
05. Tragedy
06. Too Much Heaven
07. First Of May
08. More Than A Woman
09. Love So Right
10. Night Fever
11. Words
12. Don't Forget To Remember
13. If I Can't Have You
14. Alone
15. Heartbreaker
16. How Deep Is Your Love
17. Love You Inside Out
18. Stayin' Alive
19. Barker Of The UFO
20. Swan Song
21. Spicks And Specks
02. You Win Again
03. Jive Talkin'
04. To Love Somebody
05. Tragedy
06. Too Much Heaven
07. First Of May
08. More Than A Woman
09. Love So Right
10. Night Fever
11. Words
12. Don't Forget To Remember
13. If I Can't Have You
14. Alone
15. Heartbreaker
16. How Deep Is Your Love
17. Love You Inside Out
18. Stayin' Alive
19. Barker Of The UFO
20. Swan Song
21. Spicks And Specks
CD 2.
01. I Am The World
02. New York Mining Disaster 1941
03. I Can't See Nobody
04. Holiday
05. Massachusetts
06. Sir Geoffrey Saved The World
07. And The Sun Will Shine
08. The Singer Sang His Song
09. I've Gotta Get A Message To You
10. I Started A Joke
11. Odessa
12. Saved By The Bell
13. My World
14. Run To Me
15. Love Me
16. Juliet
17. The Longest Night
18. Fallen Angel
19. Rings Around The Moon
20. Embrace
21. Islands In The Stream
02. New York Mining Disaster 1941
03. I Can't See Nobody
04. Holiday
05. Massachusetts
06. Sir Geoffrey Saved The World
07. And The Sun Will Shine
08. The Singer Sang His Song
09. I've Gotta Get A Message To You
10. I Started A Joke
11. Odessa
12. Saved By The Bell
13. My World
14. Run To Me
15. Love Me
16. Juliet
17. The Longest Night
18. Fallen Angel
19. Rings Around The Moon
20. Embrace
21. Islands In The Stream
CD 3.
01. Man In The Middle
02. Closer Than Close
03. Dimensions
04. House Of Shame
05. Suddenly
06. Railroad
07. Overnight
08. It's Just The Way
09. Lay It On Me
10. Trafalgar
11. Omega Man
12. Walking On Air
13. Country Woman
14. Angel Of Mercy
15. Above And Beyond
16. Hold Her In Your Hand
17. You Know It's For You
18. Wildflower
19. On Time
20. The Bridge
02. Closer Than Close
03. Dimensions
04. House Of Shame
05. Suddenly
06. Railroad
07. Overnight
08. It's Just The Way
09. Lay It On Me
10. Trafalgar
11. Omega Man
12. Walking On Air
13. Country Woman
14. Angel Of Mercy
15. Above And Beyond
16. Hold Her In Your Hand
17. You Know It's For You
18. Wildflower
19. On Time
20. The Bridge
CD 4.
01. Shadow Dancing
02. I Just Want To Be Your Everything
03. (Love Is) Thicker Than Water
04. An Everlasting Love
05. Desire
06. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
07. Flowing Rivers
08. Words And Music
09. I Can't Help It (Feat. Olivia Newton John)
10. Time Is Time
11. Me (Without You)
12. After Dark
13. Warm Ride
14. Too Many Looks In Your Eyes
15. Man On Fire
16. Arrow Through The Heart
17. Starlight
18. Dance To The Light Of The Morning
19. In The End
02. I Just Want To Be Your Everything
03. (Love Is) Thicker Than Water
04. An Everlasting Love
05. Desire
06. (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
07. Flowing Rivers
08. Words And Music
09. I Can't Help It (Feat. Olivia Newton John)
10. Time Is Time
11. Me (Without You)
12. After Dark
13. Warm Ride
14. Too Many Looks In Your Eyes
15. Man On Fire
16. Arrow Through The Heart
17. Starlight
18. Dance To The Light Of The Morning
19. In The End
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