Formada em Novembro de 1969 pelo flautista e saxofonista Nik Turner e o compositor, cantor e guitarrista Dave Brock, o Hawkwind passou por muitas encarnações e estilos musicais. O crítico Jim Green caracteriza o som do grupo como "esse gigantesco e impenetrável zumbido pré metal/hardcore, esses grandes riffs, um motorista inexorável para destinos desconhecidos". No início dos anos 90, a palavra "blanga" foi cunhada pelo guitarrista do Inner City Unit e de Robert Calvert, Steve Pond (que atualmente toca no Krankshaft com a turnê de 2012 do tecladista Dead Fred) e pelo crítico musical J. Eric Smith via o Hawkwind Blanga Guide para resumir o som, e a palavra tornou-se uma descrição comum para a música criada pelo Hawkwind e as bandas que eles inspiraram. Dúzias de músicos trabalharam com o grupo; o escritor de fantasia e ficção científica Michael Moorcock foi um colaborador ocasional.
1969: Formação.
Dave Brock e Mick Slattery (nascido Michael Slattery, 1942 em Richmond, Surrey, Inglaterra) tinham estado na banda psicodélica londrina Famous Cure, e um encontro com o baixista John Harrison (John H Harrison, 28 de Maio de 1942, Richmond, Surrey, Inglaterra) revelou um mútuo interesse na música eletrônica, que impulsionou essa nova chegada. O baterista de dezessete anos Terry Ollis respondeu a uma observação em um dos seminários de música, enquanto Nik Turner e Michael 'Dik Mik' Davies, velhos conhecidos de Brock ofereceram ajuda com transporte e equipamento, mas logo foram puxados para a banda.
Entrando em um show de talentos local no All Saints Hall, Nothing Hill, eles estavam tão separados que nem sequer tinham um nome, colocando "Group X" como nome, no último minuto, sem nenhuma música, fazendo um jam de 20 minutos com a música "Eight Miles High" do The Byrds. O DJ da BBB Radio 1, John Peel, estava no auditório e ficou impressionado o suficiente para pedir para o organizador do evento, Douglas Smith, manter os olhos neles. Smith assinou com eles e lhes arranjou um contrato com a Liberty Records por trás de um contrato que ele estava preparando para o Cochise.
A banda adotou o nome de Hawkwind após brevemente ser anunciada como Hawkwind Zoo, Hawkwind é o apelido de Turner, derivado de seu hábito desagradável de limpar a garganta (Hawking) e flatulência excessiva (vento). Outra versão da origem de seu nome diz que ele foi retirado de uma das histórias de Michael Moorcock. O próprio Moorcock nega a história, contudo, e aponta que não há nenhuma história com esse nome. Uma sessão no Abbey Road foi o lugar de gravação da demo de "Hurry on Sundown" e outras (incluídas nas versões remasterizadas do Hawkwind), depois da qual Slattery deixou a banda sendo substituído por Huw Lloyd-Langton, que tinha conhecido Brock em seus dias trabalhando em uma loja vendendo cordas de guitarra para ele, que era músico de rua.
1970-1975: Era United Artists.
O guitarrista do Pretty Things, Dick Taylor, foi levado para produzir o álbum de estreia Hawkind. Embora não tenha sido um sucesso comercial, chamou a atenção do cenário underground inglês, vendo-os tocando em concertos grátis, shows beneficentes e festivais. Tocando de graça no lado de fora do Bath Festival eles encontraram outra banda, o Pink Fairies, que compartilhava interesses similares musicais e recreativos, uma amizade que levou as duas bandas a andarem juntas e apresentando-se ocasionalmente como "Pinkwind". O seu uso de drogas, levou à saída de Harrison, sendo substituído por substituído brevemente por Thomas Crimble (entre Julho de 70 e Março de 71) que tocou em algumas sessões da BBC, deixando o grupo para organizar o Glastonbury Free Festival de 1971, porém ficou na apresentação da banda lá. Lloyd-Langton também deixou-a, depois de uma má viagem de LSD, levando-o a ter um colapso nervoso no Isle of Wight Festival.
O álbum subsequente, In Search of Space de 1971, trouxe um maior sucesso comercial, chegando ao Nº 18 na Grã - Bretanha, e também viu a imagem e filosofia da banda tomar forma, cortesia do artista gráfico Barney Bubbles e o escritor da imprensa underground Robert Calvert, como descrito no folheto Hawklog que o acompanha o álbum, que continuou a ser feito no show Space Ritual. O autor de ficção científica Michael Moorcock e a dançarina Stacia também começaram a contribuir com a banda. Dik Mik deixou a banda, substituído pelo engenheiro de som Del Dettmar, mas escolheu retornar para esse álbum dando assim à banda dois tocadores eletrônicos. O baixista Dan Anderson, que tinha estado na banda alemã Amon Düül II, também juntou-se a banda e tocou no álbum, porém saiu antes do lançamento por problemas com os membros da banda. Anderson e Lloyd-Langton então formaram a banda de vida curta, Amon Din. Enquanto isso, Ollis saiu, insatisfeito com a direção comercial na qual a banda estava seguindo.
A adição do baixista Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister e do baterista Simon King impulsionou a banda. Um dos primeiros concertos onde a banda tocou foi um auxílio ao Greasy Truckers no The Roundhouse no dia 13 de Fevereiro de 1972. Um álbum ao vivo do concerto Greasy Truckers Party foi lançado, e depois da regravação do vocal, o single "Silver Machine" foi lançado também, atingindo o terceiro lugar nas paradas britânicas. Isso gerou fundos suficientes para o álbum seguinte, Doremi Fasol Latido Space Ritual tour. O show contou com as dançarinas Stacia e Miss Renee, o mímico Tony Carrera e um show de luzes pelo Liquid Len e foi gravado no elaborado pacote Space Ritual. No auge de seu sucesso, em 1973, a banda lançou o single "Urban Guerrilla" que coincidiu com a campanha do IRA bombardeamento em Londres, então a BBC se recusou a tocar e a coordenação da banda relutantemente decidiu retirá-lo temendo acusações de oportunismo, apesar do disco já ter atingido o número 39 nas paradas britânicas.
Dik Mik saiu em 1973 e Calvert acabou sua associação com a banda para dedicar-se a projetos solo. Dettmar também indicou que queria deixar a banda, então Simon House foi recrutado como tecladista e violinista tocando em shows ao vivo, uma tour norte-americana e gravando o álbum de 1974, Hall of the Mountain Grill. Dettmar saiu depois de uma tour europeia e migrou para o Canadá, enquanto Alan Powell delegou uma como um rei incapacitado nessa turnê europeia, mas continuou dando a banda dois bateristas.
No início de 1975, a banda gravou o álbum Warrior on the Edge of Time em colaboração com Michael Moorcock, livremente baseada na sua figura de Eternal Champion. Contudo, durante uma turnê norte-americana em Maio, Lemmy foi preso por posse de anfetamina atravessando a fronteira dos EUA para o Canadá. Alimentada por causa desse comportamento, a banda dispensou o baixista, substituindo-o pelo seu amigo de longa data e antigo guitarrista do Pink Fairies, Paul Rudolph. Lemmy então montou um time com outro ex-guitarrista do Pink Fairies, Larry Wallis, formando o Motörhead, nomeado com última música escrita para o Hawkwind.
1976-1978: Era Charisma.
Robert Calvert participou da banda no Reading Festival em Agosto de 1975, depois de ter escolhido voltar como um vocalista principal em tempo integral. Stacia, por outro lado, decidiu abandonar sua atividades como dançarina e viver uma vida com a família. A banda mudou a gravadora para a Charisma Records de Tony Stratton-Smit e, por sugestão de Stratton Smith, o empresário passou a ser Tony Howard ao invés de Douglas Smith.
Astounding Sounds, Amazing Music de 1976 é o primeiro álbum dessa era e and destaca as letras bem construidas de Calvert escritas com as apresentações ao vivo na cabeça e uma maior proficiência e alcance musical. Mas na véspera da gravação do single subsequente, Back on the Streets, Turner foi demitido por sua instável atitude ao vivo e Powell foi considerado excedente para os requisitos. Depois de uma turnê para promover o single e durante ensaios para o próximo álbum, Rudolph foi também dispensado, sendo alegado que ele tentou levar a banda para uma direção musical que era conflitante com a visão de Calvert e Brock.
Adrian "Ade" Shaw, que como baixista do Magic Muscle ajudou o Hawkind na turnê Space Ritual, entrou na banda para o álbum Quark, Strangeness and Charm de 1977. A banda continuou aproveitando um sucesso comercial moderado, mas o distúrbio mental de Calvert frequentemente causou problemas. Em uma fase maníaca ele abandonou a banda na França durante uma tour europeia, quando em uma fase depressiva durante a turnê norte-americana de 1978 ele convenceu Brock a separar o grupo. Entre essas duas turnês, a banda gravou o álbum PXR5, em Janeiro de 1978, mas seu lançamento foi atrasado até 1979.
No dia 23 de Dezembro de 1977 em Barnstaple, Brock e Calvert um show único com a banda de Devon, Ark, como os Sonic Assassins, e procurando por um novo projeto em 1978, o baixista Harvey Bainbridge e o baterista Martin Griffin foram recrutados para esse evento. Steve Swindells foi recrutado como tecladista. A banda foi chamada de Hawklords, (provavelmente por motivos legais, a banda tinha recentemente se separado de seu empresário), e a gravação teve lugar em uma fazenda em Devon usando um estúdio móvel, resultando no álbum 25 Years On. King tinha originalmente sido o baterista do projeto mas saiu durante as sessões de gravação para retornar à Londres, enquanto House, que tinha temporariamente deixado a banda para juntar-se a uma turnê de David Bowie, eleito para ficar com Bowie em tempo integral, contribuiu com o violino nessas sessões. No fim da turnê britânica, Calvert, querendo King de volta para a banda, demitiu Griffin, e prontamente demitiu-se, escolhendo correr atrás de sua carreira literária. Swindells deixou de gravar um álbum solo após uma oferta da companhia ATCO.
Anos 80.
No final de 1979, o Hawkwind reformado com Brock, Bainbridge and King being unido por Huw Lloyd-Langton (que tocou no álbum de estreia) e Tim Blake (participante do Gong), embarcaram em uma turnê britânica apesar de não terem nenhum contrato de gravação ou produtos para promover. Alguns shows foram gravados e um contrato foi assinado com a Bronze Records, resultando no álbum Live Seventy Nine, rapidamente seguido do álbum de estúdio Levitation. Contudo, durante a gravação do Levitation, King saiu e Ginger Baker tocou nas sessões, porém ele escolheu ficar com a banda durante a turnê, turnê na qual Tim Blake saiu e veio a ser substituído por Keith Hale.
Em 1981, Baker e Hale saíram depois de insistirem que Bainbridge deveria ser demitido e serem ignorados, e Brock e Bainbridge resolveram controlar os sintetizadores e sequenciadores por conta própria, com o baterista Griffin do Hawklords que voltou a banda. Três álbuns, onde novamente Michael Moorcock contribuiu nas letras e no vocal, foram gravados, RCA/Active: Sonic Attack, o eletrônico Church of Hawkwind e também Choose Your Masques. A banda estava na linha de frente do 1981 Glastonbury Festival e fez uma aparição no 1982 Donington Monsters of Rock Festival, e também continuaram tocando no solstício de verão no Stonehenge Free Festival.
No início do anos 1980, Brock tinha começado a usar baterias eletrônicas para suas demos caseiras e tornou-se alguém fortemente frustrado com a inabilidade dos bateristas em manterem um tempo perfeito, conduzindo a banda a uma sucessão de bateristas indo e vindo. Primeiro, Griffin foi expulso e a banda tentou Simon King novamente, mas infeliz com seu modo de tocar nessa época, ele foi rejeitado. Andy Anderson rapidamente juntou-se a banda enquanto estava tocando ao mesmo tempo no The Cure, e Robert Heaton também rapidamente preencheu o lugar antes de começar o New Model Army. O baterista do Lloyd Langton Group, John Clark, fez algumas sessões de gravação, e Rik Martinez juntou-se à banda no início da turnê Earth Ritual mas falhou ao terminá-la, sendo substituído por Clive Deamer.
Nik Turner retornou como um convidado na turnê de 1982 Choose Your Masques e foi convidado a ficar. Turnês adicionais seguiram-se com Phil "Dead Fred" Reeves aumentando a formação com teclado e violino, mas nem Turner nem Reeves apareceriam na única gravação de 1983/84, The Earth Ritual Preview, mas havia um espaço de convidado para Lemmy. A turnê Earth Ritual foi filmada para o primeiro lançamento em vídeo do Hawkwind, Night of the Hawk.
Alan Davey era um jovem fã da banda que tinha mandado uma fita dele tocando para Brock, e Brock escolhe expulsar Reeves movendo Bainbridge do baixo para o teclado para poder acomodar Davey. Essa formação experimental tocou no Stonehenge Free Festival em 1984, que foi filmada e lançada como Stonehenge 84. Tensões profissionais e pessoais subsequentes entre Brock e Turner levaram a uma expulsão em 1985. Clive Deamer, que foi considerado "muito profissional" para a banda, foi eventualmente substituído em 1985 por Danny Thompson Jr, um amigo do baixista Alan Davey, ai permaneceu até quase o fim da década.
A associação do Hawkwind com Moorcock chegou ao climax em seu projeto mais ambicioso, The Chronicle of the Black Sword, baseado vagamente na série de livros Elric e teatralmente encenado com Tony Crerar como personagem principal. Moorcock contribuiu com as letras, mas se apresentou em apenas algumas partes faladas ao vivo algumas vezes. A turnê foi gravada e lançada no álbum Live Chronicles e em vídeo como The Chronicle of the Black Sword. Uma apresentação de frente no 1986 Reading Festival foi seguida de uma turnê britânica para promover o álbum Live Chronicles, que foi filmada e lançada como Chaos. Em 1988 a banda gravou o álbum The Xenon Codex com Guy Bidmead, mas nem tudo estava bem na banda, logo depois, Lloyd-Langton e Thompson saíram da banda.
O baterista Richard Chadwick, que juntou-se a banda no verão de 88, estava tocando em pequenas bandas alternativas que tocavam grátis em festivais, notavelmente na Bath's Smart Pils, por uma década tinha frequentemente cruzado com Hawkwind e Brock. Ele tinha sido convidado inicialmente para apenas tocar na banda, mas eventualmente substituiu o baterista suporte Mick Kirton tornando-se o baterista permanente da banda no mesmo dia.
Para preencher a principal lacuna sonora, perdida quando Lloyd-Langton saiu, o violinista Simon House foi recolocado na formação em 1989 (tendo sido previamente um membro entre 1974 e 1978), e, notavelmente, o Hawkwind embarcou em sua primeira visita aos EUA em 11 anos (desde a um tanto desastrosa turnê de 1978), na qual House não tomou parte. A bem recebida turnê norte-americana foi a primeira de muitas outras que viriam nos anos seguintes, em um esforço da banda para ser reintroduzida no mercado americano.
Anos 90.
Bridget Wishart, uma associada de Chadwick do circuito de festivais, também juntou-se a banda, tornando-se a primeira e única vocalista. Essa banda produziu dois álbuns, o de 1990 Space Bandits e o de 1991 Palace Springs, e também filmou uma aparição de 1 horas para a série de TV Bedrock.
1990 viu outra turnê americana do Hawkwind, a segunda de uma série de visitas americanas feitas nessa época para restabelecer o selo do Hawkwind na América. O plano original de negócios era assegurar três turnês consecutivas nos EUA, anualmente, em 1989-1991, com a primeira perdendo dinheiro, a segunda também quebrando, e a terceira gerando um lucro e em última análise, trazendo de volta para o Hawkwind reconhecimento através do Atlântico. O progresso, contudo, não foi grande, devido ao ex-membro Nik Turner estar fazendo uma turnê nos EUA com a sua própria banda na mesma época, na qual os shows eram frequentemente comercializados como Hawkwind.
Em 1991 em Bainbridge, House e Wishart partiram e a banda continuou como como um trio confiando pesadamente em sintetizadores e sequenciadores para criar uma parede de som. O álbum Electric Tepee de 1992 combinou hard rock e peças de luz ambiente, enquanto It is the Business of the Future to be Dangerous é quase desprovido de uma tendência ao rock. The Business Trip é a gravação da turnê prévia ao álbum, mas é mais rock do que esperado de um show ao vivo. O álbum The White Zone foi lançado sob o pseudônimo de Psychedelic Warriors para se distanciar totalmente da expectativa de rock do Hawkwind.
Uma crítica geral a respeito da música techno na época era a sua ausência de face e de falta de personalidade, que a viria a também atormentar a banda. Ron Tree tinha conhecido a banda em um circuito de festivais e se ofereceu como vocalista, a banda devidamente empregou-o no álbum Alien 4 e a tour que acompanhou-a resultou no álbum Love in Space e em vídeo em Love in Space.
Em 1996, infeliz com a direção musical da banda, o baixista Davey deixou-a, formando sua própria banda de hard rock com sabor do meio oeste chamada Bedouin e um tributo ao Motörhead chamado Ace of Spades. Sua função como baixista foi relutantemente pega por cantor Tree e a banda foi juntada em tempo integral pelo guitarrista principal Jerry Richards (outro forte do cenário do festival, tocando no Tubilah Dog que tinha se fundido com o Agents of Chaos de Brock durante o ano de 1988) para os álbuns Distant Horizons e In Your Area. O cantor rasta Captain Rizz também juntou-se a banda como convidado especial em alguns shows ao vivo.
Anos 2000.
O conceito de uma Hawkestra, uma reunião apresentando aparições de todos os membros atuais e antigos, tinha sido originalmente destinada a coincidir com o 30º aniversário da banda e o lançamento de Epocheclipse – 30 Year Anthology , mas problemas lojístivos atrasaram-no até 21 de Outubro de 2000. O evento teve lugar na Brixton Academy com aproximadamente 20 tocando em um show de 3 horas que foi filmado e gravado. Entre os convidados está Samantha Fox que cantou Master of the Universe. Contudo, discussões e disputas sobre as recompensas financeiras e direitos de música resultaram em um panorama do evento resultou na perspectiva de que o evento não será refeito, e qualquer lançamento em álbum ou DVD será arquivado por tempo indefinido.
O Hawkestra tinha definido um modelo para Brock montar uma banda tendo como centro Tree, Brock, Richards, Davey, Chadwick e usando ex-membros como convidados em apresentações ao vivo e gravações de estúdio. O show de 2000, Christmas Astoria, foi gravado com contribuições de House, Blake, Rizz, Moorcock, Jez Huggett e Keith Kniveton e foi lançado como Yule Ritual no ano seguinte. Em 2001, Davey concordou em juntar-se novamente à banda permanentemente, mas apenas após a saída de Tree e Richards.
Enquanto isso, tento reatado antigas amizades com os antigos membros da Hawkestra, Turner organizou mais shows da Hawkestra resultando na formação de xhawkwind.com, uma banda que consistia principalmente de ex-membros do Hawkwind e tocava antigas músicas da banda. Uma aparição na Guilfest em 2002 levou a uma confusão fazendo eles pensarem que eram o Hawkwind, irritando Brock o suficiente a ponto de entrar com ações legais para proibir Turner de comercializar material com o nome de Hawkwind. Turner perdeu a causa e agora a banda se apresenta como Space Ritual.
Uma aparição no Canterbury Sound Festival em Agosto de 2001, resultou em outro álbum ao vivo, o Canterbury Fayre 2001, que tem apresentações de convidados como Lloyd-Langton, House, Kniveton e Arthur Brown em "Silver Machine". A banda organizou o primeiro de seus próprios festivais de fim de semana, chamados de Hawkfest, em Devon no verão de 2002. Brown uniu-se a banda em 2002 para uma turnê de inverno que apresentou algumas músicas do Kingdom Comee teve participações de Blake e Lloyd-Langton, sendo o show de Newcastle lançado em DVD como Out of the Shadows e o show de Londres em CD como Spaced Out in London.
Em 2005 o álbum longamente antecipado Take Me to Your Leader foi lançado. Gravado pela banda principal de Brock/Davey/Chadwick, algums contribuições incluem o novo tecladista Jason Stuart, Arthur Brown, tabloid writer e a personalidade de TV Matthew Wright, o cantor de New Wave da década de 1970 Lene Lovich, Simon House e Jez Huggett. Este álbum foi seguido pelo CD/DVD de 2006, Take Me to Your Future.
A banda foi o assunto de um documentário de TV de uma hora chamado Hawkwind: Do Not Panic, que foi ao ar na BBC Four como parte das Séries Originais. Ele foi televisionado no dia 30 de Março de 2007, e repetido em 10 de Agosto 2007. Embora Brock tenha participado na sua montagem ele não apareceu no programa, alega-se que ele solicitou que todas as suas imagens fossem removidas após ter sido negado qualquer controle artístico sobre o documentário. Em uma das aberturas do documentário lembrando Brock, afirma-se que ele se recusou a ser entrevistado para o programa por causa do envolvimento Nik Turner, indicando que ambos não tinham se reconciliado a respeito do incidente do xhawkwind.com.
Em Junho de 2007 ocorreu a saída oficial de Alan Davey, que deixou para apresentar-se e gravar com duas novas bandas: Gunslinger e Thunor. Ele foi substituído por "Mr Dibs", um membro de longa data da equipe de estrada(roadie pessoal de Alan Davey) e baixista nas bandas Spacehead e Krel (que tinha ajudado o Hawkwind em 1992). A banda apresentou-se no anual Hawkfest festival e ficou na linha de frente do Nearfest norte-americano, e também fez shows em PA e NY. No fim de 2007, Tim Blake novamente juntou-se a banda preenchendo o cargo de tecladista e tocador de theremin. A banda tocou em cinco datas em Natais, sendo o show de Londres lançado em CD e DVD com o título Knights of Space.
Em Janeiro de 2008 a banda inverteu sua política de anti gravação, que era uma ferida para muitos fãs, anunciando que permitiria gravações de áudio e a distribuição não comercial de tais gravações, desde que não houvesse nenhum lançamento oficial concorrente. No fim de 2008, a Atomhenge Records (subsidiaria da Cherry Red Records) começou a re - emissão de catálogos do Hawkwind de 1976 até 1997 com o lançamento de duas antologias em CDs triplos, com os nomes Spirit of the Age (antologia 1976-84) e The Dream Goes On (antologia 1985-97).
No dia 8 de Setembro de 2008 o tecladista Jason Stuart morreu devido a uma hemorragia cerebral. Em Outubro de 2008, o guitarrista Niall Hone (da Tribe of Cro) uniu-se ao Hawkwind para a turnê de inverno de 2008, junto com o tocador de theremin/sintetizador Tim Blake que retornou. Nessa época, Niall também tocou baixo com Mr Dibs em shows ao vivo, em faixas como Angels of Death. O som do baixo de Niall (o baixo Music Man StingRay com uma guitarra Marshall montada) é muito diferente do de Mr Dibs, como ele usa uma distorção pesada e efeitos psicodélicos para complementar o som mais suave de Mr. Dibs, frequentemente tocando como baixo principal. Mr. Dibs tem um estilo punk muito sólido e pesado, usando um Baixo Ovation Magnum Baixo, e um Eastwood Magnum, com um amplificador Marshall VB400 com um 8x10 montado. Niall usa Macbook Pros para improvisações eletrônicas ao vivo, rodando o software Ableton Live, permitindo-o manipular, mixar e dar efeito um uma festa gama de amostras de som, junto com o som normal.
Em 2009, a manda começou a ocasionalmente ter a participação de Jon Sevink, dos The Levellers como violinista convidado em alguns shows. Mais tarde nesse ano, o Hawkwind embarcou em uma tour de inverno para celebrar o 40º aniversário da banda, incluindo dois shows lotados nos dias 28 e 29 de agosto para marcar a data do primeiro show da história do Hawkwind, e em 2010, seguiu-se o Hawkfest na Isle Of Wight no lugar do IOW Festival original, no 40º aniversário de sua primeira aparição em um festival em toda a história.
Em 21 de Junho de 2010, o Hawkwind lançou um álbum de estúdio intitulado Blood of the Earth. Em Dezembro de 2010, o Hawkwind embarcou em uma turnê britânica para divulgar o álbum.
Embora Niall Hone inicialmente fosse o guitarrista, ele foi transferido para o baixo(ele tocava baixo antes em bandas como Mandragora e The Captain Sensible Band, e fez um jam com Dave Brock no final dos anos 80 na ausência Alan Davey) e desde Maio de 2011, ele estava tocando baixo, dando a banda mais agressividade e um som mais tenso. Mr. Dibs foi para o posto de vocalista principal, enquanto também tocava ocasionalmente cello psicodélico através de pedais algumas vezes em 2012.
Em 2011 a banda fez um tour pela Austrália pela segunda vez, e tocou em uma série de festivais na Europa, incluindo no Sweden Rock Festival. Uma pequena tour britânica ocorreu em Dezembro. Em Abril de 2012 a banda lançou um novo álbum, Onward, no braço Plastichead da Eastworld Records. O tecladista Dead Fred tocou com o Hawkwind na tour de 2012 para a divulgação de Onward.
Em Novembro de 2012 um trio (Brock, Chadwick and Hone) da atual formação lanõu um álbum com o nome "Hawkwind Light Orchestra". Chamado de Stellar Variations, na Esoteric, subgravadora da Cherry Red Records.
Hawkwind tem sido citado como uma influência para artistas como Al Jourgensen do Ministry, Monster Magnet, os Sex Pistols (que fizeram um cover de "Silver Machine"), Henry Rollins do Black Flag, e Ozric Tentacles.
A discografia do Hawkwind é longa e complexa; esta lista apenas apresenta os discos principais, assim definidos pela própria banda em seu site oficial, ao lado de projetos solo significantes e lançamentos relacionados. Existem também compilações de material gravado anteriormente e gravações ao vivo, que não foram lançados sob o controle da banda, e que frequentemente têm seus nomes mudados, o que faz com que o mesmo material seja encontrado sob diversos títulos.
Os discos lançados entre 1970 e 1974 estão disponíveis em CD por serem lançados através da EMI (já que a EVI são os donos eventuais do que era a Libery Records). Esses CDs frequentemente incluem raridades dessa era. CDs subsequentes são menos fáceis de serem encontrados devido a mudança constante de gravadora do Hawkwind. Alguns já foram lançados apenas em edições limitadas.
O álbum conceitual Space Ritual e Warrior on the Edge of Time em particular são altamente representativos do estilo do Hawkwind em seu auge de sucesso. O trabalho deles da década de 1980 é bem representados através de Levitation e Chronicle of the Black Sword. Site Oficial.

Bitrate: 192Kbps.
Hawkwind (1970)
01. Hurry On Sundown (5:01)
Hawkwind (1970)
02. The Reason Is? (3:30)
03. Be Yourself (8:07)
04. Paranoia (Part 1) (1:09)
05. Paranoia (Part 2) (4:09)
06. Seeing It As You Really Are (10:49)
03. Be Yourself (8:07)
04. Paranoia (Part 1) (1:09)
05. Paranoia (Part 2) (4:09)
06. Seeing It As You Really Are (10:49)
Bonus Tracks.
07. Mirror Of Illusion (7:08)
08. Bring It On Home (3:18)
09. Hurry On Sundown (By Hawkwind Zoo) (5:06)
10. Kiss Of The Velvet Whip (By Hawkwind Zoo) (5:28)
11. Cymbaline (Pink Floyd Cover-By Hawkwind Zoo) (4:04)
08. Bring It On Home (3:18)
09. Hurry On Sundown (By Hawkwind Zoo) (5:06)
10. Kiss Of The Velvet Whip (By Hawkwind Zoo) (5:28)
11. Cymbaline (Pink Floyd Cover-By Hawkwind Zoo) (4:04)
In Search Of Space (1971)
01. You Shouldn't Do That (15:42)
02. You Know You're Only Dreaming (6:38)
03. Master Of The Universe (6:17)
04. We Took The Wrong Step Years Ago (4:50)
05. Adjust Me (5:46)
06. Children Of The Sun (3:21)
02. You Know You're Only Dreaming (6:38)
03. Master Of The Universe (6:17)
04. We Took The Wrong Step Years Ago (4:50)
05. Adjust Me (5:46)
06. Children Of The Sun (3:21)
Bonus Tracks.
07. Seven By Seven (Original Single Version) (5:24)
08. Silver Machine (Original Single Version) (4:40)
09. Born To Go (Live Single Version Edit) (5:04)
08. Silver Machine (Original Single Version) (4:40)
09. Born To Go (Live Single Version Edit) (5:04)
Doremi Fasol Latido (1972)
01. Brainstorm (11:33)
02. Space Is Deep (6:23)
03. One Change (0:51)
04. Lord Of Light (6:59)
05. Down Through The Night (3:05)
06. Time We Left This World Today (8:44)
02. Space Is Deep (6:23)
03. One Change (0:51)
04. Lord Of Light (6:59)
05. Down Through The Night (3:05)
06. Time We Left This World Today (8:44)
Bonus Tracks.
07. The Watcher (4:17)
08. Urban Guerilla (3:42)
09. Brainbox Pollution (5:43)
10. Lord Of Light (Single Version Edit) (4:02)
11. Ejection (Previously Unreleased Version) (3:48)
08. Urban Guerilla (3:42)
09. Brainbox Pollution (5:43)
10. Lord Of Light (Single Version Edit) (4:02)
11. Ejection (Previously Unreleased Version) (3:48)
Hall Of The Mountain Grill (1974)
01. The Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke) (6:50)
02. Wind Of Change (5:08)
03. D-Rider (6:15)
04. Web Weaver (3:15)
05. You'd Better Believe It (7:14)
06. Hall Of The Mountain Grill (2:25)
07. Lost Johnny (3:30)
08. Goat Willow (1:38)
02. Wind Of Change (5:08)
03. D-Rider (6:15)
04. Web Weaver (3:15)
05. You'd Better Believe It (7:14)
06. Hall Of The Mountain Grill (2:25)
07. Lost Johnny (3:30)
08. Goat Willow (1:38)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Paradox (5:36)
10. You'd Better Believe It (Single Version Edit) (3:22)
11. The Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke-Single Version) (3:58)
12. Paradox (Remix Single Edit) (4:04)
13. It's So Easy (5:21)
10. You'd Better Believe It (Single Version Edit) (3:22)
11. The Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke-Single Version) (3:58)
12. Paradox (Remix Single Edit) (4:04)
13. It's So Easy (5:21)
Warrior on The Edge Of Time (1975)
CD 1: The Remastered Original Stereo Master Tapes.
01. Assault And Battery - The Golden Void (10:09)
02. The Wizard Blew His Horn (1:58)
03. Opa-Loka (5:10)
04. The Demented Man (3:58)
05. Magnu (8:15)
06. Standing At The Edge (2:47)
07. Spiral Galaxy 28948 (3:47)
08. Warriors (1:58)
09. Dying Seas (3:04)
10. Kings Of Speed (3:36)
02. The Wizard Blew His Horn (1:58)
03. Opa-Loka (5:10)
04. The Demented Man (3:58)
05. Magnu (8:15)
06. Standing At The Edge (2:47)
07. Spiral Galaxy 28948 (3:47)
08. Warriors (1:58)
09. Dying Seas (3:04)
10. Kings Of Speed (3:36)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Motorhead (B-Side) (3:06)
12. Soldiers At The Edge Of Time (Michael Moorock Version) (2:07)
13. On The Road (1:12)
14. The Wizard Blew His Horn (Nik Turner Version) (1:55)
15. Spiral Galaxy 28948 (Demo) (6:15)
16. Soldiers At The Edge Of Time (Nik Turner Version) (2:03)
17. Motorhead (Dave Brock Vocal Version) (3:07)
18. Kings Of Speed (Instrumental Version) (4:30)
12. Soldiers At The Edge Of Time (Michael Moorock Version) (2:07)
13. On The Road (1:12)
14. The Wizard Blew His Horn (Nik Turner Version) (1:55)
15. Spiral Galaxy 28948 (Demo) (6:15)
16. Soldiers At The Edge Of Time (Nik Turner Version) (2:03)
17. Motorhead (Dave Brock Vocal Version) (3:07)
18. Kings Of Speed (Instrumental Version) (4:30)
CD 2: New Stereo Mix by Steve Wilson.
01. Assault and Battery - The Golden Void (10:08)
02. The Wizard Blew His Horn (2:00)
03. Opa-Loka (5:08)
04. The Demented Man (4:00)
05. Magnu (9:32)
06. Standing at the Edge (2:45)
07. Spiral Galaxy 28948 (3:47)
08. Warriors (2:03)
09. Dying Seas (3:05)
10. Kings of Speed (3:36)
02. The Wizard Blew His Horn (2:00)
03. Opa-Loka (5:08)
04. The Demented Man (4:00)
05. Magnu (9:32)
06. Standing at the Edge (2:45)
07. Spiral Galaxy 28948 (3:47)
08. Warriors (2:03)
09. Dying Seas (3:05)
10. Kings of Speed (3:36)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Motorhead (Instrumental Demo) (3:07)
12. Dawn (8:58)
13. Watchfield Festival Jam (11:48)
14. Circles (4:30)
15. I Am the Eye (4:26)
12. Dawn (8:58)
13. Watchfield Festival Jam (11:48)
14. Circles (4:30)
15. I Am the Eye (4:26)
Astounding Sound, Amazing Music (1976)
01. Reefer Madness (6:03)
02. Steppenwolf (9:46)
03. City Of Lagoons (5:12)
04. The Aubergine That Ate Rangoon (3:37)
05. Kerb Crawler (3:47)
06. Kadu Flyer (5:32)
07. Chronoglide Skyway (4:42)
08. Honky Dorky (3:17)
02. Steppenwolf (9:46)
03. City Of Lagoons (5:12)
04. The Aubergine That Ate Rangoon (3:37)
05. Kerb Crawler (3:47)
06. Kadu Flyer (5:32)
07. Chronoglide Skyway (4:42)
08. Honky Dorky (3:17)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Kerb Crawler (Single Mix) (3:44)
10. Back On The Streets (Unreleased Mix) (3:06)
11. The Dream Of Isis (Unreleased Mix) (2:57)
10. Back On The Streets (Unreleased Mix) (3:06)
11. The Dream Of Isis (Unreleased Mix) (2:57)
Quark, Strangeness And Charm (1977)
CD 1.
01. Spirit of the Age (7:25)
02. Damnation Alley (9:02)
03. Fable of a Failed Race (3:22)
04. Qark,Strangeness and Charm (3:41)
05. Hassan I Sabbah (5:22)
06. The Forge of Vulcan (3:06)
07. The Days of the Underground (3:11)
08. The Iron Dream (1:54)
02. Damnation Alley (9:02)
03. Fable of a Failed Race (3:22)
04. Qark,Strangeness and Charm (3:41)
05. Hassan I Sabbah (5:22)
06. The Forge of Vulcan (3:06)
07. The Days of the Underground (3:11)
08. The Iron Dream (1:54)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Damnation Alley (Live Studio Version) (10:35)
10. A Minor Jam Session (Previously Unreleasd) (9:51)
11. Spirit of the Age (Demo Excerpt-Previously Unreleasd) (3:00)
12. Hash Cake Cut (4:26)
10. A Minor Jam Session (Previously Unreleasd) (9:51)
11. Spirit of the Age (Demo Excerpt-Previously Unreleasd) (3:00)
12. Hash Cake Cut (4:26)
CD 2: Bonus, The Rockfield Session Tapes.
01. Damnation Alley (First Studio Version) (10:37)
02. Spirit of the Age (Full Extended Version) (11:23)
03. The Days of the Underground (First Version) (5:40)
04. Quark,Strangeness & Charm / Uncle Sam's on Mars (9:20)
05. Fable of a Failed Race (Extended Version) (6:51)
06. Damnation Alley (Alternate Harmony Vocal Version) (8:25)
07. Spirit of the Age (Live Recording 1977) (5:56)
08. Robot (5:59)
09. High Rise (Live Recording 1977) (5:41)
02. Spirit of the Age (Full Extended Version) (11:23)
03. The Days of the Underground (First Version) (5:40)
04. Quark,Strangeness & Charm / Uncle Sam's on Mars (9:20)
05. Fable of a Failed Race (Extended Version) (6:51)
06. Damnation Alley (Alternate Harmony Vocal Version) (8:25)
07. Spirit of the Age (Live Recording 1977) (5:56)
08. Robot (5:59)
09. High Rise (Live Recording 1977) (5:41)
Hawklords - 25 Years On (1978)
CD 1.
01. Psi Power (6:05)
02. Free Fall (5:14)
03. Automoton (1:12)
04. 25 Years (4:35)
05. Flying Doctor (5:36)
06. The Only Ones (4:16)
07. (Only) The Dead Dreams Of The Cold War Kid (3:49)
08. The Age Of The Micro Man (3:35)
02. Free Fall (5:14)
03. Automoton (1:12)
04. 25 Years (4:35)
05. Flying Doctor (5:36)
06. The Only Ones (4:16)
07. (Only) The Dead Dreams Of The Cold War Kid (3:49)
08. The Age Of The Micro Man (3:35)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Psi Power (Single Version) (4:26)
10. Death Trap (Single Mix) (3:52)
11. 25 Years (Single Mix) (3:31)
10. Death Trap (Single Mix) (3:52)
11. 25 Years (Single Mix) (3:31)
CD 2: Bonus, The Sonic Assassins.
Live In Barnstaple, England, 23rd December 1977.
01. Over The Top (7:51)
02. Magnu (3:12)
03. Angels Of Life (1:11)
04. Free Fall (7:57)
05. Death Trap (4:30)
02. Magnu (3:12)
03. Angels Of Life (1:11)
04. Free Fall (7:57)
05. Death Trap (4:30)
Album Out-Takes.
06. The Only Ones (Acoustic Demo) (4:38)
07. (Only) The Dead Dreams Of The Cold War Kid (Demo) (3:31)
08. Flying Doctor (Live Studio Rehearsal) (5:38)
09. 25 Years (Take One) (8:01)
10. Assassination (3:57)
11. Free Fall (Take Two) (5:29)
12. (Only) The Dead Dreams Of The Cold War Kid (Take Two) (3:16)
13. The Age Of The Micro Man (Take One) (5:45)
14. Automoton (Full Extended Version) (2:33)
15. Digger Jam (2:39)
07. (Only) The Dead Dreams Of The Cold War Kid (Demo) (3:31)
08. Flying Doctor (Live Studio Rehearsal) (5:38)
09. 25 Years (Take One) (8:01)
10. Assassination (3:57)
11. Free Fall (Take Two) (5:29)
12. (Only) The Dead Dreams Of The Cold War Kid (Take Two) (3:16)
13. The Age Of The Micro Man (Take One) (5:45)
14. Automoton (Full Extended Version) (2:33)
15. Digger Jam (2:39)
PXR5 (1979)
01. Death Trap (3:52)
02. Jack Of Shadows (3:27)
03. Uncle Sam's On Mars (5:43)
04. Infinity (4:18)
05. Life Form (1:44)
06. Robot (8:13)
07. High Rise (4:41)
08. P.X.R.5 (5:17)
02. Jack Of Shadows (3:27)
03. Uncle Sam's On Mars (5:43)
04. Infinity (4:18)
05. Life Form (1:44)
06. Robot (8:13)
07. High Rise (4:41)
08. P.X.R.5 (5:17)
Bonus Tracks.
09. Jack Of Shadows (Live Studio Version) (3:41)
10. We Like To Be Frightened (2:47)
11. High Rise (Live Studio Version) (4:44)
12. Robot (First Version) (9:27)
13. Jack Of Shadows (Adrian Shaw Vocal Version) (3:55)
14. High Rise (Alternate Vocal Mix) (4:39)
15. P.X.R.5 (Alternate Intro Mix) (5:41)
16. Quark, Strangeness & Charm (Live) (2:39)
10. We Like To Be Frightened (2:47)
11. High Rise (Live Studio Version) (4:44)
12. Robot (First Version) (9:27)
13. Jack Of Shadows (Adrian Shaw Vocal Version) (3:55)
14. High Rise (Alternate Vocal Mix) (4:39)
15. P.X.R.5 (Alternate Intro Mix) (5:41)
16. Quark, Strangeness & Charm (Live) (2:39)
Levitation (1980)
CD 1: Original Album & Hawklords Rockfield Sessions 1979.
01. Levitation (5:47)
02. Motorway City (6:46)
03. Psychosis (2:26)
04. World Of Tiers (3:16)
05. Prelude (1:41)
06. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:45)
07. Space Chase (3:11)
08. The Fifth Second Of Forever (3:27)
09. Dust Of Time (6:24)
02. Motorway City (6:46)
03. Psychosis (2:26)
04. World Of Tiers (3:16)
05. Prelude (1:41)
06. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:45)
07. Space Chase (3:11)
08. The Fifth Second Of Forever (3:27)
09. Dust Of Time (6:24)
Hawklords Rockfield Sessions 1979
10. Valium 10 (7:53)
11. Time Of (4:11)
12. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:52)
13. Douglas In The Jungle (6:53)
14. British Tribal Music (3:56)
11. Time Of (4:11)
12. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:52)
13. Douglas In The Jungle (6:53)
14. British Tribal Music (3:56)
Bonus Tracks.
15. Nuclear Toy (3:00)
16. Whos Gonna Win The War (3:39)
17. Brainstorm (5:47)
16. Whos Gonna Win The War (3:39)
17. Brainstorm (5:47)
CD 2: Live at Lewisham Odeon 18th December 1980.
01. Levitation (7:28)
02. Motor Way City (7:36)
03. Death Trap (4:44)
04. Angels Of Death (6:06)
05. Dust Of Time (12:02)
CD 3: Live at Lewisham Odeon 18th December 1980.
01. Running Through My Back Brain (Messages) (6:23)
02. Dangerous Vision (5:06)
03. Who's Gonna Win the War (7:26)
04. PSI Power (4:50)
05. Shot Down In The Night (7:15)
06. World Of Tiers (5:18)
07. Space Chase (4:11)
02. Motor Way City (7:36)
03. Death Trap (4:44)
04. Angels Of Death (6:06)
05. Dust Of Time (12:02)
CD 3: Live at Lewisham Odeon 18th December 1980.
02. Dangerous Vision (5:06)
03. Who's Gonna Win the War (7:26)
04. PSI Power (4:50)
05. Shot Down In The Night (7:15)
06. World Of Tiers (5:18)
07. Space Chase (4:11)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Sonic Attack (1981)
CD 1.
01. Sonic Attack (4:49)
02. Rocky Paths (3:54)
03. Psychosonia (2:34)
04. Virgin Of The World (4:09)
05. Angels Of Death (6:00)
06. Living On A Knife Edge (4:48)
07. Coded Languages (4:51)
08. Disintegration (1:07)
09. Streets Of Fear (4:10)
10. Lost Chances (5:40)
02. Rocky Paths (3:54)
03. Psychosonia (2:34)
04. Virgin Of The World (4:09)
05. Angels Of Death (6:00)
06. Living On A Knife Edge (4:48)
07. Coded Languages (4:51)
08. Disintegration (1:07)
09. Streets Of Fear (4:10)
10. Lost Chances (5:40)
CD 2.
01. Angels Of Death (3:40)
02. Transdimensional Man (4:00)
03. Sonic Attack (First Version) (3:31)
04. Out Of The Void (2:08)
05. Lost Chances (Extended Version) (7:09)
06. Streets Of Fear (Alternate Version) (5:49)
07. Devilish Dirge (3:53)
08. The End Of Earth City (Demo) (6:30)
09. The Speed Of Light (Transdimensional Man Demo) (6:45)
10. Living On A Knife Edge (Extended Version) (7:57)
02. Transdimensional Man (4:00)
03. Sonic Attack (First Version) (3:31)
04. Out Of The Void (2:08)
05. Lost Chances (Extended Version) (7:09)
06. Streets Of Fear (Alternate Version) (5:49)
07. Devilish Dirge (3:53)
08. The End Of Earth City (Demo) (6:30)
09. The Speed Of Light (Transdimensional Man Demo) (6:45)
10. Living On A Knife Edge (Extended Version) (7:57)
Church Of Hawkwind (1982)
01. Angel Voices (1:22)
02. Nuclear Drive (3:40)
03. Star Cannibal (5:33)
04. The Phenomenon Of Luminosity (2:40)
05. Fall Of Earth City (3:24)
06. The Church (1:39)
07. The Joker At The Gate (1:54)
08. Some People Never Die (3:34)
09. Light Specific Data (4:06)
10. Experiment With Destiny (2:46)
11. The Last Messiah (1:41)
12. Looking In The Future (4:10)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Angel Voices (Extended Version) (2:21)
14. Harvey's Sequence (3:01)
15. Fall Of Earth City (Alternate Version With Harvey Bainbridge Vocal) (4:50)
16. Water Music (Light Specific Data-Demo) (4:42)
17. Virgin Of The World / Looking In The Future (10:23)
02. Nuclear Drive (3:40)
03. Star Cannibal (5:33)
04. The Phenomenon Of Luminosity (2:40)
05. Fall Of Earth City (3:24)
06. The Church (1:39)
07. The Joker At The Gate (1:54)
08. Some People Never Die (3:34)
09. Light Specific Data (4:06)
10. Experiment With Destiny (2:46)
11. The Last Messiah (1:41)
12. Looking In The Future (4:10)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Angel Voices (Extended Version) (2:21)
14. Harvey's Sequence (3:01)
15. Fall Of Earth City (Alternate Version With Harvey Bainbridge Vocal) (4:50)
16. Water Music (Light Specific Data-Demo) (4:42)
17. Virgin Of The World / Looking In The Future (10:23)
Choose Your Masques (1982)
CD 1.
01. Choose Your Masques / Dream Worker (10:29)
02. Arrival In Utopia (5:47)
03. Utopia (3:02)
04. Silver Machine (4:21)
05. Void City (6:48)
06. Solitary Mind Games (3:58)
07. Fahrenheit 451 (4:48)
08. The Scan (1:02)
09. Waiting For Tomorrow (3:46)
10. Silver Machine (Long Version) (7:25)
11. Psychedelic Warlords (4:54)
12. Silver Machine (4:54)
02. Arrival In Utopia (5:47)
03. Utopia (3:02)
04. Silver Machine (4:21)
05. Void City (6:48)
06. Solitary Mind Games (3:58)
07. Fahrenheit 451 (4:48)
08. The Scan (1:02)
09. Waiting For Tomorrow (3:46)
10. Silver Machine (Long Version) (7:25)
11. Psychedelic Warlords (4:54)
12. Silver Machine (4:54)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Void City (6:38)
02. Candle Burning (2:48)
03. 5/4 (3:21)
04. Waiting For Tomorrow (3:43)
05. Radio Telepathy (5:44)
06. Lato (2:34)
07. Dream Worker (5:34)
08. Oscillations (3:04)
09. Recent Reports (5:48)
10. Lato Percussive Electro (Earthed To The Ground) (3:45)
11. Solitary Mind Games (5:06)
12. Silver Machine (2:58)
02. Candle Burning (2:48)
03. 5/4 (3:21)
04. Waiting For Tomorrow (3:43)
05. Radio Telepathy (5:44)
06. Lato (2:34)
07. Dream Worker (5:34)
08. Oscillations (3:04)
09. Recent Reports (5:48)
10. Lato Percussive Electro (Earthed To The Ground) (3:45)
11. Solitary Mind Games (5:06)
12. Silver Machine (2:58)
The Chronicle Of The Black Sword (1985)
01. Song Of The Swords (3:24)
02. Shade Gate (3:01)
03. The Sea King (3:24)
04. The Pulsing Cavern (2:33)
05. Elric The Enchanter (4:48)
06. Needle Gun (4:11)
07. Zarozinia (3:21)
08. The Demise (0:57)
09. Sleep Of A Thousand Tears (4:16)
10. Chaos Army (0:53)
11. Horn Of Destiny (6:22)
02. Shade Gate (3:01)
03. The Sea King (3:24)
04. The Pulsing Cavern (2:33)
05. Elric The Enchanter (4:48)
06. Needle Gun (4:11)
07. Zarozinia (3:21)
08. The Demise (0:57)
09. Sleep Of A Thousand Tears (4:16)
10. Chaos Army (0:53)
11. Horn Of Destiny (6:22)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Arioch (3:25)
13. Night Of The Hawks (5:07)
14. Green Finned Demon (6:06)
15. Dream Dancers (1:28)
16. Dragons And Fables (3:22)
13. Night Of The Hawks (5:07)
14. Green Finned Demon (6:06)
15. Dream Dancers (1:28)
16. Dragons And Fables (3:22)
The Xenon Codex (1988)
01. The War I Survived (5:24)
02. Wastelands Of Sleep (4:16)
03. Neon Skyline (2:05)
04. Lost Chronicles (5:35)
05. Tides (2:59)
06. Heads (4:59)
07. Mutation Zone (3:55)
08. E.M.C. (4:54)
09. Sword Of The East (5:25)
10. Good Evening (4:43)
02. Wastelands Of Sleep (4:16)
03. Neon Skyline (2:05)
04. Lost Chronicles (5:35)
05. Tides (2:59)
06. Heads (4:59)
07. Mutation Zone (3:55)
08. E.M.C. (4:54)
09. Sword Of The East (5:25)
10. Good Evening (4:43)
Bonus Tracks (07-12-1988 Nottingham, Rock City).
11. Ejection (4:37)
12. Motorway City (6:41)
13. Dragons and Fables (3:20)
14. Heads (3:58)
15. Angels Of Death (5:32)
12. Motorway City (6:41)
13. Dragons and Fables (3:20)
14. Heads (3:58)
15. Angels Of Death (5:32)
Space Bandits (1990)
01. Images (9:35)
02. Black Elk Speaks (5:12)
03. Wings (5:25)
04. Out Of The Shadows (4:59)
05. Realms (3:24)
06. Ship Of Dreams (5:17)
07. TV Suicide (5:26)
02. Black Elk Speaks (5:12)
03. Wings (5:25)
04. Out Of The Shadows (4:59)
05. Realms (3:24)
06. Ship Of Dreams (5:17)
07. TV Suicide (5:26)
Bonus Tracks.
08. Out Of The Shadows (Live Studio Version) (7:55)
09. Snake Dance (Live Studio Version) (4:26)
10. Images (Single Version) (6:04)
09. Snake Dance (Live Studio Version) (4:26)
10. Images (Single Version) (6:04)
Electric Tepee (1992)
01. LSD (8:15)
02. Blue Shift (4:20)
03. Death of War (4:48)
04. The Secret Agent (8:12)
05. Garden Pests (2:09)
06. Space Dust (5:20)
07. Snake Dance (3:52)
08. Mask of the Morning (8:50)
09. Rites of Netherworld (0:37)
10. Don't Understand (7:03)
11. Sadness Runs Deep (5:58)
12. Right to Decide (4:25)
13. Going to Hawaii (7:33)
14. Electric Tepee (3:10)
02. Blue Shift (4:20)
03. Death of War (4:48)
04. The Secret Agent (8:12)
05. Garden Pests (2:09)
06. Space Dust (5:20)
07. Snake Dance (3:52)
08. Mask of the Morning (8:50)
09. Rites of Netherworld (0:37)
10. Don't Understand (7:03)
11. Sadness Runs Deep (5:58)
12. Right to Decide (4:25)
13. Going to Hawaii (7:33)
14. Electric Tepee (3:10)
It Is The Business Of The Future To Be Dangerous (1993)
CD 1.
01. It Is The Business Of The Future To Be Dangerous (6:26)
02. Space Is Not Their (Palestine) (11:47)
03. Tibet Is Not China (Part One) (3:41)
04. Tibet Is Not China (Part Two) (3:19)
05. Let Barking Dogs Lie (9:02)
06. Wave Upon Wave (3:13)
07. Letting In The Past (2:54)
08. The Camera That Could Lie (5:02)
09. 3 Or 4 Erections In The Course Of A Night (1:58)
10. Techno Tropic Zone Exists (4:31)
11. Gimme Shelter (5:37)
12. Avante (6:02)
13. Gimme Shelter (Single Version With Samantha Fox-Bonus Track) (5:57)
02. Space Is Not Their (Palestine) (11:47)
03. Tibet Is Not China (Part One) (3:41)
04. Tibet Is Not China (Part Two) (3:19)
05. Let Barking Dogs Lie (9:02)
06. Wave Upon Wave (3:13)
07. Letting In The Past (2:54)
08. The Camera That Could Lie (5:02)
09. 3 Or 4 Erections In The Course Of A Night (1:58)
10. Techno Tropic Zone Exists (4:31)
11. Gimme Shelter (5:37)
12. Avante (6:02)
13. Gimme Shelter (Single Version With Samantha Fox-Bonus Track) (5:57)
CD 2: Bonus.
01. Spirit Of The Age (Radio Edit) (4:08)
02. Spirit Of The Age (Full Vocal Mix) (9:52)
03. Spirit Of The Age (Cyber Trance Mix) (9:53)
04. Spirit Of The Age (Flesh To Phantasy Ambient Mix) (12:08)
05. Right To Decide (Original Mix) (4:24)
06. The Camera That Would Not Lie (Original Mix) (5:18)
07. Right To Decide (Alien Prophets Radio Edit Mix) (4:09)
08. Assassin (Magick Carpet Mix By Swordfish / Astralasia) (10:22)
02. Spirit Of The Age (Full Vocal Mix) (9:52)
03. Spirit Of The Age (Cyber Trance Mix) (9:53)
04. Spirit Of The Age (Flesh To Phantasy Ambient Mix) (12:08)
05. Right To Decide (Original Mix) (4:24)
06. The Camera That Would Not Lie (Original Mix) (5:18)
07. Right To Decide (Alien Prophets Radio Edit Mix) (4:09)
08. Assassin (Magick Carpet Mix By Swordfish / Astralasia) (10:22)
Psychedelic Warriors - White Zone (1995)
01. Am I Fooling (1:28)
02. Frenzzy (5:48)
03. Pipe Dreams (3:38)
04. Heart Attack (0:54)
05. Time and Space (4:04)
06. The White Zone (7:32)
07. In Search of Shangrila (5:35)
08. Bay of Bengal (1:35)
09. Moonbeam (4:08)
10. Window Pane (5:08)
11. Love in Space (5:20)
02. Frenzzy (5:48)
03. Pipe Dreams (3:38)
04. Heart Attack (0:54)
05. Time and Space (4:04)
06. The White Zone (7:32)
07. In Search of Shangrila (5:35)
08. Bay of Bengal (1:35)
09. Moonbeam (4:08)
10. Window Pane (5:08)
11. Love in Space (5:20)
Alien 4 (1995)
01. Abducted (2:45)
02. Alien (I Am) (7:46)
03. Reject Your Human Touch (2:21)
04. Blue Skin (7:08)
05. Beam Me Up (4:11)
06. Vega (3:51)
07. Xenomorph (4:52)
08. Journey (3:12)
09. Sputnik Stan (7:03)
10. Kapal (5:11)
11. Festivals (6:48)
12. Death Trap (3:57)
13. Wastelands (1:24)
14. Are You Losing Your Mind? (2:36)
15. Space Sex (2:56)
02. Alien (I Am) (7:46)
03. Reject Your Human Touch (2:21)
04. Blue Skin (7:08)
05. Beam Me Up (4:11)
06. Vega (3:51)
07. Xenomorph (4:52)
08. Journey (3:12)
09. Sputnik Stan (7:03)
10. Kapal (5:11)
11. Festivals (6:48)
12. Death Trap (3:57)
13. Wastelands (1:24)
14. Are You Losing Your Mind? (2:36)
15. Space Sex (2:56)
Distant Horizons (1997)
01. Distant Horizons (5:20)
02. Phetamine Street (5:42)
03. Waimea Canyon Drive (4:54)
04. Alchemy (3:13)
05. Clouded Vision (3:49)
06. Reptoid Vision (7:40)
07. Population Overload (6:51)
08. Wheels (6:24)
09. Kauai (2:08)
10. Taxi for Max (0:43)
02. Phetamine Street (5:42)
03. Waimea Canyon Drive (4:54)
04. Alchemy (3:13)
05. Clouded Vision (3:49)
06. Reptoid Vision (7:40)
07. Population Overload (6:51)
08. Wheels (6:24)
09. Kauai (2:08)
10. Taxi for Max (0:43)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Love in Space (4:55)
12. Archaic (6:51)
13. Kauai (Alternate Take) (2:46)
14. Morpheus (2:27)
12. Archaic (6:51)
13. Kauai (Alternate Take) (2:46)
14. Morpheus (2:27)
In Your Area (1999)
01. Brainstorm / Hawkwind In Your Area (11:08)
02. Alchemy (2:46)
03. Love In Space / Rat Race (5:51)
04. Aerospace Age Inferno (5:33)
05. First Landing On Medusa (1:41)
06. I Am The Reptoïd (3:19)
07. The Nazca (0:45)
08. Hippy (5:46)
09. Prairie (2:39)
10. Your Fantasy (5:05)
11. Luxotica (3:09)
12. Diana Park (4:21)
02. Alchemy (2:46)
03. Love In Space / Rat Race (5:51)
04. Aerospace Age Inferno (5:33)
05. First Landing On Medusa (1:41)
06. I Am The Reptoïd (3:19)
07. The Nazca (0:45)
08. Hippy (5:46)
09. Prairie (2:39)
10. Your Fantasy (5:05)
11. Luxotica (3:09)
12. Diana Park (4:21)
Spacebrock (2000)
01. Life Form (1:43)
02. Some People Never Die (4:02)
03. Dreamers (3:40)
04. Earth Breath (1:36)
05. You Burn Me Up (4:34)
06. The Right Way (0:53)
07. Sex Dreams (3:49)
08. To Be or Not (2:13)
09. Kauai (1:36)
10. Earth Calling (3:48)
11. The Starkness Of The Capsule (3:14)
12. Behind The Face (3:15)
13. Space Brock (4:48)
14. Space Pilots (2:01)
15. 1st Landing (1:47)
16. The Journey (2:49)
17. Do You Want This Body (6:35)
02. Some People Never Die (4:02)
03. Dreamers (3:40)
04. Earth Breath (1:36)
05. You Burn Me Up (4:34)
06. The Right Way (0:53)
07. Sex Dreams (3:49)
08. To Be or Not (2:13)
09. Kauai (1:36)
10. Earth Calling (3:48)
11. The Starkness Of The Capsule (3:14)
12. Behind The Face (3:15)
13. Space Brock (4:48)
14. Space Pilots (2:01)
15. 1st Landing (1:47)
16. The Journey (2:49)
17. Do You Want This Body (6:35)
Take Me To Your Leader (2005)
01. Spirit Of The Age (6:43)
02. Out Here We Are (5:57)
03. Greenback Massacre (4:14)
04. To Love A Machine (6:00)
05. Take Me To Your Leader (5:50)
06. Digital Nation (5:25)
07. Sunray (3:56)
08. Sighs (1:23)
09. Angela Android (5:08)
10. A Letter To Robert (6:08)
02. Out Here We Are (5:57)
03. Greenback Massacre (4:14)
04. To Love A Machine (6:00)
05. Take Me To Your Leader (5:50)
06. Digital Nation (5:25)
07. Sunray (3:56)
08. Sighs (1:23)
09. Angela Android (5:08)
10. A Letter To Robert (6:08)
Take Me To Your Future (EP 2006)
01. Uncle Sam's on Mars (8:18)
02. Small Boy (The Swing) (3:17)
03. The Reality of Poverty (9:08)
04. Ode to a Time Flower (4:06)
05. Silver Machine (21st Century Remix) (6:58)
02. Small Boy (The Swing) (3:17)
03. The Reality of Poverty (9:08)
04. Ode to a Time Flower (4:06)
05. Silver Machine (21st Century Remix) (6:58)
Blood Of The Earth (2010)
CD 1.
01. Seahawks (6:15)
02. Blood of the Earth (3:00)
03. Wraith (6:09)
04. Green Machine (4:05)
05. Inner Visions (4:30)
06. Sweet Obsession (4:43)
07. Comfy Chair (4:57)
08. Prometheus (5:46)
09. You’d Better Believe It (7:15)
10. Sentinel (6:05)
02. Blood of the Earth (3:00)
03. Wraith (6:09)
04. Green Machine (4:05)
05. Inner Visions (4:30)
06. Sweet Obsession (4:43)
07. Comfy Chair (4:57)
08. Prometheus (5:46)
09. You’d Better Believe It (7:15)
10. Sentinel (6:05)
CD 2.
01. Space (1:45)
02. Angels Of Death (8:37)
03. Wraith (5:28)
04. Tide Of The Century (5:58)
05. Magnu (8:24)
06. Levitation (7:24)
07. Long Gone (Bonus Track) (3:10)
08. Interview 2010 (10:24)
02. Angels Of Death (8:37)
03. Wraith (5:28)
04. Tide Of The Century (5:58)
05. Magnu (8:24)
06. Levitation (7:24)
07. Long Gone (Bonus Track) (3:10)
08. Interview 2010 (10:24)
Onward (2012)
CD 1.
01. Seasons (5:41)
02. The Hills Have Ears (5:09)
03. Mind Cut (4:55)
04. System Check (1:07)
05. Death Trap (3:32)
06. Southern Cross (6:42)
07. The Prophecy (4:14)
08. Electric Tears (0:57)
09. The Drive By (4:43)
02. The Hills Have Ears (5:09)
03. Mind Cut (4:55)
04. System Check (1:07)
05. Death Trap (3:32)
06. Southern Cross (6:42)
07. The Prophecy (4:14)
08. Electric Tears (0:57)
09. The Drive By (4:43)
CD 2.
01. Computer Cowards (5:28)
02. Howling Moon (2:13)
03. Right to Decide (6:32)
04. Aero Space Age (5:54)
05. The Flowering of the Rose (8:25)
06. Trans Air Trucking (2:39)
07. Deep Vents (0:33)
08. Green Finned Demon (5:27)
09. Hidden Track (7:58)
02. Howling Moon (2:13)
03. Right to Decide (6:32)
04. Aero Space Age (5:54)
05. The Flowering of the Rose (8:25)
06. Trans Air Trucking (2:39)
07. Deep Vents (0:33)
08. Green Finned Demon (5:27)
09. Hidden Track (7:58)
Hawkwind Light Orchestra - Stellar Variations (2012)
01. Stellar Perspective (6:07)
02. All Our Dreams (6:28)
03. Damp Day In August (1:53)
04. It's All Lies (5:47)
05. Variation 3 (3:12)
06. Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad (3:42)
07. In The Footsteps Of The Great One (5:07)
08. A Song From A New Age (5:02)
09. We Serve Mankind (4:51)
10. Cities Of Rust (5:26)
11. Instant Predictions (5:52)
02. All Our Dreams (6:28)
03. Damp Day In August (1:53)
04. It's All Lies (5:47)
05. Variation 3 (3:12)
06. Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad (3:42)
07. In The Footsteps Of The Great One (5:07)
08. A Song From A New Age (5:02)
09. We Serve Mankind (4:51)
10. Cities Of Rust (5:26)
11. Instant Predictions (5:52)
Spacehawks (2013)
01. Seasons (Remix From Onward) (5:51)
02. Assault & Battery (Original) (2:42)
03. Golden Void (New Studio Recording) (3:35)
04. Where Are They Now (2:27)
05. Sonic Attack (New Studio Recording) (6:16)
06. Demented Man (New Studio Recording) (6:12)
07. We Two Are One (New Track) (4:01)
08. We Took the Wrong Step (5:06)
09. Masters of the Universe (New Studio Recording) (5:26)
10. Sacrosanct (New Track) (8:31)
11. Sentinel (Remix) (6:05)
12. It’s All Lies (New Studio Recording) (5:47)
13. Touch (New Studio Recording) (1:41)
14. The Chumps are Jumping (New Studio Recording) (1:52)
15. Lonely Moon (New Studio Recording) (0:59)
16. Sunship (Remix) (2:08)
03. Golden Void (New Studio Recording) (3:35)
04. Where Are They Now (2:27)
05. Sonic Attack (New Studio Recording) (6:16)
06. Demented Man (New Studio Recording) (6:12)
07. We Two Are One (New Track) (4:01)
08. We Took the Wrong Step (5:06)
09. Masters of the Universe (New Studio Recording) (5:26)
10. Sacrosanct (New Track) (8:31)
11. Sentinel (Remix) (6:05)
12. It’s All Lies (New Studio Recording) (5:47)
13. Touch (New Studio Recording) (1:41)
14. The Chumps are Jumping (New Studio Recording) (1:52)
15. Lonely Moon (New Studio Recording) (0:59)
16. Sunship (Remix) (2:08)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Machine Stops (2016)
01. All Hail the Machine (3:24)
02. The Machine (4:39)
03. Katie (0:56)
04. King of the World (2:51)
05. In My Room (3:43)
06. Thursday (4:09)
07. Synchronised Blue (5:24)
08. Hexagone (4:52)
09. Living on Earth (6:27)
10. The Harmonic Hall (4:56)
11. Yum Yum (1:04)
12. A Solitary Man (5:03)
13. Tube (4:28)
14. Lost in Science (6:33)
02. The Machine (4:39)
03. Katie (0:56)
04. King of the World (2:51)
05. In My Room (3:43)
06. Thursday (4:09)
07. Synchronised Blue (5:24)
08. Hexagone (4:52)
09. Living on Earth (6:27)
10. The Harmonic Hall (4:56)
11. Yum Yum (1:04)
12. A Solitary Man (5:03)
13. Tube (4:28)
14. Lost in Science (6:33)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Psi Power (5:16)
02. Hymn To The Sun (2:49)
03. The Watcher (4:54)
04. Generation door (0:41)
05. Micro Man (5:08)
06. Intro The Night (2:11)
07. Down Through The Night (6:12)
08. Flying Doctor (5:47)
09. Get Yourself Together (7:00)
10. Ascent Of Man (5:04)
11. We Took The Wrong Step Years Ago (3:53)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Hawkwind Light Orchestra - Carnivorous (2020)
01. Expedition to Planet X (1:25)
02. Dyna-Mite (3:42)
03. Void Of Wasteland (5:16)
04. Repel Attract (3:12)
05. Attraction (3:20)
06. Human Behaviour (No Sex Allowed) (5:40)
07. Temple Of Love (1:49)
08. Square Peg In A Round Hole (4:44)
09. Windy Day (4:42)
10. Model Farm Blues (7:51)
11. Whose Call Is It Anyway? (3:21)
12. Lockdown (Keep Calm) (5:43)
13. The Virus (10:18)
14. Forgotten Memories (5:24)
15. Higher Ground (4:43)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Somnia (2021)
01. Unsomnia (10:20)
02. Strange Encounters (6:34)
03. Alcyone (5:28)
04. Counting Sheep (3:24)
05. China Blues (7:23)
06. It's Only A Dream (3:17)
07. Meditation (4:20)
08. Sweet Dreams (2:20)
09. I Can't Get You Off My Mind (3:58)
10. Small Objects In Space (5:07)
11. Pulsestar (1:44)
12. Barkus (4:46)
13. Cave Of Phantom Dreams (4:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Future Never Waits (2023)
01. The Future Never Waits (10:16)
02. The End (4:10)
03. Aldous Huxley (4:38)
04. They Are So Easily Distracted (10:25)
05. Rama (The Prophecy) (8:30)
06. USB1 (3:56)
07. Outside Of Time (7:38)
08. I'm Learning To Live Today (8:05)
09. The Beginning (8:22)
10. Trapped In This Modern Age (3:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ao Vivo.
Into The Woods (2017)
01. Into the Woods (6:16)
02. Cottage in the Woods (3:52)
03. The Woodpecker (0:52)
04. Have You Seen Them (6:58)
05. Ascent (3:41)
06. Space Ship Blues (6:35)
07. The Wind (4:09)
08. Vegan Lunch (5:18)
09. Magic Scenes (6:12)
10. Darkland (2:14)
11. Wood Nymph (5:57)
12. Deep Cavern (2:27)
13. Magic Mushroom (9:28)
03. The Woodpecker (0:52)
04. Have You Seen Them (6:58)
05. Ascent (3:41)
06. Space Ship Blues (6:35)
07. The Wind (4:09)
08. Vegan Lunch (5:18)
09. Magic Scenes (6:12)
10. Darkland (2:14)
11. Wood Nymph (5:57)
12. Deep Cavern (2:27)
13. Magic Mushroom (9:28)
Road To Utopia (2018)
01. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (4:32)
02. The Watcher (5:05)
03. We Took The Wrong Step Years Ago (4:57)
04. Flying Doctor (5:52)
05. Psychic Power (5:20)
06. Hymn To The Sun (2:51)
07. The Age Of The Micro Man (5:32)
08. Intro The Night (2:11)
09. 09 Down Through The Night (7:11)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
All Aboard The Skylark (2019)
CD 1.
01. Flesh Fondue (5:03)
02. Nets Of Space (3:03)
03. Last Man On Earth (5:01)
04. We Are Not Dead...Only Sleeping (3:21)
05. All Aboard The Skylark (5:26)
06. 65 Million Years Ago (4:11)
07. In The Beginning (2:00)
08. The Road To... (5:13)
09. The Fantasy Of Faldum (9:15)
CD 2: Bonus CD, Acoustic Daze.
02. The Watcher (5:05)
03. We Took The Wrong Step Years Ago (4:57)
04. Flying Doctor (5:52)
05. Psychic Power (5:20)
06. Hymn To The Sun (2:51)
07. The Age Of The Micro Man (5:32)
08. Intro The Night (2:11)
09. 09 Down Through The Night (7:11)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
All Aboard The Skylark (2019)
01. Flesh Fondue (5:03)
02. Nets Of Space (3:03)
03. Last Man On Earth (5:01)
04. We Are Not Dead...Only Sleeping (3:21)
05. All Aboard The Skylark (5:26)
06. 65 Million Years Ago (4:11)
07. In The Beginning (2:00)
08. The Road To... (5:13)
09. The Fantasy Of Faldum (9:15)
CD 2: Bonus CD, Acoustic Daze.
01. Psi Power (5:16)
02. Hymn To The Sun (2:49)
03. The Watcher (4:54)
04. Generation door (0:41)
05. Micro Man (5:08)
06. Intro The Night (2:11)
07. Down Through The Night (6:12)
08. Flying Doctor (5:47)
09. Get Yourself Together (7:00)
10. Ascent Of Man (5:04)
11. We Took The Wrong Step Years Ago (3:53)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Hawkwind Light Orchestra - Carnivorous (2020)
02. Dyna-Mite (3:42)
03. Void Of Wasteland (5:16)
04. Repel Attract (3:12)
05. Attraction (3:20)
06. Human Behaviour (No Sex Allowed) (5:40)
07. Temple Of Love (1:49)
08. Square Peg In A Round Hole (4:44)
09. Windy Day (4:42)
10. Model Farm Blues (7:51)
11. Whose Call Is It Anyway? (3:21)
12. Lockdown (Keep Calm) (5:43)
13. The Virus (10:18)
14. Forgotten Memories (5:24)
15. Higher Ground (4:43)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Somnia (2021)
02. Strange Encounters (6:34)
03. Alcyone (5:28)
04. Counting Sheep (3:24)
05. China Blues (7:23)
06. It's Only A Dream (3:17)
07. Meditation (4:20)
08. Sweet Dreams (2:20)
09. I Can't Get You Off My Mind (3:58)
10. Small Objects In Space (5:07)
11. Pulsestar (1:44)
12. Barkus (4:46)
13. Cave Of Phantom Dreams (4:13)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
The Future Never Waits (2023)
02. The End (4:10)
03. Aldous Huxley (4:38)
04. They Are So Easily Distracted (10:25)
05. Rama (The Prophecy) (8:30)
06. USB1 (3:56)
07. Outside Of Time (7:38)
08. I'm Learning To Live Today (8:05)
09. The Beginning (8:22)
10. Trapped In This Modern Age (3:00)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Stories From Time And Space (2024)
01. Our Lives Can't Last Forever (5:38)
02. The Starship (One Love One Life) (7:40)
03. What Are We Going To Do While We're Here (7:05)
04. The Tracker (5:00)
05. Eternal Light (1:40)
06. Till I Found You (4:52)
07. Underwater City (3:05)
08. The Night Sky (2:28)
09. Traveller Of Time & Space (7:27)
10. Re-generate (5:03)
11. The Black Sea (1:11)
12. Frozen In Time (3:25)
13. Stargazers (5:16)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. The Starship (One Love One Life) (7:40)
03. What Are We Going To Do While We're Here (7:05)
04. The Tracker (5:00)
05. Eternal Light (1:40)
06. Till I Found You (4:52)
07. Underwater City (3:05)
08. The Night Sky (2:28)
09. Traveller Of Time & Space (7:27)
10. Re-generate (5:03)
11. The Black Sea (1:11)
12. Frozen In Time (3:25)
13. Stargazers (5:16)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Ao Vivo.
The Space Ritual (1973)
CD 1.
01. Earth Calling (1:45)
02. Born To Go (9:55)
03. Down Through The Night (6:18)
04. The Awakening (1:35)
05. Lord Of Light (7:17)
06. Black Corridor (1:51)
07. Space Is Deep (8:13)
08. Electronic No. 1 (2:33)
09. Orgone Accumulator (9:56)
10. Upside Down (2:43)
11. 10 Seconds Of Forever (2:05)
12. Brainstorm ** (13:46)
02. Born To Go (9:55)
03. Down Through The Night (6:18)
04. The Awakening (1:35)
05. Lord Of Light (7:17)
06. Black Corridor (1:51)
07. Space Is Deep (8:13)
08. Electronic No. 1 (2:33)
09. Orgone Accumulator (9:56)
10. Upside Down (2:43)
11. 10 Seconds Of Forever (2:05)
12. Brainstorm ** (13:46)
CD 2.
01. 7 By 7 (6:06)
02. Sonic Attack (2:53)
03. Time We Left This World Today (5:43)
04. Master Of The Universe (7:40)
05. Welcome To The Future (2:50)
06. You Shouldn't Do That (10:47)
07. Orgone Accumulator (8:54)
08. Time We Left This World Today (13:25)
09. You Shouldn't Do That (6:43)
02. Sonic Attack (2:53)
03. Time We Left This World Today (5:43)
04. Master Of The Universe (7:40)
05. Welcome To The Future (2:50)
06. You Shouldn't Do That (10:47)
07. Orgone Accumulator (8:54)
08. Time We Left This World Today (13:25)
09. You Shouldn't Do That (6:43)
Live Seventy Nine (1980)
01. Shot Down In The Night (7:42)
02. Motorway City (8:19)
03. Spirit Of The Age (7:36)
04. Brainstorm (9:05)
05. Lighthouse (6:25)
06. Master Of The Universe (4:52)
07. Silver Machine (Requiem) (1:10)
08. Urban Guerrilla (6:28)
09. Shot Down In The Night (Single Edit) (4:18)
02. Motorway City (8:19)
03. Spirit Of The Age (7:36)
04. Brainstorm (9:05)
05. Lighthouse (6:25)
06. Master Of The Universe (4:52)
07. Silver Machine (Requiem) (1:10)
08. Urban Guerrilla (6:28)
09. Shot Down In The Night (Single Edit) (4:18)
Live Chronicles (1986)
CD 1.
01. The Chronicle of the Black Sword (1:52)
02. Song of the Swords (3:09)
03. Dragons & Fables (3:10)
04. Narration (0:46)
05. The Sea King (4:07)
06. Dead God's Homecoming (1:32)
07. Angels of Death (4:43)
08. Shade Gate (3:49)
09. Rocky Paths (2:52)
10. Elric the Enchanter, Part 1 (0:55)
11. The Pulsing Cavern (2:15)
12. Master of the Universe (4:01)
13. Dragon Song (1:33)
14. Dreaming City (4:30)
15. Choose your Masques (4:52)
16. Fight Sequence (3:26)
02. Song of the Swords (3:09)
03. Dragons & Fables (3:10)
04. Narration (0:46)
05. The Sea King (4:07)
06. Dead God's Homecoming (1:32)
07. Angels of Death (4:43)
08. Shade Gate (3:49)
09. Rocky Paths (2:52)
10. Elric the Enchanter, Part 1 (0:55)
11. The Pulsing Cavern (2:15)
12. Master of the Universe (4:01)
13. Dragon Song (1:33)
14. Dreaming City (4:30)
15. Choose your Masques (4:52)
16. Fight Sequence (3:26)
CD 2.
01. Assault and Battery (3:40)
02. Sleep of a Thousand Tears (4:37)
03. Zarozinia (4:17)
04. Lords of Chaos (1:01)
05. The Dark Lords (1:37)
06. Wizards of Pan Tang (1:42)
07. Moonglum (4:41)
08. Elric the Enchanter - Part Two (2:27)
09. Needle Gun (4:08)
10. Conjuration of Magnu (1:52)
11. Magnu (3:17)
12. Dust of Time (2:30)
13. The Final Fight (1:28)
14. Horn of Fate (Destiny) (6:40)
02. Sleep of a Thousand Tears (4:37)
03. Zarozinia (4:17)
04. Lords of Chaos (1:01)
05. The Dark Lords (1:37)
06. Wizards of Pan Tang (1:42)
07. Moonglum (4:41)
08. Elric the Enchanter - Part Two (2:27)
09. Needle Gun (4:08)
10. Conjuration of Magnu (1:52)
11. Magnu (3:17)
12. Dust of Time (2:30)
13. The Final Fight (1:28)
14. Horn of Fate (Destiny) (6:40)
Palace Springs (1991)
CD 1.
01. Back in the Box (6:21)
02. Treadmill (8:10)
03. Lives of Great Men (3:27)
04. Void of Golden Light (6:51)
05. Time We Left (2:41)
06. Heads (4:39)
07. Acid Test (6:06)
08. Damnation Alley (7:15)
09. The Damage of Life (Bonus Track) (7:21)
10. Treadmill_Time We Left (Alternate Version) (9:23)
02. Treadmill (8:10)
03. Lives of Great Men (3:27)
04. Void of Golden Light (6:51)
05. Time We Left (2:41)
06. Heads (4:39)
07. Acid Test (6:06)
08. Damnation Alley (7:15)
09. The Damage of Life (Bonus Track) (7:21)
10. Treadmill_Time We Left (Alternate Version) (9:23)
CD 2: California Brainstorm.
01. Void's End (5:29)
02. Ejection (5:59)
03. Brainstorm (8:52)
04. Out of the Shadows (8:27)
05. Eons (Snake Dance) (4:16)
06. Night of the Hawks (5:25)
07. TV Suicide (7:10)
08. Back in the Box (9:13)
09. Assassins of Allah (3:52)
10. Propaganda (1:08)
11. Reefer Madness (8:29)
12. Images (6:18)
02. Ejection (5:59)
03. Brainstorm (8:52)
04. Out of the Shadows (8:27)
05. Eons (Snake Dance) (4:16)
06. Night of the Hawks (5:25)
07. TV Suicide (7:10)
08. Back in the Box (9:13)
09. Assassins of Allah (3:52)
10. Propaganda (1:08)
11. Reefer Madness (8:29)
12. Images (6:18)
The Business Trip (1994)
01. Altair (1:05)
02. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (6:14)
03. LSD (5:38)
04. The Camera That Could Lie (6:48)
05. Green Finned Demon (6:33)
06. Do That (3:07)
07. The Day A Wall Came Down (3:36)
08. Berlin Axis (2:27)
09. Void Of Golden Light (5:49)
10. The Right Stuff (5:37)
11. Wastelands (2:21)
12. The Dream Goes On (1:44)
13. Right To Decide (7:33)
14. The Dream Has Ended (4:44)
15. This Future (1:56)
16. Terra Mystica (7:46)
02. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (6:14)
03. LSD (5:38)
04. The Camera That Could Lie (6:48)
05. Green Finned Demon (6:33)
06. Do That (3:07)
07. The Day A Wall Came Down (3:36)
08. Berlin Axis (2:27)
09. Void Of Golden Light (5:49)
10. The Right Stuff (5:37)
11. Wastelands (2:21)
12. The Dream Goes On (1:44)
13. Right To Decide (7:33)
14. The Dream Has Ended (4:44)
15. This Future (1:56)
16. Terra Mystica (7:46)
Love In Space (1996)
CD 1.
01. Abducted (2:55)
02. Death Trap (4:42)
03. Wastelands (1:35)
04. Are You Losing Your Mind? (3:08)
05. Photo Encounter (2:19)
06. Blue Skin (6:54)
07. Sputnik Stan (10:20)
08. Robot (7:39)
09. Alien (I Am) (8:52)
02. Death Trap (4:42)
03. Wastelands (1:35)
04. Are You Losing Your Mind? (3:08)
05. Photo Encounter (2:19)
06. Blue Skin (6:54)
07. Sputnik Stan (10:20)
08. Robot (7:39)
09. Alien (I Am) (8:52)
CD 2.
01. Xenomorph (5:18)
02. Vega (3:33)
03. Love In Space (9:45)
04. Kapal (6:04)
05. Elfin (2:10)
06. Silver Machine (3:35)
07. Welcome To The Future (2:12)
08. Assassins / Space (Is Their Palestine) (8:45)
09. Love In Space (Studio Version) (4:49)
10. Lord Of Light (Live) (3:52)
11. This Is Hawkwind Sonic Attack (Live) (7:06)
02. Vega (3:33)
03. Love In Space (9:45)
04. Kapal (6:04)
05. Elfin (2:10)
06. Silver Machine (3:35)
07. Welcome To The Future (2:12)
08. Assassins / Space (Is Their Palestine) (8:45)
09. Love In Space (Studio Version) (4:49)
10. Lord Of Light (Live) (3:52)
11. This Is Hawkwind Sonic Attack (Live) (7:06)
Yule Ritual (2001)
CD 1.
01. Electronic Intro (4:28)
02. Levitation (8:48)
03. Money Tree (6:09)
04. Space Is Deep (5:45)
05. Flying Doctor (5:04)
06. Warrior At The Edge Of Time (4:14)
07. Angels Of Death (6:37)
08. High Rise (5:08)
09. Damage of Life (6:40)
02. Levitation (8:48)
03. Money Tree (6:09)
04. Space Is Deep (5:45)
05. Flying Doctor (5:04)
06. Warrior At The Edge Of Time (4:14)
07. Angels Of Death (6:37)
08. High Rise (5:08)
09. Damage of Life (6:40)
CD 2.
01. Lighthouse (7:54)
02. Sonic Attack (5:57)
03. Freefall (6:33)
04. Motorway City (6:14)
05. Hurry On Sundown (3:43)
06. Spirit Of The Age (7:07)
07. Assassins Of Allah (8:59)
02. Sonic Attack (5:57)
03. Freefall (6:33)
04. Motorway City (6:14)
05. Hurry On Sundown (3:43)
06. Spirit Of The Age (7:07)
07. Assassins Of Allah (8:59)
Canterbury Fayre 2001 (2002)
CD 1.
01. 5Th Second Of Forever (3:52)
02. Levitation (9:18)
03. Spiral Galaxy (3:16)
04. Solitary Mind Games (8:08)
05. Angels Of Death (6:17)
06. Spirit Of The Age (7:35)
07. Magnu (3:43)
08. Dust Of Time (2:08)
09. Motorway City (6:11)
10. Hurry On Sundown (3:44)
11. Assassins Of Allah (12:26)
02. Levitation (9:18)
03. Spiral Galaxy (3:16)
04. Solitary Mind Games (8:08)
05. Angels Of Death (6:17)
06. Spirit Of The Age (7:35)
07. Magnu (3:43)
08. Dust Of Time (2:08)
09. Motorway City (6:11)
10. Hurry On Sundown (3:44)
11. Assassins Of Allah (12:26)
CD 2.
01. Silver Machine (5:16)
02. Arthur's Poem (0:55)
03. Assault & Battery (2:51)
04. Void Of Golden Light (10:44)
05. Ejection (8:18)
02. Arthur's Poem (0:55)
03. Assault & Battery (2:51)
04. Void Of Golden Light (10:44)
05. Ejection (8:18)
Space Ritual Live (2015)
CD 1.
01. Seasons (7:43)
02. Steppenwolf (8:58)
03. Utopia (8:00)
04. Opa Loka (5:32)
05. Spiral Galaxy (5:00)
06. Reefer Madness (6:40)
07. Sentinel (6:03)
08. Spirit Of The Age (6:22)
02. Steppenwolf (8:58)
03. Utopia (8:00)
04. Opa Loka (5:32)
05. Spiral Galaxy (5:00)
06. Reefer Madness (6:40)
07. Sentinel (6:03)
08. Spirit Of The Age (6:22)
CD 2.
01. Earth Calling (1:32)
02. Born To Go (9:26)
03. Down Through The Night (4:26)
04. Poem 1st Landing (2:12)
05. Lord Of Light (5:44)
06. Poem Black Corridor (1:55)
07. Space Is Deep (5:01)
08. A Step Into Space (3:18)
09. Orgone Accumulator (5:47)
10. Upside Down (2:09)
11. Poem 10th Second Of Forever (2:04)
12. Brainstorm (8:57)
13. Seven By Seven (4:53)
14. Sonic Attack (3:20)
15. Time We Left (3:47)
16. Masters Of The Universe (7:56)
17. Welcome To The Future (4:49)
02. Born To Go (9:26)
03. Down Through The Night (4:26)
04. Poem 1st Landing (2:12)
05. Lord Of Light (5:44)
06. Poem Black Corridor (1:55)
07. Space Is Deep (5:01)
08. A Step Into Space (3:18)
09. Orgone Accumulator (5:47)
10. Upside Down (2:09)
11. Poem 10th Second Of Forever (2:04)
12. Brainstorm (8:57)
13. Seven By Seven (4:53)
14. Sonic Attack (3:20)
15. Time We Left (3:47)
16. Masters Of The Universe (7:56)
17. Welcome To The Future (4:49)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Outros Lançamentos (Archives).
Outros Lançamentos (Archives).
Space Rock From London (Live 1972)
01. Introduction (1:08)
02. Born To Go (10:28)
03. Seven By Seven (8:58)
04. Brainstorm (7:50)
05. Master Of The Universe (9:16)
06. Paranoia (9:22)
07. Silver Machine (6:51)
02. Born To Go (10:28)
03. Seven By Seven (8:58)
04. Brainstorm (7:50)
05. Master Of The Universe (9:16)
06. Paranoia (9:22)
07. Silver Machine (6:51)
Hawklords - Live 78 (1978)
01. Automoton (1:37)
02. 25 Years (6:38)
03. High Rise (5:00)
04. Death Trap (5:47)
05. The Age of the Micro Man (3:51)
06. Spirit of the Age (9:20)
07. Urban Guerilla (6:12)
08. Sonic Attack (7:09)
09. PSI Power (6:08)
10. Brainstorm (8:20)
02. 25 Years (6:38)
03. High Rise (5:00)
04. Death Trap (5:47)
05. The Age of the Micro Man (3:51)
06. Spirit of the Age (9:20)
07. Urban Guerilla (6:12)
08. Sonic Attack (7:09)
09. PSI Power (6:08)
10. Brainstorm (8:20)
The Weird Tapes 1: Dave Brock, Sonic Assassins (1980)
01. Over The Top (7:49)
02. Magnu (3:19)
03. Angels Of Life (5:15)
04. Free Fall (7:59)
05. Death Trap (5:03)
06. Nuclear Toy (4:47)
07. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:53)
08. The Dream 1 (1:17)
09. Assassination (3:27)
10. The Dream 2 (2:13)
11. Satellite (3:23)
02. Magnu (3:19)
03. Angels Of Life (5:15)
04. Free Fall (7:59)
05. Death Trap (5:03)
06. Nuclear Toy (4:47)
07. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:53)
08. The Dream 1 (1:17)
09. Assassination (3:27)
10. The Dream 2 (2:13)
11. Satellite (3:23)
The Weird Tapes 2: Hawkwind Live & Hawklord's Studio (1980)
01. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (2:38)
02. Master Of The Universe (4:44)
03. Welcome To The Future (2:10)
04. Spirit Of The Age (5:49)
05. Sonic Attack (5:27)
06. Valium 10 (7:56)
07. Douglas In The Jungle (6:55)
08. Time Of... (5:32)
02. Master Of The Universe (4:44)
03. Welcome To The Future (2:10)
04. Spirit Of The Age (5:49)
05. Sonic Attack (5:27)
06. Valium 10 (7:56)
07. Douglas In The Jungle (6:55)
08. Time Of... (5:32)
The Weird Tapes 3: Free Festivals (1981)
01. High Rise (5:37)
02. Damnation Alley (7:59)
03. Damnation Alley Pt 2 (6:32)
04. Uncle Sam's On Mars (7:20)
05. Robot (4:43)
06. Circles (4:28)
07. I Am The Eye (4:26)
08. Slap It On The Table (0:50)
03. Damnation Alley Pt 2 (6:32)
04. Uncle Sam's On Mars (7:20)
05. Robot (4:43)
06. Circles (4:28)
07. I Am The Eye (4:26)
08. Slap It On The Table (0:50)
The Weird Tapes 4: Live '78 (1981)
01. Death Trap (6:21)
02. Micro Man (3:40)
03. Spirit Of The Age (9:25)
04. Urban Guerilla (5:18)
05. Steppenwolf (9:06)
06. Free Fall (5:26)
07. Uncle Sams On Mars (8:33)
02. Micro Man (3:40)
03. Spirit Of The Age (9:25)
04. Urban Guerilla (5:18)
05. Steppenwolf (9:06)
06. Free Fall (5:26)
07. Uncle Sams On Mars (8:33)
The Weird Tapes 5: Live '76 & '77 (1982)
01. Back On The Streets (3:50)
02. City Of Lagoon (5:08)
03. Brainstorm (7:25)
04. Wind Of Change (4:07)
05. Assassins Of Allah (7:16)
06. Forge Of Vulcan (2:33)
07. Steppenwolf (10:29)
08. Where Are They Now (2:18)
02. City Of Lagoon (5:08)
03. Brainstorm (7:25)
04. Wind Of Change (4:07)
05. Assassins Of Allah (7:16)
06. Forge Of Vulcan (2:33)
07. Steppenwolf (10:29)
08. Where Are They Now (2:18)
The Weird Tapes 6: Live 1970-1973 (1982)
01. Make What You Can (7:11)
02. Born To Go (12:49)
03. Master Of The Universe (7:18)
04. Jam (3:25)
05. Hurry On Sundown (4:49)
06. Come Home (2:11)
07. We Do It (10:35)
08. Keine Titelinformationen (3:28)
02. Born To Go (12:49)
03. Master Of The Universe (7:18)
04. Jam (3:25)
05. Hurry On Sundown (4:49)
06. Come Home (2:11)
07. We Do It (10:35)
08. Keine Titelinformationen (3:28)
The Weird Tapes 7: Dave Brock, The Demos (1983)
01. Streets Of Fear (5:34)
02. First Landing On Medusa (3:39)
03. Touchdown (3:43)
04. Winter Of Discontent (5:04)
05. Choose Your Masques (1:02)
06. Looking In The Future (6:19)
07. Space Travellers (5:34)
08. Circles (4:01)
09. Speed Of Light (Transdimension Man) (4:22)
10. Bombed Out (4:47)
11. Keine Titelinformationen (2:32)
02. First Landing On Medusa (3:39)
03. Touchdown (3:43)
04. Winter Of Discontent (5:04)
05. Choose Your Masques (1:02)
06. Looking In The Future (6:19)
07. Space Travellers (5:34)
08. Circles (4:01)
09. Speed Of Light (Transdimension Man) (4:22)
10. Bombed Out (4:47)
11. Keine Titelinformationen (2:32)
The Weird Tapes 8: Live 1966-1973 (1983)
01. Space Is Deep (Space Ritual) (8:30)
02. Down On Her Knees (5:54)
03. Live And Let Live (4:05)
04. Etchanatay (3:16)
05. Rol 'Em Pete (2:26)
06. Come On (2:30)
07. Dealing With The Devil (2:14)
08. Bring It On Home (3:16)
09. Dreaming (5:15)
10. Shouldn't Do That (7:09)
03. Live And Let Live (4:05)
04. Etchanatay (3:16)
05. Rol 'Em Pete (2:26)
06. Come On (2:30)
07. Dealing With The Devil (2:14)
08. Bring It On Home (3:16)
09. Dreaming (5:15)
10. Shouldn't Do That (7:09)
Zones (1983)
01. Zones (0:46)
02. Dangerous Vision (5:05)
03. Running Through The Back Brain (6:18)
04. The Island (3:18)
05. Motorway City (4:58)
06. Utopia 84 (2:06)
07. Social Alliance (4:40)
08. Sonic Attack (5:48)
09. Dream Worker (5:28)
10. Brainstorm (8:31)
02. Dangerous Vision (5:05)
03. Running Through The Back Brain (6:18)
04. The Island (3:18)
05. Motorway City (4:58)
06. Utopia 84 (2:06)
07. Social Alliance (4:40)
08. Sonic Attack (5:48)
09. Dream Worker (5:28)
10. Brainstorm (8:31)
This Is Hawkwind, Do Not Panic, Live 1980 & 1984 (1984)
01. Psy Power (5:09)
02. Levitation (7:19)
03. Circles (5:41)
04. Space Chase (3:23)
05. Death Trap (4:42)
06. Angles Of Death (6:29)
07. Shot Down In The Night (7:13)
08. Stonehenge Decoded (8:20)
09. Watching The Grass Grow (3:40)
02. Levitation (7:19)
03. Circles (5:41)
04. Space Chase (3:23)
05. Death Trap (4:42)
06. Angles Of Death (6:29)
07. Shot Down In The Night (7:13)
08. Stonehenge Decoded (8:20)
09. Watching The Grass Grow (3:40)
Space Ritual Sundown Vol. 2: Live 1972 (1985)
01. Space (2:15)
02. Orgone Accumulator (8:47)
03. Upside Down (2:44)
04. Sonic Attack (2:51)
05. Time We Left (13:21)
06. 10 Seconds Of Forever (2:10)
07. Brainstorm (12:03)
08. Seven By Seven (8:53)
09. Master Of The Universe (7:43)
10. Welcome To The Future (2:54)
02. Orgone Accumulator (8:47)
03. Upside Down (2:44)
04. Sonic Attack (2:51)
05. Time We Left (13:21)
06. 10 Seconds Of Forever (2:10)
07. Brainstorm (12:03)
08. Seven By Seven (8:53)
09. Master Of The Universe (7:43)
10. Welcome To The Future (2:54)
Bring Me The Head Of Yuri Gagarin: Live 1973 (1985)
01. Gaga (1:57)
02. In The Egg (2:53)
03. Organe Accumulator (7:23)
04. Wage War (2:48)
05. Urban Guerilla (6:19)
06. Master Of The Universe (6:59)
07. Welcome to the Future (2:41)
08. Sonic Attack (3:16)
09. Silver Machine (3:47)
02. In The Egg (2:53)
03. Organe Accumulator (7:23)
04. Wage War (2:48)
05. Urban Guerilla (6:19)
06. Master Of The Universe (6:59)
07. Welcome to the Future (2:41)
08. Sonic Attack (3:16)
09. Silver Machine (3:47)
Out & Intake: Live 1982 & 1986 (1987)
01. Turner Point (2:20)
02. Waiting For Tomorrow (4:45)
03. Cajun Jinx (5:02)
04. Solitary Mind Games (5:10)
05. Starflight (1:49)
06. Ejection (2:16)
07. Assassins Of Allah (3:56)
08. Flight To Maputo (5:15)
09. Confrontation (3:03)
10. 5/4 (2:11)
11. Ghost Dance (3:55)
12. Coded Languages (4:20)
13. Warrior On The Edge Of TIme (3:34)
02. Waiting For Tomorrow (4:45)
03. Cajun Jinx (5:02)
04. Solitary Mind Games (5:10)
05. Starflight (1:49)
06. Ejection (2:16)
07. Assassins Of Allah (3:56)
08. Flight To Maputo (5:15)
09. Confrontation (3:03)
10. 5/4 (2:11)
11. Ghost Dance (3:55)
12. Coded Languages (4:20)
13. Warrior On The Edge Of TIme (3:34)
Ridicule: Live 1973 (1990)
01. 10 Seconds Of Forever (2:12)
02. Brainstorm (12:11)
03. Seven By Seven (9:05)
04. Master Of The Universe (8:46)
05. Welcome To The Future (2:50)
02. Brainstorm (12:11)
03. Seven By Seven (9:05)
04. Master Of The Universe (8:46)
05. Welcome To The Future (2:50)
BBC Radio 1 Live in Concert, 1972 (1991)
01. Countdown/Born To Go (12:16)
02. Black Corridor/Seven By Seven (9:36)
03. Brainstorm (10:39)
04. Electronic #1/Master Of The Universe (9:53)
05. Paranoia/Earth Calling (9:24)
06. Silver Machine/Welcome To The Future/Credits (7:49)
02. Black Corridor/Seven By Seven (9:36)
03. Brainstorm (10:39)
04. Electronic #1/Master Of The Universe (9:53)
05. Paranoia/Earth Calling (9:24)
06. Silver Machine/Welcome To The Future/Credits (7:49)
Kings Of Speed, Lords Of Light (Live 1991)
01. Needle Gun (5:11)
02. Ejection - Time We Left This World Today (9:04)
03. Blue Shift - The Right Stuff (12:26)
04. Snake Dance - Night Of The Hawks (10:33)
05. Levitation (12:24)
06. Masters Of The Universe (5:43)
07. The Golden Void (7:00)
08. Paranoia - Hassan I Sahba (7:18)
09. LSD (9:08)
02. Ejection - Time We Left This World Today (9:04)
03. Blue Shift - The Right Stuff (12:26)
04. Snake Dance - Night Of The Hawks (10:33)
05. Levitation (12:24)
06. Masters Of The Universe (5:43)
07. The Golden Void (7:00)
08. Paranoia - Hassan I Sahba (7:18)
09. LSD (9:08)
The Friday Rock Show Sessions: BBC 1986 (1992)
01. Magnu / Angels Of Death (8:25)
02. Pulsing Cavern (3:19)
03. Assault And Battery (4:40)
04. Needle Gun (4:46)
05. Master Of The Universe (4:45)
06. Utopia (4:36)
07. Dream Worker (12:47)
08. Assassins Of Allah (Hassan I Sahba) (6:32)
09. Silver Machine (11:32)
02. Pulsing Cavern (3:19)
03. Assault And Battery (4:40)
04. Needle Gun (4:46)
05. Master Of The Universe (4:45)
06. Utopia (4:36)
07. Dream Worker (12:47)
08. Assassins Of Allah (Hassan I Sahba) (6:32)
09. Silver Machine (11:32)
California Brainstorm: Live 1990 (1992)
01. Void's End (5:28)
02. Ejection (5:59)
03. Brainstorm (8:52)
04. Out Of The Shadows / Eons / Night Of The Hawks (18:09)
05. TV Suidice / Back In The Box / Assasins Of Allah (20:14)
06. Propaganda (1:08)
07. Reefer Madness (8:25)
02. Ejection (5:59)
03. Brainstorm (8:52)
04. Out Of The Shadows / Eons / Night Of The Hawks (18:09)
05. TV Suidice / Back In The Box / Assasins Of Allah (20:14)
06. Propaganda (1:08)
07. Reefer Madness (8:25)
Decide Your Future (EP 1993)
01. Right To Decide (Original Mix) (4:27)
02. The Camera That Would Not Die (Original Mix) (5:19)
03. Right To Decide (Radio Edit Mix) (4:10)
04. Assassin (Magick Carpet Mix) (10:20)
02. The Camera That Would Not Die (Original Mix) (5:19)
03. Right To Decide (Radio Edit Mix) (4:10)
04. Assassin (Magick Carpet Mix) (10:20)
Undisclosed Files Addendum: Live 1984 & 1988 (1995)
01. Orgone Accumulator (5:22)
02. Ghost Dance (7:12)
03. Sonic Attack (7:01)
04. Watching the Grass Grow (5:10)
05. Coded Languages (5:10)
06. Damned by the Curse of Man (4:24)
07. Ejection (4:29)
08. Motorway City (6:48)
09. Dragons and Fables (3:19)
10. Heads (3:53)
11. Angel of Death (5:36)
02. Ghost Dance (7:12)
03. Sonic Attack (7:01)
04. Watching the Grass Grow (5:10)
05. Coded Languages (5:10)
06. Damned by the Curse of Man (4:24)
07. Ejection (4:29)
08. Motorway City (6:48)
09. Dragons and Fables (3:19)
10. Heads (3:53)
11. Angel of Death (5:36)
The 1999 Party: Live 1974 (1997)
CD 1.
01. Intro/Standing on the Edge (4:17)
02. Brainbox Pollution (7:52)
03. It's So Easy (11:03)
04. You Know You're Only Dreaming (4:43)
05. Veterans of a Thousand Psychic Wars (2:21)
06. Brainstorm (9:19)
07. Seven by Seven (9:27)
02. Brainbox Pollution (7:52)
03. It's So Easy (11:03)
04. You Know You're Only Dreaming (4:43)
05. Veterans of a Thousand Psychic Wars (2:21)
06. Brainstorm (9:19)
07. Seven by Seven (9:27)
CD 2.
01. The Watcher (6:40)
02. The Awakening (2:41)
03. Paradox (5:44)
04. You'd Better Believe It (8:09)
05. The Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke) (3:47)
06. D-Rider (7:46)
07. Sonic Attack (4:31)
08. Master Of The Universe (6:57)
09. Welcome To The Future (2:32)
02. The Awakening (2:41)
03. Paradox (5:44)
04. You'd Better Believe It (8:09)
05. The Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke) (3:47)
06. D-Rider (7:46)
07. Sonic Attack (4:31)
08. Master Of The Universe (6:57)
09. Welcome To The Future (2:32)
Live & Rare: Onward Flies The Bird (1997)
01. Earth Calling (2:12)
02. Born To Go (5:02)
03. Space Is Deep (8:31)
04. Silver Machine (4:01)
05. Motorhead (3:06)
06. Angels of Death (1:43)
07. Magnu (2:49)
08. Hash Cake '77 (4:44)
09. High Rise (5:41)
10. Douglas in the Jungle (6:45)
11. Urban Guerilla (6:29)
12. Who's Gonna Win the War (4:52)
13. Masters of the Universe (3:28)
14. You Shouldn't Do That (8:55)
15. Spirit of the Age (8:01)
02. Born To Go (5:02)
03. Space Is Deep (8:31)
04. Silver Machine (4:01)
05. Motorhead (3:06)
06. Angels of Death (1:43)
07. Magnu (2:49)
08. Hash Cake '77 (4:44)
09. High Rise (5:41)
10. Douglas in the Jungle (6:45)
11. Urban Guerilla (6:29)
12. Who's Gonna Win the War (4:52)
13. Masters of the Universe (3:28)
14. You Shouldn't Do That (8:55)
15. Spirit of the Age (8:01)
Exclusive Tribute CD The Pink Floyd Encyclopedia (1998)
01. Interstellar Overdrive (6:07)
02. Hyperdrive Reprise (5:22)
02. Hyperdrive Reprise (5:22)
Atomhenge ‘76 (2000)
CD 1.
01. Intro (1:19)
02. Reefer Madness (6:05)
03. Paradox (4:24)
04. Chronoglide Skyway (5:56)
05. Hassan I Sahba (5:56)
06. Brainstorm (8:53)
07. Wind of Change (4:10)
02. Reefer Madness (6:05)
03. Paradox (4:24)
04. Chronoglide Skyway (5:56)
05. Hassan I Sahba (5:56)
06. Brainstorm (8:53)
07. Wind of Change (4:10)
CD 2.
01. Instrumental (1:16)
02. Steppenwolf (11:14)
03. Uncle Sam's on Mars (7:36)
04. Time for Sale (10:39)
05. Back on the Street (5:17)
06. Sonic Attack (6:27)
07. Kerb Crawler (5:35)
02. Steppenwolf (11:14)
03. Uncle Sam's on Mars (7:36)
04. Time for Sale (10:39)
05. Back on the Street (5:17)
06. Sonic Attack (6:27)
07. Kerb Crawler (5:35)
On Sundown, 1972 (2001)
01. Space Is Deep (2:14)
02. Orgone Accumulator (8:47)
03. Upside Down (2:44)
04. Sonic Attack (2:51)
05. Time We Left This World Today (13:22)
06. 10 Seconds of Forever (2:09)
07. Brainstorm (12:03)
08. Seven by Seven (8:53)
09. Master of the Universe (7:42)
10. Welcome to the Universe (2:53)
02. Orgone Accumulator (8:47)
03. Upside Down (2:44)
04. Sonic Attack (2:51)
05. Time We Left This World Today (13:22)
06. 10 Seconds of Forever (2:09)
07. Brainstorm (12:03)
08. Seven by Seven (8:53)
09. Master of the Universe (7:42)
10. Welcome to the Universe (2:53)
The Hawkwind (EP 2001)
01. The Psyhedelic Warlords (Disappear In Smoke-Single Edit) (3:55)
02. Motorhead (3:04)
03. Master Of The Universe (6:09)
04. Silver Machine (Original Single Version) (4:40)
05. Kings Of Speed (3:54)
02. Motorhead (3:04)
03. Master Of The Universe (6:09)
04. Silver Machine (Original Single Version) (4:40)
05. Kings Of Speed (3:54)
Out Of The Shadows: Live 2004 (2008)
01. Aero Space Age Inferno (8:49)
02. Angels of Death (5:58)
03. Out of the Shadows (5:24)
04. Time Captives (6:33)
05. Master of the Universe (4:41)
06. The Song of the Gremlins (2:40)
07. Time & Confusion (6:10)
08. Hurry On Sundown (3:59)
09. Lighthouse (6:57)
10. The Watcher (5:15)
11. Assassins of Allah (7:40)
12. Earth Calling (5:10)
13. Sonic Space Attack (5:51)
14. Silver Machine (4:17)
02. Angels of Death (5:58)
03. Out of the Shadows (5:24)
04. Time Captives (6:33)
05. Master of the Universe (4:41)
06. The Song of the Gremlins (2:40)
07. Time & Confusion (6:10)
08. Hurry On Sundown (3:59)
09. Lighthouse (6:57)
10. The Watcher (5:15)
11. Assassins of Allah (7:40)
12. Earth Calling (5:10)
13. Sonic Space Attack (5:51)
14. Silver Machine (4:17)
40th Anniversary Party Commemorative (2009)
01. The War (8:54)
02. Ode To A Crystal Set (1:33)
03. Spirit Of The Age (6:28)
04. Starshine (7:08)
05. Time And Confusion (5:01)
06. Paradox (6:04)
07. Something’s Going On (4:22)
08. Lighthouse (5:04)
09. Space Love (4:04)
10. Diana Park (4:14)
11. The Right To Decide (6:47)
02. Ode To A Crystal Set (1:33)
03. Spirit Of The Age (6:28)
04. Starshine (7:08)
05. Time And Confusion (5:01)
06. Paradox (6:04)
07. Something’s Going On (4:22)
08. Lighthouse (5:04)
09. Space Love (4:04)
10. Diana Park (4:14)
11. The Right To Decide (6:47)
At The BBC 1972 (2010)
CD 1.
01. Brainstorm (5:30)
02. Silver Machine (3:51)
Mono Mix.
03. Countdown (0:56)
04. Born To Go (11:27)
05. The Black Corridor (2:24)
06. Seven By Seven (7:07)
07. Brainstorm (10:17)
08. Electronic No. 1 (2:42)
09. Master Of The Universe (7:30)
10. Paranoia (5:56)
11. Earth Calling (3:03)
12. Silver Machine (5:10)
13. Welcome To The Future (3:11)
02. Silver Machine (3:51)
Mono Mix.
03. Countdown (0:56)
04. Born To Go (11:27)
05. The Black Corridor (2:24)
06. Seven By Seven (7:07)
07. Brainstorm (10:17)
08. Electronic No. 1 (2:42)
09. Master Of The Universe (7:30)
10. Paranoia (5:56)
11. Earth Calling (3:03)
12. Silver Machine (5:10)
13. Welcome To The Future (3:11)
CD 2.
01. Countdown (1:09)
02. Born to Go (11:22)
03. The Black Corridor (2:26)
04. Seven By Seven (7:08)
05. Brainstorm (6:14)
06. Electronic No.1 (2:04)
07. Master of the Universe (7:31)
08. Paranoia (5:56)
09. Earth Calling (3:03)
10. Silver Machine (5:11)
11. Welcome to the Future (2:53)
02. Born to Go (11:22)
03. The Black Corridor (2:26)
04. Seven By Seven (7:08)
05. Brainstorm (6:14)
06. Electronic No.1 (2:04)
07. Master of the Universe (7:31)
08. Paranoia (5:56)
09. Earth Calling (3:03)
10. Silver Machine (5:11)
11. Welcome to the Future (2:53)
Leave No Star Unturned: Live 1972 (2011)
01. Technicians Of Spaceship Earth (Introduction) (0:56)
02. You Shouldn't Do That (11:54)
03. The Awakening (2:00)
04. You Know You're Only Dreaming (6:41)
05. Master Of The Universe (9:28)
06. Paranoia (4:53)
07. Earth Calling (2:32)
08. Silver Machine (4:50)
09. Welcome To The Future (3:03)
10. Born To Go (Encore) (13:32)
03. The Awakening (2:00)
04. You Know You're Only Dreaming (6:41)
05. Master Of The Universe (9:28)
06. Paranoia (4:53)
07. Earth Calling (2:32)
08. Silver Machine (4:50)
09. Welcome To The Future (3:03)
10. Born To Go (Encore) (13:32)
Hawklords - We Are One (2012)
01. We Are One (4:08)
02. Mothership (4:48)
03. Shut Up (3:21)
04. Time Split Vision (3:57)
05. The Ancient Ones (5:22)
06. Sun Child (6:00)
07. Flight (4:45)
08. Digital Age (5:44)
09. Global Warning (5:17)
10. I Am The Wind (5:26)
11. Wake Up (4:16)
12. Water Drum (4:43)
13. Event Horizon (8:01)
14. Is It A Dream (4:08)
15. Spark In The Dark (5:20)
02. Mothership (4:48)
03. Shut Up (3:21)
04. Time Split Vision (3:57)
05. The Ancient Ones (5:22)
06. Sun Child (6:00)
07. Flight (4:45)
08. Digital Age (5:44)
09. Global Warning (5:17)
10. I Am The Wind (5:26)
11. Wake Up (4:16)
12. Water Drum (4:43)
13. Event Horizon (8:01)
14. Is It A Dream (4:08)
15. Spark In The Dark (5:20)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Algumas Coletâneas.
Masters Of The Universe (1977)
01. Master Of The Universe (6:19)
02. Brainstorm (10:45)
03. Sonic Attack (3:01)
04. Orgone Accumulator (10:01)
05. It's So Easy (5:21)
06. Lost Johnny (3:28)
02. Brainstorm (10:45)
03. Sonic Attack (3:01)
04. Orgone Accumulator (10:01)
05. It's So Easy (5:21)
06. Lost Johnny (3:28)
Stasis: The UA Years 1971-1975 (1990)
01. Urban Guerilla (3:43)
02. Psychedelic Warlords (Single Version Edit) (3:58)
03. Brainbox Pollution (5:45)
04. Seven By Seven (Remixed Version) (5:26)
05. Paradox (Remixed Single Edit) (4:05)
06. Silver Machine (Original Single Mix) (4:41)
07. You'd Better Believe It (Single Version Edit) (3:23)
08. Lord Of Light (7:01)
09. The Black Corridor (2:46)
10. Space Is Deep (8:02)
11. Earth Calling (1:43)
12. Born To Go (9:57)
13. Down Through The Night (5:47)
14. The Awakening (2:13)
15. You Shouldn't Do That (7:06)
02. Psychedelic Warlords (Single Version Edit) (3:58)
03. Brainbox Pollution (5:45)
04. Seven By Seven (Remixed Version) (5:26)
05. Paradox (Remixed Single Edit) (4:05)
06. Silver Machine (Original Single Mix) (4:41)
07. You'd Better Believe It (Single Version Edit) (3:23)
08. Lord Of Light (7:01)
09. The Black Corridor (2:46)
10. Space Is Deep (8:02)
11. Earth Calling (1:43)
12. Born To Go (9:57)
13. Down Through The Night (5:47)
14. The Awakening (2:13)
15. You Shouldn't Do That (7:06)
Acid Daze: Vol. 1 (1990)
01. High Rise (5:36)
02. British Tribal Music (3:58)
03. Spirit Of The Age (8:00)
04. Urban Guerilla (6:29)
05. Masters Of The Universe (3:28)
06. World Of Tiers (5:19)
07. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:51)
08. Ghost Dance (5:32)
02. British Tribal Music (3:58)
03. Spirit Of The Age (8:00)
04. Urban Guerilla (6:29)
05. Masters Of The Universe (3:28)
06. World Of Tiers (5:19)
07. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:51)
08. Ghost Dance (5:32)
Acid Daze: Vol. 2 (1990)
01. Earth Calling (2:12)
02. Motorhead (3:05)
03. Watchfield Festival (11:45)
04. Magnu (2:37)
05. Angels Of Death (1:43)
06. Hash Cake '77 (4:45)
07. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (2:36)
08. Douglas In The Jungle (6:46)
02. Motorhead (3:05)
03. Watchfield Festival (11:45)
04. Magnu (2:37)
05. Angels Of Death (1:43)
06. Hash Cake '77 (4:45)
07. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (2:36)
08. Douglas In The Jungle (6:46)
Tales From Atom Henge: The Robert Calvert Years (1992)
01. Honky Dorky (3:15)
02. Flying Doctor (5:34)
03. Steppenwolf (9:43)
04. Hassan I Sabha (5:22)
05. 25 Years (5:40)
06. Jack Of Shadows (3:26)
07. PSI Power (6:05)
08. Reefer Madness (6:00)
09. Fable Of A Failed Race (2:59)
10. High Rise (4:40)
11. Quark Strangeness And Charm (3:38)
12. Back On The Street (2:56)
13. The Dream Of Isis (2:49)
14. Kerb Crawler (3:43)
15. Only The Dead Dreams Of The Cold War Kid (3:42)
16. Spirit Of The Age (7:59)
02. Flying Doctor (5:34)
03. Steppenwolf (9:43)
04. Hassan I Sabha (5:22)
05. 25 Years (5:40)
06. Jack Of Shadows (3:26)
07. PSI Power (6:05)
08. Reefer Madness (6:00)
09. Fable Of A Failed Race (2:59)
10. High Rise (4:40)
11. Quark Strangeness And Charm (3:38)
12. Back On The Street (2:56)
13. The Dream Of Isis (2:49)
14. Kerb Crawler (3:43)
15. Only The Dead Dreams Of The Cold War Kid (3:42)
16. Spirit Of The Age (7:59)
Lord Of Light (1993)
01. Lord Of Light (7:03)
02. Seven By Seven (Single Mix) (5:24)
03. Paradox (Single Mix) (4:03)
04. You'd Better Believe It (Single Mix) (3:21)
05. The Right Stuff (4:20)
06. Ejection (Single Mix) (3:47)
07. The Weighing Of The Heart And Negative Confession (Travel Mix) (7:25)
02. Seven By Seven (Single Mix) (5:24)
03. Paradox (Single Mix) (4:03)
04. You'd Better Believe It (Single Mix) (3:21)
05. The Right Stuff (4:20)
06. Ejection (Single Mix) (3:47)
07. The Weighing Of The Heart And Negative Confession (Travel Mix) (7:25)
25 Years On (Box Set 1994)
CD 1: 1970-1973.
01. Hurry On Sundown (4:56)
02. Paranoia Part Two (4:18)
03. Silver Machine (4:39)
04. Brainsrorm (11:33)
05. Space Is Deep (6:21)
06. Lord Of Light (7:01)
07. You Shouldn't Do That (15:39)
08. You Know You're Only Deaming (6:36)
09. Master Of The Universe (6:16)
10. Born To Go (Live) (10:34)
02. Paranoia Part Two (4:18)
03. Silver Machine (4:39)
04. Brainsrorm (11:33)
05. Space Is Deep (6:21)
06. Lord Of Light (7:01)
07. You Shouldn't Do That (15:39)
08. You Know You're Only Deaming (6:36)
09. Master Of The Universe (6:16)
10. Born To Go (Live) (10:34)
CD 2: 1973-1977.
01. Orgone Accumulator (Live) (9:54)
02. Sonic Attack (Live) (2:44)
03. Assault & Battery (5:46)
04. The Golden Void (4:22)
05. Magnu (8:13)
06. Psychedelic Warlords (7:18)
07. Wind of Change (4:34)
08. Reefer Madness (6:01)
09. Steppenwolf (9:46)
10. Spirit of the Age (7:21)
11. Hassan I Sahba (5:23)
12. Kerb Crawler (3:46)
02. Sonic Attack (Live) (2:44)
03. Assault & Battery (5:46)
04. The Golden Void (4:22)
05. Magnu (8:13)
06. Psychedelic Warlords (7:18)
07. Wind of Change (4:34)
08. Reefer Madness (6:01)
09. Steppenwolf (9:46)
10. Spirit of the Age (7:21)
11. Hassan I Sahba (5:23)
12. Kerb Crawler (3:46)
CD 3: 1978-1986.
01. Who's Gonna Win the War (4:49)
02. Angels of Death (Single Edit) (3:26)
03. High Rise (4:38)
04. Dragons & Fables (3:18)
05. Shot Down in the Night (Live) (7:40)
06. Levitation (Live) (7:11)
07. Song of the Swords (Live) (3:14)
08. Nuclear Drive (3:39)
09. Arrival in Utopia (5:43)
10. Needle Gun (4:10)
11. Rocky Paths - Psychosonia (6:28)
12. Motorway City (6:44)
13. Back in the Streets (2:58)
14. 25 Years (12' Remix) (3:30)
15. Psi Power (6:08)
02. Angels of Death (Single Edit) (3:26)
03. High Rise (4:38)
04. Dragons & Fables (3:18)
05. Shot Down in the Night (Live) (7:40)
06. Levitation (Live) (7:11)
07. Song of the Swords (Live) (3:14)
08. Nuclear Drive (3:39)
09. Arrival in Utopia (5:43)
10. Needle Gun (4:10)
11. Rocky Paths - Psychosonia (6:28)
12. Motorway City (6:44)
13. Back in the Streets (2:58)
14. 25 Years (12' Remix) (3:30)
15. Psi Power (6:08)
CD 4: 1987-1994.
01. The War I Survived (5:24)
02. Treadmill (8:07)
03. LSD (8:13)
04. Blue Shift (4:21)
05. Back In The Box (6:19)
06. Right To Decide (4:19)
07. Heads (4:57)
08. Images (9:34)
09. Black Elk Speaks (4:58)
10. It Is The Business Of The Future To Be Dangerous (6:18)
11. I Am The Eye That Looks Within (9:32)
12. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (3:43)
02. Treadmill (8:07)
03. LSD (8:13)
04. Blue Shift (4:21)
05. Back In The Box (6:19)
06. Right To Decide (4:19)
07. Heads (4:57)
08. Images (9:34)
09. Black Elk Speaks (4:58)
10. It Is The Business Of The Future To Be Dangerous (6:18)
11. I Am The Eye That Looks Within (9:32)
12. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (3:43)
In The Beginning (1994)
01. Master Of The Universe (6:03)
02. Dreaming (4:05)
03. Shouldn't Do That (6:00)
04. Hurry On Sundown (6:20)
05. Paranoia (2:59)
06. See It As You Really Are (9:27)
07. I Do It (6:36)
08. Came Home (7:20)
02. Dreaming (4:05)
03. Shouldn't Do That (6:00)
04. Hurry On Sundown (6:20)
05. Paranoia (2:59)
06. See It As You Really Are (9:27)
07. I Do It (6:36)
08. Came Home (7:20)
The Ambient Anarchists (1997)
CD 1.
01. Urban Guerilla (Live) (6:25)
02. The Right to Decide (4:21)
03. High Rise (5:37)
04. Motorway City (6:47)
05. Psychedelic Warlords (4:54)
06. Sonic Attack (4:47)
07. Uncle Sam's on Mars (5:46)
08. TV Suicide (6:37)
09. Confrontation (2:58)
10. Motorhead (3:01)
11. Streets of Fear (5:17)
12. The Camera That Could Lie (6:52)
02. The Right to Decide (4:21)
03. High Rise (5:37)
04. Motorway City (6:47)
05. Psychedelic Warlords (4:54)
06. Sonic Attack (4:47)
07. Uncle Sam's on Mars (5:46)
08. TV Suicide (6:37)
09. Confrontation (2:58)
10. Motorhead (3:01)
11. Streets of Fear (5:17)
12. The Camera That Could Lie (6:52)
CD 2.
01. Sonic Attack (6:56)
02. UFO Line (1:24)
03. Abducted (2:45)
04. Earth (5:15)
05. Love in Space (4:34)
06. The Forge of Vulcan (3:02)
07. Life Form (1:42)
08. Green Finned Demon (6:26)
09. Virgin of the World (4:06)
10. Utopia (3:00)
11. Assassin (Hassan-i-Sabbah Live) (8:41)
12. The Joker at the Gate (1:52)
13. Time and Space (4:02)
14. Vega (3:50)
15. The Last Messiah (1:31)
02. UFO Line (1:24)
03. Abducted (2:45)
04. Earth (5:15)
05. Love in Space (4:34)
06. The Forge of Vulcan (3:02)
07. Life Form (1:42)
08. Green Finned Demon (6:26)
09. Virgin of the World (4:06)
10. Utopia (3:00)
11. Assassin (Hassan-i-Sabbah Live) (8:41)
12. The Joker at the Gate (1:52)
13. Time and Space (4:02)
14. Vega (3:50)
15. The Last Messiah (1:31)
Sonic Boom Killers: Best Of Singles A's And B's from 1970 To 1980 (1998)
01. Silver Machine (4:40)
02. Urban Guerilla (3:43)
03. Hurry On Sundown (4:57)
04. Kings Of Speed (3:33)
05. Lord Of Light (4:00)
06. You Better Believe It (3:23)
07. Paradox (4:03)
08. The Psychedelic Warlords (3:55)
09. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:45)
10. Motorhead (3:06)
11. Seven By Seven (5:23)
12. Brainbox Pollution (5:43)
13. Born To Go (5:06)
14. It's So Easy (5:21)
15. Quark Strangeness And Charme (3:44)
16. Forge Of Vulcan (3:07)
17. Shot Down In The Night (4:15)
18. Urban Guerilla (Live) (5:40)
02. Urban Guerilla (3:43)
03. Hurry On Sundown (4:57)
04. Kings Of Speed (3:33)
05. Lord Of Light (4:00)
06. You Better Believe It (3:23)
07. Paradox (4:03)
08. The Psychedelic Warlords (3:55)
09. Who's Gonna Win The War (4:45)
10. Motorhead (3:06)
11. Seven By Seven (5:23)
12. Brainbox Pollution (5:43)
13. Born To Go (5:06)
14. It's So Easy (5:21)
15. Quark Strangeness And Charme (3:44)
16. Forge Of Vulcan (3:07)
17. Shot Down In The Night (4:15)
18. Urban Guerilla (Live) (5:40)
Anthology 1967-1982 (1998)
CD 1.
01. Dealing With The Devil (2:13)
02. Bring It On Home (3:13)
03. Hurry On Sundown (4:49)
04. Came Home (2:12)
05. We Do It (10:31)
06. Born To Go (5:03)
07. Space Is Deep (8:31)
08. You Shouldn`t Do That (8:46)
09. Seeing It As You Really Are (1:59)
10. Earth Calling (2:10)
11. Motorhead (3:07)
12. Watchfield Festival (11:48)
13. Magnu (3:12)
14. Angels Of Death (1:11)
15. Hash Cake 77 (4:49)
16. Quark Strangeness and Charm (2:39)
02. Bring It On Home (3:13)
03. Hurry On Sundown (4:49)
04. Came Home (2:12)
05. We Do It (10:31)
06. Born To Go (5:03)
07. Space Is Deep (8:31)
08. You Shouldn`t Do That (8:46)
09. Seeing It As You Really Are (1:59)
10. Earth Calling (2:10)
11. Motorhead (3:07)
12. Watchfield Festival (11:48)
13. Magnu (3:12)
14. Angels Of Death (1:11)
15. Hash Cake 77 (4:49)
16. Quark Strangeness and Charm (2:39)
CD 2.
01. Douglas In The Jungle (6:53)
02. British Tribal Music (3:54)
03. High Rise (5:41)
04. Spirit Of The Age (8:00)
05. Urban Guerrilla (6:29)
06. Master Of The Universe (3:29)
07. World Of Tiers (5:19)
08. Whose Gonna Win The War (4:50)
09. Ghost Dance (5:42)
10. Silver Machine (1:07)
11. Time We Left This World Today (2:47)
12. Needle Gun (4:11)
13. Wastelands Of Sleep (4:17)
14. Out Of The Shadows (4:47)
15. Gimme Shelter (5:37)
16. Right To Decide (4:24)
02. British Tribal Music (3:54)
03. High Rise (5:41)
04. Spirit Of The Age (8:00)
05. Urban Guerrilla (6:29)
06. Master Of The Universe (3:29)
07. World Of Tiers (5:19)
08. Whose Gonna Win The War (4:50)
09. Ghost Dance (5:42)
10. Silver Machine (1:07)
11. Time We Left This World Today (2:47)
12. Needle Gun (4:11)
13. Wastelands Of Sleep (4:17)
14. Out Of The Shadows (4:47)
15. Gimme Shelter (5:37)
16. Right To Decide (4:24)
Golden Void 1969-1979 (1999)
CD 1.
01. Hurry On Sundown (6:53)
02. Sweet Mistress Of Pain (5:27)
03. We Do It (10:23)
04. Earth Calling (2:58)
05. Kings Of Speed (4:29)
06. Motorhead (3:12)
07. Spirit Of The Age (5:57)
08. Robot (5:58)
09. Over The Top (7:54)
10. Free Fall (7:54)
11. Death Trap (4:30)
12. Golden Void (4:44)
02. Sweet Mistress Of Pain (5:27)
03. We Do It (10:23)
04. Earth Calling (2:58)
05. Kings Of Speed (4:29)
06. Motorhead (3:12)
07. Spirit Of The Age (5:57)
08. Robot (5:58)
09. Over The Top (7:54)
10. Free Fall (7:54)
11. Death Trap (4:30)
12. Golden Void (4:44)
CD 2.
01. Valium 10 (12' Version) (7:52)
02. Time Of (4:07)
03. Night Of The Hawks (5:07)
04. Green Finned Demon (6:06)
05. Dream Dancer (1:21)
06. Dragons And Eagles (3:19)
07. Interview With Dave Brock (31:30)
02. Time Of (4:07)
03. Night Of The Hawks (5:07)
04. Green Finned Demon (6:06)
05. Dream Dancer (1:21)
06. Dragons And Eagles (3:19)
07. Interview With Dave Brock (31:30)
Epocheclipse 30 Year Anthology (1999)
CD 1.
01. Hurry On Sundown (5:02)
02. Paranoia (Part 2) (4:08)
03. Master Of The Universe (6:08)
04. Children Of The Sun (3:04)
05. Silver Machine (Original Single Version) (4:38)
06. Seven By Seven (Original Single Version) (5:22)
07. Brainstorm (11:31)
08. Space Is Deep (6:16)
09. Urban Guerilla (3:38)
10. Brainbox Pollution (5:40)
11. Sonic Attack (2:51)
12. Orgone Accumulator (9:59)
13. Lost Johnny (3:31)
14. Psychedelic Warlords (Single Edit) (3:53)
02. Paranoia (Part 2) (4:08)
03. Master Of The Universe (6:08)
04. Children Of The Sun (3:04)
05. Silver Machine (Original Single Version) (4:38)
06. Seven By Seven (Original Single Version) (5:22)
07. Brainstorm (11:31)
08. Space Is Deep (6:16)
09. Urban Guerilla (3:38)
10. Brainbox Pollution (5:40)
11. Sonic Attack (2:51)
12. Orgone Accumulator (9:59)
13. Lost Johnny (3:31)
14. Psychedelic Warlords (Single Edit) (3:53)
CD 2.
01. Motorhead (3:04)
02. Assault and Battery (Part 1) (5:37)
03. The Golden Void (Part 2) (4:35)
04. Magnu (8:23)
05. Kerb Crawler (3:46)
06. Steppenwolf (9:32)
07. Back On the Streets (2:56)
08. Quark Strangeness & Charm (3:42)
09. Hassan I Shaba (5:21)
10. Spirit Of The Age (7:20)
11. Psi Power (6:06)
12. 25 Years (3:27)
13. High Rise (4:37)
14. Death Trap (3:48)
15. Uncle Sams On Mars (5:40)
02. Assault and Battery (Part 1) (5:37)
03. The Golden Void (Part 2) (4:35)
04. Magnu (8:23)
05. Kerb Crawler (3:46)
06. Steppenwolf (9:32)
07. Back On the Streets (2:56)
08. Quark Strangeness & Charm (3:42)
09. Hassan I Shaba (5:21)
10. Spirit Of The Age (7:20)
11. Psi Power (6:06)
12. 25 Years (3:27)
13. High Rise (4:37)
14. Death Trap (3:48)
15. Uncle Sams On Mars (5:40)
CD 3.
01. Shot Down In the Night (Live-Single Version) (4:33)
02. Motorway City (6:43)
03. Levitation (5:48)
04. Angels Of Death (5:35)
05. Coded Languages (4:45)
06. Some People Never Die (3:52)
07. Choose Your Masques (5:33)
08. Night Of The Hawks (5:05)
09. Needle Gun (4:09)
10. The War I Survived (5:22)
11. Black Elk Speaks (5:08)
12. Right To Decide (4:19)
13. Sputnik Stan (7:04)
14. Love In Space (4:45)
15. Silver Machine (Infected By The Sourge Of The Earth) (5:18)
02. Motorway City (6:43)
03. Levitation (5:48)
04. Angels Of Death (5:35)
05. Coded Languages (4:45)
06. Some People Never Die (3:52)
07. Choose Your Masques (5:33)
08. Night Of The Hawks (5:05)
09. Needle Gun (4:09)
10. The War I Survived (5:22)
11. Black Elk Speaks (5:08)
12. Right To Decide (4:19)
13. Sputnik Stan (7:04)
14. Love In Space (4:45)
15. Silver Machine (Infected By The Sourge Of The Earth) (5:18)
Spirit Of The Age: An Anthology 1976-1984 (2008)
CD 1.
01. Reefer Madness (Full Extended Version) (8:17)
02. Kadu Flyer (5:09)
03. Steppenwolf (9:40)
04. Kerb Crawler (3:55)
05. Back On The Street (2:59)
06. The Dream Of Isis (2:53)
07. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (3:43)
08. Spirit Of The Age (7:18)
09. Damnation Alley (9:09)
10. Hassan I Sahba (5:24)
11. Over The Top (7:53)
12. The Golden Void (4:46)
13. Psi Power (6:10)
02. Kadu Flyer (5:09)
03. Steppenwolf (9:40)
04. Kerb Crawler (3:55)
05. Back On The Street (2:59)
06. The Dream Of Isis (2:53)
07. Quark, Strangeness And Charm (3:43)
08. Spirit Of The Age (7:18)
09. Damnation Alley (9:09)
10. Hassan I Sahba (5:24)
11. Over The Top (7:53)
12. The Golden Void (4:46)
13. Psi Power (6:10)
CD 2.
01. 25 Years (Alternate Mix) (4:38)
02. Freefall (Non-Cross-Faded Mix) (5:14)
03. The Only Ones (Non-Cross-Faded Mix) (4:18)
04. Uncle Sams On Mars (5:46)
05. Jack Of Shadows (3:29)
06. High Rise (4:42)
07. Robot (8:14)
08. Shot Down In The Night (Single Version) (4:32)
09. Brainstorm (Live) (9:07)
10. Motorway City (6:44)
11. Levitation (5:49)
12. Space Chase (3:10)
13. Who's Gonna Win The War (Single Version) (3:38)
14. Nuclear Toy (2:59)
15. Transdimensional Man (4:01)
02. Freefall (Non-Cross-Faded Mix) (5:14)
03. The Only Ones (Non-Cross-Faded Mix) (4:18)
04. Uncle Sams On Mars (5:46)
05. Jack Of Shadows (3:29)
06. High Rise (4:42)
07. Robot (8:14)
08. Shot Down In The Night (Single Version) (4:32)
09. Brainstorm (Live) (9:07)
10. Motorway City (6:44)
11. Levitation (5:49)
12. Space Chase (3:10)
13. Who's Gonna Win The War (Single Version) (3:38)
14. Nuclear Toy (2:59)
15. Transdimensional Man (4:01)
CD 3.
01. Angels Of Death (Alternate Single Version) (4:31)
02. Rocky Paths (4:09)
03. Virgin Of The World (4:14)
04. Nuclear Drive (3:33)
05. Some People Never Die (3:55)
06. Psychedelic Warlords (4:54)
07. Silver Machine (1982 Single Version) (2:59)
08. Choose Your Masques (5:31)
09. Dream Worker (4:57)
10. Waiting For Tomorrow (3:47)
11. Arrival In Utopia (5:43)
12. Utopia 84 (2:06)
13. Social Alliance (4:42)
14. Dragons And Fables (3:20)
15. Night Of The Hawks (5:07)
16. Stonehenge Decoded (8:19)
17. Orgone Accumulator (Live) (5:20)
02. Rocky Paths (4:09)
03. Virgin Of The World (4:14)
04. Nuclear Drive (3:33)
05. Some People Never Die (3:55)
06. Psychedelic Warlords (4:54)
07. Silver Machine (1982 Single Version) (2:59)
08. Choose Your Masques (5:31)
09. Dream Worker (4:57)
10. Waiting For Tomorrow (3:47)
11. Arrival In Utopia (5:43)
12. Utopia 84 (2:06)
13. Social Alliance (4:42)
14. Dragons And Fables (3:20)
15. Night Of The Hawks (5:07)
16. Stonehenge Decoded (8:19)
17. Orgone Accumulator (Live) (5:20)
The Dream Goes On: An Anthology 1985-1997 (2008)
CD 1.
01. Song of the Swords (3:24)
02. Shade Gate (3:03)
03. Needle Gun (4:12)
04. Zarozinia (3:22)
05. Master of the Universe (3:57)
06. Dreaming City (4:25)
07. Moonglum (4:43)
08. Elric the Enchanter (2:34)
09. Conjuration of Magnu (1:49)
10. Magnu (3:06)
11. Dust of Time (2:27)
12. Cajun Jinx (4:59)
13. The War I Survived (5:23)
14. Heads (4:58)
15. Lost Chronicles (4:06)
16. Wastelands of Sleep (4:16)
17. Wings (5:12)
18. Ship of Dreams (5:17)
19. TV Suicide (5:21)
02. Shade Gate (3:03)
03. Needle Gun (4:12)
04. Zarozinia (3:22)
05. Master of the Universe (3:57)
06. Dreaming City (4:25)
07. Moonglum (4:43)
08. Elric the Enchanter (2:34)
09. Conjuration of Magnu (1:49)
10. Magnu (3:06)
11. Dust of Time (2:27)
12. Cajun Jinx (4:59)
13. The War I Survived (5:23)
14. Heads (4:58)
15. Lost Chronicles (4:06)
16. Wastelands of Sleep (4:16)
17. Wings (5:12)
18. Ship of Dreams (5:17)
19. TV Suicide (5:21)
CD 2.
01. Images (9:37)
02. Back in the Box (6:19)
03. Treadmill (8:08)
04. Lives of Great Men (3:27)
05. Void of Golden Light (6:44)
06. Eons (Snake Dance) (4:18)
07. Ejection (5:49)
08. LSD (8:20)
09. Mask of Morning (8:48)
10. THe Secret Agent (8:13)
11. Letting in the Past (2:53)
12. The Camera That Could Lie (5:00)
02. Back in the Box (6:19)
03. Treadmill (8:08)
04. Lives of Great Men (3:27)
05. Void of Golden Light (6:44)
06. Eons (Snake Dance) (4:18)
07. Ejection (5:49)
08. LSD (8:20)
09. Mask of Morning (8:48)
10. THe Secret Agent (8:13)
11. Letting in the Past (2:53)
12. The Camera That Could Lie (5:00)
CD 3.
01. Space is Their (Palestine) (11:49)
02. The Dream Goes On (1:44)
03. Right to Decide (7:33)
04. The Dream Has Ended (4:44)
05. This Future (1:50)
06. White Zone (7:30)
07. Sputnik Stan (7:06)
08. Death Trap (3:56)
09. Alien I Am (The Roswell edit) (5:28)
10. Love in Space (4:49)
11. Lord of Light (3:54)
12. Distant Horizon (5:31)
13. Phetamine Street (5:30)
14. Waimeia Canyon Drive (4:54)
15. Alchemy (3:14)
02. The Dream Goes On (1:44)
03. Right to Decide (7:33)
04. The Dream Has Ended (4:44)
05. This Future (1:50)
06. White Zone (7:30)
07. Sputnik Stan (7:06)
08. Death Trap (3:56)
09. Alien I Am (The Roswell edit) (5:28)
10. Love in Space (4:49)
11. Lord of Light (3:54)
12. Distant Horizon (5:31)
13. Phetamine Street (5:30)
14. Waimeia Canyon Drive (4:54)
15. Alchemy (3:14)