Tharpe (20 de março de 1915 – 9 de outubro de 1973) foi uma cantora,
compositora e guitarrista de música gospel, é considerada por muitos a
Mãe do Rock. Teve grande popularidade na década de 1940, com uma mistura
única de letras gospel e acompanhamento de início de blues e country
music. Pioneira da música no século XX, Rosetta foi única ao misturar o
gospel com o ritmo que seria futuramente conhecido como rock.
Ousando atravessar a linha entre sagrado e secular apresentando sua música inspiradora de "luz" na "escuridão" dos clubes noturnos e salões de baile acompanhada por big bands. Em 13 de dezembro de 2017, Tharpe foi incluída no Rock and Roll Hall of Fame como uma influência antecipada. Apesar do título de "rei" do rock ter sido erroneamente atribuído a quem nada criou, Rosetta Tharpe permanece sendo a criadora do Rock and Roll, e a verdadeira Rainha do Rock.
Ousando atravessar a linha entre sagrado e secular apresentando sua música inspiradora de "luz" na "escuridão" dos clubes noturnos e salões de baile acompanhada por big bands. Em 13 de dezembro de 2017, Tharpe foi incluída no Rock and Roll Hall of Fame como uma influência antecipada. Apesar do título de "rei" do rock ter sido erroneamente atribuído a quem nada criou, Rosetta Tharpe permanece sendo a criadora do Rock and Roll, e a verdadeira Rainha do Rock.
Nascida Rosetta Nubin em Cotton Plant, Arkansas, ela começou a se apresentar quando tinha apenas quatro anos. Era chamada "Little Rosetta Nubin, the singing and guitar playing miracle", acompanhando sua mãe (Katie Bell Nubin) que tocava mandolin na Igreja de Deus em Cristo pelo sul do país. Exposta a ambos blues e country music durante a infância, depois que sua família se mudou para Chicago, Illinois no final da década de 20, ela tocava um tipo de proto - rock escondido e apresentava música gospel publicamente. Seu estilo único refletiu influências antigas, pois ela tocava notas como músicos de jazz faziam e dedilhava a guitarra como fazia Memphis Minnie.
Depois de se casar com o pastor Thomas Thorpe, da Igreja de Deus em Cristo, Rosetta ganhou o nome "Tharpe" por erros de grafia. Em 1934, ele se mudaram para Nova Iorque, e em outubro de 1940 ela gravou pela primeira vez, quatro faixas, com a Decca Records, acompanhada pela orquestra de Lucky Millinder. Suas gravações causaram um furor imediato, muitos frequentadores da igreja estavam chocados com a mistura de música sacra e outros ritmos, mas outras platéias adoraram essa mistura.
Apresentações em "From Spirituals To Swing" de John H. Hammond no final do mesmo ano no "Cotton Club" e "Café Society" com Cab Calloway e Benny Goodman fizeram com que Rosetta ficasse ainda mais famosa. Canções como "This Train" e "Rock Me", que combinavam temas gospel com arranjos mais rápidos, se tornaram hits entre um público que nunca havia sido exposto à música gospel.
Rosetta continuou gravando durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, ela era um dos únicos dois artistas autorizados a gravar "v-discs" para tropas do outro lado do oceano. Sua música "Strange Things Happening Every Day", gravada em 1944 com Sammy Price, pianista de boogie woogie da Decca, mostrou sua virtuosidade como guitarrista e suas letras espirituosas. Essa também foi a primeira música gospel a ir para a corrida do top 10 da Billboard, algo que Sister Rosetta Tharpe conseguiu mais algumas vezes em sua carreira. A gravação é creditada por algumas fontes como a primeira gravação de Rock and roll.
Depois da guerra, a Decca juntou Sister Rosetta à cantora Marie Knight, e com o hit "up above my head" elas participaram do circuito gospel de turnês por alguns anos. Nessa época Sister Rosetta estava tão famosa que chegou a atrair um público pagante de aproximadamente 25.000 pessoas para o seu terceiro casamento com Russel Morrison que a empresariava na época. A celebração foi seguida de uma apresentação vocal no "Griffith Stadium" em Washington D.C. em 1951.
Sua popularidade entrou em decaída quando gravou algumas canções de blues no começo da década de 50. Marie Knight queria ir para o lado da música pop, enquanto Sister Rosetta continuava na igreja. Em uma ida para a Europa, Sister Rosetta voltou gradualmente para o circuito gospel, entretanto nunca mais obteve o mesmo sucesso.
Entre abril e maio de 1964, durante o surgimento do interesse popular em blues, ela participou de uma turnê pelo Reino Unido como parte da "American Folk Blues and Gospel Caravan", junto com Muddy Waters, Otis Spann, Ranson Knowling, Little Willie Smith, Reverend Gary Davis, Cousin Joe, Sonny Terry e Brownie McGhee. Rosetta era introduzida ao palco acompanhada pelo pianista Cousin Joe Pleasent. A caravana era administrada por Joe Boyd.
Fim da carreira e morte.
Sister Rosetta parou subitamente de se apresentar após um derrame que sofreu em 1970, depois do qual teve uma perna amputada como resultado de complicações de diabetes.
Ela morreu em 1973 depois de outro derrame, na véspera de uma sessão de gravações agendada. Foi enterrada no "Northwood Cemetery" na Philadelphia, Pennsylvania em um túmulo sem identificação.
Em 2007 ela foi induzida ao Blues Hall of Fame. Em 2008, um show foi organizado para angariar fundos para seu túmulo e no mesmo ano foi declarado que dia 11 de janeiro seria o dia de Sister Rosetta Tharpe na Pennsylvania e uma lápide foi colocado em seu túmulo. Um marco histórico foi colocado em sua antiga casa em Yorktown, Philadelphia.
Influência musical.
número grande de músicos conhecidos, incluindo Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee
Lewis, Isaac Hayes e Aretha Franklin reconheceram o estilo de cantar e
tocar e o modo de se apresentar como uma grande influência. Little
Richard aos vocais gritados e altos da música gospel como seu tipo de
música favorito durante a infância. Em 1945, Sister Rosetta ouviu
Richard cantar em seu show no auditório da cidade de Macon e o convidou
para acompanhá-la no palco. Depois do show, ela pagou a ele pela
apresentação. Johnny Cash também se referiu a Sister Rosetta como sua
cantora preferida durante a infância no seu discurso na indução ao Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame.
Em 2007, Alison Krauss e Robert Plant gravaram um dueto da música "Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us", escrita por Sam Phillips. Phillips lançou sua versão para a música em 2008 no seu álbum Don't Do Anything.
Apesar de ter criado o que hoje chamamos de rock and roll, Sister Rosetta Tharpe nunca foi devidamente reconhecida como tal. Muito pelo contrário, seu nome quase não aparece nas pesquisas relacionadas ao ritmo musical. Quando lhe perguntaram sobre música no final da década de 1960, ela disse: "Oh, essas crianças e rock and roll - isso apenas acelerou o rhythm and blues. Eu venho fazendo isso desde sempre". Texto: Wikipédia.
Em 2007, Alison Krauss e Robert Plant gravaram um dueto da música "Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us", escrita por Sam Phillips. Phillips lançou sua versão para a música em 2008 no seu álbum Don't Do Anything.
Apesar de ter criado o que hoje chamamos de rock and roll, Sister Rosetta Tharpe nunca foi devidamente reconhecida como tal. Muito pelo contrário, seu nome quase não aparece nas pesquisas relacionadas ao ritmo musical. Quando lhe perguntaram sobre música no final da década de 1960, ela disse: "Oh, essas crianças e rock and roll - isso apenas acelerou o rhythm and blues. Eu venho fazendo isso desde sempre". Texto: Wikipédia.

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02. That's All, 1938
03. My Man and I
04. The Lonesome Road
05. Bring Back Those Happy Days
06. This Train
07. I Looked Down the Line (And I Wondered)
08. God Don't Like It, 1939
09. Beams of Heaven
10. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
11. The End of My Journey
12. Sit Down
13. There Is Something Within Me
14. Stand By Me
15. Four or Five Times (Film Soundtrack)
16. Shout, Sister, Shout (Film Soundtrack)
17. The Lonesome Road (Film Soundtrack)
18. Trouble in Mind
19. Rock Daniel
20. Shout, Sister, Shout
21. Rock Me, 1941
22. That's All, 1941
23. Just a Closer Walk With Thee
24. Precious Lord Hold My Hand
25. I'm In His Care
26. Nobody's Fault but Mine
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Recorded Works In Chronological Order Vol. 2: 1942-1944 (1995)01. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
02. What He Done For Me
03. I Want Jesus To Walk Around My Bedside
04. All Over This World
05. Pure Religion
06. This Train
07. Down By The Riverside
08. Rock Me
09. Rock Me
10. That's All
11. Trouble In Mind
12. Rock Daniel
13. That's All
14. Let That Liar Alone
15. The Devil Has Thrown Him Down
16. Sleep On Darling Mother
17. God Don't Like It
18. I Want To Live So God Can Use Me
19. What's The News
20. Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares
21. Jesus Taught Me How To Smile
22. Forgive Me Lord And Try Me One More Time
23. What Is The Soul Of A Man
24. Singing In My Soul
25. I Claim Jesus First
26. Strange Things Happening Every Day
27. Two Little Fishes And Five Loaves Of Bread
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Recorded Works In Chronological Order Vol. 3: 1946-1947 (1998)01. Don't Take Everybody to Be Your Friend
02. How Far From God
03. When I Move to the Sky
04. Jesus Is Here Today
05. Jonah
06. God's Mighty Hand
07. The Lord Followed Me
08. This Train
09. Oh When I Come To the End of My Journey
10. Didn't It Rain
11. Stretch Out
12. This Train
13. When I Come to the End of My Journey
14. Beams of Heaven
15. Up Above My Head I Hear Music in the Air
16. My Journey to the Sky
17. Teach Me to Be Right
18. I Heard My Mother Call My Name
19. Heaven Is Not My Home
20. The Natural Facts
21. Cain't No Grave Hold My Body Down
22. Lay Down Your Soul
23. Precious Memories
24. Family Prayer
25. Everybody's Gonna Have a Wonderful Time Up There (Gospel Boogie)
26. My Lord and I
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Vol. 1: 1938-1943 (1998)CD 1.
01. Rock Me
02. That's All
03. My Man And I
04. The Lnesome Road
05. Bring Back Those Happy Days
06. This Train
07. I Looked Down The Line
08. God Don't Like It
09. Beams Of Heaven
10. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
11. The End Of My Journey
12. Sit Down
13. There Is Something Within' Me
14. Stand By Me
15. Trouble In Mind
16. Rock Daniel
17. Four Or Five Times
18. Shout, Sister, Shout
19. The Lonesome Road
CD 2.
01. Shout Sister Shout
02. Rock Me
03. That's All
04. Just A Closer Walk With Thee
05. Precious Lord, Hold My Hand
06. I'm In His Care
07. Nobody's Fault But Mine
08. I Want A Tall Skinny Papa
09. What He Done For Me
10. I Want Jesus To Walk Around My Beside
11. All Over This World
12. Pure Religion
13. Rock Me
14. That's All
15. Trouble In Mind
16. Rock Daniel
17. Down By The Riverside
18. Tall Skinny Papa
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Vol. 2: 1943-1947 (2000)CD 1.
01. Dis Train
02. Sin Is To Blame
03. That's All
04. Let That Liar Alone
05. The Devil Has Thrown Him Down
06. Sleep On Darling Mother
07. God Don't Like It
08. I Want To Live So God Can Use Me
09. Rock Me
10. What's The News
11. Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares
12. Jesus Taught Me How To Play
13. Forgive Me Lord And Try Me One More Time
14. What Is The Soul Of A Man?
15. Singing In My Soul
16. I Claim Jesus First
17. Strange Things Happening Every Day
18. Two Little Fishes And Five Loaves Of Bread
19. Don't Take Everybody To Be Friend
20. How Far From God
21. When I Move To The Sky
CD 2.
01. Jesus Is Here To Stay
02. Jonah
03. God's Mighty Hand
04. The Lord Followed Me
05. This Train
06. Oh, When I Come To The End Of My Journey
07. Didn't It Rain
08. Stretch Out
09. This Train
10. When I Come To The End Of My Journey
11. Beams Of Heaven
12. Up Above My Head I Hear Music In The Air
13. My Journey To The Sky
14. Teach Me To Be Right
15. I Heard My Mother Call My Name
16. Heaven Is Not My Home
17. The Natural Facts
18. Cain't No Grave Hold My Body Down
19. Lay Down Your Soul
20. Precious Memories
21. Family Prayer
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Vol. 3: 1947-1951 (2003)CD 1.
01. Everybody's Gonna Have A Wonderful Time Up There
02. My Lord And I
03. He Watches Me
04. He's All I Need
05. Down By The Riverside
06. My Lord's Gonna Move This Wicked Race
07. Ain't No Room In Church For Liars
08. Little Boy How Old Are You
09. Going Back To Jesus
10. Move On Up A Little Higher (Pt.1 & 2)
11. Ninety Nine And A Half Won't Do
12. Daniel In The Lion's Den
13. Silent Night, Holy Night
14. White Christmas
15. He Arose From The Grave
16. Pressing Up The Upward Way
17. My Body Belongs To God
18. Were You There When They Crucified The Lord?
19. Bells Of St. Mary's
CD 2.
01. You Gotta Move
02. When I Take My Vacation In Heaven
03. Jesus Remembers
04. Run To Jesus Everyone
05. Is Everybody Happy
06. I Shall Know Him
07. There's A Highway To Heaven
08. I'm Bound For Higher Grounds
09. I Was Healed
10. Use Me Lord
11. Somebody Needs Jesus
12. Sin Is To Blame
13. I Thank God For My Song
14. Throw Out The Life Line
15. Blessed Assurance
16. Rock Of Ages
17. In The Garden
18. Rock Me
19. That's All
20. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
21. Didn't It Rain Children
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Vol. 4: 1951-1953 (2005)CD 1.
01. Let The Lower Lights Be Burning
02. There's A Fountain Filled With Blood
03. What A Friend We Have In Jesus
04. Amazing Grace
05. I Want Jesus To Walk Around My Bedside
06. Royal Telephone
07. Milky White Way
08. His Eye Is On The Sparrow
09. Announcements - Because
10. Marriage Prologue & Benediction - Prayer
11. Wedding Ceremony (Pt. 1 & 2)
12. Gospel Train
13. Thank You Jesus
14. God Don't Like It
15. So High!
CD 2.
01. Come Unto Me
02. Have A Little Talk With Jesus
03. Tell Him You Saw Me
04. When I First Sought The Lord Changes
05. The Last Mile Of The Way
06. (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley
07. Near The Cross
08. In The Garden
09. Let's Talk About Jesus
10. Old Landmark
11. Pressing On
12. Never Let Go His Hand
13. All Alone With Christ The Lord
14. Let's Go On
15. I'll Met You Over Yonder
16. How Well Do I Remember?
17. I Just Couldn't Be Contented
18. Crying In The Chapel
19. There's Peace In Korea
20. Feed Me Jesus
21. Smile It Through
Opção 1. Opção 2.
From Blues To Gospel, 1938-1949 (2005)CD 1.
01. My Man and I
02. This Train
03. Sit Down
04. Trouble in Mind
05. Shout, Sister, Shout!
06. Rock Me
07. Nobody's Fault But Mine
08. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
09. God Don't Like It
10. What Is the Soul of Man?
11. Singing in My Soul
12. Strange Things Happening Everyday
13. Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread
14. Jonah
15. Didn't It Rain
16. The Natural Facts
17. Down by the Riverside
18. Up Above My Head I Hear Music in the Air
19. Precious Memories
20. Come by Here
21. Ain't No Room in the Church for Liars
22. Last Mile of the Way
23. Peace in the Valley
24. Precious Lord
CD 2.
01. Walking Up the King's Highway
02. What Are They Doing in Heaven?
03. Savior Don't Pass Me By
04. I Saw the Light
05. Nothing Between
06. Shine for Jesus
07. Never Alone
08. The Family Prayer
09. Blow Ye the Trumpet
10. God Leads Us Along
11. Oh, The Joy Came to Me
12. Seeking for You
13. I Do, Don't You?
14. He's the Lily of the Valley
15. God's Mighty Hand
16. The Lord Followed Me
17. Oh, When I Come to the End of My Journey
18. Stretch Out
19. Beams of Heaven
20. My Journey to the Sky
21. Teach Me to Be Right Price
22. I Heard My Mother Call My Name
23. Heaven Is Not My Home
24. Ain't No Grave Hold My Body Down
25. Lay Down Your Soul
26. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Gospel Train, 1959 (2005)01. Jericho
02. When They Ring the Golden Bell
03. Two Little Fishes, Five Loaves of Bread
04. Beams of Heaven
05. Can't No Grave Hold My Body Down
06. All Alone
07. Up Above My Head There's Music in the Air
08. I Shall Know Him
09. Fly Away
10. How About You
11. Precious Memories
12. 99 1/2 Won't Do
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Original Soul Sister (Box Set 2005)CD 1: Shout Sister Shout.01. Rock Me
02. That's All
03. My Man & I
04. The Lonesome Road 1938
05. Bring Back Those Happy Days
06. This Train
07. I Looked Down the Lane (And I Wondered)
08. God Don't Like It
09. Beams of Heaven
10. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
11. The End of My Journey
12. Sit Down
13. There Is Something Within Me
14. Stand By Me
15. Trouble in Mind
16. Rock Daniel
17. Four or Five Times
18. Shout, Sister Shout
19. The Lonesome Road 1941
20. Shout, Sister, Shout #2
CD 2: Rock Me.01. Rock Me
02. That's All
03. Just a Closer Walk With Thee
04. Precious Lord, Hold My Hand
05. I'm in His Care
06. Nobody's Fault But Mine
07. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
08. What He Done for Me
09. I Want Jesus to Walk Around My Bedside
10. All Over This World
11. Pure Religion
12. Rock Me
13. That's All
14. Trouble in Mind
15. Rock Daniel
16. Down by the Riverside
17. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
18. This Train
19. Sin Is to Blame
20. That's All
CD 3: Singing In My Soul.01. Let That Liar Alone
02. The Devil Has Thrown Him Down
03. Sleep on Darling Mother
04. God Don't Like It
05. I Want to Live So God Can Use Me
06. Rock Me
07. What's the News
08. Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares
09. Jesus Taught Me How to Pray
10. Forgive Me Lord and Try Me One More Time
11. What Is the Soul of Man?
12. Singing in My Soul
13. I Claim Jesus First
14. Strange Things Happening Every Day
15. Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread
16. Don't Take Everybody to Be Your Friend
17. How Far from God
18. When I Move to the Sky
19. Jesus Is Here to Stay
20. Jonah
CD 4: This Train.01. God's Mighty Hand
02. The Lord Followed Me
03. This Train
04. Oh, When I Come To The End Of My Journey
05. Didn't It Rain
06. Stretch Out
07. This Train
08. When I Come To The End Of My Journey
09. Beams Of Heaven
10. Up Above My Head I Hear Music In The Air
11. My Journey To The Sky
12. Teach Me To Be Right
13. I Heard My Mother Call My Name
14. Heaven Is Not My Home
15. The Natural Facts
16. Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down
17. Lay Down Your Soul
18. Precious Memories
19. Family Prayer
20. Down By The Riverside
21. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Gospel Feeling: Live At The Hot Club de France, 1966 (2007)01. This Train
02. I'm Gonna Wait Until My Change Come
03. Jesus Met the Woman at the Well
04. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
05. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
06. That's All
07. Walk All over God's Heaven
08. Go Ahead
09. Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho
10. Travellin' Shoes
11. Go Tell It on the Mountain
12. Take My Hand, Precious Lord
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Vol. 5: 1953-1957 (2008)CD 1.
01. Stand The Storm
02. Sing And Shout
03. Shadrack
04. Nobody's Fault But Mine
05. I'm So Glad
06. God Spoke To Me
07. Calvary
08. I Tell It Wherever I Go
09. This Old Soul Of Mine
10. Don't Leave Me Here To Cry
11. What Have I Done?
12. Go Ahead
13. He Is Everything To Me
14. Everytime I Feel The Spirit
15. Look Away In The Heavenly Land
16. When Was Jesus Born
17. In Bethlehem
18. This Ole House
19. Don't You Weep, O Mary Don't You Weep
20. I've Done Wrong
21. I Can Hear The Angels
22. Father Prepare Me
CD 2.
01. Two Little Fishes, Five Loaves Of Bread
02. All Alone
03. How About You
04. 99 Half Won't Do
05. Precious Memories
06. Beams Of Heaven
07. When The Saints Go Marching In
08. Can't No Grave Hold My Body Down
09. When They Ring The Golden Bells
10. Up Above My Head, There Is Music In The Air
11. I Shall Know Him
12. Fly Away
13. Jericho
14. Home In The Sky
15. Can't Do Wrong And Get By
16. Let's Be Happy
17. Let It Shine
18. Didn't It Rain, Children?
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Vol. 6: 1958-1959 (2011)CD 1.
01. Introduction (Chris Barber)
02. Every Time I Feel the Spirit
03. Feed Me Jesus
04. Didn't It Rain
05. This Train
06. Up Above My Head I Hear Music in the Air
07. Peace in the Valley
08. Down By the Riverside
09. Old Time Religion
10. When the Saints Go Marchin' In
11. Old Time Religion (Reprise)
12. One Morning Soon
13. The Lord's Prayer
14. It's Me
15. Steal Away
16. Bring Back Those Happy Days
17. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
18. I Have Good News to Bring
19. Go Get the Water
20. Things That I Used to Do (And I Don't Do No More)
21. Didn't It Rain
22. Beams of Heaven
CD 2.
01. Nothing Between
02. He's the Lily of the Valley
03. Seeking for Me
04. Never Alone
05. Shine for Jesus
06. I Do, Don't You
07. God Leads Us Along
08. The Family Prayer
09. What Are They Doin' in Heaven
10. I Saw the Light
11. Blow Ye the Trumpet in Zion
12. Oh the Joy That Came to Me
13. I Can't Sit Down
14. I Believe
15. Twelve Gates
16. Faith
17. If You Believe
18. Walk All Over Gods Heaven
19. If I Can Help Somebody
20. Light a Candle (Say a Prayer)
21. I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray
22. Without Him
23. He
24. Bless This House
25. Take My Hand Precious Lord
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Gospel Truth, 1959 (Expanded Edition 2018)Live At The Church Of God, NY / 1959.
01. The Lord's Prayer
02. One Morning Soon
03. Things That I Used To Do (And I Don't Do No More)
04. It's Me
05. I Have Good News To Bring
06. Didn't It Rain
07. Bring Back Those Happy Days
08. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
09. Go Get The Water
10. Beams Of Heaven
11. Steal Away
12. Let It Shine
13. Let's Be Happy
14. I'm Gonna Take A Trip On That Old Ship
15. Honor
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bring Back Those Happy Days (2019)01. Rock Me
02. That's All
03. This Train
04. Bring Back Those Happy Days
05. There Is Something Within Me
06. Stand by Me
07. Shout, Sister, Shout!
08. Rock Me (Alternative Version)
09. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
10. Singing in My Soul
11. I Claim Jesus First
12. Strange Things Happening Everyday
13. Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread
14. Jesus Is Here Today
15. Jonah
16. Didn't It Rain
17. Stretch Out
18. Up Above My Head, I Hear Music in the Air
19. My Journey to the Sky
20. Down by the Riverside
21. Sing and Shout
22. Nobody's Fault but Mine
23. Don't Leave Me Here to Cry
24. What Have I Done
25. Don't You Weep, O Mary, Don't You Weep
26. I've Done Wrong
27. Ninety-Nine and a Half Won't Do
28. Let's Be Happy
01. Let The Lower Lights Be Burning
02. There's A Fountain Filled With Blood
03. What A Friend We Have In Jesus
04. Amazing Grace
05. I Want Jesus To Walk Around My Bedside
06. Royal Telephone
07. Milky White Way
08. His Eye Is On The Sparrow
09. Announcements - Because
10. Marriage Prologue & Benediction - Prayer
11. Wedding Ceremony (Pt. 1 & 2)
12. Gospel Train
13. Thank You Jesus
14. God Don't Like It
15. So High!
CD 2.
01. Come Unto Me
02. Have A Little Talk With Jesus
03. Tell Him You Saw Me
04. When I First Sought The Lord Changes
05. The Last Mile Of The Way
06. (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley
07. Near The Cross
08. In The Garden
09. Let's Talk About Jesus
10. Old Landmark
11. Pressing On
12. Never Let Go His Hand
13. All Alone With Christ The Lord
14. Let's Go On
15. I'll Met You Over Yonder
16. How Well Do I Remember?
17. I Just Couldn't Be Contented
18. Crying In The Chapel
19. There's Peace In Korea
20. Feed Me Jesus
21. Smile It Through
Opção 1. Opção 2.
From Blues To Gospel, 1938-1949 (2005)CD 1.
01. My Man and I
02. This Train
03. Sit Down
04. Trouble in Mind
05. Shout, Sister, Shout!
06. Rock Me
07. Nobody's Fault But Mine
08. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
09. God Don't Like It
10. What Is the Soul of Man?
11. Singing in My Soul
12. Strange Things Happening Everyday
13. Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread
14. Jonah
15. Didn't It Rain
16. The Natural Facts
17. Down by the Riverside
18. Up Above My Head I Hear Music in the Air
19. Precious Memories
20. Come by Here
21. Ain't No Room in the Church for Liars
22. Last Mile of the Way
23. Peace in the Valley
24. Precious Lord
CD 2.
01. Walking Up the King's Highway
02. What Are They Doing in Heaven?
03. Savior Don't Pass Me By
04. I Saw the Light
05. Nothing Between
06. Shine for Jesus
07. Never Alone
08. The Family Prayer
09. Blow Ye the Trumpet
10. God Leads Us Along
11. Oh, The Joy Came to Me
12. Seeking for You
13. I Do, Don't You?
14. He's the Lily of the Valley
15. God's Mighty Hand
16. The Lord Followed Me
17. Oh, When I Come to the End of My Journey
18. Stretch Out
19. Beams of Heaven
20. My Journey to the Sky
21. Teach Me to Be Right Price
22. I Heard My Mother Call My Name
23. Heaven Is Not My Home
24. Ain't No Grave Hold My Body Down
25. Lay Down Your Soul
26. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Gospel Train, 1959 (2005)01. Jericho
02. When They Ring the Golden Bell
03. Two Little Fishes, Five Loaves of Bread
04. Beams of Heaven
05. Can't No Grave Hold My Body Down
06. All Alone
07. Up Above My Head There's Music in the Air
08. I Shall Know Him
09. Fly Away
10. How About You
11. Precious Memories
12. 99 1/2 Won't Do
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Original Soul Sister (Box Set 2005)CD 1: Shout Sister Shout.01. Rock Me
02. That's All
03. My Man & I
04. The Lonesome Road 1938
05. Bring Back Those Happy Days
06. This Train
07. I Looked Down the Lane (And I Wondered)
08. God Don't Like It
09. Beams of Heaven
10. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
11. The End of My Journey
12. Sit Down
13. There Is Something Within Me
14. Stand By Me
15. Trouble in Mind
16. Rock Daniel
17. Four or Five Times
18. Shout, Sister Shout
19. The Lonesome Road 1941
20. Shout, Sister, Shout #2
CD 2: Rock Me.01. Rock Me
02. That's All
03. Just a Closer Walk With Thee
04. Precious Lord, Hold My Hand
05. I'm in His Care
06. Nobody's Fault But Mine
07. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
08. What He Done for Me
09. I Want Jesus to Walk Around My Bedside
10. All Over This World
11. Pure Religion
12. Rock Me
13. That's All
14. Trouble in Mind
15. Rock Daniel
16. Down by the Riverside
17. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
18. This Train
19. Sin Is to Blame
20. That's All
CD 3: Singing In My Soul.01. Let That Liar Alone
02. The Devil Has Thrown Him Down
03. Sleep on Darling Mother
04. God Don't Like It
05. I Want to Live So God Can Use Me
06. Rock Me
07. What's the News
08. Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares
09. Jesus Taught Me How to Pray
10. Forgive Me Lord and Try Me One More Time
11. What Is the Soul of Man?
12. Singing in My Soul
13. I Claim Jesus First
14. Strange Things Happening Every Day
15. Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread
16. Don't Take Everybody to Be Your Friend
17. How Far from God
18. When I Move to the Sky
19. Jesus Is Here to Stay
20. Jonah
CD 4: This Train.01. God's Mighty Hand
02. The Lord Followed Me
03. This Train
04. Oh, When I Come To The End Of My Journey
05. Didn't It Rain
06. Stretch Out
07. This Train
08. When I Come To The End Of My Journey
09. Beams Of Heaven
10. Up Above My Head I Hear Music In The Air
11. My Journey To The Sky
12. Teach Me To Be Right
13. I Heard My Mother Call My Name
14. Heaven Is Not My Home
15. The Natural Facts
16. Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down
17. Lay Down Your Soul
18. Precious Memories
19. Family Prayer
20. Down By The Riverside
21. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Gospel Feeling: Live At The Hot Club de France, 1966 (2007)01. This Train
02. I'm Gonna Wait Until My Change Come
03. Jesus Met the Woman at the Well
04. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
05. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
06. That's All
07. Walk All over God's Heaven
08. Go Ahead
09. Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho
10. Travellin' Shoes
11. Go Tell It on the Mountain
12. Take My Hand, Precious Lord
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Vol. 5: 1953-1957 (2008)CD 1.
01. Stand The Storm
02. Sing And Shout
03. Shadrack
04. Nobody's Fault But Mine
05. I'm So Glad
06. God Spoke To Me
07. Calvary
08. I Tell It Wherever I Go
09. This Old Soul Of Mine
10. Don't Leave Me Here To Cry
11. What Have I Done?
12. Go Ahead
13. He Is Everything To Me
14. Everytime I Feel The Spirit
15. Look Away In The Heavenly Land
16. When Was Jesus Born
17. In Bethlehem
18. This Ole House
19. Don't You Weep, O Mary Don't You Weep
20. I've Done Wrong
21. I Can Hear The Angels
22. Father Prepare Me
CD 2.
01. Two Little Fishes, Five Loaves Of Bread
02. All Alone
03. How About You
04. 99 Half Won't Do
05. Precious Memories
06. Beams Of Heaven
07. When The Saints Go Marching In
08. Can't No Grave Hold My Body Down
09. When They Ring The Golden Bells
10. Up Above My Head, There Is Music In The Air
11. I Shall Know Him
12. Fly Away
13. Jericho
14. Home In The Sky
15. Can't Do Wrong And Get By
16. Let's Be Happy
17. Let It Shine
18. Didn't It Rain, Children?
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Complete Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Vol. 6: 1958-1959 (2011)CD 1.
01. Introduction (Chris Barber)
02. Every Time I Feel the Spirit
03. Feed Me Jesus
04. Didn't It Rain
05. This Train
06. Up Above My Head I Hear Music in the Air
07. Peace in the Valley
08. Down By the Riverside
09. Old Time Religion
10. When the Saints Go Marchin' In
11. Old Time Religion (Reprise)
12. One Morning Soon
13. The Lord's Prayer
14. It's Me
15. Steal Away
16. Bring Back Those Happy Days
17. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
18. I Have Good News to Bring
19. Go Get the Water
20. Things That I Used to Do (And I Don't Do No More)
21. Didn't It Rain
22. Beams of Heaven
CD 2.
01. Nothing Between
02. He's the Lily of the Valley
03. Seeking for Me
04. Never Alone
05. Shine for Jesus
06. I Do, Don't You
07. God Leads Us Along
08. The Family Prayer
09. What Are They Doin' in Heaven
10. I Saw the Light
11. Blow Ye the Trumpet in Zion
12. Oh the Joy That Came to Me
13. I Can't Sit Down
14. I Believe
15. Twelve Gates
16. Faith
17. If You Believe
18. Walk All Over Gods Heaven
19. If I Can Help Somebody
20. Light a Candle (Say a Prayer)
21. I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray
22. Without Him
23. He
24. Bless This House
25. Take My Hand Precious Lord
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Gospel Truth, 1959 (Expanded Edition 2018)Live At The Church Of God, NY / 1959.
01. The Lord's Prayer
02. One Morning Soon
03. Things That I Used To Do (And I Don't Do No More)
04. It's Me
05. I Have Good News To Bring
06. Didn't It Rain
07. Bring Back Those Happy Days
08. Saviour Don't Pass Me By
09. Go Get The Water
10. Beams Of Heaven
11. Steal Away
12. Let It Shine
13. Let's Be Happy
14. I'm Gonna Take A Trip On That Old Ship
15. Honor
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Bring Back Those Happy Days (2019)01. Rock Me
02. That's All
03. This Train
04. Bring Back Those Happy Days
05. There Is Something Within Me
06. Stand by Me
07. Shout, Sister, Shout!
08. Rock Me (Alternative Version)
09. I Want a Tall Skinny Papa
10. Singing in My Soul
11. I Claim Jesus First
12. Strange Things Happening Everyday
13. Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread
14. Jesus Is Here Today
15. Jonah
16. Didn't It Rain
17. Stretch Out
18. Up Above My Head, I Hear Music in the Air
19. My Journey to the Sky
20. Down by the Riverside
21. Sing and Shout
22. Nobody's Fault but Mine
23. Don't Leave Me Here to Cry
24. What Have I Done
25. Don't You Weep, O Mary, Don't You Weep
26. I've Done Wrong
27. Ninety-Nine and a Half Won't Do
28. Let's Be Happy