A banda foi formada por Graham Oliver e Steve Dawson, incorporou alguns integrantes de uma outra banda local, o Coast, que trazia Biff Byford no vocal e Paul Quinn na guitarra. Com essa formação a banda mudou o seu nome, passando a chamar-se apenas Saxon. A banda, que se apresentava em diversos clubes e pubs na Inglaterra, teve algumas composições lançadas em demo tapes, as quais foram utilizadas por um novo selo que surgia na época, o Carrere Records.
Já contratado, o Saxon preparou um álbum auto intitulado, lançado no primeiro semestre de 1979. O primeiro single "Big Teaser", mas o B Side deste single alcançou ótimos resultados na parada britânica, chegando a ficar por algum tempo em primeiro lugar: "Stallions of the Highway". A banda também lançou outros dois singles, que ajudaram a promover a turnê que faziam ao lado do Motorhead, tocando inclusive por três noites seguidas na famosa casa de shows inglesa Hammersmith Odeon.
Depois da turnê, o Saxon retornou ao estúdio para preparar o seu próximo disco, "Wheels of Steel". Lançado em 1980, este álbum alcançou um bom retorno, ficando em quinto lugar na parada britânica. Outro álbum evidenciou o nome do Saxon, "Strong Arm of the Law", que foi lançado no mesmo ano.
Em 1981, serviu para que o Saxon ficasse na estrada, alcançando um reconhecimento enorme junto ao público japonês. Foi em outubro que "Denim and Leather", chegou às lojas. Nesta nova turnê, o Saxon agendou mais de quarenta datas apenas para a Europa. Durante a tour o baterista Pete Gill se machucou, sendo substituído por Nigel Glockler, um velho conhecido.
"The Eagle Has Landed" foi o primeiro disco ao vivo. O nome foi escolhido pelos próprios fãs. O próximo objetivo do grupo foi uma turnê pelo Estados Unidos em 1982. A turnê americana foi interrompida para que o Saxon pudesse retornar à Inglaterra e participar do festival Monsters of Rock. A banda também tocou no Monsters of Rock alemão.
No final de 1982, o Saxon retornou aos estúdios para preparar o lançamento seguinte, "Power & the Glory", álbum que atingiu a marca de mais de 15 mil cópias vendidas nos Estados Unidos em uma semana. A turnê também foi um sucesso, acarretando o lançamento do primeiro vídeo oficial, "Saxon Live", gravado em Nottingham na Inglaterra.
O novo álbum lançado em 1984, "Crusader", trouxe a canção de mesmo nome que é considerada por muitos a melhor de toda a carreira da banda. Logo após este álbum eles saem da Carrere por problemas de vendagem. A turnê de divulgação passou novamente pelos EUA, em shows ao lado do Mötley Crue e Iron Maiden. Na Alemanha, a turnê foi ao lado do Accept, na fase mais áurea do metal. O oitavo álbum foi lançado em 1985,já pela nova gravadora, a "major" EMI Music, com o título de "Innocence is No Excuse". O disco foi todo preparado na Holanda, e originou outro vídeo, "Saxon Live Innocence" e clipes das músicas "Back on the Streets" e "Rocking Again".
Em 1984 o baixista Steve Dawson deixa o Saxon por problemas familiares. O desconhecido Paul Johnson ocupou o posto, mas chegou tarde para a gravação de "Rock the Nations", sendo o baixo gravado pelo vocalista Biff Byford. "Rock the Nations" contou com a participação especial de Elton John, que tocou piano nas músicas "Party Until You Puke" e "Northern Lady".
Outra baixa na banda ocorreu em 1987 quando Nigel Glockler foi para o GTR. Com Nigel Durham no seu lugar, o Saxon gravou o seu próximo álbum,
"Destiny", que foi o último trabalho lançado pela EMI Music. Quando começou a turnê, o fim do GTR resultou na volta de Glocker ao Saxon. Paul Johnson também saiu, sendo substituído por Tim Nibbs Carter. Em 1989 foi lançado mais um trabalho ao vivo, "Rock And Roll Gypsies".
Em 1991 saiu o novo trabalho da banda em estúdio, "Solid Ball of Rock", lançado pela sua nova gravadora, a Virgin. A turnê se estendeu por países ainda não visitados pelo Saxon, como Austrália, Uruguai, Paraguai, Argentina, México, Brasil e Nova Zelândia. No ano seguinte a carreira da banda contava com mais um álbum, "Forever Free".
Depois de um merecido descanso de dois anos, surgia mais um trabalho de estúdio: "Dogs of War". Lançado no início de 1995, o álbum marcava a entrada de um novo integrante, Doug Scarratt, que ocupou o posto de Graham Oliver. A turnê deste disco serviu para coletar material para o CD ao vivo "The Eagle Has Landed Part 2", lançado em 1996, ano em que a banda participou do tributo ao Judas Priest com a música "You've Got Another Thing Comin".
"Wheels of Steel" e "Strong Arm of the Law", dois álbuns clássicos do Saxon foram relançados em 1997 como um álbum duplo, recebendo 11 musicas bônus, gravadas ao vivo em 1981. Ainda em 97 saiu mais um CD de estúdio, "Unleash the Beast". A turnê passou por vários países, incluindo dois shows no Brasil, nas cidades de São Paulo e Santos. Em 1998 serviu para a continuação da turnê, que aconteceu na Inglaterra, Espanha e EUA, além da participação na versão brasileira do Monsters of Rock.
Uma lesão impediu que Nigel continuasse o seu trabalho no Saxon, mas ele foi um dos responsáveis pelas composições presentes no álbum seguinte. No seu lugar entrou o alemão Fritz Randow, que já havia tocado com o Saxon na última turnê europeia.
Em 1999 saiu "Metalhead" , cuja turnê durou dois anos, e contou com apresentações no Wacken Open Air, em 2001. Durante essa última turnê foram compostas e gravadas as músicas de "Killing Ground", o novo trabalho do Saxon, duplo, contando com um CD de músicas inéditas e um outro com regravações de músicas antigas da carreira do grupo.
Finalmente em 2005 lançam o CD "Lionheart", só de músicas inéditas, que mantem a proposta vigorosa da banda, e mostra uma atualização do som, com maior peso e energia, mostrando que o Saxon está aí para outros trinta anos de Metal.
Em março de 2007 foi publicado The Inner Sanctum, o primeiro com o baterista Nigel Glöckler depois de seu retorno em 2005. O disco continuou a angariar sucesso com seus fãs, apesar de incorporar alguns sons mais comuns de power metal, e foi considerado pelos críticos como o melhor trabalho dos britânicos desde Unleash the Beast de 1997.
Em 2009 lançaram um novo álbum de estúdio denominado Into the Labyrinth, que seguiu a linha de composição e sonora dos músicos que já estavam trabalhando desde 2007. A digressão foi um sucesso, iniciada em seu país junto a cantora alemã Doro e participando em alguns dos mais importantes festivais de heavy metal do velho continente como Wacken Open Air e Sonisphere, para citar alguns. Apesar do êxito que trouxe a primeira parte da turnê, houve um grande problema depois de ter sido forçado a cancelar os últimos três shows na Europa, precisamente na Espanha que, depois de anunciar um show com os também ingleses Iced Earth em meados de fevereiro, a apresentação foi cancelada por "razões de programação" de ambas as bandas, o que levou a mudar para outras datas. No mesmo ano, a banda anunciou através do seu site, o futuro documentário sobre a história desde o seu início com o título de "Heavy Metal Thunder - The Movie".
Já em 2010, ainda sob a turnê Into the Labyrinth World Tour, participaram do festival Download Festival em 11 e 13 de junho, local onde interpretaram o álbum Wheels of Steel em sua totalidade, devido ao 30º aniversário do lançamento deste.
Em junho de 2011, o décimo nono álbum de estúdio, Call to Arms, que estreou no número seis na UK Rock Albums Chart e que só nos EUA obteve mais de 700 cópias vendidas em sua primeira semana. Durante a passagem de som em locais de onze cidades do Reino Unido, a banda cobrou apenas 10 libras esterlinas para um seleto grupo de fãs. Todo o dinheiro arrecadado foi doado para instituições de caridade para crianças "Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy" e "Charities ChildLine".
Em fevereiro de 2012 o Saxon anunciou o DVD chamado "Heavy Metal Thunder - Live: Eagles Over Wacken", que continha uma mistura de vídeos de suas performances no festival Wacken nas versões de 2004, 2007 e 2009, que também inclui um CD com uma apresentação dada em 2011 na cidade de Glasgow. Ganharam o prêmio Metal Hammer 2012 Golden God na categoria 'Melhor banda britânica'. Durante a turnê em 2012, eles foram convidados pelo Judas Priest a tocarem juntos no Hammersmith Odeon em Londres, em 26 de maio. No fim de 2012 divulgaram seu filme Heavy Metal Thunder - The Movie, lançado internacionalmente em blu-ray.
Em outubro de 2012, a banda noticiou que estava trabalhando no que seria o vigésimo álbum de estúdio: intitulado Sacrifice, o disco foi lançado em fevereiro de 2013. Em 2013 e 2014 foram divulgados o best of acústico Unplugged and Strung Up e o álbum ao vivo St. George’s Day Sacrifice - Live in Manchester, respectivamente.
Em 2015 o grupo lançou o álbum Battering Ram. Em 2018, a banda lança Thunderbolt, em 2022 Carpe Diem, em 2023 lançaram um álbum de covers chamado More Inspirations e em 2024 lançaram o álbum Hell, Fire And Damnation. Texto: Wikipédia. Site Oficial.
Saxon (1979)
01. Rainbow Theme (3:08)
02. Frozen Rainbow (2:29)
03. Big Teaser (3:56)
04. Judgement Day (5:30)
05. Stallions Of The Highway (2:52)
06. Backs To The Wall (3:10)
07. Still Fit To Boogie (2:54)
08. Militia Guard (4:53)
02. Frozen Rainbow (2:29)
03. Big Teaser (3:56)
04. Judgement Day (5:30)
05. Stallions Of The Highway (2:52)
06. Backs To The Wall (3:10)
07. Still Fit To Boogie (2:54)
08. Militia Guard (4:53)
Wheels Of Steel (1980)
01. Motorcycle Man (4:01)
02. Stand Up And Be Counted (3:10)
03. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:58)
04. Wheels Of Steel (5:59)
05. Freeway Mad (2:41)
06. See The Light Shining (4:56)
07. Street Fighting Gang (3:13)
08. Suzie Hold On (4:34)
09. Machine Gun (5:23)
02. Stand Up And Be Counted (3:10)
03. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:58)
04. Wheels Of Steel (5:59)
05. Freeway Mad (2:41)
06. See The Light Shining (4:56)
07. Street Fighting Gang (3:13)
08. Suzie Hold On (4:34)
09. Machine Gun (5:23)
Strong Arm Of The Law (1980)
01. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:22)
02. To Hell And Back Again (4:48)
03. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:44)
04. Taking Your Chances (4:22)
05. 20,000 Ft. (3:26)
06. Hungry Years (5:09)
07. Sixth Form Girls (4:19)
08. Dallas 1 Pm (6:27)
Live Bonus Tracks.
09. 20,000 Ft (3:30)
10. Dallas 1 Pm (6:18)
11. Hungry Years (5:56)
12. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:52)
13. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:01)
02. To Hell And Back Again (4:48)
03. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:44)
04. Taking Your Chances (4:22)
05. 20,000 Ft. (3:26)
06. Hungry Years (5:09)
07. Sixth Form Girls (4:19)
08. Dallas 1 Pm (6:27)
Live Bonus Tracks.
09. 20,000 Ft (3:30)
10. Dallas 1 Pm (6:18)
11. Hungry Years (5:56)
12. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:52)
13. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:01)
Denim And Leather (1981)
01. Princess Of The Night (4:02)
02. Never Surrender (3:13)
03. Out Of Control (4:08)
04. Rough And Ready (4:51)
05. Play It Loud (4:11)
06. And The Bands Played On (2:48)
07. Midnight Rider (5:45)
08. Fire In The Sky (3:37)
09. Denim And Leather (5:27)
02. Never Surrender (3:13)
03. Out Of Control (4:08)
04. Rough And Ready (4:51)
05. Play It Loud (4:11)
06. And The Bands Played On (2:48)
07. Midnight Rider (5:45)
08. Fire In The Sky (3:37)
09. Denim And Leather (5:27)
The Eagle Has Landed (Live 1982)
01. Motorcycle Man (04:21)
02. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:34)
03. Princess Of The Night (4:22)
04. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:38)
05. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:10)
06. 20,000 Ft. (3:28)
07. Wheels Of Steel (8:51)
08. Never Surrender (3:56)
09. Fire In The Sky (2:40)
10. Machine Gun (3:48)
02. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:34)
03. Princess Of The Night (4:22)
04. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:38)
05. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:10)
06. 20,000 Ft. (3:28)
07. Wheels Of Steel (8:51)
08. Never Surrender (3:56)
09. Fire In The Sky (2:40)
10. Machine Gun (3:48)
Power & The Glory (1983)
01. Power And The Glory (5:55)
02. Redline (3:37)
03. Warrior (3:46)
04. Nightmare (4:21)
05. This Town Rocks (3:58)
06. Watching The Sky (3:42)
07. Midas Touch (4:12)
08. The Eagle Has Landed (6:57)
02. Redline (3:37)
03. Warrior (3:46)
04. Nightmare (4:21)
05. This Town Rocks (3:58)
06. Watching The Sky (3:42)
07. Midas Touch (4:12)
08. The Eagle Has Landed (6:57)
Crusader (1984)
01. The Crusader Prelude (1:07)
02. Crusader (6:35)
03. A Little Bit Of What You Fancy (3:51)
04. Sailing To America (5:04)
05. Set Me Free (3:15)
06. Just Let Me Rock (4:12)
07. Bad Boys (Like To Rock N' Roll) (3:25)
08. Do It All For You (4:44)
09. Rock City (3:17)
10. Run For Your Lives (3:55)
02. Crusader (6:35)
03. A Little Bit Of What You Fancy (3:51)
04. Sailing To America (5:04)
05. Set Me Free (3:15)
06. Just Let Me Rock (4:12)
07. Bad Boys (Like To Rock N' Roll) (3:25)
08. Do It All For You (4:44)
09. Rock City (3:17)
10. Run For Your Lives (3:55)
Innocence Is No Excuse (1985)
01. Rockin' Again (5:14)
02. Call Of The Wild (4:04)
03. Back On The Streets (4:00)
04. Devil Rides Out (4:24)
05. Rock 'N' Roll Gypsy (4:16)
06. Broken Heroes (5:29)
07. Gonna Shout (3:59)
08. Everybody Up (3:29)
09. Raise Some Hell (3:41)
10. Give It Everything You've Got (3:30)
02. Call Of The Wild (4:04)
03. Back On The Streets (4:00)
04. Devil Rides Out (4:24)
05. Rock 'N' Roll Gypsy (4:16)
06. Broken Heroes (5:29)
07. Gonna Shout (3:59)
08. Everybody Up (3:29)
09. Raise Some Hell (3:41)
10. Give It Everything You've Got (3:30)
Rock The Nations (1986)
01. Rock The Nations (4:41)
02. Battle Cry (5:27)
03. Waiting For The Night (4:52)
04. We Came Here To Rock (4:20)
05. You Ain't No Angel (5:30)
06. Running Hot (3:37)
07. Party 'Til You Puke (3:27)
08. Empty Promises (4:11)
09. Northern Lady (4:43)
02. Battle Cry (5:27)
03. Waiting For The Night (4:52)
04. We Came Here To Rock (4:20)
05. You Ain't No Angel (5:30)
06. Running Hot (3:37)
07. Party 'Til You Puke (3:27)
08. Empty Promises (4:11)
09. Northern Lady (4:43)
Destiny (1988)
01. Ride Like The Wind (4:28)
02. Where The Lightning Strikes (4:19)
03. I Can't Wait Anymore (4:26)
04. Calm Before The Storm (3:46)
05. S.O.S. (6:05)
06. Song For Emma (4:46)
07. For Whom The Bell Tolls (3:55)
08. We Are Strong (3:57)
09. Jericho Siren (3:38)
10. Red Alert (4:36)
Bonus Tracks.
11. I Can't Wait Anymore (12'' Mix) (4:49)
12. Rock The Nations (Live At Hammersmith, B-Side Of Ride Like The Wind) (4:41)
13. Broken Heroes (Live In Madrid, B-Side Of I Can't Wait Anymore) (6:04)
14. Gonna Shout (Live In Madrid, B-Side Of I Can't Wait Anymore) (4:40)
15. Ride Like The Wind (Monitor Mix) (4:25)
16. For Whom The Bell Tolls (Monitor Mix) (3:58)
02. Where The Lightning Strikes (4:19)
03. I Can't Wait Anymore (4:26)
04. Calm Before The Storm (3:46)
05. S.O.S. (6:05)
06. Song For Emma (4:46)
07. For Whom The Bell Tolls (3:55)
08. We Are Strong (3:57)
09. Jericho Siren (3:38)
10. Red Alert (4:36)
Bonus Tracks.
11. I Can't Wait Anymore (12'' Mix) (4:49)
12. Rock The Nations (Live At Hammersmith, B-Side Of Ride Like The Wind) (4:41)
13. Broken Heroes (Live In Madrid, B-Side Of I Can't Wait Anymore) (6:04)
14. Gonna Shout (Live In Madrid, B-Side Of I Can't Wait Anymore) (4:40)
15. Ride Like The Wind (Monitor Mix) (4:25)
16. For Whom The Bell Tolls (Monitor Mix) (3:58)
Rock ‘n’ Roll Gypsies (Live 1989)
01. Power And The Glory (6:28)
02. And The Bands Played On (2:56)
03. The Eagle Has Landed (4:32)
04. Just Let Me Rock (6:38)
05. Rock The Nations (7:05)
06. Dallas 1PM (5:50)
07. Broken Heroes (5:18)
08. Battle Cry (5:08)
09. Rock N’ Roll Gypsy (4:31)
10. Northern Lady (4:13)
11. I Can’t Wait Anymore (7:27)
12. This Town Rocks (4:19)
02. And The Bands Played On (2:56)
03. The Eagle Has Landed (4:32)
04. Just Let Me Rock (6:38)
05. Rock The Nations (7:05)
06. Dallas 1PM (5:50)
07. Broken Heroes (5:18)
08. Battle Cry (5:08)
09. Rock N’ Roll Gypsy (4:31)
10. Northern Lady (4:13)
11. I Can’t Wait Anymore (7:27)
12. This Town Rocks (4:19)
Greatest Hits Live! (Coletânea 1990)
01. Opening Theme (1:37)
02. Heavy Metal Thunder (3:18)
03. Rock And Roll Gypsy (4:45)
04. And The Bands Played On (2:58)
05. Twenty Thousand Feet (3:16)
06. Ride Like THe Wind (3:48)
07. Motor Cycle Man (4:08)
08. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:05)
09. See The Light Shinin' (5:56)
10. Frozen Rainbow (6:38)
11. Princess Of The Night (4:17)
12. Wheels Of Steel (9:40)
13. Denim And Leather (4:08)
14. The Crusader (6:01)
15. Rockin' Again (4:18)
16. Back On The Streets (4:58)
02. Heavy Metal Thunder (3:18)
03. Rock And Roll Gypsy (4:45)
04. And The Bands Played On (2:58)
05. Twenty Thousand Feet (3:16)
06. Ride Like THe Wind (3:48)
07. Motor Cycle Man (4:08)
08. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:05)
09. See The Light Shinin' (5:56)
10. Frozen Rainbow (6:38)
11. Princess Of The Night (4:17)
12. Wheels Of Steel (9:40)
13. Denim And Leather (4:08)
14. The Crusader (6:01)
15. Rockin' Again (4:18)
16. Back On The Streets (4:58)
Solid Ball Of Rock (1991)
01. Solid Ball Of Rock (4:40)
02. Altar Of The Gods (3:42)
03. Requiem (We Will Remember) (5:18)
04. Lights In The Sky (4:07)
05. I Just Can't Get Enough (4:38)
06. Baptism Of Fire (3:13)
07. Ain't Gonna Take It (4:52)
08. I'm On Fire (4:23)
09. Overture In B-Minor / Refugee (5:38)
10. Bavarian Beaver (1:15)
11. Crash Dive (3:08)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Requiem (We Will Remember) (Single version) (4:44)
13. Reeperbahn Stomp (3:26)
02. Altar Of The Gods (3:42)
03. Requiem (We Will Remember) (5:18)
04. Lights In The Sky (4:07)
05. I Just Can't Get Enough (4:38)
06. Baptism Of Fire (3:13)
07. Ain't Gonna Take It (4:52)
08. I'm On Fire (4:23)
09. Overture In B-Minor / Refugee (5:38)
10. Bavarian Beaver (1:15)
11. Crash Dive (3:08)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Requiem (We Will Remember) (Single version) (4:44)
13. Reeperbahn Stomp (3:26)
Best Of Saxon (Coletânea 1991)
01. The Eagle Has Landed (6:56)
02. Ride Like The Wind (4:27)
03. Crusader (6:36)
04. Rainbow Theme - Frozen Rainbow (5:33)
05. Midas Touch (4:13)
06. Denim And Leather (5:26)
07. Broken Heroes (5:28)
08. Dallas 1 PM (6:28)
09. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (Live) (4:39)
10. Princess Of The Night (Live) (4:13)
11. And The Bands Played On (2:47)
12. Never Surrender (3:11)
13. This Town Rocks (3:57)
14. Strong Arm Of The Law (Live) (4:46)
15. Heavy Metal Thunder (Live) (3:53)
02. Ride Like The Wind (4:27)
03. Crusader (6:36)
04. Rainbow Theme - Frozen Rainbow (5:33)
05. Midas Touch (4:13)
06. Denim And Leather (5:26)
07. Broken Heroes (5:28)
08. Dallas 1 PM (6:28)
09. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (Live) (4:39)
10. Princess Of The Night (Live) (4:13)
11. And The Bands Played On (2:47)
12. Never Surrender (3:11)
13. This Town Rocks (3:57)
14. Strong Arm Of The Law (Live) (4:46)
15. Heavy Metal Thunder (Live) (3:53)
Forever Free (1992)
01. Forever Free (5:01)
02. Hole In The Sky (4:45)
03. Just Wanna Make Love To You (3:57)
04. Get Down And Dirty (5:08)
05. Iron Wheels (4:15)
06. One Step Away (5:00)
07. Can't Stop Rockin' (4:06)
08. Nighthunter (3:25)
09. Grind (4:26)
10. Cloud Nine (4:35)
Live Bonus Tracks.
11. Princess Of The Night (5:15)
12. Forever Free (4:46)
02. Hole In The Sky (4:45)
03. Just Wanna Make Love To You (3:57)
04. Get Down And Dirty (5:08)
05. Iron Wheels (4:15)
06. One Step Away (5:00)
07. Can't Stop Rockin' (4:06)
08. Nighthunter (3:25)
09. Grind (4:26)
10. Cloud Nine (4:35)
Live Bonus Tracks.
11. Princess Of The Night (5:15)
12. Forever Free (4:46)
Dogs Of War (1995)
01. Dogs Of War (4:34)
02. Burning Wheels (4:11)
03. Don't Worry (5:17)
04. Big Twin Rolling (Coming Home) (5:23)
05. Hold On (4:32)
06. The Great White Buffalo (5:52)
07. Demolition Alley (6:10)
08. Walking Through Tokyo (5:52)
09. Give It All Away (4:02)
10. Yesterday's Gone (3:44)
Live Bonus Tracks.
11. The Great White Buffalo (6:16)
12. Denim And Leather (6:10)
02. Burning Wheels (4:11)
03. Don't Worry (5:17)
04. Big Twin Rolling (Coming Home) (5:23)
05. Hold On (4:32)
06. The Great White Buffalo (5:52)
07. Demolition Alley (6:10)
08. Walking Through Tokyo (5:52)
09. Give It All Away (4:02)
10. Yesterday's Gone (3:44)
Live Bonus Tracks.
11. The Great White Buffalo (6:16)
12. Denim And Leather (6:10)
The Eagle Has Landed Part II (Live 1996)
CD 1.
01. Intro / Warlord (2:20)
02. Dogs Of War (4:52)
03. Forever Free (4:48)
04. Requiem (5:55)
05. Crusader (5:57)
06. Lights In The Sky (4:30)
07. Iron Wheels (4:17)
08. Ain't Gonna Take It (4:45)
09. Nibbs Bavarian Bass / Crash Dive (4:22)
10. Refugee (6:02)
02. Dogs Of War (4:52)
03. Forever Free (4:48)
04. Requiem (5:55)
05. Crusader (5:57)
06. Lights In The Sky (4:30)
07. Iron Wheels (4:17)
08. Ain't Gonna Take It (4:45)
09. Nibbs Bavarian Bass / Crash Dive (4:22)
10. Refugee (6:02)
CD 2.
01. Solid Ball Of Rock (5:04)
02. Great White Buffalo (6:32)
03. The Eagle Has Landed (7:38)
04. Paul Quinn Guitar Feature / Princess Of The Night (5:16)
05. Can't Stop Rockin' (4:40)
06. Denim And Leather (6:19)
07. Doug Scarrat Guitar Feature / Wheels Of Steel / Demolition Alley (12:53)
02. Great White Buffalo (6:32)
03. The Eagle Has Landed (7:38)
04. Paul Quinn Guitar Feature / Princess Of The Night (5:16)
05. Can't Stop Rockin' (4:40)
06. Denim And Leather (6:19)
07. Doug Scarrat Guitar Feature / Wheels Of Steel / Demolition Alley (12:53)
BBC Sessions / Live At Reading Festival 86 (Live 1996)
Friday Rock Show 15/2/80.
01. Backs To The Wall (3:17)
02. Stallions Of The Highway (2:45)
03. Motorcycle Man (3:46)
04. Still Fit To Boogie (2:44)
05. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:00)
Studio B15 Live 25/5/82.
06. 20,000 Ft (3:17)
07. Dallas 1pm (5:59)
08. The Eagle Has Landed (7:23)
Reading Festival / Friday Rock Show 26/6/86.
09. Power And The Glory (7:07)
10. Never Surrender (4:01)
11. Rock The Nations (5:11)
12. Wheels Of Steel (6:08)
13. Waiting For The Night (4:40)
14. Strong Arm Of The Law (6:26)
01. Backs To The Wall (3:17)
02. Stallions Of The Highway (2:45)
03. Motorcycle Man (3:46)
04. Still Fit To Boogie (2:44)
05. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:00)
Studio B15 Live 25/5/82.
06. 20,000 Ft (3:17)
07. Dallas 1pm (5:59)
08. The Eagle Has Landed (7:23)
Reading Festival / Friday Rock Show 26/6/86.
09. Power And The Glory (7:07)
10. Never Surrender (4:01)
11. Rock The Nations (5:11)
12. Wheels Of Steel (6:08)
13. Waiting For The Night (4:40)
14. Strong Arm Of The Law (6:26)
A Collection Of Metal (Coletânea 1996)
01. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (3:43)
02. Rock'n'Roll Gypsy (4:14)
03. And The Bands Played On (2:47)
04. Back On The Streets (4:01)
05. Ride Like The Wind (4:27)
06. Big Teaser (3:53)
07. I Can't Wait Anymore (4:30)
08. Broken Heroes (6:05)
09. Raise Some Hell (3:42)
10. Denim And Leather (5:27)
11. Rock The Nations (4:04)
12. Motorcycle Man (3:58)
13. Everybody Up (3:29)
14. Rock City (3:18)
15. Set Me Free (3:14)
16. Play It Loud (4:10)
02. Rock'n'Roll Gypsy (4:14)
03. And The Bands Played On (2:47)
04. Back On The Streets (4:01)
05. Ride Like The Wind (4:27)
06. Big Teaser (3:53)
07. I Can't Wait Anymore (4:30)
08. Broken Heroes (6:05)
09. Raise Some Hell (3:42)
10. Denim And Leather (5:27)
11. Rock The Nations (4:04)
12. Motorcycle Man (3:58)
13. Everybody Up (3:29)
14. Rock City (3:18)
15. Set Me Free (3:14)
16. Play It Loud (4:10)
Unleash The Beast (1997)
01. Gothic Dreams (1:33)
02. Unleash The Beast (5:18)
03. Terminal Velocity (4:46)
04. Circle Of Light (5:28)
05. The Thin Red Line (6:22)
06. Ministry Of Fools (4:31)
07. The Preacher (4:57)
08. Bloodletter (5:33)
09. Cut Out The Disease (5:26)
10. Absent Friends (4:57)
11. All Hell Breaking Loose (4:31)
Live Bonus Tracks.
12. Crusader (5:59)
13. Solid Ball Of Rock (4:41)
02. Unleash The Beast (5:18)
03. Terminal Velocity (4:46)
04. Circle Of Light (5:28)
05. The Thin Red Line (6:22)
06. Ministry Of Fools (4:31)
07. The Preacher (4:57)
08. Bloodletter (5:33)
09. Cut Out The Disease (5:26)
10. Absent Friends (4:57)
11. All Hell Breaking Loose (4:31)
Live Bonus Tracks.
12. Crusader (5:59)
13. Solid Ball Of Rock (4:41)
Live At Donnington 1980 (1997)
01. Motorcycle Man (4:07)
02. Still Fit To Boogie (2:49)
03. Freeway Mad (3:06)
04. Backs To The Wall (4:03)
05. Wheels Of Steel (5:33)
06. Bap Shoo Ap (6:48)
07. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:59)
08. Stallions Of The Highway (4:45)
09. Machine Gun (6:11)
02. Still Fit To Boogie (2:49)
03. Freeway Mad (3:06)
04. Backs To The Wall (4:03)
05. Wheels Of Steel (5:33)
06. Bap Shoo Ap (6:48)
07. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:59)
08. Stallions Of The Highway (4:45)
09. Machine Gun (6:11)
Metalhead (1999)
01. Intro (1:25)
02. Metalhead (4:52)
03. Are We Travellers In Time (5:18)
04. Conquistador (4:43)
05. What Goes Around (4:24)
06. Song Of Evil (4:12)
07. All Guns Blazing (3:53)
08. Prisoner (4:13)
09. Piss Off (4:05)
10. Watching You (5:19)
11. Sea Of Life (8:11)
02. Metalhead (4:52)
03. Are We Travellers In Time (5:18)
04. Conquistador (4:43)
05. What Goes Around (4:24)
06. Song Of Evil (4:12)
07. All Guns Blazing (3:53)
08. Prisoner (4:13)
09. Piss Off (4:05)
10. Watching You (5:19)
11. Sea Of Life (8:11)
Diamonds And Nuggets (Coletânea 2000)
01. Stallions Of High Way (Live) (3:21)
02. Midnight Rider (Live) (5:21)
03. Frozen Rainbow (Live) (6:00)
04. Turn Out The Lights (4:06)
05. Coming To The Rescue (3:39)
06. See The Light Shining (4:54)
07. Stand Up And Be Counted (5:34)
08. Freeway Mad (Part 2) (1:53)
09. Ann Marie (5:39)
10. Lift Up Your Eyes (1:49)
11. Street Fighting Man (3:25)
12. Still Fit To Rock'n'Roll (3:07)
13. Big Teaser (Original) (3:36)
14. Frozen Rainbow (7:08)
Bonus Tracks.
15. Walking (4:44)
16. Make 'Em Rock (3:18)
17. Stone Room Jam (5:28)
18. Ain't You Glad To Be Alive (2:51)
19. Freeway Mad (Part 2) (2:10)
02. Midnight Rider (Live) (5:21)
03. Frozen Rainbow (Live) (6:00)
04. Turn Out The Lights (4:06)
05. Coming To The Rescue (3:39)
06. See The Light Shining (4:54)
07. Stand Up And Be Counted (5:34)
08. Freeway Mad (Part 2) (1:53)
09. Ann Marie (5:39)
10. Lift Up Your Eyes (1:49)
11. Street Fighting Man (3:25)
12. Still Fit To Rock'n'Roll (3:07)
13. Big Teaser (Original) (3:36)
14. Frozen Rainbow (7:08)
Bonus Tracks.
15. Walking (4:44)
16. Make 'Em Rock (3:18)
17. Stone Room Jam (5:28)
18. Ain't You Glad To Be Alive (2:51)
19. Freeway Mad (Part 2) (2:10)
Re:// Landed (Live 2000)
01. Power And The Glory (7:10)
02. Rock 'n' Roll Gypsy (5:19)
03. Strong Arm Of The Law (5:14)
04. The Band Plays On (3:14)
05. Past The Point (4:13)
06. Dallas 1pm (6:29)
07. Rockin' Again (4:40)
08. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:11)
09. The Eagle Has Landed (8:31)
10. Motorcycle Man (4:26)
11. Wheels Of Steel (6:12)
02. Rock 'n' Roll Gypsy (5:19)
03. Strong Arm Of The Law (5:14)
04. The Band Plays On (3:14)
05. Past The Point (4:13)
06. Dallas 1pm (6:29)
07. Rockin' Again (4:40)
08. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:11)
09. The Eagle Has Landed (8:31)
10. Motorcycle Man (4:26)
11. Wheels Of Steel (6:12)
Live…In The Raw 1981 (Live 2000)
01. Intro / See The Light Shining (5:08)
02. Hungry Years (4:37)
03. And The Bands Played On (3:06)
04. Frozen Rainbow (6:01)
05. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:49)
06. 20,000 Feet (3:27)
07. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:59)
08. Dallas 1pm (6:38)
09. Stand Up And Be Counted (3:26)
10. Stallions Of The Highway (3:53)
11. Wheels Of Steel (5:55)
02. Hungry Years (4:37)
03. And The Bands Played On (3:06)
04. Frozen Rainbow (6:01)
05. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:49)
06. 20,000 Feet (3:27)
07. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:59)
08. Dallas 1pm (6:38)
09. Stand Up And Be Counted (3:26)
10. Stallions Of The Highway (3:53)
11. Wheels Of Steel (5:55)
Masters Of Rock (Coletãnea 2001)
01. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:37)
02. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:58)
03. Princess Of The Night (4:01)
04. Never Surrender (3:12)
05. Dallas 1PM (6:28)
06. And The Bands Played On (2:47)
07. 20,000 Ft (3:19)
08. Wheels Of Steel (5:57)
09. Backs To The Wall (3:08)
10. Motorcycle Man (3:57)
11. Power And The Glory (5:55)
12. Rock & Roll Gypsy (4:15)
13. Waiting For The Night (4:46)
14. Back On The Streets Again (3:56)
15. Denim And Leather (5:26)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:58)
03. Princess Of The Night (4:01)
04. Never Surrender (3:12)
05. Dallas 1PM (6:28)
06. And The Bands Played On (2:47)
07. 20,000 Ft (3:19)
08. Wheels Of Steel (5:57)
09. Backs To The Wall (3:08)
10. Motorcycle Man (3:57)
11. Power And The Glory (5:55)
12. Rock & Roll Gypsy (4:15)
13. Waiting For The Night (4:46)
14. Back On The Streets Again (3:56)
15. Denim And Leather (5:26)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Killing Ground (2001)
01. Intro (1:37)
02. Killing Ground (5:47)
03. Court Of The Crimson King (6:02)
04. Coming Home (3:40)
05. Hell Freezes Over (4:45)
06. Dragons Lair (3:41)
07. You Don't Know What You've Got (5:01)
08. Deeds Of Glory (4:37)
09. Running For The Border (4:27)
10. Shadows On The Wall (6:17)
11. Rock Is Our Life (3:56)
02. Killing Ground (5:47)
03. Court Of The Crimson King (6:02)
04. Coming Home (3:40)
05. Hell Freezes Over (4:45)
06. Dragons Lair (3:41)
07. You Don't Know What You've Got (5:01)
08. Deeds Of Glory (4:37)
09. Running For The Border (4:27)
10. Shadows On The Wall (6:17)
11. Rock Is Our Life (3:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Heavy Metal Thunder (Coletânea 2002)
CD 1.
01. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:13)
02. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:24)
03. Power & The Glory (5:57)
04. And The Bands Played On (2:52)
05. Crusader (6:38)
06. Dallas 1 PM (6:16)
07. Princess Of The Night (4:10)
08. Wheels Of Steel (5:53)
09. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:01)
10. Motorcycle Man (3:46)
11. Never Surrender (3:35)
12. Denim & Leather (5:19)
13. Backs To The Wall (3:07)
CD 2: Live In San Antonio, Texas, USA 2002 (Official Bootleg).
01. Broken Heroes (6:52)
02. Dragon's Lair (3:38)
03. The Eagle Has Landed (8:07)
04. 20.000 Ft. (3:32)
05. Crusader (6:13)
01. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:13)
02. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:24)
03. Power & The Glory (5:57)
04. And The Bands Played On (2:52)
05. Crusader (6:38)
06. Dallas 1 PM (6:16)
07. Princess Of The Night (4:10)
08. Wheels Of Steel (5:53)
09. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:01)
10. Motorcycle Man (3:46)
11. Never Surrender (3:35)
12. Denim & Leather (5:19)
13. Backs To The Wall (3:07)
CD 2: Live In San Antonio, Texas, USA 2002 (Official Bootleg).
01. Broken Heroes (6:52)
02. Dragon's Lair (3:38)
03. The Eagle Has Landed (8:07)
04. 20.000 Ft. (3:32)
05. Crusader (6:13)
Lionheart (2004)
01. Witchfinder General (4:49)
02. Man And Machine (3:29)
03. The Return (1:18)
04. Lionheart (6:04)
05. Beyond The Grave (4:56)
06. Justice (4:27)
07. To Live By The Sword (4:11)
08. Jack Tars (0:57)
09. English Man 'O' War (4:08)
10. Searching For Atlantis (5:54)
11. Flying On The Edge (4:55)
02. Man And Machine (3:29)
03. The Return (1:18)
04. Lionheart (6:04)
05. Beyond The Grave (4:56)
06. Justice (4:27)
07. To Live By The Sword (4:11)
08. Jack Tars (0:57)
09. English Man 'O' War (4:08)
10. Searching For Atlantis (5:54)
11. Flying On The Edge (4:55)
The Eagle Has Landed III (Live 2006)
CD 1.
01. This Town Rocks (Recorded Live In Stockholm 2005) (4:53)
02. Backs To The Wall (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (3:29)
03. Redline (Recorded Live In Hamburg 2005) (4:02)
04. Stand Up And Be Counted (Recorded Live In Berlin 2005) (3:27)
05. Never Surrender (Recorded Live In Berlin 2005) (3:33)
06. Frozen Rainbow (Recorded Live In Fulda 2005) (6:49)
07. Suzie Hold On (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (4:51)
08. Play It Loud (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (4:27)
09. Warrior (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (3:55)
10. See The Lights Shining (Recorded Live In Hamburg 2005) (6:45)
11. To Hell And Back Again (Recorded Live In Hamburg 2005) (3:21)
12. Stallions Of The Highway (Recorded Live In Fulda 2005) (3:07)
13. Wheels Of Steel (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (8:52)
14. And The Bands Played On (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (3:51)
15. Crusader (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (7:05)
02. Backs To The Wall (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (3:29)
03. Redline (Recorded Live In Hamburg 2005) (4:02)
04. Stand Up And Be Counted (Recorded Live In Berlin 2005) (3:27)
05. Never Surrender (Recorded Live In Berlin 2005) (3:33)
06. Frozen Rainbow (Recorded Live In Fulda 2005) (6:49)
07. Suzie Hold On (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (4:51)
08. Play It Loud (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (4:27)
09. Warrior (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (3:55)
10. See The Lights Shining (Recorded Live In Hamburg 2005) (6:45)
11. To Hell And Back Again (Recorded Live In Hamburg 2005) (3:21)
12. Stallions Of The Highway (Recorded Live In Fulda 2005) (3:07)
13. Wheels Of Steel (Recorded Live In Nuremberg 2005) (8:52)
14. And The Bands Played On (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (3:51)
15. Crusader (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (7:05)
CD 2.
01. The Return (Recorded Live In Paris 2004) (1:41)
02. Lionheart (Recorded Live In Paris 2004) (6:05)
03. Man And Machine (Recorded Live In London 2004) (3:31)
04. Beyond The Grave (Recorded Live In London 2004) (4:56)
05. Searching For Atlantis (Recorded Live In London 2004) (5:41)
06. To Live By The Sword Pt. I (Recorded Live In London 2004) (2:05)
07. Unleash The Beast (Recorded Live In London 2004) (3:00)
08. To Live By The Sword Pt. II (Recorded Live In London 2004) (1:31)
09. Flying On The Edge (Recorded Live In Paris 2004) (4:34)
10. Jack Tars (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (0:54)
11. English Man 'O' War (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (4:19)
12. Court Of The Crimson King (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (5:20)
13. Broken Heroes (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (6:46)
14. Dragon's Lair (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (3:33)
15. Rock Is Our Life (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (5:12)
16. Travellers In Time (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (4:43)
17. Solid Ball Of Rock (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (5:55)
02. Lionheart (Recorded Live In Paris 2004) (6:05)
03. Man And Machine (Recorded Live In London 2004) (3:31)
04. Beyond The Grave (Recorded Live In London 2004) (4:56)
05. Searching For Atlantis (Recorded Live In London 2004) (5:41)
06. To Live By The Sword Pt. I (Recorded Live In London 2004) (2:05)
07. Unleash The Beast (Recorded Live In London 2004) (3:00)
08. To Live By The Sword Pt. II (Recorded Live In London 2004) (1:31)
09. Flying On The Edge (Recorded Live In Paris 2004) (4:34)
10. Jack Tars (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (0:54)
11. English Man 'O' War (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (4:19)
12. Court Of The Crimson King (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (5:20)
13. Broken Heroes (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (6:46)
14. Dragon's Lair (Recorded Live In Kiel 2004) (3:33)
15. Rock Is Our Life (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (5:12)
16. Travellers In Time (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (4:43)
17. Solid Ball Of Rock (Recorded Live At Wacken 2004) (5:55)
The Inner Sanctum (2007)
01. State Of Grace (5:38)
02. Need For Speed (3:09)
03. Let Me Feel Your Power (3:30)
04. Red Star Falling (6:16)
05. I've Got Yo Rock (To Stay Alive) (4:41)
06. If I Was You (Album Version) (3:28)
07. Going Nowhere Fast (4:15)
08. Ashes To Ashes (4:52)
09. Empire Rising (0:41)
10. Atila The Hun (8:14)
11. If I Was You (Single Version) (3:06)
02. Need For Speed (3:09)
03. Let Me Feel Your Power (3:30)
04. Red Star Falling (6:16)
05. I've Got Yo Rock (To Stay Alive) (4:41)
06. If I Was You (Album Version) (3:28)
07. Going Nowhere Fast (4:15)
08. Ashes To Ashes (4:52)
09. Empire Rising (0:41)
10. Atila The Hun (8:14)
11. If I Was You (Single Version) (3:06)
The Very Best Of Saxon, 1979-1988 (Coletânea 2007)
CD 1.
01. Big Teaser (3:56)
02. Stallions Of The Highway (2:50)
03 .Backs To The Wall (3:10)
04. Militia Guard (4:51)
05. Rainbow Theme (3:07)
06. Frozen Rainbow (2:28)
07. Wheels Of Steel (5:57)
08. Stand Up And Be Counted (3:08)
09. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:58)
10. Seel The Light Shining (4:54)
11. Suzie Hold On (4:32)
12. Judgement Day (Live) (5:37)
13. Motorcycle Man (3:57)
14. Street Fighting Gang (3:09)
15. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:36)
16. Taking Your Chances (4:17)
17. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:16)
18. 20,000 Ft (3:41)
CD 2.
01. Hungry Years (4:26)
02. Dallas 1pm (6:27)
03. And The Bands Played On (2:47)
04. Never Surrender (2:53)
05. Princess Of The Night (4:00)
06. Fire In The Sky (3:35)
07. Denim And Leather (5:44)
08. Midnight Rider (4:20)
09. Motorcycle Man (Live) (4:36)
10. 747(Strangers In The Night) (Live) (4:37)
11. Strong Arm Of The Law (Live) (3:20)
12. 20,000 Ft (Live) (8:52)
13. Wheels Of Steel (Live) (5:19)
14. Power And The Glory (5:52)
15. Nightmare (4:21)
16. Midas Touch (4:11)
17. Redline (3:37)
CD 3.
01. Sailing To America (5:04)
02. A Litle Bit Of What You Fancy (3:51)
03. Do It All For You (4:43)
04. Just Let Me Rock (4:12)
05. Crusader (6:34)
06. Back On The Streets (4:00)
07. Live Fast Die Young (3:44)
08. Rock'n'roll Gypsy (4:14)
09. Krakatoa (3:45)
10. Waiting For The Night (4:11)
11. Chase The Fade (2:30)
12. Rock The Nations (4:40)
13. Northern Lady (3:53)
14. Everybody Up (Live) (3:35)
15. Ride Like The Wind (4:28)
16. Red Alert (4:36)
17. I Can't Wait Anymore (4:25)
18. Broken Heroes (Live) (6:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Big Teaser (3:56)
02. Stallions Of The Highway (2:50)
03 .Backs To The Wall (3:10)
04. Militia Guard (4:51)
05. Rainbow Theme (3:07)
06. Frozen Rainbow (2:28)
07. Wheels Of Steel (5:57)
08. Stand Up And Be Counted (3:08)
09. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:58)
10. Seel The Light Shining (4:54)
11. Suzie Hold On (4:32)
12. Judgement Day (Live) (5:37)
13. Motorcycle Man (3:57)
14. Street Fighting Gang (3:09)
15. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:36)
16. Taking Your Chances (4:17)
17. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:16)
18. 20,000 Ft (3:41)
CD 2.
01. Hungry Years (4:26)
02. Dallas 1pm (6:27)
03. And The Bands Played On (2:47)
04. Never Surrender (2:53)
05. Princess Of The Night (4:00)
06. Fire In The Sky (3:35)
07. Denim And Leather (5:44)
08. Midnight Rider (4:20)
09. Motorcycle Man (Live) (4:36)
10. 747(Strangers In The Night) (Live) (4:37)
11. Strong Arm Of The Law (Live) (3:20)
12. 20,000 Ft (Live) (8:52)
13. Wheels Of Steel (Live) (5:19)
14. Power And The Glory (5:52)
15. Nightmare (4:21)
16. Midas Touch (4:11)
17. Redline (3:37)
CD 3.
01. Sailing To America (5:04)
02. A Litle Bit Of What You Fancy (3:51)
03. Do It All For You (4:43)
04. Just Let Me Rock (4:12)
05. Crusader (6:34)
06. Back On The Streets (4:00)
07. Live Fast Die Young (3:44)
08. Rock'n'roll Gypsy (4:14)
09. Krakatoa (3:45)
10. Waiting For The Night (4:11)
11. Chase The Fade (2:30)
12. Rock The Nations (4:40)
13. Northern Lady (3:53)
14. Everybody Up (Live) (3:35)
15. Ride Like The Wind (4:28)
16. Red Alert (4:36)
17. I Can't Wait Anymore (4:25)
18. Broken Heroes (Live) (6:04)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Into The Labyrinth (2009)
01. Battalions Of Steel (6:36)
02. Live To Rock (5:30)
03. Demon Sweeney Todd (3:53)
04. The Letter (0:42)
05. Valley Of The Kings (5:04)
06. Slow Lane Blues (4:09)
07. Crime Of Passion (4:05)
08. Premonition In D Minor (0:41)
09. Voice (4:36)
10. Protect Yourselves (3:57)
11. Hellcat (3:56)
12. Come Rock Of Ages (The Circle Is Complete) (3:54)
13. Coming Home (Bottleneck Version) (3:19)
14. Live To Rock (Single Version) (Japanese Bonus Track) (4:46)
02. Live To Rock (5:30)
03. Demon Sweeney Todd (3:53)
04. The Letter (0:42)
05. Valley Of The Kings (5:04)
06. Slow Lane Blues (4:09)
07. Crime Of Passion (4:05)
08. Premonition In D Minor (0:41)
09. Voice (4:36)
10. Protect Yourselves (3:57)
11. Hellcat (3:56)
12. Come Rock Of Ages (The Circle Is Complete) (3:54)
13. Coming Home (Bottleneck Version) (3:19)
14. Live To Rock (Single Version) (Japanese Bonus Track) (4:46)
The Best Of Saxon (Coletânea 2009)
01. Big Teaser (3:52)
02. Backs To The Wall (3:09)
03. Wheels Of Steel (4:26)
04. Motorcycle Man (3:58)
05. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (3:42)
06. Suzie Hold On (4:32)
07. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:17)
08. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:37)
09. 20,000 Feet (3:23)
10. Dallas 1 PM (6:18)
11. And The Bands Played On (2:48)
12. Never Surrender (2:54)
13. Denim And Leather (5:19)
14. Princess Of The Night (4:01)
15. Power And The Glory (5:56)
16. Just Let Me Rock (4:10)
17. Back On The Streets (3:57)
18. Waiting For The Night (4:09)
19. Ride Like The Wind (4:24)
02. Backs To The Wall (3:09)
03. Wheels Of Steel (4:26)
04. Motorcycle Man (3:58)
05. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (3:42)
06. Suzie Hold On (4:32)
07. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:17)
08. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:37)
09. 20,000 Feet (3:23)
10. Dallas 1 PM (6:18)
11. And The Bands Played On (2:48)
12. Never Surrender (2:54)
13. Denim And Leather (5:19)
14. Princess Of The Night (4:01)
15. Power And The Glory (5:56)
16. Just Let Me Rock (4:10)
17. Back On The Streets (3:57)
18. Waiting For The Night (4:09)
19. Ride Like The Wind (4:24)
Call To Arms (2011)
01. Hammer Of The Gods (4:21)
02. Back In 79 (3:28)
03. Surviving Against The Odds (3:02)
04. Mists Of Avalon (5:02)
05. Call To Arms (4:29)
06. Chasing The Bullet (4:14)
07. Afterburner (3:06)
08. When Doomsday Comes (Hybrid Theory) (4:29)
09. No Rest For The Wicked (3:09)
10. Ballad Of The Working Man (3:48)
11. Call To Arms (Orchestral Version) (4:28)
02. Back In 79 (3:28)
03. Surviving Against The Odds (3:02)
04. Mists Of Avalon (5:02)
05. Call To Arms (4:29)
06. Chasing The Bullet (4:14)
07. Afterburner (3:06)
08. When Doomsday Comes (Hybrid Theory) (4:29)
09. No Rest For The Wicked (3:09)
10. Ballad Of The Working Man (3:48)
11. Call To Arms (Orchestral Version) (4:28)
Heavy Metal Thunder: Live Eagles Over Wacken (2012)
CD 1.
01. Hybrid (Intro) (3:23)
02. Hammer Of The Gods (4:40)
03. Heavy Metal Thunder (3:09)
04. Back In 79 (3:28)
05. Never Surrender (3:48)
06. I've Got To Rock (To Stay Alive) (4:58)
07. Dallas 1 PM (6:22)
08. Call To Arms (4:28)
09. Solid Ball Of Rock (6:08)
10. Demon Sweeney Todd (4:30)
11. And The Bands Played On (3:27)
12. Man And Machine (3:41)
13. Play It Loud (3:28)
14. When Doomsday Comes (Hybrid Theory) (4:27)
15. To Hell And Back Again (4:06)
02. Hammer Of The Gods (4:40)
03. Heavy Metal Thunder (3:09)
04. Back In 79 (3:28)
05. Never Surrender (3:48)
06. I've Got To Rock (To Stay Alive) (4:58)
07. Dallas 1 PM (6:22)
08. Call To Arms (4:28)
09. Solid Ball Of Rock (6:08)
10. Demon Sweeney Todd (4:30)
11. And The Bands Played On (3:27)
12. Man And Machine (3:41)
13. Play It Loud (3:28)
14. When Doomsday Comes (Hybrid Theory) (4:27)
15. To Hell And Back Again (4:06)
CD 2.
01. Motorcycle Man (4:23)
02. Denim And Leather (5:22)
03. Princess Of The Night (6:32)
04. Crusader (5:44)
05. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:21)
06. The Eagle Has Landed (7:37)
07. 20.000 Feet (3:46)
08. Strong Arm Of The Law (5:47)
09. Wheels Of Steel (11:32)
02. Denim And Leather (5:22)
03. Princess Of The Night (6:32)
04. Crusader (5:44)
05. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:21)
06. The Eagle Has Landed (7:37)
07. 20.000 Feet (3:46)
08. Strong Arm Of The Law (5:47)
09. Wheels Of Steel (11:32)
Opção 1. Opção 2.

Sacrifice (2013)
01. Procession (1:45)
02. Sacrifice (3:58)
03. Made In Belfast (4:35)
04. Warriors Of The Road (3:34)
05. Guardians Of The Tomb (4:48)
06. Stand Up And Fight (4:02)
07. Walking The Steel (4:24)
08. Night Of The Wolf (4:21)
09. Wheels Of Terror (4:24)
10. Standing In A Queue (3:37)
02. Sacrifice (3:58)
03. Made In Belfast (4:35)
04. Warriors Of The Road (3:34)
05. Guardians Of The Tomb (4:48)
06. Stand Up And Fight (4:02)
07. Walking The Steel (4:24)
08. Night Of The Wolf (4:21)
09. Wheels Of Terror (4:24)
10. Standing In A Queue (3:37)
Unplugged And Strung Up (Coletânea 2013)
CD 1: Unplugged And Strung Up.
01. Stallions Of The Highway (Remix) (3:36)
02. Crusader (Orchestrated Version) (6:41)
03. Battle Cry (Remix) (6:19)
04. The Eagle Has Landed (Orchestrated Version) (6:07)
05. Red Star Falling (Orchestrated Version) (6:20)
06. Broken Heroes (Orchestrated Version) (5:48)
07. Call To Arms (Orchestrated Version) (4:27)
08. Militia Guard (5:27)
09. Forever Free (Re-Recorded Version) (4:47)
10. Just Let Me Rock (Re-Recorded Version) (3:40)
11. Frozen Rainbow (Acoustic Version) (4:05)
12. Iron Wheels (Live Acoustic Version) (3:43)
13. Requiem (Acoustic Version) (3:30)
14. Coming Home (Acoustic Version) (3:17)
02. Crusader (Orchestrated Version) (6:41)
03. Battle Cry (Remix) (6:19)
04. The Eagle Has Landed (Orchestrated Version) (6:07)
05. Red Star Falling (Orchestrated Version) (6:20)
06. Broken Heroes (Orchestrated Version) (5:48)
07. Call To Arms (Orchestrated Version) (4:27)
08. Militia Guard (5:27)
09. Forever Free (Re-Recorded Version) (4:47)
10. Just Let Me Rock (Re-Recorded Version) (3:40)
11. Frozen Rainbow (Acoustic Version) (4:05)
12. Iron Wheels (Live Acoustic Version) (3:43)
13. Requiem (Acoustic Version) (3:30)
14. Coming Home (Acoustic Version) (3:17)
CD 2: Heavy Metal Thunder (2002).
01. Heavy Metal Thunder (4:13)
02. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:24)
03. Power & The Glory (5:57)
04. And The Bands Played On (2:52)
05. Crusader (6:38)
06. Dallas 1 PM (6:16)
07. Princess Of The Night (4:10)
08. Wheels Of Steel (5:53)
09. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:01)
10. Motorcycle Man (3:46)
11. Never Surrender (3:35)
12. Denim & Leather (5:19)
13. Backs To The Wall (3:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:24)
03. Power & The Glory (5:57)
04. And The Bands Played On (2:52)
05. Crusader (6:38)
06. Dallas 1 PM (6:16)
07. Princess Of The Night (4:10)
08. Wheels Of Steel (5:53)
09. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:01)
10. Motorcycle Man (3:46)
11. Never Surrender (3:35)
12. Denim & Leather (5:19)
13. Backs To The Wall (3:07)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
St. George's Day Sacrifice: Live In Manchester (Live 2014)
CD 1.
01. Sacrifice (5:50)
02. Wheels Of Terror (4:34)
03. Power And The Glory (5:04)
04. Made In Belfast (6:46)
05. Rock 'N' Roll Gypsies (6:120
06. And The Bands Played On (3:49)
07. I've Got To Rock (To Stay Alive) (6:34)
08. Night Of The Wolf (3:48)
09. Conquistador (8:19)
10. Broken Heroes (7:18)
11. Guiardians Of The Tomb (4:54)
CD 2.
01. Never Surrender (4:38)
02. Ride Like The Wind (4:16)
03. Crusader (6:18)
04. Stand Up And Fight (4:11)
05. Dallas 1 PM (8:19)
06. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:23)
07. Wheels Of Steel (10:49)
08. Strong Arm Of The Law (5:05)
09. Denim And Leather (6:06)
10. Princess Of The Night (5:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
01. Sacrifice (5:50)
02. Wheels Of Terror (4:34)
03. Power And The Glory (5:04)
04. Made In Belfast (6:46)
05. Rock 'N' Roll Gypsies (6:120
06. And The Bands Played On (3:49)
07. I've Got To Rock (To Stay Alive) (6:34)
08. Night Of The Wolf (3:48)
09. Conquistador (8:19)
10. Broken Heroes (7:18)
11. Guiardians Of The Tomb (4:54)
CD 2.
01. Never Surrender (4:38)
02. Ride Like The Wind (4:16)
03. Crusader (6:18)
04. Stand Up And Fight (4:11)
05. Dallas 1 PM (8:19)
06. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (5:23)
07. Wheels Of Steel (10:49)
08. Strong Arm Of The Law (5:05)
09. Denim And Leather (6:06)
10. Princess Of The Night (5:28)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Battering Ram (2015)
01. Battering Ram (4:52)
02. The Devil's Footprint (4:09)
03. Queen Of Hearts (5:08)
04. Destroyer (3:21)
05. Hard and Fast (4:46)
06. Eye of The Storm (3:55)
07. Stand Your Ground (4:16)
08. Top Of The World (4:01)
09. To The End (5:51)
10. Kingdom Of The Cross (6:08)
11. Three Sheets To The Wind (The Drinking Song) (3:54)
02. The Devil's Footprint (4:09)
03. Queen Of Hearts (5:08)
04. Destroyer (3:21)
05. Hard and Fast (4:46)
06. Eye of The Storm (3:55)
07. Stand Your Ground (4:16)
08. Top Of The World (4:01)
09. To The End (5:51)
10. Kingdom Of The Cross (6:08)
11. Three Sheets To The Wind (The Drinking Song) (3:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Let Me Feel Your Power (Live 2016)
CD 1.
Live In Munich.
01. Battering Ram (4:41)
02. Motorcycle Man (3:34)
03. Sacrifice (4:09)
04. Destroyer (3:23)
05. Power And The Glory (5:02)
06. 20,000 Ft. (3:25)
07. The Devil's Footprint (4:01)
08. Heavy Metal Thunder (2:55)
09. Queen Of Hearts (5:28)
10. Princess Of The Night (4:00)
11. Wheels Of Steel (6:46)
12. Denim And Leather (4:54)
13. Crusader (5:17)
Live In Brighton.
14. Eye Of The Storm (3:41)
15. Battalions Of Steel (4:41)
16. Requiem (5:04)
CD 2.
Live In Chicago.
01. Motorcycle Man (3:44)
02. This Town Rocks (4:12)
03. Sacrifice (3:56)
04. Power And The Glory (4:52)
05. Solid Ball Of Rock (5:43)
06. Dallas 1 Pm (5:59)
07. Heavy Metal Thunder (3:51)
08. Rock The Nations (7:20)
09. The Eagle Has Landed (5:41)
10. Wheels Of Steel (3:40)
11. Backs To The Wall (4:02)
12. Just Let Me Rock (4:22)
13. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:22)
14. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:52)
15. Princess Of The Night (3:58)
16. Denim And Leather (4:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Let Me Feel Your Power (Live 2016)
Live In Munich.
01. Battering Ram (4:41)
02. Motorcycle Man (3:34)
03. Sacrifice (4:09)
04. Destroyer (3:23)
05. Power And The Glory (5:02)
06. 20,000 Ft. (3:25)
07. The Devil's Footprint (4:01)
08. Heavy Metal Thunder (2:55)
09. Queen Of Hearts (5:28)
10. Princess Of The Night (4:00)
11. Wheels Of Steel (6:46)
12. Denim And Leather (4:54)
13. Crusader (5:17)
Live In Brighton.
14. Eye Of The Storm (3:41)
15. Battalions Of Steel (4:41)
16. Requiem (5:04)
CD 2.
Live In Chicago.
01. Motorcycle Man (3:44)
02. This Town Rocks (4:12)
03. Sacrifice (3:56)
04. Power And The Glory (4:52)
05. Solid Ball Of Rock (5:43)
06. Dallas 1 Pm (5:59)
07. Heavy Metal Thunder (3:51)
08. Rock The Nations (7:20)
09. The Eagle Has Landed (5:41)
10. Wheels Of Steel (3:40)
11. Backs To The Wall (4:02)
12. Just Let Me Rock (4:22)
13. Strong Arm Of The Law (4:22)
14. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (4:52)
15. Princess Of The Night (3:58)
16. Denim And Leather (4:54)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Thunderbolt (2018)
CD 1.
01. Olympus Rising (1:33)
02. Thunderbolt (4:00)
03. The Secret Of Flight (5:03)
04. Nosferatu (The Vampire's Waltz) (5:01)
05. They Played Rock And Roll (3:40)
06. Predator (3:18)
07. Sons Of Odin (5:23)
08. Sniper (3:37)
09. A Wizard's Tale (3:53)
10. Speed Merchants (3:47)
11. Roadies' Song (3:31)
12. Nosferatu (Raw Version) (Bonus Track) (5:01)
CD 2. Loud, Proud And Live (Official Bootleg)
01. Battering Ram (4:39)
02. Sacrifice (3:51)
03. The Devil's Footprint (3:23)
04. Chasing The Bullet (3:27)
05. Queen Of Hearts (4:48)
06. Killing Ground (4:18)
07. 20,000 Ft. (3:08)
08. Power And The Glory (4:51)

01. Olympus Rising (1:33)
02. Thunderbolt (4:00)
03. The Secret Of Flight (5:03)
04. Nosferatu (The Vampire's Waltz) (5:01)
05. They Played Rock And Roll (3:40)
06. Predator (3:18)
07. Sons Of Odin (5:23)
08. Sniper (3:37)
09. A Wizard's Tale (3:53)
10. Speed Merchants (3:47)
11. Roadies' Song (3:31)
12. Nosferatu (Raw Version) (Bonus Track) (5:01)
CD 2. Loud, Proud And Live (Official Bootleg)

02. Sacrifice (3:51)
03. The Devil's Footprint (3:23)
04. Chasing The Bullet (3:27)
05. Queen Of Hearts (4:48)
06. Killing Ground (4:18)
07. 20,000 Ft. (3:08)
08. Power And The Glory (4:51)
The Eagle Has Landed 40 (Live 2019)
CD 1.
Live In Berlin, 2007.
01. State Of Grace (5:19)
02. Red Star Falling (6:18)
03. Attila The Hun (8:14)
Live In Sheffield, 2007.
04. If I Was You (3:15)
Live In Berlin, 2009.
05. Witchfinder General (4:21)
06. Demon Sweeney Todd (3:59)
Live In London, 2009.
07. The Letter + Valley Of The Kings (6:05)
08. Machine Gun (3:38)
Live In Berlin, 2009.
09. Live To Rock (4:29)
Live In Berlin, 2011.
10. Hammer Of The Gods (4:16)
11. Back In '79 (3:10)
12. I've Got To Rock (To Stay Alive) (4:34)
13. Call To Arms (4:26)
14. Rock 'N' Roll Gypsy (4:34)
15. Chasing The Bullet (4:26)
16. Play It Loud (3:04)
Live In Berlin, 2007.
01. State Of Grace (5:19)
02. Red Star Falling (6:18)
03. Attila The Hun (8:14)
Live In Sheffield, 2007.
04. If I Was You (3:15)
Live In Berlin, 2009.
05. Witchfinder General (4:21)
06. Demon Sweeney Todd (3:59)
Live In London, 2009.
07. The Letter + Valley Of The Kings (6:05)
08. Machine Gun (3:38)
Live In Berlin, 2009.
09. Live To Rock (4:29)
Live In Berlin, 2011.
10. Hammer Of The Gods (4:16)
11. Back In '79 (3:10)
12. I've Got To Rock (To Stay Alive) (4:34)
13. Call To Arms (4:26)
14. Rock 'N' Roll Gypsy (4:34)
15. Chasing The Bullet (4:26)
16. Play It Loud (3:04)
CD 2.
Live At BYH Balingen, 2013.
01. Sacrifice (4:08)
02. Night Of The Wolf (3:39)
03. Conquistador + Drum Solo (7:31)
04. Stand Up And Fight (4:30)
Live At Wacken Open Air, 2014.
05. Crusader (7:48)
06. Battalions Of Steel (4:24)
07. The Eagle Has Landed (6:27)
08. Power And The Glory (4:59)
Live At BYH Balingen, 2013.
01. Sacrifice (4:08)
02. Night Of The Wolf (3:39)
03. Conquistador + Drum Solo (7:31)
04. Stand Up And Fight (4:30)
Live At Wacken Open Air, 2014.
05. Crusader (7:48)
06. Battalions Of Steel (4:24)
07. The Eagle Has Landed (6:27)
08. Power And The Glory (4:59)
09. Dallas 1PM (6:20)
10. Princess Of The Night (3:59)
11. Denim And Leather (5:44)
CD 3.
Live In Zoetemeer, 2015.
01. Eye Of The Storm (3:38)
Live In Helsinki, 2015.
02. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (With Phil Campbell) (5:26)
Live In London, 2016.
03. Killing Ground (4:16)
04. Ace Of Spades With "Fast" Eddie Clarke (3:05)
Live In San Antonio, 2018.
05. 20,000 FT. With Andy Sneap (3:39)
06. Thunderbolt (4:36)
Live In Los Angeles, 2018.
07. Sons Of Odin (3:29)
08. This Town Rocks (4:14)
Live In Manchester, 2018.
09. Nosferatu (The Vampire's Waltz) (4:17)
10. Predator (3:17)
Live In Stockholm, 2018.
11. They Played Rock And Roll (3:42)
Live In London, 2018.
12. The Secret Of Flight (4:29)
13. Battering Ram (4:48)
10. Princess Of The Night (3:59)
11. Denim And Leather (5:44)
CD 3.
Live In Zoetemeer, 2015.
01. Eye Of The Storm (3:38)
Live In Helsinki, 2015.
02. 747 (Strangers In The Night) (With Phil Campbell) (5:26)
Live In London, 2016.
03. Killing Ground (4:16)
04. Ace Of Spades With "Fast" Eddie Clarke (3:05)
Live In San Antonio, 2018.
05. 20,000 FT. With Andy Sneap (3:39)
06. Thunderbolt (4:36)
Live In Los Angeles, 2018.
07. Sons Of Odin (3:29)
08. This Town Rocks (4:14)
Live In Manchester, 2018.
09. Nosferatu (The Vampire's Waltz) (4:17)
10. Predator (3:17)
Live In Stockholm, 2018.
11. They Played Rock And Roll (3:42)
Live In London, 2018.
12. The Secret Of Flight (4:29)
13. Battering Ram (4:48)
Inspirations (2021)
01. Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones Cover) (3:19)
02. Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin Cover) (2:06)
03. Paperback Writer (The Beatles Cover) (2:19)
04. Evil Woman (Crow Cover) (3:30)
05. Stone Free (The Jimi Hendrix Experience Cover) (3:45)
06. Bomber (Motörhead Cover) (3:23)
07. Speed King (Deep Purple Cover) (3:31)
08. The Rocker (Thin Lizzy Cover) (3:46)
09. Hold The Line (Toto Cover) (3:47)
10. Problem Child (AC/DC Cover) (4:09)
11. See My Friends (The Kinks Cover) (2:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin Cover) (2:06)
03. Paperback Writer (The Beatles Cover) (2:19)
04. Evil Woman (Crow Cover) (3:30)
05. Stone Free (The Jimi Hendrix Experience Cover) (3:45)
06. Bomber (Motörhead Cover) (3:23)
07. Speed King (Deep Purple Cover) (3:31)
08. The Rocker (Thin Lizzy Cover) (3:46)
09. Hold The Line (Toto Cover) (3:47)
10. Problem Child (AC/DC Cover) (4:09)
11. See My Friends (The Kinks Cover) (2:56)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
Carpe Diem (2022)
01. Carpe Diem (Seize The Day) (4:42)
02. Age Of Steam (4:09)
03. The Pilgrimage (6:28)
04. Dambusters (3:20)
05. Remember The Fallen (5:15)
06. Super Nova (4:21)
07. Lady In Gray (5:13)
08. All For One (3:43)
09. Black Is The Night (4:12)
10. Living On The Limit (2:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
02. Age Of Steam (4:09)
03. The Pilgrimage (6:28)
04. Dambusters (3:20)
05. Remember The Fallen (5:15)
06. Super Nova (4:21)
07. Lady In Gray (5:13)
08. All For One (3:43)
09. Black Is The Night (4:12)
10. Living On The Limit (2:55)
Opção 1. Opção 2.
More Inspirations (2023)
01. We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place (The Animals Cover) (3:40)
02. The Faith Healer (The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Cover) (6:28)
03. From The Inside (Alice Cooper Cover) (3:36)
04. Chevrolet (ZZ Top Cover) (4:00)
05. Substitute (The Who Cover) (4:02)
06. Gypsy (Uriah Heep Cover) (3:14)
07. Man On The Silver Mountain (Rainbow Cover) (3:52)
08. Detroit Rock City (Kiss Cover) (4:17)
09. Razamanaz (Nazareth Cover) (3:27)
10. Tales Of Brave Ulysses (Cream Cover) (3:21)
02. The Faith Healer (The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Cover) (6:28)
03. From The Inside (Alice Cooper Cover) (3:36)
04. Chevrolet (ZZ Top Cover) (4:00)
05. Substitute (The Who Cover) (4:02)
06. Gypsy (Uriah Heep Cover) (3:14)
07. Man On The Silver Mountain (Rainbow Cover) (3:52)
08. Detroit Rock City (Kiss Cover) (4:17)
09. Razamanaz (Nazareth Cover) (3:27)
10. Tales Of Brave Ulysses (Cream Cover) (3:21)
Hell, Fire And Damnation (2024)
01. The Prophecy (1:24)
02. Hell, Fire And Damnation (5:33)
03. Madame Guillotine (5:25)
04. Fire And Steel (3:37)
05. There's Something In Roswell (4:10)
06. Kubla Khan And The Merchant Of Venice (4:16)
07. Pirates Of The Airwaves (3:56)
08. 1066 (4:04)
09. Witches Of Salem (5:11)
10. Super Charger (4:48)
02. Hell, Fire And Damnation (5:33)
03. Madame Guillotine (5:25)
04. Fire And Steel (3:37)
05. There's Something In Roswell (4:10)
06. Kubla Khan And The Merchant Of Venice (4:16)
07. Pirates Of The Airwaves (3:56)
08. 1066 (4:04)
09. Witches Of Salem (5:11)
10. Super Charger (4:48)

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